Remember the good old days of 2005-2006 Maplestory? There's a server that recreated it, and we're starting a Yea Forums guild on it!
Whisper/add Maleel, Hirundo, Pearce, haifway
Remember the good old days of 2005-2006 Maplestory? There's a server that recreated it, and we're starting a Yea Forums guild on it!
Whisper/add Maleel, Hirundo, Pearce, haifway
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Alright, downloading. Here we go again, etc.
damn i forgot that was a thing
How old is the server?
I think around 6 months? It definitely came after Global/Tales of Victoria shutting down.
server is pretty good in my experience so far
>tfw missed the beta hat by a week
>tfw could have gotten it on an islander
salty about that tho
>OldSchool Maple
>and we're starting a Yea Forums guild
Yea, but we're so far away from having the available funds, so for now, we're just adding eachother as buddies.
Still haven't decided on a guild name.
Fuck OSM, join MapleZero
It's releasing SOON
what makes it better?
server release was dec 22nd but the beta was around for a few months
Ant Tunnel party when?
you should be able to get one going with randoms
>Whisper/add Maleel, Hirundo, Pearce, haifway
nobody is accepting
ive never played maplestory but i do like golden age mmos, is this legit good or just nostalgia?
Legit good. It went to shit after the 2x exp/meso coupons and that kind of shit.
just a reminder you can play at any resolution
hard to say because I have nostalgia, but it definitely has SOUL.
But the original maplestory got grindy as hell, dont know the drop and exp rates on this server.
legit good but also legit grind
2x exp that decreases every level til 80, then 1x exp, 1x drop, 1x quest
They might be offline. I'll log on now though.
I first played it around 05-06 and found it super hard.
I believe OSMS is all 1 drop rate.
Fuck off.
So how many do we have so far?
It's shit, it takes hours to get levels you could get in minutes in the current MS. Then again, the current MS is shit as well. You're better off playing RO if you want a good mmo.
Aight downloading this now.
What class should I play? What don't we have?
What are we rolling on MapleZero bros?
i forgot how fucked grinding a warrior was from 1~40
actually i forgot how fucked grinding a warrior was in general
doesnt help that i want to be an axe fighter
Which version is it?
the fuck are we playing, maplezero or this??
Everyone should play Mapleunity, i'ts truly gonna be a server for the ages.
just play mapleroyals and rwt to victory ez
I'm rolling on Zero since it's 4x exp and v83. More content for endgame.
there is an archer on right now and im gonna go warrior
Any time you see some retard shilling a meme server, it's probably BlackGoku or something. It's like a 100% sure thing to have dead population.
Ok so I will become a bowman, I just have to dump all in DEX and 1 point in STR, right?
Who's making the guild on MapleZero?
I remember it being pretty shit, but people made it much more tolerable. Now it’s both shit and less tolerable.
alright, gonna get on once I configure it on Linux. what's everyone rolling?
What's a good first mmo for my little sister?
then come online on oldschool
are you the same loonix guy as on croosade?
Rapelay online.
OldSchoolMaple is dead. Join MapleZero. Don't listen to this shill.
I thought it was single player only
Old version servers is a meme. Why the fuck would you intentionally play a version of the game with more grind, less content and worse abilities? The foremost reason to play private servers is to escape P2W.
I can play multiplayer with your sister.
Sell me to it and I might do it.
low quality bait but this gave me a good kek
It's FRESH and has more content.
MapleZero is BASED retard. We are all playing on it. Now FUCK OFF.
Did you try Wine?
join blackgoku on maplezero retards hes the most based mapler there ever was
>8 players
osm is going to die once the casuls realize that they can never catch up
its a waste of time to invest in a server with no potential
Because the only reason to play at all is nostalgia, and OldSchool does a way better job at recreating nostalgia than Roylels.
Downloading once I finish wagecucking.
Might roll Bandit this time.
zoomer material
Jokes on you I like grindan games, I'm only limited by time and shitty internet.
nah different guy
yup, works fine. used the maple royals guide to set everything up, only extra thing is to set virtual desktop otherwise it crashes on launch
osm has the most questionable admins in the private server scene, wouldnt recommend it to anyone
>tfw going to be at work when ludi drops on osm
being a wagecuck fucking blows
let me out of my cage
So do there have to be any good servers that are the version right after Big Bang but before the Hero classes arrived?
im not sure if maplezero is good but it cant be worse than osm
mapleglobal was so boring
who do i whisper on maplezero?
So? Thats literally Legends.
Join us on Zero bros. Whisper Zamasu.
Hero classes arrived before the big bang.
>killing the same monster until 200
>1% exp every 2 hours
>can't get past 50 without going insane
blackgoku will save us bros
>We are all playing on it
All 8 of you?
its actually 10 of us now
Yes, we are all one.
So do Assassins have the highest damage? But really shitty mobbing?
should I make a i/l, cleric or sin?
Really. Guess I don't remember when I joined all that well then. I do remember I played before the Dual Blade debut, and before Evan debut also.
All are good choices
All of Aran, Evan and Dual Blade were preBB.
Dual Blades were notoriously p2w cancer, then Big Bang dropped and Shadowers BTFO'd them.
based, downloadin rn
Who else remembers the old CG shorts?
Huh. Then guess I did play pre-big bang when I first started then.
holy fuck this takes me back
Honestly this, I dropped MS back in 2007 because I couldn't take the grind. I don't see how anyone back then made it to lvl200 without killing themselfs.
I'm probably the last person you should go to if you want anything lasting longer than the weekend
It was kind of nice grinding a bit into the 20s but I might even jump ship to another server not Zero
>want a decent mid rate server
>they're all dead and/or cancerous
>shadowers BTFO'd Dual Blades
yeah, for what, like a month?
>I'm probably the last person you should go to if you want anything lasting longer than the weekend
That unironically makes you the best. You're literally the leader right now.
if the problem is everyone else its actually you
Weren't there lads who started yesterday?
MapleStory is a shit game and people in the guild will be unironic ERPers, trannies, and other types of mentally ill drama queens that will kill it within a month if you don't get bored first. Why would you even bother with a piece of shit game and the horrible people on this board?
blackgoku is a shitstirrer though
he starts drama for no reason and kills guilds
Don't worry raiuu, you're not playing so there won't be any drama to worry about.
I'm not raiuu, but if BlackGoku is there, and there's a 99.9% chance he's the one shilling this thread, then yes there will be.
blackgoku is based retard
Blackgoku is the one shilling Maplezero right now, and trying to dissuade people from playing OldSchool because he doesn't like vanilla servers.
>You're literally the leader right now.
I'd have literally zero commitment to such a role
Even now the most I'm doing is giving people names to add so when I suddenly disappear probably later today no one is out of the loop
Carry on then I guess, I bet you some other faggot will roll around to ruin everyone's fun though. That's how this goes every single time. This is assuming you don't all realize there's nothing new or interesting to do within a couple weeks, of course.
That's not BlackGoku, that's Zamasu.
Doesn't BlackGoku go by a few different names because of the shit he's pulled on various servers anyway?
I'll try joining. Currently updating OSMS atm. Wanting to find another one with a good range of cosmetic stuff in the cash shop to mess around with.
No idea who BlackGoku is since I'm not too into the private server stuff but that does sound like a thing people like him would do.
I got my first "girlfriend" playing this when I was 14 she was a bit weird but she wasn't fat and her face was average. Thank you Maplestory
>always wanted to play it as a kid
>finally allowed to install it
>play a total of 3 times
>computer gets viruses from all the porn my dad watched
fuck you dad
Daily reminder that Bera got the first 200 on OG maple before Scania
Nothing wrong with a quick nostalgia hit, crybaby.
It's only good because of the age of internet it came out in. It was far more a social experience then a gameplay one.
I tried, I will keep trying never played the original so secretly I have no fucking idea what I'm doing all I know is that DEX = bowman damage.
Very funny, Zamasu.
for everyone who can't decide between maplezero and old school ms:
maplezero (top), oldschoolms (bottom)
God MapleStory was so fucking cool back in the day.
>post yfw you will never go back to early mid 2000s running an MS guild with your high school m8s
>getting home after school on a friday, getting on one big conference call with your friends, hopping in and grinding from 3 pm to 6 am
>that ass chewing your parents give you for the phone bill later
I want to go back
8 players (top)
200 players (bottom)
Don't add int or luk.
use a sick day
quick rundown
warriors are str max, dex side
thieves are luk max, dex side
bowmen are dex max, str side
mage is int max, luk side
max means +4 per level, side is +1
Nostalgia "old school" servers usually don't last a long time, and higher version servers have the ability to make their owners much more profit (though servers based on later sources require much more programming skill to use)
Any server that just started or is starting soon with decent rate and not dead?
Join us on MapleZero. The hottest and freshest new server to be on.
I kinda wish nexon released a mapleclassic on mobile already.
people are already around lvl 40 on zero and it crashes regularly, dont listen to the shills
Can you nerds stop playing.
I got wagecucking to do for another 5 hours
Is MapleRoyals so bad?
hate how hard i want to play this basic game. im remembering how you only have maybe 1 or two skills to use for so long and then it reminds me that not only is this game a grind, only the high rate servers with rebirth were worth it
MapleZero rise up
HHG1 is packed in OldSchool Maplestory.
No, but it's boring and exhausted. Early-game is dead because of x4 exp, end-game is a barren wasteland of content like it was in gms 2008, but because you get there quicker, it's more noticeable. HP washing matters, which means you're heavily encouraged to make a mage first to generate billions of mesos before making a bowman or assassin.
I still haven't figured what class I'm gonna do on OSMS. Is Mage or Thief any good on the server?
Which date was the peak of Maplestory?
Should I go sin on MapleZero?
Where can I become a bowman?
Mages are the best farmers/grinders.
Assassin has the best mobility and single-target DPS, but very expensive to maintain.
Bandit has even higher DPS with meso explosion, which also hits multiple targets, and second best mobility. Outside of meso explosion, they're not the hardest hitting class, but have good utility.
Crusaders and Dragon Knights are like tanks. Hit hard both single & multi-target, can take a lot of punishment, but poor mobility. Don't waste your time with Page.
Bowman & Crossbowmen are like Assassins, but less mobility and single target damage, but better utility. Way better mobbing skills, elemental skills, and a rare case where literally every single 3rd job skill is good/useful.
Henesys Park.
If you're playing right now, make sure to add Pearce, Dakuran and Calcium to your buddylist.
12 Nov 2008
Pirates were neat
Add me: Vion
Installing now
Anyone remember Local MS
Now that was a kino private server *sips
Add me on MapleZero. Ign: Lolicom.
My IGN is SmellMyPiss
What a familiar name.
Actually with the maplestory nostalgia community, I believe him
Tried out OSM and quit after 30 minutes. I suggest not falling for the shills as leveling only gets longer after each level. Which is why MapleZero is perfect.
Post more old maplekino
Pre 2008. Pirates are gay.