Hear a lot about Thief on Yea Forums and /vr/

>Hear a lot about Thief on Yea Forums and /vr/
>Its on sale today, so I buy Gold and 2 under 2 dollars
>Starts playing
>Its actually great

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Have fun user, those games are fucking magical.

Check this 7

Sound design is one hellofa drug

Have fun, man. I'm fucking obsessed with this series and have a combined 200+ hours in 1/2 including fan missions, hope you get as much mileage out of it.

Thanks. Already at Thieves Guild. Is that level really that bad?

I absolutely love the way cutscenes were done in this game.

It can be really confusing the first time through, but when I'm not wandering around aimlessly because of how easy it is to get lost, I enjoy it well enough. I'm not a huge fan of it overall, but it's not like there's no fun to be had there.

Of course it is, it was made by fucking Looking Glass. Still unsurpassed as far as stealth genre goes.

yeah sure i love not being able to see a fucking thing or tell what the hell is going on

listen thief does a lot of really great things but its cutscenes isnt one of them

>but its cutscenes isnt one of them
Fuck you, the cutscenes are fucking great.

Is this what absolute fucking shit taste looks like?
Thief has the best cutscenes in all vidya

>but its cutscenes isnt one of them
You take that back right this instant!

wait till you get to Metal Age and realize how obscenely HL2 plagiarized it.

unpopular opinion:
only thief 3 had good cutscenes, because you could actually see whats going on and it isn't some vague can-be-interpreted-7-different-ways pseudo-intellectual pseudo-philosophical bullshit.

how does it feel to be fucking gay user?

That is an unpopular opinion for sure.

you need to be a legit moron if you had trouble following what was going on in the cut-scenes

You have no idea. Keep playing

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That's just a pseudo-contrarian pseudo-shitpost opinion

What? Thief has great cutscenes. Are you fucking stupid?

>vague can-be-interpreted-7-different-ways pseudo-intellectual pseudo-philosophical bullshit

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Thief is the oldest 3D game to also to have aged the best.
Like even ignoring the worldbuilding and story, the controls are tight, and mantle is an ability that all first person 3D platformers should have.

who was in the wrong here

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Thief is one of those special PC games that somehow manages to hold up just fine after all this time. I find System Shock 2 does, too.

how about you fucking retards state why its so great?
oh right you can't because you're a bunch of bandwagon hopping teens with no capacity for thinking on your own.
the games all look like boring shit to me, but i want to see an argument or explanation as to why this is one of the best games of all time according to you

what about myst?

You have to be mentally retarded to get caught by those spooky scary zombies