>no Bloodborne
>no Persona 5
>no Gravity Rush
>no The Last Gaurdian
>no Yakuza
>no Gran Turismo
>no Shadow of the Colossus
so Sony is now open about the fact that they no longer care about Japanese games. with this in mind, will you be buying the PS5?
Only On PlayStation™
Other urls found in this thread:
>with this in mind, will you be buying the PS5?
here's the vidoe btw youtube.com
>We're not going to be at E3, we're going to do State of Play instead!
>*Shows nothing of value at State of Play, not even a single new big announcement at the end*
all the games in Sony's video are going to outsell those games within a month. All Sony cares about is money.
The absence of Bloodborne is especially really weird
That was THE PS4 system seller early on
I am not going to buy the ps5, no.
>No Death Stranding
>no Persona 5
It's showtime!
Not casual enough
Wouldnt it be the opposite: if msot of those games in the video that have come out have already hit their saturation point, you'd want to push games that didnt sell as well so that you might make more money from untapped customers for those titles?
The exclusive list is only recent games
I didn't even buy the PS4. I otherwise own every other PS hardwares. the 4th one is by far the worst
>Days Gone
>a literally what game that no one cares about from a literally who developer
>gets more marketing than Gravity Rush, a passion project from the creator of Silent HIll helmed by Sony's Japan Studio
not really, companies push the higher selling products because they can market it more easily simply by saying "EVERYONE ELSE HAS IT, WHY DON'T YOU?!"
>2019... I am forgotten
it sucks too because Parappa's creator's kickstarter failed to meet its goal because not enough people cared...
>only recent games
and yet Horizon is there, which released in 2017
>Shadow of the Colossus (2018)
>Gravity Rush 2 (2017), 1 month before Horizon
>GT Sport (2017), like 5 months after Horizon
face it user, they don't care. they even forgot to put Kat in last years Women's Day theme, but put a fucking bear from Dreams in
and then they very clearly last minute added Kat to this year's women's day theme....
>we could've had a rhythm rpg by the creators of Parappa and Gitaroo man
>nobody cared about either of those games and the kickstarter didn't even get 1/4 of its goal
fuck this gay earth
Switch ports confirmed.
Yikes this art
>created by the guys behind Parappa, Vib Ribbon, and Gitaroo man with the artist behind Elite Beat Agents
>didn't get funded
I'll never NOT be upset.
Fuck no. PS4 had fuck all, and now they're all about censorship and somehow even less games than.before? I'm never buying a Sony product again.
Meh what gives
All sony japanese exclusives are painfully average
See Gravity rush
it only sold like 2 million. nobody actually cared about it. it didn't move consoles like Yea Forums thinks.
they only care about western "blockbusters" that try to appeal to everyone. Their move to commiefornia and censorship has proved that.
it's not their fault casuals prefer western movie games
sony is all in on the western movie games, they are no longer interested in marketing to the core gaming audience
>with this in mind, will you be buying the PS5?
Absolutely not, in fact I have had extreme distaste for my PS4 for the last year
There is also no Uncharted.
I havent seen fucking shit for Days Gone since they revealed at E3 like 2 years ago and apprently it comes out next month. What the actual fuck are they doing?
I didn't even buy a PS4. If the ps5 doesn't have a hand held component I'll be skipping it too
>with this in mind, will you be buying the PS5
Should we tell him?
Sony just has too many exclusives to squeeze into one video.
>so Sony is now open about the fact that they no longer care about Japanese games. with this in mind, will you be buying the PS5?
Hell no.
>Ghosts of Fukushima
Yikes, Sony is still peddling that Sekiro ripoff?
No the PS brand is dead to me. I'll be buying another platform next gen.
GT Sport update went up the same day as SoP. Do you really want Forza and Sea of Thieves style update shitting up the presentation?
>Four photo-realistic cinematic third-person, over-the-shoulder action games/shooters that focus almost entirely on their presentation and narrative
>And Spider-man, which is also a photo-realistic third-person action game
This is the most homogeneous Playstation lineup in the history of Playstation consoles.
Likely not. I was disappointed with the PS4, because despite it selling at a faster pace than the PS2, it had less quality games. It's a good Persona machine though, Also Yakuza is on PC, and Shadow of the Colossus was on PS2.
>not a single cute or sexy girl
Fuck no, i only bought the ps4 for weebshit and Bloodborne, fuck their new politics and fuck the ps5 if it will follow suit.
My PS4 is a bloodborne and persona 5 machine, I wish atlus would stop sucking sony's dick
But as he said, all those games have sold the majority of what they'll ever sell already, western AAA games not named Grand Theft Auto typically sell the bulk of the copies they ever sell in their launch window or soon after.
this, based and 4chanpilled
Probably not, and it's due to censorship.
>no Persona 5
P5R switch confirmed
people bought the PS4 at launch when it had no games, so yes, most people are probably just going to buy a PS5
There's six games in 2 minutes, theoretically you could add all the games in OP's list and the vid would only be 2 more minutes longer. What reason wouldn't they have to add those games in if they want to flaunt exclusives?
Because none of these games were as much sucessful or hyped toward normies (including japaneses) than the other games.
If they removed all the games nobody gives a shit about, it'd be 3 seconds of Ellie's tits
People bought the ps4 when it had no games because its main competitor who also had no games was more expensive for inferior performance. The same can be said for the 360/ps3 launch years. All Microsoft needs to do is not be shit at launch and Sony will have to work hard to gain customers unlike this gen where they gained free customers because xbox one was shit.
People were also kinda upset about it monitoring your every move and sending the data to microsoft in their announcement
It will come down to price.
If Sony trots out a $500+ machine with VR tacked-on, inflating the price it could very well be another PS3 or Xbone-tier blunder. But MS could do something equally retarded again so who the fuck knows. The Switch is already out though so it'll likely be the best-selling 9th gen platform for a long time regardless.
Are you insane? Of course I won't buy that. I'll just wait for the platform that gets all the japanese games.
Barely anyone even knew about kinect. Go and ask any casual about kinect and they probably still think it's a 360 thing. The biggest difference on launch was price and performance and those differences were plastered over every game news website you can find. Digital foundry are as big as they are now solely because they were the ones who brought first coverage to the big resolution differences between the consoles from launch. If you didn't tell these people one console was 1080p and the other 900p they wouldn't even notice the difference. But they knew about it and it was the biggest purchasing factor for playstation.
Hopefully one day they let Japan studio out of the Knack/VR gulag and actually make something of value again.
Only reason I'm going to buy a ps5 now is for From's final sony exclusive. If that releases for ps4 then I'm definitely switching to xbox next gen. Phil Spencer has a decent vision, at least.
No one needed to know about Kinect to know MS wanted to restrict used games on Xbone and make the console require online checks every 24 hours or it would lock you out of your games.
It was a shitstorm of bad press for MS on all fronts, Its surprising the console has sold as well as it has, 35m units isn't bad for what was revealed initially as a $500 spycam.
If you think they won't try that 1984 crap again as soon as they think it'll fly you're butt-fuckingly retarded.
wow there wasn't a single good game there
amazing. how do they do it
>muh censorship
Do incels actually give a shit if they see a nipple or not in some chink video game? Lmao
>no Bloodborne
>no Persona 5
Also on PS3
>no Gravity Rush
Also on Vita
>no The Last Gaurdian
Its shit do no need to scrape bottom of your barrel
>no Yakuza
Also on PC
>no Gran Turismo
>no Shadow of the Colossus
Also on PS2 and PS3
>1984 crap
I don't follow. What 1984 crap?
Definitely if it has decent backwards compatibility
Nice flaseflag
Either way they won't be making that mistake again for sure. Sony on the other hand seem to be desperate to push VR so I can see them bundling it with a PS camera at the very least.
If you want my honest opinion I think Nintendo, Microsoft and Google will decimate Sony next gen. They just can't compete with the might of these mega corporations in the cloud space and with console hardware they can barely compete with a fucking 720p tablet even in their home country. The switch is already on par with ps4 sales despite only being out for 2 years in Japan. My shitty cheap smartphone from like 2015 had a 1080p screen.
What's the point of showing old games? They won't sell more than what they've sold so far. They're using this video to advertise new and upcoming games.
>From's final sony exclusive
source on that?
There are articles talking about From signing with Sony for 3 exclusives. First being BB and the second Deracine.
Nintendo will continue to do fine, its already beating or as you said on-par with Wii and PS4's sales launch-aligned.
Google's thing will probably not take off, far too few people have internet connections capable of using it in the US, data caps exist in a lot of places for those who do, etc. Lots of Americans can't even stream video in 1080p reliably, games will be far worse.
>Terminates contract early because Sony doesn't want anymore icky, problematic Japanese games on their console, making journalists angry over the games being too hard and them getting too hard
>Makes it for Switch instead
Based if it happens
>that obnoxious negra instead of based elena
ill never forget them for this
>will you be buying a PS5
Yes and so will everyone else. Cry about it Nintenigger
Cover up those anime girls with sunrays pls
>>no Bloodborne
>>no Persona 5
>>no Gravity Rush
>>no The Last Gaurdian
>>no Yakuza
>>no Gran Turismo
>>no Shadow of the Colossus
They didn't show all the exclusives but the current and upcoming ones.
>will you be buying the PS5?
no, not after they started censoring left and right
>that 1984 crap
But Sony did it first, and they're doing it right now.
And xbox is dead, so does that just lrave Switch+PC? The new fight is steam and gog vs the chinese
Near 100m let's fucking goooooo!
>No The Order 2
>sekiro ripoff
was revealed before sekiro
All those games do in fact not belong to Sony btw.
I'm done with consoles. Every time I give a platform a chance, I get burned by the nogaems.
Of course. Sony is the only one with games
This, except I don't even care for Bloodborne. Fatlus is the only thing keeping me from selling PS4.
>makes a game
>gets no marketing aside from one trailer in the middle of an E3 conference
>game flops
>loses all support less than a year after release
sorry we tried silly japs
Really, where?
>Almost one hundred million consoles sold.
>Yea Forums is still seething.
How did one company managed to break Yea Forums that much? In all the years I have been here I never saw Yea Forums seethe that much towards a single company.
I still remember the "PS3 has no games" shitposting and all the Nintendo wanking, that still takes place to this day, as well as the "Sony will drop out of the console market after the PS3.
How does it feel Yea Forums? To see Sony dominate that hard? I, personally, am enjoying all your tears and seething.
Sony is an American company based in California with progressive western values. Why would they want Japanese games on their platform when more often than not they are extremely problematic when it comes to issues like sexism and racism?
They showed off Days Gone in the State of Play. And I've gotta say, it still looks boring as fuck.
You're clearly a newfag and weren't here in the 360 days when everyone was seething over it as well as bashing the Wii for being a shovelware machine. This board gets the most triggered whenever Nintendo does well and the asshurt towards Nintendo is unrivaled, even nowadays.
I say this as someone who thinks the switch is a gimmicky tablet and haven't owned any Nintendo consoles since the Wii and DSlite. Maybe the upgraded switch which got leaked will change my mind about it. 720p gaming in 2019 isn't what I want.
I'll only purchase the PS5 if it's backwards compatible with at minimum all PS4 discs and downloads. It will likely be the last dedicated console generation until we all get bumfucked by streaming and I wouldn't mind having one around to play older stuff if it's well made.
All those sell fucking nothing next to FIFA installments, so why bother.
Shoo marketer Beijing Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
At this point I honestly firmly believe Sony is hiding Gran Turismo out of shame because Forza became so much better and more popular too.
They are stuck with doing movie games forever
Holy fuck lol, What a faggot you are. You people actually come here?
Tiananmen Square protests were an attempted CIA coup, shoo shoo western country wrecker
One of the big three companies should just buy exclusivity of the FIFA franchise to their console. That's the true way to win the sales race once and for all.
>doesn't show weeb shit
>only shows critically acclaimed games that nearly every PS4 owner has along with games that will most likely be critically acclaimed
Sounds about right. I mean it would be nice if those games were included too but they just aren't as popular other than bloodborne
What is that Samurai Game?
Most of these games are either multiplats, third parties or remakes. Why would they show them in a commercial titles "PS4 exclusives"
If they showed Shadow of the Colossus I swear we would see posts such as "Sony is bloating their lineup with literal ten year-old games!" and the usual anti-Sony rhetoric
>western trash
into the trash
HZD came out earlier than Persona 5
Batman: Ghost Samurai Knight Asylum
Please give real answer.
I guess california are actually believing that sjw‘s are buying games. People make huge shit about diversity and shit, but still play games that doesn‘t give a fuck about diversity: see botw. No one cared that you couldn‘t play as female
Link, because everyone was muh ‚soo
Good zelda soo open world‘
Nvm I checked the video's end now.
Why can't sony pull a Microsoft and realize putting games on PC doesnt hurt their console business?
Nope, Xbox Scarlett Anaconda and Nintendo Switch Mini, nothing else.
Because Microsoft putting games on WINDOWS means MICROSOFT still own it in their ecosystem, may as well ask them to port PS+ to Windows as well for the online.
Naughty Dog is only Western Dev who's in game art design surpassed the Japs, they also have the best animation in the industry, which makes their games almost pre-rendered good
This would be the perfect time for Sony to bring their games to PC seeing as theres a giant shitstorm about online stores right now. They could make their own PS store on PC and fuck off epic games by claiming they don't buy exclusives they have their own exclusives. Also people are kinda emotionless towards all the new online store wars because it's been going on for months now and everyone is bored of it. In a years time I think people will be more annoyed at having another new store than they will now.
Are you implying that Microsoft's console business is doing well somehow ?
Exclusive content is the very fundation of this industry. Some may have tried to downplay it recently but as we've seen with Epic Games Store it has actually never been more true
microsoft doesn't charge for online on pc though, and they even put some games on Steam. The Sony published Quantic Dream games are all coming to PC, shit like Ace Combat, and lots of other bought third party exclusives have shifted over to just "console exclusive to PS4" with PC versions. I would be willing to use a PSN launcher if it meant running BB at 1440p 60fps and throwing away my ps4
Of course I will? Like, do you guys really think those exclusive titles are going to be on Xbox or PC now just because the American branch of Sony chose to focus on Western produced titles in their advertising? It's like none of you guys ever think before writing these posts.
The fact is Sony has always produced a variety of exclusive titles for various audiences. Not only are their Japanese exclusives great, but they're basically the company funding the only Western games worth playing. God of War, Spider-Man and Horizon were all some of the best Western produced games I've ever played in my life, and of course I'm getting Ghosts of Tsushima. And FFVII Remake will likely be a PS5 launch title.
I honestly think it's going to be really fun watching Yea Forums seethe in anger and autistic confusion when the PS5 ends up completely and utterly dominating the market in brutal fashion when it launches. Brand loyalty is a very powerful thing, and Sony has built it better than any other hardware producer in the industry. Plus if they announce backwards compatibility like all those rumours seem to be indicating, it's literally game over for Xbox and Nintendo will continue swimming in a little pond while Sony dominates the ocean.
All the epic games store proves is everyone hates exclusives and wants to be able to play a game on any store/platform they want. People are literally boycotting epic store because of that.
... the Xbox One is an abject failure in comparison to PS4, and you're wondering why Sony never wants to put their games on PC?
Why do all Sony haters have such low IQs? I don't get it.
No console is worth buying on release. No one in their right mind should get a ps5 on release. It's only ever worth it a year or two down the line when they have at least 3+ exclusives you care about. What you SHOULD care about are certain developers, not these cock-sucking companies like Sony or MS, not even Nintendo. Supporting developers by carefully purchasing specific titles is what would really help consoles stop being such useless fucking boxes, and I say that as a console player for most of my life. It was a mistake to allow these companies to try and turn them into "multimedia" boxes, which is completely ridiculous. No one should buy movies or music subscriptions for a goddamn console. You go to these boxes for their exclusive games, nothing more.
There is no reason to play multiplats on consoles if you have a good PC. There is no reason to get them if they don't have good exclusives. They are only alive because of kids and brand loyal retards.
>Are you implying Microsoft's console business is doing well somehow
Yes their most profitable years to date in fact.
>exclusives are the cornerstone
Exclusives are used to get people invested in the ecoystem, so that you can sell them an online subscription, acessories and most importantly licensing costs of third party games. The cut they make off selling Fifa or CoD or battlefield on playstation is way jucier than that of a game they actually have to pay for the development of or assume any of its risks. These monetization streams are not really there for PC gamers, it is true some of them who WOULD buy a ps4, wont because the games come to PC. But the console itself is meaningless for Sony's bottom line, there is nothing you can do to get them to pay for ps+ or buy multiplats on PS4. they were never a profitable consumerbase. Keeping games away from xbox makes sense, keeping games away from PC doesnt
Is a store not a console, what a terrible comparison.
>will you be buying the PS5?
absolutely not for the exact reason you pointed out.
I've been a PSfag since 1998 btu their promotion and heavy pushing of AIDSfaggotry and all kinds of LBTQ and pedoshittery mental illness plus the censorship of breats and ass are another strong factors in my decision.
Well that's because Epic made exclusive deals with devs who already comitted to release elsewhere. That's a very specific issue and does not question the validity of exclusive content as a whole
Xbone is a huge success in comparison to Xbox 360 though. Not bad for literally the worst launch in console history.
they will all use it eventually, brand loyalty to a fucking store will always be skin deep.
Consoles will never, ever die. The average consumer doesn't like playing games on PC. Most people don't even own a desktop computer anymore in their homes, everyone has laptops and tablets in the year 2019. PC gaming is just going to get more and more niche and it's weird to me how people don't see that. Maybe one day when the internet is lightning fast, games will mostly be streamed services like Stadia, but until then the home console is going absolutely nowhere. The consumers have spoken: people want PS4s, people want Switches, and a few weirdos even want Xboxes.
What really matters in the end is the hardware power and capabilities these platforms have and the exclusive titles they offer to their consumers. It's how everyone rushed out to buy a Switch because it launched with Breath of the Wild. Sony has continued to dominate by offering the most accessible platform with the most exclusive games. It's such a goddamn simple formula for success, and Yea Forumstards still seethe trying to understand why Sony has absolutely ruled the 8th console gen.
... So it's a success to another console that lost to both Nintendo and Sony? So it's a success despite the PS4 outselling it 2.5-3x over?
Why do you guys never think before making these statements?
>I-I'm not buying a PS5
See you in five years when PS5 breeches the 80M mark, and you find yourself owning one, even though your epic shitpost says otherwise.
wow, Imagine thinking growing the pie to have your most profitable years ever doesnt count if your share of the pie is the same or smaller. In your mind, what is more important to them, profit, or winning consolewars threads on Yea Forums? further more do you think it is the horrible horrible launch, or the fact that the games are on windows that Xbox One only did insanely well?
>xbox 360 lost to sony
>XBOX one was outsold 2.5-3x by PS4
false and not indicitive of profit.
consolewars shitposters always make me laugh when they think huge corporations share their values
>noo sony would lose the war without NEVER EVER posting, that is more important to them then money!
Microsoft isn't abandoning exclusive content though. Nobody is. They're just expanding the ways this exclusive content can be played without limiting themselves to the traditional "its only exclusive if I can only play it on one machine". They'll still have exclusive content but it's going to be service based exclusivity similar to Netflix or Amazon Prime Video. You can play the games in any device but at the end of the day you're still going to be playing an xbox. Xcloud is literally just an xbox streamed over the internet. Halo MCC on steam can only be played on Windows and requires XBL login before playing. It's a broader approach but they still keep their service exclusivity of their first party. You can guarantee Halo: Infinite will never get a PS5 port for example but they might try and make a deal with Sony to have xcloud streaming to the PS5.
Its genius really and I expect Sony to follow suite with their psnow service shortly after.
Can anyone tell me the song playing in this video?
>No Ape Escape 4
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with Sony?
The problem is I just don't think Somy could compete. Xcloud is just a small part of it, but it is way better than what Somy could achieve I am sure. More importantly Sony does not own their own desktop OS or graphics API. And their platform seems to scale terribly with multiple hardware configurations ( PS4 pro.) I wouldnt be surprised if nextgen, M$ made way more money than Sony, even with the same or less boxes shipped. The only really important part of an Xbox exclusive, is that it is not on PS4.
Seriously, I won a XBOX, but would have bought one over a PS4 just because of backwards compatibility
In the past four months GWG had Mercenaires, Jedi Academy Jedi Knight, and Republic Commando. In April we're getting the first Battlefront II
its literally the only game i care about
>lost to Nintendo
But the Wii U was a failure.
two games, the rest are movies
I don't understand what the big deal about backward compatibility is.You already own a console that can play those games, what good comes out of getting another one? It's not like you're getting access to more games out of it - unless, of course, you didn't get an Xbox the previous gen.
Though, it is a boon if they run better, which I understand they do on Xbone X.
If Sony wasn't as adamant in not allowing Xbox Live on PS4, we would have seen Xbox games on Playstation already
They saw how well Minecraft did by keeping it multiplat even after the Microsoft purchase, and they want to do that for all their future games
Sony could end the console war once an for all in one instant by allowing Microsoft to access their userbase, they are choosing to not do it for some reason
Good hopefully they make some new Ip for the ps5.
>will you be buying the PS5?
I only got a ps4 for bloodborne
If there's no bloodborne 2 or some from/japan studio collab exclusive then no lol
In my case, I've never had a working XBOX, I got one from a friend with a dead drive.
So with GWG I get to play tons of games I never would have bought. GamePass is pretty great too.
I sold my PS4 after playing like 5 games for it and joined the PC + nintendo master race and never looked back
Game Pass is certainly a better service than PS Now. The game selection on PS Now is ass, and the fact that you can't play PS3 games locally limits the value. Hopefully that will be corrected for PS5.
>Phil Spencer has a decent vision, at least.
what vision? the vision of cancelling most of their exclusives and giving the rest of them away to every other platform he can?
Wtf is going on in that picture?
>Consoles will never, ever die.
nah, I think Microsoft knows way better than to do that. They just arent afraid of segmenting off. Playing keep away from Sony is important in getting those juicy live subscriptions and licensing costs on third parties. They just know Minecraft was already a lot of places and a good money maker on its own, rather than as a carrot to sell xboxes. And they arent afraid to accept that from time to time. But sony doesnt really make games like Minecraft. Microsoft basically wants to make it so they can make it so people who want to buy a console, will go "wel Xbox has halo and thats cool" and the people who don't want to buy a console can still play Halo how they want in an even more profitable to Microsoft manner. Its like all the switch Rumours, I think Microsoft realizes that a hybrid ARM based gaming device for Nintendo first parties, is not really gonna eat into xbone sales.
and yet microsoft keeps putting them all on steam where people can run them on linux through proton. so even if we go by xbox fans' attempt to redefine the word "exclusive," they still have no exclusives.
fun-factor not even in top 5 of ps4 oh no no no
A) they are mosty actually w10 exclusive
B) proton does not work that well in the slightest, especially for a game that requires third party drm or launching shit like xbox live
C) I think Microsoft is smart enough to realize Linux gaming is not a threat to their bottom line, even if some Sony Pony can use it as a talking point in a consolewar thread.
Bloodborne on the go!
>they are mostly actually w10 exclusive
****w10 STORE exclusive.
fuk yall gai neesh fagits
no it wasn't. it was good but it wasn't a widestream appeal game. like halo or god of war
shill this hard and you'll only be a cringecel
yeah user, been playing FH4 on Ubuntu with my 2080ti. No reason to own an xbox now. But anyway, I play all my FPS games, and multiplats on PS4, sure love it for The Witcher 3 and Titanfall! I am totally a PC Gamer btw, plz ignore the fact that I obviously have no idea what I am talking about.
Only on EGS video like this when? I live for the salt.
Linux is irrelevant as all fuck
Yakuza's on PC
>Bloodborne twice
>Demon's Souls
fucking disgusting
>op is too stupid to realize its highlighting recent and upcoming games, not ones that have been out quite awhile