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Welcome to Yea Forums - Video Games.
How edgelord are ya?

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My first play through of fable TLC was evil oriented

when I start doing well in Chivalry I start killing my teamates too

I slow-walk to players I invade in dark souls

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That's pretty cute user!

I cum inside my gf (male) everynight


I say "EZ" after every game, even when i have 0-10-0 stat in dota2

I constantly post how gameplay matters most then play nothing but repetitive waifu trash and call anyone who dislikes waifu trash games gay/sjws

90% of people are actually retarded and have no idea what theyre talking about when it comes to good game design. this includes people who work in the industry. video games have the potential to be infinitely more meaningful and valuable to society than any other storytelling medium thanks to their interactivity, but the low IQ retardation of the majority of people combined with the general greed of megacorporations controlling the industry has resulted in complete stagnation for at least 10 years. videogames are a fucking pathetic disgrace and an epitome of why the human species is fucking garbage.

I 100%ed Shadow the Hedgehog

I payed all 60 bucks for Berseria and played it all the way to the final battle and left it there because of how boring the combat was

If you are over 25, make less than 75k, and have a combined total of 5+ hours playing vidya, watching anime, watching TV/Internet shit that isn't educational or on social media such as Yea Forums, Reddit, or Tumblr per week then you are wasting your goddamn time and not living up to your fullest potential.

>So just work, consume, sleep, and repeat? God you're boring

You're coping as hard as you can because you know deep down you are lacking whether it be career, relationships, healthy hobbies, and so on. We all know vidya as your main hobby past 25 is cringe as fuck UNLESS you have the money to tell someone to fuck off.

my parents are rich so i will never have to work EVER

get on my level you pathetic wagey LMAO

I taunt after every kill

Is that you, Dan Bilzerian?

I always play as a Necromancer in games where it's available.

I posted a video of a kitten getting decapicated in a animal thread on Yea Forums

I only use Dark and Ghost pokemon and call my rival penis.

ok now I am jealous


in community run online games i will always try casually break server rules but in a sneaky way, so when im caught i just act stupid and apologize

>tfw 24
get fucked, boomer

I've been edging for 2 weeks now and my cum loads are like popping a bottle of champagne

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I slow-walk to slow-walk invaders.

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HOW do i find myself a cute gamer boyfriend

I enjoyed Agony Unrated and the upcoming action sequel/spinoff is my second most anticipated game right now. My most anticipated game is bayonetta 3, a game in which you will mercilessly slaughter heavens angels by the hundreds.

That doesn't make you edgy, just a fag.

in the van full of guns just outside of school

Your mom will die in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post. No immunities and no immunities to the "no immunities" part.

Sakuya is the best 2hu

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I defend the murder of innocents because they have a different shade of skin than me.

Whenever a short to medium game that I play has an unlockable hard mode, I will always play it


no ur mom will die her HER sleep if you dont reply to ME. also i get to nut on er face