DS1 = difficult zones

>DS1 = difficult zones
>DS2 = unfair/frustrating
>DS3 = tough bosses

Attached: darksoulslogo.jpg (600x338, 16K)

DS2 isn't hard it's just boring as shit

>"soulslike" games

GOML zoomers


1 > BB > DeS = Sekiro > 3 > 2

fuck off

Am I the only one that really enjoyed all the games? I don't have a lot of complaints with any of them.
Sekiro is way different but I loved that one too.
I just want moar

Sekiro > DS3 > DS1 > DeS > BB
They ruined blooborne with the bloodstones and that shitty netcode and if you put it at the top it means you love to eat the shit of sony.

Are you retarded?

>i want moar

You are saying just feed me shit instead of food, I just want to eat.