>this counts as a puzzle according to nintenkeks
This counts as a puzzle according to nintenkeks
Cool thread
>120 shrines
>40% are gift shrines
>50% of the gift shrines have some kind of outside puzzle that involves a ball and a cup
you can cup my balls if you catch my drift
need a hint on how to solve it, op?
Please be a trap
All the Korok seeds give you is more weapon slots which you don't need. You don't have to do them. The point of Korok seeds is to add rewards to areas they otherwise wouldn't be able to add oneddue to development time. So if you climb all the way up some random mountain you at least get something small for it.
I mean, the developers literally intend you to find korok seeds, that is why there are so many of them. No wonder they couldn't make them all 900 super intricate puzzles.
You would genuinely be surprised how much this could legitimately stump people, half life 2's 'maze' is proof enough of how retarded people can get.
Go fuck yourself. Korok seeds are literally the only 'rewards' for exploration in this game. I tried playing this game without a map but it got to the point where I was sick of finding nothing but the same 3 korok puzzles so I just turned it back on.
Not true at all. Exploring gets you:
Stronger weapons
And Camps
They unfortunately can not put one of these things on every single mountain which is why they have Korok seeds
pic related is any zelda game's puzzles ever
game is designed to make 3 year olds feel smart
my reward is putting a square peg in a square hole and then wishing I was playing a more interesting game
Yeah like suicide
Don't forget the test of strength shrines that have slight variations on the same robot.
Maybe they should have crafted a world that fit the content, instead of making a giant world then stuffing it full of samey trash at the last minute.
zeldafags confirmed edgy children
why make effort when your audience is retarded enough to enjoy doing the same thing for 70 hours?
You can catch my drift
Don't make me post the God of War webm OP