*saves the loot shooter genre*
*saves the loot shooter genre*
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Say shit like this after it gets released you stupid prick.
looter shooter is the absolute fucking worst genre imaginable, much worse than assfaggots, crafting survival or br. it actually infects other games ruining them like nioh.
I want to cum inside Lilith.
>not Maya
what are you some kind of fag
short hair maya > long hair maya
The concept of this kind of loot predates looter shooters. Many people enjoy this kind of gameplay because it adds a massive amount of replayability which ultimately adds value to the game. There are enough games without it for you to not bitch about it. You can play the games that cater to you. Don't insist that games that cater to other people shouldn't be made.
it was popularized by looter shooters and you know it. it only fits in games like diablo and has no place outside of that
Would be better if was pure gameplay without the cringey and dogshit story.
God I wish Borderlands was fun.
You get pure gameplay after beating the story 3 times goy
People who like this kind of gameplay disagree, and your impotent crying isn't going to change this. I want more games to have more complex systems that add layers of depth to gameplay. This is not limited to loot variety like this, but it's definitely one way to accomplish it.
Always hated the art style.
didnt think an opinion could be wrong before this post
Same to you.
I had no interest in the series but i started Playing the pre-sequel with my bro a little while back and am having fun CLAPTRAP 4 LIFE
now play borderlands 2
its better in every way
When this mediocre franchise became subject of /v threads?
Well, if you're enjoying the pile of shit that the pre-sequel is I seriously hope you play 1 and 2 cause they are both better in every aspect
Scaling is worse in 2. But that’s about it.
I'm pretty sure I'm enjoying it because of the multiplayer but I do intend to play 2 after
what the fuck did they do to lilith, she looks terrible
>Giving money to Gearbox Software
>loot shooters
It's "shlooters" grandpa
shut up woolie
Fuck off or I'll pull out my race card.
This is a fost. A faggy post.
Who said anything about giving them money?
see that you don't
I mean, you're not wrong. After flops like destiny 2 and anthem the only shitty thing they could do is make it mechanically similar to BL2.
I don't knowingly support pedophiles.
>inb4 BL3 is always online
Wouldn't surprise me at all. Brainless cunts with no standards are destroying important features for players and handing control over to publishers to squeeze people for 5x more money than the game is worth.
hopefully we get more lilith porn instead of meme moxxi and maya
i want to marry cute mech riding soldier girl
>ruining them like nioh.
But loot & builds are the best part of Nioh
Are these the new vault hunters? why does the white hair one look like Axton
Gearbox artist only capable of a few haircuts I guess.
we got Siren Punchgirl, robo beastmaster, mecha qt, and gadget geezer
We dunno. He also kinda looks like Adam Jensen from Deus Ex HR/MD.
He summons decoys or some shit.
>Jakobs AR still has that dumb looking wheel magazine
Also, check out Zane's arm blade and drone. I'm gonna play him first.
Why do people like Borderlands, anyway?
>siren is lliterally a pajeet
She's ok
It doesn't add depth at all. It adds time. Game has personality, sure. But no substance. Run around, kill some shit, replace with green numbers. Skill trees are ass, don't have to worry about dying. You just kinda go through the motions while the story throws memes at you.
Your idea of depth is inaccurate. You may not find a lot of value in these types of games but your opinion does not dictate truth. More options and more complexity = more depth. It may not be depth that takes place in a direction you would prefer, but that's your personal opinion. You're also talking about unrelated gameplay mechanics that have fuck all to do with loot so shut the fuck up unless you want to come up with an actual relevant point that isn't based on your worthless feelings.
>see a green number
yeah, and?
borderlands turned the loot shooter into the sleeper shooter genre
>Run around, kill some shit, replace with green numbers. Skill trees are ass, don't have to worry about dying.
You think Diablo is any better about this?
>loot shooter genre
How did they ruin it, just USE THE MODEL FROM BL2 YOU STUPID ASSHOLES.
You are eating when suddenly those two comes to bully you
what to do?
Stats don’t work for guns.
>sexy female protag with abs
I guess gearbox still has some tricks up their sleeves
submit and serve
Its the only option, theyre too cool
The first two borderlands were fun and very content heavy, specially after the DLC. Stop being so contrarians and enjoy something for a change.
>Jakobs AR still has that dumb looking wheel magazine
and you just killed any faith I had by pointing out it still has combined bodies and magazines like bl2, hopefully they didn't rape the guns in the bl1 remaster.
The Division 2 already did that
It's not a contrarian opinion to tell people to shut the fuck up about the quality of a game they've never fucking played before you stupid cunt.
>those abs
>Having faith in Gearbox after Stillborn
Looks like Atlas n Crimson Lance are back on the menu boys
Are ya ready for the only good guns in Borderlands?
This game really looks like a copy-paste.
She looks terrible in this shot but second time you see her in the trailer she kinda looks aight.
>Looks like Atlas n Crimson Lance are back on the menu boys
user, Rhys is the new CEO, he will very likely sell you trash guns and get away with it.
They only showed pandora and that foresty planet in the trailer, we still havent seen any of that futuristic planet or the asian themed one yet at all
We are in the 2nd golden age of loot shooters. Destiny 2 finally has content. Division 2 is good shit, with plenty of content. Borderlands three is looking good. And anthem? We wont be talking about anthem....
B-b-but it's okay when diablo does it!
Borderlands 2 is the video game equivalent of watching pain dry. It's boring as fuck and the loot system, the entire hook of the game, is complete shit because you're always going to find a better weapon 2 minutes later or it's going to become useless when you reach a higher level. I will never understand what's supposed to be fun about it.
The exact thing you dont like is what we all like
and thats ok, you just dont like looter shooters user
Borderlands doesn't have depth sperg.
I got a flame of the Firehawk shield I ain't worried
>loot shooter genre
There's more loot shooter that are not Borderlands? The only thing I can thing of are some FPS roguelikes but those aren't really loot shooters.
The loot adds a level of complexity that would not be present if the loot system were not present. I'm not claiming Borderlands is a deep game relatively speaking. I'm claiming that the loot system adds depth to the game. The argument is about the loot system, not the fucking game. Don't bring your ignorant fucking shitposts into a discussion you're not a part of if you're not going to fucking read.
She looks like she shit herself, gl with that.
Because it's mindless fun.
Because its fun and extremely fun with friends
>when a little girls skirt rises up a little
They just remade the borderlands 2, and the whole fucking series for that matter, and it still looks like shit.
They had one(1) chance to get their shit together and they blew it. Fuck them and no I don't care how may nearly identical guns with slight adjustments to stats you promise to trow at me per second for that cheap gratification.
Hard Pass.
Is there a joke or some witty point in this post that I can't find?
>The first two borderlands were fun
okay, Randy
Her lips are weird, they don't work right. They look swollen as fuck or something.
Her lips look like a prolapsed asshole, not that I've seen porn of a prolapsed asshole.
What else would you call it then, you fucking mongoloid?
>black BAKI amazon with ponytail
just give us some good head replacement and it's golden
how about the shit games genre?
Eh I’ve always played with friends, the few times I hadn’t I always got bored, to me it’s just a fun game to play with friends. It’s like Resident Evil 5 it’s an absolute shitshow when you play by your self but when you play with a friend it probably one of my favorite games in the series
I want her to punch me in the fucking face, holy shit my dick
Were you not alive during the battleborn era? If that game has any indication, BL3 could very well be either the last nail on Gearbox's coffin or their start of redeeming themselves.
Ok but wouldn't it be nice if the legendary weapon you picked up didn't end up being completely worthless after 3 hours? Even if you like the game you have to admit that the implementation of the loot system could be better. It turns the entire game into a "who cares" experience when these rare and unique items you pick up end up being crap compared to common junk guns.
I agree but I think the cell shading is nice and I think it looks good like The Wolf Among Us. The actual design of the characters is disgusting however
He's still hot. Even with the mustache. Just shoot me.
user, what is your favorite game? If you don't want to answer me that question, at least give me the name of some games that you actually find enjoyable.
I stopped trusting Gearbox post Opposing Force.
Its more like colecting cards with friends. You always want to get better cards than them and shoot the shit. Is just fun.
Looks like Lilith really let herself go after Roland got fucked by that plot contrivance.
Destiny, Anthem, Shadow Warrior 2, Vermintide just to name a few
Co-op game
That's literally it, co-op games are so rare that when you get one, even a mediocre one, they're """good"""
The absolute state of this board. There's a good chance we will get a good single player game with meaty content for once yet these niggers need to complain.
no the point is that i just picked up this thing and its orange and it will be sick as fuck for the next few hours
And if i want a better one i can farm for it later at a higher level
>half of the budget going to Baker
Ignoring shitty meme humor my only problem with Borderlands is that those jews lock more levels behind DLCs
>Gee how fun it was to play base BR2 to only 50lvl
Old Jack Clone you cunts
Nah, that name is already taken by jrp's
The most recent Borderlands was shit, and 2 was released 7 years ago
but Yea Forums is nothing but viral marketing and hype for lonely forever alone virgin cuck fags who buy anything that they are told to buy
Will we ever know anything about Zer0 or will he remain the "so dark and mysterious type" which really means they were too lazy to come up with a character background for him?
>get legendary weapon at low level
>it's good for a few hours, until you level up more and find better, more common weapons
>you stick with those until you get another legendary weapon that's better
>level up some more, get better common weapon
>you do this until you reach max level, when you can go and get the same legendary weapons you've already gotten, but with top level stats
It's not that hard of a concept to grasp, user.
Punch Dyke
I hope she hates men and calls everybody CIS-scum.
You would really hate path of exile. What this unique doesn't have perfect rolls? It's Garbo, this rare is just as good.
That's what you would be saying every twenty minutes at end game. These games are designed to have you mix it up, not keep one gin you like the whole time. Find a better version of it, farm it, trade for it, or try something else. It's not hard to grasp why people like it.
Didn't Lilth get blacked? Who the fuck would want to play as her, or any of the orginial vault hunters after they were made to look like shitters in the last game.
Man they are really going all out with this.
Such a boring trailer. Looks good aesthetically though.
Well they got bored with DMCV, so what else are they supposed to do?
nobody said they're playable dumbo
Roland’s a cool guy...who died like a bitch Lilith didn’t deserve him
That's not the tranny character.
Just make him an ex Atlas assassin
I really wanted Lilith to get with Mordacai. If Randy knows what's good for him and his company, he will tone down the SJW shit this time around. This is gearbox's last chance in redeeming themselves after that battleborn shitshow and everything else he has done since then.
Oh boy, here i go shooting again!
>implying the genre needed saving
>Yea Forums
>actually buying and playing games
Kek, I'd wish.
>looter shooter
based mongoloid
Here comes a special boy!
they're showing more next week, probably gameplay demo and some story stuff
Better be paired with a grog nozzle.
You won't hear about quality games in this shithole it's just hype for SekiroCrap and BL3. I mean seriously who da fuck is still hyped for this consumerism trash heap ? Oh wait the retards in here are lol
Maya is always perfect
This is cute
Nice to see the sirens are all still smoking hot.
>worst girl
What's wrong with you?
Warframe is a clusterfuck though. Nothing is streamlined, and the missions are fucking soul-less.
Try harder, cum sponge
Right now, I care more about the BL1 remaster, because if it doesn't have a UVHM/Playthrough 3, I see no point.
This is actually true.
Why doesn't joltzdude ever curse? Like he will actively say stuff like "oops can't say that" it really annoys me sometimes. Is it some kind of religious oath he took?
I wish I could like borderlands but every character has Parkinson's so it's easier to just mag dump people point blank than try and aim at them. When I have steadier hands in real life than your fictional basically superheroes you have a problem
disgusting, ugly, freak show siren
I can't believe they made another borderlands and decided to turn the siren into a literal shit-in-the-street
its disrespectful to the fans and the playerbase
Oh. I avoided those because people just kept saying they weren't very good so I didn't even take a closer look.
I would play if they rework skills.
>shoot enimies is what you do
>enemies burst into loot upon death
So how isn't it a looter shooter?
I don't get why all those MMOFPS loot shooter games of late couldn't just fucking follow the BL formula
>resource-farming-and-hours-to-build shooter
Shadow warrior 2 and Vermintide 2 are pretty good, but Vermintide is more a l4d style game than a shooter looters
But when DMC V got 15 threads a day, it was fine, right? When theres 5 concurrent DoA6 threads up, it's suddenly okay.
Get fucked, you fat weeaboo fuck.
Vinylic Puma does it too. They're trying to not get demonetized or some shit.
>Improved Tediore's idea of "DUDE GUN-NADE LMAO"
>Toss the gun upon reloading
>Gun sprungs legs and homes in on a nearby enemy
>Gun shoots at each step, the speed of the gun is determined by fire rate
>When gun runs out of ammo, it explodes, damaging everyone nearby
>Explosions can be mixed with elem. damage, assuming the gun had one in the first place
>With right timing and positioning, you can deal a lot of more damage, than the regular gun-nade
>You can create an army of walking guns by spamming reload
I like it
As much as i tried, this fucking game always bugs or lags and it feels braindead easy. I love the aesthetics and what they intended, but i can't force myself to play it.
Enemies don't burst into loot, they rarely drop materials. All the "loot" in a looter-shooter comes from the marketplace and relic grinding.
As opposed to something like Destiny having unique weapons from quests with everything else dropping from enemies and chests.
Is that really all it is? I feel like they were doing it long before that shit happened and plenty of other channels curse and they still get monetized no?
I miss when they called them loot 'n shoot. feel like they only call them looter shooters because of that faggot chink
Obvious falseflag is obvious. You won't be able to convince your reddit drones that 4channel hates brown abbs.
Lilith wanted to get blacked, but Roland was mostly oblivious to her flirts, either that or he wanted to keep it professional
He died before Lilith can tap that
I heard theres a Jojo reference
>Bugs or lags
The game runs fine on the goddamn Switch, what kind of toaster are you trying to run it on?
>Just make him Athena
Muscle looks good on white (and asian) women, not street shitters and other browns desu.
A man can dream...
It's probably going to be a series of helper bots for a side mission or something.
Male Athena*
>Being such a bitch faggot strong women scare you
>Not being a man and putting them in place with your dick
>Being so mononic that you don't think strong women exist
If it wasn't for melee classes, I probably wouldn't give a fuck about it. Punching dudes so hard that they explode with Brick, or massacring dorks with Krieg then blowing myself up on Second Wind is some of the most fun I've had playing vidya.
Switch and a decent gaming PC. Doors wont open and animations lag. It's literally a common issue in every platform
Don't act like that character is not exhibiting serious masculine features. If it weren't for the taped up tits you would easily call that a man.
>Brown cutie with abs
Okay Randy, you got my attention.
>loot shooter genre
I can't wait to slaughter these dorks but I also want to play as them.
The massive replayability for me. I think it's autism but every now and then I love to fire up BL1 or 2 and start a run using a specific skill tree or only using certain gun types, or gun manufacturers.
Nobody cares that she's muscular. Degenerates here love it.
People are mad about the fucking butterface.
Well thank god for the differents heads then.
>no psycho robosexual screaming schoolgirl vault hunter
Shit game. Shhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttt. Not even gonna pirate.
Meh, it's not that bad. It's not like she's hideous. I kinda like the sharp facial features. She has defined muscles anyway, so I don't give a shit.
I hope this gun would have a gimmick sorta like bane,once in a while in the heat of battle it would try to wrestle from your hands and charge the enemies screaming like a crazed goliath leaving you without a weapon until you chase it and pick it up.
so glad to see Yea Forums isn't unnecessarily sperging out over the buff negress
maya still best siren tho
>Shit taste
>family guy genre
those hips... Randy has some patrician taste.
BL2 had a legendary Tediore that basically turned into a homing rocket that still shot people whenever you reloaded it. Gunzerker + 2 of these = win.
I don't like Sirens gameplay in general so i probably won't play as her, but she looks really good. 4chaners are just hating that she isn't anime and she isn't white.
If not liking greasy faced poo in loos means I have shit taste, which is incredibly ironic, I'm happy to wallow in it
Looking forward to it. Hopefully it isn't as much of a shitshow like TPS was.
Face is too blocky, rest is a-ok.
Kriegs perfect lil angel.
>she isn't white.
Fuck off, nigger. As if people don't lose their minds over delicious brown every day of the week.
Deathcore vocalist and his Instathot girlfriend are the fucking antagonists goddamnit I really liked 2 as well.
Her being black is a non-issue, her MAN-FACE however is a problem.
Loot makes almost every game better. It gives you a reason to keep progressing beyond the story and gives the game more replayability.
I love these designs
If you don't like them all the more reason to fight them.
he cute
Pretty good point.
How the fuck does it "save" the looter shooter when there's only a handful of top rarity weapons to choose from?
The problem with Jack was he was too likeable to be a villain you wanted to kill
You've won me back
I'm going to be mad if there isn't a skill upgrade that makes her arms equip all your guns at once when you use her skill
Dick her down in front of him.
The music from the countdown for Gearbox's panel stream at PAX East 2019 with a looped track of Claptrap's rap at the end.
Forgot to add text... but this is copy/paste from the video.
some cuck here will, and he'll make threads about it for weeks on end
And? You faggots still had faith in Blizzard after Diablo 3, Legion, and Overshit.
>resources aren't loot
That might be a melee focused move but I'm sure that idea was tossed around at some point. Seems like something that could be an upgraded version of a skill to use guns that has a short window for burst DPS.
>Not a skill that summons a spirit that acts like a minion punching stuff
Everyone says this is just a tediore gimmick, but I think it might be something that Zane can do since his whole shtick is gadgets.
Imagine if he can put legs on a rocket launcher.
the Borderlands games have arguably been the only semi-decent ANYTHING Gearbox has ever made; I literally wouldn't complain if BL3 played exactly like 2
of course it won't because muh microtransactions, but a man can dream
ok that is epic
this game's artstyle is awful, it looks like some shitty edgy comic book
>tfw noticeable lack of Krieg in the trailer
>tfw there's a side mission in the game where Maya asks your help as she's tracked down Krieg
>apparently he's gone completely insane in the time skip and has gone full psycho unable to tell his old friends from foe, psycho sickness is completely irreversible so this was inevitable for Krieg and nothing else can be done
>Maya goes with you as NPC fighter to help you put down Krieg
>cue boss battle with Krieg where he is a complete badass psycho beyond anything we've seen, lighting himself on fire and making heads pop
>when you win, cutscene triggers where Maya walks up to Krieg and tearfully apologizes that nothing can be done for him, but says he will always be a Vault hunter and one of her closest friends
>with his last bit of sanity he thanks her and the Vault hunters for allowing him a seat on their "meat bicycle"
>the psycho takes over and he lunges at her with buzzsaw, she shoots him dead and it cuts to black
>memorial for him after with all the BL2 Vault Hunters around a modest gravestone with buzzsaw axe sticking out of the mound
Love Krieg but if done right this could be fucking kino
no u
twf? gimme quick rundown
>in an fps
No thanks, third person or bust, Randy.
Honestly this. It's a fucking tacky mechanic, but I'll be damned if it isn't fucking great to get what you've been grinding for for 4 hours. Same reason why monster hunter is such a great game. It gives you a reason to keep going, even if the story is lackluster.
Rhys from tales of the borderlands, he became the new Atlas CEO at the end.
I thought he was the CEO of Hyperion though
did he become evil?
>having faith in Gearbox after Aliens, BL Presequel AND Battleborn.
Atlas wasn't much worse then Hyperion to be honest
y u do this, krieg was also one of my favorites
This, Heck. It's CO-OP. Anytime there is multiplayer, it is usually online combat
Name one kino expac other than this youtube.com
Eh, the last Gearbox game i played was BL2 so i have no reasons to hate them.
The character designs are also shit. The characters all look like ripoffs of some league of legends champions. Why play this when you can just play LoL and pick Jinx Vi Jhin or Ekko?
Maybe there are few pearlescent weapons, but there's straight up 90 fucking legendary weapons in Borderlands 2, so I don't know what the fuck you think you're talking about.
As far as we saw so far all of the companies in Borderlands seem moraly dubious at best.
The best you can hope for is a decent man at the helm.
Maya tummy
It wasn't even bad it just got completely annihilated by OW releasing at the same time.
After listening to his dying speech it was really hard to justify killing him even after everything he's done.
What artstyle do you enjoy, user? Name a game which you think looks great!
Div2 is boring as shit. Everyone agrees. The only people disagreeing are the people who play Div1. ie nothing changed, therefore it didn't save anything.
>Throughout the fight he keeps screaming shit like "HURT ME MORE PRETTY LADY!" "FINISH WHAT YOU GOD DAMNED STARTED" and "YES, PLEASE I DESERVE IT"
I just pray to high heaven they don't use recent shitty loot shooter practices as an excuse to cram the thing with garbage microtransactions, using the DLC expansions as a means to sell extra levels was already kind of sketch.
otherwise I'm excited as all hell for this
Absolutely kino. I'd honestly be pissed if this doesn't happen now.
Dmc 5
Is her brother a robutt?
Because it's a totally different game? Fucking sperg, go be fat somewhere else.
How The Saints Save Christmas. Easy.
Damn, now I remember that one guy that died irl. Who was he? He's personality was quite good, tb h. It's been a while I have played Borderlands game
Except in LoL I can pick Jinx or Vi and see them when playing and their skins, and stare at their tits ass and thighs. Borderlands is an fps so I cant see any of that shit, making the game shit.
>Tank Girl ripoff looks like Tank Girl ripoff
>so glad to see Yea Forums isn't unnecessarily sperging out over the buff negress
Were you not here yesterday?
I forget the name, but I do recall he was memorialized in-game as an NPC in Sanctuary that gave you free shit once a day.
That isn't The division 2
You're only as good as your last game, and their last three were awful.
I think he was a mechanic guy or something? I can't really remember. Damn that was 6 years ago.
Is this bait? Do you seriously think DMC V looks like anything but a fucking weebs wet dream?
>I want her to punch me in the fucking face, holy shit my dick
Call 'em both fags and run like this.
Lmao, not only are you a fat fuck, but you're also a closet tranny. GG.
Found it. Dude's name was Michael Mamaril. Apparently have gave out minimum Blue or rarer loot, including E-Tech stuff that scaled to your level (up to Lv. 30)
Was Fiona in the trailer at all?
For me it would, if there isn't any new shady things coming that I'm not aware now.
Why would you even post trash like that?
Is he in?
You mean Jakobs?
Because that Pump shotty has my dick growing inches.
>You won't hear about quality games in this shithole
This. Just look at how many devil may cuck threads we have.
Shitty fucking libtard trash that Yea Forums praises.
Exactly, just a handful of weapons to choose from. When you advertise "millions of guns" or in this trailer "billions", and only a small fraction of them are Legendary, Pearlescent or whatever, then there is a problem.
>hair is completely static
It looks good, but we still don't know if 2K is gonna fuck it all up or not.
Beastmaster is fucking massive. He makes Zane look like a manlet.
Huh, didn't even think about that.
Honestly since seeing Rhys in the trailer, I wonder how much from Tales are they going to take?
I hope Fiona and Sasha made it.
Not a hard thing to do with garbage like Anthem and Destiny 2 littering the genre.
It's a stylistic choice ya dingus.
Apparently it is a hard thing to do because garbage like Anthem and Destiny 2 are the best these companies can do.
Continuing on with interesting guns in the trailer, either this one is a remake of the Semi-Auto carbine like rifles we got in 2, or a sniper rifle with the cylinder.
90 fucking legendaries isn't a fucking problem when there most games don't even have more than 20 guns.
Did you play BL2, and if so, did you fucking get every single legendary weapon? Because if you didn't, you can actually just shut the fuck up.
This. This right here is the only reason I have any anxiety about the game's release. Extra DLC expansions are a given, but how aggressively is 2K going to carve up the rest of the game?
It's incompetence and laziness is what it is. I expected it to look at least a little bit better graphically than BL2 which came out in fucking 2012.
Those pits better get fixed up I swear to god, muscle girl pits are the best, don't deny me this Gearbox
Also 99% of legendary/pearlescent/seraph weapons unusable on OP.
100% of regular weapons unusable on OP.
Lilith looks bogdanoff as fuck
But the hair has nothing to do with graphical fidelity. It's literally a stylistic choice that was also present in the previous games.
Hope there's a Jakobs slug shotgun
April 3rd Borderniggers.
Vladof looks more like a Kalashnikov now.
But by the coloring could either be a white, or maybe a return of Bandit? Did anyone say Bandit would be back?
>noticeable lack of Krieg in the trailer
Vaughn has his buzzaxe.
It looks like the same old shit, I really don’t want to go through this again, I’m aging and slowly dying and want to experience new things. Lick my nuts.
I want to kill Lilith
They could've implemented hair physics while still keeping the celshaded style.
Since Borderlands 2, 2k has literally become worse than EA. I know most of you guys don't play sports games, but NBA2K is (obviously) 2K's flagship series. That series has arguably seen the biggest decline in quality over the past 3 years in the history of gaming. If that wasn't bad enough, it has also seen a preposterous increase in micro transactions to the point where the base game (which costs $60 btw) is essentially unplayable without investing $100 more. 2K has also consistently had the WORST customer support and PR I've ever had the disgrace of witnessing. The studio is literal shit, everybody in it deserves to die, and I guarantee you that Borderlands 3 will flop because these guys are NOT the same people they were when 2 came out.
Leaks said Bandit is gone.
Ok this is definitely a new rifle from Jakobs, and it's a Lever Action by how it looks.
Welp for the first time I wont play as Siren
Then it's a white Vladof then.
Lasers are also back if you check some of those .1 second shots.
>unironically playing meme games
Here's another interesting design. From the color it looks like a Dahl kind of gun, but is it a Sniper or some kind of Mid-Range rifle?
Was Lilith's face always that fugly?
No. They fucked it up.
Shadow Warrior 2 and Warframe did it right by having static guns that you mod using randomly-dropped upgrades. Visualize that system by having gun parts be distinct and interchangeable, and suddenly the miserable clusterfuck that is the SCRABILLIONS OF (mostly identical and generally worthless) GUNS system gets made into MEGABILLIONS OF GUN COMBINATIONS that can actually be coherently balanced for fun and rewarding play.
eyyyyup, that's pretty fuckin' hot
Bitch will soon show her final form
She's probably just getting older in universe and Yea Forums is just mad because their old favorite fap girl is now getting old.
Sasha is worst girl, bring dat Fiona
>implying anyone on Yea Forums could tolerate Lilith as a character after everything past 2
You might be right in that regard, since there's a disgustingly large amount of Miranda apologists in the ME threads.
>need to know height and weight
Depending on these factors no amount of muscle on a woman like this will stop me from impregnating her by force
It killed a studio lel
nigger talk
Isn't the girl on the right (unfocused, with her back turned) Sasha?
>Miranda apologists
Ugh, don't remind me.
She is "too perfect", which is why I don't like her, combined with her personality and her fucking HUUUUUGE buck teeth, like a fucking chipmunk.
Tali is better because she's fucking cute and I would kiss her little glass face while holding her hand.
I heard borderlands is getting a remastered edition, this series any good?
Will they fuck it up even more this time?
that looks like a grenade launcher
looks like an ugly musclebound nigger, you people find this attractive?
Not as hot a Jack.
And he WILL make a return, bet you tree fiddy he will.
strong is beautiful
How is that even a question?
it's fucking Moxxi.
>Yea Forums is just mad because their old favorite fap girl is now getting old.
I'll cop to that. I unironically believe that video game women exist to be visually pleasing, and I'm not afraid to admit it.
In a lot of ways this is what pissed me off most about the Bee Shield nerf. Online players whined about their "experience" ruined by other players using the shield to pretty much one-shot raid bosses and enemies when there is a KICK OPTION available and pretty much screwed over the single player fanbase who needed that shield to do any damage at all to characters in True Vault Hunter mode.
I got banned from the forums for shitposting about it
it really wasn't that bad. there's still the redditors here and there
That's what I'm hoping for. I'll never get over Jack.
She's got a slightly manlier face than this pajeet I used to work with at a University and lemme tell you...bitch was fine to look at in real life. Slap even some muscle on her and I probably would have pursued.
Sasha is black, that's Mad Moxxi.
Goddamn you niggas are gay
Wtf i love BL now
I hope the playable characters have next to no voice lines desu. I don't want their cool looks to be ruined by shit personalities.
I've seen some good fucking porn of her
nah they fucked her chin up immensly
We're not the ones disgusted by delicious well-marbled chocolate; the problem lies with you.
It's best if you have friends to play it with
otherwise it's just sort of "eeh" on its' own and the story isn't really "there" in the first game compared to BL2 and Pre-Sequel
still leagues better than everything else Gearbox has made
Like Sasha?
god I hope not, this is gonna determine whether I pick it up or not.
She looks like Priscilla Presley
thanks lad
She wouldn't be as bad if the game didn't try to force you into liking her. Worst thing about the game
Agreed. I avoided her like the plague and still got some pining from Rhys, pure bullshit.
But can Mecha girl hold a candle to Gaige? I don't think so.
>Not just a brown skinned qt, but a muscled waifu too.
Okay Gearbox, NOW I will buy your game.
The face is too fucking masculine.
>made by randy 'lolcow' pitchford
nice nigger nose
One of the playable characters will be a trap because of (((current year)))
I would willingly allow to be stepped on by new smug villainous.
t. average borderlands fan
me on the left
is she trans?
Disturbing lack of Moxxi tits
Only females can be sirens you blithering retard.
Holy cringe. Do you really think Borderlands looks that nice? All the colors are saturated and its like their palette is that of Microsoft Paint. I don't know it's really funny to me that you think "objectively everyone must like it" as if it was the pinnacle of art in video games.
Imagine thinking this
Damn gun divas
Yes but retcons exist and Gearbox is not above that.
She'll at least have 2 sets of gonads
Borderlands really does look like shit, they need to do a realism style like dmc 5
Borderlands environments look beautiful. The character models are hit or miss. Lilith and Maya have jailbait bodytypes because Randy is a pedo, but that's fine by me
What is with you retards and calling anything remotely not pretty princess female or guns, axes, and a sick beard male trans? What is so off about a female bodybuilder? Jesus Christ.
Or maybe you're simply a pathetic racist
You don't need to find every top tier gun in the game to find out that the system is utter garbage. There's no point in advertising or even bothering with this random generation crap when again, only a small percentage of guns actually matter.
Especially considering that right as the game launched, that save editor for BL1 got updated and made the whole weapon system drop in BL2 utterly useless. Gold keys and all.
All this le epic snarky comment and rage from nu-males to get (you)s. Sort yourselves before coming to Yea Forums.
I'm talking about Gearbox being pandering SJWs
They made a character bi because of a coding mistake in his lines ffs
Will this one not be boring as fuck?
The odds of them retconning Siren cap is basically 0 since it's been a hard value aligned in BL1. New You was never really brought up in BL1 and first directly implied via Kill Yourself in BL2 and also retconned in BL2.
Only 6 sirens can exist and they will all be biological female.
>New chick
>The Calypso Twins
>Steel, and chances are after she died, a new one was born who is the girl that Maya hangs out with in some shots
Literally BTFOd by Bandits
They need to get a new artist for this game, and make it look like an actual HD comic book. I want this art style for the game.
Randy is an SJW. It's not just pandering.
I always just chalked that one up to "we're too lazy to try and program the problem away so...fuck it"
Remember TEATHER?
It's called a looter shooter yet loot barely drops, and when it does it's in the wrong element or prefix. Oh and only 10 guns are useful, but that's only if you slag everything first.
I'm not saying it looks like shit, it's decent and has some highlights. But I understand you better than the other guy, it gets tiring to look at.
>The Calypso Twins
Angel also died, good riddance
>not street shitters and other browns desu.
And that's why you should never post another comment with your absolute dogshit opinions you embarrassing nigger. Retards should be barred from posting starting with you.
ow my eyes
There were several faggot characters in Borderlands 2. It already panders to them.
Not fair, we haven't got a chance to get to know her yet. She has some major qt potential. And actually getting to ride in her mech is pretty fucking great
>people this hay on Yea Forums
I knew /pol/fags were close homos but this is too much
the baddies in BL3. Only one of them is a real siren apparently because the other is a dude
Colonial marines AI was absolutely shit because in the code it was written TEATHER instead of TETHER
Game flopped, Sega got buttfucked by Gearbox who funneled most the funds to BL2 instead
20 bucks say she licks carpet
FPBP as usual.
You're oblivious to the fact that an inadequate (that is, leading to death) hormonal profile is influencing your thoughts. Fix it.
The big bad in BL3. Leaks claim that her brother shares in her power because they're twins.
I bring up Steel's death because it was like 12 years back in game years. Angel was only 5 and thus not plot-possible.
You have shit taste if you think borderlands looks better than that.
If you say so, cutie.
decent bait
>literally borderlands 2 asset flip which was borderlands asset flip
>trusting gearbox
>after they showed the awful new character designs
>*saves the loot crate treadmill genre*
Let it die already, fuck loot crates and microtransactions
>loot crate
>Has no lootboxes that cost dosh
borderlands looks like low poly fucking late gen p2 game shit
It has its own cartoony lo-fi style going. It's an integral part of the series now, so I'm not sure if I like it because I like the games or the other way around but you can't have Borderlands without it. And you certainly can't have Borderlands looking like your gaudy incel bait comic.
>you can't have Borderlands without it
False, you just lack imagination and so do the devs. You can still retain the same character while looking drastically different.
The other kind of can't, retard.
>gaudy incel bait comic
It's french you fucking low class inbred redneck.
how the fuck do you expect that art to work in a game?
That isn't my problem. It can be done, Guilty Gear and other Japanese games did it with anime style art. Berserk Musou looked similar to the manga. Just get a talented artist to do this and apply it to 3d models.
Sup Randy
You're telling me, while accusing me of being low class, that anything French is inherently classy? Now that is peak pleb.
Why wouldn't you mention what comic it even is.
It isn't Spawn is it?
They look the best on browns and blacks my nazicel friend.
Requiem Vampire Chevalier by Patt Mills with art by Olivier Ledroit
one of the panels may be from another comic by them called Sha though
Fuck off.
No bandit, the “big mag” company is children of the vault now
Yes. Love me some muscle girls especially brown ones
Thank you, giant pirate queen having a blood battle with some ancient bitch seems pretty cool