Defend this

Defend this.

Attached: 1551248552345.jpg (800x565, 74K)

god that's hot

it's a trap

Even better

I want to suck his dog dick.


now I'm interested

is hot.

First Bloody Roar.

>Defend this character from a game over 20 years ago
...But why

What's to defend? People can create what they'd like, and you're free to not consume it.

Reminder that the last time we had this thread there was no need to defend Fox because Shina exists.

Attached: sbrmrd.jpg (1920x1080, 147K)

So why did Fox only appear in the first game? Way it the whole "trap" thing?

Attached: bloody_roar____shina_by_deant01-d6e2nvg.png (1024x1024, 654K)


Just like my Japanese animes

Stun was the best.

But anons, that's a cat.

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the only thing I dont like about bloody roar games is how their clothes magically repair themselves they go back into human form


I believe no one actually owns the game with the fox in it and just like to complain, because thats the only picture ive ever seen of him and ive never seen an in game screenshot of him posted.

Bloody Roar's gimmick was expanding on the concept of werewolves but for other species and did it before One Piece messed with Zoan-type devil fruits.

Would fuck