>Character subtle changes with every sequel
What games besides modern Tomb Raider did this?
Character subtle changes with every sequel
Other urls found in this thread:
Metroid Prime
Gears of War
If I was less lazy I would make an "autistic Yea Forums reposts" wiki and post it every time you retards spam your garbage.
What's with that good looking Ash at the end? Is the dark reign of S&M finally over?
Moustache Ash always cracks me up. just shave your face ffs.
>main character keeps getting more tanned with each sequel
The past couple of movie AU reboots
what in god's name happened for SM
He looksk like the distant retarded cousin
I really wish they kept giving him unique outfits.
thats from the movie
5th one is top cute
>That one year when you went through a weird phase
even his hat's symbol becomes retarded
toon link ruined everything
Well, he is in the sun a lot.
Off-topic lure.
>subtle changes
Of course someone on Yea Forums can't tell the difference between women.
Why doesnt Ash age? Shouldn't he be in his mid-20's by now? It doesnt feel like his character has grown at all. Why cant they make him badass like Red?
Resident Evil
Pokemon anime should've ended after Johto
what the fuck were they thinking with sm
They outright stated at the time of Black & White that characters don't grow old in the Pokemon anime. Ash was outright stated to be 10, even though previously they had mentioned how he had been traveling for more than one year.
the blue hair looks like shit
should have kept it pure black
>movie designs flee screaming from the anime
How far things have fallen...
notice how the first change is to darken his skin so hes not seen as white
I want to pat them all on the head
Unironically borderlands
he's not-japanese, you dingus.
>posts fanart of Red
Red in the games is a total manchild
>pekelchoo itz me ass
Yes he is, he’s literally from Kanto.
>What games besides modern Tomb Raider did this?
All of them but driving ones? Not even EA Sports games repeat models.
>Character subtly changes gender between seasons
>dude what if we made all the sharp lines wavy
>so quirky xD
laughed way more than i should have
I wish that was me
transsexuals are not human
>First answer isn't Legend of Zelda
This board is full of faggots
How? He literally doesn't say anything and the only thing he canonically does is win battles
>reading comprehension
God of War
Exactly like Goku in Dragon Ball GT in both cases it makes extreme sense kek
needs this one
yo-kai watch 3 actually has an aged up nate and so does yo-kai watch 4
>red hat with red overalls and blue shirt(or brownish, given color palette limits) in Donkey Kong
>blue hat, blue overalls, red shirt in Mario Bros
>red hat, red overalls, blue shirt again in a lot of SMB1 art, alternating with his classic contemporary color scheme of red hat, red shirt, blue overalls, usually on promo art like SMB2's cover
>slims down in the leap to 3D and gets longer limbs
>over the course of the new millennium, Mario slims down and gets taller and with longer limbs to further accentuate 3D motion
Seriously, he was kinda fat back in the day. Guess it doesn't matter how much you run and jump and lift if you eat so much goddamn pasta.
id put my pp in mistys doll mouth
I can smell the piss bottles and skid marks from this post.
It sucks that we never got poncho/cloak chief[/spolier]
bottom row, 3rd from left is CalArts doing their best
Red is the definition of a manchild, he's just a succesful one.
When will he blacked?
Literally every game ever made
>character ages like wine
Why does #2 have jizz on his hair
>Character can equip opposite gender's gear
>traditionally the series' most powerful trainer any time he shows up
Considering all he needs to do is just body the local elite four for some cash he can probably subsidize his lifestyle for a month in an hour of work at best.
The Windfish was having a wet dream.
You look like the distant retarded phoneposter
N64 Links are clearly the best, god I love the bishounen look
they finally brought ashley back
>Character changes so much he becomes unrecognizable
>Goes back to look closer to his original design
>Have an entire arc about getting the hat
>Drop it as soon as they get to gen 3
still pisses me off
Is Simon Belmont the biggest example of a visually inconsistent character?
He always looks the same though
Really? I think the smell is overshadowed by hair balls laced with puss and blood.
In every game and piece of art work, there's always certain details changing.
Even in different versions of the same game or artwork and sprites.
Even Smash's design is different.
What's with all the ash threads tge masy few days?
Did something happen?
>modern tomb raider
That's just because every game they needed to make her less sexy. Notice how the 2013 Definitive Edition used Rise's model instead of the original 2013 model despite being a clear downgrade.
You're not wrong, but half of it is there's no real definitive "bible" to him so most of what people settle on is some kind of Conan looking dude, that is if you're not going with the red-haired Kojima fetish bishounen, or something like Judgment or Lords of Shadow's version.
Going forward, Smash pretty much solidified the barbarian with brown leather armor and a circlet for Simon's definitive look. And probably Richter's "Ryu tunic" look as well.
because its a fucking cartoon for children you imbecile
That's a yikes from me, dawg.
>being a clear downgrade.
How so?
I would love that, because it would hopefully kill off pepe and feels guy edits for good because it would be seen by all the normalfags to get laughed at.
Sanae and Marisa too
Sun and Moon was a slice of life anime and looked the part. It really wasn't that bad, just jarring because you're used to god knows how many seasons of him looking the same;
This is annoying. If he knows how to "act" like a cute girl, then why does he not like the 7 cute girls that hit on him?
They should just state he's gay or something atp, just so I'd care less about this shit.
Doomguy changed a few times too.
>Doom 1/2
>Differences between ingame design and the cover art designs
>Doom 64
>Doom 3
>Quake 3
God what the fuck did S&M do? Why does he always look like a smear frame?
man, this is probably a great chart, if you're one of the 6 people who care about Puyo Puyo.
Please watch the XY/XYZ anime, Yea Forums.
>haven't watched the anime since johto
>X/Y were my least favorite pokemon games of all time
>anime is apparently at its peak in X/Y
Confusing feelings.
it's just a tan from being outside every day. His mum stays white
Please do
>BW and HGSS are the best games in the franchise
>The Johto and Unova anime are complete fucking ass
>XY is a shit game with a great anime
Don't listen to them XY/Z is the (second) worst the anime has ever been, only deluded serenashippers and dbzspics liked it.
I like his stylish barbarian look the best.
>unovabortion cabal is also a serenafag
have any more horrible opinions hiding under your hat?
We're going back to greener pastures user. pun intended
You can be a girl if you want to. Get away from this toxic hellhole.
It's only remembered for how fantastically Ash jobbed.
XY/Z is one of the only three times the anime was ever good (original season and DP being the other two)
Still upset about the league defeat?
Don't listen to this fag. XY/XYZ is nothing but pure kino. youtube.com/watch?v=N3D8Aa2WUhM
>crying about memes
no john, you are the normalfags
>Still upset about the league defeat?
No. Wouldn't only dbzspics be upset that ash lost the league because he literally always loses the league because that's his vague narrative goal so he's never going to achieve it?
you can ask them one's right here
DP was boring repetitive garbage though.
Halo Infinite is just going to be a remake of Halo CE Anniversary.
>When the Iku Z hits just right
>expecting a dbzspic to have taste
>Game that everyone hated for years
really makes you think
Fucking nu Yea Forums
Please post your ranking of the anime seasons so we can all have a laugh.
>Game that everyone hated
>Best selling third game of the entire series
Loving that revisionism.
Now, I ain't gay, but I want to tousle the fuck out of the 5th link's hair for some reason.
>>Game that everyone hated
>Best selling third game of the entire series
and that means what to who exactly?
You don't see anything BUT unovabortions here complaining that the series took a 180 degree turn from BW BECAUSE the game was so reviled.
Granted it's not actually a bad game, just kind of mediocre, but the cabal gets upset whenever you claim it isn't literally perfect
Not for another year.
But I worry the anime might go the CG route, considering the mewtwo movie
>SM is a shit game with a shit anime
Pattern broken. Anything can go at this point.
>Ash Ketchum
>Ash catch-em
Waste of time
Gen 4 cemented Ash's cucked status with some dus ex machina bs that will always happen at the league, starting with Too Biased. Tobias, the faggot with the Lucario of Gen 5, and Memezard of Gen 6, proves it's just a meme to actually care about the anime at this point.
Hell it technically started in Gen 3 with a Meowth that's a better Pikachu than fucking Pikachu. You know, an electric type, that shouldn't lose to eletric moves.
What the fuck
Remember how well bw2 was sold, oh wait..
But now you say some retarded shit how 2 was worse than first or something, lol
Fucking nu Yea Forums
A reminder that the league tournament is literally a pleb filter.
The winner of each tourney gets the right to participate in the cha.pion's league which is basically challenging the E4 and champion.
Ash is so shit that he can't even get through the pleb filter qualifiers.
Let that sink in.
>Doesn't actually catch them all
What a fucking cope out
What the fuck are those random lines on his cheeks supposed to be?
>He literally doesn't say anything
When you talk to the Copycat in Saffron City, it does have the player speak lines.
Sm is the worst, he looks mexican or the Z marks are some kind of mustache or facial hair.
Ash is loser and that's one thing will never change
>Remember how well bw2 was sold, oh wait..
More than any third game beside Yellow?
Any other anime would have him win the league and beat the champion.
Pokemon? Nah let's just write Ash to be the most incompetent shitty trainer ever over and over for absolutely no reason other than to cuck him.
It's basically the fucking Victory Road in anime form. It's literally level ~40 pokes he's losing to.
no it doesn't it's all the copycat
How do we fix this garbage season?
>Ruby/Sapphire sold more than FireRed/LeafGreen
What did they mean by this?
>Emerald sold that fucking low, and might be why they didn't bring back the content from it for the remake
End my fucking life...
Push Team Rocket to the League, they're ready for the strap brother.
>BW is the worst selling main game of the franchise
>BW2 sells slightly more than other 3rd versions
>Look everyone! People love gen 5!
You've destroyed your own argument with your own evidence.
keep it going, it's the best season this decade
Ash is just autistic.
>tfw Ash will never win a league because the people in charge of the anime are so autistically prideful and tarded that they actually believe that if he wins a regional league, his journey has to end there because apparently there's no where else to go even when they fucking made clear 500 other things for him to be able to reach for after
>tfw Japan's autistic obsession with 'protag that never wins the big one but tries his hardest' is why Ash is forever in jobber purgatory
Let me fuck that Charizard.
>animefag spreading his cancer serena design again
Japan was super pissed about the league too though.
Rad Spencer
enjoy your new Satoshi
>release the same game years later
>wonder why it didn't sell
It was the best but it makes sense it sold way less than the other two.
Is that JBL?
is it just me or does ash look like a hispanic kid with a scumstash in the 2nd to last pic?
Is there any other fucking trope Japan doesn't fall for at this point? Why do they hate the idea of trying hard = reach your goal? It always has to be some "cheat" or something in most shows in laughable any hero lives in the end of it all
Its almost like theyre trying to influence all the people in their country that try their hardest and dont get into that school or job they want and dont make it and throw themselves on the train tracks or something.
>Great overall aesthetic with XY
>devolved into very cartoony style in Sun and Moon but despite that still had great direction and was fun
I wonder what they’re gonna for Galar.
I’d fuck him as Ashley
I’d fuck him anyway
Because if they promulgated that idea then their population that has the most competitive job market in the world would become EVEN further competitive and toxic.
Have Lana marry Ash and have 12 kids that he leaves behind
>The absolute fucking state of SM
How do you fuck up so badly that people consider the best part of the worst season better than the shit you just put out?
If only DLC was more practical back then, we wouldn't have needed "definitive" versions back then like that. Sad.
alola ash is best ash
>charizard in both
What the fuck were they thinking with SM?
I hope they go back to the regular design
Hell winning the tourney isn't even winning the league it's just winning the qualifiers.
They atleast could have thrown him a bone and atleast get BTFO by the E4.
Anime Fags
Is the S&M show any good?
People were fucking pissed he lost in Kalos though. All the videos uploaded to TvTokyos YouTube channel that day were downvote bombed by angry nips.
Ash doesn’t even look like that in the remake movies though
The yellow was an infection all along ava grew to consume him
Why didn't we help him
>mal and mal-adjacent scores
oh no whatever shall we do
I hope they adapt what Movie 21 did with it's artstyle I love the mix of SM and XY's artstyle, mixing the fluid animation of SM while still looking amazing like XY.
>They atleast could have thrown him a bone and atleast get BTFO by the E4.
Fucking this. I would be 100% less mad he gets btfo'd by some E4 member or the Champ. Gen 3 was the biggest point both in the games and in anime, where he actually got to fight against them 3 separate times because lol they just happened to run into each other, but him getting btfo'd by them then isn't a problem because of course he wasn't ready to fight them, but why even allow it to be a thing when it's never going to be done in a serious way because they keep making him job to the in universe Victory Road?
That last one is from the remake of the first episode or something, where they decided to make Pikachu talk for some fucking reason.
Also is that Ash animated by Trigger or something?
It's actually a sequel to that set in Johto.
god i wish it was animated by trigger but no
>ywn be a creepy Pokemon trainer who captures young and impressionable trainers and train them to be sex slaves
He is still fucking ten. Tell the makers to stop fucking around and give us a time skip already.
Was expecting Skyrim
luckily for you then that's not how 3d works. rendering shit in 3d takes stupidly long even today even with the highest end gear
tpci is not going to waste that much money for a show they have to churn out super fast
trannies leave
Do people actually watch the anime because they think ash is going to become a pokemon master?
He deserved the victory
Why don't The Simpsons age?
SM is a literal Mexican
>that sm
I want to be her Pokémon. I can mega evolve inside of her pussy
>SM Ash
Díos mio...el perdedor de las islas...
he won the orange isles tho, right?
How bad is the Soulless Ash going to job in the league?
You may not like it but this is what peak Pokemon anime is like.
Why don't just change the main character? As long as the new guy uses Pikachu no one would complain and Ash wouldn't be forced to be 10 forever.
But Japan was also mad at that bullshit
>Prince of Persia SOT
>Prince gets so pissed in the middle of a fight that he rips his shirt right off
>shirt stays off for the rest of the game
No, not after they created more than 150 Pokemon. Who the fuck would expect a 10 year old to actually comment collecting 800+ Pokemon at this point without autism? Back in the day, kids barely got the damn Gen 2 dex filled out thanks to stupid shit like event Pokemon. For Ash, he doesn't need to be the master at 10. But being a fucking league does not equal Pokemon master when there's billion other regional leagues now. Hell beat the Champion shouldn't count as being a Master either. CATCHING EM ALL should be a master or so, which thanks to the infinite shitmons GF keep pumping out, there's literally no in universe reason Ash just can't win a regional league, move on to the next region after fucking Misty/May/Dawn/Serena/etc, and raise and repeat. Losing doesn't make sense more than winning.
>Attack tears apart the fucking battlefield
>It's completely normal right after
It always bothered me, I wish there would be more environmental damage in the fights.
Anyway, XYZ is like, the peak of the Pokémon anime, the writers had something special going there, then the ending ruined everything. What fucks me up the most is that, since Sun and Moon have no league, they could've given Ash the Kalos league, and then now that he had wond a league, he could go after different kinds of objectives.
But nope, they still fumbled in the end. It's been like, 3/4 years, and I'm still pissed.
>character get more and more tanned but doesn't age
>black's still a fucking rock
>ash can't beat an official league
>Gamefreak can't put effort into their games
What went wrong?
How the fuck do HG/SS not have an eshop version? Physical copies ridiculously overpriced.
>since Sun and Moon have no league,
Well there is a league for alola, but we all know that he'll lose there too
I'm more amazed Super Mario Sunshine has literally never been rereleased outside of Gamecube
la creatura...
wtf happened?
are there any seasons of Pokemon that aren't like that?
>uh oh it's team rocket again!
Just going to take this opportunity to say fuck my heroin addict friend who stole my SoulSilver
is that why ultra sun and moon exist?
Are many of the gamecube games aside from metroid prime?
Every season is boring repetitive garbage. At least Ash had an actual rival that season.
My HG was also stolen by a "friend" who was just a greedy cunt, not even a smack addict.
Oh shit forgot zelda shit windwaker and twilight princess
>eastern european character
>looks like something out of chinese mythology
The only canon episodes were Indigo League and the subsequent seasons are merely alternate realities where Ash chooses another region to explore with his Pikachu.
There. I fixed all of the problems with the Pokemon anime lore.
holy fuck that looks beyond terrible
>Ash is a loser in every conceivable alternate universe
Great lore
>XY/XYZ originally planned to end off the anime with Ash winning the League, becoming Kalos Champion, and having a happy life with Sere and a child, with said child being the new protag of the anime after XY/XYZ.
>Gamefreak rushes Gen7 and releases it during the 20th anniversary, Pokemon Z was canned which was still Gen6
>The Anime staff had to can the original ending because of this and had to rush out a new ending, with the Team Flare Arc being the only intact part from the original ending, new ending includes the infamous league loss and the kissu
>Most of the XY/XYZ team left due to this mess and worked on the Alternate Universe Movies instead
>Studio OLM had to find brand new animators for the show because of this, leading to the abomination that is SM anime and pic related
If you mean "definative" version, it's literally money grapping shit with zero effort. At least they tried with Yellow, Crystal and of course Emerald. But ever since it's literally the exact same shit just "more convenient" or some shit.
The fact they STILL insist on two separate versions of Pokemon on what is a fucking console proves it's nothing more than money pinching. Any other series would lynch the company for pulling that shit ever release.
It's relatable.
I'm here to school you plebs on my obvious superior tastes. Yours don't matter. Let's being.
1st Ash is best.
This should be future Ash.
7th Link is best.
'89 Mario is the best.
5 Spartan is the best.
Cola the best.
3DS Shantae is the best.
2nd was the best
That's been a headcanon I had, where the at the end of Gen 2, he just heads to x region and each new series is just another take on a different pick. The only issue is when they made older characters like May and Dawn appear in the latter region, but they dropped that when Gen 5 sucked so much dick they didn't bring Iris back.
What about and
that explains a lot, thanks.
Didn't he get curbstomped by Gold?
Pokémon fans will just eat up whatever GameFreak throws at them. Unless the mainline games nosedive in sales, GameFreak, or Nintendo maybe I dunno, will push for the same shit to be made over and over but with a few minor adittions.
I'm usually against the idea of completely overhauling a game series, especially with me being a DMC fan and being vehemently against Capcom changing up the gameplay formula for the sake of innovation, but Pokémon needs a fresh coat of paint assap.
The Pokemon series would have been a better anime if each season had a different protag or something. Like May and Max for ruby and sapphire, etc.
Ash should have been two seasons at most
We're more than 6
Too complacent, no need for ambition since it's guaranteed money.
the manga has this
protagonists have same name as the chapter
Jesus that XY and SM hat so bad
>XY/XYZ originally planned to end off the anime with Ash winning the League, becoming Kalos Champion, and having a happy life with Sere and a child, with said child being the new protag of the anime after XY/XYZ.
You better source that, because I call bullshit.
cite your source
If that's true, what a sad story it is.
Sounds like serenafag bullshit
These are all different people.
Toss up between the first two '05 or the first two '06.
1 followed by Mirror.
Yes, clearly the gag faces are the autistic part and not you writing a bunch of fanfiction about ash and serena having a kid. That part isn't autistic at all.
I get why the main games being games are being made for literal babies, I has no need to be like that and I don't like it but I understand why they do it, why isn't there an alternative for people actually into videogames though? Pokken was years ago and there's no sign something is coming soon, are people with the license too tired to make cool spin-off games now? If there aren't any fun experiments with the franchise anymore and the big releases are all sterile why not just outsource everything to China or something like that already, they would put the same effort and probably more for cheaper.
>Most of the XY/XYZ team left due to this mess and worked on the Alternate Universe Movies instead
Good, the SM anime is way the fuck better than xyz
the Colosseum titles getting a "reboot" with something resembling difficulty would be cool, especially if they let you crosscompat with(let's)go/maingames to encourage people to try it
stop bullying SM ash you motherfuckers
He looks like a retard and deserves to be treated like a retard
>he isn't an honorary black
Nintendo literally forgot this game exists
Lest we forget original Simon
Okay, 9.
The SM's are unironically the best seasons.
it's easier to sell music to the mid-colored masses when you're you don't look like a white girl apparently
more mexican/SA than black desu
The only good thing about the SM anime
can you summarize why they were good? I bailed at the first sign of the artwork so haven't watched any
I will once he actually gets soul, stops acting like a retard, and gets a better team than pic related.
But since the writers and Tomiyasu are fucking retarded and don't know what made the Pokemon anime great, none of those are ever going to happen.
delete this
Serenafags are so fucking autistic holy shit.
Please kill yourself.
This is a better answer
>tfw the only good thing that came out of the SM anime is the porn
Serenafag shippers making false narratives up to cope.
The pokémon spin offs only sell a fraction of what the main line games sell, even though a lot of them are straight up better games, Nintendo probably thinks they're not work the investment.
>tfw the only good thing that came out of the Pokemon anime is the porn
Fixed that for ya
>side boob
Don't worry about the artwork user, it's just that way so they can do more stuff with animation, it has really nice scenes well animated. The direction is good and it's fun to watch. I like the humor it has, even though humor is subjective.
Give it a try user, I did and it surprised me.
Less american influence
>co-workers start talking about videogames
would you?
The animation is choppy and really bad at times. It's like db super and those early recap tv episodes
Only if I know what the syringe if for beforehand
Only people who dislike SM but like other seasons after the first one are the ones who want the Pokemon anime of all things to be serious business lmao
I always found it weird that they used his design from a game never released outside of japan for Playstation All Stars.
Not him but I agree with him. SM is good because it strays from pokemon battles a little more and (obviously) gyms. It's more SoL oriented than any before it which gives it a chance for its stronger cast to shine. It feels like a comfy monster of the week anime with some cute moments rather than a continual story with a pointless end goal that won't be achieved. Rotom is a bit annoying though. Ash is kind of too much of a goofball too, but it's overall fine.
Let's be real, Misty has the biggest chance thanks to "muh kantooooo!" pandering.
are you baiting?
Goku was always tanned for Toriyama, even during Dragon Ball Z, it's the anime that made him light skinned
What kind of fucking team is that? Ash's Johto and BW teams were miles better than this shit.
>buttblasted Serenafag spams his pasta again
I would Braixen, yes.
(and that's a good thing!)
Off yourself you pathetic samefagging SMFag. I would be replying to the rest of your posts if it weren't for Hiro's shitty spam system.
I mean, two of them were me, so you're not 100% wrong
>You can pretend to be a girl if you want to be deluded. Get away from this honest forum and go to places where they'll ban people for being honest.
what the fuck happened in sun and moon
Poor little Serenafag
the fact that these people decided they needed to take a game of pretend too far is nothing but sad
>replies to multiple people
>Ignored the posts asking for source on the story some were asking for
because pokemon is actually the story of a dead boy being stuck in purgatory.
his quest of becoming the great pokemon master ever is actually him redeeming himself and finally reaching enlightenment
What happened with ZUN after 11? the art on all the games after that one feels a lot more stylish, 9 has nice colors though.
why is ash a full blown mexican in "sm"
>Thinking a serenafag has a brain
Went for a softer, cartoonish design.
Which is funny when everyone looks better than mexican ash
I feel like all the new characters look much better than the old ones, must be why people that liked past seasons might be turned off by SM anime.
I unironically enjoyed MoF
remember to dilate and wash out the hair balls, you subhuman
who is da bigest slunt in poekmin
The weirdest part is that everyone else look like they'd fit right in with the XY's art style, just add some more shading and/or highlights. Ash though, he's got a complete design overhaul.
I do like the newer, simpler look though, it lends itself better to comedy, and allows the animators to go full retard without going too off model, specially facial expressions. As well as allowing for more character acting and better movement over the stiffness of regular ass anime.
oh fuck off i get this enough in megaman threads
So, who the hell is more popular? Manga Red or Ash?
What is it?
some stupid blowjob game addon
He loses to everyone. Loses in G/S/C/HG/SS, loses in B2/W2, loses in S/M. Plus his Pokemon are mostly shit so he's not even that tough.
I've never really played S&M but Guzma is my favorite boss. Love his rap aesthetics, attitude, and pokemon, hope they bring him back
He had a fucking Ultra Beast, but then he released it.
Well that's boring.
Ash by a landslide. Pokespe is kinda niche and Red is honestly one of the more boring protagonists.
Hold your horses
What are the odds of Ash going back to "normal" for SWSH season?
Works 30% of the time, everytime
The anime staff for whatever reason thought they had to imitate yokai watch, even though that franchise was on its way out at the time
Yokai Watch is going full comedy again tho, and the writers are so retarded that they will keep the meme faces to compete with it.
what the fuck happened to the 7th one
Jesus christ
This is the first time I saw some stupid fucking nonsense posted about something Yea Forums doesnt generally know about and people didn't lap it up like mentally challenged dogs lap up vomit
Just goes to show how autistic this serenafag shit is I'm almost impressed
I don't know why but bottom-right Link makes my heart go doki-doki
There's absolutely nothing wrong with fun faces
>Ash winning the League, becoming Kalos Champion, and having a happy life with Sere and a child.
You mean Misty, right? Heck, the anime is the only reason why people ship her with Red in the other medias.
>thirsty hoes draw him as this super attractive muscular dude
He looks more like just any basic college dude
Why did you use portrait art for all but HGH?
It fucking looks like somebody drew marker on his face as a prank, what the hell
We got that SM artstyle after Ash almost won a league and people got pissed.
FUCK that made me flinch
Is bottom right, next to the S&M animation, the new animation style for Sword and Shield? Or is that the new movie?
>No matter what universe he calls home, Ash Ketchum will always be a total fucking loser
Is there a data cap on laughter where you live or are you just a redditor?
i think thats the 20th anniversary series reboot movie that they did. it wasnt good. the original first episode of the anime shits all over it.
kek somebody is 10 years behind. i render shit fast as hell on a home computer these days. pokemon level cell shaded 3d takes nothing.
>character gains weight in-between story appearances
This is a picture imgur.com
Best character in the justice league show. There's only one conspiracy, one cabal controlling the world.
Same to both, I'd also go for crossdressing James.
source? its harsh so i guess season 1
Why did swole Red became a thing anyway? I think it started like 2 years ago but I never knew how or why
Ash is literally the most popular pokémon character in the whole franchise, counting all times of media. It's the sole reason why they don't let him win and then replace him for a new protag for the next gen bases season.
Unironically based and ashpilled
The reboot movies started before Sun and Moon existed, but whatever user
you're actually correct
Was that the one without Misty and Brook? I wonder how does that happen lmao what a bad decision.
They need to stop being terrified by fucking EDGES and SHARP ANGLES ffs. As cute as nuMisty looks, her hothead personality was striped away and she's now just chipmunk teeth girl #151 and it's terrible. The classic look represents "I wanna be the very best" while Calarts tier soft curve shit represents "POWER OF FRIENDSHIP XDDDD". Fuck this sissy timeline.
>repainting a piece of turd
Pokemon anime would be 100 times better with trainers from the manga, and gamefreak should lose their license for pokemon games
>rendering shit in 3d takes stupidly long even today even with the highest end gear
What is it about the internet that makes morons talk about shit they know nothing about as if they are an expert?
this kind of politics didnt exist back then and even less in japan. he became more tan for other reasons, probably to show he'd been outside a long time but also to promote the tanned (normal) look of japanese who go outside a lot. kids shouldnt feel ashamed of getting a tan.
>came to fap to poke-grills
>thread devoid of poke-thrills
err time
What the fuck does Alain do now
>after the last few arcs
I'm not too sure about that
You're wrong my guy
It's actual a quote from Ghetis to N in BW after you beat him lol
Netflix Pokemon looking good
Like, what the fuck, is he compared theatrical CGI movies or does he literally think it would take a year to render out the original Toy Story with modern tech?
There's been plenty of CGI shows that exist with decent tier 3D quality, so I don't get what the fuck he's talking about.
he's not tanned in super and theyre following the art direction direct from toriyama. for instance they changed trunks hair to blue instead of its normal purple.
>character is so generic that you don't even notice the changes
>Pokemon anime would be 100 times better with trainers from the manga
Pretty sure that all of them together are literal who's compared to Ash.
Thats debatable, the anime and game doenst appeal to me anymore, sincerely pokemon lost its soul to me in BW
>Bitches about lack of poke girls while not posting them
>Pretty sure that all of them together are literal who's compared to Ash.
Because they choose him as the protagonist, if they started with a not shit pokemon trainer and being loyal to the mechanics of the game the anime would be much more enjoyable, instead we got pikachu riding a swellow with "Thunder armor"
Nigga, there's like a bunch of CGI shows out there, even japanese ones. The reason WHY people chose to go CGI is because it's faster and easier to produce then traditional animation. If you have the models, rigs, and backgrounds, that's half the work done for the rest of the season, or seasons, because you can just reuse assets.
There's a reason why Beastars, a manga with very detailed artwork, is getting a CGI anime because if it were 2D shit would take fucking forever to make, and it wouldn't be worth the investment, same reason why the Berserk and Fist of the North Star anime were CGI, artwork's too detailed.
Which one has a mustache?
Galar Lass is top tier and I can't explain why
>and Fist of the North Star anime
You mean the prequel one right?
He should've won Johto league, then Hoenn should've started with a new MC, with Ash as his hero, giving the new MC a Pichu in the first episode.
Then Ash could appear throughout the rest of the anime, giving a Pichu to every new MC in every new season.
Obviously each needs a Pikachu, as it's the mascot.
I think he's comparing 3D movies to the usual 2D western/jap cartoon since 3D films use lots of carefully applied post-processing and at that point it becomes more expensive than 2D animation, his comparison is retarded of course.
uhhh remember when Link had BROWN hair?
and pink in LttP
Bimmy and Jimmy.
the first two links have brown hair tho...
Nintendo should just let some Indiefags get their hands on Pokemon.
Maybe some decent stuff can come out of it.
>that flash boogie made
Fuck Ash and long live Red
What would be the point of trading if you don't have two different versions?
>inb4 trade evolving or startes babies not enough reason.