Friendly reminder that they're intentionally trying to make this flop so they have an excuse to kill the franchise

Friendly reminder that they're intentionally trying to make this flop so they have an excuse to kill the franchise

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Other urls found in this thread: sjw/page/5/

I'd say they're more trying to make it clear that MK isn't actually a fighting game, but it's a party game.

have sex

so you are going to just post this retarded shit over and over like you did yesterday

Wasnt me my dude, I dont even like mortal combat, I'm just stating the obvious facts

wait, is Kabal a cholo now?

Not gonna stop this game from flopping like Dead or Alive 6

What is that your goal for 2019? (With men as female skin obviously upsets you)

Just join in the fun of making fun of this gay ass Muslim Koran Kombat game. "Women are for birth, men are for pleasure " Koran Kombat development team Muslim motto

just kill this franchise. Who cares. MK fucking sucks.

We need more anime fighters with more tits.

Why is it okay for the men but not the women, I'm confused...

im pretty sure this statement is marketing crap and not reflective of the designer, who just does whatever he wants. nobody is stupid enough to think of something as basic as mk as mature or having capacity to be truly progressive

It's called mortal Muslim kombat

Cause men are hot

Fuck heterosexuals.

>implying this won't make assloads of money anyway

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The game will sell like mad. Cope

>removing tits automatically makes the game better

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>implying libtards would hijack it if it werent a big selling series

>People still pretending that shirtless men with muscles is the same as females in bikinis

Wow look!

It is just like real life!

Nobody wants to see vag and tits, WE WANT DICKS

I love Jade.

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It is, especially when they’re all dominant fighting types.

>the men get sexy
>the women get irrelevant

Exactly as it should be

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half the game is a cinematic anyway. looks boring as hell.

Explain to me how it’s not

they are retards

This; I hope they replace all of the women with traps.


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Hell yeah

You have more of this, user? I advise you spam every Mortal Kombat thread on this board with it.

MKX was called Sjw shit yet it was one of the best selling games in 2015

He’s always been

>I dont even like mortal combat

it was sjw shit, but very few people knew or said it because they were subtle about it. now theyre doing interviews with sjw clickbait sites boasting about it and everyone knows. not sure what your point is. sjw takeovers only tank a series instantly if the quality is so terrible that people refuse to buy it.

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>implying this game won't make shitloads of money
You people said this about MKX and look what happened. How many times must you get BTFO before you realize you're an out of touch minority among normal people who don't feel personally attacked by a lack of fanservice.

That's gay, user

>it was sjw shit, but very few people knew or said it because they were subtle about it
That's some fucking Bullshit we had thread after thread after thread for years

Are you delusional? The game will sell like crazy on brand recognition alone no matter what they do. People in general are not principled, disciplined, discerning consumers.

>it was sjw shit, but very few people knew or said it because they were subtle about it. sjw/page/5/

Anyone enjoying the beta? Skarlet is pretty cute and fun.

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People in general also don't get buttmad over these sorts of things.

If women can demand that female characters are covered, then we men sure as fuck can demand the same for male characters.

>mature and respectful

Attached: mature_game_btw_DOWN_WITH_MEN_xD.webm (538x312, 625K)

Mortal Kombat has always had Asian/Indian/whatever characters since day one, people thats you people only make a fuss over it now cause “muh sjw boogeymen”

I thought the faceapp site was down

Why can't we have equally slutty men and women? Everyone wins then.

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>sinking money into a project to flop the series to kill the franchise
>when fucking Armageddon didn't kill the franchise

You're off your rocker grandpa

People in general get buttmad over whatever is fashionable to get buttmad over.

>few people said that
>boards on Yea Forums for years

man I hate revisionists like you, especially ones who cry about the fact that women aren't nude half the time in every game, as if that matters in the fucking slightest.

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only six pages in five years? thanks for proving my point

>five years
>released 2015

are all you people this brain damaged

And it's simply not fashionable to get buttmad over how overdressed women are. Imagine being an adult and openly complaining about how you can't jerk off to female characters in a fighting game and boycotting it in protest.

oops mk11 isnt released yet, i guess than 50 pages of people calling it sjw shit right now dont count :^)

user, the game has to be announced first.