Dragon Ball games are saved

Dragon Ball games are saved.


Attached: Super Dragon Ball Heroes World Mission.jpg (1291x719, 307K)

More hyped for this than I was for FighterZ

look like a ps2 game or somethimg

Unironically hyped for it especially since they confirmed it would have arcade version's stories as well in addition to the grand SP campaign made exclusively for this one.
I'm still salty it doesn't include the story/missions from regular DBH though because we never got those in the west so starting with this one will be like starting with DBZ storywise without having experienced DB, shit is dreadful.

It's a japanese Arcade game running on Budokai 3 engine, of course it looks dated.

sounds bad why is switch so bad? lol

It's not a Switch game you fucking retard, it's a port of a japanese ARCADE game to Switch and PC.
I'm actually surprised they're not porting it to PS4 and Xbone as well.

I played the japanese demo they just released and the most annoying things are needing to deal with pop ups for equipment activating during a match and the weird sound mixing where characters are really quiet. The pop ups will probably be less annoying when I can actually read what they say and it becomes important information.

Attached: hildegarn too big for the board.jpg (1200x675, 252K)

>those graphics
Is this a mobile port?

Isn't this a phone game?
I feel so bad for switch owners.

So Nintendo is up with a ps2 tier power in terms of graphics now? Cool!

No lunch no buy

Why are you retards to illiterate you literally can't read first few posts of a thread?
See It's not even a Shitch game, it's just being ported to Shitch and Steam.


>pre order available at least


Attached: Kemonito Bailando.gif (466x264, 1016K)

Attached: mc races.jpg (1999x1135, 841K)

If Xenoverse 3 fails to have equal or better customization then this game then it's dead on arrival.

The game is available on a lot of place but nowhere near my house or available on steam
fuck me

my sides. how the fuck is this real? it looks like some shitty deviantart oc

Attached: firefox_2019-03-29_09-27-28.png (716x336, 256K)

>sunrise pose in the background

somebody get the collage

>No actual minute to minute gameplay
This looks like "press button do cool thing" garbage

It's coming out April 5 on Steam.

It's a card battler.

is it possible to remove the models and put them in budokai 3?

Spics will definitely datamine the models and try to port them to Budokai 3.

This is how i feel about every single character in Heroes. Makes Super and GT look amazing.

based spics