Are you playing Momijis game user?

Attached: DjLyXPhWwAEfowy.jpg (675x1200, 92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

nah I'm watching porn.

Why the fuck she isn't in doa6?

One of the few reasons why I didn't buy it.

Attached: DKZEml-UMAAdn7y.jpg (1200x674, 60K)


momiji and rachel are technically guest characters in 5, they are from ninja gaiden

is anyone else getting "limited access" when they try to play? For me I've been getting the same message for 2 days.

>Looks at Smash and their bajillion guest characters in the start roster in Ultimate
"They are guest characters" is just an excuse to get you to pay for them again.
You know Mai? Did you buy Mai in doa5? Well, you're buying her again in doa6.
Momiji is going to be dlc or doa6u as dlc.

working ok here. did you install from a US account/ip before they closed the loophole?

Are poses character specific? Are they one time binds? Why are they colored?

Attached: event.png (1065x815, 318K)

yeah I did. Oh shit did they ban it in the US?

They're not character specific, but you can only gift each to one girl. Choose who you want to spend your time on. The grind is pretty bad. I'm not sure about the colors, it could just be who the pose originates from.

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i'm still playing in the UK, but i used a korean account and vpn to install

Not available in my area

>can only do up to the first rank B mission of the event
I don’t think I’m gonna make it.

well shit looks like it's back to dmm for me.
>TFW you got further in the steam version

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Good, her tits aren;t canonically that big. Check 5

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Limited access? What does it tell you?

Lucklet life is hard but I try my best anyway.

Attached: Capture.jpg (466x498, 52K)

It says something like, "due to heavy traffic in servers, access is limited" or some shit like that and it's been going on for 2 days now and I know for a fact that the overflow thing is bullshit because I checked the amount of players online and it was pretty much the same amount of players for when I played. Idk who cares, the Jap version has more content anyway, I just gotta suck it up.

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As long as you have SRs for both of your girls, you’re fine. The fuckery comes in when you’re stuck with R+SR

what time does the jap daily bonus reset?

Most people like Momiji for big tits, but real patricians love her for beautiful face.

Well I was SR+R but since this event had an SR available for event trophies I've moved to SR+SR at least.

this game has so much fucking loading i moved it to my SSD, but it made little difference.
considering its only a fewGB in size, there's no logical reason why you should see a loading message every few seconds

probably loading from the servers

finished the first Pool Jump set where did my SSR ticket go???

No, I'm playing Hitomi's game

Attached: Hitomi 246.jpg (2160x3840, 703K)

It's a fraction of a ticket. When you tab through the event shop you can see how many you have.

Doesn't that apply to Ryu too? Doesn't stop him from getting into every game.


Your internet connection is "satured". Stop all downloads.

No. I'm playing best girl Misaki's game.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190328_173148.jpg (3840x2160, 802K)

>no sand deformation
I'm triggered we had it in 2003

you just sewed hitomis head onto rachaels body

Attached: Hitomi 241.jpg (2772x4000, 862K)

thank you for open beta present
be sure to claim it and use it

Momiji is a white man's toy.

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If I gift a swimsuit is it consumed?

They become bound to that character. After you've gifted a swimsuit you can have a girl wear it at any time, and you don't have to keep it. Anything you won't use for matches, usually SR and below, you can scrap or sell.

I want to fuck this German

Is anything in the event shop a must buy?

Attached: Nazi Hitomi 3.jpg (1920x1080, 905K)

I spent hours grinding in DOA Xtreme 3 Fortune even with the roulette save/load exploit, I don't want to spend another week of my life doing something worse (gacha)

Doesn't change anything

Not really. There can be timed items tied to events, and sometimes they're good for that event, but it's up to you whether you want a certain pose or accessory. If you want experience you'll want to buy the character episodes.

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why is honkers so BIG?

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So I can masturbate to her

The SR suits boost trophy drops and add a 10% point bonus in event, the SR accessory in the gold trophy store adds 5% point bonus if you need just a bit of an edge to S rank. They stack so if both participants wear the swimsuit and accessory you get a 30% point bonus.

How do skin potions work? Does it unlock that all of that characters sliders forever or something else?

why did she steal all the other girls tits?

what a mean girl

>Only 2-4 trophies per match

I want to play with her momijis

Why would someone make this?

presumably to masturbate to

Why not?

Attached: Nazi Hitomi 14.jpg (1836x1587, 789K)

Where's the free version of Scarlet?

But why a Nazi?

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I never save scummed so much in a game before. Why did they make it so unfun

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because shes German but that nazi fag didn't realize that shes canonically Jewish and attends temple every Friday and bakes Challah bread with his good Jewish Boyfriend where they spend all of the sabbath walking outside holding hands.

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why any fetish? i personally don't get footfags at all, but whatever blows your hair back.

You get more the higher the rank of the match. But to compete in those it's better to forego the SR. Accessory is still good but not mandatory. They're usually more useful if you just want higher ranking rewards after an event ends because they net you more points.

ever since the original doax intro video, shes totally gay with leifang in my head canon

She's a German and the Fuhrer of my heart

Attached: Nazi Hitomi 29.jpg (3090x1930, 1021K)

there's two stocks of swimsuits. one for gifting to girls and one for using for upgrades/burning for tokens. you don't need to worry if you burn a swimsuit

those double star crystals. you use them for doing the final max lvl upgrades for a suit and the game doesn't hand out many. but they're there for every event so i guess just get the event specific sr or accessories being offered unless you really need a suit upgrade

What does each DOA character smell like?

nyo smells like the bottom of a parrots cage

It's not out yet? Damn

Hitomi smells like my tongue

I love her and her huge tits

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Helena smells like French lavender

Attached: helena1.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

marie rose?


How is she so perfect, bros?

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*walks by Momji*
*deep smell of floral Cherry Blossom*
*sadness overwhelms me knowing she will never be mine*

Attached: 17e3c8-Momiji Casual Default.jpg (1920x1080, 373K)

this is momiji thread now

Attached: momiji.jpg (256x256, 17K)

rachel is knee deep in fiend guts most days, so fairly ripe on the nose

imagine getting ground and pounded by Mila and inhaling her beautiful floral aroma which is a combination of magnolia, peony, and jasmine

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Still would all the damn time

because they're shit characters

What I wouldn't give to plow them

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Thats harsh

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this thread

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Wrong, she smells like sulfur

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>Fuck Fiona
>Marry her
>Eventually become King

Attached: DOAXVV_Fiona-4-ds1-1340x1340.jpg (1340x754, 125K)

Is DOA X3 available in the West yet?

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Honk Honk

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune_20170911173504.jpg (1600x900, 119K)

Make a general. Mods are fags that specifically target these threads to delete

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>100,000 crystals
>no Fiona yet
Should I take it she hates me?

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dream team

>Wanting a general
Faggot, go back to your discord

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which is fairly similar to shit or bad eggs, both of which can be found in a parrots cage

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I always wondered why 3ddp never ever cosplay as DOA characters. They literally can't compete.

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Fuck off fag blame the mods for constantly deleting VV threads

there's a general on /e/

>tfw getting SSRs for girls i dont like and I have to use them in the volleyball to continue

its not fair bros

any pictures of this suit from the back or side?

Will import Xtreme 3 soon, yes.


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i don't even like kokoro, but she's somehow become my ace

Attached: DOAX_VV 2019-03-29 21-34-33.jpg (1080x1920, 353K)

But Ryu has been in since the start.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_181020_175130.jpg (1080x1920, 304K)

god damn i love high-cut

She's really cute

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190327_083134.jpg (3840x2160, 1.74M)

Same here bro, my highest level girls are the ones I least like but that's gacha for you.

It moves the sliders by one point in either direction depending on the item, to a max of -3/+3.


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This was my free SSR. Not a new girl, but I won't complain.

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I love Marie's feet.

A little blocky but she has cute toes.

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I'll reroll until I get Fiona with my initial 5000!

valentines day has best ssr

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190319_033325.jpg (1920x1080, 327K)

Yeah it's a shame KT never tried to smooth out the foot appearances some. They have to know that there's lots of footfags playing these games. Either way Marie's feet are a miracle and the thought of them alone makes me diamonds.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_180409_061619.jpg (1080x1920, 360K)

Hair up or down?

Attached: 4c1901030eab08e043eccd718db6fc5f9cb5b1c9-1143296.jpg (1920x1080, 304K)

They look better than I remember. I don't know if it's the same exact models because I don't have X3, or maybe I'm thinking of DoA 5.


Up for sure

DoA threads make my peepee go up!

The best part are the heels.

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Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_180531_192354.jpg (1080x1920, 267K)

Retards are so sexy.

I hope the english version does come out to other places, only reason I don't want it on Steam is that rerolling is a nightmare.

>playing censored version

Attached: DOAX_VV 2018-11-10 14-31-25-69.webm (502x516, 1.45M)


Mods exists, which is the only reason to play the gatcha version to begin with.

If that's the only reason why not play DMM version then? Easy reroll, no censorship, more content.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_181122_184913.jpg (1920x1080, 323K)

Yeah yeah yeah, keep it going shill.

Since I got that body mist from the DMM scratch


It's not region locked, why does it matter if it's released in the west or not? It even has English subs.

>playing doax for the gameplay

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I think Christie is really cute. Thanks for reading my post.

She looks like she fucks black men.

I gotta unlock all the shit. The save editor is a port from fortune and no 100% save yet.

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Scarlet__37.jpg (1920x1080, 337K)

Shes not meant to be cute

Why are these retards STILL incapable of rendering decent looking hands? it's like i'm still looking at a fucking Xbox model.

Attached: sowwy.png (327x452, 173K)

Does venus vacation have mods and if so link? Im desperate bois

>never ever cosplay as DOA characters
But they do?

Attached: izzy02.jpg (450x600, 84K)


I've played DOA5 years ago and I had fun with it. Gonna pick the game up again on Xbone someday because I lost interest on playing on my PS4.

Uhhh but why

So is there a % chance that a girl will accept any bikini at any point, enabling savescumming, or is there just some outfits or moments where she has zero chance of accepting a gift? 500k per special bikini gift fucking sucks.

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Yea. The wrapping helps but slightly. Having them like the person doing the gifting also helps


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How do i meet girls like this?

Anri is the best.

The fact that this won't happen to me is enough to push me over the edge.

Will KT stop being a bunch of retards and release it to the west seeing it got a lot of attention?

Try the place where all the sexy mods end up in? I don't think there's that many porn modder communities out there.

>How do i meet girls like this?

Attached: 26e581e26b4358cf474b9bcddaf17320df29657e_hq.jpg (1024x640, 88K)

Nah, all those journalist really smashed their ego. Probably not worth the trouble

the samurai fears the sjw

I do hope you mean Misaki's game

Attached: Capture.png (687x544, 71K)

Imagine how loose her pussy must be fuck that's hot

lovers lab is where I got mine.
Its a bit more complex to mod than DOA5, not helped by the mod authors being shit at exlaining things. for example, for a simple high quality nude mod you'll needthese
>costume customiser
>hi metal hi res skin
>BP boobs
each is a seperate download, some have detailed readmes, others think you already know everything.

And for the BP boobs one you'll need to farm a particular costume and gift it to anyone you want naked.
Luckily its a fairly common drop.

But is that fear outweighed by their love of money?
Judging by their DLC practices, I think money will win.

Do any doa girls like black cock?


Reminder to every steam player to acquire their SR exclusive handbands or whatever from the venus shop for all characters, they give good potentials which helps with the pajama party grind

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>get free Fiona on my second Trendy Ticket
>already 3 SSR characters on my new DMM account, created literally 2 days ago
>meanwhile my Steam account only has a random Venus banner Kasumi that I got from 20k rolls

Momiji's game would involve being fucked by Rachel and Nyotengu continuously.

I'm stuck farming S-ranks at C-rank, should I forget S-ranking C-rank and start beating up higher event stages so I can farm silver trophies faster?

I have a SR Kokoro and a R Helena, shit is brutal.


Marie is an aryan Princess who exists to continue her beautiful race!

Attached: DOAX_VV_2018-10-30_04-01-18-47.jpg (1080x1920, 402K)

The DMM version hand out SSR tickets and stones like candy.

The Fisted Innocence.

Attached: 2015-12-09 03.33.15.jpg (1219x656, 270K)

and just like that I'm hooked into playing the game instead of almost quitting.

All KT needed to do was to throw out one or two SSR tickets for the Steam launch so that players can reach A-rank without getting raped.

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Anyone have a good play guide for the DMM game. I still have no idea what i'm doing at all.

Yea just keep clearinf the matches you can. You can do back for the S ranks later. Using friends can help get S ranks too. The tension boost looks like it reduces point so only use it if youre losing

Is there a site which list the stats for all the costumes?

I want Tamaki but I want her other costumes, not the meido one.

How far can I reach with just SR+R realistically?

Ironic since Hitomi loves black cock.

Not sure if trying for B is worth it. You dont get anything for losing.

hitomi doesnt even know what a cock is

So I'm stuck until I get a SR for Helena?

check the pastebin in the OP post of the /e/ thread


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240 benis coins just for a fucking hairdo

I want to marry and impregnate Helena

Yea. youre stuck farming the dailys and trophies

sometimes they go on sale

lilac or lavender?

Attached: left or right.jpg (2560x1440, 961K)

How many silver and gold trophies do the higher ranks give anyway?

My wife Ayane.

Rape Ayane and leave her after getting her pregnant!

I really like ayanes outfits. Shes got good taste

You still have to pay child support

I wonder if someone will make a mod to restore the Steam version touching feature.

When will Christie get her short hairstyle back in 6? I don't like the bob and the long hair is alright but I like short hair because I'm not gay.

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I really love my wife Ayane.

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I want to roll for her

I want to impregnate her

Tamaki is not for lewd.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190202_221725.jpg (3840x2160, 1.37M)

She's meant for creampies

whats the verdict of scarlet user?

Tamaki is for marriage and impregnation while holding hands and being leglocked and kissing.

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>Bae Fang is the only girl I still don't have.

Hoping that the next event focuses on her.

I want to cum deep inside of Fiona while telling her I love her

Unless you got a lot of free time for grinding. Im talking like 50-60 hours per character not including the time for save scumming. VV is more fun and gives you time to enjoy other stuff

No, she doesn't look attractive enough for me to bother.

Wow you must be from FSD because's that's really gay.

>More fun
>All skipping matches is fun

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190128_021247.jpg (1920x1080, 555K)


i have Fortune, is it the same or worse? i thought they said they made it easier with this one

I'm not saying I wouldn't fuck but damn that face is borderline uncanny valley.

I don't get it.

Attached: Whats a FSD.png (573x294, 514K)

All I'm saying is you get to enjoy your girl in VV more than the frustration of gifting in Scarlet

They doubled the currency cap. Everything else feels the same

>Not like Momiji's face

Attached: momiji__a_07__by_caluctor_dcacdmt.jpg (1920x1080, 284K)

I want to ejaculate on this face if you know what I mean

What do you mean, both games have a grind. At least with X3 you aren't limited by V Stones. The only reason I would play VV over X3 is that it runs at 4k60fps on my PC.

what the fUCK did he mean by this

It's really easy to get a variety of lewd swimsuits to wear in VV since they're Rs, but in X3 if a given girl doesn't have them, you have to go through gifting tedium.

The grind is worse in VV, not to mention having to deal with gacha RNG and the trickle of recycled content. If I spent as much time as I have on more than one girl I would go insane.

Who else will they be adding?

Attached: deadalive5_1862783b.jpg (1920x1080, 244K)

Once you have it all done, than yea scarlet and VR will be nice. Its a lot of work to get there.

Is it true that Stamina costumes are useless?

im actually playing Helena's game

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Ungabunga stamina bullying was a legitimate tactic. Dunno if it still is.


If our regular DOA6 screencapper stops by, I think I have all the caps saved in a folder now. Was there anything new posted since Lisa v Tina on the weekend?

I want to creampie her

Attached: 67_m.jpg (1920x1080, 344K)

i want Lien neville or B jenet, but its highly unikely

i have honkus and helena, both in stamina SSR's, got all the way to A class with that pair

Is DOAX VV part of EVO's Core values?

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190329_174611.jpg (3840x2160, 821K)

there was some marie rose christie stuff

god I love momijer

The best girls in DOAXVV are Helena, Tamaki, Nyotengu, and Momiji

She'd probably be the best mom among the DOAs.

It's these 3

Attached: newvisual_03.jpg (1920x1080, 283K)

Someone be REAL WITH ME here. How fappable is the new DOA?

>didn't get any SSR in the steam version
>decide to try the DMM version
>got these 2 with my free rolls

Attached: DOAX_VV.jpg (1920x1080, 560K)

Luna has the 'tism.
Not yay.

Welcome to the dark side.

Enjoy your stay.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (2560x1440, 782K)

why the moles?

How many stones do I need to save to get Tamaki?

You have to be used to that if you like DoA. And she is cute.

Any time I see this girl I just think of Kunoichi and get the urge to have a shameful fap. FOW really Pavlov'd me with the DOA girls.

Luna is hilarious

Would it kill them to make good poses?

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_180620_210743.jpg (1920x1080, 257K)

Absolutely Based and Kosherpilled

Just think about how much pussy you're going to get once word spreads that you know the breast size of a videogame character. If possible, memorize the the amount of polygons it takes to model her bust. You'll be swimming in pussy in no time, user.

Shit dude, all I did was run this gacha once.


Attached: awe4rawesrft].png (1920x1119, 2.51M)

As someone who plays VV for the VV-exclusive girls, that's a win in my eyes.

I know what you mean. I never really liked Helena, but now when I see her I want to fap to her video

Must have missed it. Last Christie I saw was in the nightgown.

Attached: 1552528700728.png (1920x1080, 2.3M)

Wait, Helena is only 23???? I thought she was on her 30s or something.

Literally like 2 years have passed in the DOA universe.

>6 dead or alive tournaments in 2 years

Imagine Nyotengu sits on your face and orders Momiji to suck your cock.

I want to impregnate

>Helena is 5 years past her expiration date

Completely Adorable.

Attached: 2017-11-29 03.46.41.jpg (1024x576, 286K)

Nah. You can gift them to anyone. But they'll only take one, since they only need one.

And once you get a high level, the grind becomes too easy. Outside of this week's event or tower events, you mostly just use up your natural fp recharge.

And the problem there is...?

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My semen.

is switch version out yet?

I feel unique for actually knowing that smell. It isn't really all that bad. Mostly smells like seed shells.

If they expect anyone to keep playing this, they need to fix the fucking server latency. 3 second load screens after every click is absolutely unacceptable.

Neither. Left is a bitch that refuses to get added to my collection, and the other I don't have a good stat ssr for.

I pick green.

kys faggot, the game has been alive for over a year

/e/ is for posting images. It's not a discussion board.

All week

So I don't get Potentials. They weren't explained well.

>If I Skill Awaken an (R), which are naturally not bound to any character, do all characters get that skill?

>I am pretty sure the tutorial said that (SR) and (SRR) Awakenings only give the skill the character they are bound to -- the only character that can use them.

How does this work?

I really, really wish I had a DoA gf...

Any reason to save Gacha tickets? Saving my gems for a good banner.

We all do buddy. We all do.

There was a Venus Gacha triple rate ONCE, many months ago. Nothing since, probably never again. They also haven't added shit to it in the more than a year the game has been running.

Swept the game up until A rank with a few lucky SSRs i got, now I'm hitting a wall. What's the next course of action? Leveling up the outfits? Training?

Who was in that triple rate?

>few lucky SSRs
>tfw only have one

There isn't supposed to be a race to A-rank. The fuckup was launching an event IMMEDIATELY after booting up the server. Ideally, you should have a few weeks to get settled first. I'm a lucklet and have S-ranked everything up to A-4 so far but I've hit the limit of what I can do without a massive influx of money. To break my SSR suits past level 60, it's hundreds of thousands of Zack coins. And leveling up the girls themselves costs a ton of FP to do quickly and I'm out of potions. This was with getting 2 SSRs on Day-1 that have good synergy for strategy (bow POW). So maximum-luck and this is as far as I can get in 2 days.

All the regular Venus SSRs, so the base girls, as in the returning DoA girls minus Lei Fang, plus Misaki.
If you mean the red trend gacha tickets, save those for swimsuits that make your dick hard.

I've gotten 3 lol, just started playing 4~ days ago.
I grinded the event tab to get lots of currency that can be used to roll the gatcha

Wowie I would spoil Kokoro with hugs and pet pats

>tfw gyaru marie with bleached white nipples

Attached: 1534014814818.jpg (720x531, 42K)

I've spent 20k stones and dozens of Venus tickets and I only have one SSR.

I just finished C-rank and grinding the event to get one of my girls a SR costume.

bleached nips look strange to me

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You're always going to want a couple of max level SSRs. Even without event bonuses they can help you clear the event for gems and get a lot of points along the way, which will give you more rewards. You might need to level up characters and grind for better accessories to fully clear them though.

I'm just saving for Tamaki then

idk, the first time I saw that I was into it. shame that I can't seem to find a proper tag for it fucking ANYWHERE though.

Normal venus gacha is mostly used to get awakening stones or whatever they call it on steam. They're quite useless when you have unlocked all the vanilla girls. Which are then used to unlock the stat passive on a particular suit at 4* to be used as a skill, and then leveled up through the mountain climbing event. A SSR skill gives a permanent stat boost around 24-27% when fully leveled.

Level the suit up. Training is only useful to get drinks so you can play more, if you're low level that is. It becomes pointless once you're level 40+.

Post armpits

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fuck you thats honey select you bitch

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Momiji is so fucking hot. Whoever designed her is a gift to humanity.
Was she actually based on someone?


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my mom


Helena and Tamaki look like they are going to molest Little Kokoro.

keep them coming

You can't say that without posting pics user.

And thats a good thing!

i need to make some more. just bought some more poses for marie

Should I be trying to do more of the main quest(halfway to owner rank 13) or farming points for the event rewards?

Helena only drinks shota juice.

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I don't play games that your dick wants.

>huge tits

Stamina costumes will be fine until the end-game. They're more than adequate for 3/4s of the game. Not to mention you will be getting yellow resources to upgrade yellow costumes. So you might as well have one.

hell yea just unlocked a clip of nyotengu fondling a boulder for 15 seconds

probably for the best

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Yes, you heard him.

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Is this the questions thread?
I'm playing on DMM and I got the two SSRs from the last update tickets. They got me up to A but I think I'm hitting the threshold already. I've been running training for upgrade materials and FP drinks.
>How do you get purple upgrade crystal materials? Appeal, yeah?
>Where do you get the crystals to upgrade swimsuit level caps?
>While I can get around pretty well now without knowing moonrunes at all, I have no idea how to figure out the abilities and skills and bonuses and all that shit since I feel like it's eventually gonna be necessary.
>Where do you get better accessories?
>What are the things you equip on accessories with like a little head graphic?
>How the fuck do they expect you to reach 20 million points on the event? Isn't it running for like only a week?
>Are the stamina SSRs really bad like everyone says or do they shine more late game?
>How likely are FP drinks to drop from training? Does time or type affect the likelihood?
>Is it better to spend stamina on the event while it's running instead of advancing the regular story? I noticed the event barely gives out XP.

My maiden wife's body is perfection.

Helena juice would be $1,000 a shot

> ywn be Nyotengu's boulder friend (bf).

Momiji would have been better if only she didn't have a doormat personality. She's pretty dull

Doa5 is the past. New Momiji is the future.

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I love her so much

I love her more!

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>nice, caring and helpful.
She's wife material.

kokoro has the cutest reaction when you molest her in photo mode, that autistic rocking thing

I'd smash her all day.

>>How do you get purple upgrade crystal materials? Appeal, yeah?
grind event points and you get em from the event shop
>>Where do you get the crystals to upgrade swimsuit level caps?
>>While I can get around pretty well now without knowing moonrunes at all, I have no idea how to figure out the abilities and skills and bonuses and all that shit since I feel like it's eventually gonna be necessary.
not really. the bonuses are pretty minor but for the most part just knowing katakana/hiragana to read the engrish is enough to get by
>>Where do you get better accessories?
event shop
>>What are the things you equip on accessories with like a little head graphic?
when you level up girls they gain skills you can equip on them
>>How the fuck do they expect you to reach 20 million points on the event? Isn't it running for like only a week?
fucking grinding, burning through fp recover potions
>>Are the stamina SSRs really bad like everyone says or do they shine more late game?
they're pretty bad as stamina just prevents stat drop the more rounds there are
>>How likely are FP drinks to drop from training? Does time or type affect the likelihood?
not too likely. i think time affects it. you can also buy them from the vip shop from burning swimsuits. i forget the daily or weekly limit you can buy
>>Is it better to spend stamina on the event while it's running instead of advancing the regular story? I noticed the event barely gives out XP.
if you need xp grind out the story missions because unlocking gravure scenes boost your owner xp which increases your max fp

what do you think her nipples taste like?

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No? The general stat boost is more than enough.

I can't help it, Miji stole my heart ever since she debuted in that DS game. I will always love her.

> That little yelp she does and the hurt puppy look she's so fucking adorable.
> She also does this really cute blushing and shy look with her eyes.
> That little coquettish sway.

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wtf is a bleached nipple

This thread cursed my ticket

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>How do you get purple upgrade crystal materials? Appeal, yeah?
You get them as event rewards when the event SSR is an appeal suit, and from the event shop
>Where do you get the crystals to upgrade swimsuit level caps?
Lessons and daily matches (the pink ones)
>While I can get around pretty well now without knowing moonrunes at all, I have no idea how to figure out the abilities and skills and bonuses and all that shit since I feel like it's eventually gonna be necessary.
パワー = power
テクニック = technique
スタミナ = stamina
アピール = appeal
You should be able to work out the rest.
>Where do you get better accessories?
>What are the things you equip on accessories with like a little head graphic?
those are skills you get from leveling up and awakening SRs and SSRs
>How the fuck do they expect you to reach 20 million points on the event? Isn't it running for like only a week?
whaling to get 2 event SSRs on the first day and then grinding
>Are the stamina SSRs really bad like everyone says or do they shine more late game?
Their serviceable early on, but you'll want to replace them asap
>How likely are FP drinks to drop from training? Does time or type affect the likelihood?
just spam 10-minute lessons while you play
>Is it better to spend stamina on the event while it's running instead of advancing the regular story? I noticed the event barely gives out XP.
depends on what you want. Main matches give more exp for character episodes and gravure panels, leading to more owner exp and more max stamina, but event matches won't last forever. If you can't S rank all the event matches, you might want to just get as far as you can, then focus on main matches until the next event.

guessing like a pale chick covers her nipple with a pastie while tanning so she's tan but the nipple is really pale

She's a geisha

She's meant to be touched

Requesting pics of DOA's with leaves bikinis.

Stamina as a stat is useless in endgame dmm. Everyone runs out of it around round 6, no matter how much you have. If you want stamina, you use stamina skills to reduce the amount you use. There are plenty of pow/tec suits that have them, rendering actual sta suits pointless.

It's better to have a high base stat, so your multipliers actually do something when everyone is at 0 stamina.

The hidden meta is apl. If you have 2 apl ssr, you basically get burst every 2 rounds. Burst restores some stamina each round as well. There are apl suits that have better stats than venus ssr even.

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Requesting Miji pregnant with my children after marriage.

Can you level up the outfits? How do you level them up?

There are certain outfits that have stats so much better than the others that it seems pointless to equip any of the lv1 outfits?

SR for a single ticket is pretty good user.

not when you dont even have that character

I was wondering something else. I saw the camera icon during matches from day 1 but it's always blurred. Was told that it doesn't work with the default camera, and that I should click on a girl to focus the camera on her. I tried clicking just about everywhere but nothing happens and I still haven't been able to takes photos during matches. What's up with that?

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Someone help a nigga a out and tell me how do I mod the gacha game on steam

Never played the game but I've seen these threads around, mixed answers online. Which DOA should I play?

How to unlock new haircuts?

burn sr and srr suits for character tokens. its like 200 fucking tokens for a haircut. sr suit gets you 20 and i think an ssr gets you 50 iirc

>tfw have better luck in the mobile im@s games than in VV
where's my nyo ssr
i don't want to be stuck with momiji's

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sell SR stuff to gain venus coins, then access the girls venus store page

Accumulate 12 SRs for any one character then sell it for character coins. There's the rare occasion when the hairstyles are 50% off.

and werewolf musk

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How many does 1 SR give?


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Is this in VV?

why is momji huge in the cutscenes

Oh shit. Thats actually a lot. I thought you get 1 so ive been using them for skill awakening

other girls are just small

>those are skills you get from leveling up and awakening SRs and SSRs

Pardon me, good sir. Could you by chance answer the questions from way up in the thread about Potentials and costumes? This one:

I want to drink her sweat

I love my wife Tamaki!


At this point I just want to buy a reroll account

>finally get 2 SSRs
>both of them are stam
just my fucking luck

Shes like 5'9. Everyone else is 5'

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Should I try getting Tamaki in the current event or wait for the next?

I want Nyo to shove her tongue in my butthole.

love the ninja girls

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Swimsuits have three types of skills: A (not sure what this stands for), P (potential), and F (fever). P skills are the only ones given to that character when the suit is fully awakened. R suits only have A skills, so no one gets any skills when they are fully awakened. And yes, P skills are only given to the character the SR/SSR belongs to.

Attached: skills.jpg (603x481, 115K)

where the uncensored at

I want to suck on them bros...

I want my entire life to be dedicated to licking the armpits of DOA girls

Do they announce future gachas in advance or is it a mystery until they simply happen? I really want to get Luna and I'm having a hard time saving stones since I'm barely starting out and I can feel the wall creeping up with what I have.

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I've dedicated my entire life to Nyo. She is my one and only.

Nyotengu is my wife and goddess and I love her more than anything.

its a mystery. but events happen really frequently and always spit out a ton of v-heart stones so you can skip some events and just grab the v-stones you can and blow them on the next


Thank you so much. I've been trying since yesterday to get a clear explanation on this. Much appreciated!

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The only problem is that the third and final entry in the series was terrible and underwhelming as fuck.

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I want to plant gentle kisses on that ass

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I can't decide if he looks more like roshi, or the craftsman fucker from dr. stone.

I just want to see her suck a normal dick and fuck the shit out of ONE, singular, random guy. The teaser shit they did with her on the subway was hot, especially with all that lip licking shit. Was totally expecting her to dom the fuck out of someone but then I realized "hey, this is FOW, there's no way that'll happen." Yep, she just got gangraped by a bunch of stinky old yakuza guys.

It hurts to live. I just wanna see that level of animation with the shit that I want. God dammit.

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Shove my nose deep into those pits and inhale her scent

have you got any problem modding the game? asking for my nigga

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German Engineering really is superb, isn't it?

only if i have 2 different mods for the same costume and some require a specific skin to be used which happens to be the best looking one imo. otherwise all peachy

> Hitomi with pigtails/braids.

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Gomenasai, 私は Ken-san です。Please don't lewd my wife with indecent attire, thank you.

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just got this and I don't have Misaki as my partner, how do I get more girls?

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roll an ssr

get her SSR or buy her in slave market with shekel

can you fags post HONKERS ALREADY

If you get a SSR swimsuit for a girl you don't have you get that girl

Only her butt

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Roll an SSR or like 50 (100?) of their SRs.

why is Momiji so pure and lewd at the same time?

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This. I need more pics of Honoka so I can pretend to be her

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What did she mean by this pose

that shes a cow that needs to be milked

that shes ready for the knot

Marie is for wide spread usage.

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she needs to be milked and bred.

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I wish I could be Honkers while she gets milked and bred.

My favorite thing about this cow is unironically her ass.

*isn't she

Huge tits is her whole personality, why would you like her butt?

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Are there mods that go lewd without being full on nude for VV? I just want to remove that red top from Momiji's venus suit.

Honoka has a nice fat ghetto ass.

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Bro you got it backwards...

cause she's a fat bitch

What's backwards? I want to be Honoka and then go get knocked up

dude thats hella gay and hot

nigga you gay

guys i want a hookshot like from zelda irl

Look at this and then think about what you asked me again.

You should want to go knock up Honoka instead.

Hopefully not as hot as the semen that would get pumped into my womb

>Marie wonders what the fuck Lady Helena wants with this autistic as fuck girl

>holding hands

i always knew she was a harlot

Well they're best friends now

Honoka was made for being a cumdump while getting nipples teased

Getting tired of rerolling for Misaki's shirt SSR bros. And the account I have right now is getting shredded in S rank battles so I can't farm more gems. Send help.

Is the DMM launcher working fine?
I'm trying to download the game from there but It doesnt show me the game page.
Anyone with the same problem?

Sending you some positive vibes bro.

>while getting nipples teased
nothing gets me harder

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good for you charles

Thanks user. Wish the rerolling was like modern gacha games and it's already in game.

pretty sure you have to download it from the jap VV site

thanks paul