

Attached: mmm.jpg (960x701, 140K)

Other urls found in this thread:’re-not-going-to-wear-a-bikini-to-a-fight.68681/page-21

have sex

straightoid seething


you literally dont' have genitals anymore, tranny.

Who cares tbqh

t. incel virgins gamergaters


Just take the pink pill. You’re already a fan of futa on male.

>B-B-B-But girls like shirtless men! D-Double standered.
Fuck off. The only people that like shirtless men that look like that are gay people, so men are still the ones benefiting from this.

>b-but sexy MEN!
imagine being this much of a fragile snowflake

This is a bot

>being straight

Get a load of this normie.

only losers care about shit like this
get a life

you're on an anime videogame message board


Exposed muscles help intimidate the enemy

w*men must be covered up to retain their modesty mashallah

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Please don't sexualize men, ok?

So does this count as sexualizing men then? I wonder what would happen if enough people decided that they were offended by it?

I do wonder what the true reason is. Latent christian morality? Fat feminist jealousy? I mean if you go to a beach or a bar you'll see "worse" stuff than a fighting game costume.

Double Standard Approved for EVO Core Values™

>Fuck off. The only people that like shirtless men that look like that are gay people, so men are still the ones benefiting from this.

Attached: just a power fantasy.jpg (700x492, 74K)

A guy without a shirt is not the same as ludicrously dressed females in thongs and fetishwear that only exist to accentuate their tits and ass

Whatever happened to the typical incels outcry of “le womyn and men are not le same”?

This, women who dress like sl*ts at bars need to be slapped and sent home. If they persist they should be raped and marry the man.

Maybe not the same, but they both ARE sexualized and don't give me that bullshit " B-but it's male power fantasy!

Is there any difference between sonyas tank top outfit and shirtless cage? It’s the same idea

Attached: male power fantasy.jpg (807x450, 114K)

Fucking "straightoid?" Being straight isn't an insult, it's how people are meant to be. Faggot.

>NetherRealm Studios
>Core Fan Base

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Faggots have called people "breeders" for decades. They are mentally ill freaks.

it is the same. if you saw a guy walking around without a shirt you'd judge him just as harshly as the scantily clad trollop at the bar. and only one would get kicked out

They being double standards faggots is nothing new

>choose your class

Gays and nerds who think they have a better chance of scoring by getting "woke" points

I'm a bisexual woman and I find the whole "we're suddenly mature now guys, no titties, btw here's Subzero in a Ricardo thong" shit idiotic

No you're not

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Depends where you are. I've been shirtless at plenty of concerts or outdoor events, but I'm in good shape so no one cares except fat dudes and they're barely human.

Only Baraka and the Khans are really ugly or monstrous there though. All the other characters there are clearly meant to be attractive.

me too!
pm me ;)

Feminists BTFO

I just dislike the term scantily clad. they only ever appear in a sentence when they're right up eachother's asses and it feels like a fuckin puritan saying and it's gay

>mortal kombat
>'mature and respectful'

Attached: castlelu.jpg (400x228, 38K)

t. /fit/ manletoid

Umm excuse me but maybe you shitlords should educate yourselves

/have sex/i;

how can you read this shit without damaging your brain?

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All men should be naked and/or sexualized in every video game to please my dick. Prove me wrong.

It's our turn now, fuck off

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Either have everyone scantily clad or everyone fully clothed. You can't have it both ways.

this is the female version of Dead or Alive

>you'll never be Fabio the Pirate

>Mortal Kombat
>mature and respectful
Are we talking about the same franchise?

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Um... excuse me, but its actually REPUBLICANS (1887-FOREVER) who are the mentally ill ones

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40% yourself you stupid tranny

Might as well link to resetera.

im not sure if twitter agrees with you

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Autism: the post

>libs aren't suffering from brain damage

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Man, this board really is filled with incel feminists, isn't it?

I kinda wish there was a good chan to browse

no fucking way

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You're literally doing the same thing that fucking SJWs do right now. Are you gonna start complaining about feeling objectified now? Maybe start a petition? Are you really so insecure you can't handle seeing buff shirtless dudes? Cringe and bluepilled.

Oh, you mean a perfectly rational community? This board really needs to step up its moderation to make sure people like you don't have a voice. I gave you all the evidence to come to reality.

Honestly all they had to do was make some of the dudes wear skimpy clothes too (Actual skimpy, no bike shorts under the loincloth.) same with games like DoA, just add a bit of jiggle to the men, make them handsome and fuckable and no one will give a shit about skimpy hoes in bikini armor.

So the only ones at fault are the dudes too fragile to vote in favor of bulges and juicy pecs.

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If you complain about male body standards instead of rising to meet them you're pathetic.

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This unironically is on meninist level kys

If you complain about female body standards instead of rising to meet them you're pathetic.

Male sexuality funny and epic
Female sexuality gross and problematic

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He's not complaining about the shirtless dudes you know, he's complaining about the hypocrisy.

Fat men are beautiful and anyone who disagrees is wrong, deal with it.

Attached: real_men_have_curves.jpg (600x450, 34K)

Holy shit please jump into a pool of acid, you worthless human being

Strawman, we get ugly women in vidya because of pic.

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The art director for mortal kombat 11 is gay btw, in-case anyone wondered why the game is the way it is.

I agree. But I don't see any women whining about body standards in this topic.
Fucking disgusting. Every last human should be fit unless they have an illness.
You don't know what strawman means you dumb cunt. They're pathetic as well, but I expect more from my fellow man. Don't sink to their level.

lmao user no woman's wishing other women get fat, how sheltered do you have to be to think like this

I wouldn't but it is rather annoying when logical reasoning is disappearing from the world.

Guys fighting shirtless has always been considered normal. Do you just not acknowledge the existence of boxing and wrestling or some shit?

This is very true. Women don't want to improve themselves and hate other women who have.

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I'd be pissed off if he got deported as well, much easier to off him in Norway than in a sea of shitskins.

Some 1 post the picture with the women.

the only reason female sexyness is getting censored is because men are too used to whiteknighting women, so if a few women are bitching about how "sexual depiction of fictional women is disrespectful to women" there will be hordes of men protecting them, regardless of how questiomable their ideology is

if a man would complain about this everyone would just told him to grow some balls and start bitching about stupid shit

The truth is, booblets took over the development of MK11, and now who suffers are the characters they're jealous of.

what the fuck is a drive-by post? it must be so confusing to post on that gay little site

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Imagine them all fighting for the chance to suck your cock while you chill and try to convince them to share


It's literally called being a normal, functional human being.

Something a basement dweller whale feminist would never understand.

Too many FaggotGameDevs.

Modern MK is shit anyway

>Kano is just Michael Fassbender with some electronics slapped on his face and chest and a moustache

Oh yeah totally not meant to just be eyecandy guys.

>Mutty Kombat
western """"""""""""""videogames""""""""""""""" are vomit inducing

Why would gay game devs give a shit if a woman was sexily dressed in their game? The problem is pathetic beta males and the shrieking harpies that they cater to.

No one cares, bitch.

Are these people even self-aware?


Kano is literally Austin Aries, like they ripped him off so bad I hope for them they paid him for it or he can sue.

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Do you not see those shirtless men? Look at what they're doing to the Industry. Have you not noticed how reduced the boob physics in SoulCalibur 6 is?

yes, american mutt abominations are cringe

All the female characters in MK11 literally have the girl on the left's body though, I don't understand how anyone would think "SJWs" """won""""

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If you can't copywrite a dance, you can't copywrite a vague look.

>You’re already a fan of futa on male.
How did you know?

Face is 80% of the appeal. Would you rather fuck Rachel Cook with a stick body or a 90-60-90 body with a literal man face?

I wonder why the whole world didn't organize yet to completly genocide americans. Fucking subhumans without any honor and dignity. Literally destroy everything they touch and turn it to shit. I dont mind Asians,African Blacks, Latinos etc. but americans are truly fucking subhumans and the whole world would be a lot better if this whole country and people in it would cease to exist, thats a fact

There's literally nothing wrong with shirtless men. The problem is the double standard. Both men and women should be able to be sexy in games.

Imagine spending your entire life looking for extreme cases so you can pretend everyone who disagrees with you is identical to the extremes.

>The Goblin King
I'm intrigued.

All of the women are looking at the black guy, lol. Fucking whiteboys.

been saying this shit since MKX and it's like noone fucking seen this because the changes weren't THIS drastic back then, but it was clear even then that NRS started going down the feminazi slippery slope

who knows, maybe this shit will turn out favorably because it actually brings spotlight to how fucking hypocrite and nonsensical the ideologies are behind the female desexualization in gaming

Exactly, I blame the fucking Queers.

Okay, as long as you know that that makes no sense.

To equate showing skin with objectification is body shaming, you shitlord.

i thought your angry women were the problem

It makes perfect sense, what community are the jews exploiting to control western media? The LGBTQLMNOP Community.

What's wrong with the ladies in MK11? I think they all have fine bodies, just the faces suck because the devs are historically terrible with female faces

trannies are not women and will never be women

Yep, and the over whelming majority of them are either Lesbians or Jews.

It's like when the GoW4 director said there's no sex minigames because Kratos is "more mature" as if the premise of the game wasn't him moving to the woods to avoid being fucked with.

Their costumes and general designs being so sterelized is what puts me off of Jade. Skarlett has shit costume design, face, and hair. Jacqui in general is no. Only one I liked so far out of the gate is Cassie but her costume design is again too sterelized and doesn't stand out.

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Imagine dying because you believe in liberal fantasies about how we're all exactly the same and different races don't have different behaviors.

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I'm glad someone else thought this as well.

If they want a truly accurate depiction they'll make a whiny manlet cuck.

none of them are looking at the nigger, you stupid cuck


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really makes you think

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it's hilarious how mad you are when you're wrong

Why is the big disparity only really in America? You guys have fucking issues. Everyone else can own guns without murdering people but not you guys.

What will we do with these perfectly symmetrical, epitome of female facial perfection of a manface!!

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I was calling the woman in the moving picture a bitch, faggot.

Cassie Cage is unironically the only fuckable woman in all of MK11.

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You'll find out once your share of darkies becomes a larger percentage of the population.

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pretty much similar to spam, just with enough 'focus' to appear on-topic without any actual opinion, material statement, or merit to pass as a reasonable addition to the thread
usually just done to increase postcount along with starting useless back-and-forth arguments
entirely subjective and case-by-case, shitty mods can get away with using it as an excuse

I think Sonya is the only unattractive girl so far and that's fine considering her personality and age

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Whelp, I guess we're at that point: any complaint, no matter how legitimate or calmly stated is "seething".

What's so bad about Whites becoming a minority? Are minorities mistreated or something?

She reminds me of that retarded greasy elf in DA:I.


nothing some retard is shilling for oneangrygamer

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>"Fierce in Fur"
>Picture of a naked dude and a lion

Attached: where this is going.gif (360x202, 1.49M)

You're literally doing worse than some third world countries. Must be something in the water. Minorities in my country have similar crime rates to whites, maybe a bit higher.

If that face is meant to be hot for you, I have no longer any hope for the human race.

then you must be blind

>whats so bad about letting the group who destroy culture and civilization control the country

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you were talking to the .webm? haha

have you even seen a single tranny activist preeching any of this shit?
it's a bunch of angry femminist woman supported by whiteknighting men. This censoring shit is all about women representation not trans representation.

I understand that you hate your tranny boogeyman with a burning passion but keep your offtopic sperging in /pol/.

>game has american developers
almost puked

The share that same kind of downs face and nigger lips thing.

No, the people who currently make up minorities are shit tier and their population should be limited rather than increased. I don't know why groids think this is a cute talking point since it's Mexicans that are making whites a minority and they hate niggers.

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not currently, but they will be when a less generous, less perpetually guilt-ridden, and more violent group begin to make the rules.

They purposely mis-categorize the race of some criminals or else it would be skewed even worse.

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is this face created in oblivion?

You are the first one who brought him up itt, obsessed retard

they just look bland and boring, they don't look ugly/unattractive
they got all their curves removed, all skin covered, and in general lost all suggestive traits outside of having an okay looking female face

they got censored, except it wasn't a third party who forced a censorship but the ideology of the director

dem hover lips

are you tards blind? the woman are laughing at those guys

But Hebrews have done more for science, writing, cinema, law, medicine, art, architecture, and industry than anyone else in history. There would be no modern civilization without Israelites.


you sound retarded

>Sterile because they don't have double ds or their ass in a thong


the opinion of someone pretending to be a bisexual woman is just as valid so shuttup

Well, I guess I have that common with your picture then.

It wouldn't be enough of an issue if the devs themselves didn't specifically draw attention to how covering up women, giving them small breasts and 'realistic' faces is a sign of 'maturing' while making half of the males half-naked. It's pure hypocrisy and outright contradicts their own statements about how you wouldn't go into a fight half-naked.

lol you really think that don't you

have some of fap material Mk fanboys, thank me later

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also that hair is unironically worse than the pixiecut

Yeah I don't care man. Problems that don't affect my country aren't problems I care about.

>girls have to wear armor
>men have pure muscle

Attached: (((caravan))).jpg (1435x960, 203K)

>mfw I am 100% the Sarkeesian puppeteer is serious.

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You are experiencing website death

Then why were you asking about something not affecting your country, retard? Also it will affect your country at some point thanks to (((civil rights activists))) and (((humanitarians))).

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fuck off billy

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That's the face of a 180kg Landwhale ...


Whites are the only people who know how to get shit done. If whites turn into a minority in North America, and get voted out of being in charge because "fuck wypipo", it will end badly for everyone.

Asking why someone is shitting themselves is the same as saying I want to help or being involved with them shitting themselves. No it won't, we aren't morons.

cant believe leftists took over mortal kombat of all things

and thats why the double standard is so glaringly obvious and hilariously dumb. they couldnt have picked a worse target to take over to spread their propaganda in games.

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>yikes! found the incel

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damn imagine being this assblasted about a fictional character having sjw hair

>having to cover up their soft, puny bodies in order to stand a chance against a bunch of shirtless machomen
How can MK's female cast even compete?

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>MK devs are a bunch of faggots
Just be happy they aren't wearing nipple tassels.

where titty scorpion at?

It's already happening. Terrorist attacks weren't part and parcel until you started importing Muslims.

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>violence good sexy women bad
>sexy men good sexy women bad

Who the fuck is in charge of this shit, how did things become so bleak, how did beauty become utterly forsaken in western vidya?

Who is responsible for this


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One by one your safe spaces are being taken anonymousians.

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>men confine women to a single shape influenced by years of re-touching, otherwise those women are fat, ugly and have a manface
>women ask companies to stop re-touching because it gives the women who want to be thin and feminine and impossible goal to achieve
>somehow, what men take out of that is that women want other women to be fat and ugly

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What the fuck are you talking about, retard

It's literally the guy who made the series creating the game as he wants it to be

He's shit posting, 95% of the responses to every thread on Yea Forums are satire or bait.

Aposematism works for videogame developers too.

Attached: flint water.png (695x342, 46K)

Bro. Didn't you hear? Asians and Hispanics count as white now. Only very specific ethnicities count as PoC now.

as an American I agree with this post

They don't happen in my country. Again, sounds like a you problem.

This thread literally got all of its replies in like 2 minutes. What the fuck.

>try to convince everyone you arent committing a crime, then admit to it later in the exact same sentence

Is this niggardly or yiddish?

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you have to go back

>women ask companies to stop re-touching because it gives the women who want to be thin and feminine and impossible goal to achieve
Something is wrong with your brain if you automatically feel bad because someone prettier than you exists, and demand they to be taken out of the public eye as a result.


That's because you're a dyke. You're basically a subhuman straightoid with an ax wound.

Is funny that the retardera thread about the THQ thread on infinity chan was full of it but I saw nobody getting posted for that.

>respite from the culture war
This is bad why exactly? It's called escapism for a reason.

This does make a good funny post, but I admit it's also weird how the hypocrisy is so open

Prefrt Burka kombat to anything resembling pandering to gays honestly.

>it's a "yurofag is afraid to reveal whatever irrelevant country he is from while trashing America" episode
Never gets old

Because all developed countries are on the same team, especially US, UK, and the big ones in Europe. Televised politics is exactly that: televised politics. When you accept this, it all starts making more and more sense.

Boomer women read these.

Wrong again. And I like America on the whole, you just really need to get your shit together.

SJW's are hellbent on removing escapism options and enjoyment for men, it doesn't stop at vidya, look at all the whining about realistic sex dolls and AI and attempts to ban and regulate that

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You know aposematism is intended to keep predators at bay right

Escapism is a coping mechanism.

This is what faggots who can't comprehend separation of fantasy from reality say and think

jesus christ

it's different when it's fucking photographic fakery presented as reality

so you are not allowed to take a rest anymore ?

Bikini outfits are immature but so are excessively gory finishing moves. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

It's the definition of the word, NEET. Stop running from your problems.

you don't get it because you've resigned yourself to not achieve the goals society has set for men, but if you lived in the 50s when meeting those societal standards meant being part of the community or being ostracized, you would know what societal pressure feels like

oddly enough, feminists who asked for men to not be the sole providers, or be tall, dark and hansome is probably what enables your current behavior, otherwise you'd be a druggie or dead from being a failure according to society

to be fair that one rendition of skarlet would be too embarassing on center stage of EVO
someone might pick that skarlet and general audiences might think "what manchild thought of that outfit"
If you can ooze sex appeal in a more tasteful way, you end up looking smarter, more refined
Assuming that they even attempt to

>photographic fakery
imagine being this assblasted .

It also keeps men they like at bay.

to bad you didnt get the game

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>complaining about losers on Yea Forums

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Not him but I kinda get it. I work out and I'd get bummed out if I only compared myself to people on gear. Comparing myself to natty lifters is fine though.

>men confine women to a single shape
Where exactly do you get that from? What evidence do people have of all men only wanting women to look like your picture?

Why doesn't this game have any sexy shirtless men with big bellies? I'm not a fan.

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You're mixing metaphors.

This reminds me of a chick we knew in college. Her boyfriend broke up with her and got a sex doll, we only found out about it because she went fucking ballistic and started posting pictures of him with his sex doll all over school. Then she was expelled when they found out that she GOT the picture by sneaking into his dorm room at night

Basically, bitches B crazy

>t. real nigga
fuck you I know the state of france and sweden yurotard

You're mentally ill. Seek help.

The devs are from california?

>a literal nigger is mouthing into the mic with a baby crying in the background
>he plays kabal, literally starts crying in the middle of the first match that (chain reaction) scorpion is "broken"
>go into character select and pick kabal who I dont even play, he picks chain reaction
>can hear how red his face is when he starts losing, whining about "injustice" when I back off for a second and let him hang himself
>rush in and kill him with cancel pressure, he screams and quits in the middle of the second round

I cant believe retards like these are allowed to play competitive games

so you work and think about work and do nothing else ? you don't do any sports , go to the gym , read a book or play video games ? because you don't want to run from your problems.

It's women and gay guys defending it and perpetrating it at NRS as well. I just read a thread on the biggest MK site about this. It was Logical Users pointing out hypocrisy, getting flamed for it, then those very flamers devolve the thread into how sexy and "daddy" the half naked chars are. Not ironically, either. They were called out for it near the end and they said "So what" essentially.

Here's one of the pages:’re-not-going-to-wear-a-bikini-to-a-fight.68681/page-21

lmao, 3DPD are so irrational

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>When you're so starved of actual sexy women in media you think this is attractive

>Not all men
Come on dude, you know that's not how it works. It was decided by corporations trying to pander to the greatest common denominator among men.

>freaking out over subculture staples like sidecuts and dyed hair appearing in a fucking cyberPUNK game
What a fucking sped.

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Honestly everyone in video games should be nude, it might distract from how shit the games are. But everyone has to have tiny penises so I don't feel bad.


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yes we find this way better

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No, I think I'll play video games instead and pretend nothing is wrong, that's a healthy response.

Inshallah brother

stuff like this only gives them attention, if you want to make an statement just don't buy the game
I assure you, they'll be having sluts back again in no time

>It was decided by corporations
so you're basing your entire philosophy on what corporations push and not actual reality?