Shitposted for months that it would be casual

>shitposted for months that it would be casual
>ends up being the hardest among FROMs games and mindbroke Yea Forums to the point it gets daily help threads specifically on how to cheese this game

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People bought a DDR game and expected Fable

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?what does that have to do with BB?

err *sekiro

There were "help" threads for literally every soulsborne game since DeS

the game is hard but not that hard, it's basically simon says, if someone can't understand the rules then they lose

Sekiro is a DDR game. Instead of up down left right it has dodge, deflect, jump, attack

He's calling Sekiro a rhythm game.

>Yea Forumsedditors are casual trash
what a surprise

I'm like an hour in. it's objectively better than any souls game. bloodborne is still superior. sekiro is only hard because you keep trying to play it like souls.

>Yea Forumsedditors can't defeat a tranny in smash bros
>Yea Forumsedditors are to shit to play and finish Sekiro
Gas Chambers for them when?


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This, the only difficulty in the game comes from pattern recognition

But sekiro has tool, item, combat art too... also in rhythm games says you have to do the exact thing... but in sekiro there are usually multiple answers for each move. also, you and your enemy dictate the fight and you don't get to attack or mount offense in DDR/simon says

this is as stupid as saying fighting games are rhythm games. are you some sort of retarded blackman-african ape?

Just make sure to pirate it so the shills stop posting.

>I'm like an hour in
that doesn't mean much, the game is 16-20 hours long, maybe more if you focus on trying to find secrets/side stuff without googling
A lot of the flaws don't reveal themselves until the end especially if you want to do NG+

Before this meme takes off, how is this game more DDR than any of the soulsborne games?

that's basically the same as any hard game, congratz.

anyone who's seen Yea Forums try to discuss any competitive game already knew this

this entire board is just lonely fucks who use games primarily for zero-effort escapism. it's why New Vegas is on literally every single 3x3.

Not really. Owl’s second fight takes pretty stellar reaction time to beat

you actually have to press more than one button. in souls dodge mash wins, but in sekiro you have to use 4 different dodges essentially

>I'm like an hour in.

You're in for a treat user

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Souls requires only 2 buttons to win, R1 and Roll. Sekiro requires 4 buttons, L1, R1, Dodge and Jump. It is objectively twice as hard to play perfectly.

>bloodborne is still superior
20fpsbornee isn't even superior to any of the 4 souls games you snoy

there are optimal responses for different moves, for sweeps you jump, for thrusts you mikiri, for grabs you get out of the way

Parrying in sekiro is ridiculously easy compared to souls since you don't have near as many frames of vulnerability and can spam deflect back to back AND the Parry button is the same as block so if you fuck up you're still safe. Also in souls holding block slows stamina regen but here in sekiro blocking speeds up posture regen

Consecutive deflections are incredibly forgiving and build stupid amounts of posture damage on bosses, same with mikiri counters and double jumps .I like the game but combined with bosses auto deflecting your attacks it really does feel like a rhythm game more than anything else

I'm pretty shit at souls games but even I manage to parry sekiro's hardest bosses

It's not, but Souls games tried to be adventure games and not action games, so it was okay to have mediocre combat mechanics back then.

I’m Ben Sekiro.
Ok this is epic

>daily help thread
It’s a Yea Forums general

i mean, you’re not wrong desu senpai

The posture system, it being the primary focus for defeating enemies means you have to stay on them and reflect/mikiri counter, whatever to break their posture and a lot of enemies postures go down very quickly if you back off. there are a good few bosses you could cheese by just running back and forth getting cheap shots until you hit by hit kill them but that's both boring and takes away from one of the biggest experiences of the game. souls games had build variety to keep the bosses fresh, magic and things could be tackled in several ways to make the experience differ from run to run
Pattern recognition with good timing then

I don't get how people have trouble with guardian ape. Maybe it's because I fought him directly after genichiro but he was a complete pushover.

He has no auto deflect hax like genichiro does which means you can constantly beat the motherfucker up to the point he's easily staggered and stunlocked in his first phase, the poison fart and poop attacks can be jumped out of and have super high recovery.

Phase 2 he's even easier to parry than phase 1 and all you have to do to win is loaded spear his neck three or four times after the overhead

I probably spent 10x as much time at genichiro than I did at ape

It's the GOTY

That game's MGR with less options and more broken stealth mechanics, how is it hard?

I'm halfway thru, I have actually been just dodge-hitting every enemy and that has worked just fine. The tactic is as fast as the old games, but I take parrying would cut that time more.

>bosses auto deflecting your attacks
this is the thing that bugs me the most, you can usually only get 1 or 2 hits, sometimes 3 max before they just deflect everything
the tracking makes it so openings are very small as well

Dogding and attacking is great up until the final boss pretty much and maybe a few choice enemies

I also love how this game completely broke DMC tards as well

Against Isshin you need to unseal the lost and forbidden Souls technique known as "Sprint in circles and running attack as the boss recovers"

Only the most vile and powerful shinobi can handle this secret art

>don't get how people have trouble with guardian ape.
he overwhelms you on first encounter with fast relentless spasm attack patterns but once you get used to it he's fairly easy.