Apologize Yea Forums your not considering the people with disabilities.
Apologize Yea Forums your not considering the people with disabilities
Also guitars should play themselves when you buy them
Just bring back cheat codes.
But then you didn't beat the game?
Why are you friends with such a crybaby little faggot?
retards can just watch the game on youtube
Also i posted the uncensored version by mistake. Opps. I dun goofed
Just watch it on YouTube
What are you talking about, Yea Forums is always talking about game journalists
Brolylegs has only one working hand with 4 fingers and he plays Street Fighter on pro level. Not an excuse.
Reminder Bayonetta, a game Yea Forums praises the fuck out of, has an "easy mode" that is specifically designed for disabled people. What exactly would be the problem with doing this for all games apart from you retards losing your MUH SECRET CLUB status bullshit?
how about let devs make the game the way they want and don't buy it if you don't like it?
>using DmC as an example
Just use that xbone controller retard.
All action games should start with a flashing color reaction test, and then a floating number spatial awareness test. How well you perform on the initial test should then be used to tweak speed, enemy density, and damage numbers.
Dude all people here have autismo. You are the one who should apologize for not treating us like infallible divine creatures above all criticism and metaphysically unable to do anything wrong, you biggoted shitlord.
Because they didn't want to put an easy mode in the game. That is all the reason you need.
If you get so autistically ass blasted about it make your own action game with the easiest mode. If you want to keep playing good games, build a bridge and get the fuck over it, or
git gud
>Taking a screenshot of some dude's opinion on Facebook
Who gives a shit?
Everyone is allowed to think whatever they want.
Once and for all: there’s nothing wrong with a developer choosing to do this if they desire, there is something wrong with a developer doing this to kowtow to faggots and retards who need to play every single game kotaku hypes up for them so they can feel like they’re part of the gang. If FROM or any other developer doesn’t want to put babby mode in their game, then they shouldn’t, and if you don’t like it, vote with your wallet. The new Yoshi game just came out, there are no excuses.
Dude, Gravity's Rainbow was too difficult for me to read!
Why didn't Thomas Pynchon just make the book easier to read for me!?!?!
People with disabilities should be put down, not catered to.
>Paying 60 bucks for the literal garbage AAA companies shit out when good old Neptunia goes for 5 us dollars every two weeks
Lmaoing at you dude, don't even reply at me
*honk honk* oh boy! Another trickerydoo!! *water squirts out of book like a trick flower* oh golly gee!!
It really irks me so much that I genually can't even at this moment.
I just can't.
Handicapped people mostly don't play games. Devs dont need tp cater to an audience that is very small.
I'm disabled with impaired motor skills, but I'm pretty sure I'll be able to beat Sekiro. Just got through Genichiro.
And the game is already catering to me with control settings. I can't use triggers very well, but it isn't a problem since I was able to just rebind them
Typical entitled gamer attitude, it just rubs me in the wrong way that you unironically are this inconsiderate to your fellow humans.
Why should I care about this glue-huffing kid's opinion?
>Bravely Default
That's just to make grinding less tedious not to make the game easier, I bet he didn't even complete the game
>people without legs have a hard time being formula 1 driver
Guess we need to redesign all cars to be accessible to everyone, no matter their disability,
I can agree with that so long as everyone else is also willing to accept the increased price tag that comes with longer development times and the increased projected sales due to swelling your market.
>High budget games are about making something enjoyable and accessible, not something profitable.
One word: BrolyLegs
Now fuck off back to faceberg you absolute cancer
The American Disabilities Act is fucking stupid. Well intentioned but it went way too far and gets abused with the most frivolous lawsuits of all time.
>tfw you went to get a drink while the game was booting and missed the test, when you come back the game is stuck in game journalist mode
nobody deserves anything at all
The fuck is this moron trying to say? That disabled people can't play games? That's a pretty shitty attitude to have. I knew a game with 3 fingers on his hand due to a birth defect or whatever, and he styled on everyone in counter strike.
Having lower game difficulties is completely fine as long as one of them is made perfectly clear to be "the default." The difficulty the game is designed to be at to properly convey certain parts of the game effectively. A boss going from very easy to very hard suddenly is a really good way to show a sudden increase in power. A super easy mode wouldn't have the same effect, but would be there if you are so much of a pleb that you are making demands of a video game.
>reeee they need to stop making games for the 99% of functional people and pander to my literally disabled retard ass instead
mentally ill gonna mentally ill.
What could they possibly do in Sekiro to make the game easier without compromising the gameplay? Make bosses deal less damage? It totally changes how the game is played. Bosses have less health? That also changes it. Bosses are slower/easier/have different move sets? Same thing.
Some games CAN'T have difficulty settings. You just have to git gud or give up. Okay, yes, in Call of Duty's campaign you can just make bullets deal less damage, but in something like the Souls genre they make the game balanced around the difficulty.
Most games will be playable with almost any disability just by adding an invincibility cheat
Honestly if I were to make an easy mode for Sekiro I would just make it much easier to perfect parry, and nothing else.
i guess we shouldnt allow sports or anything else that requires skill or dexterity because not everyone can do it
ban sex too because not everyone can do it
Redesign Sekiro such that it is possible for this child to play it. Or are you saying that he doesn't DESERVE to enjoy Sekiro?
I'm actually all for adding options for disabilities when possible. But it's so fucking weird that their argument seems to be that people want to play games they think are not fun. If I ran into a game that was retarded hard or otherwise impenetrable I would lose interest in it entirely.
For what it's worth, most games that are deliberately "supposed to be hard" are actually just poorly designed kaizo bullshit. So why not just call the game bad and move on?
rollan again my man
there's a guy who's a literal quadriplegic on twitch who makes it a point to play some of the most difficult and dexterity intensive games he can, and then you have this autistic "intersectional" bugboy on twitter complaining that his bijo jaymes are 2hard.
I'm disabled (cfs, ibs, chronic pain, autoimmune shit, etc) and literally don't have the energy to play fromsoft or other demanding games. I think this jackass can go fuck himself. I bet he doesn't even have any personal problems or care about people like me. He's just looking for an excuse to larp as a moral inquisitor. He can take his shit attitude and shove it straight up his ass.
I'm saying that he doesn't deserve to play Sekiro, and he's going to have to learn the obvious life lesson that there are many things in this world that simply weren't created with him in mind.
You can even find articles on blind people playing fucking any games they want.
I guess? You could maybe make parries easier and change the symbols above people's heads, but do you think that would satisfy these people? They want the game to be easy. They want to "FEEL LIKE A BADASS SUPER HERO" (Or whatever Shadow Warriors 2 embarrassingly says).
You know what makes you feel like a badass? Beating a boss you've been stuck on for two hours. You know what DOESN'T make you feel like a badass? Effortlessly killing enemies who have no chance to fight back.
Lol what a faggot.
>You know what DOESN'T make you feel like a badass? Effortlessly killing enemies who have no chance to fight back.
according to a lot of people it does
that's why people play games like dmc5
God damn I hate nu-gamers. I've played a bunch of games that I didn't complete because I didn't feel like dealing with them. It's fine. There's literally thousands of other games to play instead.
a) cheat
b) shut the fuck up
actually, just go with b in either case
Games can't even be made to cater to men (in general) anymore. What the fuck makes these people feel like they should then cater to their literal special needs?
At least in DMC5 you're trying to do stylish combos involving lots of button presses and juggling while killing random mooks, and on higher difficulties the bosses and stronger enemies can be pretty deadly.
Even in Sekiro the normal mobs are basically fodder.
If you can't play a game properly it shouldn't be expected to do you any favors. You wouldn't expect a driving game to play itself for you because at that point you're not playing a game any more. You're just watching a screen saver.
Honestly looking down at disabled people here. A dude with no left hand beat the world ends with you and 100% It. If they want to beat a game they will find a way.
who is that guy I want to watch
>that last paragraph
"Not being able to beat a game you want to love?" What kind of dumb fucking attitude is that? You spent your money carelessly--you're not owed satisfaction. It's not the developer's job to protect you from yourself; you're on the fucking internet and have hundreds of resources to help you determine whether or not you WILL enjoy a game prior to buying it. That self-righteous rant boils down to whining that not literally every fucking game is developed with them in mind.
Not everything has to be for everyone. There's easier games out there for people to play if they can't hack the harder ones.
Not gonna lie bros, I'd fuck him
technically don't all games (on pc) have "easy" modes via cheat engine? So the real issue here is ignorance and buying inferior hardware
>shitter gets chewed up by a difficult game
>wants to post a salty rant, but is afraid of being called out for his incompetence
>hides behind genuinely disabled people and tries to turn his wounded ego into a fucking social justice issue
What an embarrassment.
hope he likes kidney stones
Fuck cripples no one likes them.
People who complain about games not being inclusive enough haven't been playing games long enough to know anything about mods and cheats.
I'm a person with terrible with motor skills, bad memory, I get lost in the map of games like Harvest Moon, and to top it all off I'm on several meds that kind dull me in general. All this and I love Dark Souls. I'm not good at it, I push myself and strive and grab my friends to help me through areas. I get yelled at by said friends for falling off in dumb ways, but I keep playing, I keep fighting, I keep learning to avoid dumb falls after the third or fourth time they happen. Sure, it's a bit annoying sometimes but I love the game and I love the feeling of getting better, of beating that enemy that killed you over and over. There's a certain joy that comes with learning something. Difficulty settings are not needed. If you like the game you'd stick with it and learn and enjoy the learning process.
The kid may not "deserve to play Sekiro" but he does deserve normalcy and the dignity of a self-sufficent life. What I would advance is a push to promote significantly more federal funding to medical research, both in bionics and stem cells, so that kid and people like him eventually CAN play Sekiro.
user you're better than that, even /pol/acks are better than that.
With these kind of opinions he can be legally classified as disabled.
games are a privilege not a right
Bayonetta is still fun if you play it on easy difficulty. The style of gameplay can be adjusted to be easy without sacrificing too much.
Something like Dark Souls would not be fun if it was easier, or it would take a lot of work redesigning aspects of the game to make it fun.
We're gamers, the most disabled people on the planet.
i mean half the people on Yea Forums are retarded and yet they can play games just fine so I fail to see what their problem is
biggest red flag
>but he does deserve
No he doesn't, no one fucking deserves anything. That's how life fucking works. You only care, because he's a disabled child, and its impacting you emotionally. He's no more deserving of intimacy and normalcy, than the millions of able bodied people who die without ever experiencing either. Being born able bodied is like being born beautiful, but somehow lacking one gets you a "tough shit" while the other "aww the poor guy!". The people who are first in line to garner pity for genetic failures are also the most likely to call out others for being genetic failures, but only when their genetic failure isn't too severe, like looks. Life isn't fair, not everyone is meant to experience everything.
>saying "vidya" outside of Yea Forums
>comparing vidya to professional sport
Funny you could've said any casual sport instead but you didn't because most of them have a handicapped support/version and it wouldn't have fit your narrative
I agree with this person.
There's really no reason for a game like Sekiro.
In fact, I think all games that fit the description for it should have a mode where the game just plays itself and you can even have it simulate the combat gameplay and stuff if you want to.
what is gained from excluding anyone who wants to experience something? what is gained?
people with mental deficiencies will also not understand a lot of art, does that mean the art needs to literally dumb itself down so even the dumbest motherfucker here, and they are legion, will understand it?
no fucking excuse lmao. bitch i have ADHD and i can beat hard game modes just fine
Shouldn't there be games for both types of people?
Every game should be for everyone fucking shitlord.
I hate button mashing. I like how in Uncharted you can just hold down the button instead. I shouldn't have to play Mario Party in a grown-up game.
.. Adding easy difficulty is much simpler than redoing an art piece to please your plebian mind.
>but some people won't like it ;_;
Sorry sweaty but not everything has to appeal to everyone
Rome is impossible
>there's nothing wrong with devs adding easy mode
>there is something wrong with devs adding easy mode because people I don't like asked for it
yes make the game easier so that everyone who actually liked the challenge moves on to other games and the company dies because journos don't play video games
And how, legitimately, would you amend a game like Dark Souls? Difficulty isn't the sole point of the game but death is expected and many mechanics are based around it.
>Game is too hard
>rather than move on and play something else
>Cry about it on twitter
What the fuck?
It's the kid nobody likes telling your mom to force you to play with them
I choose to ignore them.
I can't believe you have all this shit saved and bothered to post it
Imagine being too stupid to pirate and then realising you just dropped $60+ bucks on fotm triple AAA trash and you can't get past the tutorial. I'd be pretty peeved too.
Smoot-brain post
>Literally who
OP is a fag
>increase stem cell research funding
Good luck with that shit if you're in the US. muh playan god
They're just mad their review scores are worth less since everyone bought and beat the game in the time it took them to stop jacking off to girlboys.
Literally who
>people complain
>deformed people can play fighting games
>blind people can do the same plus possibly stumble through LoZ.
Unless you give the same experience for disabled people through accessibility, why bother?
At best you'd give colour blind people settings that don't fuck them over, give better sound quality for blind people and have a stylish mode for guys with not fully functioning limbs, while they still have the same difficulty that everyone who's able bodied has.
Being a /vr/ poster, I'm well into my 30's. I used to be hotshit back in my day, but lately? I just can't manage the reaction times necessary for some newer games. For Honor taught me this pretty well when I routinely got my ass handed to me by shit that my eyes could see easily telegraphed but my retard hands couldn't react to quick enough.
I don't think games should be made easier to accommodate me aging. If I've gotten too old or slow to play a game that's released, I'll just call it a heap of shit on Yea Forums and attack it for purely unrelated reasons.
how is "don't market to an insignificant population" entitled?
do you fuckers not know what words mean?
don't people with adhd have the ability to hyperfocus? sounds more like a gift than a disability to me for videogames
Imagine blindly dropping $60+ bucks on fotm triple AAA trash just because it's new without doing your research on what the game's about
yeah. there are easy games out there like dmc and bayonetta that disabled people can enjoy. some games that are more focused on the gameplay like sekiro just simply cannot be made for people with certain disabilities without changing the whole game.
>I'll just call it a heap of shit on Yea Forums and attack it for purely unrelated reasons.
This is the proper thing to do.
I'm clinically depressed and ugly. Where's my easy mode?
based oldshitter shitting up Yea Forums and making zoomers playing their zoomer games mad.
>have self-diagnosed adhd
>have trouble focusing on school and work tasks
>start up game "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice"
>beat the game in 4 hours
god damn i love hyper mode
clinical depression is a meme. i literally went to a therapist and said im depressed and/or anxious and they were like okay heres your psychiatrist and the psychiatrist was like are you depressed and/or anxious and i said yes and they were like ok heres your jew medication that make you feel like shit.
The fuck are you talking about. I'm 33 and still do fine in q3a.
I want games to kick my ass and for me to have no recourse but to get good.
The op faggot is kink shaming me and I'll thank him not to be so sex negative and respect my diversity
Enjoy not cleaning your room, forgetting to get groceries, not doing any homework, forgetting work projects etc. but man beating video games sure is dope.
>I had a shit doctor so all doctors are shit
You don't have depression, you have downs.
Who gives a fuck? You know what devs do the majority of the time for different difficulty settings?
>Enemies take more/less damage
>Enemies inflict more/less damage
What you think they're gonna spend time implementing some unique difficulty adjustments for you deformed crab hand? Get the fuck out of here.
i stopped taking that shit without even talking to my jew puppet doctors.
>I'm actually more muscular than ever
What in god's name did he look like before that
So it's just lazyness?
Highly underrated, people psyche themselves out, convince themselves that they don't deserve to call themselves depressed, like they don't qualify, but when they open up to a medical professional and get the inevitable 100% diagnosis rate of 'depressed' they go hard, make it their whole personality.
Its a scam, the medicine is killing your brain just enough to keep you able to work and not cause problems for other workers.
Get off it, your brain, flawed as it is, full of fucking useless shite as it is, is literally the only unique thing about you that's worth something inherently. It's a custom operating system you've worked on your whole life, don't let them take it.
if a guy can play a competitive fighting game with only his mouth I don't think devs need to add an easy mode for people who refuse to learn a games mechanics to be able to beat them
this doesn't sound like adhd
>Enjoy not cleaning your room,
already do that
> forgetting to get groceries
>not doing any homework,
i enjoy that too
>man beating video games sure is dope.
and obviously you don't need adhd to find videogames addictive.
cheat codes are DLC now
to be fair i got it more for social anxiety but i was never less happy and more anxious than when i was on that shit and trying to fit in at the same time. that shit numbs your brain so that you feel joy from near nothing. masturbation was about the only thing that could get through it so i just masturbated like crazy, but because you can't feel much it takes forever to even get to climax and its a pretty lame climax too.
>Bravely Default
That only lets you scale how often you encounter enemies and how hard/easy they are. You can turn off those other mechanics, but you can't increase/decrease them. Also, while a good idea on paper, being able to edit the encounter rate made dungeons useless and unimportant
>Fighting Games
What fighting games explicitly do this? The only one that comes to mind is SF Alpha, but that was released years ago. Maybe they mean where MKX let you trigger fatalities easier by buying easy falality tokens or some shit
>the olympics are too hard, why should I need to be an athlete to compete in them
>this BMX competition is too hard, why should I know how to ride a bycicle
>skydiving is too hard, why should I have a healthy heart to enjoy it.
If anything, gaming should cater to disabled peoples experiences through narrative and normalize these things somewhat. I've been schizophrenic for 11 years, and seeing Senuas Sacrifice gave me a sense that people could understand what people like me are going through in some way, and having that game didn't take away from any other game or gaming experiences. If people want games designed for certain audiences to get broader and shallower to appeal to more people, then I can safely say that those people should probably play other games. Not everything is made for everyone, and that's ok.
i hate phone users
Why is it that out of every piece of media, video games are expected to cater to every single human being on the planet? If you're disabled, play a game that intends to cater to you, but don't dare to try to change games that have no intention of aiming for yourself as an audience. If you purchased a movie and didn't understand any of its narrative themes, are you going to cry to the director to make a dumbed down version?
Exact same experience, started worrying when I couldn't feel anything, looked online and some people said the feeling never returned so I got the fuck off it, thankfully within 3 or 4 weeks I could feel it again and climax without that firework going off in my brain
>ha ha im too smart for those doctors it's all a jewish conspiracy
you're retarded and probably also have schizophrenia
I agree.
>Playing mass produced media is the same as being the best in the world at a sport
Holy fuck how are you not too dumb to breathe?
Congrats? Not user you originally responded to, but am 38 and also notice slower reaction times. I play different games now than I use to, in the same way I don't dress the same way as I did when I was a lad. If you still do the same thing as you did when you were younger and still enjoy it, more power to you.
Imagine hiding behind cripples because you suck at games.
Go back to school
Get good or don't play at all is true though. If you can't play the game, or can't get good at the game, find a different game to play. It's that simple.
Make it so you only have to remember what 2 buttons to instead of 3.
Actually, there would still be retards coming here complaining about how hard the game is. Better make it 1.
Why the fuck do these cunts always have to point to the more disfranchised to justify their shitty opinions? Did people with disabilities ask for you to just throw them to the hounds like that? These fuckwits need to learn to speak for themselves only and stop trying to big up their non arguments by trying to make those opposed to their opinions out to be uncaring bigots when people with disabilities had fuck all to do with the argument to begin with.
Not all games should be accessible for every single person on the planet. If that were the case we would have nothing but generic simplistic and forgettable shlock 24/7.
hit the boss once, they die and a sitcom laughtrack starts playing on loop for the rest of the game.
Persona 4 Arena has auto-combos and I think Under Night In Birth does too. However the damage output in those games don't tend to be too high so you're generally better off just learning combos manually. I do recall Mitsuru's auto-combo being OP but I didn't follow P4A that much.
No one is forcing you to play those games there is hundreds of autistic games but
"Oh boy sekiro! Everyone is talking about it I wanna play but I suck at games reeee lemme play"
Fucking idiots
yea but I have to play every single mainstream game because I don't want to miss out on the funny memes they bring
but I can't experience them because they're TOO GODDAMNED HARD!
>Life isn't fair, not everyone is meant to experience everything.
>tfw born too early to experience the exploration in the new world
>born too late to experience space ship exploration
hurts lads
>cunny is ruining the board
casuals ruin everything
Companies shouldn't listen to them anyway because these are the kind of people who only play their game when they are done donig normie shit like working or hanging with their casual normie friends.
Their core consumers play their games religiously therefore they are the best customers therefore costumers should listen to them
If you aren't putting 12 hours a day to get better at a game, can you really call yourself a fan?
honestly this
I'm a casual gamer and I'm not very good at them. That's why I shut the fuck up and watch it on youtube or streams instead of crying for them to accommodate me since I don't even play games that often or don't put in the time to get really good.
these people don't care about video games, they just want another hub to socialize with their friends
Life is suffering and only through overcoming that suffering can we be happy.
Having shit handed to us on a plater doesn't fullfill us emotionally and therefore shouldn't be done.
Therefore easy mode shouldn't exist.
I never actually see physically disabled people complaining about it.
color code thrusts and sweeps
do more posture damage to bosses
How do you love a game you can't physically get into or beat? If you buy a game and can't get passed the first level, for whatever reason, do you truly like it?
Bravely Default is a fucking boring ass shit game beloved by brainlets who essentially want the game to play its fucking self because that’s exactly what fucking happens in that garbage ass game where the only thought put into any enemy were a handful of bosses you have to fight waves of identical trash mobs for where there’s one really easy solution to wipe it every time and after the 15 seconds it takes to figure it out you just grind job levels for awhile by preplugging the same commands in the same way every time.
I want to fucking kill myself every time someone mentions that game in a positive light. Fuck Bravely Default and any dumbass bitch who likes it.
Kek. Everytime, thanks user
Yeah I've seen disabled people play games before, this guy is just mad because he's a fucking scrub who doesn't want to put in any effort.
They're not. It's an ideological discussion.
According to some people making a product for a specific audience is selfish and anti-capitalist because you should be targeting the largest audience possible if you expect to make the most money.
I honestly do not give a shit about cripples. If they're too useless to play a fucking video game then what are they doing.
>retard is mad about some first world problem like video games
>pretends it's everyone's issue and hides behind racism/sexism/somethingsometingism to try and get the world to cater to them instead of taking responsibility for their own failures and issues
SJW in a nutshell.
The color coding is a fair point though. The symbols are different, and Japanese players can read them immediately and intuitively. For non-Japs, your brain has to go through an extra level of processing simply because you are unfamiliar with the language.
lel, what's the original?
Bruh, Primer was too hard for me to understand. Why wasn't it just an hour and a half of CGI robots mindlessly beating each other to pieces?
Empathy is important. I'm sorry you grew up around asshole sociopaths, but we need empathy as humans because we need each other. Unfortunately.
pathetic, also sage
Depression isn't a meme, but big pharma trying to force medication down your throat for the rest of your life is
So gamers, all gamers, who have autism obviously. Ok OP. Expect world population to drop to extinction levels, faggot.
Every time there's a new Souls game out, people whine about wanting a easy difficulty option. But the game is designed and balanced around one difficulty. You're fully expected to die and make mistakes. You're also expected to learn from them. By overcoming those challenges, you appreciate the tactics and strategies you developed more and feel you have a better understanding of the game.
Failure isn't bad. It can be quite healthy to fail and analyze what you did wrong. Failure to learn from your mistakes and not being able to adapt is bad.
Is Dark Souls 3 a good souls game? I beat DS1 and kinda enjoyed it but didn't do as much exploring and didn't really "get" the game I feel. I'm wondering if I go back to Souls games now if I'll get a newfound appreciation for it.
There's a bunch of things.
You can enjoy a game that you can't finish.
Not every video game needs to be made for every person.
Opting not to include difficulty options ensures the dev can present the same experience to everyone.
Just cheat if you're bad, dummy.
Books need difficulty settings as well. If I am too retarded to understand the words they need to add pages to it that make it all childlike for me and other disabled people.
Or or how about this. You don't play this game. It's one game among thousands that don't have a difficulty mode. Why do you have to play this specific game?
From doesn't want it. That's literally it. Forcing them to is just faggotry.
>people with disabilities
I have a lifelong condition affecting both my reflexes and my ability to think and I was able to beat Sekiro 4 times.
Shitters use every excuse to justify why they aren't shit.
Based retard.
I am not that user, but America is highly overdiagnosed. Everyone is given painkillers, anti-anxiety medication, or anti-depressants for everything. Clinical Depression is not a common condition, yet the rates of prescription for these drugs is fucking insane. It's madness. People who are actually depressed should be on this medication, but if you describe any sort of lack of motivation, anxiety, or any other mental problem the first thing they do is get you some abilify (or however it is spelled).
This is related to painkillers, but here is a specific example about my father: He had a leg surgery that botched up his leg, and now he gets painkillers for it. He has for the past 5 or 6 years. He is given 120 (yes 120!) pills per month, and they are 10mg roxys. He literally takes 1/4th of one pill sometimes if his leg is really bothering him. If he took what they prescribed him he'd either be a fucking junky or be dead, thankfully my dad is smart and doesn't mess with it. He actually saved up his excess pills for years, just sitting in a mason jar. Eventually he sold them to some guy and made 5 figures
>Be sad
>I'm sooo depressed
>get anti depression meds
>I feel like nothing
>I'm sooo depressed