What's objectively the worst game in this picture?

What's objectively the worst game in this picture?

Attached: Zelda.jpg (1200x1200, 1.82M)

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Links Awakening

Skyward sword, the whole selling point of the game is one to one sword slashing but all the sword duels suck ass

there's no objectivity to be had here desu
but personally I dislike MM and SS because I don't like the rewind mechanic or a game being etremely linear

OoT or alttp, but I probably like MM the most.

A Link Between Worlds. Worst mainline Zelda however is pic related.

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BotW by far

Breath of the Wild

This is the only answer. Uninspired ""world"" made of 3 paths you regularly retraced and a version of the Wind Waker ocean with even less in it.

One of the N64 games. Probably Ocarina.

the SNES game is the worst desu

TP, all of these other games have specific aspects done really well that make them stand out from other Zelda's & still aged well today. TP is the only one that excels at no particular aspect, is all around extremely mediocre & is downright unplayable due to the horrible graphics

Skyward Sword, hands down

Congratulations, you are the stupidest person on Yea Forums

BotW has the highest concentration of pure soi.

T. Seething BOTW Babbies, go back to Discord

Yeah, I'd have to be a shortbus retard not to love being restricted to two buttons.
Dumb nostalgiacuck


>says the blatant phoneposter

Yep you are seething & just outed yourself as a Zoomer who never played them

How’s that soilent tasting? Be careful opening the bottles with your non-existent soi muscles.

Twilight Princess

Literally zero argument. BTW, BOTW is for high-test alphas such as yours truly.

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Weakest would be either OOT or SS even though i liked them both. All of the others just have something really cool or unique about it. Idk, have beef brain tho.

Majoras Mask. Fight me nerds.

With two buttons LA somehow has more depth than WW, TP, SS, BOTW, et .

Skyward Sword

botw hands down

Skyward Sword is probably Zelda's lowpoint, but I'd argue that could also be Twilight Princess. Convenient how this image skips PH and ST which were probably be the worst Nintendo published Zeldas.

>LA somehow has more depth than WW, TP, SS, BOTW, et

According to /ourguys/ at RPGfan, it's Twilight Princess by a considerable amount
> 1. The Wind Waker (99)
> 2. Skyward Sword (98)
> 3. Link's Awakening (97)
> 4. Ocarina of Time (96)
> 5. A Link Between Worlds (96)
> 6. Breath of the Wild (96)
> 7. A Link To The Past (91)
> 8. Majora's Mask (91)
> 9. Twilight Princess (82)

Kill yourself, TP & SS are objectively the worst by far. All of these others are great games

Skyward Sword seems to be the most love it or hate it game.

Skyward Sword, followed by Breath of the Wild and Twilight Princess.

A Link to the Past, A Link Between Worlds and Link's Awakening are the best ones.

Skyward sword dont @me

Jesus was Twilight Princess really that bad?

SS is the only one I’ve never wanted to replay.

Link's Awakening is the worst in the pic, but it's still a great game.

>A Link Between Worlds
Really fires up my autism how they just reused the Dark World from ALttP.
I don't think there was anything wrong with it gameplay wise, though.

I don’t get it either. The biggest criticism I’d give the game is that it feels like an OoT remake rather than trying anything new, but it’s a GOOD game

>doesn't include the Capcom Zeldas because they are objectively the best ones

:>was Twilight Princess really that bad
no, 3D Zeldas range from low 8s to low 9s

TP is just a high 7

Twilight Princess easily

Skyward Sword

From their review
> Graphics: 80
> Soundtrack: 79
> Gameplay: 88
> Controls: 90
> Story/Characters: 75
> Overall: 81
As far as i know this is their lowest rated Zelda behind Spirit Tracks





About what? You can't just cry "Seething" whenever someone calls you out on your bullshit, this isn't /Reddit. You can't downvote peoples comments you faggot

links awakening or skyward sword

majora's mask

Majoras Mask
don't @ me

link's awakening is a fun game

WW, and it isn't close

I agree that it’s bad but having WW and SS that high is pretty fucking suspect.

>About what?
Your soigame getting utterly dabbed on by me

You can't just cry "cope" or "yikes" whenever someone disagrees with your opinion, this isnt /Reddit. You can't down vote peoples comments you faggot


probally because SS had some of the best dungeons in the series, to bad the rest was surpar

Link between worlds, easily

skyward sword

Not at all. I don't know why it gets so much hate lately.

The only one that was great was ancient cistern

Majora's Mask

Skyward sword no doubt

Nah WW was objectively a technological masterpiece, for a game made in 2003 it's utterly mindblowing how much detail was put into the game, there isn't another game with a better sense of Adventure. The Graphics, Story, Gameplay & Soundtrack were all perfect. The only consistent critique among actual gamers & Journos were the lack of difficulty & Triforce shard quest

Kill yourself

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The real answer is Majora's Mask

It really is
I loved SS because I don’t know I like swinging my arms around like a retard sometimes
My friend who brought the game then later gave it to me fucking despited it

both desert dungeons with the time shift stones were top tier too

>because I don’t know I like swinging my arms around like a retard sometimes
You can do that without having to play a shitty game

No idea why Spirt tracks gets praise
It’s just a fucking mess the game

Twilight Princess

I can’t even remember how those went beyond a vague sense of tedium.

I too like goombas and Chain chomps in Zelda games

It doesn't, Spirit Tracks was given a 80

It's the only Zelda game I genuinely hated playing. I didn't even hate PH or SS, but Christ ST was boring.

majora's mask

Only one I didn't play is A Link Between World and it looks bad. Otherwise, I hesitate between the 3 on the last horizontal row. Weirdly, each has qualities that the others don't despite being, in my opinion, overall disappointments.

I haven't played aLBW, TP, WW or BotW. So out of the choices left, I'd say Majora's Mask because I never liked Backtracking: The Game.

I just wished they did more with the ocean so it didn’t feel so... loading screency
Toon link is my favorite link I unironically want a BOTW but toon link while pulling inspiration from Phantom hourglass my 2nd favorite Zelda behind BOTW

>Skyward Sword higher than LttP
>Wind Waker that high
>no Oracle games
What a garbage list. I really hope the person who made this list takes a step back and reflects on how awful their taste is.

>No idea why Spirt tracks gets praise
Nintendo Bonus

Weird no one ever mentions the oracle games
They were so good yet they get completely ignored

Breath of the wild. Empty open world with extremely boring combat. None of the others have that. Havent played skyward sword though.

Its probably one of the Zelda covers Ive seen most often as a thread pic in this board's catalog through the years, maybe along with Majora's Mask and more recently BOTW might have surpassed it. But youre right in that its not mainstream, Yea Forums only praises it to be contrarian.

No. It's the best one.

Worst part this was a mainline game
If it was something like Tri force heros or Hyrule warriors as a “LOL Don’t take me seriously guys!” I’d be more forgiving.
Hell if Cadance of Hyrule is good I say drop Spirt tracks and make Cadance canon

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I only included the Zelda games in the picture you fucking idiot, Also you can't keep seething about WW forever.
> 1. The Wind Waker (99)
> 2. The Legend of Zelda (99)
> 3. Skyward Sword (98)
> 4. Link's Awakening (97)
> 5. Ocarina of Time (96)
> 6. A Link Between Worlds (96)
> 7. Breath of the Wild (96)
> 8. The Minish Cap (95)
> 9. Oracle of Ages (93)
> 10. Oracle of Seasons (92)
> 11. Phantom Hourglass (92)
> 13. A Link To The Past (91)
> 14. Majora's Mask (91)
> 15. Adventure Of Link (83)
> 16 .Twilight Princess (81)
> 17. Spirit Tracks (80)

I just noticed Link’s cap has a yellow band so this is the Ganon wins timeline.
So who’s pulling the actual strings?
Ganon or the Nercodancer?

>In that picture
Skyward Sword. It tried to shake up the formula and add a lot of new ideas, but fell flat on it's ass too many times. Especially by neutering the exploration
>Of all mainline
Spirit Tracks. All the garbage elements of PH with fuck all new elements added. No reason this game had to pull a MM and recycle everything. Also, the train is the worst thing Zelda has ever done.


Cancelling the WW sequel to make TP in attempt to pander to Westerners ruined the series forever. It was a complete flop in Japan & the rest of the games have been made solely to pander to fan backlash.

skyward sword. literally an unplayable piece of shit
but if i insert my bias for a second i have to say i hate botw even more

Only "Zelda" game I couldn't be assed to finish

It would have been wind waker but you posted the HD version so it's skyward sword

OOT: 3d shit, 3/10
LTTP: Decent, too much WORDSWORDS, 6/10
MM: 3d shit, grimdark bullshit, 1/10
>haven't seen LBW
awakening: WORDSWORDS, decent otherwise, 6/10
wind waker: 3d shit, boring, 3/10
TP: 3d shit, boring, annoying little bitch, 2/10
BOTW: fucking nothing, broken weapons, 3d shiit, 2/10
SS: complete fucking garbage 3d shit, 1/10

The only 10/10 zelda is the original.

>ages above seasons

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They’re barely even discussed here. Usually they’re mentioned as being really good, but not really touched upon in the process. You get a lot of discussion about the 3D games in general and barely any about the 2D ones.

Nercodancer if you could read and plainly see It’s Crypt of the Nercodancer feat Legend of Zelda dipshit

Go damn it Nintendo
Why couldn’t you do like you normally do: Pander to the east sell to the west?
Making Cold Steel tier edgy Zelda was a mistake

>I don't think there was anything wrong with it gameplay wise, though.

Old Zelda
>Dungeons give you a chance to sequence break at the risk of getting your ass kicked.

New Zelda
>Dungeons encourage doing them in any order, with no increase in difficulty.

Because then it doesn’t sell in the West, moron. TP was the answer to WW’s backlash, and then we got fucking SS because they wanted to blend the two styles to pander to both sides. The result was complete shit, and they realized they needed something different again.

>implying dungeons ever reached a meaningful level of ''difficulty'' in the first place

Sales are irrelevant as every Zelda game will be successful, Twilight Princess killed the series. Nintendo should never listen to the complaints of their autistic fanbase

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Botw. The most soulless of them all.

TP > OoT = MM > ALBW > LA > SS > ALttP > BotW > WW

>inb4 SS not at rock bottom

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If that were true then they would’ve straight-up ignored the fanbase and kept churning out whatever they made.

OOT > ALTTP > MM = WW > LA > ALBW > Shit > SS > TP = BOTW

Skyward Sword

Ranking for non faggots

>Wind Waker
>Skyward Sword
>Ocarina of Time
>Link Between Worlds
>Link to the Past
>Link's Awakening
>Twilight Princess

Breath of the Wild is not a Zelda game. It's dogshit.

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botw is pretty bad but sw is the worst out of the bunch

TP is much worse than WW idiot

you somehow look triggerd

Skyward Sword was shit. That game got repetitive really quickly.

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A Link Between Worlds is literally Link to the Past 2, you dumbass.

Nah, TP and WW are polar opposites in that TP lacks ambition but nails the fundamentals, while WW was ambitious but had subpar fundamentals. WW is the quintessential "it was a good idea on paper" Zelda game.

This, TP fails at every concievable aspect. It's like the Final Fantasy VIII of Zelda


>best combat (lynels, combat shrines, the yiga and lizalfos are easily the best enemies in the entire series)
>best traversal
>best overworld
>three amazing dungeons (the other 2 being just 'good')
>most towns and they're more comfy and lively than ever
>great side quests ignoring all fetch-quest ones
>great soundtrack
>the only truly significant weakpoints are low enemy variety, samey dungeon/shrine appearance and balancing (wep durability, food, lategame button mashing, etc.) issues
>Yea Forums hates it and insists that it is the worst 3d zelda ever 0/10 i hate open world can't wait for the sequel!

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>> 1. The Wind Waker (99)
>> 2. Skyward Sword (98)
lol why should I bother reading the rest of this already retarded list?

>2. Skyward Sword (98)
What the hell was with everyone jacking off skyward sword? Did the critics just get a different game? That shit got 9s and 10s across the board, fucking how?

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Zelda blind hype
gamespot actually gave it a real review

To this day it's the only 3D Zelda I have never replayed. It's just that fucking bad

I replayed SS once back to back because of Hero Mode. I played WW once and didn't revisit it until I could get HD for cheap almost 15 years later. BotW, once was enough, like hell I'm putting myself through that mess ever again.

Nintendo and Zelda bonus. Normalfags jerk off zelda games like crazy

i couldn't even finish botw. i beat the 4 stupid mechanical animal things but after i realized theres 0 zelda typical items and puzzles consisted of moving an elephant's trunk to spray water i wasn't interested anymore. i really wanted to like it because the world is pretty big but its so empty and only has recolored enemies and shitty shrines.

i've been playing through oracle of seasons off and on for the first time and its everything botw wasnt.

Twilight Princess was so horrible that it lowered the standards for the series, Skyward Sword was far superior simply for not being a dark & edgy piece of shit

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Came to post this. Skyward Sword is hands down the worst Zelda game.

Skyward Sword, no question.

is no one saying skyward sword because all the zoomers on this site played it first? it's trash.

I've legit enjoyed other Zeldas less. It's not a great game, just not the worst I've played either.


He's right

Worst is Skyward Sword.

Best is Breath of the Wild.

TP and SS each and every time. These are the worst Zelda gameplay, lore, graphics and even music wise. TP has bored me to death, not once have I finished it from start to finish. I always drop it or pick it up at different times and I simply can't finish. SS was immediately sold once I finished it, tried playing it on dolphin with HD graphics and couldn't get through the tutorial. I'd argue that even 4 swords is better than both of them, at least the game is FUN.

He’s wrong

He's really not. TP's greatest sin, slow intro aside, is how inoffensive it ultimately is. It does the things you'd expect Zelda to do, mostly as you'd expect them to do it. The series has absolutely fallen harder on its face than arguably THE safest entry in the series. Anytime TP faltered it landed with the impact of a Nerf dart, that's how by the books it was.

He’s probably either

This, threads over

No one will admit it, but this is 100% correct. Too bad TP came out during most Yea Forums user's formative years and they're blind to it's flaws.

>tfw you've beaten TP like 7 times and SS twice

To each their own.

Ocarina of Time was the trend setter though?

It's not 100% correct because the unique aspects of WW and SS weren't done particularly well. I don't get the free pass WW's sailing gets when it panned out to just be a more complicated take on typical N64 Zelda exploration, it did depressingly little to actually take advantage of the opportunities it had with its open sea. As for SS, I don't think that needs explaining, its ideas are wildly hit and miss and most would agree to that, if not label the game an outright miss altogether.

skyward sword and it isn't close

Nostalgia fags will never admit, but this is objectively correct

skyward shit, followed closely by botw.

Attached: breath of the wild.jpg (1920x1080, 1.5M)

Why does every Fedora's Mask fag feel threatened by Ocarina of Time?

No he's right, You are just seething because of your bias towards TP. But the fact is that it's a mediocre piece of shit that nobody wants to play because it's just a poor man's OOT. WW had flawless graphics, soundtrack, sense of wonder & SS had all of the same things WW had except far better storytelling & characterization out of any Zelda. That's what people remember about those games, which is what makes them special. TP has nothing, because it relies so much on rehashing concepts from OOT & being as needlessly dark/edgy as possible to pander to autistic Westies complaints about WW. There was no passion or desire to make the game, it was made simply by obligation. Miyamoto himself even said it was Souless

Nintendo / Zelda Bonus, this happens everytime a new 3D Zelda is released.

When the improved sequel of the tech-demo called BotW gets released a few years from now, critics will "suddenly" realize the flaws of the antecessor.

>Ocarina of Time was the trend setter though?
It was just copying the metroid formula you fucking retard.
>b-but it invented Z-targeting!
That didn't set any trends except for console garbage and OoT wasn't even the first game to do it.

You shared zero praise for the gameplay elements, presumably because WW and SS fuck those up to varying degrees while TP at least treads water with solid dungeons and pacing in its latter 2/3rds. I'd rather take a 3D Zelda that gets the gameplay down pat over one that tried to innovate but fell short in the process. SS at least had some moments of quality so I'm willing to give that one some leeway but WW is just a third rate N64 Zelda with half-baked innovations in my eyes.

> Officially Recognized among every Journalism outlet, Developer & Wikipedia themselves as the most influential 3D game ever made beside Mario 64
> Still seething & claiming it was piggybacking off literal who games that nobody gives a single fuck about
Kill yourself Boomer

>Journalism outlet, Wikipedia themselves as the most influential 3D game ever


Not an argument contrarian, being so deffensive against popular opinion just proves that you are seething & just hating on OOT to be edgy & unique

>Journalism outlet, Developer & Wikipedia
wew lad

>Still seething & claiming it was piggybacking off literal who games
What notable non-nintendo games use actual OoT style lock on targeting? Serious question. And don't say Souls games because they use something completely different.

Skyward sword is an interactive story. Barely a game.

Either Breath of the Wild or Wind Waker. When I say Skyward Sword is better than Wind Waker, that's because I'm a dungeonfag and WW dungeons were not that good. It's hard to be objective here.

Ocarina of Time is just a glorified Mega Man Legends, it's nowhere near as influential as other "3D" games like Mario 64, Wolfenstein 3D / Doom, Tomb Raider, Virtua Fighter, Virtua Racing, Gran Turismo

Seething, actual cope more about the irrelevance of those literal who games (EX: Mario), while i continue to laugh about how OOT is still considered the GOAT after nearly 21 years

I adore both those games. Only tangible thread between them is the targeting system, and to that end you can say the same for Tomb Raider. Even the dungeon design isn't particularly similar, though Legends has its advantages as well. But the thing with OoT compared to Legends/TR is that it solved the problem of close combat in 3D. Both Legends and TR focused on long range combat, simply lock on and pull the trigger. OoT's swordplay was significantly more involved and genuinely innovative for its time.

ALBW is a good game, lazy like most modern Nintendo games, but good

Link's Awakening is amazing

If we're talking objectively, it can be none, all, or any of them. If we're talking factually, Skyward Sword and BoTW. Skyward Sword for it's stupid as fuck gimmicky sword play and story problems, and BoTW . . .it's certainly not bad. Better than most open world games. But it lacks the same magic and atmosphere that zelda is known for. Shit/not enough dungeons, easy to break combat system, towns/"""cities""" are too small/not enough of them, shit voice acting, shit collectathon side quests, and just not enough Zelda tropes and classic Zelda design aspects.