Division 2 is rightwing propaganda

Reminder that we live in the worst timeline:

>Author Tom Clancy’s name posthumously sits above “The Division 2’s” title. Yet, despite publisher Ubisoft’s denial of political themes, “Division 2” comes more from the mindset of Fox News’ primetime star Tucker Carlson than Clancy.

>Carlson’s hyper-conservative ‘news’ show treats white men as victims, said gun laws represent class warfare on the day of a school shooting, and treats Republicans – positively – as ferocious tigers. Carlson’s rants appear to have inadvertently birthed the world of “Division 2.”

>“The Division 2” represents the hyper-blandness of Tucker Carlson, a generic white guy spouting about how everyone hates you, making things great for themselves, and finding the absolutist solution to fix it all. With guns, primarily.


wtf, I love ubisoft now

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Other urls found in this thread:


>we want political games, deal with it incels!
>n-not those kinds of politics! AAAH! STOP! NOI!!

first post heartiest kek of posts.

They really should have seen this coming with Far Cry 5, then Far Cry We Wuz Bad Guiz n Shiet etc

Activision and EA have just literally purged hundreds of the fuckers responsible for pushing SJW bullshit rhetoric which has tanked sales of major IP's.

Is this what Jim Sterling wanted?

That guy has a really big hard on for Tucker.

That's why i bought it.

>it's okay when it's RIGHT WING POLITICS

>everything has to be defined by my personal obsession with politics
I can't wait until they've finally exhausted all credibility, but man is it a slow descent.

Is the game actually decent?
I've been thinking about getting it.

And Far Cry new dawn was hardcore pro-christianity, but since no videogame reviewer gets subtext it flew under the radar.

Ubisoft is pretty based

It's okay when it's a nigh-apocalyptic scenario where everything is fucked, requiring people to be "conservative" or else they'll die.

I got the first one on sale for $19, and didn't feel it was worth that. So even if I agreed with the politics of the 2nd one, it's going to have to bring a lot to the table for me to consider buying it.

it's ok but it's not much fun as dress up simulator, you can't be a cute girl, the guns are just guns, armor are boring backpacks and jackets.

It's ether ALL okay or none of it's okay, you don't get to choose when it's fits you

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Guns laws are class laws though, the rich will never disarm themselves and get disproportionate protection by the police

>Yea Forums spacing

Is the game actually political? I thought Ubisoft was aiming for less intentionally political. There will always be a bit of politics in a game like this, but typically not SJW tier garbage where they hamfistedly try to shove a political view down your throat.
Does this game actually push a political view or is it just SJWs screaming because a game doesn't push their political view? The see not pushing their view as being a white nationalist.

Tuck the cuck is definitely wrong sometimes but I like him overall.

>hyper conservative


They exhausted it a long time ago. People watch more news than ever yet distrust it more than ever. Many watch it for entertainment, many because they want to get outraged. Either way, the show goes on. Although people don't read anymore so articles have to be even more absurd. Soon enough we'll probably learn that Ubisoft is recruiting alt-right soldiers to prepare the post-apocalyptic Trumpian Empire.

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No, it's a realistic game. It's like if someone said you were pushing an agenda because you called a fat person unhealthy.

>Division 2 is rightwing propaganda
The first three people you meet who are in positions of authority are all black women

Do you have a source? I want to believe.

>Is the game actually political?
no, its a looter shooter with the most basic uninspired "story campaign" possible
nothing is memorable story wise and as usual gaming """"""""”journalists"""""""" didn't play the fucking game
division 1 story was poor but at least i can remember some of the main characters, i don't remember anyone except Kelso by name from 2

that being said the gameplay and amount of content is what makes this game shine imo

why the fuck is he going on about tucker carlson in a childs toy review?

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>You can tell if someone is healthy just by outside appearances
>Wieght is a measurement of being healthy

it isnt
there isnt any fucking story in this whole game its why i stopped played
>the whole usa collapsed because of the virus that was totally in check in the last game
>oh no the white house is in trouble you must go
>ok you are here at the white house now go to this settlement because we said so
>welcome to my settlement go get my daughter and i will owe you a favor dont ask me why you need a favor from me just do it
>go kill these raiders who are killing and pillaging for some indeterminate reason even though everyone seems to have no problem finding ammo or guns

The game has its share of "diversity" and shit but made the cardinal sin of not adding any Trump jokes.
It also committed the grand heresy of admitting that only people with guns will survive once all chips fall down (as shown time and time again in history).

I do get to choose, actually. What are you going to do, cry on Twitter?

I was wondering why I really like it. Now I know. Thanks OP.

Body fat percentages are accurate metrics of health risks, and at a certain point are a guaranteed hazard

waifu version when.
seriously, I'd play TD2: magical girl edition

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How dare you, you fatphobe?

Not really, unless you insist on it. The intro does make the point that in case of such a collapse owning guns is a good thing, but to get angry at that is retarded no matter what your stance on the issue is. There is an evil militaristic faction and an evil corporation, but there are evil anarchists as well afaik (not just looting and pillaging outlaws, but more organized). Also the article mentions that it's gun fetishism to have so many types of guns, but that's been in all vidya of the sort for ages and is a standard rpg mechanic, it's like saying that diablo is sword fetishistic because you compare stats. The game has a pretty diverse cast without making everyone a minority. I honestly don't get the race thing, that article just seems like pure clickbait without any substance at all.

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>nice looking car from outside
>"it looks fine, but it could have some underlying issues"

>rust bucket with wheels that barely move
>"that vehicle definately has major issues"

>house that looks well maintained
>"looks good, but it might have some underlying issues not seen from outside"

>delapitated, abandoned, house
>"that definately has major issues"

>healthy weight individual
>"they look fine, but they might have some health issues I'm not aware of"

>fat person
>"they definately have health issues"

ikr, I played pic-related for awhile but the shooting is super unpolished in that game.

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occasionally you are reminded what you are fighting for. which is an NPC being like "for 'murica, muh freedoms!!"

but the entire real-life population of USA in an NPC being like "for 'murica, muh freedoms!!", on both the left and right so i don't really see the game falling on either side.

Yet you faggots cry on here every time a black woman shows up on screen... Sad

TD2: Gensokyo edition

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>tfw no AA12


Basically they trimmed all the fat by getting rid of a lot of eSports people and community managers, no if any actuall Devs were fired. It's reasonable to assume a lot of the sjw infulence was among those let go.

I haven't heard about ea doing the same though.

> it takes a fictional apocalypse to make conservative politics look remotely appealing
it's almost like it's a worldview based on fantasy

One means of gun control is to tax the shit out of guns, and especially ammunition. Keeping prices high only makes it so that the poor have more difficulty defending themselves, which is awful because crime is more prevalent among the poor in our society.

>no if any
*Few if any

It's pretty good as an action game, good environments and solid shooting mechanics. Unlike the first and most other looter shooters, it's a shooter first, gear stats second. The enemies are aggressive and deadly (to the point that a lot of players are crying about the game having actual difficulty that they can no longer cheese with super good gear), both you and enemies go down quickly, no bullet sponges.

It's "realistic." It's roughly a year after the virus outbreak, everything is in ruins and there are a bunch of violent factions trying to seize power and resources while espousing simplified "we're right, they suck" ideals to keep themselves hyped up in the struggle to survive. You play as government peacekeepers trying to get shit back in order, going up against armed bandits hoarding supplies and weapons.

Imagine being unable to enjoy things unless theres anime girls in it. What a fuckin sad life.

because I don't give a shit about black women, and if you aren't one, neither should you

It's also totally okay when it's a 50/50 split. I love the extremist absurdity the entertainment can provide. Robocop's over the top pro gunslinging police angle and Training Day's over the top dirty cop angle are both fucking fantastic movies. But there's gotta be balance, otherwise dipshits start believing the over the top ENTERTAINMENT is actually reality.

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cliffy B could've saved his game

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Actually how the fuck did that alita movie get away with outright stating guns were only banned to protect the government. Liberals did get angry at the film but that was over some feminism bullshit

Fuck off. Being fat puts you at a much higher risk of health complications.

Haha fatty it dating a fatty

>post yfw we live in a timeline where EA and Activision saves gaming from politics

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>By design or not, ‘The Division 2’ is political.
It’s only like that because you WANT it to be. Because you want to be angry about something and want to complain about something. Why are people like this?

The game is made by French Canadians. It's clearly parody.

>"a generic white guy spouting about how everyone hates you"
>Why do these fucking white people think we hate them? Gosh it makes me hate them!

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>Many watch it for entertainment, many because they want to get outraged
This is why the news will never be as credible as it should be. Spinning stores to create outrage is more profitable than giving an unbiased take on something.

Getting angry over that would require watching the movie for longer than 5 min.
Running next to The Symbol Of Womyn Power And Equality By The Way was a reason enough to get it marked for kill.

8/10 times yes you absolutely can, deal with it fatty.

I guess we really do live in a post-truth society. It's like the information highway was always destined to turn into a disinformation rollercoaster.

EA just fired hundreds of marketing, analytics and publishing monkeys.

Can you guess what the most common hair colour of those positions is?

I wish leftists had the foresight to see what all their race baiting could cause.

>a Tom Clancy story is retardedly right-wing and glorifies the military
Well gee what a fucking shock I sure am surprised

How could anyone see this coming besides knowing who Tom Clancy was or having read literally anything he ever made

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No, it's just the usual crowd kicking up a fuzz people aren't having their equivocation when they pretend not to see the difference between their preachy bullshit and some fucking Tom Clancy spy thriller shit. Like Deus Ex. The good one.

They go where the money is, it's as simple as that.

Their little SJW experiment has resulted in massive losses, not profits.

It's disgusting how well captain marvel did. Black panther may have been heavily boosted by politics but it was at least decent, cap marvel doesn't deserve an ounce of the success it had

Because it generates clicks and just like this thread.


W-well I guess this is ok..

division 2 is basically canadians making fun of america and their retarded culture

Tom Clancy is a white man

Don't they forget that Clancy was as neocon as you can get?

>treats white men as victims.

Not even a second later...

>a generic white guy

Fuck man. How can people be so UN-self aware!?

wait what

>job is to review a videogame
>just whine about an unrelated TV host instead
well done


Unfortunately this.

user you and are the only people ITT who know who Tom Clancy was.

The rest is pic related

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they're aware, just unashamed

Life would be way easier if people stopped fucking pretending to “care” about everything.

Blacks don’t give a fuck about Hispanics why should we all pretend?

>Division 2 is about guns and heroism
>Tucker Carlson thinks guns and heroism are pretty cool
>therefore Division 2 is Tucker Carlson
Clickbait as fuck
shit thread kys OP

People want propaganda gone, not politics. Besides, if you think "during a civil war the people with guns have a bigger chance for survival" is a political statement then I'm sorry for you

SJWs tend to be a large part of bureaucratic bloat, not in the least because they'll push to get each other hired for the sake of their shared cause regardless of whether those people are needed, competent or even have anything they could contribute in the first place. They'll build an echo chamber at the cost of whatever entity they have attached themselves to. Like procreating parasites carving out a nest in someone's body.

Shouldn’t you be dilating somewhere?

"Caring" is literal brainwashing.
Every major multicultural metropolitan area is racially segregated, meaning people prefer to live with their own kind.

has this nigga ever read tom clancy?

People were saying that EA was trimming the fat, but it turns out they were just shutting down their Japanese office

Could you picture Asians calling each other “generic”?

what do the trannies say,
living in head rent free?

>everyone is alt-right for not name dropping tom clancy
I'm not sure I follow your logic, user. I mean, I know you're just trying to blindly insult a bunch of posters with calling any specific posts out, but your post makes no sense.

It may be. However, you're still a shill so 6 million points to gryffindor.

kek it's funny, played for a few hours and I knew this would be the right-wing version of every other games ever made.

I'd love a game that panders to my political sensibilities for once, but I'm prejudiced against looty shooties.
How guilty is Division 2 of the following:

>M16 (regular item) does 5 dps
>HK416 (rare item) does 120 dps

>regular looking enemy takes two full mags to kill because he's higher level

In short, it co-op Max Payne or is it TPS Borderlands?

Video game journalism, not even once.

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light one up and spin this


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I really don't get Ubisoft's stance on this. It's a Tom Clancy game, almost anything with his name on it is political porn.

gun laws literally are class warfare. even the communists of the 1900s agreed that political power for the lower classes comes from the barrel of a gun. since the dawn of human history, the standard has been very clear: full citizens with full rights are allowed to own weapons. Slaves/lower class peasentry is not allowed to own weapons. This is not some crazy 'right wing' idea.

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Angry dumb kids, user. The rest of the thread are angry dumb kids

Sigh. Another game with a masculine framework. Dropped!

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the article makes it sound like the game sullies Tom Clancy's memory by (supposedly) promoting right-wing ideas, even though Clancy was pretty conservative himself

We've come a long way.

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Borderlands. Actually, some of the worst bullet sponges. Actually kind of fun because of the cover system but other than that, I wouldn't bother.

Being generic is the opposite of being a victim though. It means your culture is so prevalent that you are automatically the default. There is absolutely nothing incorrect about the part you just quoted.

This is a pretty subdued thread, I think you're just projecting.

>The purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better.
>When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity.
>To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed.
>A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.
They are deliberately trying to make you accept contradictions because it destroys your ability to assert reality. It's post-modernist politics.

>Tom clancy shit leans to the right

Holy fuck do people not fucking know this or something? Also why does fox live rent free in these peoples heads lmao

Thanks (he)ather

>NPCs aren't real people

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I could picture modern Asian women saying that about Asian men.

>I'm too smart by half!
That concept only function in the absence of a standing army. The founders knew this, which is why they prohibited a standing army and established the second amendment so a militia could rise and protect the country from outside forces if necessary

When there is a standing army your gun rights avail you nothing.

left movements have been coopted in the west, communist parties used to be against massive immigration as well since it was against workers interests to have direct competition imported right into their job markets

They cut down on health bloat from Division 1 severely, until you try higher difficulties without being specced to shit out damage, also you can get high end versions of any gun and all roll within a range for damage. Some are just currently outright better than others, at the end of the day it's still a looter shooter so trying to get just the right set of talents on guns you like is end game.

Thanks. Not interested then.

How do you read this dumb shit without giving them views?



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Why do you seek out fringe opinions with which you already know you disagree?

White "guy/dude" is absolutely supposed to be an insult whenever it appears in an article.

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I think the thing I hate about liberals the most is the cry-bully way they use language, it's so quintessentially jewish.


Go read the federalist papers and you'll realize how wrong your assertion is.

I don't, they come to me.

"Generic" is a racial slur used against white people that follows along the lines of
>white people ain't put spices on they food
and so on. It's an attempt to dehumanize and cast white people as the other as part of a genocidal agenda.

>europe flooded by immigrants
>government making plastic cups illegal
>people getting murdered daily by terrorists
>lol silly americans, your gun rights do you nothing, why cant you be as smart as us superior europeans?

gun rights are the only thing keeping the american government from going full retard. the implicit threat of an armed rebellion, or even localized refusals to follow unjust laws, keeps things from getting out of hand. The legalization of weed is a great example of how gun rights let citizens ignore and change laws that their 'masters' have no intention of changing. It's not some left wing communist faggot who was growing weed in california or colorodo, it was gun totting red necks and hill billies whom the police had no desire to ever interact with in order to enforce unfair drug laws or else they might eat a bullet.

This is true and it's why every totalitarian state or regime strips people of their guns. Every dictator and oligarch views shit like what happened to Gaddafi as their worst nightmare.

>game has an ENEMY faction that "removes degenerates"
>help niggers constantly
>hurr durr it's rightwing extremism

>muh white genocide
I remember a time before /stormfront/ got its filthy claws in this site

It was a long time ago. People then were apparently smarter because you kids are the most gullible and easily manipulated generation yet

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>europe flooded by immigrants
but so is america, the hispanic population is exploding
the next generations are already minority white

I was literally explaining to you what thr federalist papers say. I'd urge you to go back and try to actually process what they say about standing armies.

Yep. But it doesn't make them victims. White people are the dominant culture of the planet. We are undeniably better off than every class and culture of person in the western world.

Keep drinking that kool-aid, useful idiot. Your masters want to keep you stupid and angry.

>white man culture is so preventive that you can find it no where!

What's white man culture again, being a nazi? You are such a dishonest cuckhold. The way you argue makes me think you are unironically a jew as well. No, I'm not channeling my inner /pol/, you literally are acting like a shameless jew at temple arguing about things you know aren't true.

>the threat of an armed rebellion
>in the US
You live in a fantasy world.

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Same, first one was garbage
also it had too many female characters including one "lesbian btw" female officer quest giver that was just insufferable

>another thread of Yea Forums calling others thinskinned and babies without any kind of self-awareness

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You realize that racism is an extreme far-right position, right? There is a massive, massive amount of right wing politics to get through before racism becomes the norm.

Idk why they are so adamant about banning plastic shit, just get better at using recycled materials. Paper shit is garbage, but subhumans have to throw their plastic trash everywhere

>video games need more drumpf jokes
I would've appreciate if any reviewer mentioned their existence in Ass Creed Odyssey at least to prepare me

>White Wolf was always SJW, deal with it
>how DARE they put conservative ideas in a Tom Clancy game?

the fucking cognitive dissonance on dilaters

>b-board of piece

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They're trying to actively stereotype people based on their skin color, talking about them like they're all two dimensional interchangeable cardboard cut outs, just so they can push a political narrative. It's not just insulting but dehumanizing.

If you did it to anyone else they'd call you a racist hatemonger.

Everyone is naturally good so we don't need guns. Only bad people have guns. Also guns don't matter because the government has nukes so if you try to fight them they will nuke their own country

>oey vey goyim ur a minority soon. 20 million illegal hispanics will totally replace 320 million white people by 2050!

tell me more, rabbi.

I didn't say anything about white genocide or /pol/. Please don't use my post as a flimsy excuse to sperg out about politics.

Yes that term is quite clearly used to demean, similar to "Berniebros". It has and will never be used in a positive context.

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No, it functions specifically in the face of a standing army. Read some fucking history.

>we want politics out of games!
>e-except these ones that are based and redpilled, you mad libtards?

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I don't remember seeing racism in the game. The enemy faction that removes degenerates is lead by a nigger who wants to kill all the infected people and their sympithizers.

Except nobody ITT is dumb enough to think a Ubisoft game is right wing.

And keep believing that lie. Ever visit West Virginia? Kentucky? Arkansas? Louisiana?

Which one, champ?


How wide do we cast the net of "white people"?

Are all blacks, from Muslim Somalis to khoisan nomads, ghetto nigger Americans, to British West Indians, the same?
Same food, dress, gods?

We can just lump them all in together right?
Like whypeepo.

Fucking dullard.

The bad guy cult of FC5 was led by a David Koresh clone (super radicalized offshoot of an offshoot of protestant radicals). The good guys on your side were mostly church-going Christian country folk making up The Resistance.

Then with New Dawn, the bad guy cult leader Joseph Seed basically suffers Old Testament retribution, many things from his faction's side is framed in allegorical reference to the story of Genesis and other Old Testament elements.
Meanwhile you and the Scavengers again are composed of a number of the same local Hope County Christians from FC5, and some stuff is more referential of New Testament stuff.

>blacks and browns are inferior and therefore need special programs/handouts
>white people have privilege because they are superior
>we need safe spaces (THIS MEANS SEGREGATION) for blacks/browns!

Are you sure it's the right wingers who hold a monopoly on the 'racist' position?

What do you think he was before he was a gamer?
Why didn't he transition into a hobby that's actually productive?

It really is a crazy world when Ubisoft gets painted as right wing.

uh huh
I mean you have retards praising this game who use the NPC meme, there's your evidence that only dipshit retards like the division 2.

Learn to use google faggot, jesus fucking christ.

Literally fucking google "EA layoffs"

who are you quoting?

After that weird sjw training video of theirs leaked they seem to be doing some damage control and trying to scale back the drumpf jokes in their games. And that's what they're really complaining about.

its fun until you reach endgame, then it becomes a boring grindfest with bulletsponge-enemies that put those of the first game to shame

>living in head rent free?
Does anyone else think its strange that /pol/ and trannies use the exact same language?

>unironcally a jew
That's funny. You're funny. White people control nearly every major media corporation in the western hemisphere, buddy. Disney and Marvel? White culture. ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox? White culture. Google, Amazon, Apple and Microsoft are white culture. Every major movie, television, music or videogame studio is owned and operated by white men.

The planet is dominated by white men, and they want to keep people like you stupid and angry so they can send you barking like dogs whenever someone tries to challenge them in even the smallest of ways.

>division 2
>"money is diseased"
>"mexicans building a wall to stop americans entering"
>"the president is giving everyone on his side guns and we, the freedom fighters will defeat him!"

Gaslighting all up in this bitch with that article, get the fuck out. Still not buying it.

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yeah, the game with a woman, a black guy and an asian on the cover is totally redpilled

Daily reminder that 50 years ago if you were remotely left wing you were a commie, singled out and denied work.

>President Waller jej dies of sudden suspicious 'heart attack'
>Vice President Mendez dies of suspicious 'suicide'
>Speaker of the House Ellis becomes President and immediately starts saying weird cryptic things
>every lore entry about President Ellis says he wants to 'forge a new America by any means necessary' and stuff
>Black Tusk talks about how their "mysterious" employer wants to forge a new America by any means necessary, and stuff
The US President in the game is a scheming rotten villain with about as much subtlety as Sheev in the prequel trilogy and you would think shitlibs would be all over that, but I guess that would require actually playing a video game instead of complaining about everything on social media all day so I guess that's not happening.

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>White people are the dominant culture of the planet
>of the planet

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Did the game sell this badly where they have to push reverse propaganda? We all know it's liberal bullshit.

You are an idiot.

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You are absolutely incorrect. Several of our founding fathers opposed the idea of the federal government even having a standing army because they knew a tyrannical state could effectively use it against their own population. One motivation for the second ammendment was to give the people a way to keep this power in check. And again, in these papers and James Madison's personal writings, it was always intended for the people to have access to the same arms as the military. Remember, the revolution was fought against their own government, not a foreign power, so they were highly concerned with domestic threats. A standing army is just another potential threat to the populace as seen in every single police state in human history. So no, gun rights still very much matter in the presence of a standing army.

>tfw the apocalypse arrives and the hard reality sets in that either you're conservative and set boundaries and claims for yourself or some Mohammed you fed rapes you in your sleep

>being this Americentric
The funniest thing is you probably actively look down on others for being uncultured and unwordly.

>the second amendment is there to keep the power of a standing army in check
So are you a bad combo of ignorant and cocky or are you actually trying for historical revisionism?

No reason to believe that shitpost. I personally haven't seen anybody praise The Division 2 here.

Ubisoft is very left-leaning. They get dragged by disappointed video game journalists whenever they try to make an apolitical or centrist game.

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At no point in The Division 1 or 2 is there really anyone who identifies their political alignment. The closest was/is the engineering dude from The Division 1 being so anti-government and against the idea of the Division as an entity because of balance of power/checks and balances. None of the former, or current sitting president is identified as Republican or Democrat. The current "media" is trying to make it political because it is set in DC.

>t. Someone who only played the Betas

lol this.

Who the fuck cares? All the tech giants and majority of media outlets are run by left-wingers nowadays, so why the hell should I care whether or not left wingers USED to have trouble being accepted?

They're not left enough. That means they're LITERALLY Nazis in disguise.

Now That's What I Call Trumpkino

Perhaps, but no matter how hard I try I can never be as stupid as you.

>I personally haven't seen anybody praise The Division 2 here.
You should read the thread sometime, but hey you're doing the "if someone proves me wrong is a falseflag" shit so who cares

really makes you think

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You could say this game is causing a...division.

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>no rebuttal, just insults phrased as questions
Not him but I'll accept your concession on his behalf.

Pretty much knew that when they announced it back at E3 and the whole shadow government thing. There has been no mention of it in the story so far. Weller magically being alive and that good shit he was speaking along with Black Tusk's upper echelon. I just want more Kenner and the conclusion of that story line.

>game designed to be politically neutral is right wing propaganda
>political neutrality and centrism are right wing stances
The absolute state of the left.

name a thing that is not political, the concept of apoliticness is false, everything is political

Just watched the Lamon Gamon video about this.
Love those Aussie shitposters

The division 2 got mild praise for being a decent diablo shooter. But no one praised it for being red pilled. As the games not really political in that manner but is more less "bio- weapon" bad.

americans don't understand shit like ethnicity, they only talk about skin colours, but never about the real important shit

Proof that all this shit about politics is people reading into things the way they want them to be, rather than what they really are.
Like how the pre release hype was all about "FAR CRY TAKING ON TRUMPS AMERICA" when it's supposed to be based off of the jonestown cult/waco siege.

You're assuming leftists follow the same logic of inferiority/superiority as you. I don't believe white people have privilege because they are "superior", I believe they have privilege because they got an early lead in economic and industrial development, and have used that lead to rig the system in their favor. No one is born "superior" to anyone else, certainly not because of the color of their skin. White people are better off than black and brown people because they rigged the game against them, and the objective of leftism is to undo the rigging and return things to an equal playing field.

It has nothing to do with replacing the "top" of society. There's not supposed to be a top in the first place. NO ONE should be superior to anyone else by virtue of their race or status alone. The objective is a true meritocracy, where anyone can succeed if they put in the effort, and not be held back by barbaric prejudices.

I bought the first game, since you went political and anti Trump and republicans I will never buy this one.

Rot in hell commies.

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Yet leftists turn out to be far more racist then any right dude who isn't a nazi, simply by claiming that they, and only they, are allowed to talk and decide for the minorities, even if they don't even want it. You end up with shit like a leftists being outrage at some nigger joke with blacks telling him that it's okay, only to claim that he's outrage for them since they're to oppressed to be outraged themselves. It's fucking insanity.

did he see an underage vagina?

They only have to wait some 20-30 years and it'll happen naturally.

Isn't Montana like the whitest part of America? What "racism and facism" are they talking about? All I remember are some Stormfront idiots from Montana saying bad things about jews a while back.

>it was always intended for the people to have access to the same arms as the military
Except no, there would be no military, there would be the people banding together as a militia.

You may have skimmed too quickly user

They knew all the way back then that individual militias would have no chance against a real army, and that was when armies didn't have drones and long range explosives

>Speaker of the House killing off the President and VP so he can take control of America with an army of hi0tech mercenaries
Hmmm... Where have I heard this one before...

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If you're not with them, you're against them.

I read most of it. Do you see any Division 2 threads on page 0 right now? I haven't.
Even people who did buy it wouldn't have done so to own the libtards.

>tfw Indian
>got attacked by Bioware apologists for complaining about Andromeda's "overly diverse" NPCs
I'm not even allowed to have an opinion, it's awful.


But seriously, prehaps I'm just a pussy but it bothers me a bit. The game is about a civil war in america, right? The trailers have a voice over talking about "we the people" "taking back our country" from... The not-people? The not-citizens?

You mean when you're getting propaganda shoved in your face?

>armed rebellion
oh you're just pretending and baiting

Yes, I'm sure those Division 2 developers in Malmö, Sweden are giant Tucker Carlson fans.

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In b4 "they beat the british" when we're talking about a domestic rebellion and not fighting foreign forces

It's funny how they force you to get involved and demand you to take a side but then get bootyblasted when you take the opposite side.

American cultures as a mish mash so they can't recognize divisions by those lines. The differences are so hollow that skin color is the only consistent thing they can point out.

They live in the same world, just on other sides of it.

That's surprisingly deep for a couple of AAA titles.


Because they're treating Right Wingers in the exact same way, its wrong.

They're vague terms that most people will agree with. Like saying that you're for "freedom"

Ethnicity is not important.

man this game really flew under the radar. It came out and I pretty much heard nothing about it. Just another copy and paste garbage ubisoft game.

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Fucking kek

No real civil war. It is more independent factions fighting for control of territory and their ideals. Then there is the former JTF people and The Division trying to "restore America" to what it was. There is a shadow government aspect that hasn't really been addressed yet.

>The game is about a civil war in america, right?
it's about rebuilding a governing body

Didn't they or another one make up shit about KCD DLC that it was cancelled only for Vavra to call them out on it?

>Patriots of all races band together to put America back together

It's all so tiresome...

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>referring to and describing an entirely different subject in order to compare it to the actual subject, when no actual tangible ties exist
>purposefully describing normal rhetoric as "ranting" when you yourself are ranting
>simultaneously describing something as extreme and radical, and then saying it is "hyper-bland", which an oxymoron nonsense word itself

This is entirely worth dismissing and ignoring immediately, but I know you retards will talk about it everyday.

>political neutrality and centrism are right wing stances
this board claims that centrism is a left wing stance
Everyone with a functioning brain knows that both extreme sides are retarded

>t. beaner


>Carlson’s hyper-conservative ‘news’ show
Lines like this just shows you how far-left extremist some of these lunatic journos are. I expect nothing less from Variety.

Tucker, yeah, his show's obviously center-right but it's fairly mainstream. Those clowns writing these articles have no idea what "hyper-conservative" is until they've heard local AM radio talk shows in the deep south.

Then again, these NPCs think everyone to the right of Stalin are "evil nahzees"

>>Wieght is a measurement of being healthy
Yes it literally fucking is hambone.

Leftists think everything is fucking political.

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I don't remember. The vendetta against the it was so severe they even had "Kingdom Come has lost X amount of players months later!" articles, like it was a multiplayer game.

>ucker, yeah, his show's obviously center-right but it's fairly mainstream.
Its Sean Hannity 2.0. Something can be hyper-conservative and still mainstream.

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they say ot because in the intro cinematic they said something like "the ones who had guns survived the collapse" or something like that. Now making obvious statements is considered right wing I guess.

you're either a non-white or a cuck if you dont think white genocide is real.
fucking retard

That's always the dumbest shit. I see threads on here all the time asking why some singleplayer game isn't being discussed as much anymore 1 or 2 years after launch like it isn't fucking obvious

It should be clear that liberals are massively racist and sexist because they are so dead set on treating minorities and women like special needs children. No expectations, free provisions, praised simply for existing, shielded from criticism, and only empowered for the narrowest form of agency because they can't be trusted to decide for themselves.

It's hilarious and depressing to see how far this has gone.

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>White people are the dominant culture of the planet
That is a flat out lie. Whites are less than 20% of the world population and there are huge swaths of the world that either aren't aware of or flat out hate western culture. You tell me countries like China and India are dominated by American culture? Get real.

And you're a useful idiot who is being played if you think it is real. They want to keep you stupid and angry. Hopefully you'll grow out of it sooner rather than later.


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>They knew all the way back then that individual militias would have no chance against a real army
Yeah, it's not like the US had its shit pushed in by a bunch of malnourished rice farmers. It's not like the US is currently embroiled in the longest war in its history against a bunch of backwoods goat-fuckers. It's not like the USSR got pushed out of the same region.
Your assumption is faulty, user. Now one could sit there and say that the US never used its full force against any of these threats, but those were foreign invasion, they sure as shit wouldn't use that domestically. We're talking about the threat of a theoretical police state, and in order for that to function the state needs boots on the ground and infrastructure. They're not going to drone bomb a bunch of indiscriminate targets like in the ME and destroy their own infrastructure and morale. And you can't effectively police a population with just a tank. You actually need patrols at the human level.

>haha no u, see you just like them
What a galactic brain you got nigger, just say no u, use our memes because you can't meme. Whar a sad pathetic life you got spook

Yeah, it's not like illiterate goat farmers having been holding out against a coalition of the worlds most advanced militaries for multiple decades. That'd be silly.

There will always be a top of society lmao, you just hope and pray its your intellectuals

>literally countless left-wing propoganda networks
>a single conservative show with a single host who will actually talk about real issues
>lives in these faggots' heads rent free 24/7

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>use our memes
That's not a meme and its not yours. Lurk, newfag

I dunno, most people aren't too excited about it, SkillUp says the game plays like a real-time version of XCOM, which sounds fucking awesome and I would play that type of game in a heartbeat, but, I'm afraid he might be spooging a bit.

> It's not like the US is currently embroiled in the longest war in its history against a bunch of backwoods goat-fuckers.

Only reason that war isn't over is because the US is profiting from it.

>get off the fence you coward!
>no, not like that!

That's some bootlicker ideology right there.

I told you guys the correct response was far right games, no "neutral" games

Stormniggers are the textbook example of fascist racists though, dude

If you cared about yourself and your body you would be treating your body like a temple and keeping it clean and healthy.

kek this
isn't a political videogame

there has to be a group of people who are Not-Americans. this should be obvious

>game about post apocalyptic nightmare world where guns would come in handy for hunting and protecting yourself against the absolute cunts that would try and take advantage of the situation to murder, rape, and pillage
>"uhhh why does the game glorify guns?"
How do these people remember to breathe?

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>we want politics out of games
SAYS LITERALLY NO ONE complaining about politics

Did you play The Division 1? If so you will most likely enjoy The Division 2. It is a solid shooter and cover mechanics. Skills are a nice change from the first one. End game is, right now, cookie cutter SMG melting build for both PvE and PvP. I expect that to be the case until sets come out with Tidal Basin next week.

Captain Marvel manipulated earnings by literally being the only movie in a bunch of theaters for a week straight.

They do, though. You must be blind.

You say that like the establishment doesn't have its pick from any number of countries. We didn't start out in Afghanistan or Syria. Libya wasn't a problem when the Iraq war started. And look at all of the posturing towards Venezuela right now.

>civil war
>fighting a foreign enemy

whoever wrote that article is so retarded it hurts.

extreme rightwingers/conservatives are reprensented through the true sons, and this "white guy" thing has to stop, why did they even have to mention tucker being a generic white guy? If skin colour really matters to this """"journalist"""" why did he forgot to mention how all the major good characters you find in the game are black girls, asian girls and latino guys?

Oh you guys dropped the "THE NUMBERS ARE FAKE" angle already, huh?

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It's fascinating to see how far these people will go though. How contradictory can you get before your head just explodes, scanners style? We're poised to find out.

If I aquire more "merit" than you in the perfect society how am I not a superior? Social engineering?

They finally did some cardio

>gray and brown cover shooter the game 2 comes out
>instead of complaining about how fucking bland this shit is they all they do is screech that the game doesn't go "ORANGE MAN BAD WHITE MEN BAD GUN BAD"
most modern journalists not just those in gaming should be thrown in jail for the civil unrest they're propagating with the extremism

america is like 66 percent not-american already

God damn it Carlos