Baba Is You

What am I supposed to use the TELE for here?
Gonna post what I did next.

Attached: Haunt.png (856x482, 18K)

Attached: Haunt solved.png (853x480, 17K)

Use the ghosts to teleport the IS back and forth between under LEAF and in between the FLAG and WIN.

I am not sure how I was supposed to do this.

I don't know. That's how I did it. I don't even know how you split the DEFEAT from that statement to fit YOU up in there.

>doing the glitch levels before completing the space, chasm and volcano levels
Am I going to hit a wall?

I did the same shit you do to solve Prison, become Ghosts, push text onto myself and move away to disconnect "Defeat".

Oh, that makes sense, somehow I never thought of that

not really, the difficulty is not in a linear curve. each area has a gimmick or two for you to worry about.

Impossibru. You need 7/10 flowers to get to ???, and mountain doesn't unlock until you finish volcano.

Is there a "final" area in this game? I just unlocked the top most area with the LEVEL IS [...] stuff.
HLTB says this game is 3 hours long, which is honestly hard to believe for me.

3 hours to beat sounds like if you just get 3 flowers and do that first end stage. And even then I probably had twice that, myself.

This, but I thought everyone was trying to clear all levels...

The Space levels are confusing me

The first "win" condition (sends you to the credit screen) is to put YOU on END in the level with the 3-flower lock.
I think there's a second win condition once you get through the zones past the 7-flower lock (haven't done it yet)
Then of course there's finishing all the levels, which is what you should really be going for

Whats the trick for 10? Only way i can end it is level is keke

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Can someone give me a hint for the 1st Volcano level? The one with bat and rock. I want to do more Volcano levels but this one is stopping me.
I feel retarded when playing this game, but it seems to be not only me

Yeah, I wasted a lot of time on that one trying to do weird "clever" shit inside the corridor with the rock, which was a big waste of time.
Just try moving shit onto the key in different ways and see what happens

What verb would you add to Baba Is You? How would it work?

Is the Ultimate Maze supposed to be my ticket to create a meta object? The only thing I can do is turn the level into a key (I'm not exactly sure how I did it, I was sort of spamming keys and it clicked when I was starting to think it was impossible).

I can't get the key inside the alley, and if I go rock is push in a way that I can push it out of the alley, I can't put in the the same spot as the key.

Attached: IMG_20190327_124934.jpg (141x131, 5K)

>if I go rock is push in a way that I can push it out of the alley, I can't put in the the same spot as the key.
Git gud


I am not far in the game yet so it may already exist but... I'd add a way to make one object keep others from spawning completely.
Like, as long there is one Keke on the level or the rule is active, no keys will be spawned


When an object that IS PASS tries to move, it always succeeds, ignoring STOP and stacks of PUSH against a STOP. This includes being able to push it out of bounds.

Parade is making me its bitch. Any hints?