Let's make a smash roster of 40 obscure 3rdparty characters

> It must be a videogame character
> You have to post the name of the character and the game.
> It must be from a 3rd party franchise that is not in smash and it's not mainstream/well known
> When we have 40 fighters i'll make the roster.

I start!

Rallen from the Spectrobes series.

Attached: Rallen (1).png (1000x1973, 530K)

Satan Jr
My tapeworm
The local Faggott
Mr MeatSpin
Mr. Lemon Party
Cooking Mama

Karnov. Probably based mostly on his Fighters History Dynamite incarnation. And I'll say it now: Chelnov as an accompanying Assist Trophy.

Attached: KarnovFHD.jpg (485x632, 102K)

Lucia from the Luminous Arc series

Attached: Lucia.jpg (616x790, 184K)

Red from Transitor

Attached: 42.0.1488665207.0.jpg (1200x800, 115K)

Monica from Dark Cloud

Attached: monica_art.jpg (136x232, 19K)

Katia from Rune/Lost Kingdoms

Get on it, FromSoft! The Switch needs the 3rd game.

Attached: KatiaRuneLK.jpg (1280x1024, 149K)

Phoenix Wright from the Ace Attorney series.

Attached: Phoenix Wright (TaT).jpg (430x1100, 66K)

Attached: Headdy.jpg (240x240, 13K)

Mario. From Mario.

Attached: toad_header.0.jpg (1200x800, 78K)

shit didn't read op
that's headdy from dynamite headdy
and this is plok from plok

Attached: Plok_1.png (259x372, 104K)

>> It must be from a 3rd party franchise that is not in smash and it's not mainstream/well known

Fuck you, there's still Nintendo characters I want in.

>Phoenix Wright

Anyhow, I'll pick Epsilon Eagle from Alien Soldier.

Attached: Epsilon.jpg (240x240, 20K)

Knuckles but he's from sonic the fighters

Attached: e30678b0c319f7390c90383d93679ac9027abbb1_hq.jpg (310x389, 13K)

Beth from SMT II

Attached: BethSMTIIremake.png (883x2147, 1.36M)

Isn't this what Nintendo is doing already with Joker, Erdrick and the likes?

blob from de blob

Attached: 33f9fa81-37c4-44f3-9c56-3be63ca83541.jpg (1920x1080, 90K)

Max from Shining Force

Attached: latest[1].jpg (450x900, 358K)

Yeah, i guess.
Don't be an autist, this is a fun thread.

Sanger from SRW

Attached: latest[1].png (1000x1029, 646K)

I'm a sucker for fist fighters so Alkaiser from the SaGa Series

Attached: 【LoVA】人獣-031.jpg (640x890, 188K)

Mr. bones from mr. bones

Attached: MrBones.jpg (300x360, 174K)

Gunvolt from Gunvolt series

Attached: Gunvolt_%28ASG2%29.png (350x471, 158K)

Earthworm Jim
Little Ghost, Hollow Knight
The Stranger, Furi
Hat Kid, A Hat in Time
>pic related

Attached: 1535248667205.jpg (800x773, 119K)

14/50, post moar guys.

MC from GC, the game's gimmick was fighting with a pet monster and a huge variety of tools so it'd be cool to see it adapted
The game itself was shit, don't play it.

Attached: 51WFKF2M36L._SX342_.jpg (342x305, 27K)

Lifeline from Titanfall/Apex Legends

Attached: apex-legends-lifeline.jpg (1200x675, 109K)

Put the name down as Viewtiful Joe's girlfriend, but only if nobody posts Viewtiful Joe

>Inb4 >Obscure
He is to Smash's audience

Attached: BobbyDance.gif (269x397, 84K)

Forgot image like a retard

Attached: 6292c70842ae60ece276478e9b2f580d.jpg (195x464, 20K)

Brian from Quest 64

Attached: IMG_7093.jpg (320x500, 42K)

Replied to the wrong post like a retard, meant to hit

>40 fighters
So what’s the truth

Lenneth from Valkyrie Profile

Attached: 1160564633.jpg (273x601, 42K)

Ark from Terranigma.

Attached: Ark-from-Terranigma-Concept-Art-not-sure-if-its-official.jpg (557x378, 65K)


Fuck, I just came here to post Plok, but you were too fast.

Federation Kestral-Class Cruiser Layout A

Attached: 280px-Cruiser_Hull_Kestrel_A_The_Kestrel.png (280x184, 28K)

Gotta have some Dig Dug representation

Attached: Dig_Dug_-_Taizo_Hori_as_he_appears_in_Namco_X_Capcom.png (768x1024, 729K)

Meru from Legend of Dragoon

Attached: meru.jpg (638x876, 208K)

Shyna Nera Shyna - Silhouette Mirage
Sparkster - Rocket Knight Adventures.
Axel Gear, Sparkster's actual echo
Aero the Acrobat
Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel - Aero the Acrobat

Attached: Shyna Nera Shyna.jpg (640x448, 50K)

Isaac, but not the faggot Nintendo one every soiboi shills for.

Attached: tumblr_nyq9veb96O1tvdtdpo1_1280.jpg (1172x1729, 145K)

Crypto from Telefang

Attached: Crypto.png (500x500, 106K)

My man

Pious Augustus from Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. He'd do good fitting in as a villain with magic abilities.

Attached: Eternal_darkness-pious.jpg (479x320, 35K)

Ihadurca from Evil Zone.

Attached: ihadurca.png (304x208, 119K)

Hare - Monster Rancher
I know Suezo would’ve been chosen before a Hare, but dammit I want a boxing cartoon bunny.

Attached: BBD8B292-52AA-4E86-9B8C-20B46DAB1636.jpg (474x531, 48K)

Dingo from Zone of the Enders 2

Attached: Dingo.jpg (210x240, 14K)

40, i messed up. sorry

Arc from Arc the Lad

Attached: arc_the_lad_arc[1].jpg (214x272, 12K)

10 DLC characters

Gene from God Hand

Attached: Gene.jpg (250x284, 10K)

Mr. Ford from The Conduit. Essentially a Nintendo exclusive third party series with the exception of that mobile port of the first game.

Attached: 1314716-0abford.jpg (421x640, 27K)

Guitar Warrior from Total Distortion

Attached: guitar warrior.jpg (1280x720, 114K)


Attached: 3e0a3be1-cf14-474f-a31a-ac150eac83c6..png (420x420, 182K)

Ein from Riviera: The Promised Land. Or at least some sort of representation to show that game exists.
>inb4 anime swordsman

Attached: Ein.JPG.jpg (440x400, 19K)

OP is so fucking based, holy shit. Spectrobes is one of the most underrated franchises of all time.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

What does that bottom barrel do?

I didnt know those games existed...good job.

giles corey from town of salem

Attached: GilesCorey (1).png (174x272, 22K)

In case lazy multiposts are being ignored
>Earthworm Jim!

Attached: earthworm-jim-interplay-sale.jpg (2048x1384, 317K)

Jose from Ninja Baseball Batman

Attached: red.png (290x240, 10K)

What a smelly pick

Attached: c449d9fa-5337-46b2-abd4-e80c00ff08f2..jpg (449x328, 85K)

>weeb shit
saged and hidden

Stop it right now, user.

absolutely based

>Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

what the fuck?

Yuri from Shadow Hearts

Attached: 0186c91a16582ed7156a61e4d3fd2c79.jpg (505x1024, 52K)

I know it's from Rare, but maybe Juno from Jet Force Gemini. Or Turok from Turok if more violent choices are alright.

Attached: Juno_transparent.png (688x1054, 970K)

Raidou Kuzunoha from Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs The Soulless Army

Attached: Raidou Kuzunoha.png (2608x3774, 2.15M)

Gitarooman from his series.
How would a rhythm game character even play?

Attached: inis.0.jpg (1400x1400, 367K)

Attached: Time_Nomad.png (300x534, 194K)

Cyber Blue from Battle Circuit

Attached: AFA133BB-C81A-4AA7-9E33-7550853A8636.jpg (720x960, 58K)

>Turok is actually possible since the remake released on the Switch recently.

Attached: turok.jpg (720x480, 139K)

Blinx from Blinx: The Time Sweeper. An anthro cat using time powers sounds fun, that and he was gonna be the original mascot for the Xbox before MC came along.

Attached: Blinx.jpg (1600x1600, 822K)

Setsuna from The Last Blade

Attached: 28247EAF-5C2F-42AC-8357-35E100CFD58B.jpg (600x800, 55K)


Attached: iu.png (1000x2091, 523K)

Alice from Rage of the Dragons

Attached: B2BE3843-2981-4F88-B84C-296269E9DF33.png (210x390, 22K)

For our Pokemon Trainer stand-in, Kahu from Jade Cocoon 2. Echo Fighter Human Cure.

Attached: kahu.jpg (448x235, 37K)


Attached: Wahoo!.png (1200x813, 1.29M)

Klonoa from the Klonoa series. That's probably obvious, but I'll put it just in case.

>OP is actually a Nintendo rep because they announced they would add 5 DLC characters to the game without actually deciding on who they were going to put into it.
This is all just a guy scouting out potential for SSBU.

God I hope so, 90% of the characters in this thread deserve more love.

You have to pace your button inputs to maximize damage or your dps output is gimped.

NiGHTS from Nights into Dreams

Attached: NiGHTS.jpg (600x1152, 103K)

Tiffany Lords from Rival Schools

Attached: Tiffany Lords.jpg (729x1000, 150K)

This guy from Thing-Thing

Attached: project 145.png (970x844, 53K)

Artix as an Adventure Quest series rep
Just so we can get Hector as an Echo Fighter

Attached: ArtixNPC.png (393x465, 68K)

J'Zargo from "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"

Attached: J'zargo.jpg (960x640, 75K)

>Elder Scrolls Rep
>Anyone but M'aiq

Cain from Binary Domain

Attached: CN-7 Model Combat Robot (Cain).jpg (528x747, 51K)

Worm from Worms

Attached: worms-team17.png (793x529, 304K)

Firebrand - Ghosts ‘n Goblins/Gargoyle’s Quest

Attached: 608E9AC0-EDBA-40BC-9FFD-21F9B8DC9C66.png (1000x1016, 605K)

Hard mode: an obscure series that debuted this decade (2010-2019).

Goku from Saiyuki: The Journey West

Attached: 1373981-songoku05.png (480x356, 255K)

>ywn see kaneko designs in smash


Marlow Briggs


Attached: joshcorpuzmajorita.jpg (1920x2623, 666K)

I would love him

Gillian Seed from Snatcher

Attached: Gillian Seed.jpg (264x494, 14K)

Sparkster from Rocket Knight Adventure

Attached: Sparkster.png (544x653, 368K)

Vikeif from Battle Hunter
(No guns rule still applying I assume?)

Attached: gfs_44456_2_4.jpg (800x600, 84K)

Zizou from legend of Dark Witch

Attached: Zizou_DW2.jpg (1521x2453, 724K)

I didn't realize I wanted Rallen and Jeana so much

Attached: 1470015621880.jpg (244x294, 25K)


Also this, such a fun game.

Hama from Golden Sun

Attached: 150px-Hamaofficialart.png (150x446, 143K)

Neku from TWEWY

Attached: 923D583F-2962-4113-B3EB-4A50CDD29AAD.png (219x458, 125K)