ITT: Absolute vidya SOUL
ITT: Absolute vidya SOUL
Game manuals are peak SOUL and no one can convince me otherwise
I miss my manuals so much and if I had a time machine I'd go and murder my 10 year old self for being such a fuckup who can't look after nice things.
>That early Review on the Run 20 minutes in
Where did it all go so wrong bros?
Its a god damned shame honestly, Xplay was kino comedy reviews.
I still miss getting home from school and throwing on G4 Tech TV while playing my GBA or playing Ninja Gaiden Black while listening to Reviews on the Run, XPlay, Cinematech, Screensavers, Call For Help, I don't think I'll ever experience such pure unadulterated comfort again in my life.
>you will never hang out with your best bud and just chill together playing two different single player games while watching VHS recordings of that years E3 from G4 ever again
Nothing has more SOUL than a big box PC game
He used to be so young and full of life
>mfw tommy is fucking loaded
For anyone that misses the old days of EP or Reviews on the Run, Vic and Tommy did a 2 hour long live stream/video call where they just shoot the shit and talk about the old days.
Lots of funny shit about how they used to actually piss each other off, or how Tommy's stupid gags at the end of reviews were totally unscripted and always took Vic by surprise, they talk about how the locations they'd do the reviews in were full of old needles and condoms and shit too, its pretty chill
Game Center CX has no business being so fucking good, why the fuck does the subbing community need to be so full of faggots and drama?
I just want to watch more episodes but they come out at a fucking snails pace
I'm not aware of the drama, what happened?
The groups doing the subs are just complete faggots and their heads are too far up their own asses to get anything done
Is this at the Osaka aquarium?!
Pokke Village, home. At least it was before Capcom fucked everything up.
>Isn't it interesting- wouldn't you agree with me
>I think this new system right, the new platforms have been out for two-two and a half years now right?
>I'm STILL playing my Playstation 3, WAY more than my Playstation 4. Xbox One, Wii U, this has been the slowest- USUALLY when a new platform comes out its 'the new thing' and you dont, yknow, and then its like it catches on within like six months to a year. Its been a couple years now and still you don't feel that like excitement, like, "Oh my god this is so next gen! This is the big thing!"
>I'm still playing like old games from last gen, and by the way still enjoying them.
Reminds me of how hyped people were for the Halo 2, Smash Melee and Zelda Twilight Princess E3 reveals
Man, watching that shit live as a kid was the hypest shit
Its too bad Twilight Princess was probably the most disappointing Zelda yet and probably the worst 3D Zelda next to Skyward Sword, which stung even more after all of those crazy delays and years of unrestrained hype
Today, I will remind them...
The day they removed maps was the day the game died.
>Absolute vidya SOUL
>tfw modern games can still have soul sometimes
Absolutely based and comfy eurojank RPG
Take me back, TAKE ME BACK
is this worth 35 monies?
I'd say absolutely but you can just pirate it first and try it out, its a top tier bro-op game though
Its friday night moms taking us to blockbusters for being good.