Who is hyped?
Who is hyped?
5 sucked
4 was best
Tropico 2 pirate cove was best tho
has anything changed from 3?
they all look the same to me
Heard from Beta players that it's just 5 with some more stuff. 5 was an abomination, so I'm not convinced.
5 was terrible and 6 looks exactly like 5 with only a few new features that don't justify making a whole new game
It's like they knew 5 was a disaster so they took the remaining DLC and withheld it to make it a "new" game
5 didn't need to be so bad, I really enjoyed the different ages of the game, except they did absolutely fuck-all with that system
You're forced out of the colonial age rather than letting you make a comfy simple island paradise selling sugar and stuff and fighting off pirates
Litterally everything is improved And 100x more content
No fuck off
4 is the only good Tropico.
5 was unplayable.
Kalypso needs to fucking give the player more control over their island and make the citizens not completely retarded. 5 was just a never-ending fight against migration and people who'd rather live in shacks than perfectly fine apartments that didn't exactly fit their profile. Most of my time playing 5 was spent trying to somehow deal with those two things.
How stupid are you?
Not stupid enough to buy the same game again, unlike you fucktarded shill.
Why is 5 so hated?
Don't get me wrong 4 is superior obviously, but 5 is still more or less the same exact game only a little bit worse. Do people find so little enjoyment in Tropico that making it a bit worse suddenly turn iit into unplayable garbage?
Same thing happened with DeS2 for a while, it worse than the first, but people treated it like it was the single worse game in history for some reason while in reality it was just as slightly worse DeS.
1 is the only good Tropico
I wish they'd say "fuck it" and release an open source version of 4 since it's the only good one. Let the community fix it up.
>Why is 5 so hated?
>5 was just a never-ending fight against migration and people who'd rather live in shacks than perfectly fine apartments that didn't exactly fit their profile. Most of my time playing 5 was spent trying to somehow deal with those two things.
Read the posts you repliy to.
Tropico 6 Will save the RTS genre
>be tropico 5 immigrant
>migrate to tropican island even though el presidente officially halted immigration
>like i give a fuck
>i'm college educated, so i expect luxury apartments, even though i'm not even supposed to be on the island
>there is no luxury apartment, just a regular aparment, rent free
>fuck that shit, i'd rather live in the slum and blame the government for everything
Actually, they more I think about it, Tropico 5 is a pretty good representation of real-life politics.
That is just one anecdote, and was never a huge problem in my own experience.
4 has more micromanagement, you can control wages and rent. You can have foreign investors build factories on the island in exchange for cash. You can have speeches during elections to entice people and make promises. El Presidente can go around to different buildings and boost them. You make 1 President with a variety of traits that revolves around your playstyle. There is a lot more that I'm forgetting, but none of this is in 5.
5 was made with consoles in mind first and it shows. 5 removes stuff from 4 and introduces new ideas like the Dynasty and the Era system, but doesn't do anything with either of them, they are good ideas with bad implementation. The only good thing I can think of they introduced in 5 is that farms are "set" buildings so that crops don't just randomly spawn in around the farm.
No difrent work mods for buildings
And dynasty system when you have el presidente with only one trait and a few familly members with one trait each
Only el presidente trait is global and barely do anything when you family could only apply trait to one build per member
Again most of the content behind dlc
Constant rebel you could have like 80% happines and fucckers still destroy you'r buldings because you army can not arrive at attack place at time.
Also some people did't like idea of difefrent eras
Don't get me wrong I fully agree that 5 is more or less worse in every way. Just not irredeemably worse is my point. It's still a Tropico game that shares 99% of it's gameplay with the previous game. It's still quite a bit of fun. Just not as fun as the previous game.
Though obviously Haemimont can go fuck themselves for basically making the same game 3(4) times in a row while still refusing to improve the lackluster and badly thought out features from the previous game and basically releasing patches/expansions as sequels, along with making maximum jew type DLC for each of them.
We will never get mod support
All i want is to mod cocain opium and weed
And smuggle it to Usa and Ussr when being untochable thanks to nuclear program
user, if they make a sequel to a game that is 99% clone of the previous game, but worse, it deserves all the hate you can give it.
It deserves to be hated on for being a lazy as fuck cashgrab. Just kinda odd seeing people treat it like it's unplayable game that has no redeeming factors.
Well 6 is a lot better than 5
>t. beta player for 80 hours
>better than 5
That's not hard to accomplish. Is it good by any objective standard?
I wish I had more time to play with the free beta, but I enjoyed it. You can set farms to run in multi-culture work mode where soil fertility doesn't diminish over time in exchange for a hit to productivity that's mitigated by the number of different crops being grown on farms in the vicinity. I just mention that as one interesting mechanic that stuck out; if there's similar depth to all aspects of the game it'll be pretty cool in my book. Ultimately I'm going to wait for reviews, not sure how much of my positivity was just from having something new to fuck around with
How much controls do you have, how much micro-management is there.
What happened to those other two games they made? I remember they recently made a railroad game and a "european town" version of Tropico.
Are there still eras and dynasties?
never played Tropico before. what do you exactly do in the games?
Yes. I played a little Tropico 5 and I remember that those were cool-sounding features that never did very much (for me anyway), but I don't know to what extent Tropico 6 builds on them.
Yes to eras, no to dynasties.
4 is universally agreed to be the best and it's also regularly cheap as hell
its a city builder with extra gimmicks
you are the dictator of an island nation
you can choose to be a full blown dictator with a large military and uneducated populace slaving away in farms, or a benevolent president who acquiesces to elections and tries his/her best to please the people of tropico
you can be full blown gommunist or capitalist
you can make a tropical tourist paradise, a dystopian christian hegemony, a nationalist communist utopia, etc.
Build statues.
>you can be full blown gommunist or capitalist
I wish the economic spectrum was a little wider honestly. You can't really go full communist because you always pay wages and citizens always have to pay for entertainment, and you can't really go full capitalist because food, education, and healthcare are always free. Though it does give you a lot more flexibility in this regard than most games
I just want 4 but not as ridiculously easy
There was absolutely zero reason to even have a military because rebels were a non issue
I want a version the rebels regularly take over parts of your island so you have a damn good reason to go full dictator
oh and fuck the xpacs aesthics and fuck enforced organic fish farms
The games have blended together for me since 3. And the insane amount of DLC is a turn-off.
There are edicts in 5 & 6 where you can make citizens pay for food and healthcare, and in 6 even going to church is taxable.
>fuck the xpacs aesthics and fuck enforced organic fish farms
Use LockNot from, it says it's no longer supported but it works on my updated Steam version. It lets you hold shift while clicking a building category to get a list of all the obsoleted buildings in that category
Interesting, I'm probably gonna have to end up buying 6.
Ayo where the crack at
I dont understand how to make money in 6 beta