Its a fair point desu
Its a fair point desu
Other urls found in this thread:
liberals blame guns because they don't want to look at the color of the people firing them
Unironically ban all Twitter screencap posts.
>guns bad
Why must Twitterfags and journalists keep politicizng video games?
>only 111 gun deaths this year.
Actually not that bad. Probably pales in comparison to the number of deaths from starvation...
Still, I'd rather become the 112th gun death than play Borderlands.
Here, have a robot girl.
Screencapping and reposting twitter posts is a banable offence on twitter
Are these dumb fucks aware that there are about 500 people dying on the planet every minute?
That mongoloid better never play a game with a gun in it again and resign from his job at giantbomb
>I'm very excited to play Borderlands 3 but...
so you're complicit
>111 gun deaths
That's not that much. How many died in car crashes? How many died of being american-tier fat?
I can't believe 111 guns died this year, why won't Americans protect them?
We don't give a fuck when aa nigger shoots another nigger. We complain about guns because you SHALL fags keep shooting up public places.
because they want force interaction within users more clicks more ad revenue
Ben confirmed for seething
i thought that it was weird that they cheered every 2 seconds for something. something what? i've no idea. fucking crazy people.
now i know why that americans clap for everything is a thing.
god ben is pathetic
imagine being so starved for attention that you have to engage with twitter nobodies
will jeff have to spank him again
and how many vehicular deaths have there been? Fucking faggots and the mentally ill not being able to separate reality from vidya (and other things) is what is destroying society
maybe if faggots in public places had guns we would had fun wild west battles isntead of a massacre
Considering half of those are statistically suicides that's really not that bad
New Zealand has had at least 49 gun deaths this year and their population is about 5% of ours. So we're doing much better than them.
>shooting up public places.
you mean "gun free zones"?
I love it when you point out liberals' hypocrisy. They go ballistic. He didn't even give a logical argument back, probably because he knew he couldn't make one.
What about hundreds if not thousands of car-deaths, deaths by drowning and pople dying due to electrocution? When are we going to ban all the cars, lakes and electrical infrastructure?
>have strict gun laws so not even your cops are allowed to carry guns because criminals sure as hell will abide by the gun laws
>have to stand by and watch when someone shoots up a mosquee and then rolls away with his car, until he decides to turn in himself
we try, unfortunately most gun deaths are elderly guns getting murdered after being found in attics
Politics need to stay out or video games. Can anyone name one time politics and video games have produced anything of value when combined? Genuinely curious.
Ah, the best post. Now I can leave.
Blacks shooting other blacks is still wrong. When people die that is sad.
>blacks shoot other (probably armed) criminals
>whites shoot unarmed innocents
Really jogs the old noggin
Cops can’t have cops in NZ? I know that’s the case in Japan but that country is extremely homogenous in demographics and values so it’s not that big a deal.
But that's bullshit because when you remove niggers from the equation, our gun violence levels drop to that of Scandinavian countries. The only thing you're complaining about is niggers, but you're blaming everyone else for it.
Animal Crossing New Leaf was kinda cool being mayor
MGS is very political about its stance on nuclear weapons
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 1 had a lot of politics in it
Is Ben being serious, or is he just making one of those meme “delet this” sort of tweets. Surely someone can’t be that retarded.
don't worry
these kids were all armed
Whose mind automatically goes to real life tragedies when watching a video game conference? He's the one with the problem, not the people enjoying the show.
What's weird is seeing people on Yea Forums excited for this garbage.
They are still Homo sapiens.
twitter caps threads should be a permanent ban offense
further in the comment chain guy says he blocked him. so he was completely serious
Anthony Burch kills kids and trans women
I don’t see anything in it myself, but every time I so much as joke about Borderlands being overhyped to my roommate he goes ballistic. He’s one of those “I’m cynical and tired of video games except this particular series” kind of guys.
>how DARE you point out that I'm a massive hypocrite! YOU MUST BE SILENCED!
Imagine what it's like to have an ego so big you genuinely believe the world revolves around you. Imagine what it's like to look at other people and see them as mindless things that only exist to do what you want. I pity people like that.
Ironically Chicago has some of the strictest gun control in the country. Almost as if gun control doesn't work.
>111 gun deaths in the US this year
Does this seem too low to anyone else? It's almost april, and 111 is less than one millionth the US population.
actually probably
it's a great point, so let's get rid of shooting games, because pople die by guns
also let's get rid of driving games, since people die in car accidents
also let's get rid of games having anything to do with food, since people starve to death
or drown
or commit suicide
or asphyxiate
or get cancer
OR - you could fuck off with your moral policing and let me play my fucking video games. all i ever wanted was to be left alone.
>instant response is calling for the other person to be removed/censored
Typical leftist trash
Dead serious. Leftist drones literally cannot handle having their hypocrisy displayed to them especially on a public forum. It drives them completely fucking nuts and they will always, ALWAYS lash out when it happens.
Yeah his problem is obesity, a problem which kills giant bomb staff at an alarming rate. Meanwhile half the podcast is about junk food lol.
no, it's not.
something something opiate of the masses something i'm an intellectual
Wait until summer when the nogs get all worked up from the heat.
>Cars crashes are the leading cause of death in the U.S.
This is a fucking dumb train of thought.
seems low just for chicago for this year
Seriously, we should only let pureblooded Asians have guns. When's the last time one of them went on a killing spree? Let Wang protect us from tyranny while so the rest of us don't have to worry about Cleetus/Darnell shooting up a School/Crackhouse.
>Almost as if gun control doesn't work.
Except for literally every other country on Earth.
Yes it does seem very low considering the US population. Then again it was winter and niggies where staying inside?
Obvious solution: kill everybody so nobody can kill anybody ever again.
the vtec shooter
Virginia Tec or Supreme Gentleman. Dont remember which is more recent
Keep telling yourself that yuropoor
>was about to shoot up a second mosque
>ran away because he thought they had a gun
Yes, America. Please lecture us about your effective gun laws that keep you from continuously having mass shootings and gun crime. It's working so well for you.
You can talk about health care when you're done.
do you a permit to post that?
>skeleton with an anime head on top
you can do better than this
Then why doesn't it work in Chicago, NY, LA or DC? Why do states with loose gun laws have lower gun violence?
supreme gentleman was hapa
i forgot that Europe is a utopia where they do no wrong
You do know gun violence is highest in the cities with the stricteat gun laws, right?
You guys try and defend guns but are ok with killing pitbulls? Inverse applies to liberals too.
This logic has never really made sense. The US has fairly lax laws and shit tons of legal gun ownership, yet it also has shit tons of gun violence and mass shootings. Giving citizens access to guns does not stop criminals from killing people with guns. It just makes it significantly easier for the criminals to legally get the guns before doing illegal things.
Other country's don't glorify "gang shit" like American rap does.
And? There have been way more than that from cars and I can still look forward to the next GTA game. Christ, liberals piss me off.
This. Designated shooters should step up their game.
Its similar to UK.
Most cops, especially the ones on patrol dont carry regularly.
Clearly the solution to violence is to take weapons away from law abiding citizens instead of having a security system. Keep in mind, violent crime rate is on a downward trend.
eurofag here.
Making guns illegal only makes it easier for criminals to get armed.
I have a SHTF select fire AK just in case.
FUCK gun control.
I told you before, go back to facebook groups you mutt-lover
I dont see no adams apple, it could be worse.
Okay I’m just gonna day it? Why do so many unattractive and overweight women choose to make themselves look even more hideous with bright hair and weird piercings and tattoos instead of just losing weight.
Like people can do whatever they want but there has to be a limit to this stuff.
This nigher serious? That's Chicago in a month. Shit city.
>*throws acid in ur face*
>*puts ur kid into a prostitution ring*
>*sucks up ur nhs resources*
Nothing personal, infidel. Now don't go complaining about this or you'll be locked up for hate speech. :^)
Keep your retarded opinions off Yea Forums. No one cares about your fucking Twitter drama.
>no blue check mark
You couldn't have picked a more worthless opinion if you tried.
Nothing is a permaban offense for as long as mobile users can still post
London has a higher murder rate than New York City, and you can't even have a damned knife over there, let alone a firearm.
>Giving citizens access to guns does not stop criminals from killing people with guns
So I guess we should just take away the citizens ability to protect themselves with guns since sometimes it doesn't work.
If you think your logic is solid then you should look into mexican gun laws and crime.
Ben are you ok?
thats why games can't be art
Guns are why games media will never truely fit in with the rest of the left, they can never go as whole hog on GUNS BAD as the rest of them do.
>Why do states with loose gun laws have lower gun violence?
Because criminals are less likely to attack civilians if they think those civilians are packing heat.
Think about it this way: how often do people try to rob gun shops?
Give it time, we haven't had our annual totally staged false flag mass casualty event this year yet. That will bump the number up a bit.
How's that Space Force coming?
Is Mexico going to pay for that, just like your wall?
Except Mexico, Brazil, and pretty much every south american country.
Oh you just meant the white ones? That's a good point, but unfortunately America isn't very white.
That's the point I was trying to make. I was asking the question for effect.
[citation needed]
It's a pretty terrible point when it follows "I am excited for this game also that's literally only about getting cool guns"
You know he only cares in the first place because of that one time Jeff made an anti-gun rant on the Bombcast after a shooting. Ben is incapable of having an opinion that wasn't vetted through Daddy Jeff first.
>How many died of being american-tier fat?
Or American tier starving
Or having American tier healthcare
Fucking third world country but it's the only one with any real liberty so the place can't be written off completely.
Nice deflection.
[part and parcel]
What matters is that they're real to our hearts.
>Moving the goalposts this hard.
Hmmmm, it's almost like you're full of shit and have no clue what you're talking about. Remarkable.
They were real in his mind.
>"I know, I'll make my nickname my full name; then maybe I won't be such a Literal Who!"
>american-tier fat
Just jealous cause half of euro is in a constant state of starvation
The car argument is just a bad as blaming videogames for stuff.
Cars are used for transportation they allow people/businesses to do what they have to in their lives. Guns have singular purpose and that's to kill. That being said videogame guns are not real.
The solution is to get rid of all guns everywhere. Then there won't be any more gun crime ever again. Also, we should have all the police and soldiers get rid of all their guns first as a show of good faith. I'm sure everyone will cooperate after that.
Do conspiracy theories count as politics?
Deus ex if so.
>That's Chicago in a month
only during the summer. niggers dont go outside to shoot each other when its cold out
Stupid America
Just make it illegal to shoot people lmaOo
>How's that Space Force coming?
>Is Mexico going to pay for that, just like your wall?
Only 111 gun deaths in the entire US?
Current year is interesting if you think about it. Gang shit is cause of most homicides. School shootings are happening because of a severe rise in SJWs too.
>White people kill innocents in public spaces
>Black people shoot other black people that is also armed
>Yea Forums says niggers are to blame
Don't be a hypocrite, white people are fucked up in the head. A few weeks ago there was a mass shooting in a school in Brazil. You know who did it? Two white kids
Then there's the retard faggot at Christchurch.
White people should seek help
>be bong
>need to be over 25 to buy a knife
>still have one of the highest rates of violent crime in the world
Like, just make crime illegal, duh
It doesn't work anywhere, American society just breeds more psychopaths than anywhere else.
>Guns have singular purpose and that's to kill.
So therefore we should centralize their ownership within the hands of the government.
>Then why doesn't it work in Chicago, NY, LA or DC
I'm not advocating for gun control myself, i personally think the lid on that pandora's box has long been opened and can't be shut, but there's plenty of reasons why something that can work would still fail in the real world. For example the people implementing the laws may be incompetent.
That's Cibo you fucking pleb.
>. Guns have singular purpose and that's to kill.
So why exactly you offended? Guns were created to kill people. People kill someone with them.
That's all?
Just ban guns all together.
>public spaces
You mean gun-free zones? How are those working out, tranny?
>bu-bu-but muh yuros
Pathetic mutt
Blacks literally murder Innocents daily. Nobody actually gives a shit though. Every news article is filled with
>Where's the media outrage over black violence?
but then how would gookmoot get traffic and ad revenue?
we should invent a weather machine to keep chicago cold year round then. we could save thousands of lives with that.
I just had a brilliant idea.
All crimes are committed by the living, right? You don't see any dead bodies murdering people. So we should just make life a crime.
>we haven't had our annual totally staged false flag mass casualty event this year yet.
You really think President Donald J. Trump would let that happen?
This isn't the Bush era.
>kids getting raped in the 1000s
absolute state of britkuks
Where did you get me being offended from my post? You seem defensive is someone taking your toys away? I was pointing out the flaw in that Twitter post.
Not an argument.
blacks only shoot other black people who are armed? So all those armed robberies that end up with murder don't count for some reason?
God dammit, Ben. I subscribe to GB and like Ben's vids, but that is some Jack Thompson tier shit.
Enjoy American revolution 2.0 :)
God, what a bitch. Nothing pisses me off more. And is he involved in the development of Borderlands 3? Because if so, if he’s so concerned about gun violence it’s more in poor taste that he’s making the game at all rather than having someone point out your bullshit argument.
skin color
Don't give this retard discord tranny a citation. He doesn't deserve your time.
Holy shit, fucking read. The citizens AREN'T protecting themselves with guns, retard. Citizens all over the place own guns and are legally allowed to carry those guns, and it does absolutely fucking nothing to protect them from being killed by guns. Mass shootings happen all the time in palces with concealed carry, and you don't have citizens stopping fucking anything, or protecting fucking anyone. It isn't a "hurr durr sometimes it doesn't work!" it's an "it basically never ever fucking works". Yes. You should take away the criminal's easy access to weapons because citizens are not even using that access to protect themselves, they are using it to jerk off about owning guns.
>b-but look at this other country run by criminals where police and government protection are dubious at best.
Remember not to like anything ever because someone somewhere suffered due to that thing
Yet my guns have never killedanyone before nor have the vast majority of guns owned in the US.
Military would destroy any civilian opposition. The excuse to bear arms holds no weight with that.
>yfw mutt posters will need permission to post wojak mutt pictures
Only 111? He must be missing a digit.
All he's missing is a gif of a sassy black lady
Why do these fags only concentrate on guns? Do they not realize humans have been killing each other long before guns were invented? Do they seriously believe that if guns were outlawed that humans would stop killing each other?
That New Zealand shooting never would've happened if that guy didn't have a car.
Checkmate, Twisted Metal fags.
One time me and a friend pranked a guy on work telling him that my grandpa was SS and I liked nazi memorabilia, etc.
The joke always get funny reactions because I have a militar tatoo on the arm, I am extremely white (here on my country extremely white people are not so common) and my head is shaved.
He listened to us and replied:
>Cool. Are you into some neo-nazi group or you just like these things? I was never interested in this race thing, what exactly do you don't like?
Me and my friend were surprised and started to laugh, told him it was a joke, and asked if he was into this, because his reaction was absolute normal.
He replied:
>Nah, I don't agree with it, at least from what I see. Like I said, I have no interest in this, in my opinion everyone has the right to think and be whatehever they want, even if it's a nazi or extremist or whatever. People just don't like somethings, that's not for me to decide or judge. I just don't care.
This sticked with me. For every person like OP's image there is another wanting to be the cool racist guy on the next thread.
Then in the net thread there is the tranny who wants to ban videogames with cute girls and user who want the tranny killed.
I just don't care anymore. I just wanted to talk about videogames.
Not an argument.
guns scary
>The citizens AREN'T protecting themselves with guns, retard
Yes, they are actually. People protect their houses and businesses with guns on a daily basis in america. Where are you even getting this bullshit that you are basing your entire opinion on?
That didn't turn out so well last time it was tried.
Point me to the most recent school shooting or mass shooting conducted by niggers
Go ahead, I'll wait. In the mean time, here's the demographic distribution for mass shootings in the US
It's not.
It's a videogame. Stop trying to politicize everything.
Fascinating man. I hope you never have to kill anyone. Point is a gun is solely used to kill someone and a car is used by literally everyone for productive reasons. Stop being offended at reality. The gun vs car argument is fucking retarded much like you seem to be.
user I think you're legitimately obsessed
>Guns have singular purpose and that's to kill.
To defend yourself and your family, you mean.
Ah, and here we say the American making up "FAKE NEWS", a term they themselves love to spout in between sips of gravy.
It worked perfectly, there was no more crime where the Judges came from
Homicides still outweigh mass shooting deaths by an order of magnitude. Why do you ignore that?
Yeah its that goddamn rap music, you're onto something grandpa
>56% of the population do 56% of mass shootings
what's your argument here?
>most recent school shooting by a nigger
No one cares about nigger schools
If your response to having legitimate crimes that ruin the lives of your citizens pointed out is a snarky “lol, fuck Drumpf,” perhaps you’d feel more at home on Twitter.
because it doesn't prove my point
fuck off
Video game guns aren't real guns
living rent free pal
just let the Amerifats have their guns and shoot each other to their heart's content
why the fuck should the rest of us care
based philanthropist user
>the absolute state of liberal arguements
Of course you people would rather change the subject of white people being fucking crazy lunatics that shoot public places to "but nIgGeRs kIlL p pol 2"
At least come back with an explanation, sickos
Military will largely defect to whatever side their family and friends are on, which is going to be overwhelmingly the side against the government
There is absolutely no scenario in which the US government gone rogue wins a civil war against its own people.
Does his government know he's using the internet?
>hurr i'm very excited to play this game where you shoot people to death with guns
>ugh why are people excited to shoot people with guns in this game!
You're next fucker, just wait until we decide the euro needs some more freedom
80% of gun death are self inflicted
your point is that white people are "crazy" because they do mass shootings, while ignoring the fact that black people commit homicides way more often and by consequence there are way more deaths by homicides by their hand. There are way more black murderers than there are white mass shooters. Does having a large portion of your demographic be random murderers not make you "crazy"?
Why are you trying to make this specifically about mass shootings and not about gun violence in general? Could it be because you know what those results will show?
But he isn't pointing out any hypocrisy. There are two clear distinctions between those statements. One is a very serious issue that has yet to be resolved in the United States, and and the other is a trite attempt to rationalize car death (which are not combat oriented and are also not weapons) with mass murder. I don't want to call you out for being stupid, but if you could stop the whole "liberal vs. conservative" mindset and realize that MAYBE we should have stricter guidelines and registration with regards to gun ownership, the country would be a lot better off.
>ignores not one, but 3 refutations
0.2% of murders in America are mass shootings and 0.6% of deaths in America are murders. The media exaggerates the school shooting probem to get support for gun control. I'm not trying to justify school shootings. I think they can be stopped in other ways, like armed guards in schools. We protect our banks, courts, etc with guns and they hardly ever get attacked. Why is it such an outrageous idea to do the same thing for schools?
Get killed by your dogs, Pibble mommy
That's barely a death a day with a population of almost 4350 million, that's an insanely low number.
If you cut out minorities killing eachother it is lower than Europe.
You mean countries in South America, Africa, SEA?
Actually I plan to move to the u.s one day.
Like I said the place is a shithole but the personal liberty alone is enough to make me want to move there.
>Point is a gun is solely used to kill someone
So why should only the government have them?
Which legitimate crimes were those? Also, I'm pretty sure your boy Trump is the biggest fan of Twitter on the planet.
>asks about black people shooting others
>gets answers about black people shooting others
>complains that the answers are about black people shooting others
user stop being stupid.
See And considering Deus Ex was completely right, yeah
Also MGS and to a small degree, F:NV given our many threads about it is essentially "corrupt democracy vs efficient autocracy"
>implying they were innocent
They have strict gun lg s in Chicago. See how well that worked stoppint shootngs:
>A billion swords!
>that 8~9 minute delay every time while mcintosh logs into her account
fucking lol
>this game was made by a pedophile and supports gun violence!
>also im very excited to play it and apex legends is my goty
Look, Americans love guns, unconditionally. The same kind of love that people in Sweden have for middle eastern people. That means that, just like Swedes, we simply cannot be dissuaded in our love. No matter how much pain the object of our affection causes it can do no wrong in our eyes. I hope this explanation can help you to better understand my nations Culture™.
Hey /pol/
hopefully you'll have better luck then you've been having in Afghanistan for the past 18 years
>JRPG villains
guns exist to protect me from retards like you using the government to kill or imprison me
This is a nice fantasy.
Fuck whypipo baka
well for one, black people are 13% of the population, so even with your shitty phone screenshot you are proving that they disproportionately commit mass shootings. Your screenshot proves you wrong.
I asked about white people shooting little kids at school, or shooting people in public places, or shooting people praying
You know, the usual white people behavior
It's not an attempt to rationalize car deaths. He's pointing out that car deaths are ignored necause guns are scarier. This country would be worse off with gun control. The states with more gun control are more violent than states without it.
He brings up a good point, guys. Can you imagine if some mentally ill white supremacist got his hands on this thing? We need an outright ban on randomly generated guns ASAP. Anyone who disagrees is literally complicit in the death of children and minorities.
Guns have nothing to do with violent crime. You are over 500 times more likely to be killed by a falling coconut than a mass shooter in your lifetime.
The elites want to take away your guns because an armed proletariat is dangerous. It is really that simple.
he's/she's right though
Oh man... and I thought Ben was a fine person. Looks like another "journalist" goes on the dumbst list.
Americans just really love being loud and fake-excited for some reason. It's really annoying.
>The best way to reduce death by guns is to give guns to everyone
Never once in that post did I say that. Just tired of the retarded car argument.
Cant wait for comfy chicago police scanners thread this summer
>Guns have singular purpose and that's to kill.
Yeah but what and why? Guns are used to hunt, for protection, and a lot of times they’re used against people who are using guns to harm innocents. Perhaps you’d prefer people being killed by trucks and acid attacks? There are more ways to kill a lot of people if you’re motivated enough, which mass shooters often are given that they’re, you know, motivated to commit a mass shooting. You can ban as many things as you damn well please and fucked up people will find more ways to fuck people up.
The amount of murders committed with a gun are pretty irrelevant desu.
There are road rage cases everyday some of which escalate to using a vehicle specifically for violence. There original intent does not matter when faced with end consequences. It's like saying heroin should be legal since it was originally made for medical purposes.
>Greece in second on homicides just under Swrbia
Fuck. Glad my dad got out of there to live in the US. Though the German and Euro banks collapsing the economy off socialist debt surely contributed to that shit.
Color folks would side with the government because they're tribal and collectives.
And their you know... gibsmedats like the lazy, coward, and degenerate parasites colors are.
well fuck , turns out The USA is the only place in the world with guns
>less guns deaths than deaths by hands and fists in a nation where there's more guns in civilian hands than human beings in the nation
>this is a sign of failure to these people
>We complain about guns because you SHALL fags keep shooting up public places.
Name 3 mass shootings done by someone who was explicitly a second amendment literalist and provide proof.
why arent pro gunfags this rational?
just admit it you like your toys and don't care if kids die because of it
a lot better than trying to pretend gun control doesn't work
>"I hope this isn't a controversial opinion, but nuclear weapons are bad."
Bloodlines had a variety of characters each with their own political viewpoints from many perspectives, but no one of them were being put on a pedestal by the devs/writers as their idealized political stance.
I am a pro gunfag
>point me to shootings conducted by niggers
>"I asked about white people shooting little kids"
So fucking stupid you can't even look back to see what im responding to
Why is the left the way that it is?
>mass shooter
Nice goalpost shift.
Not really because neither issue is tractable:
You're not going to be able get rid of every gun and not every gun owner is necessarily at fault for the whole.
Similarly it would be immoral to get rid of an entire sub-category of people for the actions of a minority of them. It's also similarly intractable as a logistics feat.
The issue with gun violence is it's basically an impenetrable issue at this point. There's literally not feasible solution that fits within American values
this but unironically
I've always wondered if the "Mortally Challenged" shit in the DOOM eternal trailer was to take the piss out of them.
What's the counter argument to "These cities with gun laws have high gun crime because they come from other states"
I've seen it made many times here but no one ever really made a counterpoint before the threads die
And you got responded with blacks do the same at a much much higher rate.
More strict driving licensing should also be a thing world wide, tbf. Cars are legit risks. When I'm driving, I'm scared shitless of every other car around me because I don't know how many of those bribed their examiners or are just sociopaths with shit for brains.
>no correlation
That graph has a pretty visible fucking correlation
>A billion variations of loot in a looter shooter.
>game journalist still finds something to complain about
Whats strange about it?
Gun are fun, fictional guns are also fun and they can't hurt anyone.
Weird, most states above the line have large negro populations
you could not pay me enough to visit Brazil for a day
>i-it would be immo-
Military would be annihilated. The military cannot compete with people that are in control of infrastructure. Military cannot harm said infrastructure. Drones are worthless in the US.
This but unironically. That is what the numbers would suggest. Cities with strict gun laws have more gun murder and this is a fact.
Everyone know that if you leave a gun unchecked, it'll murder innocent people by the hundreds, rape children and deal crack.
if we had legit retesting that was accurate immigrants would fail at an inordinately higher rate than anyone else and everyone would scream racism
>the other is a trite attempt to rationalize car death (which are not combat oriented and are also not weapons) with mass murder.
You are conflating mass murder with gun deaths though
A r2 of 0.06 is extremely low.
There are a lot of arguments to be made if people weren't such pussies. Try this one: I would much rather be shot than stabbed three times. Countries without guns just have mass stabbings or bombings instead. Getting shot is much cooler and less scary, even if I die either way.
here's your reminder that the police are gearing up to confiscate your weapons because the elites don't want you having them
yeah, states like VT, NH, and ME have very large amounts of guns but very few gun deaths... hmmmm...
>School shooting
Why only school shootings? Are people outside of schools not people? There was a mass shooting at a flea market in my state because gang members were released early from jail. They were black. That was a gun free zone.
I would rather take some form of dictatorship over any democracy, because at least in dictatorship you know who the bad guys and can be weeded out.
In democracy there are layers upon layers of evil people and it is next to impossible to weed out the evil people in democracy.
Just look at the Jussie Smallet case. The homo nigger clearly tried to create a false flag on racism on White people and there is overwhelming evidence against the it with even word from the two niggers that beat him to stage the attack and Jussie still got off.
In any dictatorship Jussie would have immediately been found guilty and suffer for punishment for his wicked actions.
>your boy Trump
Here’s the thing. I fucking hate Trump. Jokes aside, I seriously don’t care. And as for legitimate crimes, those acid attacks you yawned at, for one. Can’t say much about child prostitution rings, but I know that a lot of rapes are covered up by a bunch of pussy whipped police in Europe that don’t want to be labeled racist just because they’re committed by a man or men with darker skin. It’s why a lot of immigrants that fit that description can do that shit and get away with it. No one’s going to challenge them.
No. 0,06 R2 is not a correlation. Not at fucking all.
> US banned lead paint, dangerous factory machines, and other such things even though they weren't made to kill you
>United States top deadliest things are mostly health related (because of Obesity) and cars
>If you take out suicides, justifiable homicide, and accidents firearm death rates are incredibly low
>More people are killed by blunt objects like Baseball bats, sharp objects like knives, or just fists than guns
>Chances of dying in a mass shooting are incredibly low, to the point of being statistically insignificant
>Criminals admit that they are more afraid of citizens with guns than they are cops, and that if they know someone has a gun they're not going to try to victimize them the vast majority of the time.
To be fair, in Honduras, they murder you before you have a chance to commit suicide.
America isn't even in the top half of countries in terms of gun violence per capita, but has by far the highest amount of guns per capita. All the states with the most gun violence have strict gun control.
This guy breaks it down well -
Most which lead to guns being used. But okay
If this isn’t bait this is genuinely depressing.
Why aren't we addressing the real issue: that violent video games are corrupting our youths and making them into killers!
And we told you about black people shooting little kids on the street, or shooting old people walking down the street, or shooting people in their homes, or shooting store clerks working overnight
I think that has way more to do with the cluster of destructive leftist policies that hang off of those cities tham anything else though, you'd literally need a sizable militia patrolling to fix somewhere like chicago even if you immediately redistributed guns to the citizenry
I agree that banning guns was contributory towards the decline though, but a single citizen isn't going to do much v. a gang, people have been discouraged from positive community organization in general
You're too young or too stupid to fully consider what you're saying. If this was a dictatorship friendly to Smallet's ideology, he would get off scot free and the accused attackers would be imprisoned. You're imagine a fantasy world with a perfect ruler who believes everything that you do, but that isn't how people are.
Delete this
>I know about all the the crimes no one else knows about because they're all covered up
that typically means it's because you made them up, user
But didn't Brazil put in a right wing leader? So they did something correct.
sweet jesus, that's a lot
we should go whatever we can to support trans people!
For the record, I'm not american. I'm portuguese, so I won't judge american roads. But I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people shouldn't really be allowed near a steering wheel. Maybe yeah, immigrants would fail at an absurd rate, but this is a general feeling I have. Hell, I'm not even sure I should be allowed to drive, I got the attention span of a fucking gold fish.
Besides, it'd be only better for cities in general to have less traffic, for a large number of different reasons. And more public transport would be a good idea. And less parking space would be needed...
US demographics
>60% white
>17% latino
>13% black
>6% asian
>4% other
US Mass Shooting demographics
>56% white
>16% black
>9% latino
>8% asian
>11% other/unkown
It basically follows the general demographic makeup of the country. Who would have fucking thought.
Suits like that are highly impractical
they're resistant to ballistic fire, sure, but that doesn't change the fact that if you get hit you'll be incapacitated. In addition, anti-ballistic suits aren't stab-proof and a knife would go through like paper. That thing would weigh too much to get around in, and the limited view would mean no driving.
holy shit that graph
why are USA ok with black ppl?
Look at this child. Scared someone is going to take your toys away.
It's funny you mention the Smollet case, I don't give a shit about the nigga but it's hilarious to see the Chicago Police Department cry baby tears over a lack of accountability towards his actions
The CPD, who had a torture blacksite in the city for a solid 4 years and regularly lie to cover each other's ass when one of their own fuck up
That's the thing, in my opinion, about dictatorship vs democracy, at least ours. We're expected to call out the higher powers because we know they can be giant fuck ups and cancerous tumors to our society, not so much in a dictatorship where you get V& the moment you speak up
Well it's a lot to do with how people want their games to not reflect things that are uncomfortable in real life.
And even then, that's only specifically on certain third rails (guns, being racist for left, social justice and being against racism for right)
Because you are trying to deflect the real issue: that all medias are corrupting our youths and making them into killers!
So? Did I receive a source to the most recent mass shooting/school shooting completed conducted by black people?
I didn't, I just got 3 anons saying that black people kill too
Yeah fucking niggers, chinks and spic kill people too. Shocking, I know
When was the last time a nigger went to a school to shoot everybody?
and professional Athletes
It's easier to change a dictatorship type government over a democracy government.
Not even for the cost of renting an AH-64 Apache Longbow, buying the ammo, and hiring the maintenance crew and a pilot?
Maybe a little extra for devising someway to replace the hard points with some kind of wacky feed system that gives you a lot more 30mm since you probably won't need anti-tank missiles, 70mm rockets, or any air-to-air?
>”Wait until you face the same shit!”
>”But unrelated thing? Heh, checkmate, burger.”
And I’ve never seen anyone argue about countries like this but if this is what /pol/ is like I can see why Yea Forums bitches about it so much, this is retarded.
No one is going to take away my guns or anyone's guns, you dunce. There are hundreds of millions of guns in the US, and many states don't require you to register them, or you can buy privately. They can't track who has guns, where they are, and they can't confiscate them.
I'm not worried about my guns being taken away. I just like making fun of retarded leftists.
I wonder if there are other planets where the inhabitants have it put up with this kind of bullshit.
you're right, but we just turned it into an industry instead of requiring responsibility on the front end, insurance companies are all stupid rich off american drivers
>asks the same question
As stated previous, no one gives a shit when nigger schools get shot up you blowhard