XIV thread whose hyped for shadowbringers? Does anyone remember the lines for the quest npcs when stormblood released? Will we see that again?
XIV thread whose hyped for shadowbringers? Does anyone remember the lines for the quest npcs when stormblood released...
Other urls found in this thread:
Why the fuck did the last thread get pruned?
WoW fanboy janitor.
WoW shill janny butthurt that the thread existed
Hope they don't drop the ball again, MNK would have been insanely important to things going on and then Widargelt just jobs again
Based janitors BTFO trannies son.
I can only assumed the toxic sewage that is /xivg/ leaked into Yea Forums based jannies cleaned it up.
We sure do talk about the /vg/ threads a lot despite how horrible they are
found the discord tranny
Made me gigglesquee user, you used the funny words again
>Be a spiteful bitch against NIN cause of what it did to queue times back in ARR
>Refused to level it at all through HW
>Finally decide to give it a chance
>It's fun as fuck
Holy shit I feel like a fucking retard, this job is great (even if lag fucks me up). When do I use Ten Chi Jin though?
final fantasy is not allowed on a video game board
Honestly I've never been less excited for an expansion in my life. Tokyo Fan Fest and patch 4.56 killed all hype for me.
Did they explicitly say benchmark would drop in May, or will we get it late April like the previous ones if we're lucky?
Become heterosexual son the poison has got to you.
Whenever it's up and you can stand still for a few seconds basically. Refresh Huton with Jin Chi Ten or use Trick with Ten Chi Jin
early May
I'm hyped for the level cap. I want to get to level 80 and then hope thats enough to solo Rathalos for his mount. No one wants to do this shit anymore.
>being hyped for an expansion that even looks more rushed than SB
There are going to be so many patch delays this time around
>there are players that actually click their hotbars and backpedal with the S key
2 more years...
use it to set up trick or tcj doton if trick cd is 30s+
>Refresh Huton with Jin Chi Ten
what the fug
That is the hardest part of the fight, finding 3 other people to farm with
>not playing with a controller
If i buy shadowbringers now will i have access to stormblood and havensword?
>there are players that rotate with s because they cant turn their cameras fast enough
loving every laugh
>just wiped 3 time on thunder god
I don't have time for this shit. I shouldn't have bothered even going for glam until it's unlocked.
you don't get access to them until June
if you go ten chi jin then you get suiton.
if you go jin chi ten then you get huton
so you can use it in either scenario depending on what's going on.
New Ultros FC when?
>Yoshi says that part 1 of 4.5 will present a lot of questions but that part 2 will give the answers to those questions
>we still don't know why Varis made so many Solus clones
>we still don't know why the aether in Eorzea is thinning
>we still don't know in-game who or where we are being called to
They literally delayed the MSQ just so they could announced that we are going to the 1st shard, despite the fact it's not mentioned in teh MSQ in the three seconds you talk to G'raha.
Extreme Dungeons are coming to 5.0 to replace the Expert roulette
they will be on par difficulty with first floor of savage and ex primals, would you enjoy this content?
I guess i'm waiting for classic. I might buy the base game just to keep me occupied for a few days though.
and you shouldn't do that, ever
found alpha and omega while i was out gathering
I’m gonna move to a new server in aether. Sell me on what server I should move to.
It's so nice to find them all over the world.
shadowbringers will be out before classic. also sharding is going to kill that wow.
So close, yet so far.
G'raha did say we were going to the first, but that could mean anything to the WoL in-game since the Warriors of Darkness said they just came from another shard, they never explicitly said which one.
I bet your the same autist who kept posting the stupid bless fem lion and your now back pedaling to these retarded fan arts to keep your shitposting fuel. No one cares your not clever or funny.
move to Primal, Leviathan preferably. it's better than Aether.
Furfags get out
Hrothgar were a mistake
They didn't but Urianger did, during the audience with Hydaelyn!Minfillia he explained that he played everyone in order to try to send Minfilia to the 1st to save it.
Gilgamesh is fun if you can get in. Hunts for days and lots of random people to faff through the deep dungeons with.
Did that ever release? I fucking love special edition Vitas.
Its not a furfag its a wowfugee shitting up the thread as usual by falseflagging.
Ok i decided to dig into this mmo what do i need to know to get started? What is the end game like and what do i need to know as a black mage?
levi and behemoth are the worst gilga lites
Clicking hotbars is top tier. I'm basically triple-wielding with my keyboard, clicking, and MMO mouse buttons. I play on a level you can't comprehend, always moving three steps ahead.
Wowfugees are furfags user
Japan only.
>we still don't know why Varis made so many Solus clones
That was explained. Varis wanted to perfect the cloning techniques and thought it would be extra insulting to Solus if he used him as the subject. He hated Solus even before he knew he was an Ascian.
hey new players, why haven't you joined your servers world chat/novice network chat channel yet!?
Bros I can't wait til June I need to be a Viera NOW
Just like the underwear... I wanted them so bad.
Guess I wasn't paying enough attention. My current Vita is another Japan exclusive special as well.
Battlestar galactica was such a good show
no use. joined it once, asked a question, got ignored and people just kept shitposting like it's a chat channel.
Wow that was so insightful and gave me so many reasons to gothere. You should be a salesman user.
Gilgamesh seems tempting. Is it still the top raiding server?
>ears just totally glued on top of the head with no rhyme or reason
Man, this is so bad.
Anywhere but Sarg and Faerie should be pretty ok. I'm getting moved to Crystal soon myself so I won't know how the situation might end up.
Where else would you put their fucking ears? Beside all the valid criticisms to make, why did you fucking choose this one?
why don't they delete these bad posts instead of the whole thread?
>top raiding server
>NA raids
Kek. I suppose by virtue of large population you’re statistically more likely to find a static, but still. I just enjoy it for the population. Seeing all the people makes it feel alive.
Why does this game have so many faggots?
we'll stop when tranny jannies fix /xivg/
so never
primalkeks thinking they're superior to aether LOOOOOOL
primal pugs make our aether pugs look like geniuses LOOOOOOL
how does it feel knowing you cant do anything besides dungeons past 10 pm LOOOOOOL
nice 30 minutes queues btw LOOOOOOOOOOOL
no, it just thinks it is
Why are you so fucking obsessed that you search on twitter all day for this shit?
This, we need more room for Sekiro and DMC threads bros.
It's so prevalent you don't even need to go searching for it even in-game.
>the same
There are at least 5 of us lionmommyfags, user.
rent free
that dose was too weak doc, I barely feel anything.
Back to RetardERA with you.
you're the one who brought it up, dork
>we still don't know why Varis made so many Solus clones
Multiple attempts to perfect the cloning process
>we still don't know why the aether in Eorzea is thinning
Chances are its from the ever growing amount of light building up in out world or something is sucking it all up. Didn't Y'Stola say they saw something like this before the last calamity?
>we still don't know in-game who or where we are being called to
Chances are its the catboy from the Crystal Tower questline but it's either future him or a different version of him. We already know to "lol go to the Crystal Tower". We just haven't pinpointed the exact reason as to why yet.
The trial is free up to level 35. Be prepared for a lot of dull grinding at first since the classes and game doesn't really open up until you've complete all of ARR.
As black mage, stand still and blow shit up.
I'm on Balmung and never see it and I prowl search infos like a fiend
are you ok
I play on both and aether is fucking ass
>are you ok
Why do you type like that? I bet you spam random letters in all-caps to convey you're laughing, too. Gas yourself.
few more months till we get even more barb'd art
regarding the trial, if you happen to have amazon prime, you can use twitch prime to get a full copy of ARR and 30 days game time so you can play til level 50 instead. I want to say that is going through may
>Didn't Y'Stola say they saw something like this before the last calamity?
That was the deaspected crystals. The thinning aether is a different problem, and it's been happening gradually ever since the Battle of Silvertear Skies.
trannies being upset at real women is amusing
if i haven't finished the story, should i just do main quests and ignore side quests?
There's three months until the expansion so unless you don't get much time to play, just take your time.
I need to go fast.
How do I convince every AST in DF to give me unlimited Arrows?
I wonder now that cloning and the resonance have been perfected, will Varis clone himself and give himself the echo?
Yes. Only do side quests if your level is too low to accept the next story quest.
are you a blm?
>Varis gives himself the Echo
>then clones himself
>then all the clones use the fusion technique Lahabrea and Igeyorhm did
The only side quests you should be doing are the blue ones with the + sign which unlock stuff and your class quests.
Yeah, I think that offer is still running up to May 3rd. I believe you can still play all the way through all of 2.1 - 2.5 even without Heavensward but you don't get any experience or ability to play as an Au'ra without it. I say that if you're liking what you're seeing by level 48, buy Heavensward so you don't miss out on experience towards 60.
oh i see. sometimes other quests give minions and stuff though right?
>There are people in this thread that don't think the new raid will be FF8 based.
Final MSQ patch killed my hype pretty hard. I'm still excited for it to release for things like the new races, jobs, job adjustments and new music but my msq hype has dropped off a cliff.
>he doesn't want big, generously proportioned, lion women
Why not?
go to twitch, do a prime trial, and get the code from them, then download the game
I'm actually shocked that there are WoWfugees claiming it will be Bible themed because Eden is originally a Biblical name. Did they think the Bahamut raid was going to be Arabian themed?
Yeah, but doing them your first time through is a waste of xp. You can level every class on one character but since you can only do the story stuff once your other classes have to grind a bit.
Does the Plague Bringer's Coat even exist?
furries are cute and funny
hrothgar are really just constantly gonna look like they're wearing some plastic beast mask where only the mouth moves, arent they? at least it seems that way from the trailer
Feels good. Gonna be a great two years bathing in salt.
It is kinda annoying. There's so many party finders I'm noticing on aether of people being like LF> Wife to fuck my boypussy!!!
If everyone gets the echo, they all could be fused and potentially become the Perfect Race. Is that a bad thing?
It does. I desynthed it while farming the belladonna card. But I must know.. Why is this such a hot item all of a sudden? Been seeing farm party groups for it a lot recently.
>another machine we have to fight
It's been my theory for a while now that the Ascian plan is Human Instrumentality. Elidibus once said if we really understood the Echo, we'd be of one mind. I think he meant that literally.
I have it.
I think I got it when they were relevant dungeons all the way back. Good luck man.
Some give minions, gear, are prerequisites for other quests, or unlock certain areas/features like the ability to dye your gear or use the glamour system.
You shouldn't have to do any side quests to level your way through the main story on your first play through. The MSQ, dungeons, hunt log, and challenge log will carry you pretty much through the whole game on your first job if you stick to just one job till the end.
>gunbreaker is seifer in disguise
>weird parallel worlds/time travel shit
>new raid is Eden
it's a good time for FF8bros
*clenches scar*
maybe its a fashion report thing?
They literally gave the premise for the raid and it has nothing to do with Eden the Guardian Force. Can it show up as a boss? Yes, sure. But Bahamut, Cloud of Darkness Alexander did completely different things in XIV compared to their original appearances and sourced from more than just games they first appeared in. Unlike Omega which is just straight up rehashing stuff up until the very end. The premise Yoshida gave sounds nothing like anything in FF8
Been running both dungeons that drop it for like a week and I've seen everything but the fucking thing I want
Bros, can we talk about trannies instead?
It's literally not time travel.
I'd rather discuss lion mommies if that's fine with you.
>They literally gave the premise for the raid and it has nothing to do with Eden the Guardian Force
It's named Eden, retard. Yes, it's about bringing life to a dead world. But it's still going to be the GF Eden.
>The premise Yoshida gave sounds nothing like anything in FF8
There's literally a scene in FF8 where a dead world fluorishes into a field of greenery.
>There's literally a scene in FF8 where a dead world fluorishes into a field of greenery.
You sound like a person who never in his life consumed a single piece of media that isn't a Final Fantasy game. That theme is so entry level it's not even worth humoring what you just said.
What’s wrong with those servers?
With the data center split, if I move off server, will I get gil back for my house? I kinda want to get rid of it since it's just tying me down during times I don't want to play, and trying to sell the plot has been nothing but a headache
Part 2 definitely should have just released in part 1. There wasn't enough material to be split into two meaningful parts and to release this story patch after the fanfest that revealed everything that those couple of quests did was monumentally stupid planning.
So everyone knows mch, whm, and drk are getting major reworks and have talked about them to death but people seem to have forgotten that mnk was one of the classes they yoshi mentioned to be getting one as well.
What are you expecting for the class?
The point is that you said it sounds like nothing in FF8. Except it does.
Eden could even pass for a Sin Eater pretty easily. I wonder if Ultimecia will show up? I wouldn't mind a Soken remix of The Extreme.
>You sound like a person who never in his life consumed a single piece of media that isn't a Final Fantasy game.
But...you know that this IS a Final Fantasy game, right?
You get the purchase price back + 3 mil to compensate for the unremovable furnature.
Ah yes I remember when a geomancer with a giant hammer showed up to restore nature in FF8.
I'm tired of the remixes. Soken should go wild on producing his own music for the raids, like he did for Bahamut and Alexander. Alexander's music is so fucking memorable. And the best Omega piece is eScape, not any of the remixes.
She's not even a Geomancer you fucking retard, stop piling onto reddit coping theories about muh healer job. But by your reasoning Alexander wasn't about the classic summon Alexander because there's never been a lizardgirl machinist involved with him.
>its not going to be ff8 because I didn't play it!
Tornado Kick will get removed since people have finally started using it.
It wasn't about FF9 that's for sure and it only had one FF9-esque boss design. It pulled more from FF11 for fuck's sake.
Literally nobody thinks this. Nomura is doing character design.
Alexander has been in more games than 9 and 11. Eden has only been in 8 and 13.
You're going to apologize in August when the raid has no FF8 bosses whatsoever.
Alexander first appeared in 6.
It will absolutely have Quezacotl.
if it's any way related to ff8 you must fanta to catboy for a month
this is pretty based
ff8 is hands down the most underrated ff games
He should be the Mamool Ja primal
Thanks for the info. I may just bite the bullet then.
It's not underrated, it's trash for people who like books like Hunger Games and Divergent.
Tokyo destroyed most of my interest. The new areas seemed okay, but the rest of what they had to say wasn't very good.
>It actually worked
Nice thanks for the heads up
Is this game worth playing or not
I'm tired of WoW and people say this is the only other MMO out there that isn't totally shit
Tokyo Fanfest wasn't meant for you or anyone else in this thread.
it's not a mmo, it's an online JRPG
take it as you will
I'd be down with that. I kinda want to go to the new world so we can get some aztec and incan shit going on anyway, seeing as they already going for a native american theme of that continent.
It wasn't meant for anybody in Tokyo, either.
>Streamed worldwide with English commentary
Uh, yes it was, sweetie.
What, because of all that Japan-exclusive content?
Then why was the trailer in English?
baraphobe pls
Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!
so what's the actual end game like in this mmo? I can't get a straight answer in these threads.
Because English is cool to ESL's
It wasn't presented in American clap clap hype wooooo format
Yes it was.
Coming from WoW the battle system might seem slow to you at low levels but it gets better. You have skills that are both on and off the GCD which is 2.5 seconds base. At higher levels you basically alternate between on and off GCD so you end up pressing a button about every second. But for whatever reason they don't give you any off GCD stuff until like level 30+.
It's very similar to Cata.
You get gear by farming weekly capped points from dungeons or by clearing raid bosses. Unlike Cata, there's also a whole bunch of other theme park shit like casual raids, minigames, sidestories, open zones, randomized mini-dungeons, none of which however are as rewarding player strength wise as the raiding. There's also highly challenging fights for gearcapped players that are purely for bragging rights. PVP exists but it's a minor thing off to the side.
Same as any other. Do the new fights every week for gear. Repeat. Shitpost and erp in the current hub area the rest of the time.
>that one fujo that couldn't contain herself and yelled out for male viera
>camera pans back through the crowd after hrothgar reveal
>all those unhappy fujo and the one fat guy with a big grin on his face
I fear for yoshi's life next NA fanfest
In general, a raid tier consists of an 8 man raid of four fights, then you unlock the hard mode of those four fights. Additionally you can supplement your gear progress with separate boss fights, called extreme trials, which are usually previous primal boss fights. You can also farm for tomes (think heroic badges if you're coming from wow) to supplement gear each week. The raid tiers will be updated every other patch. In between, they usually release 24 man raids which have some gear about on the level of tome gear to help catch up a bit.
Fujos are violent.
How did YoshiP not see this coming?
>Small selection of dungeons and easy raids with weekly caps for catchup/welfare gear
>Very high quality boss fights as tougher content (this should be the main draw)
>Crafting and gathering
>Leveling other jobs
>Old school grinding in Eureka
here is unedited footage of what it looks like for ps4 players
>expert roulette and MSQ cutscenes
Does DA affect the amount of MP gained from siphon strike?
do it , coward
>JP dub
No, but Grit does.
no it's always 1200
no, it's a flat "half of a DA" so 1200 at current level. Grit increases it 100%, so a full DA with grit up
level capped content is endgame
>refresh Huton with TCJ
Please discard your soul crystal
Anyone know what this glam is? I took this a week or so ago and forgot to check. Its not in the level 1 shit apparently
Seifer will be part of the new Hildibrand stuff.
>this is the person asking for "lion mommies"
Have they fixed the game and removed c@boys yet?
Teleport to Castrum Oriens and look at the merchant there
It depends on what you want to do. Once you complete the MSQ, the world is your oyster.
Do you like raiding? If so your endgame will be to get BiS gear and join a static.
Are you completionist? Your endgame will probably be to level everything.
Like collecting stuff? There's tons of minions, mounts, cards, weapons, etc to get.
Like crafting and gathering? Become an omicrafter. Make tons of gil and buy a big house to flaunt your fortune.
Like PvP? Well then you're fucked
its the level 60 crafted stormblood gear. very easy to get
Bloodhempen Chestwrap of Healing
the way it's meant to be played
Nah, that needs to be the Gunbreaker LB3.
Ebolachan is a gift from God, melting all the niggers.
noice thanks
nah miss me with that. they'd just be reskinned femroes anyway
do different starting stats for races still exist? like will I get less MP has a roe instead of a lala?
yikes delete yourself
Anyone got any good Gunbreaker glams prepared?
It's a 1 point difference that doesn't matter in the slightest. But Hellsguard Roegadyn are actually some of the best mages.
Listening to JP dub while reading a completely different script in English shouldn't even be an option
Yes, but it's negligible
There are stat differences, but they're incredibly tiny and by the time you're a high enough level, they won't matter at all
Yes, but they're all but irrelevant. There's a 5 point difference between the best and worst race for any given stat. At level 70 your main stat will have over 3k points.
They do, though they have no actual impact on your overall stats.
>Highlanders have the lowest starting INT
MP, no actually. Except the tiniest tiniest difference on healers, as they said
it's fucking nothing at all.
I dont fucking understand why he needs to rework it when all it needs is slightly higher personal DPS. He should just buff Twin Snakes to 15% and monk would be fixed right now
thinking of using augmented hellfire and seeing what a Kinna Gunblade looks like. I can get away with it as I'm a lala
How is standing still and chopping some guy on a horse in half going to give everyone a damage reduction buff?
And remove RoF.
Tornado Kick shit is not intentional design.
I doubt they would reskin the ugliest and leadt played race if they wanted it to actually sell.
It's "Reverse Zantetsuken". You cut the incoming damage.
Yea, there's no way they'd do th- Oh.
It's just going to be your character taking that Seifer pose and the symbols appearing. It'll be a "parry" of the boss's attack.
No fuck off brainlet
Why the fuck do you think he did ROF instead of GL4? Every skill is intended to have a use, they dont want TK to be uselsss like it was in HW so they buffed PB and later RoW to make it easier to actually use the skill.
They exist mostly as flavor. The single time they ever mattered was back at ARR launch when Piety was a racial stat and Dunesfolk could get a single extra Fire I off during an Astral Fire rotation compared to other races.
>double mudra damage
>use non damaging skill
What the fuck?
Is trick >30 seconds and will the boss stand still for 20~?
Fuma - Katon - Doton
Fuma - Raiton - Suiton
When trick has 15 seconds left on CD.
Based mad tranny
Male roes aren't nearly as unpopular as the females though. Many people are naturally attracted to huge musclehulks, nobody besides weird fetushists are attracted to female ogres with manfaces
Have fun, user!
Theyre trying to get the western players WoW is hemroging.
You can infer this from recent interviews easily.
>Midlanders and Duskwight have the highest INT
Truly, thinking man's choice.
I don't understand this. Isn't RoF just a damage buff cooldown? Why do people want to get rid of it?
Did anybody manage to catch more of the lyrics in the trailer yet
That doesn't change the fact that Roegadyn in general are the least played race in the entire game. You don't get to pick and choose whether that counts or not. And nobody besides weird fetishists like those ugly refrigerator bodies, don't even kid yourself senpai.
It also slows you down to non-GL levels of GCD speed. For... whatever the fuck reason. It's a gain but it doesn't feel good.
Duskwight made the best SMN in 2.0, it was glorious. And then Yoshi stole my Thunder.
Because a lot of people play monk for reasons that they should be playing ninja for instead
God it feels good to be a galaxy brain Midlander.
Post underrated music
Song from trailer when?
So you can get your chakra procs off you fucking brainlet
>Monk is literally LITERALLY AS IN THE QUESTS FOR IT TELL YOU, all about super fast multi hits instead of slow big ones
>Hey lets slow you down
Its +30% damage -15% speed. For 20s every minute and a half you go from the fastest Job to the slowest.
I was kinda hoping for some more soldier/tactical type glamour ideas, since the level 80 Gunbreaker gear is probably gonna be the only gear like that which we'll get in Shadowbringers.
I read your post before I opened the link, and was going to post this.
The Ixal one is great too, but it sounds like Xelphatol anyway of course.
It's ridiculous how you have people complaining about how they can't double weave, and then when a job mechanic specifically designed to enable double weaving comes along, people start crying bloody murder.
This is why jobs are going to get even more casualized and simplified in Shadowbringers.
not Aether
>what is ronsos
Also that is what they would literally do. They would just take a femroe skeleton, make it a little bit taller, add a slightly furry texture to shoulder like the males and make their black noses more prominent than they already are
I really hope the class gets its identity as the sonic fast melee that dances are all over the raid screaming about greased lightning back. Currently mnk is just an awkward melee with a weird physical only buff and positionals that have started to feel out of place
and it's not going to work because they're going to be playing classic during shadowbringers anyway
tfw highest str
>lowest mind
I'm not crazy
Haven't played for two years, what happened to Sarg? Even more dead than it was back then?
I'm a lot less excited about this dimension hopping bullshit. Gunbreaker mite b cool though
Ixal leifmotif is great in general.
If the story is more self contained it might be good. Ala mhigger and doma chink split was too jarring. HW was a straight path and it worked
>Q: That means we'll have four jobs using DEX. Have you considered moving, say, Ninja, to another category?
>A: Uh laughs Please wait until mid-May for more information.
They're definitely reshuffling gear. All melee dps will be in one group and all ranged will be in another.
They should put DRG and SAM together, and MNK and NIN together.
>4 jobs using DEX is bad
>7 jobs using STR is fine
In one year when they release the ShB OST
Wow I didn't know they hired Toby Fox
I've noticed there's a few people stealing my party finder themed topics. What the fuck dudes? Think of original content.
Will you coons queue for Ghimlyt shart on aether thanks
are all female miquote just transgenders? I feel like they are whenever I play this game.
silence monkuck. now put on this spiky dragoon armor.
>Think of original content.
you the stay hydrated memer on primal?
DNC will use Scouting gear. DRG may or may not be moved to Striking.
The current TK meta was absolutely not what they pictured, it took players months to actually figure it out and use it correctly. There is also the fact that the rotation put mnk too close to samurai for a while which is absolutely not something they wanted to do.
The Au ra all are.
no fuck you, I wanted sam to share with drg, go away with your ugly ass striking sets
So was the Scion Traveler gear designed by Nomura? Because it feels like it
>Wipe to tunnel vision players who let you die from scarlet price
>Wipe because healer cant heal an npc
>Wipe because group cant kill some adds in time
Why do people bitch about the vault, Aery was the real asshole
this is a Yea Forums meme
I am a fucking genius. I'll make a party finder saying something and there's like 5 other people making a topic similar to mine but changing a few words.
I'm on aether but I see that dude often here. He's cool.
>Not mixing button presses and clicking in an efficient dance
Only plebs use one or the other.
Go jump off a cliff, you're good at that.
listen here you little bitch. I'll have you know i've killed over 300 primals and that's just with my bare hands.
>7 jobs using STR is fine
more like 3
>Wipe because healer cant heal an npc
The healer shouldn't need to ever heal him. If you're wiping because he dies your group has some shit damage.
fuck off with that, I don't want to fight for gear with the ranged because idiots that don't play nin want to wear our things
You're already the party cuck might as well
Good, DRGfaggots can stop hoarding gear designs now
more like party baby sitter
Fuck off and die, I don't want mnk's asymmetrical shit
He needs like one baby heal at the end if your group is slightly above average.
>Wipe because healer cant heal an npc
>will have to fight erpers for glam or gear now
farming dungeons and 24man as never been this fun
You have to heal Estinien during the add phase. Or just stunlock and kill adds before they do any damage to him but
bros this combat revamp will change the entire game...
Is this game worth getting into now? never played it.
Is it a huge pointless grind? is it challenging in any way?
>healing Estinien
I've literally never had to do this what the fuck
Why are you people taking this post with no source seriously?
reminder that the Lion race has the biggest Bulges
There's a free trial. Go see for yourself.
Yeah I know but I've never seen a party wipe because of Estienien dying.
Every party either has high enough DPS or the healer is smart enough to cast at least 1 heal on him if his health is too low.
Because most of us read it in the Mr Happy interview already and know the source.
If you want a solid online fantasy RPG, it's a pretty good one.
>It is a huge pointless grind
Depends on how you define pointless. Story isn't a grind but it's lengthy.
>is it challenging
Like 5% of it is challenging and only at the level cap
>I want to be spoonfed because I'm not up to date
Yeah by making it basically pvp tier with the amount of buttons. Totally nullifying any thought whatsoever. It's why the SB npc controlled fights have like 4 (It wont look so out of place after the revamp)
There is very little grind even at endgame, the problem is how boring and slow the game is before you get to the first expansion.
After that the story and gameplay get really good though
>Most of use pay attention to Mr Happy.
Speak for yourself.
>It's why the SB npc controlled fights have like 4
It's so casuals don't have to relearn a different job in the middle of an instance, retard.
It's not about paying attention to Mr Happy, it's about paying attention to fanfest interviews that might provide more info about the expansion.
See you in may.
How do I get a ton of crafting materia without gil? What's the easiest way to get red script without custom deliveries
>no rebuttal
Tranny derangement syndrome
>giving Mr Shitter views and ad revenue
I'll just read a text transcript
>haha isn't great to be gay?
>yeah bro, can I suck your dick now?
>no haha, I have a gf
I read a text transcript on google docs you dumbass. Why the fuck would I sit through his hour long rambling?
>their text box is a giant pink wall of text about how no one wants hrothgar and bunny men are cuter owo
>Reeee fucking nazis not giving us our bunny boys.
Soken's piano themes are just perfect again and again
See You stupid fucking casualfag
Shut up Yoshi go buy another castle
RoF was very obviously designed to end with a TK. Whether they intended you to TK with the RiW change or not is easily debatable but you have to be a retard to not see that ROF wasobviously intended to make TK usable.
>Titan dancer weapon could be you chucking rocks at people
>Gold Saucer weapon is a yoyo
>javelins from HW dungeons
Let me be a spearchucker Yoshida
>screenshots two modestly dressed fujos
>ignores the daily limsa speedo roe orgy
>Not a Triple Triad card.
>That skill DRK WoL uses in the trailer to defeat Sin Eater after parrying its attack is actually level 80 Reprisal
at best you will get darts
Ala Mhigo is fucking lame. I wish Stormblood was Doma only.
Are you disappointed that we're getting an Alternate World filler expansion a la WoD instead?
>he thinks hw dungeons will give weapons for gun and dnr
Remember to save your Susanoo and Lakshmi craft drops because they will be used for 5.0 glowing weapons.
Just a tip in case you got a drop while farming dogs.
ARR, but bizarro
might be cool
>dnc and gun are 60 on release
>he thinks hes getting weapon drops from dungeon lower than that
if I log in right now, what should I do?
When's the earliest you can get a mount? And is there anyway to disable the headache inducing motion blur? I can't find an obvious setting for it except for disabling motion blur on everything but your character and camera.
I wonder what the fuck they were thinking when they showed this slide. With how Alphinaud was originally going on a diplomatic meeting to Garlemald, I get the feeling the original plan was a Garlean expansion but they just decided at the last minute to change it.
me too. the latest msq de-hyped me. i knew that dimension hopping was possible, but I never thought it would be so soon. i figured it'll be after we beat garlemald
>Starfish from shisui dungeon
This game has motion blur? Never seen it in my six years of playing. Check your GPU settings.
>Are you disappointed that we're ditching carrying Alliance through war we have zero stakes in?
No, going back to HW-style adventuring is what actually gives me hope that ShB will be a good expansion.
I'm ok with it as long as they keep the Garleans relevant and don't end 5.5 like how 4.56 ended.
We're essentially going after a bigger bad and maybe we'll weaken the Ascians along the way.
I think the Ala Mhigo conflict was infinitely more interesting, since it's been such an integral part of the game from the start. The theme of a generation born under occupation had a lot of potential too.
They just fucked it up with boring zones and rushed plot. Doma was better in that regard, but not by much
Just as long as the time travel is just a red herring and the similarities are just cosmic resonance.
>he thinks they won't
Alternative lv. 60 weapons (Baldur Gunblade, etc), Dreadwyrm and ARR/HW primal weapons, and everything past lv. 60 are realistic
Msq or hildebrand if you havent, otherwise either do savage/ultimate or log out until either the ffxv event or until next expansion
Sorry baracat, not really my interest. I’ve got bunny girls and soon lion ladies.
>last minute
These story beats are always planned several years in advance. The track we have going through at least a theoretical 6.0 has been set since at least shortly after the 2.0 relaunch. There was always going to be this bait and switch.
level 20
also there is no motion blur. you mean radial blur. it's at the bottom of the graphics setting.
So what the fuck was with Alphinaud going on his mission and then suddenly coming right back? What was with the fanfest slide about us taking down Garlemald? It's weird.
If there's events going on, usually level 15. Right now I think it's still company chocobo. Don't think it's reasonable to say you can farm enough cheevo points to score the ones in gridania.
How come so many people pretend to "play" this game when all they do is duty roulette and afk? Dont they realize that Savage content is the whole reason to play this game?
I don't care what the theme is if the story is compelling. And I prefer a self-contained over the messy, unfocused war plot
i look forward to stuttering points of no development and fetch quests and being sent back to arr zones while the "adventure" group twiddles their thumbs so that one overblown cutscene that's passable can make me go "15/10 best expansion ever" again
just like heavensward
Literally go hit a striking dummy you fucking retard and find out
Even if you get a mount from another source you can't ride it until you complete the Chocobo quest.
>and then suddenly coming right back
Bitch they got attacked, walked around and then got soul sucked. He didnt come back of his own volition, gaius brought him back because he can only think of the scions to solve the case of the sudden faint
ultimate dreadwyrm**
>Savage content is the whole reason to play this game
wow you must be an incredibly boring person in-game
Same. Maybe we can eventually get Zenos in our party too.
I just want a shit ton of gil. I don't have max Crafters yet and gatherers seem to take a while to actually get some gil going.
Varis and Solus will be the focus of all of the ShB patches beyond launch. We'll get rid of them somehow, using allies and powers we've gained in the First Shard, then actually go to Garlemald in 6.0.
Can't feasibly do much in Garlemald while it's enemy territory. In 6.0 we'll go to the Garlean Republic to deal with a new threat there, with Garlemald as the capital city hub. That way they don't run into shit again like Ala Mhigo being a landscape background and a dungeon.
I know the story reason he came back you fucking tard. I mean they made a big deal about him going on his diplomatic mission and then suddenly wrote him back home almost immediately. It doesn't make sense from a writing standpoint.
UWU needs a base model/textures, SAM and RDM have base versions of their UWU weapons in the files
We're going to a different dimension, my man. Not time travel
alphascape was released 6 months ago dude, many people have farmed it already
>He thinks new jobs are getting SB Ultimate weapons
Oh no no no
>yfw the first crystal has his own version of Edda
>soon lion ladies
I wish...
maybe not directly, but indirectly. Thancreds idea of using agents to say that Zenos is possessed ended up bearing fruit. Now the politicians of garlemald are questioning it to the point that the emperor went back and wants to prevent another civil war
>yfw she's actually a dominant mentor taking care of new adventurers and teaching them the ropes
>First!Edda is basically their version of Kan-E-Senna
At and past level 60 yes. But not before. Dreadwyrm and Gordian probably. ARR/HW relic is definitely NOT on the menu, just like SAM and RDM
the base versions also don't exist
they will
Never knew that. It's retarded, but I appreciate you pointing that out.
Time can still be involved. Might pass differently between the shard/source/tower. How did G'raha get crystalfied and become a wise mystery man in a few months? What's the significance of the "let history be rewritten" lin?
Christ it's not a fucking bizarro world. I hope we meet no alternate characters of this sort.
An hour's worth of pay IRL is worth about 10-20 million gil. Just buy it
the story actually seems to be interesting instead of Stormblood's Lyse's personal borefest
Why is all scouting gear so fucking ugly?
Give it time.
>all undercase shitposter humblebragging with an ultimate screenshot
And thats a good thing. Honestly 80% of the jobs play better in PvP. The combo buttons make sense. Certain skills turning into certain other skills makes sense since you wouldn't be using them otherwise. Like putting Fire IV and Blizzard IV on the same button. Why the fuck isn't it like that in PvE? Why isn't Between the Lines the same button as Ley Lines when its active? They managed to do with WAR, now lets do it with the rest and free up buttons to add more meaningful skills. The age of the combo needs to end.
That's what you think. We're definitely going to meet Arbert again lol
>Might pass differently between the shard/source/tower.
There's definitely a different passage of time on the First. When Arbert showed up, they had just killed Mitron and begun the Flood of Light. By the time we're going there, the world is almost all gone and they have legends of the Warriors of Darkness coming to save them. Would probably explain how Amdapor saw Sin Eaters too. Because the separation between our worlds is both of space and of time. Sin Eaters from our 'current' time probably just crossed into the Amdapori era.
I'm confused about something
All the new jobquests and crafterquests are gonna take place in our crystal or the first one?
AH I get ya. Obviously the reason is to bait the audience
Bruh I don't wanna get banned.
This. The only bizarro characters will be in the Hildibrand questline and played for laughs. It's a 12,000 year deviation in history. There aren't going to be alternate versions of characters we know.
Zenos is staying in our world. Hes basically taking your place as the WoL and destroying not-Zenos to reclaim his body. Then hes going to strike back at Garlemald itself for allying itself with the Ascians which he now realizes was stupid. Cue Zenos having all the fun in this expansion beating Garleans for you and putting Gaius on the throne.
Talking about her. Why SE canr make more content like this? Her story is actually spoopy as fuck and the fact that you can find her ghost is worse.
There are thousands of her all over the place. That's why her character is so compelling, because she's a painfully ordinary girl who got dealt an extraordinarily shitty hand by life.
ah yes who could forget the awesome lakshmi weapons
Buyers never get banned, only sellers do.
I'm actually doing some crafter quests right now and I thought about this.
There'll definitely be some zones on our world, or it's gonna get weird. OR it'll be like when Ishgard "finally opened to outsiders" and now that there's access to the first world everyone is gonna jump over there to hang out.
Either way it's gonna be weird when Wawalago tells me I gotta head over and catch a rare fish.
It kind of is. Lakeland = Mor Dhona
Kholusia = Coerthas
Eulmore = Limsa Lominsa
Rak'Tika Greatwood = The Black Shroud
Ahm Araeng = Thanalan
Il Mheg is the weird one. Could be either the Lochs or Dravanian Hinterlands
It literally is a bizarro world. That guy with the crystal hand isn't Graha. Thats BIZARRO GRAHA.
No doubt on ours. There's little reason to assume that we'll open a permement portal to the 1st that would allow just anyone to pass, atleast in this expansion. Moreover you can't exactly have jobquests take place in areas you might have not unlocked yet. So the fastest we are going to get jobquests on 1st will be in 6.0
because everyone speedruns through PotD and tamtara hard, not caring about the random adventurers you find or reading the journal notes
Il Mheg is the Hinterlands. It has those distinct crystalline rock formations.
blm needs to be toned down, I get the concept of being a selfish job that deals a shit ton of damage but it's getting stupidly high numbers now
Are you ready for the Mists of Pandaria of FFXIV?
Yeah but I don't trust those chink sites with my CC information
>it's not y'sholta
>maytoya was a cat all along
I'm still only doing Heavensward stuff, but I'm excited to be a bunny :)
there's a janny/mod that really hates FF14
I remember after Stormblood released, literally every FF14 thread was deleted on sight. it got to the point where he was deleting ALL final fantasy threads.
Blizzdrones are something else.
From the fanfest interviews, it sounds like PLD and DRK are going to become classified as Main Tanks while WAR and GUN will be Off Tanks. The devs seem dead set on this idea.
Yes. Thats also alternate universe Urianger. He decided to pick up AST instead. Is nobody else questioning why otherwise those two would be in Rak'Tika?
Source or fuck off
>Is nobody else questioning why otherwise those two would be in Rak'Tika?
Because we've spent the last two patches discussing how their souls were called outside our world. Gee, I wonder where they could fucking be?
post your imgur album, cumslut
Because, just like us, they are going to the 1st to fix the problem Minfillia couldn't, you know just like the old times. Why the hell do you think they were soul called by cat boy?
Is anybody else going to play gunbreaker because they want to be DMC Nero
Are we finally gonna get a Not Alone remix this expansion, or is it going to have to wait until we get Burmecia/Lindblum as the hub of a future expansion?
He classified PLD as OT because of Cover and Intervention.
It's a "bizarro world" solely in the fact that it's a reflection of the original Hydaelyn, like all the other Shards. It's developed over millennia differently from the Source, though- the only real similarities are going to be geography and races (and some architecture like Eulmore to make you go OH IT'S ALT-LIMSA).
It's not a Star Trek Mirror Universe where it Looks the Same Except the Scions Have Goatees.
More like Pld and Gun as OT and the manly jobs as MT
Mike is that you
So I finished the 4.56 story and have a question.
They said there's people besides the warrior of light who also heard the voice telling them to go to the CT.
Who are those people?
He explicitly states to take that with some salt.
So hypothetically speaking, if we rebalance things and put Warrior as MT, then the Paladin and Dark Knight would be fighting for off-tank. No matter what we really needed to balance this with two and two. Its much more fair this way, so its two jobs between main tank and two between off-tank. This is very tentative so please convey this is no indication at all of our final plans.
>Q: Right now, the three tanks are well-balanced. What will happen when you throw another job into the mix? Can you tell us roughly what Gunbreaker's special characteristics will be?
>A: Honestly, please wait until May for the answer. We'll show you how the four tanks will differentiate themselves, including their new actions. We've had three tanks up to Patch 4.5, and we see tank players' preferences with regards to MTing, OTing, tank stances, etc. I don't think it'd be good for the three tanks to form a "triangle", so maybe we'll balance them by having two MTs and two OTs, or make them capable of both. Right now, we're working towards a compromise as we adjust the actions. We'll announce the battle system details in May, so please wait until then.
>Implying Yoshida even likes IX that much.
If we ever get a hub that isn't original, it's gonna be something like Canaan or Tule.
who gives a fuck, everyone who cared has alphascape on farm already and SHB is coming out soon
14000 years is a long time to still end up with Limsa and Eulmore being mirrors.
Hence Thancred's statement "This town certainly has changed."
Nobody has said that. Where are you getting that from?
how am I a shitposter?
gun and dancer won't have dreadwyrm weapons, not even sam and rdm did
You mean Limsa Lominsa?
Careful, you might make the HWbabies shit their diapers or something
Ishgard is more like Lindblum
you're retarded
it isn't wacky star trek mirror world
it's a timeline that split off at the moment of hydaelyn dividing her and zodiark and it developed in its own way far different from us
Except it literally is, see Dwarves, fat cats and not! Ul'Dah/Limsa.
what about dwarves and fat cats
We're not getting more IX content, ever. Japan doesn't like IX. Enjoy your Ozma.
No, but his point is that despite the 12,000 year deviation, Eulmore still ended up being almost identical to Limsa somehow. There's something strange going on there, whether it's just a case of synchronicity, or some weird phenomenon where people on Reflections can glimpse the Source, or feel compelled to try and emulate it or something because it's the original world. Who the fuck knows.
Ishgard is more like a snow-based Burmecia right down to being a fucking warzone[/spiler], Lindblum is more like Mist.
i switched to the legacy movement system yesterday to see if it would be less restrictive in looking around without having to drag the character around as well, and at this point i almost can't imagine playing without it enabled. Though i do miss 360 noscope dancing
>2 months of constant barafag vs bunnyfag furfaggotry will pale in comparison to 4 months of ceaseless "First is a bizarro world with alternate versions of our characters" shitposting
This place will never change, will it?
you're an actual moron
they explained it at fanfest and in lorebooks
think of it as timelines that split off at the moment of zodiark's banishing, so for over 10k years they've developed in an entirely alternate way
there isn't gonna be some wacky alt versions of the scions or of anyone we know whatsoever UNLESS they existed prior to the split
If it was a mirror world, we'd have Bul'dah with a bearded Nanamo, not Dwarves.
Arguing is all we know
because dipshits skip quest text and never read up on the lore and then spout their dumbshit theories they make with none of the knowledge that is readily available
>Japan doesn't like IX
Since when?
And if they really were only making content based on JP tastes, they would have already gone full throttle with IV and VII content by now.
Yeah, we're one step removed. Such creativity.
It's not exactly Star Trek 1:1 Bizarro Town. It's just close enough that it may as fucking well be.
It's really just an artistic concession so the audience can feel a familiar connection to "this is the First" over purely alien zones that might as well have been in Ilsabard.
I really, REALLY want a crossover with DMC. There's a million glam choices for every class. I want to see everyone running around in Nero and Dante's coats.
>2 months of constant barafag vs bunnyfag furfaggotry
oh kid just wait until we are able to customize or characters and all the drawings come out
The only similarity is that the same race exists. It's developed into a completely different culture and history. There won't be a Dwarven Nanamo because the circumstances leading to her birth won't have ever happened.
If only there was some sort of middle ground, like having similar geography and a landmark or two but having extremely different culture and cities.
Fuck that, just repaint Limsa.
Since I said so.
>All the people who thought we were gonna time travel
> There are people who actually spend 40$ on a mount in the mogstation
So were the lizards wiped out on the first?
>Japan doesn't like IX.
They like Freya, Steiner and Vivi a whole fucking lot.
Not so much the rest of the game.
i just wanna see how they look with normal gear on, i know they cant use helmets but i'm curious i saw there hands are clawed but wonder how that translates to gloves, if they are forced fingerless or just have points
>people really don't expect yoship to use dark mirror versions of at least one character
We can only hope
no we are the drahns
We aren't going to Ilsabard until they figure out what the fuck the next race is going to be
>But YoshiP sai-
Gotta sell expansions somehow.
being honest
The fat Cat is the only one worth the invest
Where are they gonna put their ears? On their ass?
pay with crypto, it's anonymous.
user is saying that the ears seem to start on top of the hair instead of the hair being styled around the ears, dipshits.
>on the First, have to play Tetra Master
Yikes they need to touch up Varis' model to look more like Solus quality... I can feel the PS3 limitations...
>Spend their money on 2 person mount
>yoshi sells a 4 person mount for 200k mgp
mad man
That's just cruel. They stopped forcing XI players to deal with that ages ago, why would they do this to us again?
XIVs TT is constrictive ass but making us play the objectively worse card game with RNG would be a step too far
>not Sphere Break
Thankfully the devs arent smart enough to add Tetra Master to the game.
Never return.
How is XIV TT any worse than VIII TT or the Portal App TT?
age slider in the character creation menu when
It'd be nice to have V's outfit so you could have tattoo'd arms without the dumb claws
Card deployment restrictions. Also no spreadable rules the player has control of. Which really feels like a missed opportunity given the globe trotting we do and the number of NPCs that can battle us.
Anyways I'm hoping Yoshi raises the MGP gains for TT and Chocobo Racing. They're kind of falling behind.
>TT is constrictive ass
They just need to add more restrictions lifts per card total that will let us use more higher ranking cards together. And remove the 'random' rule.
It'll be Hildibrand, the Gentleman of Darkness
Anyone else ready for the great SCH gutting?
>Fairies removed as a baseline mechanic
>Each fairy is now a cooldown and is only out a short while, can be extended by using fairy gauge
>Shields are buffed to compensate
>SCH is no longer on auto pilot and has to play the game
It's gonna be D'narbidlih, an extremely intelligent Miqote investigator.
I just hate Chaos really. Everything other rule has been an improvement from 8 TT though
What gimmick would you give WHM to make it stand out?
Because BIG NUMBER isn't enough at this point
when Final Fantasy XVII comes out
Sounds fun
And lose my crypto? I'm not stupid user.
>SCH is no longer on auto pilot and has to play the game
More like SCH bitches for a couple months then ends up stronger than they were before.
All this on top of no actually new healer.
Can you report healers for not doing any dps?
Actually yes, it is.
If you let WHM do BRD tier numbers in singles target, that would be enough to make up for their lack of raid utility.
If Yoshi really wanted to make a playable beast race (and they weren't going to have headgear ready in time for launch) why the fuck didn't they just make Lupin playable?
You're getting something to either fairy heals or personal DPS and no bitching in the world is going to bring that back.
I can't fucking wait.
Portal App TT is the worst shit and also the reason we'll never get to play TT on the XIV App.
>$20 for 50 matches
Fuck yourself.
>Fairy killed
>Shield buffed
>That's actually is going to happen given how Yoshi cites fairy as the source of the problem
Fucking damn it, healers are simply not allowed to have fun.
Yes? But why don't you tell them to dps first bitch
Why not place Qiqirn assets on an Au Ra and call it a Burmecian?
Because they know what they're doing. They're pandering to the barafags.
You really think I didn't try that?
the ones that already don't play roe and highlander that much?
You can file a report, but it won't do anything to them.
Yeah. Roegadyn are getting supremely fucked this expansion, as Viera are just taller and better endowed femroe without the weird upper body and Hrothgar are sexier, taller Roeboys.
>Reduce the cost, cast/GCD and healing of Regen and Medica II
>Allow them to stack up to 3 times on targets
>New Skill at 80: 30-60 second cooldown that 'bursts' all targets with HoTs on them for the remaining healing at once
>New Skill at 72: Holy II.
>New Trait at 76: Lilies now give you 1/2/3% haste (or more?) when active. Presence of Mind affects allies.
Didn't Yoshi confirm that the underground where Thancred was at in the trailer belongs to the fat cat hideout? Why was he familiar with the place (His whole "This town has changed"-speech)? I know Thancred is a bit of a mysterious guy, but how are they gonna explain that?
As compared to the extremely lucrative market of people who want to play normal dudes with wolf heads.
Hell I'd actually play SCH then. Not in dungeons anymore though. Having even stronger shields means they'll be even more cemented for their mitigation.
Yes, and it's because it looks almost identical to Limsa where Thancred spent his childhood.
He's a retard and thinks it's Limsa.
Because that town is the First's version of Limsa.
And what did they say bitch
>Hrothgar are sexier, taller Roeboys
They're goddamn furries
>Sexier, taller
They're hunched over. They have derpy downy faces. They're basically retarded pixar versions of Charr.
That's not gonna stop people who want daddies, they like em hairy. It's really stupid to make two new races that are bigger than the "big" race, though.
Summon lily cooldown 120
Summon the aspect lily for 20 sec you deal 10% damage and 10% to healing abilities and spell
Bonus effect all allies within 10 yalms gain 3% haste and damage
Not nearly powerful enough.
Just equip tank gear and you will have your drg gear designs.
Hrothgar supporters just try to save face. They won't admit that what they got wasn't anything like what they wanted. They wanted big, tall buff daddies with big bulging muscles and maybe some hairiness. They didnt want a literal beast with a hunch and a serious animal face.
Then what is the point?
To nerf SCH as they have long deserved.
>can't finish my relic in Hydatos because no one spawns crystal dragon
>have to wait until mid May when they allow us to buy the crystals
Just make the mats buyable to begin with you assholes
He's a salty WHM that can't stand the idea of any job being fun. It's kind of a recurring theme with these spiteful cunts.
Charr are ugly as fuck and looks cute and handsome. SE outdid themselves this time.
>Party cuck
I thought that was the healer. I'm the one putting down DOTs and doing debuffs.
I agree. They'll have to hit AST as well, though not as hard, now that they've fucked up their balance yet again.
They show up in Ok'Zundu too
That wouldn't work because he couldn't enter Crystal Tower without allagan blood.
>People die at the Aery
Literally how?
>tfw Random and Chaos
Wish there was a forfeit button.
>People still getting this buttblasted over embrace.
That shit is like less that 15% of a SCH's total healing nowadays.
I don't support them. I'm lamenting that Roes will be made even more irrelevant.
AST could go any direction. They have to redo cards since theres only one resource. Some others might get scrapped so we just have 3 like Urianger in the trailer.
>SCH and WAR fags are always insufferable
>Both from limsa
What did Yoshi mean by this
>i'm not a scholar, honest
Even Yoshi has publicly admitted on multiple occasions that the fairy is broken.
Sure as fuck isn't broken in Aurem Vale. I can't wait to see people fucking suffer in there if they try levelling Scholar after this nerf.
Then you should've vote kicked
they don't need to get rid of the fairy, just nerf its healing output
Yes, I'm sure that one dungeon that there are multiple ways to avoid on your journey to higher levels will be such a roadblock.
>Sure as fuck isn't broken in Aurem Vale
What? If you need to manually cast a heal before level 70 you're using your faerie wrong.
tfw tank anxiety still at ilvl 380 drk
If MCH could survive what they did to their kit. SCH can survive literally one single dungeon.
Aurum Vale is just a shit show anyway. I'm surprised they haven't made a hard fuck you even more version
Thousand Maws, Dzemael, Cutter's Cry, and Aurum Vale will never get hard modes because they're all 1.0 dungeons. So the ARR versions are like their part 2 already.