How do I stop dying in this game?

How do I stop dying in this game?

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Do I have to use gold keys to get good?

Get the perks that reduce shield recharge delay first, and if your character don't have them, get health regen ones.
When you can complete a skill tree at around level 25 it starts getting easier to stay alive.

Stop rushing into shit you aren't prepared for. Make sure to upgrade your guns and shield every few levels, or else the curve will catch up to you stupid fast. Make sure you are constantly using your action skill. Not every character is going to be good with every gun, so make sure you have something that they are really good with.

download the BL2 Reborn mod and have way more fun

Learn about the health gate mechanic, as well as FFYL timer reduction and reset.

side quests

save them for level 72 or op level 8 if you have the dlc for it which is sorta like level 80 but you don't get talent points for it. using them before hand is pretty much a waste. if you're really struggling on UVHM then spend a few to boost yourself but saving them is wayyyu better.

You have to try really hard to die in BL 2

shoot the enemies, jackass

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this cannot be more untrue.
gold keys are good for leveling up new characters, they're effectively useless at level 72 / OP8.
as soon as you hit OP8 you should farm easy bosses for actual good guns (like an Unkempt Harold) and focus on getting meta weapons like the Bee, Sandhawk, Grog Nozzle, etc.

t. autist with over 500h on BL2

keep a shitty enemy on low health so you can get free rezzes when you need them. maybe keep a rocket launcher equipped if you really have trouble.
also download the community patch


i used my keys to 72 and op8 to farm those guns because i needed guns that i could farm with. have hundreds of hours on the games too. felt like it made it easier and wasting the keys on leveling was silly since you level so fast

honestly I never valued keys much since gearbox gave out so many of them.
I just feel like saving them for endgame is pointless since the gear you get them is effectively useless after you manage to complete a few Warrior and Terramorphous runs

git gud

And by that I mean git gud gear and literally everything will be easy.

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With all the keys they throw at you (100 just this week alone), you'd be safe to use on at every 10 levels if need be. You shouldn't need them till your second play through, so you'll still have a bulk quantity of keys left. for max level, as well as max level + +.

play krieg and use dying to your advantage

What level, map, character r u playing in or as

It stops being an advantage when you finish the first playthrough.

how do I get keys? I thought I read it's through Facebook or some shit.

>t. never played UVHM and the OP difficulties

I'm so tempted to just redownload the Handsome Collection on PS4 just because I have shitloads of Grog Nozzles and they never bothered fixing the dupe glitch(bless them)

you make a SHIFT account and just type codes into a bar on the extras menu. there are steam guides that list a fuckton of them

I have. Are you just bad?

let's be fair and say OP is a scrub who doesn't remember how to abuse slag healing OR extreme burst damage

Is it worth to install? This will make the game easy or harder?

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I still have my Grog Nozzle from when they briefly made it a normal boss drop.

Easier, they buff a lot of shit guns/talents and make blue/purple/orange drops much more common.

Get it, you aren't missing anything by playing the unmodded game first.

There is no such thing is slag healing. Only weapons with both slag and healing properties.

The reborn mod has that, and a bunch of other stuff included.

Anyone have any experience with the Reborn mod? Is it any good?

My suggestion would be start with Axton and spec into his survival tree. Using Axton is a great / safe way to learn enemies habits as well as the map.

Side quest on normal mode are a bit dumb. Fuck being level 6 and fighting Doc Mercy or farming knuckle dragger for a level 3 hornet.

On normal mode typically look for green or purple jackobs sniper rifles, vladof hand guns, maliwan or dahl smgs, and finally tourge shotguns.

In tvhm get good with maliwan and element effects and knowing who to farm for legendaries that fit your play style.

By uvhm you should know what your doing.

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For someone who never really was into lootershooter games, are these games fun?

Yeah it is. It's basically a revision of the same game but with new twerks to learn

I also recommend Maya for people who aren't great at the game yet. Ever since they buffed Cloud Kill it's strong enough to carry you to level 50 before it's damage tapers off. I recently did a fresh level 1 start and Cloud Kill damage is fucking bananas.

Its really hit or miss. The guns are cool and the shooting is clean but sometimes you do find yourself running from A to B and back again killing the same enemies.
user he wants to uave fun, not let the game play itself for him.
Kreig if you wanna be op with input gunzerker if you just want to melt everything with stupid dps.



Which is better?!

Not being retarded might be a good start.

That's fucking retarded.
Why don't they get rid of the keys?
This makes me just want to use cheatengine for them.

Stop playing a shit game

Walk backwards

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there is a trainer called uninstall this shitty game .exe

when i do playthroughs at the end of each OP level i used Gibbed to give me a skill point because otherwise the only reward would be bigger numbers

Actually read the skills, all of them, and just think about what you want to accomplish. If you feel your health is too low, spec into skills that raise your health or give you regen. If you think your shields are a problem, invest in skills that do that. Also don't neglect your damage. If you can't kill enemies fast enough, your health/shields won't matter. You'll always get overwhelmed by numbers or a really tough enemy.

Some skills seem cool but are really useless. Kike Krieg's self-hit skill. He'll do massive damage but there's a chance to hit himself which drains your health. It sucks to be in the middle of a fight and kill yourself because of this skill. Each character has a skills like this. This is why there are mods to re-arrange skills so that the tree makes more sense.

On your first play through I'd stay away from Krieg. I know Yea Forums has a boner for him but pick Axton or Salvador. Maya is good for mobbing. You want any character to have at least one singularity grenade mod because they suck enemies into a group and that makes them easier to kill. Maya's action skill does this without the grenade mod so that's why she's good for large groups of enemies.

As a general rule, I noticed that high rate of fire wins out over damage. So skew your weapons to high rate of fire first, damage second. There's some weapons that do a lot of damage but they're rate of fire and reload are so slow you die waiting on animations to finish. In other words if you have two identical guns, one does 100 damage, the other does 80. The 100dmg gun has a RoF of 5 and the 80 has a RoF of 7, go with the 80 dmg gun. I know the math doesn't work out and it's counter intuitive. I've put hundreds of hours into the game and it just seems that regardless of the math, the high RoF works out better 9/10.

About that self-hit.
set WillowGame.WillowPlayerController MeleeSelfChanceBaseValue -0.120000

BL2 Reborn mod makes it so you can spend eridium instead of keys.

>Borderlands 1 getting an update
>finally have an excuse to play the DLC
>gives you 75 keys right from the start
Well what's the point now

BL1 never had any golden chests to use them on though.

Maya is fun and the cloudkill is a great skill. When Gearbox buffed this perk and not Axtons turrets in the same patch. I was a bit bummed.

I think they are adding Golden Chest to it as part of the remaster

thats because at the time Axton and his turret were doing more then okay, but then he ends up being kind of useless if you try to go for level 72+

I hope they fixed the General Knoxx DLC because only the hub world has a teleport station. The rest of the areas just have checkpoints. If you stop playing for the day in a different area, you have to work your way back there from the hub the next day. It's really tedious. I hope they put a teleport station in every area this time. I came close to giving up on side missions that require me to drive across the hub, and then two areas, just to fight my way to the end of a third area. I have no idea why they did it that way.

Zombie Ned is almost as bad except I think they do put a teleport or two in different areas from the hub and the maps are smaller so they don't take as long to traverse.


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I hope the new weapons and mods that Knoxx introduced actually drop in other places.

They're adding them in 1.

Am I the only one annoyed by how ridiculous the scaling and numbers got?
The game was a lot more enjoyable at level 50.

That's probably the biggest gripe for most people. I'm only coming back to it because of the hype built from the trailer. Fuck I hate this exponential scaling. BL1 was much better in that regard.

>Do a playthrough as Krieg
>Have fun
>Do a TVH Krieg playthrough
>Fun but at the end the only thing I could do anything with was my super
>Get halfway through and now the super can't even save me
Huh. Something tells me this super stops scaling as crazy well.

Going melee in the higher difficulties is just suicide.

But what else would I be playing as Krieg?

What are the best classes for BL2? I'm thinking about giving it another shot but I wanna avoid shit like later down the line.
Also how come no one ever talks about TPS?


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Pre Sequel is okay but it doesn't have as much content as 2. Also the area design is a lot worse, lots of open empty areas. I think the reason is because you can move faster, but its not really worth it.
The Claptrap DLC was pretty fun though.

In the trailer, was that Claptrap intentionally avoiding shots or just conveniently bugging out?
Is shadowtrap gonna come back?

The only winning move is not to play (as Krieg)

False. A properly built pure melee Krieg wreaks absolute fucking havoc short of 'raid' bosses. It remains viable well into OP levels as well (doesn't hold a candle to a nozzlezerker but that's cancer anyway).

It could be argued that driving back and forth along the highway was the Knoxxs main "feature", but damn it got old fast. If they were to add teleport at each end I wouldnt mind at all.


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To be fair, Gearbox warned people about that and only went beyond level 50 because people kept complaining.
Of course, it's still their fault for going with such horrid scaling anyway.

>download the BL2 Reborn mod and have way more fun
I liked the first one but could never get into the second as much. Does it change that much?

Can you play Reborn online?

Also I wanted to like borderlands 2 but getting downed every 2 seconds or being put to critical health got annoying fast, I wouldn't mind if it got easier

You can pretty much use any character, but krieg us hardest because of the reliance on slag at UVH. All other characters have skills that buff all types of gun damages and skill utilities.

Melee Zer0 is amazing but mechanically he's the hardest character to play.

Spec into the left and right tree. It's all about building stacks by dealing damage, not like lame ass anarchy that slowly builds up over a play session, Krieg's stacks easily build up to full during fights. Makes him very fun to play with guns and rewards aggression.

Quite possibly the worst thing they introduced into Borderlands

Is the Handsom collection the best deal for this game? It seems like it has everything including the pre-sequel, but steam advertises the shittier bundle instead.

Handsome includes EVERYTHING besides Tales from the Borderlands.

Definitely the worst. You can turn down the volume and never hear Burch writing. Slag is with you forever

Except BL1 too as well right?

>Fuck I hate this exponential scaling. BL1 was much better in that regard
No, it was not, because the levels failed to properly keep up and so there was no challenge after a point, plus being limited to only two playthroughs a character was stupid.

The remaster better have a UVHM-styled Playthrough 3 (enemies/loot always scaled to you) that can be replayed.

As someone who's only played BL1, what's wrong with Slag?

Requires 4-man party to really take advantage of, but since Yea Forums is loner central, you would be constantly swapping weapons just to apply the slag and then deal regular damage.

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Slag is a new element that adds a damage buff to everything you hit. The way the game is balanced, especially at high levels you are required to use it. Game is pretty much balanced around it. There isn't anything interesting to it, someone has to have a good slag gun and be hitting everyone if you want to be dealing real damage.

Imagine balancing enemy health and player damage around an elemental debuff that only certain weapons can use.
Then imagine giving said weapons very low base damage.
The result is that every enemy on higher difficulties requires you to autistically weapon swap > debuff > weapon swap for every. single. enemy.

BL1 did have a mode like that though. It didn't have UVHM tier health scaling but you could play at max level with everything scaled around your level.

Use the community patch if playing UVHM.

Can you give me a tldr about what it does?

Does any of the community patches or mods fix the slag, or scaling?

Is Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition getting a physical release? It's coming out on April 3rd but there's no pre order link on amazon

>saving them
>not just using the file .readonly exploit to effectively have infinite-use keys

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They’re meming, slag wasn’t a problem till they introduced UVHM to the game

never had any problems until fifth round of fink's slaughterhouse, that was hard to survive.

It's for purple farming at OP8, mainly on the chance you get a purple gun with the right parts. Farming a good purple is harder than farming a legendary.

Use Salvador and brainlessly steamroll through the game

Nope. 2.5 still doesn't scale properly to you, so nothing except Craw is ever a threat.

how often are orange items supposed to pop up? only seen one in 25 levels of play.

Play zerker

Torgue will never not be a miracle.

If I install the mod and play over LAN, does the other person have to have it installed as well?

It felt right to use explosions given it's a Torgue camaign

It would take having the edge over mobs at the very end in BL1 over broken exponential bullet sponges from BL2 tbqh.
It should signify you are planetwide badass. If you want more challenge start new char.

Why is krieg so weak.

Then stay in Playthrough 2 if you wanna just coast for no reason over enemies who can never pose a threat.

There is no challenge in this game that cannot be solved with leveling up and/or getting better guns/shields.
Once you find transfusion grenades, use those as much as possible. Especially if you are getting your shit pushed in.

The same answer as everyone else complaining about difficulty, you don't know how to play the game properly.

Is there any way I can cap myself at 50 if I have all the DLC? I don't wanna do autism runs

Before getting Release The Beast, you have to use Buzzaxe Rampage as an opener instead of an "Oh Shit" button.

Also, Anarchy is OP. Get an on level shotgun with a high pellet count, as much anarchy stacks as you can, Unbind reload, and hold [fire] to win.

I feel like level 50 TVHM scaling/skillcap with UVHM's ability to reset progress would be the most fun

Is the Multiplayer still active?

Google Borderlands 2 modding, get yourself Reborn.

I'll settle for just being able to reset progress.

Honestly until level 50 you should be good with any character but UVHM solo is next to impossible.


I'd prefere if they fixed some guns that never drop and some class mods that have wrong skillsets.

Only because of the constant enemy HP regen to force slagging. TPS did it better by removing that headache

The scaling and weapon mod balance was what put me off of BL2. Good luck getting decent weapons while moving along at a normal pace in BL2 while BL1 showers you with viable items from pretty much every 5 or so chests. 90% of what I had in 2 were Firing Increases Accuracy sniper rifles and bandit assault rifles that did less damage than an assault rifle I got several levels ago along with underpowered everything else. Once I got to Fyrestone the game just got ridiculous, 90% of fights for me were using that one elephant gun you got from a quest or one of those arenas because I simply couldn't find anything good at all and spamming transfusion grenades just to survive. I was also playing Axton and I have no idea why the turret feels like absolute garbage compared to Roland's, Roland's was amazing but with Axton's they go down like tissue paper.

Reborn, makes it so it acts like corrosive damage

there's certain pistol that acts as a shotgun... and its bullets bounce so they trigger that homing skill.
Mechromancer is the best.

Depends on your spec and build. I have no problem doing everything but raid bosses solo as a siren and I have a friend who did it solo on axton. Just don't have shit gear and a shit build.

The first playthrough is honestly the hardest. You end up using green Jakobs revolvers, Lascaux and the Teapot almost exclusively until the late-teens when Moxxi/Launchers/Slag stuff becomes available.

Trick Shot Maggie, you can get it around level 17 from the Clan Wars quest in the Dust

What was good in BL1 is a gun could last quit a while. If it worked for you then it could be carried for a good number of levels. BL2 wanted me to constantly get better guns but rarely gave me anything good.

Slag was a great mechanic. The only people who dislike it are too retarded to use the slag skills of their character.

not that one
I can tell you it's given by certain robot that wants to be human... AND the pistol has three other effects in its modpool so you gotta be lucky :)

>it's not a bad mechanic, everyone who hates it is just dumb

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Yeah, it's like they intended for you to grind for at least one legendary gun at some point and abuse the burst shields. I simply couldn't get normal drops like in BL1 to save my life and carry me at all. Hell, I was carrying guns -6 to -7 my level at times simply because all my drops were the aforementioned firing increases accuracy especially on snipers and assault rifles with like 10 rounds, those awful ammo consumption ones (Which is a huge nerf from BL1 and I have no idea why they would do such a dumb thing), bandit weapons, or they were equal level to me but the damage was literally just equal to the old gun. I had a time in BL1 where I went from shotgun revolver to an assault rifle back to a shotgun revolver to a high accuracy shotgun and it was bliss. The best gun I had in BL2 was just a Moxxi shotgun I got like at midgame that had firing increases accuracy which I used for about 10 levels.

I've fully Solo UVHM all the way to OP8 with three Fibbers and a Grog Nozzle, AMA,

>have all 3 bl games on console
>had to sell that shit while moving
>now all this comfy borderlands posting is really making me want to play again
someone please buy me the fucking handsome collection

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How does online multiplayer work in modded BL2?
Can you only join other people who have the same mods as you installed?

What the FUCK were they thinking

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also there is a bigger playerbase at PS4 and XB1 than PC
ironic, innit

>Where did I leave that USB?

Have anyone tried an exp multiplier cheat? I feel like you don't get enough exp and I thinking about trying that.

just get it on steam fag
it's 15 dollars rn for the whole thing

Well, prove me wrong. Show me that your aversion does not come from a place of ignorance.

BL2 has no anticheat

Probably to force the player to rely on min-maxing skills and gear.

i know but by the time my wagie ass gets paid, the sale's probably going to be fucking over


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If you really had this much trouble with the game you have a fundamental problem with the games actual mechanics or simply not understand them



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You can easily solo every part of the game with every character. Get gud.

What does any of that mean?

Think Slag is coming back in BL3 for that matter?

>game gets more difficult as you progress
imagine my shock

For me, its Jakobs.

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It isn't about being hard, just how tedious it gets.

>it's a Yea Forums replies to every legitimate complaint with "git gud" episode

Thought it was in there as well.
Guess not.

Just buy it separately then.

I really wish you dumb niggers would stop posting that inaccurate chart that's been proven wrong countless times now.

Be nice, they are trying to fit in.

probably that bl1 was too easy outside of crawmerax

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You can beat the main campaign easily, it's NG+ where every asshole takes way too many hits to kill and way too much damage output that it becomes a tedious chore

Maybe your wagie ass should put some money aside once in a while.

TVHM is a non-issue and still super easy.
But then again everyone knows you're a retard for calling it NG+.

Alright? None of these people seem to be aware of the fact that slag skills exist.

If by "easy" you mean "actually enjoyable" then yes.

Hes right though, by general consensus weapons in BL2 are just garbage.

Fibber is a unique pistol with a modpool of three different effects, one being a bullet that ricochets on surfaces and divides itself in several bullets when it does ricochet. Mechromancer has a skill which converts ricochet'd bullets into homing ammo and the negative effect of the skill(-50% damage) doesn't affect to Fibber's bullets, hence making that pistol a must have for any Anarchy-based Mechromancer.
Grog Nozzle is a pistol specially difficult to get but it always slags enemies, heals you by 80% of damage dealt with it and has a 50% chance of making you drunk for 3s(which stays while swapping weapons), giving you more damage AND duplicating shots done in those 3s.
Mix Grog Nozzle, Fibber and a good Mechromancer and you'll solo the whole 3rd difficulty(Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode) and its OverPowered tiers as well.

Nah, even on a casual play through you would break BL1 by the end

Try harder

Do people really not just used gibbed to edit parts and keep the ones they like up to par

Especially with stuff like quest rewards that you can only get once per playthrough and are stuck to the level you got them

Just gotta read-only farm because it's legit. I do agree that one-time quest rewards for unique weapons suck when there's a 90% chance it's a bad version.

>read-only farm

>muh damage sponge
is not a valid complaint
enemies taking a long time to kill when you have bad gear and a bad build is to be expected

They're both cheating, and one takes far more time and luck. Might as well go the easy option since the end result will be the same anyway.

Community patch makes many unique quest rewards farmable if you're interested in getting a specific part/element, if you wanna use the (only slightly) less cheaty way.

Yeah, play borderlands 3. Apparently you can choose when to stop leveling. But as for your question I'm sure there are mods for that.

>find save file
>set to read-only
>game can no longer overwrite it
>savescum until you get a quest reward to your liking
>put it in claptrap’s stash, which is its own separate file

How long will Handsome collection be 15€?

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>not being kreig
>not going full melee mode and salting the wounds of your enemies

be a faggot and stay behind cover while using a sniper. coward.

save modding for after the 200 hour mark imo otherwise it kills the nejoyment of actually beating the content on uvhm and dlc stuff

>yfw slag

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There is something really autistic about these. I can't enjoy it. I just end up starting a new game instead.

Use a trainer.

Maya is the only one you could solo to 72 I feel like. I'm stuck at sub 60 with both Gaige and Zero solo.

I think it's fun. Especially when randoms join your game to help put every now and then.

Sorry, so can I use the community patches and that one mod while playing online?

10 april I think

you mean 10€
also until April the 4th

good snipers and spin assault rifles

>make a shooter
>melee character is the most fun

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>Gamespot bashes the trailer
>Gets disliked to hell
You gotta admit Borderlands' fanbase is pretty based

I'm trying to use he mod manager but it won't let me set the console key. Not sure why

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>tfw I played all borderlands alone...

literally worse than sjw's.

Same. The world kept me interested. It's a good small-think game to kill time. Kinda like Fallout 4.

ye with zero i have a 53 and hes just not doing anything
melee even with the roid shield and 200% melee weapon out of the pirate dlc is still bad


lets team up buddy, my 54 Gaige, your 53 Zero

So doing a first time play through. Who would be best between Maya Gaige and zer0


For solo play Maya no doubt, co-op either Maya or Gaige. Both have revive abilities that greatly benefit the team.

Who is best for solo play in the first game?

Anyone really.
It's all about the loot anyway.

either Lilith or Mordecai.

Gaige is hard for first run
But then becomes a true beast in TVHM and UVHM

What makes Maya so good for solo?

Borderlands 1 or 2?

all of them
except solo PreSequel

NG+ modes are always autistic.

The fact that the entire Handsome Collection is 93% off makes me think they may be trying to bait people into switching to Epic launcher for For Borderlands 3.

not him but IMO Maya and Axton have good abilities for taking out random enemies and supporting the team but Zero and Gunzerker are way better for taking on lategame bosses. I've gone through the story at least a dozen times myself.


She's krieg tier in her shitiness

her cooldown is like 8 seconds with the right build and also slags the enemy, AND pulls in other enemies to get a good dps with shotgun pellets.

>literally melee(or Fibber-ricochet) your way thru everything
user I've beaten literally everything with Gaige by just aiming to the floor with Fibber.... imagine how broken that shit is.

Imagine being this wrong.

When i first played, the only legendary i got was off the Warrior. I had to ninja it though because randoms are assholes.

im on ps4 :/

pre sequel is the most fun gameplay wise
best skill trees too
but the quests there are very meh and repetetive
also like no fast travel stations

Maybe I'm just lucky but even on the first playthrough I got like 4 legendaries from BoomBewm, the Bunker and Fink's Slaughter house.

>tfw console chad so everyone whining about Epic store or denuvo is beneath me

You have a higher chance of getting a legendary the first time you kill the Warrior.

Not to mention no end-game
>raid boss is just the final boss with more health

the real raidboss is the claptrap dlc endboss
he was so hard for me and a buddy to beat granted we were 4 levels too low but the thing was retarded hard in tvhm

Roland is good, turrent helps a lot and it can heal/give ammo and distract enemies which helps a lot. and he has the best voice lines too

Does anyone know if they confirmed if Borderlands 1 Remastered has a FOV slider?

There's a raid boss in some lava cave too

>want to like Borderlands
>all the enemies are effectively the same

pick an appropriate shield and upgrade it often. There are a lot of shitty shields out there, especially at the lower levels to maybe mid 30s.

Still never defeated a raid boss since I have no friends. That's proof the real loot is only there if you co-op.

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>You have 3 friends who play Borderlands 2

yeah 3 normies with like 15 hours of gameplay, woop woop

the only raid bosses that dont drop dogshit are hyperuis(norfleet) and vora(interfacer)
a lot of the op weapons are quest rewards and mini-boss drops

I got to OP2 with Maya solo, that's the best I can do. I've never seen a Seraph Chrystal or defeated Teramorpheus, it feels like I didn't fully finish the game.

It's like Christmas

I've stopped playing before the level cap increase but I has almost every legendary in the game and I've beaten Hyperious probably 500 times at least most of them solo melee only. I kind of want to add you because I feel bad for you lole.

it's just proof you genuinely think rarity is an objective scale for how functional a weapon is.

No I honestly don't care about Teramorheous drops, I just want the satisfaction of beating him.

these borderlands threads reek of casuals

>that bit with Bloodwing
>find starting area from first game
>tfw seeing TK Baha

who fucking cares
nobody thinks you're cool

Hearing Piece getting slaughtered in one of the first side quests was jarring.

Are Gaige legendary class mods rarer than other classes? I've got like 5 Maya class mods that give +3 or +4 in 3 or 4 skills, meanwhile I'm still using a purple +2 in 2 skills class mod for Gaige at level 56.


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you must be ass
beating raidbosses solo is easy with axton or salvador its impossible with maya or krieg but everyone else can do it

does reborn work for multiplayer if each player has reborn correctly installed

Well I'm not claiming I was born in the badass crater of badassitude. Still, with that much experience you should be able to "finish" the game by yourself.

exactly, it has boring quests and almost no fast travel stations.
granted the map ain't that big and you can boost your jump in no-grav enviroments, but in the end it's a fun game qith a meh enviroment and story
also no more dupe glitch

they become common at 61

who is the best class in each game?

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yes they are same with krieg
i farmed alot of legendary mods and dlc character seem to be far rarer

For me

>bl1 idc
>bl2 salvador is op with double unkept harold or grog nozzle
>pre sequel jack can do whatever he wants and sitll be broken

honorable mention to nisha because i like her the most and auto aim snipe + her just shoot anywhere its gonna crit LUL skill is retarded good

Gaige was what got me into Borderlands, and she was the first and likely only one I ever pushed to OP8.

Something like this but lower arm, yes/no?

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I really like Gaige but apparently going anarchy is bad in UVHM and that's what I found fun about her.


I'm talking about a gameplay here, not shitty writing - Borderlands 2 designers were fucking trash. Imagaine being such a fucking retard you come up with dumb shit like Slug. And don't get me started on itemization which was a major step down from BL1. BL3 will be a piece of shit unless they employ game designers who actually know what's fun about looters.

hell no lilith sucks ass
and game tattos are cringe


You're not given a choice, as all of Gaige's best stuff is in Discord and you can't go down that tree unless you take Anarchy.


why would you farm purples?

>And don't get me started on itemization which was a major step down from BL1


hes just retarded

Kinda wish gearbox ported the TPS characters to 2.
I'd love to use the Jack body double in 2.

BL3 had better have an option for third-person view. Best mod for 2.

>picking the worst Siren

bullshit. you literally can't get legendaries from the golden chest

Holy fuck

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You need the right skills up before he gets good or to have the right equipment. A lot of his earlier skills are more harmful than helpful.
Leveling him up can be a bit of a pain but he is great later.

lmfao. Fuck no. Third person would be awful.

>getting a tattoo of a coalburner

its 15 dollars if you dont have that much on hand at all times youre doing something majorly wrong in your life

I'm open to suggestions, Moxxi looks like a pinup 60s model, Tina is pedo, Lilith is my 3rd favorite character. I'm thinking a BL logo with 2/3 characters.

borderlands 2 still has like 20k people playing right now, im sure youll find randos to have fun with if you have online enabled
and then you can use your social skills to turn those randos into friends and then after not playing bl2 for months you remove them out of shame

fucking sandnigger.

It's really good for Gaige and Krieg.

If duping wasn't braindead easy and some weapons were nerfed quicker they could've had a really strong long-lasting loot economy. I hope they don't fuck up in BL3.

This. It's almost like scrubs dont want to be the conductor of the poop train.

How about no.

Liking Lilith is mudslime now?

its the hair.

Heres who I picked in each game. Judge my choices.

Good thing I'm not that hairy.

What do you mean by loot economy? I mean you can just cheat yourself some weapons in with gibbed and theres no protection against that.

Fuck these assholes man. She is hot, the art is awesome, go for it.

i hope they go full on diablo/PoE with borderlands 3. It would be cool to just run through dungeons with a bunch of friends to get loot

It's much more fun with a friend.


I've been playing Anthem and I need to wash the taste out of my mouth. Should I get the borderlands collection for ps4? I played bl2 a long time ago but ran out of interest after like 70hrs but its been years. Is the pre-sequel good? Someone just tell me yes so I can go buy it for the 17 dollars it costs and stop being indecisive.

this game go with someone you wouldnt

might learn something about yourself :D

Why is this the series where players automatically and unabashedly cheat when things get hard? And yes, installing a mod to "rebalance" shit is cheating.

I've got nothing against vidya tattoos but ask yourself. "Will I feel this strongly about borderlands in 30, 40, or 50 years?"

If yes then do it, if no then get something more understated but still borderlands related.

Playing BL2 for the 4th time is still more fun than playing TPS for the first time. TPS is not THAT bad but doesn't hold a candle to BL2.

So maybe the robot guy?

Does the rebalance mod work online y/n


Give Bigfoot his hair back you fucking thief

I would get Lilith because she's confident and outspoken AND a character I really like. She's like the person I would like to be. Also I already have a pair of headphones tattooed on my arm just because I like music. Vidya is my next passion so getting a tattoo of my favorite game is just the next step.


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I liked pre sequel. Athena was really fun to play as.


I say go for it then user, my only other alternative selection would be to get something Lilith related (its been a while since i played bl2, maybe she has a tatoo, or some kind of Siren related symbol or something.) Sounds like you know what you want though and sometimes impulsive decisions are the best ones. When I was 21 I got HiiiPower (a kendrick llamar song) tatooed on my forearm because of the lyric "build your own pyramids/write your own heiroglyphs, and I dont really listen to much kendrick anymore but I've never regretted the tat.

Thank you kindly user

>"Thank you for calling the Hyperion Suicide Prevention Hotline. Handsome Jack regrets to inform you that you are a coward."

Thanks user I'm gonna do it.

I never finished the tiny tina dlc (forget what it was called but the Dungeons and Dragons like one) and I was super hyped for it beforehand, just burned out because I did all the other dlc first. It's time to go back and finish what I started.

does everyone in the lobby need it installed or only the host?

Probably both.

The headphones design was like 8 years in the making, I wanted to get something related to my favorite artist but then they turned to shit so I was like: just get something generic that says: I love music. I figured in 30 years I will still like music. BL2 is honestly my favorite game of all time and Lilith is the perfect Ying to my autistic, awkward Yang. I feel like I would still like the message of Lilith (be a badass, be outspoken, be balls to the walls) even after I dislike Borderlands, if I ever do. I'm also 30, which a lot of people say is the age you kinda stop moving interests.

Do it user. Stop thinking and just do it.

ur fucken trash

No, just make stencils of the tattoo you want and spray paint it on your arm. Much smarter than permanently marking your body.

Yeah I'm 90% ok, just need a good design. I bought the Borderlands 2 guide just for full color inspiration.

I read on BL discord that BL1 is a new game, so it will not be a free update

hes not that great until you get one of his trees maxed out, use good gear to carry you until then

>beating raidbosses solo is easy with axton or salvador
>did NOT choose either on first playthrough so now have to restart the game entirely, chose one of those Hunters and play over 40 plus hours to even get to the point to fight the raid bosses


Find a good artist, give him a few images you like and ask him to draw something up. Then if theres something you dont like or want to change just explain what youd like to be different. A good artisr wont be offended. My mother has something like 17 tattoos and each of them was a discussion and back and forth with her artist until the design was perfect for her.

krieg can actually take down raid bosses pretty well, maya can too but she's very gear reliant

Krieg shoved his train up Maya's poop-chute.

if you have it on steam you get it free

The headphones were done by a former airbrusher, a real physical item to tattoo was right up his alley. He honestly did a great job. I found a studio that does anime/cartoon style really well, so I think they would be up for a cell shading design. Waiting on the book though to find my go to design.

no my old save wont work?


We've got a competitive borderlands player here boys

do you want to have fun or not?

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nobody knows yet

>Tfw none of the bl2 characters really clicked with me
>live the shit out of mech games
>bl3 has a mech pilot character
Oh fucking baby

the mech seems like someone at gearbox played titanfall and just wanted it in Borderlands

A co-op partner can even rodeo it

So is it safe to assume most of the online community runs either the community patch or reborn? Does my game just not connect or error out if we have incompatible versions? I've read that I might lose shit if the versions are incompatible so I'm trying to get a judge of what the community uses

>tfw Yea Forums stops shitposting about bl2 and gets serious discussion because 3 was shown
that he did and the fucking schizo was both disgusted and impressed after the deed

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Jesus fucking christ, I thought you guys were just memeing about Burch making everyone gay in this!
>literal first character you meat on the moon tells me she's gay
>tells me she's gay again after my character makes a "move"
>tells me she's gay AGAIN literally during one of her first sidequests, because Burch needed it to set up shoehorning his views on the term friendzoning into the game
>advance to the second boss in the game
>its two people, a normal guy and a midget
>find an echo that one of them is gay
>literally the next quest is to put up some posters
>quest giver talks about her ex
>uses "her" and "she"
I'm not even sure how you're able to turn something so normal and minor as someone's sexuality into a meme, but Burch fucking outdid himself here.

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>already have bl2, played for hundreds of hours
>handsome jack collection means TPS+all non GOTY dlc for BL2 is only 9 dollars for me
Is TPS actually good? I heard the classes are better but is the writing still abhorrent?

I hope it scales well. In fact I hope they've solved ability scaling full stop, they did a pretty good job with bl2 towards the end but they took way too long.

writing and quests fucking suck
everything else is unironically an upgrade on 2
also no slag and playable claptrap
no dupe glitch tho, so it's quite more grindy

TPS is fine at a discount, a lot of Australian humor which is also pretty funny, but the actual gameplay and story is lackluster. Go for it.

WHY couldn't they release the fucking BL1 remaster today?
Now I have to wait until Wednesday and can't get it off my mind to concentrate on other games in the meantime.

Just watch the movie gane on youtube fag only poorfags and fatsos play those games

writing is worse, but not bad enough to turn voice acting off completely(for me anyway). Otherwise its like expansion for BL2, while it adds some new things(like laser weapons, cyro element that replaces slag, anti-grav and ground pound move) its more of the same.

You will encounter maximum horrible writing at points that are much worse than BL2, but luckily its only at specific points and not everywhere. You will cringe hard and move on. Classes are fun, even the actual aimbot class is great because there are weapons that she can use with it that no amount of mouse aim skill would make even half as effective, letting you destroy entire rooms in seconds.

Also play as notJack for maximum Jack fun. Also it will forever ruin Lilith for you as the game will prove she's actually a really fucking horrible person and she's back in BL3.


Character skill trees are an upgrade from 2 and slag is replaced with cryo which is great (fuck slag) but everything else is a downgrade, even worse writing than 2, repetitive areas, boring loot overall, shit quests. I'd say it's still worth a play just because character builds are really good.

>everything else is unironically an upgrade on 2
what else would that be?
the movement is floaty as fuck,the fact that its deliberate doesnt help. Oxygen is a meme that nobody even gives two shits about except for those 2 scenes in the game where it plays an actual role. The new elements are literal meme tier and the game waits way too long to unlock the final weapon slot for its short duration.

I'm really not hyped for bl1 remaster, other than the writing bl2 was a massive upgrade in every way. I feel going back will be tough.

You play it either because you wanna play Claptrap, or because you wanna play as (not)Jack.

If you have any other intentions for playing it(writing, level&loot action, world design, quest design, etc.) then stay the fuck away.
Its the prime example of soulless.

Fun with friends. Trash alone.

Why would you not just use gibbed codes to edit saves to give you exactly what you want at the level you want it at with any prefixes you want if you're gonna go this far anyway? You're cheating to RNG.

Is there any word on if they're going add new elements?

glad they fired his ass and hes got nothing to do with bl3

Nuclear element was in the leaks, but the leaks also said no cryo yet we saw what looked like cryo as well. As long as slag doesn't come back I'm happy though.

Cryo's back and IDK if nuke is gonna be a new element or weapon type

Why have the graphics not advanced from BL2?

First one is just rough and half-baked, the second one is memy as fuck and has abusive difficulty scaling at endgame that requires perfect builds and complementary teammates and TPS has less memes and more solid writing and voice acting but has absolutely no challenge past a certain point because of how broken and overpowered the characters are for what they have to face compared to 2.

2 will wear you out and make you put it down as you approach max levels unless you bring gud friends, TPS is enjoyable and easy to complete solo but you'll literally run out of shit to do eventually. 1 is skippable.

There's more detail, effects, and higher res. Other than that I'm not sure what more they can do with how stylised the game is.

His tainted influence remains regardless, so it means nothing.

what was wrong with slag?

They have?

Sell me on the handsome collection. Played BL1 on 360 forever ago, it was a bit boring, but I'm willing to give the series another chance if it's been improved in the sequels.

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Eh fair enough. I'm not that bothered anyways. I play these games for the gameplay not he graphics.

>TPS has less memes and more solid writing
>and voice acting
>90% aussie cast and aussie slang/humor
hahahaha part 2

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seems like they would change their "unique" art style if they improved it too much. With the newer tech though i could see them putting more detail into the environments themselves

seems they added some new features, but if you dont care about them then it wouldn't matter

The fact that it's so strong they balanced higher difficulties around it making every fight break down into "slag enemy, shoot, slag enemy, shoot". It's shit.

2 is 1, just with less emptiness(but still big as fuck) and more character interaction/story/etc.

TPS is outsourced trash.

>This games easy
Randy pls...

handsome collection is just bl2 and the pre seq fyi

It's not optional at higher difficulty levels, you have to slag harder enemies or you'll never kill them.

Jack's descent into madness was more fascinating than any of the hallway design back and forth fetch quest obvious twist shit in 2.

>same art style = no improved graphics

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Just play 2 like everybody else. It's simply the best game in the franchise and the most relevant as well.

If you then want more before 3 comes out, which I doubt because its long as fuck when doing everything, look into 1, and if you still want more, then check out TPS.

>story in TPS was more fascinating than the quest design in 2
What did this genius mean by that?
Also: no. Jack was a great villain in 2. He didn't need one of those generic "he used to be different" story arcs that are nothing but pointless exposition, and if anything the terrible writing in TPS sullied several characters forever.

I hope doppel jack is back

>bought Borderlands 2 GOTY years ago but it didn't come with everything, mainly the UVH Pack 2 and the Headhunters
Is it worth getting the Handsome Collection just to complete everything?

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not him but its kinda true.
they obviously added some new lighting effects and shit, but if you look at the screenshots, and especially the geometry of the world and objects used, then its literally the same and looks more like an add-on than a sequel.
there's one scene in particular in the trailer where you can see that the rocks still have the very same models.

Jack was mentally ill, but he had a good heart. It's just such a shame that Lilith fucked him up.

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yeah, the headhunters and digi peak are pretty grea

If you care about the graphics of a Borderlands game, you are doing it wrong, that's all I'm saying.

The headhunter DLCs are seriously crap.
The heads are crap and they're short as fuck.
UVH pack is only worth it if you really plan to play through the game three times.
If you're only playing NV7TV like most people(because UV is trash in terms of balance) then its not needed.

why do you guys always post the dev claptrap, its clearly birch sperging out during his turn.

Presequel is good for one playthrough (DLC is great and has the best boss fight in the series) but that's it, it just lacks content and the quest structure is unbearable on a second playthrough.

The rest is more grinding, but if you like that more power to you.

Wild incorrect guess about loli Siren: She has mind control powers, which she used up and lost as an infant to make the metal arm guy her lifelong slave/bodyguard, but she later discovers she can absorb eridium like Lilith to restore/enhance her powers and the broadcasts of the Children of the Vault are her using her powers to summon weak-willed followers.

You killed him, Nisha and Wilhelm in 2.

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I dont care about it user. and I dont even mind that it looks the same.
its just observation

>first character says it a few times
valid complaint

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I wonder how many people are gonna go into 3 without having played TPS and realizing that literally everything bad that happens after the first game is Lilith's fault.

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>its clearly birch sperging out
That sums up the pre-sequel pretty well
You dont know if thats THE doppel Jack since Jack kept several doppelgangers around. Unless I missed something.

how do I into Maya? I've just been trying to get as many elements as possible

Jesus christ, get a fucking grip user.

No, he was always evil. Go play that mission where you find out he turned his Siren kid into a supercomputer and exploited her for all she was worth.

There were a lot of gay NPCs in bl2 too

>3 whole instances of the gays in your videogame
>everyone's gay!

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All her life even. At least according to her own lines in 2.
Back to Discord with ya buddy

If I had to guess based off what we know and leaks, it seems like the loli siren has the ability to sap siren powers from other sirens. Now rumors have said she can even transfer that power to others and so can her twin brother (the dark haired husbando one). Rumors also said that he needs to be feed siren powers to say alive. But I don't think that's the only reason to transfer powers maybe he can also brainwash people too and that's how they started a cult. Or it could be the other way around where the Male can sap siren powers and the loli does the mind control. But in the idk I'm just theory crafting.

Uninstall that peice of trash.

About to play BL2 for the first time, would playing with the Reborn mod from the get go be fine?
It sounds like it improves a lot.

Playing TPS for the first time
Who should I play as?

Name 'm. Because I only know Moxxi.

>people ITT literally defending Anthony "everyone is gay" Burch's shitty writing and characterizations who at the time of release literally constantly complained about TV shows and Anime not being gay enough on Twitter and was a source of constant entertainment for Yea Forums
I wanna laugh at this, but its actually more sad.
Maybe what Yea Forums says about the BL fanbase is actually true...

Each of her three main builds (elemental, CC and healer) are actually all about equally as good at what they do compared to some of the other characters, elemental build is just her highest DPS build. CC and healer require other players to reach their full potential.

Reborn online is A-Okay. Just make sure everything is precisely the same between you and your mates.

>about to play BL2 for the first time
Why would you do this to yourself?

>no valid argument so i'll call him discord xD

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Moxxi is bi. She dated Jack. Axton and Tannis are also bi.


Just the trannys user. Just the trannys.


Newfags and Discord trannies user.
I mean it was so bad that even normies caught on to it, and started threads on the forums why everyone is gay

Friendly reminder that this is only because GB was too lazy and got cucked by twitter homos.

i hate anthony "lost my wife to a dyke" burch but you're genuinely fucking retarded if you think offhand dialogue here and there or optional ECHO pickups are 100% gays in your face kind of problems

holy fuck and you guys call trannies sensitive

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1 is too much user.

Why does it matter if its main story or sidecontent? Its about characters user. Are you okay?
That's only the first three hours user.

and not just the trannies, but the tranny women and tranny children too. They're like animals AND I SLAUGHTERED THEM LIKE ANIMALS

>play game
>i'm gay btw
>pick up echo
>i'm gay btw
>accept quest
>i'm gay btw
>brought to you by "i hate this tv show for not being gay enough" cucktony burch
ye its totally not in your face...
i'm sorry i'm touching on a subject that's very dear to you, but your precious representation was just shite in this game.

the only remotely memorable gay character in tps was janey springs so if you're genuinely seething over every instance of some gay character in this game, you've got homos living rent free in your mind user

Lilith phaseblasting him in the face while he was in a mind/machine interface with Eridian tech at the end of TPS is the moment that broke his mind. He was trying to save everyone before that happened.

He also probably learned how to create a Siren out of Angel from the interface device. I don't buy that he just happened to be lucky enough to have a natural Siren for a daughter and they can be artificially created as long as you aren't breaking the "only six in the universe" rule.

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Alright anons. I just got back from the store with the handsome collection.

Tell me what character choose.

Doesn't sound like I can really mess up too much with her then. What about Zer0 then? He seems cool


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even if that was canon, that still wouldn't make the game a SJW hellhole.

>people on fucking Yea Forums of all places defending the shitty LGBT shoehorning in TPS
Just when I thought 2019 couldn't get any worse.
You can literally smell the new on these people.


I'm listening but what makes him a good choice?

>telling a first time player to play krieg

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>that still wouldn't make the game a SJW hellhole.
lucky then that nobody itt called it that eh?

I actually like that male anti-Siren theory. Perhaps there are supposed to be a total of a dozen humans with unbelievable powers, but smelly boys didn't start getting powers until after the first vault opened and eridium radiation started leaking out because they aren't magical girls.

Everyone knows that he has a huge chip on his shoulder when it comes to the LGBT scene.
Given how insecure he showed to be on social media, I wouldn't be surprised if it was because he tried to make up for something.

I mean we're talking about a guy who literally put things in the game based on what he read and what annoying him on twitter that day.

The Doppel Jack you kill in 2 had that watch you needed to take while the PRS Doppel had cosmetic surgery done.

I'm not a first timer entirely. I played on pc and ps3 back at bl2 release. But it's been a loooong time.

Plus Timmy seemed pretty unhappy with jack at the end of the game, I seriously doubt he'd have kept working for him.
were there any images of him in the credits alongside the real jack, like the other characters?

Well Krieg focuses on melee and suicide tactics. If you don't know what you're doing you're just gonna get fucked over and over. Eventually, you get some skills that turn the tide but they stop being effective (without specific proper gear) about halfway through playthrough 2.

not him but he's basically a pure melee machine.
playing krieg goes like this:
>spot enemy
>activate action skill
>kill everything on the map
>action skill cools down because no enemies are left to kill
>rinse and repeat
>I wouldn't be surprised if it was because he tried to make up for something.
that used to be the common consensus at the time on Yea Forums because it was so blatant and amateurish.

I'm playing PreSequal and am realizing it's poorly made. how do I make the most of it? Playing as Athena so build advice is welcome.

>unironically seething over borderlands writing

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Eh, that doesnt sound like my style

How's Gaige for a solo player?

>or farming knuckle dragger for a level 3 hornet.
I recently did a run on normal and the only legendaries I got were from fucking Knuckle Dragger and Midge-Mong.

Biggest point against Timmy being the Doppelganger in 2 is still:
Timmy's first Echo in TPS says that his contract only goes for 3 years.

Fun melee-focused gameplay. Brings variety to most other characters being very "shoot at things til they die." Which isn't the worst thing, but gets a little stale at times.

remind me again what slag was
any why everyone disapproves of it

The DLC characters didn't get any artwork I think. We know the Bareness is alive with the Underdom DLC and she in 3's trailer. Timmy is still a mystery.

Yea Forums had 6 million threads about the "meme tier writing" when bl2 launched. It's culture here to hate Anthony Burch.

Gaige goes from frustrating to absolutely broken depending on how deep you go into Anarchy.

You can get by for a long time with just her left skill tree, but once you go deep into Anarchy you'll see what gaige is all about and at that point you'll very rarely aim directly at an enemy again. Remember to rebind your reload key when the time comes.

Should've made the most of it by either playing memetrap for the fun, or Doppelganger for the best character story.

Thats really all you can do with it

not lying, but play with someone else
played pre meme by myself and it was a slog, but with my brother through nucleus coop or whatever it's called and had a fun time.

great example, im thoroughly convinced.

Slag is a Debuff of purple slime that increases damage taken from other sources.

The damage is so significant in higher UHVM levels that it's basically mandatory to Slag first and often, since the debuff wears off quickly.

Everyone disapproves because it's a forced mechanic that's mandatory for all builds and it's just annoying.

this. newfags dont need to apply.
in fact, Yea Forums meme'd so hard on the game he got butthurt and put this in the next installment:

Encyclopedia definition: A byproduct of Eridium that is toxic and can mutate things.

Actual useful definition: the element that when applied drastically increases damage done, basically making it required as the devs balance HP values around ASSUMING you have slag stacked 24/7.

when should i rebind it?

thank you

thread theme

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Sorry I'm a new borderlands 2, tps player on ps4, where the fuck are these keys, gearbox twitter?

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In TPS, Claptrap if you want wonky fun or Nisha if you want broken DPS easy modo. Claptrap's best build is explosive and Nisha can clear rooms in seconds at the highest difficulty with Jakobs pistols and rifles.

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Once you unlock Anarchy (reloading a gun depletes your anarchy stacks, which you won't want to do). But don't remove the binding, because there are still reasons why you would want to reload.

Invest in Close Enough then put points into Anarchy. Even if you miss, you can still hit, ya see?

Unmodded bl2 is a mess in uvhm up and especially at the OP levels.

Cryo was such a better element than Slag.

simple enough then

nesha because shes broken as fuck

You have to be able to snipe or you're just wasting your time attempting anything past the first playthrough as Zer0.

If you can snipe, he's just the sneaky assassin character with potential for invisible melee shenanigans once you get enough skill points to spend on the right skills. You'll still need to utilize buffs from not missing to cover bosses on later playthroughs, he can't spoof them with invisibility.

Claptrap for fun(since his action skill gives you some random meme effects or other character's skills)
Dopplejack for story.
Its just the best characterization in the game with him having no interest in any of this shit whatsoever and just wanting to pay off his student debts, yet always acting like Jack when meeting someone officially due to his job.
Its just fun.

The Fibber. The fragmenting one. A decent anarchy mancer can kill the warrior with one mag dump.

Should I just use the community patch or go all out with the reborn mod?

I'm still dissapointed that the "tank" class of 3 looks to be another melee character.

I hate melee in BL, and was hoping for someone like the Gunzerker or wilhelm.

I want the max level to stay at 50, can I simply disable UVHM DLC to make it work?

Reborn is great but information is sparse still. You won't be able to rely on farming guides and things like that. The com patch is better if you just want a more streamlined BL2 game.

>Slaughters everybody whom he even thinks is plotting against him
>Has ECHOs in BL2 where he's literally shoving a child Angel into his supercomputer
No, he's just evil.

Zer0 can be OP in two ways:
>Many must Fall build
which means with proper class mods and relics, as well as other +melee bonuses you backstab dozens of enemies while being stealthed.
Its not so good in UVHM anymore though because of bullet sponge enemies, but thats the third playthrough. So its good for two playthroughs before you wanna think about respeccing.

Then there's the meme sniper build in which he can obtain a ridiculous amount of stacks enhancing his sniper dmg to literal meme tier what were they thinking levels.

And yea, he's fun.

>have to snipe
well that sucks. I wanted to run around and throw kunai and shit.

>invisible stabbing
now that's what I'm talking about

It's like 1 person, dumbass
Chill the fuck out
They weren't really defending it, merely stating that it's been exaggerated over the years (it has)
That said, it is still stupid and I hope the third game has none of it

Its the fibber

They drop them on their FB page

If you don't want to snipe, you got the wrong game. enemy damage late borderlands gets to the point where if you're not a tank class you really can't take more than 1 or 2 shots.

Also, Angel is already his slave long before he finds the artifact. There's ECHOs around Helios where she's telling Jack about the Hunters.

I'm pretty sure Moze is gonna be the tank on account of being able to summon and ride a walking robot tank. Joocy Siren is probably an elemental Krieg DPS.

Jack's paranoia about betrayal was also Lilith's fault. She convinced Roland to betray him after deliberately gaining his trust.

And Angel abuse didn't happen until after he interfaced with the Eridian goober and Lilith mindbroke him. He wouldn't have known how to connect a Siren to a supercomputer without the Eridian knowledge.

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Should I start the game over if I want to play BL2 Reborn?

i'm going into BL2 completely blind, anything i should know before i start

please get this gametheory "IS JACK A GOOD GUY" shit outta here

I just wanted to fuck Commandant Steele but she got hentai'd

then I'll just play through once and uninstall

Ye its fun. But if you go that route, keep a couple of things in mind
>take all big +melee dmg nodes
>get class mods that give extra levels to said nodes(like backstab or +dmg to enemies on low health)
>focus on backstabbing instead of frontal attacks when stealthed
>bigger enemies like nomads, goliaths and bruisers likely need to be shot down to 3/4 or 2/4 HP to be killed by the stealth attack unless you have the right mods/relics
Also, many must fall is the last skill in his tree, so that means that stabbing multiple people will only be a thing starting with lvl30, before that you go out of stealth the moment you perform the kill.

Generally for the most part youll still be shooting down bigger enemies a bit before going on your killing spree just to be save. Because if you dont kill an enemy with your backstab, you get out of stealth and the action skill ends.

You can always respec at a customization station though. So there's no need to set on a way to play before starting anyway.

>get a OP 4 DPUH
>go to fight OP 0 terra faggor
>hit him for a million damage
>doenst even scrach him



This guy.
This fucking guy.
This one too.

Again, BL2 ECHOs shows that the computer was already built since Angel was a child, and said computer is still active in TPS.

So no, Jack is just that smart, that lucky, and that evil.

The ECHOs don't indicate slavery or abuse, simply that she used her phaseshift power to collect information that would be useful to her father.

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yeah but he doesn't look like he'll be tanky outside of that mech.

If the rumors are true and they're gonna make a few past Vault Hunters playable in 3, who would you guys want most from each game?

>All I would've wanted was Roland to be honest. Mordecai, I guess.
>Either Krieg or Zer0.

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>If you go back to his office after you beat the game the picture is face down on the desk.

Jack had built the supercomputer to assist with his programming and Angel was able to interact with it using her phaseshift ability. He didn't shove her into it and force her to power it until after TPS.

Well, yeah, that's after the interface. He quits seeing her as his daughter and starts seeing her as an exploitable resource.

all of them, except for Sal and only because I never really played as him
Doppelganger if anything

If you find the grind too slow get the Reborn mod.
Or just play with it from the get go.

>Jack: Get in the chair, Angel!
>Little Angel: No, I want Mommy! Where's Mommy?!
>Jack: Mommy's not coming back, sweetie, now GET! IN! THE! CHAIR!!!

Reserve judgment on Tina until you've played the Dragon Keep DLC. She's grating as fuck in the main game but at least gets an ECHO later that makes her sympathetic, then Dragon Keep completely turns the character around.

I really need to play the telltale games so I understand what the fucks going on in the games.

I know AI jack from the prequel comes up as an antagonist so a form of "jack" is still around as an antagonist, but don't know anything past that.

Chadtrap mains, what are your favorite Action Packages?

Pic related is mine.

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Because legendary parts are pre-statted instead of rolled, and most have interesting effects but bad actual number modifiers compared to the best possible RNG part. A perfect purple is way better than most perfect legendaries.

Damned, Tina is going to be annoying in 3. In 2 she gets half a pass because "Shes a kid, of course she's an idiot", but she's going to be a literal adult acting like an autist in 3, removing the "cuteness" factor.

Too bad Anthony Burch ruined Mr. Torgue


Gun Wizard and the pirate mode where my favorites.

In my first playthrough I used exclusively Jakobs, maybe not the most ideal weapon at times but they're pretty as hell.

"hey wheres your dead pet and dead friend haha, bitch. i bet theyre totally not dead or anything lol" I know she's a little kid and doesn't know how to handle that stuff and all but god what a douchey thing to do.

>witness daughter kill wife when Siren powers awaken
>try to learn about her powers so it doesn't happen again instead of abandoning her
The entire point of TPS is that everything was always more morally ambiguous than the player was lead to believe in the first two games.

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>bl2 has a FoV slider on ps4

Shit I'm not used to this level of options anymore. Optimal FoV setting?

Best DLC for last then.

Nisha was my favorite TPS character. If only she could dual wield like the gunzerker, she would have been OP.

At least let her dual wield pistols, she's a Space Cowgirl for Christ's sakes.

Doing the glitch trick doesn't count.


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really? hopefully they add it to the BL1 remaster.

Eh, she's still p. cute for a Borderlands character. She's definitely not one of the hot characters, but that would be weird and pandering in her case and get viewed as a cheap way to excuse her behavior if her writing winds up sucking.

I'm thinking without Bryan being involved, they won't be so insistent about shoehorning his sister into the plot without much point. What really made Tina annoying in 2 was that they insisted on trying to make her a fairly major character necessary to the main quest instead of a side character.

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What's ambiguous? Jack was a total sociopath from the start. He was just good at hiding it, but the cracks in his figurative mask were already visible long before that mask became literal.

It's Nisha's favorite card game. Texas cuckhold'em.


The most until you get uncomfortable
BL1 does have the option on pc, but it's just editing the config file

To be fair, Roland is pretty much the only characters who never displays sociopathic tendencies. Everyone else ranges from slightly conniving to literally psychopathic.

Not only that but the dev went into super detail about the entire FoV thing here, which I just found. Really interesting read.

I think equating a sociopath and a psychopath is a bit disengenous.

You can be a "good" psychopath who honestly doesn't understand that what they're doing is wrong and be a fairly good person to be around most of the time, like brick is, as its something they physically were born with.

On the other hand, a sociopath is someone made that way by either conscious choice or mental history, so they are more capable of controlling their actions and reasoning than a psychopath would be.

how do i actually play soldier in gold/plat

people say "take the high-ground" but in my experience i just get dove by the enemy dva/winston/whatever nonstop if i even try, so i just try to stay behind my shield if i have one and click heads

do i just need to get better at clicking heads?