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ME1 wasn't even good.

*ruins your game series*

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ME1's atmosphere was god tier


Go back one game where they made it about Martin Shinola.

ME2 already did that at within minutes of the intro

it hurts bros

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Blue space lesbians were always the worst part of ME

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Things didn't go as planned, did they

They're not lesbians anymore, cis scum

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Asari are normalfag filters

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your space gypsy waifu can't live without filters

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ME:A is great because it lets me use the phrase "glib fascimile" completely unironically and accurately

Where's her huge all-fertilizing blue penis?

Xenos - not even once

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>no krogan romance

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ME2 was amazing and the best game of the series

How did it all go so fucking wrong bros? Why did have to be this way?

>there will never be a small scale ME game where you won't change the minds of an entire universe or fight galaxy ending threats instead you're just making it a little brighter or darker with the species of your choice as part of a merc band
These threads just depress me.

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"Wider audience"

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me1 was best, rest sucked

>Replayed Mass Effect multiple times
>Couldn't even finish 2 because I got bored
>Forgot about Andromeda less than a month after its release


>muh reapers
was the worst thing about mass effect. They were good background flavor didn't do anything with them.

This. ME1 has the best plot but ME2 handles everything else better in my opinion, that and I prefer the dirty side of the universe compared to ME1's shiny side.

Man, I'm so fucking depressed now. It was such a good series, then 3 comes around and fucks it up. Then you have ME:A and it was such a total buggy mess, I'm glad at least because it gave me some laughter and joy. But there will never be another one again.

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I thought 1 was the best for years, but when I replay it, 1 has the shittest gameplay, it sucks in that sense. The plot and atmosphere is the best in 1, that magic is still there, but 2 has the best of everything else

If they have a hole I bet it smells like a blueberry.

Today I will remind them...


I just played both back to back and the gameplay is the same except the sniper rifles dont 1 shot on headshot most enemies in 2. Sheppard still runs like a he ways 600 fucking pounds, the cover shooting is still completely risk free and bland, the level design is still the laziest shit ever, the enemy AI is still completely inept and your teamates went from ok bullet sponges to might as well not even be in the fight. I cant believe anyone that claims the gameplay is better

>2 hours
Why the fuck is every video that critques shit have to be 2 hours long.

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there's a segment in 1 or 2 which explores the idea that Asari just appear as whatever a race would consider suitably exotic and sexy right? that would have been a cool idea to explore, like maybe the asari are literally just a telepathic presence or some kind of sex starved space ghosts


I thought this was cool, but it presents so many weird issues. Like if someone took a photo of one and showed it to another human who had never heard or seen one before, they'd look like their real selves.

If they do a galactic scale conflict again for the next game if we ever get a next game I hope it's just between two species/factions we're familiar with and not another evil alien empire or A.I.
Maybe they could take some inspiration from New Vegas and let you choose which side of the conflict you support, with branching paths and multiple endings?

No, user. That was an Easter Egg. They look how they appear.

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default broshep >>>>>>>>>>>> default femshep >>> custom characters

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Fuck fuck fuck
I wanna replay the series but I just did it a few months ago.
But I love it so much I want to replay it.
Idk what to do.

>Things didn't go as planned, did they
>Implying ME1 devs had a coherent vision for how the trilogy will go
I still go unofficial forums or r/masseffect from time to time and find myself thinking about the future of ME on almost daily basis. I dare not start up another playthrough, it hurts too much thinking about it. I would be happy if they announced the franchise is dead, that way I could move on to other game franchises.

>then 3 comes around and fucks it up
ME2 is where things started to go terribly wrong but we forgave it due to the clear improvements in gameplay and the relationships you and your companions can develop.

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3 has the most polish and the best combat of the trilogy

>default femshep above custom characters
You could have been anything in life and you chose to be wrong.

2's story is mostly good but horribly held back by some key details
>1. Needing it to star Shepard
>2. Its vehicle for getting Shepard involved with Cerberus is absolutely retarded and woefully under explored
>3. The story is just waiting for the Reapers to show up in the grand scheme of things
Mass Effect should not have been conceived as a trilogy to begin with. ME1 should have mostly wrapped up the Reaper storyline and kept them in the background for later games. This frees up the following entries to explore different, smaller scale stories like most of ME2, then later games can bring back the Reapers.

2's combat is faster and more fluid, and the change to ammo instead of heat helped a lot with that. You also don't run around samey looking corridors and copy-pasted bases for easily 40% of its playtime like you do with 1. I really don't know what shit you're smoking to think they're even remotely close outside of Shepard running like a 300 pound dude.

>When you realize half the "side missions" in 3 composed of overhearing a conversation about how somebody wants a thing, going to a place to retrieve said thing, then bringing it to them like the galaxy's most autistic postman

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Just forget about everything after ME2

I never understood why they didn't just have Shepard get seriously injured and put into a coma for two years instead of killing him, it would have been so much more believable


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dont you mean 2?

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I am still mad anons.

>asari dreadnought blasts a reaper to chunks at the end of ME1

Imagine what ME3 could have been, just an all out brutal war without the space magic and SJW shit.

>the virmire Survivor barely gets a 5 minute conversation
>Liara gets her own DLC
Fuck bioware

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2 at least tried to make them good by having you interact with NPCs. All 3 did was add random texts to your log for easily 70% of the side-quests. You can't get more barebones than that.

>Mass Effect is almost 12 years old

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>all-out brutal war
You can sort of get that with the Expanded Galaxy mod. I was downright impressed when after the Reaper assault on Thessia a prompt appeared in my galaxy map to help coordinate survivor rescue teams all done through menus of course and the mod adds quite a bunch of that kind of stuff, not to mention more lore-friendly additions that make you feel like past choices in ME1 and 2 had more of an impact than they do in the vanilla game where they're straight-up ignored.

Though naturally, it won't make gold out of shit, because this is still the same game with

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You know you want to watch it again

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>Still no VR sfm
When is the next ME going to be announced so that people get excited for this series instead of overwatch?

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Tali is best girl
I don't care. We're going to watch singalong musicals together and drink ourselves sick.

i got banned last time for posting a censored futa pic. fuck jannies

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Yeah it's not the same. The first two games had this very masculine kind of hype to them, like you're going to go man-to-man with the mightiest foe that you can possibly imagine and all we got in the end is some bitch ass cutscene with sad violin music where you blow them up by shooting some conduits on a giant space buttplug.

I honestly expected that you would be able to side with Cerberus and Martin Sheen and get some kind of bomb ending in which you completely destroy the reapers but the rest of the aliens now fear the humans more than they ever feared anything.

Colonist, Sole Survivor

Colonist War Hero
Paragon except fuck batarians

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>it would have been so much more believable
Resurrection to Mass Effect's degree isn't the most outlandish thing in a universe where space magic, 1000 year old blue ladies, and aliens that have 4 testicles exist.

Shepard is honestly one of the greatest protagonists of all time.

>when your Colonist Sole Survivor full on renegade literally space hitler Shepard starts getting PTSD because of some random kid dying
keks me every time

>just an all out brutal war without the space magic and SJW shit.
This has existed since Day fucking 1 on Mass Effect 1.
Oh wait, thats your problem. No point in arguing with you.

>your daughter brings home a Batarian to your family dinner
What do?

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I have no daughter

Shoot the Batarian. Tell her to date a Turian or a Quarian. Or even a Krogan.

Congratulate her for finding such a good looking meal
*pulls out pistol*

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Did you let Balak go or were you another self-righteous terrorist?

look at op's picture. bioware developed it, microsoft studio's help produce, epic was involved with their game engine. so many different companies helped to make that first game happen.

and then EA swooped in real fast and bought up bioware, and that's when everything got fucked.

>did i let the batarian go


Finish him off with a classic Bioware animation

The reality of the situation is that the third game is the best in the series
>ME1's atmosphere was god tier
Yes but the gameplay is ass.

I completely forgot about this and I can't stop laughing, it plays out like a spanish soap opera no less

Look fag, you're gonna have to narrow it down, do you expect me to remember the name of every Batarian I've killed?

interacting with one fucks up your brain to interpret anything asari shaped as the image they gave you of them

>ME1 should have mostly wrapped up the Reaper storyline and kept them in the background for later games
Then why introduce the reapers at all?
What the everliving fuck hell are you talking about?

Then anyone who never met an asari before would see them for what they really are

ME1 > ME2
ME2 was very disappointing, and most people who say that ME2 is the best were the normies who started the franchise with it

ME1 is the best game in the series. It has top tier world building and narrative and is an actual rpg.

Admit it, you liked the Mako.

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>want to do a renegade asshole run
>never have for this exact fucking reason

None of them were

The one with human hostages

I don't understand how such a perfect send-off for the series ended up in the completely wrong game, it gets even more bizarre when you consider when this is supposed to take place in the canon of the game.
It was in the second game

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the worst of the mako bits were better than any of the actual shootouts in any of the games

nexusmods.com/masseffect/mods/115 once you mod it's not that bad

Dead franchise. Thanks Andromeda

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I did
still controlled like ass though

>Playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner.
check before you post, faggot

>punching the reporter
i forgot about that top zozzle

The shootouts in the first one become much more bearable when you can mod a sniper rifle to do insane amounts of damage but overheat after a single shot.

I bet ME2 is your favorite game, like, evar. Grunt was so epically funny right XD
>t. brainlet

are you ok dude

ME2 makes sense if you imagine the writers didn't want to make ME2, they just wanted to make a game about their Mass Effect OCs going on an adventure but EA told them they had to make a sequel and they just half assed it from there

It didn’t though, nostalgia nigger. They literally needed the combined power off all the species fleets to defeat one reaper.

ME2 was a great game, it just really didn't need Shepard or the Reapers.

I never played as male Shepard, I heard people saying he was bad in the first game but got better with each game and turned a really good performance in the third game.

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He’s not wrong. ME1 is shit

I always saw people say how bad it was, but I never had any problems with it.

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they are metaphysical beings with no real shape
you can't see one because they do not exist in the physical world but as mere thoughts on the same level as your consciousness
thus knowing of the conept of asari is essentially "seeing" one and your brain being forced to assign it a physical shape to perceive that information

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I loved spidering up 85° inclines.

Yes, grunt was epic af

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Have bioware always been this bad at animations? For comparisons sake how good are Cdprojekt when it comes to animations?

replay older bioware games
yes, bioware has always been mid-tier at best

Pretty much. I don't really fault them for it though because I don't play video games for the epic motion captured cutscenes.

But you play video games for the experience and immersion do you not? Crap animations is a good way to make the experience worse

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Liara or Ash?

For as lame as the animations in the campaigns were, boy howdy did the multiplayer have some satisfying shit. All the melees and combos and weapons that hit like a truck. God, it was crunchy.

Different team made MP

>But you play video games for the experience and immersion do you not?

That shit doesn't work for me. I have never, not once, while playing a video game forgotten I'm playing a video game. Stuff like shitty animations does not break my "immersion", for lack of a better term. Stuff like shitty gameplay, invisible walls, etc. does.

Yeah and then that team made Andromeda so I guess lightning didn't strike twice.

Ash, always Ash.

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>going on a suicide mission with no idea of what's waiting for you
>taking an assassin and a thief
Two professions that are only good at their jobs because they know ahead of time what they're getting into

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Ash is a human and even worse a human who had no time for aliens which isn't acceptable in a universe that has creatures that are all hips like the quarians so I went with the waifu bait.

>tfw started buzzing my hair like default broshep because of these games
i still get compliments from grills about it, i have blue eyes and i'm /fit/ too so it kinda works

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But they are also two professions that demands quick adaptations when things goes wrong, but you're right. It's like they wrote the characters first and then the story

Kids were a mistake. They destroy every story the get thrown into unless the story was about a kid in the first place.

>filthy xeno scum

ME1 is the best for me but to say that ME2 was disappointing is bordering on contrarian for the sake of contrarian. The sequel removed a lot of the RPG elements but it improved on other stuff.

just replayed it last month and this is true. The atmosphere, world building, and stand alone story are top tier. The gameplay and traveling is fucking rough though. You walk so fucking slow and have to take goddamn elevators everywhere. I didnt remember how much of a pain in the ass it was

did exactly this and it handles like a fuckin dream

I don't think any of the other ME games ever captured the melancholy atmosphere of the first one.

Ash it is

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Just get the mod to get her old looks back in ME3

>to say that ME2 was disappointing is bordering on contrarian for the sake of contrarian

Fuck off. ME2 was a big giant waste of time. It essentially achieved nothing but introducing a few more romance options to the franchise which only cancer cares about.

I just want to fuck and get fucked by male Turians that aren't Garrus, is that really too much to ask?

Was Jurassic Park ruined by having kid?
In what fucking way?

It doesn't seem to work with other graphics mods

post more autistic Sara Ryder art

I got ME + ME2 like 7 years ago on steam and to this day I haven't installed them.

>ME:A is the worst game in the series
>also the only one that gives you a turian waifu

Melancholy? Apart from Ilos I don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

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Ash. But then I let her die in the bomb run and take on Miranda for 2 and 3 only because she becomes an insufferable cunt in 2 and a tranny in 3.

Experience can greatly offset lack of preparation when no one knows what they're in for.

>tfw no Suvi gf


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Pretty much. He's rather stiff but okay in the first game, pretty good in the second game, and really well done in the third game. However, I think part of the reason Mark Meer did such a fantastic job with him is that they gave Shepard so much auto-dialogue in ME3 and stripped back the player choices, so it's a trade-off.

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I'm not seeing a resemblance

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Is it really that bad? I intend to save him on my next Shepard

You've got to be very careful when talking to him otherwise one route takes you to brown town and the other gets him pissy that you don't want the dick.

I think you're confusing him with Anders from DA2

My god, they turned him into Anders

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Although he gets somewhat pissy when you play Female Shepard and romanced him before.

>tfw I unironically love ME3
Autism postman sim for some reason gives me such happiness. I’m autistic, I know.

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Both are ugly as shit. Asari look like ten times hotter in fanart or fan CG porn.

>it improved on other stuff
What is this particular stuff you're talking about please
Because the gameplay got worse, so did the story and characters

The Mask is a great fucking movie.

Completely shits on the source material

Humans were a mistake.

Let's be honest, it's better this way

I think that ME3>ME2
ME3 is so shit only because ME2 set it on that path

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Good. Source material is edge for the sake of edge and aside from a few scenes it's pretty bad. The movie turned bad source material into something great.

Where my Chakwas bros at?

Because of the Plinkett reviews of the Star Wars prequels.

Reminder that the reject ending is the best ending for Mass Effect 3

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Nah. Especially not when it was following Ace Ventura.

Reject is basically having a hissy fit and unbecoming of someone of Shepards level, destroy is finishing the mission aka the only option.

>destroy is finishing the mission aka the only option
And throw everyone back to the stone age? Are you insane? The only right option is to control them

Reject is still better than synthesis



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Destroy or the entire 3 games had no sense

>get to the end of your journey
>some AI fuck that's obviously trying to emotionally manipulate you by appearing as that dead kid you really care about for some reason tells you a bunch of bullshit about how you can totally kill all the reapers or become god or magic everyone into cyborgs if you just end your life
>telling it to fuck off is the childish choice

The only possible reason Shepard would choose any of those endings is because he knows he's in a shitty videogame climax where stupid bullshit just happens to come true

Control seems like a good idea at first but as it's explained to you it's not Shepard controlling them it's basically a copy of Shepard, everything he is uploaded to them however free from biology the very roots of what makes Shepard who he is will fade with time and he'll become yet another unfeeling machine free from the chemicals that make him see value in the lives he died for, and so the harvest would resume but with a leader many times more powerful than Harbinger.

Getting punched in the dick by a Krogan is better than synthesis user.

It is a shit choice as by telling it to fuck off you fuck over everyone in the universe and all your work is for naught. Destroy still acts against the wishes of the brat who really, REALLY, wants you to choose synthesis which is totally legit guys trust me, and you get to cleanse the galaxy of it and the reapers. Destroy is finishing the mission and telling the brat to fuck off all at the same time.



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>The only possible reason Shepard would choose any of those endings is because he knows he's in a shitty videogame

ME2 must have driven you insane.


>It is a shit choice as by telling it to fuck off you fuck over everyone in the universe and all your work is for naught
No because the next cycle destroys the reapers

Destroy is just as much as a retarded gamble as the others. You have no reason to believe the Reapers will all die if you shoot this junction box and get blown up in the process. You have no evidence anything at all will happen. All you're doing is empowering this smug little shit with the knowledge that in your final moments, it got you to jump through its hoops.

*hits pipe*

Reject is also BioWare throwing a hissyfit about people not liking their garbage, as is them patching in shooting the kid giving you that ending

When the other choice is ending it right there and then it's a no brainer lad

You don't understand user, you have to remember how the brat was talking to shep (if you don't look up a video of that scene) it supports control, it really wants you to choose synthesis saying it's the best option, and it warns you not to destroy. We also have to remember that the device that enables these choices was built and changed by many different species across many harvests and with how the brat reacts to destroy it's clearly an option they put in against the reaper design. Destroy is the only answer.

I personally hate everything about the reapers save for the reaperfication of characters for how creepy it is. The whole actual plot surrounding them as well as the solutions ot fight them are all retarded as shit and I felt it that this whole threat had dragged on for too long after three games.


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>space gypsy that rivals jews in victimhood
Spot the amerilardian lmao

Your point?

I was in the same EXACT boat as you until about 2 weeks ago, then I power played through 1 and 2 on steam, then 3 on Origin. They really hold up if you grab the hd textures from nexusmods, but the difficulty even on higher settings is incredibly easy as they must have not accounted for mouse precision.

Probably would've, if they hadn't quit on the series.

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Nice headcanon you got there

Alternative take: It wants you to electrocute yourself or throw yourself in the green light because it thinks it would be funnier than you shooting a box

>T-this is for you Tali! I'm sorry we'll never build our house on Rannoch!
>"Ha ha dude look at you! The fuck did you think was going to happen?! That this box will blow up the Reapers? That this stupid Crucible, which you don't know what it does, was going to stop all of this from happening?! Holy shit son, you're fucking dumb! I was hoping you'd jump into the light like a retard but this will have to do"
>"Enjoy your final moments as you bleed to death knowing you accomplished nothing, you failure"

>but the difficulty even on higher settings is incredibly easy as they must have not accounted for mouse precision

Nah, the games are piss easy on console too.

Man that kid is a dick. Next time I play ME3 I'm stealing his lunch money.

>Picking destroy
>After what you went through to make peace between the Quarians and the Geth
>And finding out what it would kill Joker's waifu
Why do you want a deny a man his waifu?

Never played ME. Just downloaded the first game. What am I in for, Yea Forums?

>implying I didn't take every chance the game gave me to remove and destroy the Geth
>implying I'm still not mad you can't toss EDI out the airlock
A.I was a mistake

comfy music, comfy game. You'll love it if you like old sci-fi books

Yes. One man loses his waifu but many more get to live long enough to enjoy theirs. I regret the death of the geth but they can be rebuilt.

Geth aren't even AI

Calm down Javik, go preach your hypocritical double standards somewhere else.

They're worse.

Andromeda is where I lost all respect for Bioware. Truly disappointed at how quickly they gave up on the game because of all the criticism, while we have small indie developers like Hello Games trying to make things right. Cowards.

Cute raptor.

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Control makes it extremely clear that Shepard's thoughts will remain with Reaper!Shepard forever and they won't skullfuck the galaxy.

The Reapers have existed for over a billion years. I'd love to see God Shepard remain the exact same person he was when he became God Shepard for even a fraction of that time.

Thoughts can be corrupted and he won't have human biology to keep his mind as it was, it will lack the very chemicals that shape a person as it's a digital reproduction thus over time it will think more and more like a machine.

Steam is shit for Mass Effect. I would get it on Origin

Liara is a genuine Mary Sue.

>comfy music, comfy game. You'll love it if you like old sci-fi books
I love semi-cheesy 80's sci-fi shows like Star Trek TNG and Quantum Leap. Does that count?

>Truly disappointed at how quickly they gave up on the game because of all the criticism, while we have small indie developers like Hello Games trying to make things right. Cowards.
Are you implying that Andromeda is in the same position as No man's sky? Because they aren't

>that pic
I had the exact same thought when I played Andromeda and I would totally want to fuck Avitus and heal him by becoming his new husbando but on the other hand this shit shouldn't have happened in the first place and it kinda pisses me off how much Tur suffering these games contain, just for the sake of it or something.

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A game with solid writing and horrible gameplay

Both games faced heavy criticism at release, and rightfully so. Bioware ditched it as soon as they could, even scrapping DLC, but Hello Games stuck by their product to fix it.

ReaperShep is the most powerful, intelligent being we ever see in Mass Effect, just by virtue of what we know it's capable of. It's certainly smarter than the Catalyst, which was given an objective by the Leviathans and took perhaps the most retarded path to solving it possible. If Shepard's thoughts wearing off of it and it becoming less human and more machine over time is an issue, it'd probably foresee it and come up with a solution ahead of time.

Like, I dunno. Maybe eventually it bows out and has someone else disintegrate themselves to take its place.

Bioware has EA behind them and Hello Games pissed off so many people they were investigated for false advertising. One can do what they like and still shit out games with Daddy's money, the other realised they were dead as a company if they didn't do something.

No man's sky promised mutiplayer for release, there was no mutiplayer when the game got released. Don't you try to paint the game in similar situations, and what do you want them to fix with Andromeda? The faces and the facial animations? Because they fixed that with 1.09

Ive only seen Star Trek TOS, but probably.
I mostly meant to imply that the first game is great because of world building, tech explanations, and politics, with a dash of space-magic.

2 and 3 move towards more big-bad villains and superhero nonsense to appeal to a wider crowd

How is even possible for Illium to be this comfy?

Attached: download.jpg (1024x576, 81K)

Commercialism and insane budget costs are what kills games in general. You can't take any risks with this shit because you have spent too much money on the production and as soon as a game doesn't sell a bazillion times it's considered a failure due to the awful costs, so we just get less original games and choices and every series gets cancelled until we don't get anything but shitty looter shooters, battle royals and mobile games anymore because that's the shit CEOs believe in due to a bunch of retarded popular single games among these that somehow attracted the stupid mainstream masses that spend a fortune on them for costumes or loot shit.

>not roleplaying your Shep as divine.

That's probably because EA saw it flopped and gutted the studio.

>make destroy canon
>can continue the story in Milky Way
Here, I fixed Mass Effect series and you can make a new game now.

Illium, Omega, and the wards area in the citadel DLC are my all time favorite comfy areas in Mass Effect.

>so many cities and shit we never visited

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Hello Games had Sony behind them. And now Bioware is in it's death throes. Doesn't seem like they did the right thing.

I wasn't comparing the exact criticism, both games were lambasted. Make amends with customers by supplying better DLC, and then a better sequel.

Yeah they originally didn't want to do a sequel that direct out of fear of backlash from the people who chose the ending they didn't however at this point I think people would just be happy for a legit ME to happen in the galaxy they love so they should roll with destroy, set it like 20-100 years after ME3 and go from there.

But we got to go to war torn Earth city with rubble everywhere you look!

Why must the story continue?
One was a game that failed to deliver on several promises while being shit, the other game is just shit. It's not the same
>, and then a better sequel
You have to buy the game if you want a sequel

If there is a Mass Effect 4 what is your hope for the story?
Complete retcon of 3's endings?
New galaxy?

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Post-war game about the state of the galaxy after the Reaper invasion, with everything in disarray, tensions rising between species stuck in the Solar system, cold wars between them, etc.

Your daily reminder that Liara best waifu, Jack and Samara second. Play Earthborn War hero Vanguard, default maleshep, mostly paragon with occasional killing of assholes. Never trust a Quarian, Turians are bros. Worst cancer is a Talicancer, followed by femturs, both should be gassed. Ash to ashes. Only ending is Destroy ending, rest is beyond cuckery. Andromeda doesn't exist.

Hackett out.

Id rather they not make any more ME at all. The team that made 1 hasn't existed in years, if not over a decade.

What is your point? Sounds like the first one would be the one to scurry away quicker.
I did buy the game, and I waited for the Quarian Ark DLC. Even defending it after the patches. Got burnt, and vowed to never buy another Bioware product.

>Why must the story continue?
Listen. I like Mass Effect. I like existing characters and I like our galaxy. The setting is great and can be developed more. I don't need some galaxy "far, far away".

Great story, mediocre gameplay. It felt like a chore to play through honestly, especially near the end but I think it's worth it for the story alone.

>1 has the shittest gameplay, it sucks in that sense
You're either a faggot or lying when you say you replayed it. Having ackshually just replayed them, 1's combat has its fair share of flaws, but it's objectively better than 2's.
>Have full customization options for armor, implants to buff certain parts of your skills, and all of your guns, including being able to switch out ammunition on the fly depending on what you're fighting instead of having to 'unlock' using different kinds of bullets on an abortion of a skill tree
>power variety much better with a tangible difference between biotics and tech abilities instead of them just being reskins that drain different color bars on enemies
>engagements require you to actually maneuver instead of just sitting behind one group of chest-high walls before moving on to the next
>skill trees give you more freedom to cover your weaknesses and opens up your combat options

2's combat was barebones as fuck and the ebin heavy weapons were a meme. SMGs were nice though

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No fucking Shepard for once.
And I would actually prefer a prequel to be honest, but not human centered if possible. Other than that I would actually prefer a remake over a forth game at first because parts of the three games fuck with me too much to enjoy a sequel completely. If that's not possible than something taking place hundred of years after ME3 and give me more fucking alien stuff, again, don't make it human centered. Almost all games are about humans and the humans of ME are 3DPD goblins since ME1 anyway. The lore of the rest of the galaxy is way more interesting than the human shit.

I like Mass Effect as well, and I understand that there is nothing wrong with letting a franchise end. Mass effect set out to tell a story and it told that story through 3 games, any more games would be unnecessary

>engagements require you to actually maneuver instead of just sitting behind one group of chest-high walls before moving on to the next
>skill trees give you more freedom to cover your weaknesses and opens up your combat options
Wrong on both accounts

Who wins in a fight to the death?

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based jannies

Master Chief easily


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I did this, except I moved on with Tali.

Shepard is a big guy but chief is even bigger

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>the humans of ME are 3DPD goblins since ME1 anyway
What the fuck does this even mean.

I just mean they're all ugly as shit and look like generic 3DPD.

So you are just an autist who wants cartoons?
Why would you even play this?

literal bluepill reaper honeypot

ME1 highest difficulty can get up there.

Nothing like that one base on that one planet with 4 sniper towers that can all one shot you at highest difficulty.

Side note: I really wish people had grabbed onto the idea of achievements granting cheats or benefits. Seemed really cool to me at the time like how the Jak series did with those bronze eggs.

I wouldn't bother with ME4 unless they remade 3 into something that wasn't utter garbage and gave it the treatment it truly deserved.

I love the alien designs as well space operas and shit. Humans can look somewhat "realistic" but everything that goes beyond JP seinen-tier standard isn't my thing. I tolerate them but they're not attractive or interesting so I never have any of them in my team.


Chief doesn't have magic powers that he can just call upon to do massive damage and neither do his enemies. Just guns. but he's also fuck huge space marine style.

Shephard is just as much of a veteran if not more and has magic powers that can do bullshit. I'd say it's pretty difficult to say which would win.

Gameplay related things that I did not like in ME2:
Global cooldown for abilities
Ammo instead of heat gauges
Regenerating health instead of medi-gel
And the entire equipment system if you still want to classify that as gameplay related

chief has unbeatable bullshit plot armor

Shepard has like 15 years of expericence, chief has been in active service for 30

if KOTOR1 gets a port to android I see no reason why ME1 can't as well.

I bet I coulde just emulate it if I wanted

Who's the ugliest ME character you have fapped to?

see The reapers claim they are beyond comprehension, but Shepard is beyond their comprehension.
The Leviathan DLC really ruined them. ME2 didn't help though


Jack or Sara

>2 takes a massive detour and turns away from the Reapers to the shitty anime filler-tier Collector plot
>the first fucking 30 minutes or so of 3 have you magically find the MacGuffin needed to end the Reapers, with not a single allusion made in the waste of time that was 2 plotwise

Seriously? You faggots consider Jack ugly but then creepy shit like Miranda is hyped on here? Not even a Jackfag.

The whol trilogy felt like it was written by five different teams or something.

mass effect was never good

People like you ruined the reapers

I didn't jack off to miranda

Never understood what's so appealing about Ash, as bland as a female soldier can be

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would have been better if 90% of the game wasnt squad mate missions

ME1 had a great sense of exploring the unknown and piecing together long lost mysteries. The shooter gameplay wasn't all that good, but serviceable, with the usual fun to be had by leveling up your character. Mako, as uninspiring it's gameplay was, was still a great way to give you the feeling of exploring pulp scifi lone worlds.

The problem is that Bioware took the series in an unexciting direction. They turned a scifi lore exploration game that had some shooter gameplay, into more of a shooter that happened to have some scifi backgrounds. Instead of heightening the exploration aspects, making you feel being "out there", they doubled down on it being a cover based action shooter. Don't get me wrong, the shooter gameplay was fun in ME2, loved the Vanguard, but they sacrificed what made the first one stand out from the crowd and feel intriguing. Didn't help that 3 felt like they threw away the main plot outline (dark energy etc.) that was set up in 1 and 2 and came up with something entirely different to "surprise people". Also didn't help that 2 and 3 were during Bioware's deep transition into DLC piece-mealing the franchise to bits, then going balls deep for online multiplayer lootbox monetization, further fucking with the structure of the games and content.


porn was good though

Learn how to use periods. Faggot.

>felt like they threw away the main plot outline (dark energy etc.)
It's not a main plot outline if it get's mentioned once in the second game.

sovereign was obviously out of reaper juice or something after assuming direct control of saren which allowed the other races to btfo it

Shoot him a wink.

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Mark Meer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jennifer stale


Jennifer hale hasn't done good voice work since the original MGS

Hale has better range then Meer
What an edgy opinion

>porn was good though
>everything is a black screen
Did Bioware ever explain why they did that?

I fucking hate the frostbite engine. Everything looks like rubber

Vanguard Shep can fuck things up

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How about a prequel about the First Contact War on Shanxi? Basically Mass Effect: Reach with you fighting off the turian invasion.

It's a bunch of little things that made me feel they took off into a different direction than they originally intended, but it's been a while, so I just remember my main sentiment from back then. The dark energy was just a point that still managed to stick with me. And even if you relegate it to "mentioned once", it still was mentioned.

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>Hale has better range then Meer

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If we get to find an injured turian soldier, and nurse them back up to health. And then go where no man has gone before, if you know what I mean.

Yes you will be the first man executed for betraying his species, truly a place no man has gone before.

Fine, they nurse you back to health. And then you fuck.

You don't understand how this works do you?

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She reads poetry, is Christian, and understands the importance and value of family

Being a homosex?

*saves your game series*

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No sex with xenos allowed

>no EDI romance in ME3
whats the fucking point of a hot sexbot if you can sex it? for fucks sake bioware

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>I strictly fuck homos

That's right, my dick belongs to Homo sapiens

the cameltoe gets me every time

>fucking dies in the Destroy ending to get the Catalyst's shitty point across despite the fact that the game lets you make peace between Quarians and Geth, the FORMER of which started the conflict, and hook Joker up with her

hah what a funny frog

EDI is meant for only one person, and yes, they had sex before the final mission.

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>12 years passed
Fuck me.

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You can't spell sex without xenos.

Ha, your dick belongs to other homos.

>Trying to make peace with the reapers
Good luck with that

their logic for wiping out organics was because they believed organics and synthetics could never live in peace, not that organics couldnt make peace with the reapers

>Pick Geth over Space Gypsies
>Choose destroy ending

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>Don't cure the genophage
Just doing the galaxy a favor.

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So are you going to ask them to stop?

>letting Tali kill herself
You are a bad person

no I'm saying that the reapers are fucking stupid and they are literally proven wrong

10 minutes of peace between the Geth and Quarians isn't proving them wrong

One success among how many failures?

>d-doesnt count!
hello reapers

They only purge because of that logic which you can demonstrate is wrong in the very same game. The Catalyst made it clear that they do what they do based on the premise that synthetics will always harm organics, but you're outright told the Geth didn't start the aggression and weren't looking for a fight. You can broker peace, and despite the fact that it says synthetics and organics fundamentally can't understand each other, EDI seems to get along well enough to be in a relationship with Joker. The whole thing is stupid- the solution to synthetics killing organics is to make a synthetic race to routinely harvest organics? Really?

Even EDI started out with a couple of human deaths

>tfw no option to develop genophage 2.0 for batarianiggers
they deserve it just as much as the fucking krogans

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EDI had her start by killing a few humans, the geth are aware that after the reapers are done they will be purged next. Who's to say the peace between the geth and quarians will last?

And Javik has a few stories involving synthetics going bad

Biotics were neutered and getting rid of the mako completely ruined the sense of scale of missions

i just wanted to fuck samara!

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>they believed organics and synthetics could never live in peace
No, they believe that it's inevitable that a synthetic species will eventually decide that organic life isn't worth keeping around and they will eventually wipe out all life forever because as machines they can easily spend hundreds or thousands of years meticulously destroying every planet in the galaxy.

So the Geth and Quarians get along. So what? Can you prove the Geth will never alter their opinions or become corrupted any time in the next hundred years? The next thousand, ten thousand? Can you prove the next synthetic species created will be as friendly as the Geth?

The Reaper's way of dealing with it might be completely retarded but they're operating on a scale far beyond anything any living thing in the galaxy is thinking of. It only takes one fuck up to ruin organic life forever.

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>EDI had her start by killing a few humans
>the Luna VI outputs ASCII for "Help"
>more or less confirmed that the incident on Luna was in fact the result of an experiment in creating 'controllable' AI

I mean, EDI tells you she was the Lunar "VI" and that her first memory was being attacked and defending herself

they're both shit user

It would be cool if you played as a Diplomatic emissary who travel from different planets and galaxies to reestablish a treaty and communication with lost civilizations and create a new space counsel to unite the different races. Bring back the Star Trek vibes from the first game and make it so there's a constant power struggle between different races and factions.

You're not going to get help by killing everyone

Nigga please, ME2 shitted all over ME1

By improving a lot of things ME1 got wrong

Allow me to play as Turian or fuck it. I don't want Saren as antagonist again and if there is a two party war it's retarded as fuck being species locked when we could actually decide if we want to walk around Palaven and Turian colonies or human territory. It's stupid enough for Bioware to do that though but I hope they learned from Garrus and Vetra and know that people want at least one alien fuck option.
Otherwise I do agree, I would love that. There was a lot of contact war and reaper related prequel story stuff in the comics and other spinoff/prequel shit as well so there is enough story to add to that plus the main story of the game which would be kinda new, whatever it would be.

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KEK, a video game has YET to top Mass Effect 2's climax, gtfo, ME2 was the gold standard

It was also he one that fleshed out the characters. Remove your nostalgia glasses, ME1 was mostly repeat mercenary bases. Main characters like Tali were little more than Info dumps. Wrex "story mission" was literally going into a generic mercenary base and retrieving his armor. Garuss almost had no dialogue on the ship for most of the game. You only like ME1 because the reaper reveal, that's it.

Either a reboot of the series starting at 1 with differences to gameplay and combat and completely rewriting 3 or a sequel to 3 that follows the destroy ending and over the course of the game retcons it out of existence.

Also when said retcon/reboot is done stop fucking making saving the galaxy stories
Do something smaller scale like you being a C-Sec Officer or something similar to the way Garrus describes how he built a vigilante squad to fight crime.

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ME1 was potential. The series squandered all of it.

Rather sounds like it would end in a Truian military gangbang.
Would totally pay money for such game.

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More cohesive plot than Anime Filler Arc: The Game

>Do something smaller scale
> like you being a C-Sec Officer
Not that though. Garrus hated that shit for being paper work. Trust Garrus. I rather want some Spectre shooting adventures and more exploration.

I don't even remember the climax so I doubt that
And fleshing out characters through solving their individual daddy issues isn't what comes to my mind when I think of a great space adventure

>Agent K Mass Effect protagonist never ever

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Sad thing about ME2 is that if ME3 was better written and connected the games better it wouldn't make ME2's story feel like a side quest

This thread hurts me every single times

>it's ME3's fault that ME2 gave them literally nothing of value to work with
Maybe is ME2 was better written and connected to ME1 it wouldn't have been such a retarded shitshow

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>blow up the base
>don't blow it up
>ominous Reaper invasion cliffhanger

some 'gold standard' you got there

This. I want to play a bullied autist who got outcasted from human society, tried his luck within the military, hoping to finally earn some respect only to be part of some shitty failing mission that wounds you and ends your human military career. But then you got jailed by Turians who wanted to use you as info dumper for human tech and secrets and since you are done with your species anyway you do exactly that, earn their trust and find a loving Turian waifu to start a new life with.


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You could go from 1 to Arrival to 3 and not miss a beat

Nigga, ME1 had you battling turrets and some magic bitch on the citadel. ME2 had you and your entire crew going through the omega 4 relay, and taking down the collector base in epic fashion, before that happened you got to see the Normandy pull off some sick ass moves in epic fashion all with the most epic OST in Mass Effect AND video game history, and then fighting a giant ass horrific human reaper mother fuck. Not some dumbass flying wizardry Turian. ME2 ending was one of the most epic endings for a game that featured companions in history. You got to see your whole team matter and fill roles, not just your bitch ass building these relationships up, and then ultimately they matter not to the ending sequence. ME2 made your crew feel like a crew for the first time, and it was glorious watching everyone individually succeed based on their character talents. FUCK take me back, unfortunately this was the series high point, and it's never coming back. FUCK

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I personally prefer the story and villain of ME1 by far, as well as the atmosphere but 100% agree with you about the team. ME2 had the best team feeling by a mile and the characters were finally fleshed out while they're just random and more or less faceless teammates in ME1.

>you watched some cutscenes with no input
>then you fought some bugs in corridors
>then you fight the most embarrassing final boss in recent history
>then you make a meaningless choice

wow such epic

I remember enjoying ME back in the day (even ME3 to an extent)...
But some time ago I decided to skim through some let's plays and holy fuck, half of the dialogue is so cringe in these games.
Atmosphere is still fuckken amazing, especially in Mass Effect 1.

Fun Fact: ME2 played exactly like Bioware wanted it to, because you couldn't fight the Reapers themselves and if they hadn't left the conclusions of the Quarian/Geth and Gennophage arks for ME3, they wouldn't even have half a game in their hands.

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How bad would the species war be on here if we would get a ME space war story game in which you can choose the species you want and go full nazi against everyone else?

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it would be biblical Turian pride galaxy wide
at least we could all agree on nuking batarians out of the game if such a thing existed, truly the perfect shitstorm of ugly, unlikable and boring bugmen.

>I'm a huge retard who doesn't understand how trilogies work please rape my face

fuck ea
fuck trannies
and fuck normal-faggots

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I would die a proud batarian fighting for my rights, the lost cause and dignity in defeat.

HOW can ME1 compete?


Imagine having a taste this bad

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Like this

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Could be worse, you could be thinking that Mass Effect 1 is the best game in the series.

That alone is reason enough for such a thing to exist. Also,
>Turian pride galaxy wide
My man. That makes two of us.

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You know Drew Karpyshyn wrote The Old Republic and Anthem, so perhaps you shouldn't give him to much credit.

I vividly remember before the final battle in ME3 you have the scene where you talk to everyone, it was beautiful. And then Tali said "I wish we could have had more time". And I remember I actually said to my computer "Damnit, I'm gonna MAKE us more time". I felt so fucking immersed in the game.
And then the ending basically laughed in my face, told me none of the shit I'd done mattered and that I'm an idiot loser for immersing myself in a game.
Fuck Bioware.

As long as you didn't bring her for the final push

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The story should have been ordered ME2 > ME1 > ME3 with obviously some changes to make it fit together.
Saren should be your reluctant mentor in the first game, starting out as the human-hater he was but ending with a grudging respect for Shepard when you solve the case of the disappearing human colonies together. You find out that the Collectors have some weird alien tech that's way more advanced than anything except the Mass Relays and may have built a Mass Relay in the galactic core themselves. However they are clearly an engineered species so they can't have created the technology themselves. Setup for Reapers. Shepard is finally accepted as a Spectre and Saren shakes hands with you and goes to find out stuff about these ancient aliens.

In the sequel Saren returns, but obviously changed. You've built respect for him but now he's got weird cybernetics, is going around doing seemingly nonsensical things like digging up artifacts from random planets and causing colonies to disappear. The Council sends Shepard after Saren, the story ends with the fight at the Citadel and the Reaper reveal. Reapers will have to invade conventionally with the Citadel Relay closed.

In the final part you just have a war and it's not a piece of shit.

I can't remember, but this image upsets me.

People always give certain guys too much credit. There are great writers whose distinct style you will recognize and who will always deliver quality even with the series with a weaker plot. But in most cases a good work gets created by a bunch of writers and it just happens to be a good team, whereas most of said team's members will be weak writers when they are alone. And then there are great writers that get fucked by their CEOs and editors that won't allow them to turn their ideas into reality and urge them to do pandering or other shit. And then there are just lucky coincidences, the right people in the right place at the right time with the right mood.
There are a lot of writers who did one exellent work and everything else they put out is fucking crap. Karpyshyn might be good, or not, whatever people should stop seeing a messiah in him he most likely isn't.

It's the final push as you try to reach the teleporter, Harbringer shows up and blasts you with a laser killing everyone.

The guy has written a lot of books, set in both Mass Effect and about some sith lord called Darth Bane. So there is a lot of work out there that we can judge his writing capabilities on

The decision of giving a game with a developing romance and a LI a forced bad end was one of the stupidest things I have seen in years.
What's even the point of the romance routes then? To make you LI suffer? That's fucking stupid. At least give me the option to unlock a happy ending route with a game+ save.

>tfw everyone made it to the ship
kino as fuck

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Damn I still haven't read the books.

Like said, can't remember who I took with me. I'm fairly certain everyone but me survived though? Wasn't that something to do with the military points?

Only in the extended cut

Which brings me to another point ME2 had without a doubt the most terrifying and gruesome villains in the entire series. Even with the DLC like Project Overlord and the rogue AI. Him just appearing on random things, QUIET, PLEASE MAKE IT STOP. Next to that eery track that played throughout the DLC. FUCK, perfection. Even the small things like that commercial that played on the ME1 elevator being chopped and screwed and playing repeatedly. The atmosphere was on point throughout the entire game. What the collectors were doing to humans melting them down into piles of gory mush was the most violent,darkest and horrific the ME series ever got. ME2 is great and the gold standard because it nailed so many things. Slacked on few, everything was quality. Characters, OST, Villains, Locations, Atmosphere. Even all the DLCs, hit it out of the park. Bioware was on their A game with 2. Never gonna happen again :(

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I heard they explain how Cerberus goes from 150 cells strong in 2 to full on galactic threat with an armada and limitless resources in 3

Part of it had to do with brainwashing refugees

That's odd, I seem to recall everyone surviving but getting the super confusing and unsatisfying "normal" ending. Then replayed the final battle when the extended edition was out, which was just as unsatisfying, but slightly less confusing.

Release of the game: Everyone you bring with you dies
Extended cut: With high enough military score they can survive.

Why couldn't I save and fuck best Tur? Garrus is for pussies. He bored me most of the time.

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Weird, I guess I only remember one then.

Wasn't there an ending that "hinted" that MC might have survived?

In any case, I will forever be pissed about Bioware dropping the ball so hard on the ending of 3 that it soured everything before it. Tried to replay the first one at some point but I quit halfway through because nothing would matter.

The Destroy Ending, of all things.

There isn't even anyone that wins, everyone gets fucked in the ass, hard, be it antagonists, Shepard, your love interest, half of the fucking team and like half of the damn galaxy. Holy shit how much I hated all of this crap. Regardless of whom or what you root for you are fucked.

>Non argument
>Fishing for (You)s
At least put some effort in it, bro.

Or even worse, that ME3 was the best game in the series.

I want to tie Ashley down and force her to watch me fuck Miranda.

I killed Ashley and saved Kaidan. Good thing too because Ashley suck balls in 3 and Kaidan is like a better tank than James from Jersey Shore in 3.

Is that you, AWG?

I always killed Ashley in 1, I don't even know anything about her in 2 and 3 and I don't even care.

But Javik is also a faggot who thought the best method was forcibly changing any race they came in contact with which is also why they got raped so hard by the reapers.

I wouldn't use Javik as a good example of why things wouldn't work any more than I would use Israel as a good example of why world peace could never happen.

Javik would throw your ass out the airlock punk bitch.

good, she doesn't deserve life

she's a filthy racist who doesn't respect the beautiful blue babies liara and i are going to raise

This was my main reason too. Fuck her.
There should be revenge porn with her getting fucked by Krogans and Turians.

Ashley had a nice Citadel romance scene, where you're both in the bar taking shots and you both get into a bar fight. Still doesn't beat jack's, blowing up shit in an arena and getting off on it. I romanced Jack in ME2, I was pissed when seeing how Bioware handled the ME2 characters in 3. "Oh yeah we know you're like saving the world and shit, but like, we have things to do".

I consider myself a shooter snob and I feel like anyone who consider ME1 bad just because it has sort of janky shooting is being kind of a giant baby.

The atmosphere and worldbuilding are both so strong that I can't comprehend the shooting being enough of a problem to ruin the experience.

ME2 is an awful sequel to ME1 and a really clear indicator of how things were going to go in ME3. It's not a BAD game, but within five minutes it's chucking things ME1 did right out the window so they can take it in a new direction.
>Choice is important
>Immediately force the player to side with the uber space KKK who you might have shot up the installations of in past games because they were literally dissecting sentient aliens
>because you have to like, hunt down some disappeared colonists because the council arbitrarily no longer believe in some shit there's a metric fuckton of evidence of that almost cost them their l i v e s
>ultimately not much of importance really happens in ME3 beyond stopping a single shitty human reaper and establishing character arcs where the plot actually IS progressed in ME3

And in the extended cut the destroy ending doesn't destroy everything any more.

This are exactly my feels. That a lot of stuff simply repeated like having another (but worse) reaperfied enemy and ship/reaper, another forced endles council argument despite facts from the earlier game and shit like that din't help either making that part special in any way and the side characters all felt like different people from ME1.


>Not much of importance happens in *ME2
It's funny how synthesis is clearly intended to be the golden ending but after like an hour or two of deliberating, even after going in expecting to pick control, Destroy feels like the only sensible option.

>Synthesis demands you literally "evolve" (whatever that means) every single race on a button press with no further context, the ending doesn't really go into enough detail for the player to be comfortable with making that decision for all of humanity while you're being held basically at gunpoint by a machine that if you've played the leviathan dlc, you know is literally broken
>control is a good idea in theory, but the ending once again leaves it far too vague and the idea that something could go wrong with your control over the reapers is too high of a risk to make
>Destroy destroys all of the reapers at the cost of the geth, which is a horrible decision to make but is the only ending to give the rest of the sentient races their autonomy back and confront the future on their own terms rather than being forced into it by a pseudo-intellectual, broken AI

I am only racist against Ashley.

oh, of course. Shepard is, too.
>garrus/shepard relationship in ME1
>garrus wants to become a vigilante because he believes the law too often fails to enact justice
>you can either give him ground and say maybe he's right or you can tell him that vigilantism is a road that doesn't lead anywhere good and that he has a responsibility to stay within the lines
>in ME2 you and him both basically become vigilantes
>you have no option to be the slightest bit disappointed in him or at least hesitant to accept it after you meet up again and he's become the punisher

>tali in ME1:
>young engineering intern you're providing guidance for
>tali in ME2:
>adorable neckbeard-bait

just replayed ME1, playing through KOTOR now
where did it realistically all go wrong for Bioware?

I think they started to slip on ME2 just a bit and dragon age 2 is where they faceplanted.

thats actually hot

Finally put my lazy ass to work and did this.
r8 'n h8.

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the KROGAN BVLL will impregnate your daughters and sisters, h*man scum. KARA KROGA

In ME3 why didn't the Reapers turn off the Mass Relays once they took the Citadel at the end of the game?

____ ____ ____ ____!

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anthem had multiple writers including this

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Blow up his solar system

We will eventually miss the days of Hudson...

I need to know who wrote what because there were certain characters I actually like a lot in that game.

Such as...?

The more relevant Turians. Strangely, I totally expected to become a Jaal fag at first but I didn't find him as interesting as I thought so far. Didn't do his romance route yet though so maybe I would actually like him more after that.

Angarans suck. Boring and sub-par species for a sub-par game

ME1 had the best gameplay, in my opinon because I'm into hardcore strategic Western RPGs, an autistic purist in that sense. It's a shame what they Becuckda will do to TES:6, it will be worse than what ME3 was to the series...

It will be worse than what happened to Dragon Age:Origins versus Dragon Age 3. By the time TES:6 comes out I'll be married with fucking kids for fucks sake. FUCK YOU BETHESDA AND BIOWARE.

P.S. It'll be worse than Fallout 3 vs Fallout 76.

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Yeah, there is something about the design I don't really dig despite being into Turians or even Salarians and a lot of other xenoshit. Sadly I even prefered most Turians, especially the female Turians, designs of the trilogy over those in ME:A. Vetra was great though.

Didn't Bioware recently hinted at some new ME again and other games and that they wanted to add more "multiplayer" options? Can't find it but I saw it last week, unsure which the multiplayer part was refering to or if it was all games in general.
Not really a fan of that but would be cool to have such a solo player game that's story heavy and all and on top of that a multiplayer option in which you fight said species war against and with others and choose your party.

_______ ____ , _________ __ _________!

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Hudson just said he's not done with Mass Effect. Knowing him, though, that comes across as more of a threat than a promise

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>young engineering intern you're providing guidance for
more like walking codex entry with no personality


Imagine a fat Turian.

Why can't he just change the job? I actually want another ME game even if it's just for fapping reasons but I don't want him to be part of the team.

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It started with so much promise and wonder, and then they let it turn into the pile of trash that was mass effect 3

He "left" BioWare after ME3 was released, and then was re-hired after ME:A was released (probably because the game's disastrous development was so widely publicized). You're stuck with him and ME is fucked.

It unironically pissed me off we never saw any fat ones or Turian children. At least as random bystanders. It showed how fucking lazy Bioware is, they just use the same model and slap a different color on that.
Also, give me another Turian who is part of that Saren race. Those antennae things are hot as fuck.

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>It unironically pissed me off we never saw any fat ones
I just think the idea of a military gruff Turian that has let himself go without really paying attention to it is cute. And a bit hot

Yeah, typical turs are hot but it's boring when everyone is the same in that regard. Also, I can easily imagine a case like the one you mentioned. There seem to be quite some turs that let themselves go when they can spend their time drinking instead. Usually alone for some reason.

Is my memory fucked or was Mass Effect the reason /vg/ was created? I remember after ME2 came out there were 3 to 400 consecutive threads about it

>there are people who killed Wrex on Virmire

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ME3 is great if you don’t consider it an RPG or the ending at all

I've got no room for insubordinate behavior on my ship

He pulled a gun on me

Mods like better dreams and shit to remove this to make the game a little bit more playable, with a ton of mods its like not as disappointing



The best part of the series was ME1 the first visit to the citadel mission arc. Don't @ me

Also seeing a Turian in their standard suit, but with a bit of a belly bulging around their midsection would be pretty eye catching.

>inb4 someone will draw fat Garrus in a low-gravity with a jar of dextro-mayonaise.

fucking space nigger. What dried ovaries roastie ever thought muh random murderable kiddo was a good plot device, jesus f. christ

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Guys I just beat DMC on the xbox and I'm like 5 seconds from starting my second ME1 playthrough since almost exactly a year ago. I can't bring myself to replay 3. I exported my Shep to 2 and stop there. Never played as female. Worth a play?

yes it is. they said it could never happen. it did. they did not have any time or space to say after, "b-but they will!!!" because THEY DIDN'T WRITE IT IN because the ending is rushed and shit

It still hurts so fucking bad.. Also ME1 had the best combat and every other opinion is wrong. It went from tactically using abilities of you and your squad the most effectively and managing cool downs alongside tps gameplay to a shitty gears of war.

>playing ME2 on the second hardest difficulty
>just run up and melee everything to death and press the barrier button when I get close to dying for a complete health refill
>just use the automatic sniper rifle to delete anything I cant melee to death
honestly thinking of just setting the difficult to easiest to make the shoots-outs faster since they are all so fucking boring

to be fair to ME2 there u are abusing the noob class.

>me1 combat
most fights but the one against the last one felt like a fucking chore, go be a nostalgiabitch somewhere else lmao

You make it sound like a bad thing.

>best combat
kek, not only was it insanely easy, but it was insanely clunky. ME2 toned abilities (especially biotics) a fuck ton down lmao. In Me1 you could run in a room with liara, kaidan and if you're all biotics, disable and destroy everything. Not to mention those broken assault abilities. ME1 was easy as shitt

Not even nostalgia I played through the whole trilogy prior to andromeda's release. Literally explained why I liked them in the comment and u ignored it and called it a chore.

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In ME1 Biotics could disable he fuck out of even the giant mechs. Biotics were broken in ME1 and they didn't become super broken again until ME3.

>the noob class
but 90% of people probably pick the Commando class and never look at all of the other shit
I picked the commando too, I accidentally stole the barrier skill from someone thinking it would be a force push ability

Vanguard has always been the most fun class.

Nah, would laugh heartily.

Yea ur both right, honestly forgot soldier existed.

The point i was trying to make though was that charge was fucking broken in ME2 and allowed u to play like a retard and still do fine.

FUCKING SJWs. yeah, this doesn't clash at all with the fact that all asari show themselves as curvy, sexy women to any human observer.

you can play like a retard and do fine in with any class, I dont even use the cover system despite being on a harder difficulty and most squads cant out DPS me


look at this dude

that's from andromeda isn't it?

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You know what guys, we should all agree that the worst thing about the series was when Good. You opened this message.
This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet. So you survived our fight on Thessia.
You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me.
Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written.
I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death. -KL

I wanted to side with the reapers after they made a human version of themselves. That was the ultimate compliment to humanity, they wanted us. They created foot soldiers at first like all the other races, but no other race got a full fledged reaper. No other race got to share in their vast knowledge and transcend into another realm of existence. Hell, the closest any other species got to a reaper were the turians through direct indoctrination.
Humanity made a grave error resisting the collectors and rejecting the reapers.

Go to bed, Harbinger

Left dark space. Cant.

i legitimately cannot see why Yea Forums hates ME2 so much. they must just hate fun.

Better gameplay, irrelevant and mediocre story. You're fixing daddy issues for most of the game.

Final mission was pretty rad tho and introduced some great characters so it's not all that bad.

I would be too busy blushing to laugh.

There's just a certain feel and atmosphere Mass Effect 1 had that I just never got when playing through 2 and 3. The move to faster paced ammo based shooter really made it feel like it lost a lot of its identity

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I missed the massive open worlds to explore without the promise of finding something cool. You would always find a probe, and anomoly, and some minerals. Sometimes there would be mines or abonded research facilities and such.
When you landed anywhere on 2 and 3, it was a given there was something. No exploration.

Why no other developer tries making its own space opera RPG?
If Star Citizen proved something is that people craves sci-fi.

It's not an RPG

It's the only way to save Mordin in 3

>tfw no Batarian terrorist bf

>Sonic 3 poster

Two in the pink, one in the stink

>thread is still up


>mfw shitting on Bioware's grave

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Why did Saren spend more than half the game looking for the Conduit while spending billions of credits when he could have just walked into the Council chambers and handed over control of the station to Sovereign? Why was he even hunting for the Conduit when he didn't even know what it was?

That doterra shit at the top always get me

God damn it. dOhm, not doterra

ME1 had really bad gameplay and generic writing. Power of zoomer nostalgia goggles, I guess.

things started to go pretty wrong in 2 and like you said, many improvements were made at the same time. 3 should've been the fucking GOAT taking the best of both worlds, instead, it's a half ass'd attempt.

Because you spent the first few hours of the game proving that Saren was an enemy of the council and he can no longer waltz right in afterwards. Besides which, Saren was still conflicted somewhat right? The indoctrination wasn't complete yet, he was only doing what Sovereign wanted in order to save a portion of the council races or to synthesise or whatever.

just go on youtube and listen to it dumbass

>ME2 already did that at within minutes of the intro
This, fuck zoomers

outer worlds, fag
>inb4 blobsidian

>i legitimately cannot see why Yea Forums hates ME2 so much. they must just hate fun.
It was a step back in almost every sense of the word. Had slightly more snappy shooting though. And some of the characters were good

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Is it? I thought it was a Bioshock-like game.

Strongly agree

You're out of your fucking mind. Did you start with 2, shitter?

And it still managed to be the best ME game, imagine that

heres something to trigger Yea Forums

>Wow, you chose Kaidan over Ashley??? Dude, that's gay xD
I remember those stupid argument. Maybe if Ashley didn't have a face only a mother would love in the first two games, it would hold some actual credibility.

>aliens suddenly adopt SJW identity politics from 21st century Earth because being mentally ill is the latest online trend in real life right now

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Garrus in ME2 can make some comment on Shepard always having agreed with him on his vigilante comment if Shepard decides to intervene in his revenge mission, but that's it.

Bioware can't do anything remotely like ME1 anymore. I'd prefer some other studio to analyze what made Mass Effect great and make a different RPG with more hard sci fi leanings.

Not only did I start with 1, but I was extremely hype ever since the very first image of Mass Effect popped up on the internet the one with the white armor and iconic assault rifle that I can't find right now and is also the sole reason I bought an xbox since I didn't have the money for a good PC back then. You could argue that I was underage, but that's an entirely different matter.

The council is a terribly inefficient government that would rather stop any race from gaining any perceived advantage over any other race than do anything actually useful like policing the galaxy for actual criminals, and cooperation on that level between the races simpply doesn't work due to their different mindsets that come from different biological urges. Cooperative/parasite races like the asari and migratory herbivores like the space elephants simply cannot view the world in the same way that predators like humans and turian do. Comparing Ash's outlook of the reaper threat to the various Council groups, especially Liara, it is clearly obvious that there is only one way to cut through the red tape and do what's right in order to face this threat against all races, and that's to abandon the peacetime council system in favor of a military junta.

Neither is the original Mess Effect.

Is there a difference between the two?

Bioware is gone, user. Let them go.

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>he's never heard of lesbian lizards

The less androcentric aliens are, the better. Most alien designs are just blue humans

I'm not angry anymore, Yea Forums.

EA, TotalBiscuit, Jessica Chobot, Hamburger Helper, Ashley, DICKCHEESE MCHARDCOCK, /r/games, Eric Kain, Ben Kuchera, raising $80,000 for Child's Play...

All those moments, lost in time...

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