Everyone loves Borderlands now

>Everyone loves Borderlands now

What happened, Yea Forums?

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Alot of people liked it before, its a pretty popular franchise


It was an alright game user. Kinda silly, and 2 really fucked balance/weapon generation, but it was unique.

Yea Forums has a short memory + is infested with people who have been on the site less than 3+ years

destiny with expansions is better than borderlands handsome collection

No I hate it. Terrible game play and terrible everything else.

>he wasn't here when Yea Forums was having the Krieg fiesta when he was announced for BL2

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Oh No No

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Tales revitalized faith in the setting/universe, proving that it's a cool setting given the right writers for it.

They do? I thought it was half love and half hate.

Its being shilled

I just like couch co-op games and there aren't enough to be discerning

>Everyone loves Borderlands
>you can't go into a single Borderlands thread without 37 instances of REDDIT or accusations of shilling

1 was fun, 2 was such utter horseshit I stopped playing and never looked back. Haven't even given enough of a shit to watch the trailer for 3, so there's your answer. The only people talking about it are the people who happily gobbled down the rancid spunk that was Borderlands 2.

I wish we were an npc circlejerk like reddit where we're only allowed to have the same opinions.
We should try to do that.

>Yea Forums was shitting on BL2 because of the "reddit tier humour"
>"Pre-sequel is okay"

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This so much. We need more DMC threads right now.

Yep. Now let's watch 2k ruin it for everyone.

They're the adult versions of the kiddies who loved Borderlands 1&2 because lol so random humour is hilarious as a 12 year old.


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why does every character dress like a stand user

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cry harder redditor

whose the gremlin on the left?

I liked bl2. I thought it was fun and didn't give a single fuck about the writing.

I did not see any slag in the trailer.

I have the smallest, soap-bubblest sliver of hope for this game

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Don't know but I like it

Yea Forums always had a love/hate relationship relationship with Borderlands.
They just didn't have a lot of reasons to show any love because the last mainline game came out seven years ago.

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Played and liked the first one when I had less responsibilities in life. Now that there are things to be done, these types of games are a major, unrewarding, waste of time.

dude I love JoJo's Bizarre Adventure wtf

Reminder that Gearbox stole money from Sega to fund Borderlands.

One of them basically is a stand user.

Leaks said slug is gone

>rhys is back

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The hate was always towars Randy and Burch, and by association, to BL2, I don't recall much hate for it other than that.
1 was mediocre, but managed to be fun, the pre-sequel was pretty good.
Okay, maybe there is hate for 2K too, but what can we do about it, they earned it.

Viral marketing and redditors.

>ITT: confused newfags

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stop making shill posts cunt

Yea Forums is flooded with people that were 10 when BL1 released and they unironically think the humor in the games is great

It's a fun game series and worth the sale price. I'm hoping they keep the drop-in, drop-out multiplayer co-op which is pretty rare in games nowadays.

No, I love Tales from the Borderlands.





Trailer came out with no SJW shit and there's no SJW PR statements coming out immediately after the fact, so far that's pretty much the best kind of annoucement we can hope for.

Slag ruined Borderlands 2

Never liked it. Reddit tier humor and pushes a liberal agenda.

Gun with legs happened.

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I love Borderlands 2 and videogame memes xD
Praise the sun!

When the loli girl said she's literally gonna eat my babies I literally died laughing.

>What happened, Yea Forums?


No, Borderlands is shit.

It's a guilty pleasure for me. I hate the humor and writing, but the gameplay's allright. Nothing spectacular, but I like shooting and looting. Haven't bought any of them after BL1 though.

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I usually lurk Yea Forums about once a week but posted several dozen posts in the last 2 days because of the BL3 hype. BL2 is my favorite game of all time so yeah, maybe it's just a vocal group of newfags you are dealing with.

The dude on the left looks like he has a giraffe neck. too long and skinny of a neck for a big body.

she looks like a white girl with cartoon-style dindu lips and nose.

It's a tranny.

It's coming for you

The villains look ugly as hell and they fucked up Lilith's face, the playable characters look uninteresting as fuck but at least the world looked amazing.


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Tiny Tina's expansion is better than the entire series

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>less than 3+ years

>>Everyone loves Borderlands now
>What happened, Yea Forums?

I quit halfway because Tina is the most obnoxious character I've ever seen in a video game

Skag SFM nigga
shit's hot

Probably because of TFTB got people hyped up again.

not in a thousand years, i enjoy destiny for what it is but its huge lack of content is fucking pathetic. i just replayed it from start to finish with a friend who didnt play it yet, the game is so fucking short, even my penis is longer and thats saying something.

Reminder, since Gearbox lost a lot of money making Battleborn, which they never got back, each money spent on a shill is money not spend on game quality.
If you actually get swayed by shills and consider buying it no matter what, remember: More shills = shittier game.

I don't. It's been SEVEN (7) years since BL2 and Gearbox's animation and graphics have barely evolved at all. WTF are they doing? Are they incompetent or something?

I know Shadman is gonna have fun with the girl on the right.

This, i want to see my main niggy Loaderbot up again
And maybe robomarried to GOrTy
Or a dad/Bro relation ship with her is fine too

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>i enjoy destiny for what it is
Congratulations, you enjoy a treadmill for loot boxes, enjoy

I liked the first one
I never played the second

I've always loved it. I've been fapping to Tiny Tina since Borderlands 2 came out.

It was also taboo to talk about Halo here at one time too, things change.

When will people finally realise there is a hype industry?

maya looks nice though


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I don't. I think 1 was boring as fuck with an almost non existant ending.
2 was a shallow loot and shooter with le epic meme humour. Neither were challanging, neither had good stories, characters and majority of environments were bland.

Extremely overrated series. Yea Forums literally falls for the hype of the most mediocre shit these days.

The viral marketing years ago was actually a psyop to ingrain love for borderlands into Yea Forums's brain


All the people who eat this shit up smell of reddit and newfaggotery and we both know it.

First game was good. Looking forward to playing the remaster with some pals.

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Game is tailored to the reddit audience.

I don't

It has reddit writing and reddit humor
Lots of SJWness to it too
Also looks like shit with the cel shading

I've always loved it. You think I give a shit about what Yea Forums thinks?


Hunter all the way


Gunzerker, Krieg, or Mechromancer

Haven't tried Pre-Sequel yet, but Lawbringer and Claptrap looks fun.

>Not caring about Yea Forums's opinions
My nigga


who did they get the money from given they massively pissed off SEGA

Krieg is the best playable shooter character

I never thought I could do so much with Krieg, until I did Bloodsplosion. Man, I have the urge to play again.

wait them say it's epic store exclusive and Yea Forums will hate it

I thought that said "sneed" at first

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I don't love borderlands. I love Rhys!