Risk of rain
Risk of rain 2 thread
Other urls found in this thread:
How the fuck do I kill the golden titan, he's invulnerable
PROTIP: To defeat the Golden Titan, shoot it until it dies
>"merc is bad"
>"merc is slow"
>"mercs abilities dont do damage"
merc's damage is a joke
3/4 spaces free.
Didn't though about it but people are begging or can't aford 20$ cus they already spend too much this month and previous one (RE2, DMC5, Sekiro) dunno if it's a dev mistake
There's some altars shit around the place wich you need to pay and active one by one when all are activated he will lose his invul.
ya want 2$ rust skins for that gift? :^)
who's saying that merc is such a fun and actually good to play
Can my computer run ROR2?
game is kinda hard if you get bum rolls
Waiting on 1 more player, so come on down-
holy shit merc is fun as hell
Is engi trash again? I dont see anyone talking about it. Also where are my loaderchads at? Hes getting in right?
pirate it, its only 500mb and see it your self
i dunno i've gotten pretty far with him, his turrets make farming money really easy.
Fug, I need to git gud with him
>tfw no Glass
How the hell do I get Lunars?
I'm so pissed, I had no idea it was gonna be out this quick and I'm fucking broke so I can't buy it.
play the game they j
someone please give me the game i have to pay for damage to my car 20 dollars is too much ill fucking kiss u
okay give me your hotmail or steam and i will give it to you
can't wait to pull another 1k hours into RoR
I have an important question, how close RoR2 is to RoR, how many projectiles can you see at the same time, how many enemies are on the screen, was RoR2 streamlined to fit 3D environment, fun balls ?
Does anyone know if they are going too add workshop/mod support?
Never played Risk Of Rain but always see threads for it on here, what is it lads?
Really liking 2 so far, but i hope people don't forget 1. I feel like I'll want to go back and play it sometimes
Give it to me instead, I don't even have a car
>run goin fantastically with a friend
>14 bullet casings or whatever they're called
>destroying fucking everything as engie
>try statue out of curiosity cuz its new
>gives me 29 banners, if I level up the thing covers most of the stage
>4 infusion
>3 meathooks
I don't know what I was expecting
Why did they change him?
okay give me email or steam then
Only 4 players are possible, you will not reach insane amount of balls or enemies on the screen
Its a bit slower but the amount of enemies can overwhelm you way easier. Instead of speedy zoom zoom it feels like a zombie apocalypse in distinct locations. The bosses are mostly fun too. Havent found many ways to cheese stuff yet, or rather you have to cheese to survive as in hopping around a corner to avoid lasers targeting you.
Its a different kind of fun that feels nostalgic to the sidescrolling experience.
He’s too swole to control
Try walking next to him. They just made his eye work.
>card is over a decade old
literally why
Has anyone completed the prismatic trails on huntress? I keep on getting one shot by the laser of the second stage boss.
I will wait the 75% off.
>friend was complaining that Cautious Slug sucks and that he wants more damage items
>"what's this shrine?"
True story. Hope he learned his lesson.
It's a lot of Risk and not much Rain
Anyone having issues not doing any damage at all? Hitmarker doesn't even show.
Can I disable items on my character? I wanna keep the base model.
How did you manage to get so many items in 44 minutes that's wack
first-person mode when?
Game gets progressively more difficult as time goes on, have to balance clearing enemies for money to open chests to get items and not letting the time get too high so that you get outscaled. Very fun with other people. Still decent solo, but multiplayer is where it shines.
>had ukuleles will o wisps and cooldown and like 5 hoofs
>printed hoofs into syringes
>mfw 20 syringe stack huntress on third level in second lap
I chose tho lose FAST. But I traded it for FAST.
open chests a lot
It's this
pro tip, merc can stand on many enemies and just avoid damage altogether. for example you can dash onto the jellyfish boss and completely avoid most of his attack save for that electric aoe.
i wish they make final space base level into 3d
okay sent ;)
Post Huntress butt
here u go senpaitachi
Is it meant to take a lifetime to open chests? I stand around for 10 seconds waiting for something to pop up or did I join a shitty host?
Post Artificer butt instead
>character is fine because it gets carried by items
yeah just ignore the fact it's the lowest dps from the start and can't even kill mobs fast cause lol melee
I keep seeing people say "only 4 player co-op", did RoR have more than 4? I was never in time for Yea Forums threads and only played with 2 or 3 other friends.
I hope they update teleporters so they're more visible, it seems like a lot of people are having the same problem.
I've given up on getting to that box in under 10 minutes because I can't seem to find the damn thing half the time.
I can't even beat lvl 1 consistently.
what am I doing wrong? how many relics hsould I aim for before activating the boss (assuming I can even find the teleporter)
how do you dodge the jellyfish's one shot aoe
>they gave the beetle queens giant tits
Absolutely fucking based
I was too slow but pretty based user anyway
>tfw no sniper
>not making puzzles to avoid key bots
loot everything
dodge the jellyboom with literally dodging as it gets to you to boom
Rush the teleporter. I've only unlocked one character but I found the huntress to be better than the first guy. Is the default character underpowered?
huntress is worse than the commando by far, rushing is wrong. but it's all personal pref honestly, but some people prefer shit
he's the same as in ror1 really, just a decent middle ground option, starts off kinda weak until you find some proc items and then he gets good
RoR was 4 players aswell but the host could change his file and he could host up to 10 players. in RoR 2 it is not possible to change this number, or so far at least. Still people on Yea Forums played with 10 people which broke the game in most cases, caused a massive shitstorm with too many enemies and such since the official support is 4. still these games were fun despite everybody dying in level one or two
I don't have any friends, does this have online lobbies where I can join randos? looks like it might get old fast in singleplayer and I haven't played the first one to know enough
>Rush the teleporter
Where the hell is the teleporter anyway? I know that its random but in most cases im lost running around the map and looking for it, in level 2 I got stuck since I couldnt find the portal despite looking for it for like 40mins
>use shrine
>44 wisps
you can hide behind a wall and the blast wont do damage too you.
if you have a gift i could play with you, i know one guy that wants some online action too
look for red embers. Find teleporter and pay attention to embers, their range is pretty big.
I've actually found Commando to be much better in RoR2 than in the original. His range is pretty damn good and he can hit practically anything and once he gets items he becomes a JOAT rather than MoN.
I'm sure they'll add larger player support in the future, especially with the quickplay option and server browsing.
>how do you dodge the jellyfish's one shot aoe
You mean the big explosion? Hiding behind stage props seem to work, if you can't time your dodge skills right.
The tele in the swamp level is basically impossible to find rn
>use huntress boomerang
>all wisps dissaapear
I heard you liek dakka
Post keys
>I've actually found Commando to be much better in RoR2 than in the original. His range is pretty damn good and he can hit practically anything and once he gets items he becomes a JOAT rather than MoN.
Commando has always been
>stack needles, stack glasses and ukulele, everything dies.
wew lad
here user
I found an usable item called "Her Biting Embrace", and the descriptions says "Become an aspect of ice".
It doesn't do shit when I press Q, anyone knows what it is?
it makes you cool
Why is the robot so OP?
Also where is the save file located, I dont want to farm lunar coins for 10 hours
>kill the immortal man for him
>thinking he'll leave me a nice present
>it's just an hero tooth
t-thanks friend, good luck being dead
My wishlist right now is
>More visible teleporter
>Radar detecting teleporter
>Waypointing/ping system for multiplayer
>Make teleporters more visible, at least when you're close by
>Make wandering vagrant's AoE explosion more clear about when it goes off (as a first level boss it shouldn't be so tricky)
>Make resolution for windowed mode save when you quit and reopen RoR2
>Have the name of an item you're buying appear in the vendor before you buy it
What other qol improvements should be suggested
Wrong thread
absolutely embarrassing, sorry lads.
carry on as you were
>>Waypointing/ping system for multiplayer
click the mouse wheel you doofus
You can ping things in multiplayer by clicking with the scroll wheel, dude.
Where's the rusty chest?
Is there a ending yet?
Can i open those locked stone doors?
>3d printer gets locked out during a boss fight
it was fun while it lasted
fuck magma worm
Ok will give it a shot
wait what do you mean with impossible? Its spawn in a really crappy location or something? because Like I said I spent like +50mins running around the swamp level and didnt find it so i assumed that it spawned outside of the level or something
...wait, that thing can be blocked by terrain too? God, that did not seem like the case.
what is this immortal man user?
thank you
It's pretty much 50% off right now, and the game will be more expensive when it leaves EA
There IS a ping system. I just can't figure out how to do it again, but I'm pretty sure you can ping your location.
Is this game even possible on hardcore?
It's a chappie in Sekiro who you can train with cause he's immortal n that
The stone doors aren't special. They're just one of the map end elements. Sometimes they're open, sometimes they're not.
that door is sometimes open, it varies from run to run
I don't know about the one in aqueduct
how do you open them?
All those haters that were talking shit about RoR2 can suck a dick. This game is fucking amazing.
Post Cool Commandos.
I even got the bug wings but you can't see them here.
Are the doors opened randomly or you need to do something?
You don't
ah, ok
well, enjoy your sekiro user
yeah i always thought you had to like jump right before it explodes or something but no you just stand behind something
The vagrant releases massive fucking wave to indicate he is about to explode, how much warning do you need shitter
>ror2 has more loot than anthem
Are there map secrets, or not until artifacts are in? Cause the description for one of the environment logs implies one
>heal while stationary
why would they do this
What the shit, why can't I click continue? nothing works!
>5 rusted keys
I'm guessing not till artifacts, unless some of the characters are.
>that door is sometimes open, it varies from run to run
>I don't know about the one in aqueduct
Am I the only one who figured that out
Theres a dedicated button for it my dude. Just look in the button set up. It marks whatever your crosshairs are looking at, from chests to shrines to enemies. If you aren't looking at an object itll mark the closest ground point in the direction you're looking as a waypoint to coordinate movement
RIP MUL-T, your robo-dick was too huge for this world
One of the challenges literally talks about a hidden area in the desert zone
Her right cheek looks weird
what does this mean
Imminent nerf
What is everyone's opinion on the characters so far? Mercenary is fun as fuck.
Characters used for the prismatic trials leaderboard i'd imagine
I hate how hopoo turned glass into an item. Bullet sponge bosses aren't fun to fight.
Does Naturopath include natural regen? Or just healing from other sources like items/equips
>tfw none of my friends want my copy of ror2
what do I do with it, lads?
The portals are not a problem, just like the first game learn the spawn pattern and you'll get used to it
However I don't seem to able to dodge the wandering vagrant aoe, it just get one shooted no matter how far I go, any help anons?
its the prismatic trial ranking
hoopoo more like hoopoo-in-loo haha
Commando is so fun I might end up sticking with him. Does anyone know how Engineer plays?
>Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all!
>Nothing at all
So do you need to loop to see the merc portal or is it rng? Do I have to use one of those lunar things for it?
Wait the new game is out? When did this happen?
Is there an alternate 3rd zone? I've only seen the ice/arctic level for it the 2 times I got ther
top 15 best runs in the game are all the roboy, minus one lone spaceman
Find better friends.
give it to me
Leave it for later so you can trade it or something
>no AA
game is fun but fuck its hard to look at sometimes
i can take it if you want to play together
Its random but seems like it has a higher chance of appearing on loop?
Randomly in the middle of yesterday, no joke.
For the idiots in this thread who can't seem to find the teleporter, there is a very simple way to find it. The teleporter will have red particles floating around it which extend a reasonable distance. Just keep your eyes peeled and get somewhere high. They can be spotted from very far away if you don't have a shitty computer, and I've been able to find the teleporter within 30 seconds on every map.
press shift
or go behind a wall
Engineer is shit
Robot is by far the most powerful and there is basically no reason to play commando vs him
there are 6 zones in early access at the moment.
2 zones for the first, 2 zones for the second, and only 1 for both the third and fourth.
Total surprise yesterday. Gearbox announced it at their PAX panel
feels good
Alright lads, how do I open that grate door on the Aquaduct desert level?
I did it
I finally did it
also the other commando rage quit because he kept falling down
I feel ya on Vagrant. Of all the bosses, it feels the most threatening to me.
That AoE is just too much with seemingly no way to get by it.
It also can fuck over Huntress if it gets into the sky. No way to hit it with arrow rain, really chunks her damage output.
Why is everyone calling the release a "surprise" they have been saying for months on their tumblr they were releasing early access Q1, and these were the last 3 days of Q1
Commando is getting nerfed
I've played MUL-T and while he's wicked OP, his needle gun just doesn't feel right and it's a little off-putting.
Is there a way to exchange gifts without getting scammed? trading only works after a month
by trading with a kind hearted user
Yeah, just use me as a middle man.
gifts can be exchanged for gifts, still could be a scam as just refunding the purchase at your bank leaves the guy you traded with with a broken game and you still get the stuff from the trade
so is CPU the main cause of slowdown with this game then?
towards the end sometimes even when not much appears on screen it tends to slow down a bit.
I have an older CPU, I7-3770k.
yes it's possible to do it without getting scammed
no it's not possible without the RISK of getting scammed
>tfw you could have just bought my spare copy & we'd both be happy
try reinstalling?
once you post benis
>Want to take advantage of the buy 1 get 2 deal
>Don't want to do it only to refund it in case my PC can't run it
Is there a cracked version out yet? I don't mean the one floating around where you have to trick steam into thinking it's Payday 2, I mean one outside of that.
I want to check how it runs on my PC before I buy anything.
Calling out any low spec anons what are your system specs and game settings I need to know for my friend
Anyone tested this with Proton? I need to know if it'll run on Linux before buying it.
idk I have an i5 and the game runs 60+ fps on high
maybe update your drivers and see if that helps?
>gifts can be exchanged for gifts
even before the 30 day trading restriction ends?
I have the same problem in multiplayer late game with a i7 3770s and a 1070ti
Something I'd like to see:
If I ping the teleporter, it'd be nice if the tele was always marked after that.
I know people are complaining about just finding it, I had a bit of issues in the beginning, but it's not that bad now that I know the maps and general spawn locations.
I mean I got 3 rusted keys last run
Thats fungus bro
Turns out the Primordial Cube can drag enemies through walls. Spent the last ten minutes whittling down a boss stuck outside the map by shooting at the wall and sometimes hitting it with Brilliant Behemoth explosions.
I have. Maxed out and plays like a dream on 1440p. Has a platinum rating on ProtonDB as well: protondb.com
please clap for me
I need the pointless validation from strangers on an anonymous board
What rusted keys do?
hopoo weren't capable of making ror1 run well so I wouldn't put it past shitty code
not sure what you mean by trading restriction, but if you buy a game as a gift and decide to store it as an item, you have to wait untill the restriction passes to trade it, after that it works just like a regular item
where's the lobby?
Congrats user! Prepare to go full on badass!
Some user said that clicking your middle mouse button tags chests, items and teleporters.
I'm not sure if it works, since I'm still waiting to check how the game runs before i buy it, but give it a try.
Open rusted lockboxes
Thank you
Yeah, it seems to be the case. When I looked in task manager I noticed only 2 cores are being used, which isn't very good news for my phenom II.
because they converted it to 3D it will never reach the epicness of ROR1. ROR1 will forever be better than ROR2 because of the "chaos".
No wonder why Yea Forums is full of console fags, whenever a PC exclusive comes out, I always see shit like this or screenshots on the lowest possible settings.
Any time, user
anybody wanna share the price for a copy? preferably german user
Its 500mg. It runs on a fucking toaster you fucking manchild.
I know how to ping, user. I said it in the post. When you ping it like that though, it only lasts for like... 20 seconds at most.
The way I'm talking, I want to ping it and have it be perma tagged, like when you run away from the tele while it's charging.
it's 60+ fps on high @ 1440p most of the time just I usually start getting some slowdown when it gets really cuhrazy near the end...even when the enemies aren't actually being drawn which makes me assume CPU. Maybe I'll put a graph on next time with afterburner or whatever and see what's actually hitting the wall.
interesting...probably doesn't bode well for consoles if it's only using 2 threads.
Just contact the support, and they'll give you back your items. It happened to me a few years ago.
If there's clay monsters where is the actual claymen?
What if there's clay worms
It's a unity game so probably not. It wouldn't be impossible to make mods for it, but creating a mod framework that streamlines it the way workshop does would be incredibly time consuming.
doesn't run on mine so i refunded it after playing for 10 mins
*unzips dick*
here's you're claymen bro
First 2 people to reply 'god I love feminine cock' get a copy, make sure to include your steam name
lobby ID: 109775240998125799
No, your gpu is too shit.
I can wait 5 to 10 years for a discount.
but I aint gay user
i'll still join tho
Are they going to add always run at some point? Why would you ever want to walk in this game?
god I love feminine cock
will trade my extra copy for hollow knight
you save like 3 bucks it's a fucking steal
>Huntress needs to lock on in order to use her first and second ability
I hate this, in RoR1, I just shove a boomerang from a far and bunch die while I'm safe.
Somehow notice that RoR2 doesn't give opportunities for making breathing room compare to the first
>the abandoned aqueduct area log
game is the tits, they perfectly translated the gameplay into a 3d shooter. however I wish it had a map that updates or at least permanent markers so you can keep track of where everything is if you want to explore
How can you stand playing the early levels of merc long enough to get to this point
Really can't get into it. It's pretty much an entirely different genre with roughly the same premise.
I just wanted more RoR1 content.
lets do this negroes
You and I are one of few. I tried giving that as feedback and it got downvoted to hell.
Just found out how to change your save data. It was exactly where it should have been. I'm dumb.
wat de fug
It's so that she doesn't outshine dedicated long-range classes like multi and the upcoming sniper. Huntress is purely mid-range.
why am i just taking random damage for no reason I'm not even out of bounds i died because of this bullshit
Have a gift I'm willing to share. exclusive to turkish storepost id
miner, sniper, arid, bandit WHEN
HOLY SHIT what's wrong with these fuckers? They are waaay too fucking strong
engie was never trash, and he's good in this game too
Does anyone have the "beep boop fuck the worm" picture? Want to make a edit for the new bot
They're a boss.
>get red whip x2, hopoo feather and whatever items makes you sprint faster
>VERY fast commando going at incredibly high speed
>run around the second level for ten minutes
>teleporter literally didnt spawn anywhere, even went out of bounds with feather to check
If you ping the item from the vendor, the name will pop up in the chat window.
I got it open too when I was playing with friends.
How do you choose what item to surrender when printing?
Yeah I know that, still way stronger than all the other bosses combined
You dont
I love this image
>mfw several monster energy zero ultras and roman shields with the robot
Okay faggots, post character ideas that aren't from the first game and hope based Hopoo is reading the thread.
actually correct
Have the other player health bars prioritized to the top of the allies list, it's troublesome to pick out my dudes through 50 gunner turrets
try statue into 18 drinks
Goat Hoof > Energy Drink >>>> Red Whip
Stop bullying the poorfags that can't afford the game, user. You didn't always have money or live in the first world, did you?
how slow is that piece of shit and why do you have it?
please user, share your secrets
You have to be 18 or older to browse this site
If you're over 18 and don't have 20 dollars youre a brainlet
Seems pretty interesting that the game went from a side scroller to a 3rd person shooter. I never played the first one, how does this play?
It's the suggestion thing on the discord
Is that not a bug? I noticed that a lot myself and kept myself airborne because of it, but I just assumed I was abusing something unintended. The titans are crazy easy shit with him just sitting on its head
Alien/robot frog/newtman that uses his tongue to either drag himself towards enemies/walls or to drag them towards him. Has a high as fuck base jump and high air movement speed, but is fucking slow on the ground. Attacks are all melee, but have a slightly shorter range than merc since he's not using a weapon other than his fists. I have no idea what could be his other, non-tongue and basic punch skills, though. Maybe he can throw or suplex enemies for a shockwave?
any idea if this will run on (pretty recent) integrated graphics?
I don't know what came first, the risk of rain or the misery
>tfw bought risk of rain 2 for last eurocoins and now have to starve for 3 days
my wishlist
>more red particles for teleporter
>more levels
>more enemies
>chat in MP screen before character select
so is anyone interested in selling his other copy?
>You and your team mates all see a lunar coin at the same time.
Like the first one except you have to aim now.
You know all those shooters coming out for the past few years that are just "guns but you have powers too" like Warframe, Overwatch, Destiny etc? This is like those except balance goes out the window and you can become as overpowered as you want, the only thing stopping you is an army of ayys. Things get really crazy, really fast.
>How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
>“We look at 1.0 in three parts—first, delivering more content (10 characters, 10 stages, 12 bosses, and over 100 items). Then, delivering a true ending and boss fight to match. Finally, we want to make sure the game is super polished by the time we go 1.0. This includes game features as well as localization beyond just English.”
How is this compared to RoR1?
Poorfag i'd buy you a copy but i can't
>red whip printer
>turn all my greens into red whips
>300%+ movespeed achievement
>die to boss
worth it, easily
Tried that already also tried verifying game files and I've also tried restarting and deleating the save files in "C:\Users\*******\AppData\LocalLow\Hopoo Games, LLC\Risk of Rain 2" and restarting my computer and nothing works. I've seen other users with the same problem on the steam forum and most of them seems to be Vietnamese or Chinese.
I'm not a poorfag, I bought the game yesterday. But I feel pity for the poor souls that can't but pirate this game.
>blazing stone titan
I wish this thing didn't instantly end my runs. It's annoying as fuck even if you have cover because that laser melts you.
Even if you have super speed and can actually outrun it if you make one single mistake it's over.
So has the multiplayer experience improved since last game ? do they have dedicated servers ? do you have to fuck around with port forwarding ?
>Tfw engie is still fun even in 2
Oh boy this is great
just sell the free copy dumgo
or give it to me
Slower, clunkier, easier.
N please
have to suicide myself
Has anyone managed to get all the items at once? Wanna see what kind of monstrosity your character becomes
Only because you asked nicely
>tfw you've been sequenced
this is a good game
I really want enforcer to return but at the same time enforcer works well in q because it was 2d, I can't see him translating well to 3d unless they make his deployed shield honking ginormous
Alright so I'm fairly convinced I want to get this game and give the extra copy to a friend since we both loved ROR1. Are there any cons at all I should be aware of because in all of these threads I have seen next to no complaining which is fucking miraculous by Yea Forums standards
waiting for fourth
JOIN OR I'LL say mean things about YOUR MOTHER
Why is this game so fucking easy op?
Go get em, champ.
YOU! Yes, you, thinking about buying this game.
I will gift you my extra copy if you gift me Hollow knight. It's a good deal for you. Consider it.
Only downside is these lunar coin drops are horrendous. Get in here user.
There's no end game yet and you're going to get frustrated trying to find the teleporter since the idea of a light beacon is a foreign concept to hopoo. It also gets old quickly if you've played the shit out of RoR1 simply because you've played so much of it already.
It's gonna be on early access for 12 months. But they're gonna up the price when they launch it.
come here, only one more needed
our squad went into the green portal
how foolish of us
What's the green portal, user? I just experienced the blue and celestial portals.
I can't hit anything with the mage. Her projecticles never seem to connect even when I lead the target.
Ok so what's the best way to grind lunar coins? I really wanna play mage.
>use shrine of order
>get 10 shrooms
>heal 150/s
>can literally just stand still in fourth level & not take damage
>people activate teleporter on other side of the map
>as soon as I start moving I die
>notice that the portal is a bit different from the bazaar portal
>hop in
>"would you like to kys?"
at least I got a new char but that 126k pts run could go for another hour
if you're going to lie at least make it convincing
damage stops shroom regen
Merc feels anime as hell and it's fucking great
Ok the teleporter needs to fucking change.
It's way too small and blends way too much into the background. It's impossible to see from a far on the snow level
There's really no pattern for when they drop, elite enemies seem to do it most of the time but I can never get more than 3 per run
seeing this for the first time was absolute kino
I have a copy to give away so if you want it post your profile and I'll add you
if you have more than 100 games then fuck off you greedy jew
How much content is there so far compared to the first risky rain?
Bandit is def coming back, not really sure how well the rest of the cast would work. I miss old huntress ulty
>use shrine of order
>all of my good shit turns into keys
>can't even find it on the next level
this is bs
pls gib fren
It launched as early access, user. It's not even 1.0. It obviously doesn't have as much content and there is a lot of work in development.
Roughly the same amount of levels, less characters, no artifacts. There's room for improvement but the same could have been said about the first.
>use lunar coin shrine thing
>takes away almost all of items
not as much. it is an early access game that just released after all.
might aswell try
The snow level is objectively the best level in the entire game
Shit, grabbed a couple too many free games over the years
Aw fuck it, I'll try anyways
added you
oh my god
>try game on easy
>everything is easy, as advertised
>no on-screen way to notify anyone that you're playing on easy, nor on the end screen
Ha, now I see how you all got so far, fuckers.
It's $20 now with a free copy and it'll just be more expensive when it's out of EA, so you may as well get it now if you don't wanna wait, like, two years for a sale to come through.
Far as I can tell, planned content includes four heroes and artifacts, and I'm willing to bet they're planning on adding end game content eventually as well.
Isn't the robot supposed to be able to pick up two active objects at the same time?
dw I see you, if the first guy doesn't respond I'll give it to you
>>no on-screen way to notify anyone that you're playing on easy
top right next to the timer you retard
Aight dude gimme a sec
First time in multiplayer, only got commando
Help me unlock merc or i will steal your memes.
dont get my hopes up user
I'm kinda afraid that sniper will play completely differently.
Yeah, but you have to switch weapons. One goes on the railgun, the other on the nailgun.
Someone give me their extra copy please god
Shit didnt want to quote
Damn, you got me. Didn't even notice.
People are just used to things like last minute delays.
>tfw only playing merc because it's the closest thing we have to acrid at the moment
Holy shit this is so good, nail gun + black hole cube is broken
I wanna play this but buying 2 copies seems like a waste.
What do with the second one?
OH SHIT NIGGER I just put the black hole on the railgun, is it possible to switch them?
So why is the robot allowed to have two different guns (spray and pray + sniper) and also two different actives?
>Engineer turrets get the same abilities as the items you're wearing
Engineer still based as fuck.
What the fuck is this game?
he responded, sorry
cause he doesn't have a 4th ability
i can usually find them except for the swamp area
you're supposed to have black hole on railgun and HUD on nailgun
succ + infinite crits as long as you hold LMB with the nailgun
Lobby ID: 109775240998125799
reminder, if you type 'I love feminine cock!' along with your steam name, you get a free copy! (up to 2 only) Sad nobody's claimed yet :(
because he has no second active? what kind of question is that?
If I exit the game and come back later will my Lunar coins still be there?
they removed my homing rockets though
'I love feminine cock!
Steam id is pon3 I'll be getting home soon. Tell me part of your name first so I don't get any more spammers tho.
>in the middle of a pretty long run
>take a closer look at the turrets
>they're wearing sunglasses
Where the savefile located so I can cheat the amount of lunar coins. Just played for 5 hours and got none dropped. I can wait for merc but this grind coin is not being favorable to me.
Nigga like I know when the fuck quarters start and end
lol he's gay
Mercenary is super fun (like really really fun), but I have trouble surviving when you get further in.
Commando just seems really damn solid. Good range, decent damage, and then once you get your on hit items your damage is good as well.
Huntress is fun, feels maybe a bit weak in the pure killing department, however, being able to sprint around really fast while fighting does make you really survivable and from a more meta level time management aspect is good for exploring levels quickly.
Engineer feels really strong, if a bit boring. Except for when something goes wrong, then I just die. Feels like you don't have much flexibility in how you deal with problems which I think makes him a bit suspect in terms of being good. Having zero mobility without items is rough.
I haven't played the others yet.
I love feminine cock!
just git gudder user
I already got two in like an hour of playtime
Based, also play rainstorm and stop playing mul-t
Am I playing this game wrong or is Artificer really fucking weak? She's strong early on but in the later stages her damage is fucking 0
Why is Chris (the soundtrack man) so annoying
merc starts a little slow but holy fuck when you get going with feathers and syringes he's a machine
lol he's gay too
dont be sorry, youre kind user it made me happy
>why does the guy who made a product want credit for his product
it's a mystery, user
Where the torrent at
fuck 3d printers, I just lost one of my hopoo feathers
Wait until you see an overloading one
This guy, actual unit. Give this man some good boy points. He's todays mvp.
I want the game guys
MUL-T is too OP, nerf incoming
Engineer is too weak, buff incoming
I'm so glad I got a free copy and don't have to beg anymore
He literally says no matter what he doesn’t want anyone else uploading it to YouTube. It’s not about credit it’s about him wanting to “protect” his brand. It makes no sense. He’d get more branding by letting people upload
Mutliplayer just works off of steam servers now. So super easy. Invite your friends through steam and they can join. Has quick match as well for randos.
post id
Are you literally retarded? He's saying he's going to upload it on his own channel eventually.
>begging with anime avatars or wojak/pepe
Those awkward pauses when you arent doing anything and waiting for cooldowns make merc complete shit.
What is this game, Fortnite? Looks like some kiddy shit
They don't feel threatening enough imo. They need some tuning on their movement and targeting imo.
>tfw 3d printer syringes as commando
I just want to know how bad rockets can be and if I can fill the entire fucking map with them again
>doesn't even want to upload it himself to youtube
If he let people upload the ea ost now he’d get more recognition. No I’m not retarded, you’re just mad I’m right teeehee
"It's too frustrating to keep looking. When people find it's already there it keeps a lot of people from uploading. Most people just want it there for convenience, no bad intentions. But they don't understand that these interactions with listeners are super important for us."
For based engineers turrets to be damage dealing healing platforms.
someone gift me the game and i will play with you for hours please it looks so fun
sorry your profile isn't cute enough
worked for me :^)
did random bosses used to drop items in ror1? i swear they did because now they dont drop
What do you get for beating the two elder lemurians behind the locked gate in the desert?
So you can just invite friends from steam to play in a lobby with you this time around right? None of that port forwarding faggotry?
get in fags
>everything procs on hit
>she has a slow auto attack
thats why. the fire beam thing is good but the cooldown for it is too long
Is there no glass?
Anyone else have this problem? Every text is like this
The Beetle Queen has dropped her glands for me, if you know what I mean.
It summons a Beetle Bro to aid you.
>missed all the keys
Stop pirating your game
I like to pretend he's saying Vergil lines as he slashes enemies.
also no defensive options whatsoever.
>thought the ice wall would block projectiles at least
>got grilled by the stone guardian laser
>Invalid ID
>140 hours in Fap Queen
it means lobby is full
not what i meant. teleporter bosses always drop an item but you know the random bosses you encounter? those dont drop anything
Fuck off cunt, paid for it like a non faggot
How do you unlock the mercenary?
don't srynges cap at 3?
>[Warning] The earth rumbles and groans with mysterious energy...
W-what is this. What does it do.
Yeah, they used to drop stuff in RoR1, not in this one, I hope they fix it because it's bullshit when they just spawn like normal enemies with no reward.
do Lunar Coins reset every run or do I just accidentally using them on shit? Do you really need 11 to get the mage?
How is that in any way proof?
If they do that'd be gay as fuark
>Still have my extra copy
>Get to watch all these beggar poorfags scramble in the dirt at my feet
Truly pathetic. $20 is a pittance.
They carry over runs. You must be spending them.
Find the correct portal type, it's random.
Then kill yourself.
>gameplay works well with in 2d plame
>gameplay works badly
I put 5 hours into this and I'm insanely disappointed
Got the wrong pic fuck me
>arti's ice wall doesn't actually block projectiles or break line of sight
Christ, how are you supposed to survive greater wisps and vagrants like this
>still have my extra copy
What are you, some kind of friendless faggot?
Giving free key away for erp
god I love feminine cock
steam ID: orlenku
you aren't
wrong and i fell for it
what does the shrine that costs a fuckton and makes a text message that says a gold orb appeared somewhere do, i bought it and i couldn't find out what the orb did or where it was
Long shot here but would anybody trade there gift copy of Risk of rain 2 for Killing Floor 1 i don't have much to trade
how do i open that door in distant roost or is it just random
yeah i agree, after killing one the other just circled up and down on the ceiling for a bit
Same for blue orb. I have no idea what that means.
They mean a portal to someplace special appears after the teleporter's charged.
Yes. Mostly because of music, it seems Christodoulou is burnt out after RoR and Deadbolt.
>gameplay works badly
Maybe... A little balancing would help.
When you see an orb appears, it means a portal will spawn when you complete the stage. Blue orb takes you to the lunar jew shop, celestial orb takes you the jump puzzle that unlocks merc, gold orb takes you to the gold stone titan boss area that's fucking balls hard to kill and takes forever to do
If it's a locale setting, try installing Locale Emulator and running the game from the EXE using that to force it to another region.
I may be a beggar who desperately wants to play with his online friend whose copy is region-locked, but I still have standards faggot
Ah, thanks friend. Blue orb is the bazaar right? Gold would be the challenge portal then?
gold is to (((gilded coast))) i think
>Infusion can go on Turrets
What does Hopoo mean by this?
can i erp if i dont want a key
everyone taking shit on pirates and I am here searching for link. give it to me lads!
Not a great score by any means, but finally got merc and engineer is fun once the pieces start clicking. The green orb shooting equipment just deletes bosses while buffed up turrets clean up the rest. Still have no fucking clue what I'm doing but it was working apparently.
Can they erp and I get the key?
its on skidrow but some user said that skidrows adds some shit files into their uploads
Infusion suck ass now anyway.
>join game with Yea Forumstards
>everyone is slow as shit
>people spend 5 minutes double checking the entire map in case theres 1 chest to open
>there were 0 chests left to open
>spend more than 1 difficulty bar on a single map
>people continue to wander around after the boss has spawned
>people cry if you take the boss loot after it has been sitting their for 1 minute
holy shit ive been in 3 games and all of them were fucking horrible
I unironically love feminine penis
I'd actually offer pics of mine for a copy but I don't want it to be associated with my steam account
any latin american bro wants to play with me? I have no friends
Anyone think map randomization would be a decent way to mix it up? And is there only one biome for the third and fourth level?
then stop begging like a fucking disgusting street bum, have some dignity and pirate it faggot
Only damage that causes knock back stops shrooms
>mfw starting teleported instantly without giving a shit
no it's actually IGG games.
thanks user.
How to unlock mercanary?
I've gotten wetlands aspect twice in a row now and the teleporter hasnt existed in either of them is this stage bugged or am i just blind
theeres an exit portal next to the kys
are you guys gonna bully me if I'm bad?
how’s single player?
look for fireflies
Win game lol
is there a way to leave the obelisk zone, or am I forced to kill myself if I go there?
How do you makethe vrevious run file affect the count of coins ? Do you need to do it at a particular time to triger the count ?
sucks I had pretty fun games so far
I'll keep it secret hun.
What the fuck are you talking about, I bought it like a normal person. I didn't refer myself as a poorfag, I talked about THEM.
Learn some reading comprehension, user.
post them in the thread anyway
press e once and a portal opens next to the obelisk so you can continue
I can afford to pay, I'm just not enough of a boot licker to pay for a download. I will be happily pirating like any sane person would do.
how good is it?
no problemo
>early access
Chris apparently said that the soundtrack is also on "early access" and will get more diverse/better with the game or something. Dunno how true that is, but that might make the game feel a bit better
oh it's down the ramp, I see it now, thanks
what makes you think people won't bully you if you are good?
Fuck you jerkface. I want the achievements.
Fun but some group healing items are not worth it. Also engi is full slow mode when playing solo. I want to try it out with people but I feel like there would be too much autistic screeching.
Though it seems way easier to cover and loot the map fast with a well made squad that isn't fighting over the loot
How optimized is this game?
one of you morons make a lobby?
>>[Warning] The earth rumbles and groans with mysterious energy...
>W-what is this. What does it do.
You're getting raped by nonstop golems.
can you actually win in this game? i did an hour run and wtf
being a neet sure paying off huh buddy?
>Then kill yourself.
Uh...it will get me mercenary, r-right?
Pirate bros?
Losing is fun.
>Chris apparently said that the soundtrack is also on "early access"
I hope. Wonder if he'll come up with new "Coalescence"
yes but you have to kys yourself irl and not in the game
At the obelisk, yes.
I got the money for it, but why would I want to buy the game when I can get it for free? If I can't get a copy during the giveaway I'll just pirate it fignuts.
>everything locked durning teleporter countdown
What is this, 2010?
post it fag
>pirating a game mostly played for the multiplayer
200 IQ post
So you can suffer for pressing it too early you fucking mongoloid, goddammit Mike just wait like 5 minutes so we can looot the place god this is why no one plays with you anymore
Seems intended. You can even land on your own drones and ride them around.
That's just a global Risk of Rain problem. If they didn't have cooldowns, it's just be a multiplayer Devil May Cry game when picking him. Why isn't this a thing? Fucking stupid.
What's with this weird sub culture of thieves acting like they're noble for pirating something
Just take your free shit and leave
Why not just fucking loot while fighting the boss?
Damn, that was painful
Whadya killing too?!
what's the dll file i have to change to unlock the artificer?
also whats the value?
I guess if it's a code it doesn't matter much, made a temporary mail [email protected]
>waiting for cooldowns
What the fuck are you doing
is joke, they did it for no reason honestly
Maybe to force players into the teleporter zone? dunno
I dunno, maybe you're just a fucking retard or something, but have you tried just buying this 20 dollar game and enjoying it?
it's not a code
>why do the people I'm told to hate have solidarity while I'm an outcast
the soundtrack, asshole
so let me get this straight
you have money, but you still beg like a sniveling pathetic child for 17 bucks?
holy shit that's even worse than being poor
I'll give a copy of E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy to someone who's willing to give me their code.
oh fuck that then I'll pirate it
>kys yourself
An audibook. pretty based series
sent :)
Don't want it for $20. It's free if I steal it. If you like the devs so much, you should help prevent me from stealing it.
Unlocks are attached to your profile, so unless you can figure out how the profile strings are generated, that's a no-go, bud.
Fuck outta here, user.
I hope in the future they change the difficulty so bosses dont 1 shot you in late game. Id rather have it spawn 5 bosses at once and you get overwhelmed than spawning 1 boss that hits you with a turd attack and you instantly have -300 hp
just got it, thanks bro :)
thats the joke
remember to post your feminine penis anyway
>tfw someone did this to be a few years back, like 2013, and I spent all night waiting for it to come
>buyers regret: the post
>can't find the last lamp in that shitty secret boss area
that logic is only slightly more retarded than you are
>hold up a store
>someone recognizes & tells you it's a good store that does a lot for the community and you shouldn't rob him
>you go "well if you didn't want me to rob them you should have given me the money yourself"
that's big yikes from me user
i remember in an other thread someone did it?
make the question i should be asking is how do i get myself more lunar coins
back 2 8th grade with you
class.classname in the xml file
the mail's posted
how can people be so poor they can't afford a $10 game?
i'm a fucking neet on welfarebux and i could easily afford this
how do you even run out of money
I suggest you skip thins one entirely. I don't think we need turbo faggots like you in this game.
which xml file is it?
post it in the thread tho
what a hot take
Is there any reason not to play on the lowest difficulty?
New thread?
>Gave my jaded gamer friend a copy in hopes he'd play it with me
>he accepts the gift and says he won't play it
wtf bros....
a lot of people don't get autismbux
I don't for example
up for this, post your id
early access
tell him you'll call him a nigger if he doesnt play with you
This is why you ask people if they want a gift before giving it to them dumbass.
why is he so fun bros
why would you accept
LOL I'm having a blast here my dude.
How's the begging going, you got your game yet?
Do you unlock the characters the same as 1?
i am getting 40 fps on a gtx 1060 on 1080p when there are too many enemies.
i wouldn't bet you could do it.
then just get a job or unemployment lol
stupid poorfags...
I understand that much but at some point you either have to be grateful or at the very least, refuse the gift and allow me to give it to someone who'd actually care.
please pirate it, I don't want faggots like you playing the game with me
stay mad, dipshit