'Sekiro: Shadows Dies Twice' Needs To Respect Its Players And Add An Easy Mode



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Gamers are so entitled baka.

It already had an easy mode. Just don't pick up the demom bell or give up Kuro's charm

FromSoft should respect players and outsource ALL of their programming to someone who can actually fucking code.

the game could have used directional input parries to make the combat more challenging for sure

Why do you keep spamming this thread?

There’s something shady about this Dave Thier guy.

Shitting on Sekiro AND shilling for Epic Games in the span of a few weeks? There’s something afoot.

>Games should "respect" the player by not giving them a challenge

Yeah, fuck off with that mentality. Imagine someone writing something like "F-Zero should respect its players by being easier" everyone would laugh at that person.

Oh fuck off. It needs to respect it's players and fix or logically and clearly clarify the timing on deflects and mikiri. It feels awkward purposefully factoring for delayed game response. Like the controls people went to the RE3 school of control mechanics.

Whoa, Sekiro is hard? since minute 1 Wolf is untouchable because the block+parry thing. it´s the easiest game ever

Rubik should respect the players and make every side of the cube one solid piece.

This would've been amazing. The parry system feels pretty basic and underdeveloped in its current state.

Everything can't be for everyone. Difficulty options in games don't bother me at all, but entitlement does, and this is just another example of it.

Reminds me of this Nathan episode

Why doesn't he respect the game and overcoming its challenges instead?

Why don't you learn? Stop giving them clicks.
YOU are the problem, not them.

Holy shit will dark souls kids ever shut up

Congratulations you're a child or a loser with too much time on your hands. Meanwhile us adults are out making money and living our lives but hey keep at it!! 5 more hours and you'll beat the computer program for sure!! I'm sure she'll want to sleep with you then!!

Isn't it the opposite? No mollycoddling.

gamers don't want an easier game
journos do because they suck at games and want to breeze through everything to write shit articles faster

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I don't understand the need for an easy mode, these games aren't that tough. And if they are, streamers/let's play exists.

all journos must fucking hang

Meanwhile there's been a "help central" general on Yea Forums for a week now.
And you people pretend to scoff at guides and wikis

What do you mean? Like MGR? How would that change anything?

'member when game journalists said there should not be an easy mode because it's disrespectful to gamers and that the game should just be simplified in general to make it more accessible and anyone who disagreed was just an exclusionist and an elitist hobby snob?
I 'member.

The word this person is looking for is patronize
Kind of weird how he chose the exact opposite word almost like he was doing it on purpose

something like for honor or mnb

git gud

says the one who knows nothing about c++, inline assembly etc you are just a brain dead video game player

God no, fuck that. The game already is super lenient and enemies have long dramatic animations to telegraph their moves, implementing something like that would come with more Simon Says HUD elements trash or further slowing down the tempo of the game.

Keep guzzling From cum

Fuck off. If you don't like brutally tough games well, you're going to have to miss out on Sekiro. And that's OK.

keep randomly up-casing letters, really shows your IQ

The sound of git gud

We already had this thread, and the article was BTFO. Read the archives.

You have to beat the game for that.