Boss doesn't expect you

>boss doesn't expect you

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That cat clearly has autism.

cute bat

is that a real species or shooped

Fruit bats would be cool if they didn't have diseases and a toxic bite

>game let's you go fast

Attached: ivebeenwaitingforyoustarfox.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Attached: bat pet.webm (854x480, 2.57M)


little skypuppy.....

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I think you're exaggerating how dangerous they are.

It's real, called the giant golden-crowned flying fox cause the head looks like a fox

it's real, and it's the perspective of the camera that makes it look big. if you notice what it's hanging from, it's a roof that's right above the dude holding the camera

No really, wild bats often carry serious diseases and you should never ever touch one unless you're a trained expert.

>image of hooded figure nervously hiding treasure from divers

Just leave them the fuck alone. We don't want to give you diseases but we will if you disturb us.

You can't fool me tsundere skyfox. I'ma catch ya and cuddle ya

kill it with fire!

>later that day, user discovers he now has AIDS

>bat aids

>have to pay for her services with a bat credit card

but like how come these bats aint busting into flames in the sun light

They don't call em FRUIT bats for nothin ahachacha

They're not vampire bats duh


um i know. they call em that bcuz they hang from trees like fruit

Ye mean ebola, no?

You know how tame animals let humans stroke them? If giant aliens took over the earth and kept you as a pet would you let them stroke you?

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Stroke me dick yea lmao

I call them nigger bats for a similar reason

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how do you divide an equal sign by an equal sign? i didn't know you could do this. what other things can you do, like can you multiply a percent sign by a minus sign?

I didn't know Sam Raimi made a Spider-Man/Batman crossover

>Get bitten by random bat
>Barely notice because the bite is so tiny
>Die of rabies half a year later

This is one of my fetishes, so yeah

If they fed me and called me a good boy, yes

>stop stroking me i deserve to be treated with respect and dignity!
>aliens: "look at it, it thinks it's talking lmao"

Check this out user

It would take many generations to tame humans to be like dogs or even half wild.

Getting rabies would drive you batty, wouldn't it?

>Lay around all day getting free food, water, pets, and compliments

I for one welcome our new alien overlords

being an expert nullifies diseases.

More games need to let you go fast and keep momentum

jesus the raimi batman crossover was insane

They're big enough to where some locals have hunted and eaten some species to extinction.

First off, it's HIV, which leads into AIDS
Second, call me a tin-hat conspiracy theorist, but I wouldn't put it past the American government creating it as a means for population control, and to eradicate the homosexual community. I think Africa was just a plus in their book. The Government have been confirmed for doing retarded stuff before (Iran-Contra, anyone), and it's so outrageous that people readily dismiss it as a conspiracy.

To come full-circle, healthy wild animals aren't as disease ridden as you think, but generally speaking, it's healthy to wash your hands after handling most animals, wild or not. What is it--pregnant woman shouldn't handle cats because they common carry viruses?

This is one of my fetishes, so yeah

They're flying sacks of disease

This is why pokemon would be fucking terrifying if real.
>snorlax is blocking the road again
>well wake him up
>brave officer takes the duty
>snorlax rolls in his sleep, murdering the officer

I would happily snitch on the rebel humans.

ah, I see. the number of equal signs determines the value of the variable. also the chosen variable also corresponds to it's numbered placement in the alphabet. in other words


>just a couple more minutes, then I suck you dry, K?

>shoot bat in face
>boss battle starts
>no damage done to boss at all, wasted ammo

I hate game designers, you're all retarded.

(_)_)=======D ~~~

user, why is your penis coming out of your ballsack?

>Waking up a wild animal
Horrible idea

It's cuter with the squeaks

>One singular Alakazam strolls into your city

Attached: 1541967079081.jpg (385x387, 17K)

Yours doesn't?

If they looked like this then yeah

Attached: GcSJEnm.jpg (1200x675, 121K)

they're literally flying rodents that sleep in damp shit laden caves, you mong.
You wouldn't touch a rat either.

>Take damage in a cutscene

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bats are huge carriers of rabies.

Rats being filthy is a myth.

Built in cloak, duh.

>drunk as fuck
>stumbling out bar at 4AM
>Alakazam in tall grass
>staring down Alakazam, drunk confidence
>we just talk
>learn the meaning of life or something
>too drunk to remember it exactly

Attached: 1479857269552.jpg (500x500, 57K)

rats scurry around trash and sewer pipes.

looks fun as fuck

youre a huge carrier of aids

They're clean for a wild animal, but they're still fucking dirty

How hot is the alien?...

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>take damage when the boss roars
>everytime you retry the boss you start will less health

>they're literally flying rodents
They literally are not, they're their own group, we don't even know the closest living non-bat mammal to them, though some genetic testing apparently found them closest to the group that includes horses

Attached: Bat.webm (999x666, 1.27M)

rodents carry shitloads of parasites, and their bites can be septic

This is the more important question

they still sleep in their own shit and carry disease

that looks like a minecart level in a donkey kong game or something

What does it feel like to get rabies?

>swarms of 3 foot tall hornets
>constantly getting raped by Hypnos
I'm out.

I don't know
humans are pretty intelligent and probably would be aware if they are getting a pretty good deal

>boss has friend who you also need to fight

Attached: ,.png (1033x516, 589K)

Cuddle THIS lmao.

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They also piss on themselves

As long as it's headpats idgaf

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considering the fingernails Iam more afraid that the human will infect the bat

apparently one of the worst ways to die.
You go insane without a shot.


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Hey who doesn't?

i had a dream about that once
but they werent looking for pets they were a female-dominant species seeking sexual thrills

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Is that a flying fox?

>tfw actively seek out Hypnos
Im a fucking P S Y C O N A U T

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>female aliens debasing themselves
I can believe it


sauce? image searches give nothing useful once again.

Attached: sauce.gif (250x188, 2.12M)

What kind of autist goes into a flying fox thread to talk about how the government created AIDS?

Just put on some Rick and Morty, he'll be too distracted to try anything

If it's a female alien yeah. All day long

And you're gay

yes, also known as the most terrifying species of all batkind

Attached: 1551598327466.gif (450x337, 1.19M)

I'm always one to try and lend a hand with sauce, but you're full of shit and even fucking Google gives results, you lazy bastard.

Attached: Youtsuba.png (210x440, 64K)

petting is like massage for animals, only humans have the dexterity to do it well

No user, it's this alien

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His is she playing Dark Souls without using the shoulder buttons?

Did they put a cigarette in the bat mouth?

He's a big guy

For you.

you fucking what?
Sausenoa and tin eye gave both 0 results, and google gives only random black and white capeshit.

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>you can shoot the whittle the bosses hp before the battle starts

Even better


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yeah i mean if human women fuck dogs its kind of the same concept

>meanwhile on ayy 4channel
"They look like they fuck human males."

Are the aliens cute girls?

Congrats, you found it. That's Tom and Jerry

Now that I look closer it seems to be mostly black and white walking dead comic rather than capeshit, but still.

I think it's just propped up with a stick through it's head so it doesn't droop. The pic was taken to show how fuckhuge the specimen is

What's up with the flying heads?

user, I'm going to give you a hint, and you're going to feel like a moron.

88 x 125

Attached: Retarded.png (180x240, 29K)

Only if they have rabies

They are cacodemons, that is a pic of Vietcong.wad

Holy fucking based

Attached: bat.jpg (1280x720, 270K)

capturing dracula in bat form gave those men mystical powers

>boss doesn't expect you

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Name a better video game bat

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No because humans are not tame, we are predators, just like a wild ape wouldn't let you pet it. You big gay faggot.

Rats are cleaner than you, you shit eating dirt bag

>to eradicate the homosexual community
W-wait I thought the government wanted MORE homos. Maybe those were the jews? Wait wasn't the government controlled by the jews? AAAAAAGH MY HEAD

why women like to fuck with dogs so much?

based doggo, she deserves it for not owning qt cats as pets

It's a weird 4D chess they're playing.

i neva wooda espected dat cinnamon wooda done it, she wuzza angel an great wid kids

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seek help

Sauce is けものっ娘通信~蝙蝠娘ビビ~

I just gave the sauce you uppity faggot. Eat my shit.

>Own cat
>It attacks you when you open your console on Christmas
There is no way to win

the boobs bounced bros
they fucking bounced

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What happens when you get a PS4.

Now how is he going to learn user? He's going to make the same mistake next time, and not have have some fag to give him sauce.

no he's not. You diddn't even give him a name. it'd be one thing if it was regular text you can type out on a western keyborad, but if it's all in hiragana and kanji and shit, you can't just search it up.

We're all in this together, don't create strife. We have people for that.

Are we posting good girls?

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god i wish that was me petting her

That would be true if it was a .gif or .webm, or if the image couldn't be searched. But you can get from Google, let alone saucenao or what have you. He needs to learn how to not fuck that up, so he can find sauce on his own.

That's what happens with xatu

Yeah, I wasn't the person you originally replied to, I just wanted to relay interesting facts about bat cladistics

no, you can't. Try it yourself.

I really hope this isn't a Slow Loris situation where the thing is scared out of its wits.

>That theory that wolves with the retard gene (Williams syndrome or something) became dogs

I am skeptical a single gene will explain it, but it's an amusing idea to imagine the wolves that won were the happy-go-lucky-retards and the wolves without it got fucked.

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I doubt that dumbass could even open that site

You can if you don't do something incredibly stupid.

Attached: Sauce.png (1920x1080, 271K)

>tfw you realize youre a fucking retarded wolf

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bats are cute

I believe this footage was taken in a Polish salt mine in Wieliczka (near Kraków/Cracovia).

You'd be surprised how much one Gene controls

It was a ps4

I wish I could do this without breaking my ankles, and with a gun

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It's still pretty big but the pic is extremely really misleading

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modern domesticated dogs are basically americans.

fat and dangerous?