What are you guys expecting? I'm hyped but I don't want to get to exited. They're sticking with the masquerade universe despite having the Requiem universe now, which I enjoy. I'm worried because the trailer is kind of generic implies that there's gonna be some sort of parqor mechanics. I'm worried that the roleplaying aspect is gonna take a back seat to the combat.
What are you guys expecting? I'm hyped but I don't want to get to exited...
I’m playing the first game for the first time. It’s clunky but interesting.
I expect the sequel streamlines the issues (the combat really needs a lift) and stays hub based.
I'm worried they'll make thin bloods able to stand their ground against vampires, because while story wise it takes place in the same universe as the first Bloodlines, the rules are different thanks to the 5th Edition. I'm sorry but you can't tell me the new protagonist is gonna be like the fucks at the pier in the first game, or worse, and yet be able to become a powerful vampire. They better bullshit their way out of it with Diablerie or something.
Devs are pure shit
I honestly think it'll probably be an open world game. I could go either way on that but I miss the days of different small areas to do stuff in as opposed to one big one. I read you'll be playing as a thinblood, which from my knowlege doesn't mean you cant use your powers, but it's really really hard to. Not sure how that'll effect the game. Might make it harder,
Diablerie isn't bullshit though. Maybe that becomes an optional thing? Stay a weakling or the whole game and deal with the increased difficulty, or sacrifice your humanity for power.
Not much to be expected. Devs bought into the woke shit. Which isnt a bad thing in itself, but tells a lot about the underlying philosophy of the devs. This ends bad principally because intentions and efforts are my times valued as much as results in these extreme left ideologies.
Its not certain that it will turn bad, it's just highly proabable thatbit will be bad.
Nothing I've seen screams "far left bullshit". Not so far at least. I'd hope the creators of this game would be mature enough to have characters with a mix of views and such, as vampire does tend to be a political drama. I know the anarchs where some commies before.
You honestly think that huh? After they've said at least 5 times that its hub based you think there just gonna change there minds mid way to a full open world...really tell us more please
Some variant of gay fish.
The pronouns thing is enough. It already means that they care more about people's feelings than truth. They are willing to rewrite reality to soften hardships. That kind of underlying principle ends up embedded in all kinds of management decisions, actions and direction.
I dunno why but I just get bad vibes from this
It's got that 'subpar game' stank. Maybe it reminds me of that Thief remake?
They've said that? I'll be real I"ve only seen the trailer.
What pronouns thing? If they're using "they" for the main character or something that might just be about saving recording time
The creative director posts on resetera. The game is doomed.
Here's the thing, if it let's me live out my detective-gone-vampire fantasy with lot's of interesting characters and mysteries to solve with fun combat then it will be a success.
I just hope this Cara Ellison lazy doesn't try to force any heavy handed message into the characters or plot. This is a game for adults, and it should act like it.
>I hope this Cara Ellison
>not knowing who she is
Nigger, she's the person who wrote most of the side quests for the Bloodlines back then. It's not like she's a new addition and her involvement along with Mitsoda are the reason why I'm anticipating this game.
Oh shit, I didn't know that at all. Why is everyone acting like she's some new comer that doesn't belong.
You can supposedly choose your pronouns
I also love to play with my own feces.
Because he's got his facts wrong. She didn't write most of the side quests back then. She is a total newcomer.
>Nigger, she's the person who wrote most of the side quests for the Bloodlines back then
I'm pretty sure that she isn't? Can you give some sort of source? She's not credited as such
Did npcs refer to you as 'they' in the original?
I also hope to god they get some really good voice acting. Game will suffer badly if they don't
wtf are you nigger on about
whats resetera and why should i care
Can't wait other than that I hope that they won't focus on the combat instead of the dialog like the first game.
How many stereotypes does this image gives away?
Its some random forum with degenerates that /pol/ obsesses over.
so...you can choose your character's gender like in every other game?
Pic related
You can choose your sex AND pronouns
Honestly I think she looks pretty. Just hope she can make a good fucking game.
You can just read all the info available right now about the direction they want to take, since there's really not much. And there's anons spamming the highlights over and over anyway.
Or you can start recognizing the pattern of no good game ever starting off with preaching about being woke.
I'm expecting shitty gameplay and identity politics.
See her writing for Dishonored 2. I haven't played it myself, but I've heard that it wasn't all that great. If you want to get a sense of her skills, I suppose you could play that
Can anyone track me down a cute dev from the games team? I live in Seattle and want to find and seduce one so I can convince her to put me in the game.
>that earlobe
>that face bone structure
>problematic glasses
>intersectionality hair dye
Every time.
>bone structure can now discredit your character
Did they really start about preaching about being woke, because I don't see that anywhere in the official website.
I'll ignore it as having a wider range of aesthetics.
The closet thing is their statement on Malkavians and the pronouns thing. Honestly, it's all rather tame, to be honest
yes? ever heard of physiognomy?
that's like saying you can't judge people based on their race
Why are you namefagging?
>U uze a naem so ur dum
Ever heard of pseudoscience?
So it's literally fucking nothing. Yea Forums is worse than the SJWs they complain about.
With that response, you sure seem it. Don't namefag when it isn't material to the thread. This is an anonymous site
Definitely. Red flags they certainly are, but Yea Forums blows it completely out of proportion. There's also a surprising lack of it when VTMB threads are created without stating the name in the OP, just having an image from the game
And using some letters means you can identify me as a person? HMMMMM Considering it's just some random words I use nowhere else, I'm still pretty anonymous.
Constantly. Something about how gender is a social construct.
>race is not real
yeah, tell me all about science, dummy
maybe you're just dumb and unable to recognise patterns
I mean, I'm a bit worried too, but I'm sure we'll have actual gameplay footage at E3 and I'm not really expecting this game to be as good as the first one. I just want a decent horror noir RPG.
>go woke go broke
>except for all the games that haven't gone broke
>and how all the games that did go broke did so regardless of being woke
maybe by now you should have learned this place isn't that great with predictions
You don't need to stand out. Go fuck off to some other site if you want to parade a special name around
physiognomy is not considered a real science
there will be no slutty titty vampires
there will be a slutty titty vampire
and a slutty bulge vampire
no they will not be the same vampire you fucking degenerate
We literally saw a titty monster in the fucking trailer.
Never stated otherwise
I'm pretty stoked, we haven't seen gameplay yet but just in terms of feeling and atmosphere they just seem to get it, you know?
Brian and co. talking about the state of Seattle today, tradition vs technology and the larger problems of a tech-filled society, and how that blends into modern Vampire society that now has a harder time staying secret, all that shows that they know what they're doing and they'll be able to advance the world of the game to its natural next step, 15 years later.
Their talk about making guns expendable itens and focusing more on the Immersive Sim aspect of the game gives me hope, but I'm keeping that part of my excitement low until E3.
Also I wanna bang virtual Christina Hendricks
I never said it is a science, only that it applies
having enormous tits and being jeanette voerman or the stripper chick in holywood are different things. I believe they will steer clear of hypersexualised women, or they will balance it with a toreador twink. or they will just do the twink, which would be the "wokest" option
>having enormous tits and being jeanette voerman or the stripper chick in holywood are different things. I believe they will steer clear of hypersexualised wome
Jeanette's outfit is a preorder bonus
can you tell me anything about this person based on their physiognomy?
wow, is it you, beet?
in this day and age? expect nothing to the previous installation. it will probably just be watered down, filled with modern gaming cliches to appeal to the masses, and probably have a heavy dose of sjw bullshit in it as well. i will probably get it, but i have zero expectations from this. it's just hopeless to expect anything positive anymore.
Sure. See you around, buddy
>They're sticking with the masquerade universe despite having the Requiem universe now
Yeah that kind of surprised me too but I also understand why, NWoD has gotten kind of convoluted with its multiple editions. For instance I'm currently playing a ghoul working my way to Mekhet and technically my clan's book is no longer canon, although my DM lets me use shit from it because my DM is outstanding.
I too am worried that RPG aspects will take a back seat to the combat (since it's a game made after the 2000s) but overall I'm confident that I'll like the game, especially if the awful dancing animations remain.
Hope they continue with the Deus Ex like gameplay and big titty goth vampires. Everything else is a bonus, hopefully more playable clans this time as we have Banu Haqim in the camarilla and some others. Hopefully we'll see a civil war within the Lasombra clan over the camarilla membership and be forced to choose between one of the factions.
I don't know. I just want big titty goth vampire gf with an ok gameplay.
>muh kristallnacht
more like pisha-shit
I'm wondering how choosing a clan is going to play out and if they'll include the ability to play as a Malk or Nos. I want to play a sewer freak again.
It does in real life
>cara elison
>normal mentally healthy individual
pick one
I wonder what gender you will be picking.
>respects marriage
well that took a turn
regardless: doesn't she seem like she's neurotic enough for this shit? this counts in her favor imo
I kinda like Requiem, but can you imagine the outrage if they went with that instead of Masquerade? VtM's setting is way more memorable as it is way more intrusive, and while that can be bothersome for the pen and paper version, I think it works better for a narrative-heavy video game.
Also, how did the NWoD change? I kinda stopped reading the stuff in there around the time the second clanbook for Vampires was out.
>literal who Dev
>kike publisher who only made strategy and CRPGs that only require relatively low budgets
Not much to be hype about. The best scenario i can foresee is a somewhat clunky but enjoyable eurojank that's worth a pirate, but that requires the writing to be good.
With the menagerie of pseudo-intellectuals involved in this game i can't see that happening.
>I also hope to god they get some really good voice acting. Game will suffer badly if they don't
Fuuuuuck, I was overlooking this in terms of shit I want to see in the sequel. I forgot how great the voice acting is in the game, save for the one guy who sounds like fucking Owen Wilson.
I'm actually not quite sure how much changed, I'm new to NWoD and this is also my first time going vampire. Offhand I remember the coils changed a bit.
All we got so far about the game is the synopsis, setting and a few snippets of gameplay. And when this early into the announcement they start talking about pronouns, 'punching up' and distancing themselves from the first game's male power fantasy then yeah, I can afford to say it's probably not going to be my thing. I hope they will prove me wrong but honestly after so many attempts at 'inclusions' in past video games I just want to say that my benefit of doubt has run out a while ago.
kek so at first I wanted to start an argument, but then I realized that you have made no real arguments in your post except for baseless statements. So I wanted to address those statements but then I started to predict what you would already say.
You would say that Mass Effect Andromeda would have bombed anyway because of the shitty animation, even though the gameplay and exploration was miles better than the universally praised ME1.
You would say that Dishonored 2 and its black lesbian amputee standalone expansion would have bombed anyway because the game wasn't very well optimized and people hated Denuvo, even though the gameplay provided more than enough fun for the average consumer.
You would say that Wolfenstein 2 would have bombed anyway because people have had enough with FPS games, even though gameplay-wise it's the best of the series.
And you would say all this, in the thread about the sequel to a game that's been released 15 years ago not only unfinished but straight up unplayable. So no, excuse me if I disagree.
>You would say that Mass Effect Andromeda would have bombed anyway because of the shitty animation,
Andromeda's problems lie far deeper than its animations
Pisha best girl. Only issue is you lose humanity like a motherfucker if you help her.
>a few snippets of gameplay.
I haven't followed the advertisement train for this at all considering it's a full year till release, but what gameplay? I know some "journalists" claim to have played a bit but did we see some actual gameplay footage yet?
I hope you don't mean the trailer with the big fat NOT GAMEPLAY disclaimer.
I played through all of it and would have played the sequel if it hadn't bombed. I have played way way way worse games than Andromeda and I honestly believe most of its problems would have been ignored if the writing hadn't been utter shit as a consequence of hiring writers based on social justice points. And maybe slowing down on the making characters purposefully ugly thing, but that easily could've been just incompetence.
I just meant journalists talking about it, stuff like
>The combat system is brutal, with some of the most impactful first-person melee fights I’ve seen since Dying Light. Hits send enemies flying, and there’s a neat trick where the camera occasionally pulls into third person to show off a particularly wild animation—running up the wall and leaping off to punch someone in the face, or flipping over them and delivering a hit to the back. It’s slick, in a way the first game absolutely was not.
>Wolf 2 had the best gameplay of the series
If you wanted me to just not take you seriously you only had to say it outright instead of trying to hide it. Wolf 2 has some of the most barebones, boring fucking level design and gameplay of the entire reboot series.
ME:A's problems were a dogshit story and the fact it was a buggy sack of shit. The "woke" shit had nothing to do with it. If anything, it should have tanked ME2 and 3, which both sold well despite ME3 being garbage for, surprise surprise, completely unrelated reasons.
So no, you drooling retard, the "go woke go broke" shit doesn't work.
Reading about how the gameplay puts the first to shame means little to me at this point. Not only is the bar really low, but I feel like journalists run hyperbole and exaggerate just how good combat is for an action game.
diablerie seems to be general consensus, but goddamn I bet it's gonna be a bitch to eat a Nossie that's bunkering down in the sewers. Fortress on top of a fortress on top of a fortress besides fortresses inside fortresses. Fitting that "hard mode" is hard to get.
>Diablerize a malk
>Things start to get weird
>Do it again
>Sanity starts to slip more and more
>Malkavians are practically willing to allow you to drain them in order to live on through you, in the same sense they believe the neural network is Malkan himself
>All of it was a combined effort in order to bring all Malks together again and bring their progenitor back
I hope something like this happens or provides different backgrounds around diablerie for each clan. It'd make for a really interesting story that could tie into the Gehenna prophecy.
>publisher who only made strategy and CRPGs
Oh no, what a terrible thing.