I don't know what to put here.
Sekiro help thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I love Kuro.
I'm doing a no damage boss run for each boss in the game. Is there any that is missable and if so what is the point of no return?
Please reply
Gas headcanonfags
When do I have to beat owl (father) in order to get the purification ending? I’m at the dragon boss right now, but I’m afraid to fight him because I heard it locks me into the standard ending if I don’t beat the spoiler’d boss first. Also, he’s pushing my shit in way more than he did when I first fought him any tips?
Come up with something funny. If i could do it literally anyone can.
which red fucker?
Its the same boss you fought earlier in the game. Just deflect him until he kills himself. Jump kick his sweep
>Rice Loli is found in home of shady monks
>They protect her
>They are centipedes
>She gives out rice that makes people go into a catatonic state (see the old ladies after you give them rice) and love her and her rice
>Only Kotaro and Rice loli see the children, which Rice loli herself probably sucked the blood out of (read the permission description)
>When you kill the monks who have been providing her with children to drain she eventually gets weak from lack of blood and you have to feed her permissions that help with things that have a "lack of blood"
>She gives you "special rice" to give to Kuro to complete the unholy union of centipede and dragon blood
>You feed her snake hearts that grow her power
>Kuro eats the rice in an eavesdropping scenario
>Kuro gets absorbed by rice loli and you leave with her to go spread the centipedes across all of china
I rest my case
The only one I've found in the game so far.
My only available fights are either him or Lady Butterfly at this point.
oil --> fistful of ash/firecracker --> charged flame vent. Really good combo for vitality damage
so who the hell is this guy?
no one knows where the fuck you are in the game, describe him
I heard you can fight him jsut before the final boss
Fuck off with your dumb headcanon, people ripped it apart in the last thread. Infested do not have dragons blood, Divine Child drops dragon tears.
Get the bell to go to the past zone and you can get the prosthetic there. You're also able to get 2 prayer beads there that can help you get some extra life for the Ogre
long necked dragon giraffe
Where do i fucking farm
Stop posting this faggot shit, this is a help thread, not a homo headcanon thread
If I had to guess, when the Dragon drifted over from China it has these retainers just follow it and that's what they do, they just serve the dragon.
> i have no concrete proof
So you basicly admitted that you're full of shit
>i can prove is that she isn't as innocent as she seems she is
You didnt prove shit cause your headcanon is based on that the Divine Child is a centipede and that already got blown the fuck out. Goodbye.
The first chained guy with red eyes you find, in the Ashino stairway area. Right after the merchant who was is also in the flashback.
I think these threads have attracted extremely autistic mongos that usually infest generals. It might be time to stop.
I just beat Emma and Isshin finishing my first playthrough. Is the game a lot different in New Game+? The only other From Soft game where I did NG+ was Dark Souls 2 and it added a bunch of new enemies and some new items. Is Sekiro similar or is NG+ more or less the same as NG?
>He must defend his precious rice loli's honor
what does giving sake to npcs do?
Dragon tears
God fucking damn it you retarded ape its literally two iai counters to posture break him why would you need help with that
Oh the fucking ogre. Jesus christ.
Yes there is, literally answered already some 50 times in last thread.
answered this last thread, if you are endgame spawn at the first ogre boss area, then run up towards the castle stabbing all the red dudes in the back, run ends at the bridge
How the fuck do you get there?
>He doesn't know i was the original OP of these threads
Sucks to be you
What are the most important prosthetic upgrades?
how the FUCK are you supposed to know that you have to eavesdrop on kuro at a specific point in the game, by hiding behind a wall? you never have to do that with any of the other eavesdrops in the game and theres no prompt or hint about this as far as im aware? or is there?
>retard posting retard shit
>instead of ignoring him they give him all the yous
This is why Yea Forums needs to be erased.
No, its just harder mostly
Optional dialogue that gives backstory to some characters
nobody cares. you have lived long enough to become the villain.
Too slow
it was a good run, but now most info can be found online
time to wrap it up
just some special dialogue if youre into the lore and all that
How do you kill the undead centipede monks ?
Muh dick lol
the dragon came from korea, he uses the seven-branched sword which was gifted to japs by koreans
What the hell are iai counters?
I've gotten behind him before, like I said, but there is no deathblow option while he's chained. Do I need to trigger him releasing himself, then run away, eat stealth sugar, and get behind him again?
keep playing
I love how mad you guys get. I'm going to be here for a while get used to it.
Keep playing the game
All shield upgrades, they hard counter some bosses.
you know the big open cave area between poison pool and the hidden forest? Spawn poison pool and start walking towards that, look up and to the left
Play the game.
>I've gotten behind him before, like I said, but there is no deathblow option while he's chained. Do I need to trigger him releasing himself, then run away, eat stealth sugar, and get behind him again?
there is a deathblow option behind him. I've done it myself twice. No you don't need to trigger him releasing himself. Literally stealth behind him while he's enchained and stab that nigga in the butt when the recticle turns red.
look to your left side in the tunnel after you fought the snake eyes guy in the area. there should be an opening on the left wall you can grapple to
>do you know where my lord is
what a cunt
Does giving the cute temple girl the special permisson you get from kotaro do anything.
Approach him from the Dojo side not from Isshin's room. You should have or could easily obtain some oil. Throw Oil, wait, Deflect his Ashina Cross, if he ever sweeps Jump charged R2 with the big fire, he's on fire now. Go back to deflecting
If you instead mean the Ogre, same advice applies, literally just set him on fire
>nobody has advice to give because they’re too busy arguing with faggot nigger lorefags to play the game
Let’s hope you’re right, I want to do other stuff before I bother letting him fuck my ass more
whta the fuck is this screenshot
Ill love posting this retarded headcanon once DLC disproves it
anything firecrackers, only useful prosthetic in the game.
Beating Diving Dragon only locks out the Return ending if you haven't gotten the Frozen tear yet, since Kuro will be missing you can't ever give him the riceloli rice to progress her side of the quest
When I did it he didn't turn red at all, even when I was right up against him. I just got the chance to wail on him for a bit before he broke free.
Well, guess I'll just try the same thing again and see if it works this time, thanks.
I know about the fire barrel, been using that and Oil on every attempt, but thanks anyway user.
>Rice loli is love, Rice Loli is life
does anyone know what are those plants?
>Caring about plot in a fromsoft game
Please leave
didn't notice the bugs running around in a circle the centipede monk at first
How to kill the snake eyes mini boss in the gun valley?
Can you even start the fight with a backstab?
>Played most of the game without a guide
>Completely missed gun fort into sunken valley and got stuck
>Had to look up how to get there
>Felt retarded afterwards
>Close to end of game now
>Afraid I missed out on some ending stuff because I heard it gives different bosses and I want to experience them all
>Look up endings just in case I missed some miniscule shit
>Turns out I was perfectly fine for purification ending and just had to keep playing
Motherfucker. I know I'm far enough for it not to matter but I really wanted to do the entire first playthrough with no googling or guides for some reason. I forgot while typing this, but I also missed white pinwheel and had to google that. Anyone else feel bad when they google stuff but not bad at all when they ask for tips in the thread? I also couldnt get into lady butterfly's room for so long because I missed talking to Owl in the memory somehow.
How to fix this bullshit game.
>Remove posture and health link
>Posture now builds 2x or 3x as fast
>Mortal blow does not kill now instead does the damage of a visceral from BB or riposte from DS
>HP on mortal blow for default
>Skill to get spirit emblems from doing a mortal blow
>You can now do tool only challenge runs and don't have to reply on heals
you have to come from the giraffe save point
>>When you kill the monks who have been providing her with children to drain she eventually gets weak from lack of blood
Why are you trying to make bait about game you didn't play?
Advice for rape ape?
Should I just take phase 2 super slow and only attack after his big lunging single slash?
Yes. There is a ledge on the left side of the arena. Get ready to run once you get up there and past the wall hug because the rest of the sniper will shoot you. Go and kill them then go back to snake eyes and sneak up on her.
I cheesed him with a ledge. He gets stuck on it and you can just jump and slash.
I just played the game and did not care about what ending. Looked up bosses after I beat it and saw I missed owl so I just replayed the game, its more fun the 2nd time.
what exactly is unseen aid
and also eating a sweep because i dodged instead of jump feels terrible
The seven branched sword was made in China, dumb ass.
You can stun him with ash and firecrackers.
Lady butterfly is just Hino-enma.
Genichiro is just discount Moonshiggy.
Read the permission description
you keep your exp and gold after death with it, lore wise it's various NPCs helping you when you die,
Guess it's like one of those spooky Japanese ghosts that however you answer her stupid fucking question you're either gonna have your mouth cut or arm cut off.
I like the music she played as well as the Mist Noble. Pretty creepy and I'm curious if it's on the OST.
deflect his big overhead swing, it will stun him for a while
Play the game.
Help. Owl V2 is just too good.
I am now also scared for NG+ Isshin and Hatred.
Who can you give Sake to? I know Emma and the Sculptor, anyone else?
Where do I find a big strong guy for that thief NPC?
How? As soon as you jump up there you get swarmed by 100 bugs trying to bit your wolf dick
I did. You obviously didn't.
the fat retard in senpou temple works
The snipers won't hit you on that platform so just learn the patterns. If you see her kick she's going to shoot after and if you dodge the grab you can punish easily. Outside of that just parry her swings because they are slow as shit
Basically, as long as you don't cheese, the fight will actually force you to learn all of the mechanics of the game and you will have a lot better of a time on all the other bosses
Find the big lad in the Buddhist temple.
Keep in mind he has all sorts of questline outcomes so think carefully.
Are you fucking dumb? She was among the children who didn't survive the water boarding. She didn't steal their life force.
>Same image from other thread
Anyone had random BSOD playing this game, or is my PC going to the shitter?
>20+ Tries on lady butterfly and genichiro
>single run on ape and owl
Ummmm yikes... game suppose to be easier on the long run?
If you mean the baby face I already made him appear in the hall of illusions. I guess the other quest is over now then?
Thief? You mean the surgeon? You got two choices:
The moat defender (the really dark skin guy that hangs around the well where you first started the game). He'll eventually move further into the well and inside the Abandoned Dungeon next to the idol past the blue ghost nigger. There you'll have a chance to redirect him to the surgeon
The next would be the big fatass at the beginning of Senpou Temple crying about a pinwheel. Give him a red and white one and you'll be able to redirect him anywhere from shopkeepers to the surgeon.
That is actually my image. Why wouldn't i post it?
So you're just retarded?
She gets weak from making rice. It has nothing to do with killing the monks. An is only related to how many times you visit.
Persimon description implies she's making the rice from her own blood.
The game should have more ninjutsu. They are all fun to use, but having only three sucks.
that probably means you were detected then
make sure you use the stealth sugar before attempting to sneak up on him
How does the hidden tooth actually work?
samurai looking for o'rin is another option
I've heard there's a fifth skill book obtained after you get the ultimate skill for any tree, how do I get it? Also holy shit Headless become complete non-issues with the Lilac Umbrella, the RB move with it is insane.
I had the game crash earlier today and when it did my GPU or CPU fan span up for a second. Thought it shut off my PC at first
I never said she killed the monks. I think she may have been killing the children.
Nah, but it locked up on me last night.
Yeah, I've used ash in my previous attempts. Starting to run out though.
Alright, will do.
there's a person who knows everything about swrods, talk to him
The rice is centipede eggs. Look what happens to the old lady
You bite it you die, its that simple.
Where’s cheat engine??? Finna play like gta
>durr i got better at a game the more i played
He's mostly the same except for the firecrackers and shuriken mixups. With the firecrackers, either dodge back and use a shuriken+follow up attack, dodge towards him and attack if you're close enough, or make sure you're all the way behind him. Everything else is just memorizing his attacks and deflecting everything.
For his last phase, just run when he disappears unless you're very confident you can deflect his attack when he shows back up, and same for his big fire attack. He almost always follows up that fire attack with a very long reaching thrust attack so beready to mikiri counter that or run and get behind him
Thief is the merchant npc before the chained ogre. He is the guy stealing shit in the memory area. If you kill him in the memory he disappears in the current timeline
He's already dead too
??? It works exactly like you think it would
Just got done with Isshin lads! Took me 1 hour, thought it would be more difficult but he was very generous with giving me mikiri counters.
would be cool if some cool samurai you fought would literally onigiri himself while saying something like "im a disgrace to my mentor/clan, youre a better warrior" if you deflected him multiple times in a row into stance break.
missed opportunity desu.
I heard shura ending unlock a special judgement cut skill.
What does other ending give you?
The game has terrible bugs that lock you out of quest completions, it's mindboggling.
>I think she may have been killing the children.
You're a fucking idiot. The people at the temple who are older than her even say she s the only survivor of the rejuvenating waters. she isn't killing anybody you blind fucker.
the vertical shockwave thing
As I’ve said before, people are preemptively calling the game hard, it’s actually pretty easy. I only ever played dark souls 1 way back when, so i never had to unlearn anything. If you just take the info the game provides and go along with it without applying knowledge from other from games I feel it’s very straightforward and not meant to be super difficult.
Who cares. Non of the quests actually give you anything good
>find stone
>can't teleport to kuro's room
There's a boss waiting for me there, isn't there?
Why is drill spear so fucking fun?
citation needed
She dies, because she's old and frail. By your logic she should be infested.
So, how am I supposed to fight a Dark Souls boss without i-frames?
I beat genichiro!
I know there's tougher shit but i feel on top of the world (in this hood)
Wow what a l337 gamer we have here!
those bugs can't be killed they just run around in a circle while the monk is alive and stop moving when he's been downed, they're above him at all time
THATS how you get the judgement cut?! Aw man. Guess I’m doin shura for my second playthrough. You can still NG++ after it right?
Run around him.
His ass.
Yeah you're actually supposed to avoid attacks instead of phasing through them
There are so many combat arts (even though you can only pick one...) but most of them suck right?
Which are useful?
Got no eavesdrop on kuro and the kid in the inner sanctum only progressed after killing the divine dragon, after which she gave me rice I can't use anymore.
So I got all the ingredients, did the whole quest lines but I can't finish them. They basically spoiled their own secret endings to me.
The exact same thing happens to her even if she never gets any rice.
Only bosses left are
>Demon of Hatred
>Seven Spears & Friend
>Genichiro + Sword Saint
And the little bitch still wont let me feed her serpent fruit
Good to know demon/seven spears 2 is optional at least, but this shit ain't fun
uh i enter a very spooky dark cave and came out near a bell. is it a dead end or something?
i'm scared to go back into that fucking cave with the spooky headless guy
Yeah, no shit, but there are barely any opportunities to get a hit in and he has three fucking dots. How long is this fight supposed to take?
Yes and she also warns you not to go to the temple when you first show up. Do you realize how powerful this kid is? She literally created the illusory halls for the souls kids that died(if that is actually what is happening with her and kotaro). Why would you take this kid at her word with all of that power?
In not sayin that, as it seems most people reach a point where it ‘clicks’ for them and then they say they one shot various bosses afterward. That just happened pretty early for me, I assume because I was never big into the souls games.
I’m confident everyone in this thread can one shot Oniwa and Bull like I did provided the click happens beforehand.
Don't use any of the combat arts that require spirit emblems, they aren't that good and the free combat arts are far superior. The spirit emblem ones just look flashier.
Armchair designers like you always have the worst fucking ideas. None of those changes would make this a better game.
She warns Wolf not to go to the temple because she thinks he might get captured and experimented on if he goes there, dumb ass. She doesn't say "don't come here because I will murder you". Why is your headcanon so fucking retarded?
Best way to farm xp?
>deflect attacks
>posture breaks anyway
am i fucking doing something wrong
Dude! You are so good at video games! You should start streaming so we can see what a god gamer you are! First try all bosses? Thats crazy!
>wake up
>/sip/ Amp
>fire up Xbone
>grind the rat run for 3 points to grab Flowing Water
>alright mada baba, lets dance
>get her down to second death blow
>spirit of Jack overtakes me
>completely overwhelm her with my most vicious assault on any vidya boss in recent memory
Not today granny.
But seriously thank fuck that's over with, getting her so close and losing so many times was starting to trigger stress symptoms
Use invisibility sugar, sneak around the left side and kill the friend for free.
You're either eating massive attacks that do a lot of damage and will do high posture damage if parried or you aren't parrying properly.
Better game then what we got. You just have a small brain.
You are taking a character at face value. In fucking Fromsoftware game. I'm the retarded one though right?
I told my buddy some days ago that the game has one of the biggest ETF moments in a from game.
He's Ape P1 right now, writing me about how hard it is. I'm giddy with anticipation about his reaction when it happens, any minute now.
>HP on deathblow by default
>skill to recharge spirit emblems
>remove posture health link
You're just a casual who wants to make the game easier.
I played Dark Souls 1 and really enjoyed it (but never finished it) should I play Dark Souls 1 remastered edition again to finish it, and then Dark Souls 2 & 3 in order before Sekiro?
I don't know why I've skipped the games, I really liked Dark Souls 1 and I love other games like Monster Hunter
Then you did not deflect. There are attacks that knock you back even if you deflect but they won't break your posture.
I highly doubt she coudl do anything if Sekiro just said "fuck it" and stabbed her with Mortal Blade
Also she didin't create the illusory temple
omg what the fuck how do i get rid of this demon bell buff.
>every single character in a fromsoft game is eveil and has hidden motives!!!
I bet you're one of the retards who thought Wolf and Sculptor were the same person.
ring it again
>everyone say sword saint is hardest boss
>beat it under 10 deaths
Sekiro isn't a Souls game.
Most attacks still build up posture damage when deflected, especially if they are heavy attacks or attacks the game expects you to dodge rather than deflect (such as thrust attacks). There's a reason why Mikiri is a dodge move rather than a deflection move.
did any boss take more?
>that moment when you can finally fuck over those spirit bomb throwing ennemies
God bless the confettis
Deflecting doesn't prevent posture build-up. But deflecting will never break posture. So you might be deflecting wrong.
How far in the game?
2-4 spirit emblems for boss deathblows would be nice though, even if all his other ideas are just awful
Why do you think she wants Sekiro to take the rice? Look at what happens to the old lady afterwards when you give it to her. I get it, she was crazy, but she goes off the rails after she eats the rice.
use it from your inventory
how do i progress from the bell?
do i have to kill lady butterfly now or some shit?
Jesus christ shut the fuck up, you remind me of that dark souls lorefag who thought every single thing in the games happened because it was orchestrated by Velka
You just don't understand variety. Non of that would make the game easy you retard. It would allow for more complex gameplay then "lel block and attack with sword for every boss." Game basically has no replay cause the 2 strats are fight the boss and do everything or cheese the boss. There is literally no other strategy in the game. Every video of people fighting bosses is the same
Does the demon bell have any use? i came across it but didn't ring it
Last place i completed is ashina castle, starting depths and senpo now
Sekiro has coherrent and working plot unlike Soulsborne games.
do carp scales respawn in NG+ fuck this fucking mask I don't feel like revisiting every body of water in the game desperately searching for carp.
LMAO the Divine Child even warned Wolf when he first stepped foot onto the moutain. You would think that being evil like you made her out to be she should be actively luring people in.
She didnt create the folding monkeys, the monkeys and the children are the ones protecting her and she, along with Kotaro and the monk there are the only person who can see them.
Do you even realize what you're saying? Does your brain even function like a normal human being?
We’re all god gamers, user, even you. We’re all gonna make it
There's plenty of opportunities, he takes ages after every attack. When you're close, circle and jump to his left (your right) side. When he's at range, don't just run headlong at him because he'll most likely just catch you with fireballs, so bait an attack and then close back in.
How did you beat the game and not fight Owl? Did you get bad ending by following him?
If only this game had co-op and invasions... I could play it for months
>Don't speculate on the lore!!
Why don't you just leave the thread if you are gonna be a buttblasted faggot
Lady B. is an optional boss. Go search around the mountains full of those small guys with hats again, you missed a ledge you can grab onto.
nevermind i went left instead of right from the shrine and now screen is trembling wew
2nd owl
The loli in the Inner Sanctum opens the door after you get the Fountainhead aroma, or you actually go there through Mibu. You don't want to advance too much.
You can eavesdrop on Kuro after Owl (Ashina). Someone pointed out exactly which wall I should hug and it worked.
I doubt it's bugged. Sounds like you're just a little dumb.
>And the little bitch still wont let me feed her serpent fruit
You are supposed to give her those before you kill the dragon you dumb nigger.
>normal human being
>uses anime avatar
Opinion disregarded.
Ever heard of sleep talking?
sprinting makes it easy as fuck to avoid all their moves
from the abandoned dungeon
>lmao 2 ape
i mean, i appreciate the fact that they bothered to set them up so they attack at the same time only on specific attacks but this could have been done better
i'm pretty sure they made it so that if you managed to pull the centipede out, the brown one jumped your ass everytime
doesn't help that the solo ape is easy as all fuck
Honestly, It took me a few tries but you have no excuse to not beat him. After a while you'll realize how predicable his patterns are. Also, whenever he does his unblockable, just jump, it negates it completely.
The only way to not fight Owl is going with the shura ending.
Yeah stop making retarded headcanons with no actual proof
I could rant about how the sculptor is actually Owl from a different dimension or something like thatand it would still make more sense than your stupid shit
not an arguement :^)
user this is a game for people who HAVEN'T played Souls but enjoyed MGR and Ninja Gaiden, like me
It's Miyazaki taking his weirdly gorgeous aesthetic and kino storytelling and making it more accessible to your entry level weeb who isn't experienced with trudging through Souls
So the rice does make the old lady go into a catatonic state like i said? Wow, thanks for backing me up dude. Very cool.
There aren't very many good farming areas at that point. I've heard that mibu village can be a good place to farm with numerous easy to kill enemies. The senpou monks are good to farm though, they give plenty of candies and about 100 sp's each. I'd recommend creating a route yourself and try to assasinate as many of the monks as you can at the starting temple area. Honestly though, monks lose posture fairly quickly so stealth isn't necessary, but if you want to reestablish it you can use bloodsmoke ninjitsu.
I don't remember probably second owl fight and demon of hatred did early on I don't remember as much
Even if you ignore her she is just gonna make you fight her like the ogre miniboos i think she says something along the lines of
>Why are you ignoring me you must know where lord is but you wont tell me
k lol, she really wasnt that hard just parry and jump on here
Is the second ape fight with his buddy avoidable? Can I go back to the corpse of the first one and severe the immortality of the centipede?
>So, how do we translate Umibozu into videogame form?
>Lmao just make it a slime
Fuck Nioh
>when Isshin pulls out his spear
Man I wish I wasn't so bad at memorizing attacks that have ultra armor.
>Reeee open ended From story is not open ended!!!!
You are such a manchild
>spent early game getting really good at the stealth mechanics instead of combat
at least I had fun
Ring it to get SHAMEFUR BURDEN
it makes you take 1.5 times vitality damage, 2 times posture damage, and gives enemies some more health, but also drastically increases drop chance and sen from enemies. Keep it on between bosses for loot, keep it on during bosses for some extra challenge.
Give precious bait to giant carp for easy scales. That being said though, most bait can only be found underwater though. More bait you give, gives more scales. Fountainhead lake has tons of pick-up scales, carps, and bait anyways.
>open ended
No, this is the first game with an actual plot instead of an unfinished mess made for reddittors like you to masturbate over with their retarded headcanon
Kill yourself virgin
I'm not looking for excuses, it just seems like a ridiculously long fight. I was wondering if there's some approach I wasn't aware of.
this. That fight took me almost 3 hours but just because of the second phase. I mastered everything else but I couldn't read his moves at all during that phase
>catatonic state
>Catatonia can be stuporous or excited. Stuporous catatonia is characterised by immobility during which people may hold rigid poses (stupor), an inability to speak (mutism), as well as waxy flexibility, in which they maintain positions after being placed in them by someone else.
>an inability to speak (mutism)
>inability to speak
Doesn't the bell not affect bosses? Cause if it does i'm a lot better at this game than i thought.
Where do I get more bait?
Hirata is a great stealth level.
Appreciated :)
Unless you're lacking attack power from other bosses, it shouldn't be ridiculously long, maybe 15 minutes?
>drastically increases drop chance and sen from enemies
Drop rates sure but I don't think it affects sen at all
it sure does
but I really doubt his numbers, it seems less than that
>He looked up catatonic in an attempt to prove me wrong
I guess I’ve heard mixed opinions. I think it makes you take more damage from all sources- arguably this doesn’t matter much against bosses since they always kill you in about two hits if you dont heal between them.
user if you can get on V2 you can finish him quite easily if you see the fire
>owl jump to the right and miriki counter
if he dissapears
>run around to dodge
other than that just do what you did prior do the second phase, gl i believe in you
You proved yourself wrong when you even admitted that you're talking out of your ass for shits and giggles.
Whatever manbaby. Just cause you passed high school doesn't mean you have any critical thinking skills which are useful for the real world
What in the erloving fuck did propel the giant carp to swim down to Guardian Apes hole? Did he try to kill himself from the potential pain the Truly Precious Bait caused?
Can you feed the carp like 20-30 times the regular bait before killing it with the poison? Or is there a limit to the amount of bait?
I collected every other carp scale outside of Fountainhead, and have waited to get some from the weird monk in Mibu, so I really hope I can buy all the stock from both merchants.
why do people keep replying to this drooling retard and his headcanon?
AP is 12
Are you serious? I kept it on because some anons were saying it just makes stealth harder by increasing enemies' aggro range. I just killed Guardian Ape/O'Rin/Corrupted Monk with it on. I feel accomplished if you're right.
Lmao why so salty virgin, i just destroyed your retarded headcanon
Maybee if you had sex instead of making up fanfiction on a fictional child you wouldn't be such a waste of air
>20-30 times
Can you even get that much bait?
so besides a bead and a snake shooter nothing else is here, is this just a hidden thing or do I get zora armor to dive down the pond
Sorry, buddy. Bait is only found underwater. There's two in the sunken valley, one in the river where snake was. The other is in the pool in the same area as guardian ape. There is another in the Fountainhead waters in one of the sunken houses. I picked up more but I do not remember where from. i vaguely remember either bait or bead in mibu village. None of the early game water has bait in it though.
When exactly did i do that? I'm speculating on where the plot is going for the next part of this game, if that is ever coming out but apparently Yea Forums loves lolis too much to get that through their fucking heads.
There's nothing else to talk about in these threads except for bullying downies
Everyone has already discussed everything
>Ashina is a real clan, but Isshin Ashina wasn’t a real person
Shame. I wish he was, that way we would have just the smallest chance of an Oda Nobunaga fight in DLC or sequel.
ring bell
>people say dont worry about dragon rot, first play you will run out
>have 7 left after red mr. Grinch and grandad
Why are you guys bad?
I am not him kek.
You can only feed it like 3-4 times and get about 4 scales before the guy says you are overfeeding it and doesnt give any more rewards.
>sword saint
>start using gun and spear
Keep seething cuck
If you have access to the Gun Fort or Senpou's Main Hall you can farm XP/money really easily. You can do both before Genichiro. For the Gun Fort just go back from the Idol and assassinate the shotgun enemy with his back towards you, a second shotgun enemy will spot you but you can run away to the Idol, enter stealth, and he will deaggro. Go back and kill him then simply go around the Fort assassinating every enemy, they give pretty good XP. In Senpou's main hall there's two twinblade monks right outside the door, they have their backs to each other and they'll instantly spot you but if you sprint towards the one with his back towards you, you can assassinate him before he moves. This gives good XP and loot (they'll drop good upgrade materials if you have Demon Bell on, though be aware that drops are gated by progression so you'll start getting better and better drops from them as the game progresses). Once you fight Genichiro you can use the Bloodsmoke ninjutsu to kill both in one run instead of resetting after killing that one, making this route twice as good. But yes, you kind of have to go out of your way to find the best farming spots early on.
>Oda Nobunaga
I swear you post in every fucking thread about Oda Nobunaga when Date Masamune is more likely to make an appearance.
>lel got you!!
what the fuck are you doing
it shouldnt take more than 5 minutes
just stay near him and keep attacking
when he moves away just run to him
if he does the fire wave, side jump and grapple to him
go to /vg/ if you want help. These threads went from helping other players to debating with OP's retarded headcanon which is a shame.
Fuck this bitch. I lost count of how many times I died to her, but I'm pretty sure she's the miniboss that killed me the most. Her whole move set is just bullshit.
>i'm speculating
Right here, you even said you had no proof for anything. dumb ass.
The gun is a non-factor. since you can easily dodge it and even if you get hit it does like 1/3 with all volleys hitting.
What the fuck is the point of posture if you can't kill any boss by using this mechanic?
>durr I want this game to be easier because I suck and anyone who disagrees is stupid
I think you may be slightly retarded user. Maybe something like KH3 is more your speed.
The only bosses where this is true are the guardian ape and the Demon of Hatred. Every other boss can be killed early with proper posture breaking.
you can kill almost every boss with it though
you're playing too passive and letting them regen
but most bosses in the game die via posture
hey, he's not me (I'm the OP of the past 3 threads). I'm gonna stop making them though, fuck this retard.
>muh Odu nobunigga
fucking stop, go play Nioh or some other plebian shit
I'm literally at lady butterfly right now and there's no fucking way that's possible
Well thought out argument and i respond with
>no u
Wow it is almost like when i started this little debacle in the other thread i said i had no concretet proof except for that rice loli is up to something.
The fire umbrella can be pretty useful since you can use it to parry some of his smashes and stun him for a moment. You can also get 3 stuns on him with Malcontent, although with some practice you shouldn't really even need it. It took me a lot of tries but eventually he got so predictable that I beat him the first time I got to the third phase.
Fucking apes AI fucking me over so much. I swear AI reads your input or at least your lock on a bit
> want to focus on the bitch ape first
> she just stand there and dance around instead of going at me
> meanwhile headless goes in first with swipe
> deflect the swipe combo
> now the bitch charge at me and do her combo to fuck the rest of my posture
No, you literally cannot build posture fast enough on any boss. It is fucking stupid
can you farm lapis lazuli somehow? I've gotten all of them but need 1 more.
You're just bad at the game, then.
If you can't kill a single boss by depleting their posture, you are bad at deflecting.
the carp is deeeeeaaaaaaad and I need like 10 more scales. I'll keep fishing I guess. Fuck I hate this.
do headless drop prayer beads?
Please do. I would love to have my thread back.
lady butterfly is literally one of the bosses that's whole fight is based around posture-breaking retard
>Says the man with no argument
Apparently it's an extremely rare drop from Okami Warriors. I've been grinding dosh for Emblems for an hour with demon shit on and didn't see anything at all.
Genichiro and Isshin can both be killed when they still have 75% full HP
Did anyone give all of the carp scales to the the pot noble?
what happends next does he become a big carp
Not him but I was able to feed her after dragon, I was eating her rice a lot though
The best run I found is: from the idol, backstab the guy with the shotgun, grapple to the elevated position, kill the guy. Drop, grapple twice to the left, jumpkill the guy. Drop on the other enemy a level below. Return to the cave, dropkill the other guy with the shotgun, kill grannie, backstab the shotgun outside the cave looking at a wall. Return to where you killed the guy after grappling twice and there are two more rifle guys to the left. Return to idol. Rinse and repeat.
Guardian and wife are kicking my ass, first phase is easy but when he summons his wife I get rekt, even if I go after the bride first I always get hit
2nd option
>basically a stealth game
>cannot stealth story bosses
keep attacking her
>I am gonna stop making the thread guys then you will see!
Lol no one cares retard. You making thread is not some holy thing
I can hear the slice watching this
Anime avatar is a solid argument and deep down you know it is
No just awful magic.
>Hear about how hard Owl 2 is.
>Finally encounter him in NG++
>Beat him in under five tries
A lot of his attacks can be predictable in phase 2. Lil' owl really only prevents some punishes. I'll give a few tips though. Anytime you get stuck and are too close to one of his powder combos, you can jump left and deflect simultaneously, the damage is small but managable. Anytime he throws a single shuriken, he will usually followup with a strong slash. Two shurikens are followed up with a smash attack. Dodge and attack. After some of his sweep attacks, he will hold his blade up and smash down. He doesn't do it nearly as often in phase 2, instead he will feint into a stronger slash. After owl flame sweep, he will either do nothing if you're too close, or do his signature shadowrush attack if you're too far. Be sure to look out for danger symbol.
Can a PS4 player get several endings on a single playthrough? Is there a way to back up your save file before the final boss or something?
Please respond, I want to finish the game but I’m considering going for platinum.
>Lady butterfly is just Hino-enma.
The only way to make this comparison is not to play one or both of the games. Hino-enma is defeated by baiting and punishing, like most bloody yokai in Nioh. LB is defeated by controlling her moves through constant aggression.
how should i fight against multiple enemies? in the early game it's not too hard since i can rush them down but stronger enemies take too long and i get overwhelmed. Even the combat arts do not help that much
you can stop samefagging now i think
You are fucking retarded
He becomes a small carp
A creepy ass small carp
I had a hard crash, entire pc
No bsod though
They give you a bait to feed it to the big carp, which kills it and depending on who's bait you use they become a carp
Jesus i love this.
Dont be mad that literally any one can make a thread on Yea Forums and no one cares if you do it or not. Like how sad is your life that you think this is actually something you are doing for the community?
What do I do with the Great Carp Whiskers?
Stealth, also shurikens can kill ranged enemies pretty quickly
>mfw I accidentally killed the great carp
I didn't even want to do that, is there any way to reverse it?
Is 20 vit max? Missing 2 beads, but i assume 1 drops from Demon of Hatred? No idea where to get the last one, and yes, i've killed the 2 from memory with Owl fight.
Give it to the feeding attendant
He's either retarded or on console and just took a picture of his screen with a phone
He's right
>Literally the B team game
I killed the one in the mist forest and it dropped me an invisibility reusable item and it's so broken that when I got to the Folding Screens Monkeys instead of learning the fight I just went around the level once checking where the monkeys spawned and then used that item and stealth killed them all except the invisible one, that was the only one I didn't cheese.
I think he is making fun of people who post screenshots not showing where they are and asking how to get somewhere.
I wanted to ask about that, is there any difference between the two? I mean, I killed the carp with the bait from the pot Noble in Hirata, but what happens if you give the bait from the other noble? Beside killing the carp and the noble ecoming a carp obviously.
One doesn’t drop from demon. And yes, 20 bit is max. I recommend looking up a list of them.
>hand touching body
Why would you keep it alive?
>Pretending to be a different person
Obvious samefag
>it's already over
what now?
>mada baba
are you still stuck on the ogre or why do you keep posting these every day
Run paster her to gun fort and get the idol then stealth back through and you can get backstabs on her
>Clearly using cheat engine
This exactly, your going to have to deplete more than 80% of their health before your able to reliably build-up posture damage. The mechanic is pretty much useless at that point
am i doing good?
Stay mad, shitter.
I've heard they drop from the feebling wizards guys. Other than that, the second pot noble sells two for 6 scales each. When you help out either noble, they leave behind a lazulite. One more can be gotten off the ghost warrior at the base of the waterfall in fountainhead. Another one or two can be gotten off the demon of hatred.
Yes, finish the game and start a NG+
Will this game get DLCs? I've been fitgirl'ing for a while and I'm enjoying it but I don't want to buy an incomplete version
Try again faggot
Challenge runs, or go play another game until the DLC drops.
except that's completely wrong
you just dont know how to play the game
Ah fuck. Not sure i can be bothered going through an entire list to see which one i missed.
did you get the hidden one from castle Ashina? Or the one from the spear general rematch?
Achievements are just casual shit for kiddos to collect. Real shit would have been "take no damage on final boss," or "beat game without dying." But people would just mad that they cannot get their achievements and cry about it
Why did you cut the webm user? Don't tell me he was able to regen all that posture damage, didn't he?
I wanted to feed it the other baits to see what I'd get, but I fed it the truly precious bait first thinking it'd be sweet loot but it just killed it
Even though I used to shit on Ichimonji, I found out it's quite useful to speed up that fight, esp. phase 1. You can jump out of the Perilous swipe and Ichimonji midair to where he ends his slash and it's a lot more fluid than starting Ichimonji from neutral. It flinches his big overhead, but sometimes he immediately chains up another combo into swipe or big combo.
Wait for dlc
>Forgot to get rid of the top you
Well the Bell Demon isn't helping
Mad cuz bad.
>play this game on PC
>have a hard ass time getting deflect timings down
>find out that my LB button on my cheap ass Xbox PC controller is kinda broken and trash
>change button
This is not even hard anymore
Are you actually retarded?
> 2nd phase only
> no heal left
how was i able to trigger something for horseback man his second phase for me to grapple to him?
man i cant also get his fucking deflection timing
>Tfw you'll never drink sake with a mountain sniper girl and watch the sunset between the mountain peaks.
Shame the reward for the whole thing is absolutely shit
>hidden one from castle Ashina
Where? And which spear general do you mean, the one near the well/moonlight tower?
If those where achievements I would be going for them too desu, I have done way worse already
I think he is. Also i am
Most important things from merchants are lazulite, masks, (These alone can cost you 24ish scales),and the flame gourds and combat arts are optional. The former because you get so many dousing powders, it's pretty much negligible the latter depends on who you ask. I've used it a few times, but I prefer the Icchimonji.
I think nothing changes and the inventory from the dead noble transfers into the carp, maybe some different dialog but that's it
It just the problem with achievements in general, most of them you just get by playing the game and doing shit that you are supposed to do.
you can grapple to him every time he runs away
I'd rather drink sake with Isshin
did anyone else sprint right into the hole on the sunken valley bridge
there is a hidden one in ashina castle, from the dojo idol go downstairs, and where the 2 samurai used to stand, there is a wall with a scroll hanging on it. Hug this wall
I mean the second spear general, he appears near the well at the very end of the game, when the castle gets invaded for the second time
>Get called out
>Try to back peddle
this but replace posture with health bar. who even looks at the health bars during fights
>no health bar instead a maybe a wound meter or something
>more wounded you are the more your posture builds
>taking damage after being posture broke is how you die
>enemies are able to killing blow you after posture breaks
Only thing that is wonky to work out is grab attacks imo, but you could just make hits of whatever attacks said grab follows up with raise posture and wounding.
You mean the bridge with the snake?
One is from demon, the other one might be one of the pick-up able ones. I was missing one bead at the gun fort shrine that can be found from the hole near the statue to the hidden paths. One is above the statue on poison pool.
these aren't the real hitboxes so your point is completely invalid. you can't make up shitty hitboxes and say LOOK FROM DID THIS
There are still games with Kino achievements
Deflect stomps, dodge armsweeps and headbutt, run away when he leaps into the air the use grapple to get back to him.
Or just run around him with sanic speed and slowly poke him down
She is one of the easiest fights tho.
You can easily pressure her with R1, deflects and dodge attacks.
Just put her in a corner.
It just gives you scales for normal bait, the attendant gives them to you.
The original argument was that it's impossible to build posture on bosses, now your argument is that they recover too fast (which is mitigated by just pressuring them with attacks)
What will be your next argument?
You mean Floating Passage?
It's great in theory but Sekiro weighs like 90 pounds so the great "fluid combo" is useless because he doesn't ever interrupt shit.
Yes, I was panicing because the vietcongs were shooting from all directions. Luckily I noticed grapple point before dying.
no the one where you're getting shot at by 5 snake snipers
I can't fucking beat emma and isshin. Emma is easy I'm sick of having to fight her
oh fuck me there's a third phase? fuck that
where can i farm sen?
O-of course not.
Strafe his left leg.
>i was only pretending to be retarded
I hope this isn't your first playthrough, user
To kill the armored warrior you have to use the deathblow to make him stagger and fall off the bridge correct?
That the posture build-up he showed did not kill the boss so it doesn't mean shit, i can do that shit all day and there will always be a moment where the boss will just regenerate it back unless i deplete his health
yes, just position him with back towards edge
Yes. Probably my favorite fight in the game.
It's shit
If it helps boosts your morale, I appreciate the comedic value of your screenshot. The easiest way to fight Genchiro is to close distance and hit him between combos, it still lowers his posture and can interrupt his bow attacks. The best thing to do for most bosses is to continue guarding to lower your posture bar as well as block against something you didn't see coming.
Wtf am I even supposed to be seeing here you autistic retard.
It's his easiest phase, real problem is getting there so you can learn how to do it. Keep at it user
Sweet, thats what i thought
Early game, probably Hirata Estate Path. Pop one of the yellow Mibu balloons and don't worry because they drop 1 or 2 every run.
>claims someone was samefagging
>it turns out they aren't
>backpedal like they said the samefagger was
>finally get isshin to phase 2
>the first 2 phases wiped my recovery items
I got him to half health at least.
Im coming for you jap nigger.
>reply on heals
Is almost filling up his posture bar, only to get hit once and see it go down in an instant the worst feeling?
gotcha. camera is fucking atrocious during this and console fps is garbage.
sometimes it will literally flip out and not lock on
Which ending has the best/most bosses, and is there anything I cant fuck up to get there?
Thanks i hate
>it's impossible to build posture
>no no actually the posture recovery is too fast!
>no wait I mean he didn't show the posture actually breaking!!!
You contradicted yourself three times so far.
I can get the first two phases semi-consistent without taking damage but the third one is a complete shitfest where my confidence plummets completely despite having revives and full healing items.
Am i supposed to find something other than the skill shit book in the monk area after armored warrior?
Return and Immortal Severance.
Have you talked to the head monk before killing Genichiro? What he says pretty much destroys your whole argument.
After you beat genichiro yes
he just insta killed me, also is there a way to remove the bell demon thing?
>Be the Sculptor.
>In your youth you were a shinobi called Orangutan.
>You weren't the greatest shinobi, but you got by.
>Have a lady friend called Kingfisher.
>The two of you would train together in the valley.
>You would listen to her whistle songs with her one of a kind shinobi tool.
>Life is good.
>Then this ape's waifu dies and he spergs out.
>Your friend buries her sword halfway through its neck.
>That was close.
>Ape gets back up.
>Kills your best friend in front of you.
>Then eats her.
>Filled with grief and bloodlust for years.
>Gets to the point where you almost transform into a giant fucking demon.
>Your lord saves you by thrashing you so hard you lose an arm.
>Decide to dedicate the rest of your life to penitent solitude.
>Start carving buddhas to try to take your mind off the mindless rage deep inside.
>Every buddha you carve reflects this inner rage.
>The years go by.
>Suddenly another shinobi with a missing arm appears.
>Think this could be your chance at redemption, give him the prosthetic you made and abandoned because the bloodlust had started to creep back up.
>Try to help him however you can. Give him shelter and time to recuperate.
>He goes out and starts butchering everything.
>The war keeps closing in.
>One day that shinobi you saved comes back, wearing the fucking whistle ring your best friend had.
>Start to lose your shit.
>The war finally closes in and no matter how much you carve you can't distract yourself any longer.
>All the pain and anger and misery that had built up over the years finally overwhelms you, turning you into something else. Something monstrous.
>Rampage across the battlefields.
>Who are you killing? Why? You don't know, you don't need to, you just need to kill, quench the rage.
>The shinobi returns and sees what you've become.
>Attack him.
>As he beats you, you have a final moment of clarity.
>Beg him to put you of your misery.
>He does.
>You accept it. Knowing you'll finally be able to see your friend again.
>still can't beat his first phase
Yes, ring it again.
I wish more mini bosses had different ways to kill them. Deflection spams are fun but other skills being tested would be nice.
He's not that kind of enemy that you can take down without dealing some hp damage
learn to play the game, you can easily posture break bosses
just go to your inventory and use the item
For three of the endings, you can fight one exclusive boss and get two beads as well as a combat art. The last one has one exclusive boss and combat art but you will not fight as many bosses/miss out on some late games area. Remember that the point of no return is getting the tears.
purification has an extra boss
>skill shit book
You're right about that. There's literally nothing worth spending points on in that tree.
So is that one autist going to do a no hit run on Sekiro?
it is
which areas are optional in this game?
What was his reaction?
Why are you even asking when the answer's obvious?
How could you betray Kuro?
>>You weren't the greatest shinobi, but you got by.
Judging by the kung fu shit he pulls in the bossfight i'd wager he was VERY good
I think that cat would be happier if he lost weight.
Nice headcanon faggot. That "shinobi" wearing the fucking whistle ring avenged her death. The sculptor was happy he killed that ape nigger.
only the hirata estate is optional of the major areas
technically the palace is optional since there's one ending where you dont go there
>From still hasn't learned to adapt their outdated control scheme since Demon's Souls
It was already frustrating that original DS1 and BB mapped dodge/run/jump to the same button, not to mention how annoying it is to claw the controller just to control the camera while you sprint. But in Sekiro that shit was absolutely unwieldy to me because of the higher mobility and verticality.
My custom controls:
>L1 to dodge/sprint
>R1 to block
>R2 changes prosthetic
>/\ or Y to attack
>O or B uses prosthetic
Am I really the only one not using the default controls?
Is there any discernible benefit to giving Kuro the amulet in NG+ or is it just for people who hate themselves?
Awesome, had completely missed the hidden wall one. Got the last bead i needed from a similar wall in Hirata. Thanks for the help.
Is there some significance to the left arm in Japanese Buddhism?
How many are playing Sekiro on c*nsoles? I can't imagine enjoying the game in 30-40 fps.
it's actually impossible to do a no hit run in sekiro
not in terms of skill but because the game FORCES you to take a hit when going through the depths. theres no way to avoid it as you drop down.
>have to do NG+ with less AP and no dragon mask
I stuck to the code and the first NG+ was such a fucking slog but god damn if I didn't feel anime as fuck with my thousand invisible cuts ability.
I would have completely hated the hatred of demon had he not done poses every now and then. It also helped that his music was pretty good.
No it doesnt.
>Y to attack
I will never understand this shit. It does nothing by hurt my fingers. Had to remap this in DMC5 as well.
Obviously that wouldn't count
Going by some meme streamers that do "no hit" runs, they don't seem to count fall damage.
Fucking hell, you do like making things harder for yourself, don't you?
My theory is that rice loli doesn't have the best intentions and may have actually been controlling the monks. No proof to back this up other then her crazy powers that are not explained. Considering Kuro can't speak to people telepathically like rice loli did at the beginning of the temple or talk to dead children and he has legit dragon blood i would say backs up my argument and it at least holds some merit.
The whistle's owner was a guy.
where the fuck
Still probably didn't bring him much peace of mind having that being flashed in his face, considering he still turned into the Demon of Hatred.
>FORCES you to take a hit when going through the depths
What are you even talking about.
I'm playing on the pro, it's really not that bad. I usually notice it when there is a lot of fire, which is only at a few stages in the game.
yes, it does.
when you drop down the bottomless hole and grapple to the ledge, you have to drop down another small hole in a cave you enter. when you go down that hole its just far neough to force you to take damage and there is no other way down there at that point in the game.
His transformation was inevitable, he just delayed it
you take fall damage when you drop down before the poison pool, same as nito's place
You dont have to drop down the bottomless hole to get to the depths, you can enter through the place in the sunken valley where you find the dried serpent viscera. Also fall damage isnt counted in a no hit run, its not a hit.
The flying kick sword attack thing has iframes on the launch and the punch combo is a really fast combo extender, the third hit just leaves an opening. They both do great posture damage. I hated the flying kick at first but after getting used to it I found it to be good against basically every non-boss in the game.
Who the fuck keeps buying GTA V
How much does the dragon mask increase your attack power? Can you grind enough to make the final bosses super easy?
Then its a good thing fall damage have never counted in no hit runs.
>play passively against Genichiro
>deflect, attack, dodge and hopefully he won't guard
>spend 10-15 minutes beating the guy
>he turns into this fucker
>one shots me with the lightning attack and/or get stunned
>learning his moves is a pain because I have to redo his first phase 10-15 minutes at a time
The fuck am I doing it wrong? Should I explore other areas first and increase my vitality and attack power?
Combat arts exist for style only.
The Centipedes were sent by the Date clan to destroy Ashina, they're under Shiggy(Boss Centipede)'s command.
How about fucking attacking him you pussy.
Thanks to the user that brought up ceramic shards, forgot all about them since the beginning of the game
>It does nothing by hurt my fingers
That's weird. Did you change to square? I don't see much of a difference.
DMC did in fact conditioned me to use triangle to attack, and it feels more satisfying for whatever reason.
Why? It is objectively better for controling the camera, plus parrying with my right finger feels more intuitive.
>Malcontent's ring - an old ring well-suited for slender fingers.
>"Kingfisher" is etched onto the ring.
>Slender finger - The slender finger of a young woman.
>Malcontent's ring is used to upgrade the slender finger into Malcontent.
>Malcontent - "Kingfisher" is etched onto the ring. The Kingfisher's cry could be heard along the waterfront of Sunken Valley. Now, she cries no more.
keep attacking
the fight shouldnt take more than a few minutes
DLC is coming bros
The problem with the final boss isnt damage.
>DLC or Sequel without Miyazaki at the helm
no please
game doesnt even need a sequel.
I fucking am. The lightning attacks always get me. I was supposed to counter his lightning attack in mid-air, but I couldn't tell when to move.
Your theory gets destroyed be evidence in game.
>play passively against Genichiro
Found your problem.
1 per 5 skill points. No idea if there's a limit to it other than the fact that each skill point requires more exp than the previous.
Where the did you hear this? That is news to me. What is a date clan? Who the fuck is shiggy?
I doubt he wouldn't be part of it
you get one attack power for five skill points
sure you can grind, but it's going to take a long time
Nice. Suck it, Division 2!
Also this for fuck's sake you'd think even the shithole countries would have got it years ago.
The fights takes 2-3 min if you are attacking not 15.
problem is that you have to do senpou temple first to do that
Again, more of this bullshit. You just dont give up even when people call you out do you.
>her crazy powers that are not explained
She got experimented on by the monks
>Considering Kuro can't speak to people telepathically like rice loli did
He literally spoke to you telepathically on your very first death
You dont even know the game well enough to shitpost about it. Also despite calling other people lolicons you're the one who keeps calling her a loli.
Other than his very obvious lightning attacks and maybe two new sword combos, he doesn't change that much.
been selling mine, do they work in the same way as pocket sand?
I'm trying to get back to the beginning area to get the spear prosthetic tool, but I have triggered the last phase of the game and the gate next to the Ashina Resevoir idol on fire. How do I get past it to get the spear now? I know its possible because the key to get to the spear moved locations to make it accessible after this phase
No-hit runs have always excluded those sorts of things. Like when they no-hit Dark Souls 1 they don't count the fall into Pinwheel's arena.
>sword does not even touch her
Which evidence specifically?
>doesnt know fucking Date Masamune
and? If anything it is intended to be done before the other areas.
How is that a problem
You can always explore before fighting Genchiro, you can head to the sunken valley from the great serpent shrine behind ashina castle (2 minibosses). You can also head into the dungeon and head to the temple (2 minibosses) or even try heading to Ashina depths instead of the temple from the dungeon. The last option requires you beat a ghost warrior which is going to be difficult without 2 to 3 confetti. If you do decide to do that last option, there are 4 minibosses and one boss in the depths.
if you suck too bad to counter his lightning you can always just run underneath him to go behind him and totally avoid the attack period
The Date clan is who crushed Ashina irl and shiggy is a centipede infested Nioh boss. I just made it up.
The spear prosthetic goes to the shrine next to the undying samurai dude, every item that you could've possibly missed goes there.
No hit runs if you wasnt allowed to use hypermode would be terribly boring as well.
Man I really need to be more aggresive with this boss. He gets the first 3 phases down so quick. Posture really is the way to go.
So calling her her meme name is somehow making me a lolicon? What the fuck?
>He literally spoke to you telepathically on your very first death
The first good explanation i've heard from you fags
Yeah except the fact that Sculptor literally told you the person he trained with was a dude when you give him unrefined sake. Im not gonna start up another playthrough just to argue with retards like you.
Literally the only use I've ever had for them and I didn't even use them during the fight
Best way to defeat him is to keep hitting him and parrying and deflecting, and when he does swipe attack counter by jumping and Mikiri counter for thrust attack to do more posture damage.
I am having some very bad fps drops on pc. Other than just reducing graphic settings is there a way to fix this?
what do you use to record stuff?
The centipede guy wasn't Masamune though, and there are like 3 or 4 shiggies in Nioh.
Everything except for the Purification end loot no?
it's FAR more efficient time wise to get to senpou via the shinobi shortcut to the demon bell
inb4 theres no way back from demon bell area
there is its just a pain in the dick to do because you have to blind jump
It's bugged.
Why would she give me an item I can't do anything with? I talked to everyone a million times but nothing happened, it's quite severe really.
And even if it's not a bug it's brainlet game design, why cut off quests at the end and spoil your whole different endings. Then do that at the start so there's actual replay value.
what combat arts i have currently the best?
whirlwind slash, nightjar slash, and floating passage.
does anyone actually use combat arts regularly?
I'm not sure actually
do you happen to have two monitors?
That's PS4 footage so I just used the share button, for PC you'd want to use OBS
lobos is getting destroyed on his level 1 run haha
She just comments about how good it is.
>muh centipede loli controlling the monks
Except that the infestation is confirmed to predate her immortality and the Head Priest even talks about how he forced her, and a bunch of other kids, to attempt immortality with the rejuvinating watares
>muh centipede queen
She doesn't have a centipede because she has false dragon's blood which actually made her immortal. Centipedes and dragon's blood have no connection
>s-she's actually evil and is controlling everybody!
She despises the Senpou temple monks and wants nothing to do with them anymore. She was even locked away int he inner Sanctum by them
>then why didn't she just leave? Because she was locked in, and she's a frail little girl who coughs when she's too hungry.
>no she's actually evil she warned wolf when he was going to senpou temple!
She warned him not to go in, dumb ass. By your logic she should have tried coercing him in to save her if she was actually evil and had hidden motives like you think she does
Dragon Tears.
Fuck off already
Nightjar slash is great, it helped me a lot with the Hatred Demon
I only use whirlwind to take out low health mobs.
Some of the high combo kung-fu shit was decent for posture break earlier but it's become useless now.
whirlwind slash theoretically does the most hp damage (most of its on the second hit) but itll almost never land.
in practice i find shadowrush to be the most useful because it launches you in the air for really strong airborn tool combos.
I meant how he's asking who the Date Clan is. I'm under the illusion that people who get dragged into games with these settings know some famous names from japanese myth and history.
its pretty terrible. bloodborne could get away with it because of its speed compared to this.
i feel like theres delay on top of frames makes having to deflect shit feel more as a preemptive than a reaction
If you killed the divine dragon, then no it isn't bugged. You just fucked up.
Shadowrush was so fucking good against saint Isshin
I mostly double ichimonji or whatever the fuck it's called to regain posture and cause decent posture damage to some bosses.
>floating passage
What good is this for?
Whirlwind slash can land reliably if you do it mid air after a jump kick
if its not oda nobunaga hattori hanzo or tokugawa ieyasu, dont assume the west will know who they are
>Three pieces of evidence all stemming directly from the character in question.
>One piece of evidence from someone who knew Kingfisher that would have a motivation to obscure identifying characteristics of someone who got ape ate.
Japanese also has gender neutral pronouns that are often used as a narrative trick to make a character's gender obscure or a surprise. Could be that, and the English used "he" which is sometimes used as a default pronoun. Or it could be that the single male pronoun used by a possibly unreliable narrator that conflicts with several items all calling Kingfisher a she is the correct answer.
An interesting theory however there's not much to support this and there's a lot to counter it. The monks gained immortality by rejuvinating sediment which is different than rejuvinating waters which is what they used to experiment on the kids. The fact that she's also pregnant in the cutscene reinforces this since she wanted to become a cradle for the Divine Heir.
I can concede that she has more motives than just severing the immortality as it doesn't serve her much to do it for free, but I don't see how it has to do with centipedes
i have no fucking clue i was using it for awhile since it was the first one i got. even on weak enemies the posture damage felt underwhelming say compared to whirlwind slash
You know what? You're probably right. My bad.
Looking cool. Even if you hit the first attacks they get blocked and then counterattacked mid-animation by anyone with super armor. Using Floating Passage on Okami Warriors is suicide.
So defending her is somehow making me a lolicon?
>first good explanation i've heard from you fags
This isnt the first time people have blown you the fuck out, your arguement holds no water and at the end of the day its purely headcannon with 0 convincing evidence. Stop posting and samefagging.
How does nightjar help against demon?
i keep fucking jumping and then thinkin i can block mid air AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
kino movie
Gotta upgrade that skill user. Its worth it.
If you know about Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu you also know about Takeda Shingen, Date Masamune, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Akechi Mitsuhide.
It's not necessary, but any gap closer will help, most of his moves push you back once you deflect, so using it allowed me to get a lot of hits in.
you can?
Air block is one of the first skill you can get so don’t worry
I learned about all these guys playing Sengoku Rance. Feels good.
i die too much and i'm just on the horse boss. i could really use that shit here.
oh my fuck i just realized i could have gotten it so long ago FUCKIN AAAAAAAAAAH
So at what stage is everyone now? I've finished the game today mostly blind, now I'm watching uhtrance testing sppedrun strats, and I'm learning a few new things too. Apparently the confetti does more damage to every enemy not just apparitions like the description seemed to imply.
I'm planning to do another fresh run and just ignore NG+ altogether. I find the game to be quite empty once you have everything from the start. Routing is half the fun.
how can i get to the ashina reservoir when the castle is burning?
Why the fuck are you jumping in the first place. Time to unbind it till you stop.
things the game doesn't tell you:
A. ANY loud noise will dispel illusions, not just snap seeds. like firecrackers.
B. the spear has a super special interaction with infested enemies that don't have heads (not the headless though). try it while airbourne on the headless ape or when the headless ape falls down
C. sen throw lies to you. it only uses 20 sen and does fuck all damage.
D. umbrella has an attack that gains strength the more it blocks
E. sacred flame tool combined with living force gives you divine confetti effect without using one
F. contact medicine actually does the same poison damage as other sources of poison, making it pointless
G. if you dont move after activating mist raven tool, you appear up in the air and drop down
add your own
I think some areas are just locked for good after a certain point.
Follow the smoke signals on the roof, when they end drop down and go through the building
thats not true.
i know who nobugana and ieyasu are (mostly from nioh) and while i know date masamune was in nioh, i have no clue who he is or what he really did. nor do i know of the others, but mitsuhide and hideyoshi sounds familiar.
wasnt hideyoshi the architect guy who built a fort in 3 days or something?
>every enemy
Thought it was just against undeads. Like the ape.
Same way you did the first time you went back there.
Never samefagged.
but read
Or the translation could just be faulty.
Do i have to kill the demon before Isshin?
no you can fight it post game
no, hes optional
hes also really hard.
It's never worth it to try a thrust attack on him. His mikiri counter is an instant kill.
Shadowrush is amazing. I don't know what's up with that skill but I find that enemies rarely guard/deflect it, while others get blocked or deflected instantly. I didn't think to use it with airborne tools, I should give it a shot. What is the best one to use while airborne, the spear?
its a thrust attack so it can't be normally guarded and NPCs aren't programmed to deflect it.
and for 'best' to use while airborne, depends on what you're trying to accomplish.
hp damage? whirlwind slash since the 2nd hit lands easy when airborne
posture? axe on the way down
are you above the headless ape? spear his ass then pull while midair and watch what happens.
or you can just fire for super style points
Just one. Would a second help?
>ANY loud noise will dispel illusions, not just snap seeds. like firecrackers.
That's really cool to know.
I followed the smoke until I get to an impossible jump where I always fall down before reching the next smoke point.
I used to just be able to use that one grapplingpoint spot from the ashina castle entrance but it is burning now.
Also what about that demon of hatred fight? Is that the last boss or is there a seperate boss once I get to the reservoir? I am kinda confused. I am going for the purification ending and got the branch from the second owl fight.
High Monk/ Flying Kick completely decimate their posture if you use it when they use a sweeping attack. It doesnt say in the tooltip but you can test it out agaisnt purple dudes in Ashina castle.
Go inside the building and drop down. How do people not know the NORMAL entrance to the reservoir by the endgame?
>I followed the smoke until I get to an impossible jump where I always fall down before reching the next smoke point.
Thats where you have to drop down and go into the building
sekiro tends to encourage you to stay on the rooftops for height advantage and you can miss the gatehouse easily in tha tcase.