Why does Nintendo hate her so much and lock her in the broom closet, bros? What did she do so wrong that they won't make her games? It's the only reason I would buy a Nintendo system and yet they won't make new games for their best franchise. They might as well sell her to a company that would give her a good home and actually make games for her.
Why does Nintendo hate her so much and lock her in the broom closet, bros...
bitch are you retarded, she literally got a full on from the ground up remake a couple years ago and they gave Retro Studios Prime 4 again...
Metroid games generally don't sell that well in Japan IIRC.
haha imagine
metroid gets plenty of games. it's f-zero that nintendo hates.
I take it you didn't buy her game user?
Japanese are intimidated by (non-mutt) western women, or westerners in general and don’t like pew pew because they think WW2 was almost a natural disaster. Two bombs, etc
You don't buy her games
You mean other M? Gtfo
Because big juicy tittys in a sci-fi setting doesn't appeal to THE CHILDREN.
Children are the primary market for Nintendo remember.
this game came out in 2017, that's more recent than a bunch of other franchises's latest installments.
What does xenoblade chronicles have to do with this conversation?
First of all, they are making her games. Samus returns came out end of 2017, and I think they already confirmed another 2D metroid is in the works.
Second, they basically are letting another company make Metroid by getting Retro back on board with development
>his first thought when Metroid is mentioned is "big juicy tits"
You're the reason the series has been shit for so long.
you're a fool if you don't think children like big titties. I'd bet the farm that a bunch of kids's first video game crushes today are the girl Fortnite skins
Christmas present from two years ago, but I played it first among the two others games I got (Omega Ruby and Dream Team). Metroid love runs deep in my veins.
Sorry, you're right big tiddies appeal to everyone who isn't a absolute onions boy. The reality is, it doesn't appeal to the parents of said children.
As a middle class parent, who isn't an absolute trog that panders to their child's every whim, you likely buy your kid 5 games a year tops.
If you know nothing about video games and you want to buy little Timmy a game he likes are you going to chose Mario, Zelda, or Pokemon, which are all very recognizable to normies and have bright colours all over them, or will you chose Metroid which is less recognizable, looks less 'child friendly' from the get go.
Imagine her pinning you down and pounding you until your pelvis is fractured haha. wouldn't that be funny.
Nintendo wanted to make her appeal to Japs but pissed off her existing fan base in doing so. They also failed to progress her or the setting's story, forcing players to return to square one every game using lame ass pulls. Nintendo should treat her games like the Zelda games and simply eliminate continuity. That way they can just do new Metroid games without the baggage of previous games.
no but it appeals to the tween and teen market
Imagine being a waifufag.
>Latest game from a couple years ago got a lot of promotion and praise
>Had two characters added in the new Smash Bros game
>Highly requested continuation of the Prime series is currently in development
>Nintendo openly admitted to switching development teams for Prime 4 because they want to make sure the game ends up being good
Metroid is doing fine. Star Fox is the one Nintendo is fucking over.
>wanting another Zelda Timeline
it's more I think that the people working on each game don't know where to take her story next, especially since Prime isn't canon... who knows, maybe that new 2D metroid that most likely will happen in a few years will advance her story.
imagine a family member or friend finding out the things you post on the internet
So will we at least get another teaser trailer?
I'd say yes if they didn't just shift development over to them recently and start over. I'd say Nov/Dec Direct is more likely. Or they'll just hold off for 2020 E3 and do a big reveal
Again, children (ages 5-13) are their primary market. Well and I suppose literal onions boys who love to buy ports of 10 year old games for the 3rd time. I'd wager the kids are the bigger market though
>children (ages 5-13) are their primary market
They target all ages user, whether you want to deny that or not.
Japanese consumers don't really like her or her games.
>There use to be a time when kids loved space travel and all that shit.
>Medieval fantasy is now reigning supreme for two decades
What went so wrong ?
I hope they keep the parry in the next 2D game. I liked how it added some more variety to enemy behavior (though they could improve it a bit)
Replace that with
>Possibly Mega Man still
>Most likely Bomberman
>Fucking F-Zero
And many others, and it's the same story every time, it's not just Metroid ffs. Companies need to stop making so many fucking IPs if they can't keep using them. People keep crying for more IPs from companies, and although shit like Splatoon worked, Arms is dead, and many other random who games that were made around that same time, are dead. Waste of time.
Just let fans make fan games ffs Nintendo. If SEGA, Valve, and Mojang don't care, neither should you.
They better fucking bring it over to the switch
Fantasy is a lot more popular with women than sci-fi.
>Used to be a time when kids loved space travel
Some of the biggest releases have been Destiny and Anthem
I actually decided to look it up. Obviously there's flaws in the way they gathered the data, but based off of this it looks like we're both wrong.
Onions boys are carrying the machine big time apparently
If the current timeline was in good health then continuing it wouldn't be an issue but as it stands, I don't see the benefit of sticking it unless you are doing a time skip or prequel involving a new protagonist. Samus's story is pretty much complete. She doesn't have much room to grow.
>Stop making new IPs if you aren't going to keep using them!
What is this retardation? The fucking thing wouldnt even exist otherwise. Not only that, this is the antithesis to people complaining about Nintendo rehashing games.
Nintendo hasn't had any idea what to do with Metroid since Gunpei Yokoi died, and they can't fathom why America likes it so much. For the most part, they throw everything at it hoping it'll stick.
Prime 4 is pretty much Nintendo BEGGING Retro to make it because they themselves don't have a fucking clue anymore.
Samus should have abs.
The zero suit should not have abs.
Fight me.
>onions boys
its more like you are just an edgy teen or NEET who can't appreciate anything outside of whatever single console you own.
I purchased a n3dsxl 2 months ago expressly to play it. And the other noteworthy games since the system is nearing the end of life. I enjoyed the diggernaut greatly.
Reminder that the moment Nintendo went to Retro Studios for Metroid Prime 4 after completely throwing out the original version, they had a proof-of-concept video already complete and ready to show. Retro knew Nintendo would come crawling back to them.
I agree with this. Given what the Zero Suit supposed to do, it wouldn't be thin enough material to even do such a thing. Besides, it's not vacuum-sealed
>they had a proof-of-concept video already complete and ready to show
Nintendo's sci fi series have always been more popular in the west than in Japan. And until recently Japanese devs focused on Japan first instead of a more global audience. Nintendo was smart in handing Metroid over to a western dev for Prime.
They value her series just as much as Zelda & won’t release a new game until they are sure it will be masterpiece. The Other M situation was like SS for Zelda & will never happen again. Expect Prime 4 to get a 97 Metascore when it drops. So sick of Metroid fans & their victim complex
Actually I own a PC, Switch, and PS4 for the exclusives because I'm not a broke bitch.
But nice projection
oh but you are an edgy teen? Or are you an onions boy?
such a nice piece of art ruined by that weird, anatomically incorrect vagina
Just because the writers for Other M didn't know dick about the prime games doesn't mean they aren't canon.
I'm talking far in the future idiot. At the time, you had Mario, Zelda, Starfox, Pokemon, and Kirby next to Metroid. That's a nice sized roster of frachises to have and make big games out of. DKC and Yoshi also exist, but they lie under Mario so that's fine as is. They handled them decently as "small projects", with the return of DKC proving this, and Yoshi being this since forever. Those 6 IPs alone should have been great series to make games with, but the issue that fucked over Metroid is how the Japs don't character about stronk women like Samus so it died. If it was a Western IP it would sell like hotcakes, however, it likely would come with some "problematic" consequences later on in the years thanks to western culture.
What I'm saying is all these newer ips in a sea of already iconic ips makes the less used older ips, more less used. What's more likely to have happened first, a Splatoon sequel or Prime 4? Well, guess what did happen, and which game still isn't finished yet...
Nintendo should seriously invest in more first party studios. Especially ones in the west. All they really have is NST, Retro and Next Level. And NST has been in the doghouse since the Wii Era.
I love her
Nice cato
>Nintendo sticks to their main series
>Nintendo takes a risk with a new IP that turned out really successful
Woah, nice wallpaper. Is it free or did you pay for it?
It's fine that you just want more of the series you love, but who's to say maybe their next new IP would be a new favorite of yours? Complaining that they're creating new products instead of sticking with their old stuff is kind of asinine. Besides, Metroid just doesn't sell as well as, say, Splatoon - The landscape has changed, as regretful as that may be. They have to decide where to invest.
>stronk Please stop.
Also, saying that its BS that Splatoon got a sequel before Metroid is stupid, when the entire Splatoon team just carried on working on the sequel after the first. They'd be idiots not to
>there may be aliens that really look like this out there
>they may be friendly
I dont want to go to space.
God I want to be teased by this space bimbo.
>Retro knew Nintendo would come crawling back to them.
Retro is owned by Nintendo though, it's not like it was that crazy for Nintendo to contact them.
I'm surprised they tried making it locally first. They may have approached Retro initially but were in the middle of whatever project is now on hiatus. Only later did they come back insisting.
Haha I need a gf with a body like that haha
haha I stopped caring haha
thank you for at least posting the original version without the weird abs
user, the söy is moving from cardboard to streaming shitstains from California. If it doesn't sell it's because the fanbase are faggots.
Alternate art
Why did they add that DISGUSTING mole on her perfect face? WHY?!
Honestly, their biggest mistake was making it all about Samus. Her story for better or worse is already complete. They should have focused on the metroids and changed protagonists for each game. The new character would have different abilities, allowing for new gameplay. Meanwhile, make Samus an unlockable endgame character to keep fan outrage to a minimum.
True, if the Zero Suit has abs, it should also show her nipples, belly button, buttcrack and vagina.
It figures, they've been doing fuck all since Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze came out in 2014. How the fuck is that studio still open after apparently not doing anything in 5 years?
Because there is no point in marketing a character if people only use her for porn.
They were apparantly doing a big new project, but beyond "it existed" and that it eas not dk/metroid we know very little.
F-Zero has it worse, at least Metroid gets new games made. I'm still waiting for anything F-Zero related, even a port of GX on the Switch.
She just got one like a year ago though?