this gameplay has aged like milk anons, I think I'm gonna have to give up after 10 hours
what about P5?
this gameplay has aged like milk anons, I think I'm gonna have to give up after 10 hours
what about P5?
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What's wrong with it?
Besides you disliking it.
I don't know, the series might not be for you. The only huge change is the dungeon design in 5, which is a bit hit or miss with some of the later ones being a real slog.
P5's gameplay is similar but more streamlined and flashy. I don't see the issue with 4's gameplay though
it's just boring desu, the fighting in dungeon is fun but it's still extremely repetitive, going to school and reading dialogues is just painfully boring
>what about P5?
Lmao it's the same shit, play a real jrpg instead
I have the exact opposite issue. I love the slice of life stuff and just wish I could get back to it during the dungeons. I think the dungeons work as a good motivator though to keep playing. It's like "once I get through this I can do the other stuff again for a while."
I said "besides you disliking it"
Give me some subjective criticisms to the plot and or characters.
Don't just say "it's shit" or "it's boring".
Those are conclusions, I want your reasoning.
That's every nu-persona game
P4 is pretty close in gameplay to P5
Not the type of game for you, don't bother with p5, it's the same stuff but 100 hours
All the characters are children with stupid children problems, do you actually enjoy talking to children?
P5 is excatly the same thing.
I actually dropped P4 after about 10 hours originally, but that was mostly because I wasn't liking the main cast. I still stand by that but some of the other social links are good.
I ended picking it up again and finishing it but it's easily my least favourite of the modern Persona trilogy.
The combat has always been a constant positive for me though. Just enough strategy and risk to keep most encounters interesting even if P4 and P5 are significantly easier than P3.
>but it's still extremely repetitive, going to school and reading dialogues is just painfully boring
this series not for you. sorry, kid.
Did you not realize the Persona series is always about high school students before you played it? If you don't like teen drama you're not going to like any of them.
pedo freak
I actually watched P5 gameplay and it looks way more appealing for some reason, not sure if it's because of better graphics or visual style, I still wanna try it even though it's probably very similar to P4
Hey it's your life and your prerogative to ignore people's advice. Persona 5 has the same fundamentals that you're objecting to in P4.
p5 is still going to school and reading dialogue. that's the core of persona series, the shit that people play for. you might like nocturne, tho.
Just go play SMT
Oh so OP is just shitposting.
Move along everybody.
P5 is even more boring. It's flashier sure, but more braindead. If you want better gameplay/ less time fucking around in the school, try some of the other SMT titles.
well maybe for me p4 just doesn't have enough detail, the areas a really small and characters are chibi like, this kinda turns me off
That's a shame, I found it fun the whole time. I thought P5 was better but if you hated P4 that much you'll dislike P5
That should have been obvious when OP said that P4 is just bad because like, it's bad ok? And boring?
Play a real SMT. I would recommend you Strange Journey, it's one of the best.
that wasn't me you idiots, stop assuming my posts
based and hoypilled
I just got to the 100th hour of my file, managed to get Naoto to 10 and romance her on the last possible day i have left. Going to end it later, goddamn what a good game. Better than P5 in every aspect that isn't presentation
tough choice, but i go with beneath the mask. your affection is the best background music in any of the modern 3
>Going to end it later
That bad, huh?
P5 is P4 8 years later with nothing but small "Fixes" that make the game even more braindead and halfbaked dungeons. Huge disappointment.
You can at least forgive 4 due to being a rushed game made on the cheap. 5 has no excuse.
>well maybe for me p4 just doesn't have enough detail, the areas a really small and characters are chibi like, this kinda turns me off
Do you play many JRPG's? Most of them don't have amazing graphics, so you're gonna have a rough time in that department, bar a few games.
I raise you
five is just the same so dont bother.
-Game is inefficient as fuck with presentation. A lot of time is wasted on slow attack animations, pauses between animations, loading, etc.
-Narrative structure is basically meant to focus on developing the cast in order to make the finale work, but most characters are surface level. They often have some kind of deeper nuance that shows up a few times but isn't taken into consideration for most dialogue.
-Battle system is simple *and* enemies are generally unthreatening in terms of their patterns and skills, so the game compensates by making them beef walls that drain resources.
Honestly this, I'm glad that I got introduced to the better series thanks to Persona.
I got tired of Beneath the Mask 40 hours in, even if I find it be cozier.
literally every fucking persona game, it's even worse in 5
How the fuck can anyone say that P4 has better music than P5 or even P3? Makes no god damn sense.
Are the PS2 SMT titles proof that artstyle trumps raw graphics?
Also what the fuck actually happened with Persona 3 and 4, they do look like shit compared to Nocturne, DDS, and Raidou.
>emulator screenshot
>don't upres
>Also what the fuck actually happened with Persona 3 and 4, they do look like shit compared to Nocturne, DDS, and Raidou.
I don't think they look like shit, and to be blunt they're very different games that are trying to do different things. Something like P3/4 takes a shitload more writing than something like Nocturne after all
Just pulled it off google, ask them. Even then, hasn't the shadow glitch been fixed now?
Yeah, it just makes it obvious that it's an emulator screenshot
>Playing Persona games for the gameplay
Shit son
P3 was originally meant to have sprites for the characters iirc
>Aged like milk
>Playing only for gameplay and not the story.
I think you would like Fortnite and Anthem. That is more of your IQ level.
>The gameplay is bad because I said so ok
P5 starts out strong but gets more lukewarm over time, still an 8/10 and a decent RPG for what it is tho. Personally I think the story is a little weaker than p4 in terms of the twist. Gameplay is definitely less clunky though if that's what you care about. Music is heaps better too imo
Yeah but they already had an engine which could handle better models, and artists which could make great environments and shadows. Seems a bit weird to scrap it and end up with something less impressive.
>Turn-based RPGs are good
Big yikes from me dog, you're on the wrong side of history my dude
>They're bad because I said so ok
I think they look way better and have more charm.
>Yeah but they already had an engine which could handle better models
Yeah but you need an art team to CREATE those models and environments. And there's no reason to believe that a good looking game is going to sell better. Need I remind you that Nocturne sold WAY less than P3 or P4
Leaves more to the imagination, and the gestures tell their own story opposed to janky animations and "proper" cutscenes.
>Need I remind you that Nocturne sold WAY less than P3 or P4
Yeah the same way that "Blade Runner" flopped when it first released.
>Playing for P5's story.
Man I sure love strawman arguments and characters who don't do anything along with stories that don't progress for dozens of hours at a time.
Nocturne still to this day has sold less user and P3 has gotten multiple re-releases.
Not even saying that Nocturne is better or worse, I'm just stating facts
Does P5 have a Matador moment like P3 had with those fucking tables or P4 (original) with Yukiko's shadow?
Upscaled Nocturne is fucking gorgeous
I was more arguing about how great games/films flopped when released but the core fanbase essentially kept them alive throughout the years. Demi-Fiend/Nocturne will never go away and is still referenced in newer SMT titles. Even Capcom acknowledges Demi-Fiend to this day. I like Persona 3, and 4, but as soon as Atlus stopped supporting the games, they have pretty much died. Same will happen to P5.
based hikawa
Gameplay: 5 > 4 > 2 > 1 > 3
Story: 3 > 4 > 2 > 5 > 1
Characters: 4 = 3 > 5 > 2 > 1
Dungeons: 5 > 4 = 2 > 1 > 3
Music: 4 = 5 > 2 > 3 > 1
Final boss: 1 = 3 > 5 > 4 > 2
Waifus: 5 = 4 > 3 > 2 > 1
Overall: 4 > 3 > 5 > 2 > 1
The last angel near the end
P5 is way better in gameplay and every other area so play that
Besides the pedophilia in pic related, this is the most based list
I don't wanna lewd the lolis, but they are great girls.
>Futaba that high
>Overall 4>3
So close
>Calls anons logical argument a strawman
>Does a exaggerated strawman argument
How does it feel to have Instant Gratification your whole life than being patient and earning your way.
>buy a psudeo-visual novel like Persona or Danganronpa
>get angry about dialogue
Are you retarded user?
>3 having the worst gameplay
>5 having better characters than 2 and 1
>4 having anywhere near good dungeons
>Music as a category even though it's subjective. Even then 5 anywhere near the top, 3 anywhere near the bottom
>Waifu catagory
>fuuka being d tier
>futaba a tier
>Demi-Fiend/Nocturne will never go away and is still referenced in newer SMT titles. Even Capcom acknowledges Demi-Fiend to this day. I like Persona 3, and 4, but as soon as Atlus stopped supporting the games, they have pretty much died.
The P3 cast had a new dancing game and they were in PQ and PQ2. This is just willfully ignoring reality, user. How has Demi-fiend reappeared? Oh he was a secret boss in one game and appeared in SMT4A DLC? Woooooooooooooow
All of it is subjective you dumbass. Also, of course there'll be a waifu category for Persona.
Tbh I should bump up Fuuka to C tier. I was a little harsh on her.
>Persona 2
>pseudo-visual novel
Yeah and the DLC got way more hype from fans than the Dancing games and PQ, which both sold awful.
3's gameplay is harder than 4 because of the lack of party control if you don't count p3p. 2's story is much better than 4 story (no one gives a shit about the Scooby Doo gang) it's on par with 3. The music, waifu, and characters categories, I'll agree with you.
Overall : 3=2 > 4> 5 > 1
It seems like you didn't play both p2 or your a p4 anime fan boy that drools over Naoto
>Yeah and the DLC got way more hype from fans than the Dancing games and PQ, which both sold awful.
Yes I'm sure the DLC for the game that didn't even sell half a million copies was SUPER hyped
>Let me just go ahead and move these goalposts... there! I'm right now!
The whole "rumors becoming true" part was super cool in 2, but it tanked really hard for me when they started the whole Nazi stuff. It felt really ridiculous.
You do realize the thread doesn't get bumped if the same person posts in a row right?
To that user a week or two ago that randomly spoiled two big twists in the game to new players, go fuck yourself.