People thought link was a girl back in the day's of the original

>people thought link was a girl back in the day's of the original.
how's this make you feel, Yea Forums? would you a redhead link?

Attached: D20rITvU8AAbcT4.jpg (1034x1200, 330K)

Attached: D20rITtUYAEVLi6.jpg (1005x1199, 291K)

Attached: D20rITtUgAAlweU.jpg (1180x1200, 343K)

>pantsu shot.

Attached: D20rITvUgAAhbqG.jpg (1200x1196, 350K)

With how much SS & BOTW raped the timeline with their retcons would you guys be mad if they gave us a Gender option for Link in the next Zelda?

What magazine is this?

most games your gender doesn't even matter.

I have a feeling movieblob will visit this thread. I'm scared.

Also, hot tbqh.


that or dobson.

>magazine mascot dressed like Link
You people are delusional, seaching any excuse for your faggotry

>Would you a redhead link

I would literally any Link.

ANY Link.

Those are pin up pics, not actual 'this is the character'.

But femLink is always cute.

As long as the female Link is cute and has floofy hair, I'm down for that.

This. It was pretty common at the time in Japanese magazines.

They would not be able to get away with this nowadays.

I'd like to see more

Looks more like a diaper haha.

Hell yeah I want that.

Well, he's a blob too, you know.

how did SS and BOTW raped the timeline?

They raped good game design at least.