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Other urls found in this thread:

wtf I love cygames now

SJWs have won.

I really wish I knew that guy's address so I could send him some steak and beers and thank him for making the world a better place while he could.

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I wish I knew who at Sony was responsible for this so I could confirm a hunch.

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not looking good for anime games... I fear that this will also impact my nep games.
i really don't have a pc and play exclusive on ps4... so this is a problem for me

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There is no winner in this. Only various levels of pride. We've all lost in the long run. Thankfully, it's only temporary. The pendelum always swings back.

Where there is money to be made and content gaps to be filled, there will be a man working out a plan to make it happen. And controversy and adversity is not going to stop it. As we speak, people are getting more and more fired up by "taboo" content as it becomes more and more rare. This is nothing new. The cycle repeats every 30 years or so.

No one has "won" anything. Popular opinion shifts. Laws are made and overturned. So it goes.

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Damn, if XSEED had any employees left, they would probably be crying.

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Remember when that Xseed thot said she hated NISA for stealing Ys? Then went over to work for them like the useless cunt she is? Bitches and whores.

I still think it's weird that he let Sony take advantage over him, he could have just cut ties with him and put it on other formats like Nintendo. I feel like this is more of Sony's ties with China than the sjw paranoia people are pointing fingers at as rainbow six showed us.

It's not as deep as people think. It's just another step in the ongoing process of making 1 product for every consumer. Music did it. Movies did it. Now it's gaming's turn. The goal is to annihilate niche genres and merge them into as few discernible categories as possible so 1 product can be sold to as many people as possible. This includes making games unisex. The "SJW" agenda people see is simply the merging of genres and interests for profit. There is no SJW agenda - only corporate greed. And they want women's money so bad you wouldn't believe it. Women's ideals just happen to mirror SJW so people blame them. But's always the suits with the greed behind the curtain.


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Brittany or whatever her name is, the girl from Xseed with the nice jugs, tweeted how she disliked NISA and cried when they got Ys, now she works for NISA on cold steel 3 and 4

>And they want women's money so bad you wouldn't believe it. Women's ideals just happen to mirror SJW so people blame them. But's always the suits with the greed behind the curtain.

Better tell them they fucked up, then:

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I hope you're right, user.

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I don't fucking get the stockholm syndrome over sony platforms. Even when shit is selling negative numbers on vita they still want keep on it over switch to any other platform for example.

that Cygames is on West Expansion and already censoring games

Pride is a lot like love ... You're not really aware of it when your engulfed by it. All you can think is "I am right, they are wrong, that's it". They never stop to think "Well, what if I'm not right?" because there is no question. And this is what pride does.

The same as love makes you do absolutely illogical things that seem to make sense at the time. All our friends and family see it, but you don't. Only in hindsight once you've fallout out of love do you realize what a fool you were.

I thought she started to work at hooters? but damn that's gonna be a hard pill to swallow...

No, she was a carer for a very short time in between the two jobs.

If you are talking about fat notte, thats more 8-4 being stupid than Cygames itself, also the game have rewrites. But even granblue have too.

But for some stupid reason if you change the language to Euro english she is back unchanged.

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pretty based opinion user

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Back when XSEED was on top, and NISA didn't have a single game to their name, everyone thought it was the final days for NISA.

What they secretly did was weaseled their way into an exclusive contract with Falcom. While Ys8 was still being pre-localized by XSEED, Falcom informed them that they had to hand over the game to NISA. The producer of the localization spoke out on Twitter how devastated she was about losing the series. Her outcry caused the great XSEED-NISA online war.

Eventually XSEED announced the Trails of Cold Steel games (Chinese Kai version) for the PS4. XSEED fans were overjoyed. Then NISA eventually announced that they had the rights to the third game in the series. The Chinese Kai versions were substantial for the save data being usable between all four games. Having the save data only usable between two games is worthless. Fans of the series were devastated. With many fans (including myself) cancelling their pre-orders for the first two ports published by XSEED.

The main localizer for XSEED had already quit, and the Ys8 producer was fired for whatever stupid reason. She eventually worked with NISA on Trails of Cold Steel III, before leaving the project due to several unfortunate personal events.

>There is no SJW agenda - only corporate greed.
Didn't stop ResetEra from celebrating when they heard the news.

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Wait there's a euro english? How different is it from the american translations?

Who cares? SK put out two below average games and a ton of shit over what, ten years?

It's low effort ecchi kusoge

Nothing, far as i'm aware, it's same translation.

>The Chinese Kai versions were substantial for the save data being usable between all four games
For what purpose? Carrying over some sepith and some dumb cosmetic crap, and having a few characters go "hey I remember you rean haha". The save carry over is pointless.

My thought is that both people celebrating and people wailing are immature and this really shouldn't matter to anyone besides the guy switching studios.

don't give them (you)s my fellow senran anons

>reeeeeeetardera represents the entire world


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It's ResetEra. I mean, what did you expect? If the left passed legislation making it illegal to drink water, they would celebrate. Because their team won. They don't care WHAT they won, HOW they won, or even IF they REALLY won. All that matters is it they can use it to make them feel good about their team. That's it. They're all absolute retards.

At, in fairness, the extreme right is exactly the same.

>Correct: Sony is trying to market their product to the largest possible userbase
They are including demographics they previously did not market to, including females and children. It's just that they are doing it in the worst possible ways, by offering virtually no games actually designed for children, and continuing to have violent videogames, while excluding other games on basis of sexual content.

False: They are bowing to SJWs
Social Justice Warriors do not buy games/music/anything they go against. It would be stupid from a business and personal view to market to the people that want to take you down.

This dumbass doesn't know Cygames is actually a huge as fuck company that is way more influential than Marvelous. If things go right with Granblue Versus and Granblue ReLink they could very well bull charge their way into the Western market

Jesus christ, looks like a really messy game then. why didn't they just make sure the saves were compatible with the xseed one?

What the fuck, Cygames sponsors Evo?

Cygames do way more than granblue, they just don't have proper footing on console market.

Also they are made from ex squeenix staff.

redpill me on this cygame as i never heard of them, are they good or are they just gacha shit?

Here's the sad thing ... People have been blaming SJWs for so long that normies and eavesdroppers have started to think SJWs are the 'winning team' who are pulling off all these amazing wins. Which is swelling their ranks, naturally. Followers and people that strongly desire to belong to something larger than themselves, especially women, always want to be on the more powerful team. We created this illusion, and now the illusion is becoming reality, and it's all our fault.

Yes. They've been eyeing the competitive fighting game scene for years now. Team Cybeasts have Daigo Umehara in their lineup along other reputable fighting game players. Granblue Versus is their attempt to break into the scene.

Sony's current HQ is in California. They aren't bowing to SJWs, they are now run by SJWs instead of Japs.

Ex-Squaresoft employees who made their own company but were too poor to make actual games so they decided to take the morally ambiguous route of banking on people's desire to gamble and make gacha games. It turned out pretty great for them but they've always been vocal about mobile games being a means to an end in making actual video games. They're the ones responsible for Zone of the Enders 2 remastered and have recently started making their own vidya along with other companies like ArcSys and Platinum Games. One of the heads of Cygames was pretty upset Capcom isnt making a Dragons Dogma 2 anytime soon so they decided to greenlight Project Awakening, a Dragons Dogma-like game

but i also think this user is correct I'm pretty sure someone is pulling the strings... why is it so deliberate on anime games only...

I'm pretty sure Itsuno is working on DD2 now. I hope the games dont launch close to each other.

To be fair they decided to announce that one a couple of years back before Itsuno made the hint to DD2

>but i also think this user is correct I'm pretty sure someone is pulling the strings... why is it so deliberate on anime games only..

if you haven´t noticed, America has been in an anti-anime crusade for at least a decade now, coined derogative terms like weeb, anime profile pic (opinion discarded), he plays weeb games. etc etc.

I'm not comfortable with this as money always talks. i know senran have their own gacha, but still this stinks

Exactly. It's like when Zuckerberg made Facebook to connect people with others on an online platform or Disney buying Fox and working out a deal with Sony to get all the Marvel characters' rights so they can be in the MCU. Investors are all about that shit.

Roasties fear anime girls because they will never be able to obtain the same level of beauty and attractiveness.


I've seen some serious delusions of oppression on this site but that takes the cake.

Get help.

He isnt working on the gacha division I think. He's working on console game division of Cygames, Cygames Osaka

Seriously user, you actually think that? Come on now

He's not wrong. Remember the Steam emails to visual novel companies? Anime and Animu themed games were specificially targeted, while nobody else was. It's ironic that Manga Gamer was so thrilled to join Steam after they announced their Adult section, when their tame games were targeted before.

>inb4 they fuck over Nintendo again.

no need, im not being an activist or anything, Im just saying what I have noticed for the past ... damn how many years have I been here....

why yes, just look at Yea Forums and most boards, hell its even spread all over social media like facebook twitter etc.

Dragalia? I think theyre doing way better now. It recently topped off granblue in the top 20 charts in Japan. They did a pretty good 180 on that game's situation

Weeb was coined right here on Yea Forums, matey. I was around during the time. THOSE WERE THE DAYS, SONNY.
But yeah SJWs hate weebs because in anime the good guys are always strong, beautiful, thin, and "white" (even though that's just how the Japs draw themselves).

The thing is Weeaboo doesn't even mean "Foreigner who glorifies Japanese culture above his own" anymore. Weeb just warped into a term used for anyone who enjoys Japanese games or media with anime aesthetic

I didnt say it wasnt, most of the derogatory terms were coined right here, on an anime message board.

wrong, dont bring /pol/ into this, the only reason for attack is because anime focuses on young teens in most of their stories because well, anime is mostly targeted at kids and teens

and this guy is also right

Dragalia is a new IP and gacha to boot which is saturated at this point. Anyone expecting do FGO numbers was dumb as fuck.

i have some evidence for ya

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I know. It was warped by us on this website. Like many memes, it started on Yea Forums and spread.

>wrong, dont bring /pol/ into this, the only reason for attack is because anime focuses on young teens in most of their stories because well, anime is mostly targeted at kids and teens
Incorrect. They do not have a logical or politically-driven reason for attacking it. It is emotionally-driven.

Don't try to sweep this under the rug. You should all be proud of the mess you made.

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>panics and runs away the moment he can't rely on the fanservice crutch anymore
What an absolute hack. Good riddance

>stands by his convictions and passions instead of bowing his head and making games he doesn't want to
Absolutely based.

upvoted and based my smart man.

now fuck off and leave us at least to mourn in peace!

>Things have changed in the past and after been hearing “this is not ok. This is not good either, maybe this isn’t ok” for a while, at some point last year he felt like the rope was pulled so much that it snapped.
>While some criticize sexy content, many enjoy it and have supported the Senran Kagura series. Takaki-san believes that this kind of diversity increases the appeal of the gaming industry as a whole and the fact that it was so easy to tear apart became a chance for him to think.
>He is now 42 years old, and he is asking himself “what will I do in ten years?” There may not be much time left for him to operate at the front lines of game development, and with the fact that he got married and had a daughter, he started to think “what do I want to do?”
>He wonders why people are trying so hard to clamp on a little sexy fun that one can laugh at, and he can’t understand this trend that is spiraling towards a humorless, boring, and stuffy world.
Takaki had a hard life...

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funny thing, I saw this same attitude here on Yea Forums yesterday, either people actually believe this or Sony has this place in control real tight

to be fair I haven´´t played this game, is it any good?

is fantastic

>Liberals have this place in control real tight

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its sony user, notice how if this was Nintendo or Xbox it would be talked about all over the place.

You have no idea what you're talking about

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so, does the game really sexualise the characters way more than what the cover of the game would make you think it does?

Ive heard from here that the game is good (you confirmed it as well) but since Im a poor gamer I tend to already have the games Im buying chosen before hand, so I havent gotten around to allocating cash to buy this one.

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pirate it nigga. if you like it then buy it

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Haha. Weebs BTFO.

>people showing hype for a game
whats the problem here? We are talking about specifically censoring in video games.and well ... as a anime-anything has been under attack lately.

I should, Im just not used to pirating, im one of those fags and dont enjoy playing pirated games. Ill try to get it.

>Versus get a perfect storm of anime airing, vita discount and retards importing.
>Marvelous get cocky and try push SK2 ever further.
>Game performs poorly due retards wanting more versus, nips complaining about being too hard, not being on vita and no Yumi. Despite the game being miles better than Versus.
>Cue more versus.

No fuck him for Yumi wank.

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>>people showing hype for a game
never to this magnitude and never as long as a week, and they have a general on /vg/.

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gatcha shit won

It's not just no Yumi. SK2 only had the original characters, with no additions at all aside from a single DLC character. Even the two new girls weren't playable which was baffling to me after all the marketing they got.

The fighting system was improved, but the previous one was competent enough for most players anyway, so it didn't really attract anyone new and just lost audience.

dont remind me, how I wish Takaki had stuck with the nintendo version of the game

>mourning the man who let the series become musou trash and Yumifag pandering

again nothing to do with the current topic.

because if faggots such as that are left free they will shit the ENTIRE BOARD with anti nintendo threads

2013 and 2014 Yea Forums was unbearable beacuse of this, the whole day over 400 anti nintendo threads.

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Naraku and kagura are pretty much complete on files which reeks of DLC since is missing very little. But marvelous dropped the support somewhat fast so it's just there.

Now it's moot point complain since 3ds timeline is dead.

"Anime games only"
You didn't even notice DMC 5 ass getting censored?

also remember how when the 3DS got hacked, we had threads 24/7 for months on how to hack it, and when the vita got hacked, we barely got like a thread a week.

most people will argue that its because the vita had no good games, which was false, it had great games

>Nintendo fucks up
>anti-nintendo posts pop up
>Sony fucks up
>anti-sony posts pop up
Where were you during state of play?

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Vita issue lies on fact that ton of decent games aren't untranslated or took way too long to get translated.

The ass censor is weird because there's two ass scenes and only one of them is censored. If you actually fell for the bait on Yea Forums, you deserve to be shitposted on

>Nintendo fucks up
>anti-nintendo posts pop up for a month

>Sony fucks up
>anti-sony posts pop up for a day. half of the posts are defending it

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because hacking a vita was 10x easier than hacking a 3ds

to hack a 3ds you need to have a specific browser page to be able to open the homebrew to be able open the file to be able to load the hack to be able to change the bios of the system istaling a copy of the bios to be able to instal FBI to be able to instal the CIA and 59 other steps

fact of the matter is that it had great games as well, and by hacking it you could play said games by pirating, but still barely any threads about it.

I still have mine, and play some freedom wars on it every now and then, or project Diva on it.

still no excuse for the amount of threads user, also if you recall all threads started, Why haven´t you hacked your 3DS yet? or There is no reason not to hack your 3DS, and called out people who didnt want to hack it as stupid or what not.

I wonder what "console Cygames projects" they mean. The Dragon's Dogma clone? The Granblue console game?

because if any of the 159 steps were wrong the guy could brick their console

RIP Senran Kagura.
How so? They killed Senran Kagura. Fuck them actually.

It says a lot about these games that people never talk about the gameplay, or even the story, music, etc. It's ALWAYS muh tiddies. I'm against censorship but all of this shit feels like forced outraged by people who don't actually care but just want to be part of the "culture war".

Also, Japan censors the fuck out of its games. Reduces the amount of blood/gore significantly and the sexual content has to fit CERO's standards. The very concept of a ratings board is essentially censorship, getting a Z by CERO or an A by the ESRB is basically a death sentence. Yet I see very few complaints about this, even from people who claim to be free speech absolutists. And this is just talking about video games, it's even worse for television and film.

Sell your PS4, cuck.

I hacked my console twice, then went back to stock because like I mentioned before, I dont enjoy games if they are pirated, and I never had any issues hacking it, now did the people I know.

everything can get bricked sure, but dont make the 3DS like it was really hard to hack, and that doesnt excuse the threads or lack of moderators moderating those threads as well.

ESRB don't give a shit, this got proven countless times. If some game get higher or lower rating that it supposed to be it's the company fault for wanting that rating and make such changes. They aren't enforced, you can even release unrated games.

How so? They fucking ruined and killed Senran Kagura. What a fucking shitty company. They're wasting Kenichiro Takaki's talents.

because in terms of gameplay there isnt much to talk about, its more about the characters intereactions which were great in the nintendo games since it onlny focused on 10 girls intead of 20+ of the playstation versions.

the nintendo games did have some drama and character development in them, and while SK2 was the hardest it was still easy once you leveled up a few times... specially with Mirai and her grenade launcher.

But he literally left to make more censored games on PS4?
Nothing changed.

Sk2 was a bit broken-ish on release, and game is super armor galore to boot.

West got the patched version.

>Join Cygames
I'm actually glad for him. As long he'll still somewhat keep his preference for anime and lewd girls in mind while working on his new games, I'm pretty excited to see what kind of stuff he'll do with these absolute madmen Cygames, they will end up being a big AAA studio in the console space

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I doubt they just told him to quit Marvelous and join them instead m8
It's Sony who ruined Senran, don't go and blame someone else.

>we will see SK girls in Granblue Fantasy

Marvelous still own the IP.

Could he have just taken the IP with him?

It matters not. You'll see what I mean soon enough.

If you talking about Nan, he is a freelancer.

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I really doubt Senran is the kind of series that need precise creative control from a genius dev team in order to release and be fine.
For one thing, he was just the producer

Hopes he don't touch the Granblue game.
He will ruin it.


Nice catch from the page 10 user! WOWWW


What's wrong user?

He's still wasting his talents at making lewd games.

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Legit glad
He saw the easy way with versus games and killed the franchise.

Hope he thinks of his mistake and make a better one.

I will miss Homura. Can't believe she went out as a flanderized one note joke character. What a shame.

>why is it so deliberate on anime games only...
It's not our culture. People fear the things they don't know, or don't understand. It's that simple. And they don't want to take the effort to familiarize themselves with it. So they mock it, and bully it, like those 3 or 4 kids in high school that stood out because their characteristics was not the same as everyone else's. That's it.

People can say it's because of a female's envy, lack of ethics in illustrations (ie: loli/shota), but those are just the pressure points that the west attacks. It's not the root of their hatred.

>It's Sony who ruined Senran
The true is shitrans ruined shitrans
Sonly just brought the coffin.

Rabi-Ribi is worth every penny you spend on it and then some. Genuinely one of the best metroidvanias ever made, and it actively encourages you to try to figure out sequence breaks to the point where every time someone discovers one, the devs turn it into an achievement.


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Does this mean that Senran Kagura is dead?

Is he the guy that does SKs awesome art? Or is he at least taking that guy with him?

>Popular opinion shifts. Laws are made and overturned
>The pendelum always swings back.
But for how long? I may be already dead when the pendulum is back towards us again.

Whatever. I don't support censorship because only cucks commies do

Cygames is into lewd shit too, do you really think they won't leverage his, huh, expertise?

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For the US? 30 years per cycle, historically. Feminism was actually the power behind the last 2 swings back to freedom of expression, funny enough. I mean, Iran back in the early 60s (before the muslim revolution) had bikinis and shit. But they locked the country down so thoroughly, the pendulum still hasn't swung back. The US, however, is completely different due to freedom of speech and civility. It won't be long.

Bear in mind that things like loli are still 100% federally legal in the United States as guaranteed by the constitution and no amount of ResetEra tantrums can change that.

No they won't. He'll make nothing lewd because they suck up Sony's cock as well.

God why isn't it out for switch yet. It seems like it'd be perfect for the platform. I could get it for PS4 but I don't really want to and my PC is dead.

Holy fucking shit what a bunch of ultra fucking retards. The dumb mutilated trannies don't know what's coming. Cygames is gonna get big soon and fast, and they don't give a fuck about their insane cult SJW religion and are very much going to make high budget """sexist""" anime games. They act as if Takaki going from a low tier AA company like Marvelous to Cygames is a downgrade. Lmao

Not for much longer

You wish. Cygames only making games on PS4. We'll never get any lewd games from the man ever again.

He said he's working on a high fantasy game so yeah.
It's still going to be lewd and there will be a point where Sony no longer keep their bullshit anymore since they do port their games to PC while Sony is on their way down.

NIggah what? Granblue is announced for PS4 and pc ZOE2Remake was on pc

That's if Sony keeps making themselves inferior for ever.

arent they mobile devs?

Granblue is only on PS4 though.

yeah sure it'll never be elsewhere even if Snoy come asking to ruin the game


That's just wishful thinking.

Thinking 3rd parties will be offering exclusives out of nowhere is wishful thinking indeed. They have the experience to port games on PC already and that's what they're going to do going forward.