>spend ages integrating myself into a steam group and getting liked
>guy who’s funny on a mic gets accepted and loved by everyone immediately
it’s not fair...
Spend ages integrating myself into a steam group and getting liked
Other urls found in this thread:
cute cup
deal with it fag
So learn to be funny on a mic then fag
Start being lewd with everyone until they like you more.
Charisma > All
Welcome to human society.
He rolled charisma, you didn't.
There's probably something he's struggling with very badly that you could do in a minute.
it's probably breaking the guy with charisma down and ruining his life.
Illya is the only loli I masturbate to. She's all mine, and no one else.
Just be yourself :)
Is she bottomless?
doubt that
be my boyfriend and i'll make you popular sweetie
What a loser.
>being a mute
shiggy diggy don't
>anime pic
Checks out.
>caring about some faggots in a chinese botnet
Are you retarded?
Jealous faggot.
you're not likable and people only tolerate you.
Doubly so if you're a tranny or fag.
Some people just have a way of making people feel at ease and like them very quickly
Why is Illya such a little slut?
>spend ages integrating myself into a steam group and getting liked
Sure is /r9k/ in here
>people who are good at thing im bad at are good at everything
based retard
Fuck you bitch, I'm just a realist.
Illya takes old, fat white man cock.
>Spend years at the same job
>Come into work every day, on time, diligent at my job.
>Guy who's late 3 days out of the week, no call no shows, and curses like a sailor around members gets to sit on his phone all day, because "He has nothing in his life" and my boss feels it's better to wrap an anchor around everyone else's neck so this shithead can have a job.
>Get blamed for quitting
Same happens to me everywhere
Nah, that's Tohsaka
he's either your boss' cousin, or if she's female, crush
looks & charisma > dilligence
Not him but, more like "I'm bad at everything".
I'm sure pizza hut will miss you in the long run.
me, but im the late one.
Part time-neet on a full time job is the best life.
Know this user, you do not owe your boss anything.
She is just doing her job as a cup.
I have one friend, it's enough. Need a wife though
I would cum and impregnate Ilya and fuck Toshaka but with pretection. Toshaka is a slut with STDs
then get good at something. saying "i can't" is defeatist and objectively untrue - you are bad at everything because you either want to be or need professional help getting over your depression or whatever
>Get blamed for quitting
lol, by whom? by your boss, your co-workers? tell them to suck a dick
Reminder, when people say Epic store lacks features, this is roughly what they're talking about.
Nobody gives a fuck about how hard you work.
Only idiots work hard. People who want to get somewhere make "friends"
What about a cute boyfriend?
>you are bad at everything because you either want to be or need professional help getting over your depression or whatever
It's both, and I'm lazy. It's easier to just forget about everything and just slowly go insane in my studio apartment, than try.
truth. I always get off with a slap on the wrist because I'm a cheery and social person who pretends to afree with people.
Secretly I'm an ebul nazi but they don't need to know that.
I'm okay with this.
Show penis.
Literally some felon that lived in Chiraq and was friends with another less than stellar employee, he's also ugly as fuck, and talks like shit.
Boss (Sorry, new boss, my old boss would have canned the faggot instantly) literally just wanted to throw a pity party for this faggot for 2 years and I it just tore at my last nerve.
I'm just venting, but ultimately I'm fucking furious I spent time making sure the place didn't run like shit, and now the system isn't "Seniority lands you easier jobs" it's "Hard workers work harder while shit employees get pity for being poorfags that can't handle money"
I'd honestly work at a pizza hut if it didn't boil down to workplace politics
I'm just angry as fuck, but thank you, fuck that faggot, if you can't eval employees based on performance you're a gigantic faggot and shouldn't be in charge of anything.
Will do sir
I come to work to work my guy, I don't care if I have to bust my balls, just don't make me bust my balls while some fag gets to sit on his phone.
It's easier but not better, user. I've been there, hell, I'm halfway there, but it's worth it to be happy, you should put in some effort to go see someone. You'll be glad you did.
Nah I'm just ass at everything I try lol
>be funny
>make friends with "important" people
>shittalk everybody behind their backs
>learn to do something that the average joe doens't want to learn
And that's why I'm late almost every day and nobody gives a fuck.
>you should put in some effort to go see someone
But I have no one to go see.
Keep trying.
There's gotta be some sort of professional or doctor or something, if not a friend. Unless you live in the woods or something.
Doctors just gave me pills and said good luck with life.
I don't think you understand how much ass I'm talking.
because in reality you spent ages being autistc over how to "be liked" while this other dude is just a naturally likable person and doesn't have to try
welcome to the world, sissy
come here give me a kiss baby i love you so much you are so beautiful...
people who treat steam like some shitty social media page are peak degeneracy
want me to stroke your loli chest?
>Start (New game)
>Dipshit that can't afford the game regardless: "IS IT GOOD?>>"
who are you quoting?
If it takes ages for people to "like" you, maybe it's time to realize there's something wrong with you
A situation I often experience because most steam users are retarded?
Did you think I was taking a jab at your or something?
I'll fight you right now
Okay we can kiss, but where are my friends?
for someone who hates steam groups you sure know a lot about them hmmmm
>Mute the voice chat
>Hide the text chat
>Check mic is not connected
>Offline in friends
>Private profile
Ready to play multiplayer games.
honey i am your friend now you dont need other friend you are my baby pie and i love you i have many friend in india i will show you to them.....
Probably because I have people like you added nigger,
You don't just hate things without knowing about them, do you?
of course I do, where do you think you are?
I'm leaving, this isn't what I agreed to at all.
But knowledge makes the hate more intimate
NO please i treat you so good sweetie please... :(((
Different user here
Still looking for a partner?
some people are just shit and need to remember that
Steam is a digital video game store, not a social network.
put the knife down, psycho
Yes but I'm going to need at least 3 more friends by the end of the day.
Zoey... lol!
I don't your trying hard enough. I think your the type that gives up at the sign of adversity. Remember Improvement doesn't come from success Improvement comes from failure and working to correct what yoy did wrong.
Why that many user?
Am I not good enough?
>get into some group
>instantly liked by the most people there
>one faggot with a whiny voice starts getting passive-aggressive to me every time i join them
No, accept my terms or find someone else.
is the anime in the OP pic worth picking up just for illya and chloe
i'm a massive lolicon btw if that factors into anything (anime only though, irl kids are gross)
>Improvement comes from failure and working to correct what yoy did wrong.
But that's not fun
I'm more the type to give up after I've wasted way too long going nowhere.
That’s what you get.
I wish girls were as eager as gay boys in being courted.
I really wish I were gay sometimes.
i want a cute depressed anime-watching bf
are you a girl?
of course not
>i'm a massive lolicon
>cute depressed anime-watching bf
try 8ch we only have cute happy anime watching little girls here
People like likable people, wow what a shocker.
It's because you're an unlikable tryhard who your entire group thinks is a socially awkward freak but they're too polite to say it out loud.
fuck off i’m likable
it takes 10k hours to master a skill
i'm shit at programming and I still managed to become a millionaire at 24
How about you stop being such a melodramatic, neurotic retard and try improving yourself instead of blaming others and being self destructive? I hate people like you. Fucking catch yourself in the act when you find yourself being an idiot and force yourself to change. You aren't funny but continue to make lame jokes? Stop it and reevaluate what makes stuff funny online. I also don't see how this is a big enough issue to you to create a thread about it, so change that too.
Also stop tricking yourself into believing that liking lewd art of little girls is okay because they aren't real. It's disgusting, and this isn't an subjective opinion, it's a fact. You like them because they're cute but not lewd? Gay but alright. You like small bodies? Fine, but as long as they aren't tiny little fucking girls.
have sex with me
Debatable. I already dislike you and we've barely talked.
I fulfill the depressed part, will that work?
>it takes 10k hours to master a skill
Too long, that's like 15 years.
That's like a little over a year
>tfw spent at least 3 on drawing seriously and still hate my shit
>quickly coming up on that same amount of time not even picking up a pencil
It's a drawing, user. A drawing. It's as comparable to the real deal as your image is to somebody actually doing that to your face. It affects nobody, encourages nothing, and does not resemble anything. Stop comparing the two, it's neither worth the effort complaining about, nor is it mentally healthy looking at it that way.
>I like gay girls. That's a thing we do around here.
>That's like a little over a year
How is that in any way a year? If you do it "as a job" 7 days a week it'd still take about 3,5 years.
>Spend years at the same job
There's your first mistake.
The very first thing you should do when you get a job is start applying to better jobs.
Unless you have a contract with them, use every job as a stepping stone to the next better job.
Yeah I was thinking all together. Even then it's nowhere near as bad as 15. 3-5 sounds more accurate.
10,000 hours is a meme. It's more about how much time you're trying new techniques and actually improving instead of just doing the same thing over and over. There are plenty of shitty colored pencil anime artists on deviantart that have passed the 10,000 hour mark and still make shit.
(Tbqh, I still respect them more than people who don't draw at all though)
>faggot that can only express himself through pictures of anime girls
If you go into any job expecting fair treatment, you're in for a rough ride, it's a life lesson everyone has to go through, your bosses do not give a single fuck as long as their company is working to their favour. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either young or lives in their own fairy world.
try killing yourself
>Tbqh, I still respect them more than people who don't draw at all though
Why don't you respect non-drawers?
>join a discord group I found on Yea Forums
>look for the cutest anime avatars and add them as friends
>erp with every one of them and they end up falling in love with me
>tell them to keep it a secret so we don't bring drama to the group
>I have a harem now
>ERPing with males
I went through books on techniques, tried different mediums, drew from life, "copied" artists I liked to keep my hands moving, nothing ever seemed enough for me and I eventually got pissed at myself and quit having wasted all that time with nothing to show.
Probably means people that don't try and complain about not being able to draw "because it's all talent."
Actual seething projection cope
>Probably means people that don't try and complain about not being able to draw "because it's all talent."
That's me
>caring about social interaction
You will grow up of it eventually, my fellow autist and illyaposter.
>caring what other employees are doing
cringe. min wage incel
Seeing people put 0 effort in when you're working hard is annoying af. Not that guy btw.
this is almost entirely a function of how big the company is and how well it's doing
smaller companies that are doing well can be extremely chill but bigger companies will slit your throat the second things look like they might get a little tight
This turns me on immensely, even if I know you're a dude.
Not that user, but not everyone is going to make it in this world. There are people who give it their all their entire life and get nowhere, there are people that barely put in effort and get everywhere. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a little deluded to reality.
>harem of ugly nerdy men
This is not something worth bragging about.
Imagine being so out of the loop that you still think video games, internet, and anime are only for ugly men instead of being probably the most mainstream and normie hobbies now.
Only if you're the one working hard for no reason like a moron.
80/20 rule, no reason to bust your ass especially for some min wage job
Yeah, exactly what I mean.
I know people say it alot, but it's better to have an imperfect something than a perfect nothing. I get genuine joy out of my old shitty drawings, not because I like the technique but because I like their subject matter and concepts. Maybe you should focus on drawing things you like the idea behind first and then figuring out how to become a "good" artist later.
I'd rather look at a 12 year olds shit drawing with a cool concept than another beautifully rendered hand or some gay shit.
This is partially true, but a lot of it is a function of people being scared to take risks. Many people would rather do something safe and familiar that they hate and are bad at than try out other options.
post contac
normalfags dont ERP.
And even if they aren't ugly men, they're still men. Stop ERPing with men, that's fucking gay.
You expect to be treated like a doormat. He expects to be treated like an equal. That is why he is loved by everyone, and you end up being treated like a doormat.
>Maybe you should focus on drawing things you like
I'm on Yea Forums, I don't like stuff.
>Probably means people that don't try and complain about not being able to draw "because it's all talent."
that's what I assumed he meant
I can't draw and I'll probably never learn how to draw, but that's because programming takes up a lot of my free time, and I don't mind spending money on commissions
theory of comparative advantage states that it's more efficient for me to commission artists instead of learning how to draw (even if I could learn how to draw better) because for $20-30 I can get a decent quality art that would require hundreds of hours of practice for me to make
I'm pretty good looking, enjoy all that shit and you wouldn't catch me dead ERPing. Tinder exists.
No need to bust your ass, but if your slacking makes more work for me then I hate you, it's that simple. Fuck over the company, not your fellow plebs.
Like 98% of people who erp are ugly men or disgusting trannies
Do less job then
I was having more fun just doing my shit scribbles back in school than the period after where I tried to get serious, but like I said before, I've been not drawing for too long now and thinking what my hands would shit out now just pisses me off too much.
That shit just ain't worth it after a while, though admittedly it's enjoyable to do for a month or so every year. Granted I don't pretend to be female so I at least avoid MOST of the needy retards, no idea how people put up with it.
>Needy retards
Bruh, why you gotta say the shit that hurts the most... I just want female attention. I missed out on it during high school and it's really fucked me up.
kill yourself
Don't act like life is fair
>I just want female attention
Then why are you ERPing with men?
Stop being fucking gay.
>I can't draw and I'll probably never learn how to draw, but that's because programming takes up a lot of my free time
Yea Forums takes all of my time, so I just can't learn anything.
High school love was trash, stop romanticizing it. Jesus christ Yea Forums sounds like a bunch of disney addicts half the time.
Roasties aren't worth it user, focus your attention in something else.
What job?
>A harem of sweaty men
>That you're not even having sex with
Yes, some Chad you are.
Even men pretending to be women gives that same satisfactory feel.
It's not about high school love. It's having had the experience to know how relationships function.
I'm getting to this point, without the incel added flavor.
Doing art to impress others is the death of joy user. If it ever tickles your fancy, just do some doodles and promise yourself you'll never show them to anyone, no matter how good they are. Removal of the fear of having something good enough too show for (you)'s will free you up immensely. You may even have /fun/.
Never too late to start. Download a dating app or something. And hit the gym.
>prefer to work instead of socializing because I find it less exhausting
>work harder than 90% of the crew, never late, never fuck up, never complain
>fucking new guy gets a promotion before I do even though he's lazy and has been late twice
>boss says it's because I don't attend enough social events outside of work
I unironically hate normies
>Even men pretending to be women gives that same satisfactory feel.
Yikes dude. This is how you start becoming gay. Please stop before you're too far gone
I'd probably promote the guy I like over the sperg that works hard honestly. Especially if the performance is even remotely close.
if you quit being a faggot on the internet you might actually have a chance
I'm like you, but I'm going to say this for your own good.
Managers want to see aspiration. If you do as your told, when your told, how you're told, you're seen as obedient and satisfied with your current position. You have to have the driveand want to move up by letting your higher-ups know your interest.
kek based
>Becoming gay
You don't become gay. I sure wish I were gay, but I'm not. Pretending a faceless nobody on the other side of the screen is a woman isn't the same thing as sticking my dick in a dude's mouth.
why are lolis so perfect
>No womanly features whatsoever
You're having sexual conversations with men. How is that NOT gay as fuck?
I think I had this backwards because I was drawing shit for friends all the time back then and had fun, the serious stuff was almost always for me to look back on and see what I needed to fix. I'm mad because I'm not living up to standards for myself, even though I know how dumb that is to expect myself to improve by just seething for a couple years.
I like drawings but I don't like drawing. It would be great to create beautiful pieces of my own, but it requires alot of shit I hate and it really isn't worth it.
>nobody posting more illya
kill yourselves you worthless faggots
But big part of the "fun" is getting compliments and positive attention from others.
Use google you dumb cunt. She's shit and your taste is shit.
>No womanly features
see dem hips
They can give you a blowjob while standing
they're cute
>implying there's a difference between men and women typing the same words
if you fap to a pic of a girl drawn by a guy, are you gay? If you fap to text implying girl written by a guy, are gay?
Be less insecure, user
Again, one is faceless and completely fictitious.
You jacking off to porn made by men doesn't make you gay. They're words, not actions.
t. seething roastie who fears replacement
link to this discord?
They do that with their S/O, not random men on steam.
thats not the point. The point is that even normies like to erotically text and write things to each other.
Yeah, but not with ugly nerdy men. That's gay.
Sorry man, but that's just how it is. I've been ERPing for god knows how many years now, and the worst people are the ones who're always clingy/needy, the only people you'll attract being like that are those who'll abuse that clinginess to the high heavens and ditch you when they're bored, whilst repelling anyone who may actually be decent.
Don't act needy, and for the most part you'll get the attention you want.
Fuck this boss.
Boss must care about only about productivity.
I'm not trying to convince you to keep trying, but it's obvious that if you put in so much effort in the first place you must have gotten some joy from it. Just do a doodle, show it to whoever you want or nobody, and even if it's a shit doodle you'll still have a doodle. It doesn't have to be a career or a lifestyle. You can just do it for whatever. Even just a 30 second doodle a month.
This is the mentality of tumbler artists that are great but fish for compliments and spiral into a depression when some rando doesn't like their work.
>he thinks girls post on Yea Forums
>They do that with their S/O
bruh, look at this dude...wait til you see the f-oh no no no, ahahahuuuuhhh...ahaaaAAAUAUAUAUAAAA PFFHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA OH LOOK AT THE TOP OF HIS HEADDDD
>This is the mentality of tumbler artists that are great but fish for compliments and spiral into a depression when some rando doesn't like their work.
Except I'm not great and spiral into depression from anything.
>be funny and liked on mic, making new friends instantly
>get banned by the autistic mod because I'm getting a lot of attention despite being new
Women do it all the time what do you mean? Why the fuck do you think erotica is more common among women than men?
>This user is so cool, bros
>He has a shit load of wild stories about browsing the intertnet and has a big ass collection of cartoon girls on his computer
>work my way up to admin status
>ban people i don't like
Charismafag here. It's true.
You are allowing yourself to be beaten by 14 year old girls who draw anime. They're inherently better than you, just because they try, even if they're shit. Why do you let this happen?
>be funny and liked on mic
>hate my accent and hate self so distance myself from anybody showing any amount of affection
add me up losers
The show 10% action 90% nude kids making out. You'll probably enjoy Index too.
I'm not going to deny that. I'm just in a weird limbo of hating getting stuck and wanting to git gud, and hating what I've done versus the time I put into it, thinking I'll just keep going this way.
> Why do you let this happen?
Why not, like it's gonna really change anything anymore.
Nomo Feb 3 @ 1:58pm
I miss u
Did you use him, abuse him, and then ghost him?
>giving a shit what other people think
add me up loser
Did you ever show an interest in getting a promotion? If you didn't it is your own fault.
I too would like to know where this discord is located.
add me up loser
Where'd you get this picture of me and my bros?
Your insistence is attractive, but I'm scared.
add me up loser
N-no. Tell me your ulterior motives.
add me up loser
I once knew a guy that was funny and charismatic who everyone liked back in college. One day he invited me to his dorm and we got to drinking and he almost broke down in tears telling me how miserable he was. He felt like people only liked him because he made them laugh, and that none of his accomplishments were genuine.
That's most artists on here's problem. Most famous artists and animators just drew stuff for fun and not to get good. Everyone here puts the cart before the horse and just cares about muh 10000 hour mastery. If you ever want to get anywhere, you have to enjoy the process more than the destination. If you really can't do that, just remove the thoughts of ever having a destination and just do the process for fun.
Having Charisma is the biggest life hack of all.
Suck it, int fags.
luck build>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else
I wish I enjoyed doing stuff.
I miss doing shit for fun.
Sounds like he was just "charisma'ing" at you.
Stupid Illya forgot her panties
can confirm.
stand up comic
when I'm on, i am impossible not to love. not even cringey. Just funny and smart and laid back. I was friends with both the absolute dregs and the popular kids.
I'm slowly killing myself with drugs, alcohol, pornography and food.
If I linked it they'd all know user, don't be silly!
Then they make a new account and call you out before you get your mod status revoked.
what the fuck is ERPing anyway? is it the *nuzzles your paw* furry talk?
it's what us boomers used to call cybersex
No fair! I want to join in the fun, is there really no other way, even if i'm probably just going to spend my time stealing random lewd pictures in there anyways
They're adorable
Have sex OP
Just join a MMO guild, I ended up doing gay shit that way.
I hate normalfaggots so fucking much
>le not what you know but who you know
fucking die already
same. sometimes when im not making people laugh they make it a point to just say "oh i forgot you were here haha"haha...
a millionaire browsing Yea Forums? bullshit
but he's literally right
I'm one of the lucky few who sold Bitcoin when it was high
I've barely done anything with the money, I don't even play vidya
>mfw i'm literally an obese, hairy, unwashed NEET
>mfw i cutepost on Yea Forums anyway
It’s Not What’s on the Outside, but What’s on the Inside
if i become your e-bf will you give me money
It sucks, but he's right.
double bullshit
They don't even really like you to begin with, weebfag. They just took all those years trying to find ways to tolerate you.
sorry i already have two on OSRS
where do you do standup?
can i be your third
I wouldn´t call me a normalfag when all I do is play vidya and watch animu.
It´s just a fact that I learned during my life.