Bloodborne 2 would have been better

Bloodborne 2 would have been better.

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What we got is even better


Sekiro is amazing. I don't want Bloodborne 2 but another spiritual souls follow up after a new Armored Core.

I genuinely feel bad for people who feel this way.

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Who gives a fuck, where's Tenchu?


nice we got rid of soulsfags now we have bornefags

A new Bloodborne DLC would've been nice.

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bloodborne 2 would have been locked to the shitstation 4
i hope they never make another exclusive ever again

remember the delusional bloodbornefags who thought this pic proved it was bb2

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This is the grass is greener fallacy. You think whatever you didn't get would've been better than what you did get.

Is /bbg/ STILL seething that we got peak from?

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Why are bloodbornefags so fucking annoying and insufferable?

>why are they making the same game every time
>why did they make something different

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what even was this? the prosthetic?

You feel bad for people enjoying themselves?

why do sony fans not want bloodborne in 60+ fps? felt like playing it in 30fps with drops worsened the experience for me, especially considering its an action game

Things I don't like:
Nip aesthetic
Bloodborne fanbase

Please don't make Armored Core or ninja games Miyazaki

I think bb2 would be such because Japan studio is based as fuck but I think as a side project Sekiro blew away expectations for me personally and is a very well done more streamlined soulsborn game

Bloodborne is inspired in art design and mechanical ideas. But the execution of the action and gameplay is garbage. The level design is also low tier. Also the voodoo aesthetic that keeps popping up is jarring next to the traditional horror and eldritch horror.

Fuck bloodborne, great ideas executed poorly

It's still their best game, you fucking drone.

I played BB for the first time recently. I loved it, the only flaw for me was that there were several areas and some bosses that simply weren"t fun. Snake forest, the swamps etc. I don't know why they keep putting swamp levels in these fucking games

Also the Hunter vs Hunter fights weren't good


>were several areas and some bosses that simply weren"t fun
it's not supposed to be "fun"

Soulsfags in general are fucking annoying.
>muh variety
>muh PvP

Console faggots clinging to the only thing they had left.

>Pvp bad

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>it's not supposed to be "fun"

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Ok, it also wasn't well designed. Is it not supposed to that either?

>Forbidden Woods

Thats not how you spell armored core: for answer dipshit

I liked parts of the woods. The good part, with villagers


To make it again as a ps exclusive? Do a new ip for that like they did with dark souls
I'd rather have a new kings field or shadow tower

The entire level is amazingly well designed

Agreed. I don't really care about exclusives but From seems to do their best work when working with Japan Studio. They're great developers too.

Still really love Sekiro but Bloodborne remains my favorite Fromsoft game. I hope BB2 is happening, I also hope they're working on it for ps5 and prioritize 60fps. I'm happy to wait as long as it's done right.

>putting your face with a blank stare or open mouth on every thumbnail
why does the average movie reviewer do this?

Sekiro is just a stepping stone to the masterpiece that will be BB2.
They'll learn that they should stick to SIE, and they will learn from their mistake to produce the best video game experience ever in two years.

They force themselves to believe their mediocre slideshow of a game is good and desperately try to convince others of their delusion

>Souls, Borne, AC, Tenchu, KF Nostalgiars, Niche Releases like Otogi'rs/MetalWolf, and now Sekiro'rs all hate each others guts
>Not counting Demon - Dark 1 - 3, AC 1-3 / AC4A / ACV all have their own fanbases that criticize the other

From Software fans gotta be the most decisive group under a singular developer umbrella in all of gaming. Why can't we all just get along and realize the reason everyone is so split is that almost all From Soft games are solid and they have a varied library that's akin to how developers used to be like when Square would making fighting games, shmups, puzzle games and each would be a good release. Let's unite and be at peace bros... and realize the only people we should shit on are Dark Souls 2 - 3 loyalists who hold on to the two most tired releases in the series.

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basedface is really popular amongst weak normies

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>At least 3 or 4 DS/BB threads a day and the games are between 4 and 8 years old
We're here to stay user

Yes, you're here to make threads about ranking the games over and over.

literally soulless

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That's what really good games do to you.

>Still no BB pro patch

Absolutely unacceptable.





what if space souls

Tenchu revival would have been better

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I too wish to know this

care to elaborate or just being a faggot

Its legit Tenchu with a different name.

no every direct sequel to any of From's action games have been hollow, shittier versions of the original. they should just keep making new stuff.

I feel bad for BBfags now that they see that BB was really imperfect and should have been more like Sekiro to be really balanced.
You can love the lovecraft setting, but Sekiro is a better game in everything excepting for music (I wish Kitamura had made Sekiro's tracks).

All of the games are garbage. From should make something actually new for once or just make another armored core.

bloodborne does not need a sequel
I hope sekiro doesn't get one either
There's nothing wrong with making a new IP with no sequels, in fact it should be encouraged

Also this

>soulsfags don't play the other from games
color me unsurprised
Miyazaki is gonna run it into the ground

Have you seen the Souls rate threads? The general consesus is:

Bloodborne > Sekiro > DS1 > DeS > DS3 >>> DS2

Miyazaki sucks when it comes to sequels. None of the Dark Souls games had the magic after 1. He's better when left alone to do one-offs and be done with it. Sequels are fucking cancer anyway.