How do we stop the discord trannies from invading this place?
How do we stop the discord trannies from invading this place?
Other urls found in this thread:
need more jannies
Need BETTER jannies and daily cunny threads.
I REALLY want to ERP with a Discord tranny.
Is it just me?
>progressives want you to stop manspreading
>conservatives want to systematically exterminate people who aren't like them
Giving /pol/ threads the furry treatment they deserve.
Literally this
Who are discord trannies? Why do you want them to stay out?
democrats be like:
Men got trump elected, how can we reduce the number of men voting against us?
Well we convince them to become trannies, then we tell them they are now a hated minority and then we train them to hate men.
>fuck the discord tranny!
>say the guy that bing reddit here
Best thing is , /pol/ keep asking why every board hates them
3 million
Feels good that in few years Trump will be gone and american politics will go back to what they were. Meaning sucking european cock and providing them free defense.
Same way we stopped the stormniggers, we can’t. Don’t use anonymous message boards if you don’t want fags from outside coordinating raids and manipulating discourse.
Convince people that it's a problem, first.
This board has been shit since GG.
>posting a 100% off-topic political flamebait thread
>video games
Just go to /pol/. This isn't even MUH /pol/ BOOGEYMAN, like seriously, if you want to post anime, you go to Yea Forums. If you want to rage about vidya, you go to Yea Forums. If you want to tell D&D stories, you go to /tg/. If you want to talk about your problems in life, you go to /adv/. If you want to shitpost about politics, you go to /pol/. It's right there. Keep your shit sorted.
>Meaning sucking Israeli cock and providing them free defense.
It's too late user, Olympus has fallen
I wouldn't call 2024 a "Few years", user.
We need to borrow mods from Yea Forums. Those motherfuckers don't fuck around.
how do we stop /pol/ from invading this place? Literally half of the threads is people whining about muh politics
Conservatives sound based
Discord tranny is bad but so is jannies.
Post more honk
>implying trump isn’t doing that
Trannies don't last long in the general shitposting population. They inevitably get triggered one too many times and run to a social cancer board like /r9k/ which exists only to filter out people like them.
Shills on the other hand are easily converted to your ideology because they keep forcing themselves to argue with it when the self-evident superiority shines through their all too permeable mental defenses. Why do you think /pol/ grew so much in the past few years?
You're never going to go back to 2006. The world's changed.
Trump’s admin is the epitome of deepthroating israel user, besides the lefty dems everybody in DC is on the aipac welfare some way or another
>thinking the most hated president in US history will be reelected
Loving every laugh
All that’s gonna happen is you’re gonna have Neo-Nazi Furries.
Hell /pol/ has a greater respect for fucking /mlp/ of all things after they had that board merger
There's literally nothing wrong with exterminating people who unironically believe "manspreading" is a real issue.
>How do we stop the discord trannies from invading this place?
We are already here faggot get used to it!
Its part discord trannies.
Partially the govt and ai
Ai and corporations sell products here.
That's why its NEW GOOD
OLD BAD here
We have said that Lucifer came to the world to wake man up, to help him remember his divine origin, the divine origin of his Spirit, and to help him free himself from the body-soul in which he is trapped, and from created time and matter
This THREAD will be deleted soon because im telling the truth
>still no link to tranny discord
sounds like a made up stawman
Serouisly they ban Wojak and frogs on sight with laser precision
how about both you /pol/cunts and the trannies fuck off Yea Forums would improve tenfold
eric XD
Unfortunately, he's going to win again and we'll have another 4 years of fellating Israel, and bringing in infinite brown people to work in factories that don't exist. It's because 1) most #MAGAtards think "winning" is having Trump as president. Well, we aren't winning shit. Trump isn't president, Kushner is. And 2) Democrats can't put up a good candidate. Biden's a fucking idiot, and Bernie's a fucking fraud. This is what you pieces of shit get for being anti-white and fringe.
Same way we stop /pol/ and shitposters in general
Darpa creating sjws
You don't understand. Anyone who doesn't agree exactly with me is clearly only here because they're being forced to be.
We just wait.
They have the attention span of a 5-year-old. It' ll be over soon.
Is there a bigger sign of quality than a Donald image in the OP?
cringe. Also, this thread will be deleted because it's off-topic /pol/lution
>tfw I joined the tranny discord server to make fun of trannies
>tfw no trannies there
>tfw only anons posting tranny surgery pics
>tfw Yea Forums lied.
I find it funny they call a communication app "discord". And they come here to cause discord. They truly are the...discord trannies *villain theme starts*
Personally I’d nuke the fuck out of /pol/ threads and word filter shit like trump to Ramen or Rocket Lawnchair
more like
>progressives want you to stop manspreading
>conservatives want to prove that they can manspread less than the progressives and that the progressives are the REAL manspreaders
Great, now you only need one bullet for two problems.
What the fuck does cringe mean.
Does it mean like thats gay from the 1990s like this is dumb and stupid. If so your a fucking bitch for not saying thats gay.
Anyone who complains about manspreading to me will get womanslaughtered
You need to fuck their asses so hard that it causes permanent physical damage. Then they'll regret the day they decided to become a cum dumpster but it'll be too late to go back and they'll just kill themselves.
I like you that’s smart
Should I just learn japanese and go to 2ch or something? It's amazing how bad the culture surrounding games in the internet has gotten for the west
>How do we stop the discord trannies from invading this place?
Oh you sweet summer child! We are already here sweatie!
Good idea
>What the fuck does cringe mean.
You have google, don't you?
I been banned for this stuff all across the internet including conspiracy websites.
Bit picture btw
>Discord trannies actually believe conservatives want to kill everyone not like them
How are you surprised? Of course they wouldn't be there, is the boogie man really in your closet?
But the discord trannies are pedophiles
They already have permanent physical damage :^)
>people with next to no skin who react to anything as if you just spat in their grandmas face
>in a place which is notoriously angry and uses heavy insults like "and" and "the"
there are no trannies here
only you
You're taking the wrong approach with trannies.
You have to understand what they are, which are white men that got peer pressured by an awful religion to cut off their dicks.
You should take that into account and discover a way to deliver the ultimate red pill to em, so you can make a wave of right wing revengeful trannies.
I fucking love this song
Discord is just nu-Skype. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it and everyone who has friends uses Discord
I don’t have any friends...
Now that's an image where the text is easy to read.
Ignore them
How do we stop grundall blormpf faggots from shilling Zion Don and calling for more immigration? Getting really tired of this shit.
That because ponies scare the jews.
2012 picture. 2013.
Try to find a updated version.
There used to be threads with 100 pictures like this that a person would constantly post like 3 4 years ago but they gave up
Post more wojaks.
Its funny because /pol and r/thedonald are the only one shitting up this place. The people they call "trannies" are usually mature, high IQ people who tell them that screaming "NIGGER" for 30st time might not be the smartest thing.
The question thus becomes how do we stop the actual dumb racist? (the kids larping as dumb racists can usually be ignored)
what ever could have given them that idea
>ignore and report porn threads, which always attract massive quantities of fags and trannies
>inform them that sexuality is not video games
>tell them to go back to their containment board(s) (/lgbt/, /cm/, /trash/, etc.)
>realize that politics are not video games
>go back to your own containment board(s) (/pol/, r/t_d, 8/leftypol/)
Okay, and how you explain all the "kill all the white men" that are posted by many progressives?
/pol/tards are the most embarassing and hypocritical beings possible
their very existence goes against their hollow ideology
for example they hate trannies and gays but all fap to traps and ERP with each other on 8ch
Have sex.
...'cept there are no actual racist here, cretin. Everything's """ironic""".
The LARPing kids are the ones who fuck up this site.
It's almost like Yea Forums boards aren't one person. It's almost like /pol/ is mostly boomer neocons.
You'd like that, wouldn't you, you free speech hating commie liberal
Really made me think
We vote for Yang
How do you win when you had less votes? That means more people wanted the other candidate to win, yet they still lose? How does that make sense?
You're mom gay
>Why do you think /pol/ grew so much in the past few years?
It's not a mystery, neo-Nazis figured out that losers are the most susceptible to their ideology a long time ago. But now thanks to the internet they can reach people who wouldn't have left their basements otherwise.
the conservative christian act is their coping mechanism. they are the most depraved ones by far
What did the /pol/tard mean by this?
Does anyone have a link to such server?
Your a dumbass
Its to put fake end times into play
This got a band banned for 15 years for doing this.
vidyo gams
Nice straw man fallacy you swarthy monkey
"Tranny" is just the new "cuck." /pol/ will tire themselves out eventually with it and move on to the next forced buzzword.
>progressives spout some hyperbole on twitter
>conservatives actually act on their violent tendencies
work more on your shitty bait,retard
Go to 8ch. They are still too scared to go to that place.
So will we get six gorillion nu-males trying to "own" the word tranny by starting to transition?