Espeon is the cutest, smartest and overall best pokemon

Espeon is the cutest, smartest and overall best pokemon.

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Other urls found in this thread: guy_griffon_humans riding griffons_peter griffin_pun_riding.png


popplio is

this belongs on /vp/ though

I'll never forgive it for that Magic Bounce Baton Pass bullshit

>vaporeon will never give you a wet bj

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Shut the fuck up you furgins

I'd fuck it.


Wife material

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Too bade we live on two seperate planes of existence, user

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Post more fuckable mons


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Dawn is the cutest, smartest and overall best pokegirl.

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>Le furgin meme xD
We have more sex than you pedoweeb

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no renamon

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Muh nigga

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>furgins actually get buttblasted when you call them furgins

>virgins calling others virgins

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having your dog lick your balls isn't sex

Make me kike

wat the fuck just happened

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>janny deleting individual posts instead of deleting the off-topic thread
Fucking retard


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nuh-uh my Alakazam has over 5,000 IQ so he's the smartest

Garbage. Audino is better

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>fucks dog
>haha i'm not a virgin get rekt


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>hooman good
>anything not hooman bad

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Mods can move threads, why isn't this moved to /vp/?

>doesn't even know what virgin means but uses it anyway

...untill sylveon came along

yes user i agree

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No. These things always go in cycles for me

Raping your dogs does not count as losing your virginity


Nah, I still like human female characters, I just like nonhuman ones more.

That's not lapras

I never said I stopped faping to human females, I just get bored of the same stuff and look for new stuff.

Why does /vp/ even exist if furgins won't use it and don't get punished for posting their shit here?

being a retard doesn't mean anything you say has value

I would say I was about 11 or so and I found animal girls to be cute then that went to pokemon, digimon, then I found out about furries, of course no one knew about furries back then and neither did I and I didn't really care so I just went along with it all and never looked back. I never really found anything without a tail and ears to be attractive, and the human face is just so flat.


I would fuck anything that is female and reciprocates desu

Why was this deleted?

Because humans are fucking boring and generic. Anthros are better designed and more interesting before you even write a backstory for them. Can't expect people on a website dedicated to some of the most stale mediums (anime) to understand quality writing and design

To make you sperg out like you are doing right now.

Tranny janny in another one of her moods again

they don't want furry propaganda to spread

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I just find most pornstars to be fucking hideous
honestly the human body is pretty ugly

I couldn't imagine being this obsessed.

>anti furry comments deleted
>Thread still up
Based, racism against furries is ending, claim your waifus/husbandos!

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keep goin

>is it that you people lost attraction to human female characters?
I was born human, fuck humans, eat humans, breath through a human body, surrounded by humans, "argue" with humans


I want something more, even if it's just an idea/theory atm

Someone post Vaporeon applying lotion

Do you know how much furry was deleted? in fact, I don't think any antifur comments were deleted

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lee's dead
he killed himself you know right
its ALL your fault

this, so much this

with the rise in kemono in the east people around there may start understanding

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Sceptile is better

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>Mods deleting furry propaganda posts

BASED time to put an end to the FurryDiscord mafia

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>Thread still up
Not quite yet sweetie

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I wish Pokemon ware real.
I would not even lewd them.
Just catch a bunch of fluffy cute ones and let them sleep on top of me like a living blanket.
Dogs and cats for we reason realy like to sleep on top of me in real life so i have half of the problems solved.

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Mods are showing the deleted posts to everyone, furgin. It's like a public execution to kill your spirits and low the morale of your goons.

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This. Fug is an added bonus.

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If you say so pedoweeb lol

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Yeah, keep laughing dogfucker, your days are numbered.

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Dont lewd Pokemon!
Before marriage

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>Furry more popular than ever
>Y-your days are numbered!
How's that loli board coming along cutie?

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>>Furry more popular than ever

pfffffftttttttt yeah, right

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Furry isn't allowed outside of Yea Forums, exactly like loli.

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Fucking hang yourself shill guy_griffon_humans riding griffons_peter griffin_pun_riding.png

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TO be fair you can post non lewd loli all the time and not get banned.
But even completely 100% SFW furry is bannable unless its video game related.

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Honestly furry's need their own board like fur on 4+4 chan.

You're in way over your head.
Aliens are furries, and you're nothing more than a rat that stemmed from feline gods


>Pokemon are real
>Go outside to play with your Growlithe puppy
>Get shanked by a Beedrill
>Corpse is dragged underground and eaten by a Trapinch
>Soul is burned away by Litwick

I'm good man.

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>completely 100% SFW furry is bannable unless its video game related.

Imagine being so ass-blasted by a group you make a bot on a chinese finger painting website.
Have sex please

>furry, period, is contained to Yea Forums
>meanwhile, sfw loli is a-okay
Feels good.

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Why do I get the feeling that this thread is just going to devolve into porn? We never have any good pokemon threads. I know /vp/ exists, but its not a containment board and we can still talk about the games here.

No, they can just fuck off to another site.
/trash/ is where the off topic shit threads go. You're literally admitting that furryshit belongs in the trash can.

Based pedo chads

Pokemon are fighters, not waifu!

>we can still talk about the games here.
OP didn't want to talk about the games. He wants to talk about sex with Espeon.

Which is where it belongs.

idk, you wanna see my 6ft vappy plush?