Kingdom come: Deliverance

Just bought this. Does Yea Forums approve? Thoughts?

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You tell me, you bought the game.

>Does Yea Forums approve?

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I love how doing stealth takedowns of guys in coats of plates.


I stopped playing a year ago due to a game breaking bug which would make me have to restart my entire play through in order to proceed with the main quest. Have they fixed all of that shit yet?

My favourite game of 2018

It’s one of the most atmospheric and fun RPGs out there, and the fact that it doesn’t hold your hand through quests reminds me of Morrowind’s quest style. Plus the combat is fun once you get th hang of it and really had a nice and weighty feel to it. Graphics are amazing as well and the quest and characters are both interesting and educational.

I had some of the best experience sneaking into the monastery at night while drunk off my ass trying to steal the Necronomicon.

Pretty sure they fixed a the game breaking bugs
It's still about as janky as the bethesda games they tried to immitate though

Yea Forums doesn't approve because it doesn't have trannies and anime

The game is good, the combat however feels unresponsive but that's probably because I'm running it on 40fps. Have fun. It's a 7/10 for me.

I never experienced any “game breaking bugs”.

In fact, I actually looked up a quest guide once (for the quest about the sword you craft with the various blacksmiths). I couldn’t seem to find the next step of my quest and I thought it was glitched and when I went to some guide online it told me that “this was a well known glitch” and the only way to solve it was to reload a previous save or to do some elaborate glitch that was supposed to fix it. Determined not to give up I kept searching and talking to people in the game until I realized I had actually missed a key piece of information from someone which then helped me progress through the quest just fine. And all this time I thought it was glitched and even the internet was saying so.

That’s when I knew this game was a pleb filter.

It's alright. Reminds me a lot of the early 2000's PC RPGs.

How many DLCs are they going to shit out? How long will I have to wait for the definitive edition?

>actually have to learn to read in game

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It only has wypipo in it so the chances are yes

Can I play as an Orc or a member of an Elvish race?

>How long will I have to wait for the definitive edition?
The 'Royal Edition' will be released on May 28th with all previous DLC along with the latest and final update 'A Woman's Lot'.

No but you can act like an orc and go around getting drunk and starting fights and eating rotten meat.

May 28 is the Tereza DLC and they'll releasing it alongside a new Collector's Edition so I imagine that's the last one

Its good if youre into rpgs or like history.

Trying to get into WRPG aside from like Fallout, Witcher, and Elder Scrolls. How is this? Any others I should check out?


The Titcow.

It's set in czechoslovakia jesus christ

the girl with whom you'll get to experience a 1st person immersive rape scene
from her pov



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What is that?

These LotR-wannabe fantasy names are getting ridiculous.

It's a shittier version of Oblivion.
Boring world.
Horrible combat.
Slow as fuck fast travel. (Why is fast travel slow?!)

Game is a 4/10 or a 5/10 at it's very best. No clue why some people here think its good?

>More complex/difficult
>Realistic, the "worldbuilding" it has is based on real history

The game is legit trash. It seems novel at first. "The controls are supposed to be bad!" but after you get about halfway through the game, I assume, it gets boring as fuck. Just doing fetch quests across the map and drawn out boring missions. Honestly, the monastery should have been enough to put me off the game, but the shit after it is somehow worse.

>boring world
the world and all the places felt unique, no idea what you are talking about
>horrible combat
Nothing wrong with it, for one it's much more skilled than mashing mouse 1
>slow as fuck fast travel
It accounts for random events that might happen along the way
>Game is a 4/10 or a 5/10 at it's very best. No clue why some people here think its good?
because none of your points make sense and it is obvious you've not played more than a half an hour of it

personal GOTY

>Bought it too
>tfw only having 750ti

Wish me luck.

This is more like Gothic and Gothic 2 not so much Bethesda games. Eurojank is it's own style of RPG and not part of the WRPGs (which are all lame).

How about Mount and Blade games?

Those are sandbox.

Tits like a cow in calf ring any bells?

It took off because of the whole /pol/ push and the lead dev being a gamer goober.

Not RPGs but absolutely fantastic.

>gamer goober.

Gamergater. You won't even say the name, you fucking embarrassment.

Give me some examples of those fetch quests.
Give me some examples of /pol/ aspects in this game. Other than that it has white people in it I guess.

played it when it first came out but quit halfway through from all the bugs and shit now im waiting for all the dlcs to play it again

didn't answer his question

It is an RPG though

>czechoslovakia existing in the holy roman empire


The game made a conscious choice to only include white people in the game, for realism's sake, despite the fact that there were poc in that region in the 15th century. When I say /pol/ push, I mean that specifically on this board, /pol/tards were screaming from the rooftops how great this game is. There are tons of stories about the overt racism behind KC:D. Try google.

>despite the fact that there were poc in that region in the 15th century
No there weren't outside the occasional circus attraction.
Fuck off resetera.

>The game made a conscious choice to only include white people in the game, for realism's sake, despite the fact that there were poc in that region in the 15th century.
There are Germans and Cumans, who else would you want? Only other nationalities that would make sense are Jews and Gypsies.

>Unironically using the term poc
Where the fuck are you from?

Played 5 hours of it, and it sucked.
>b..b..but it gets good after 15 hours

Fuck you and anyone who says shit like this. If a game cant hook you in its first hour (2 at the very most) then it's not a well designed game.

>progress enough through the game to get trained in swordplay
>fight and kill a few cumans to acquire decent armor and weaponry
>ambush first bandit camp, kill two before the alarm is raised and competently fight off and kill remaining three
>acquire outstanding equipment and wealth
>start picking fights with armored knight errants and becoming even more invincible and geared
>believe in my own divinity
>face a group of flea-ridden bandits with shitty maces and almost no armor
>no tactics, just rush them like the speedbump they are
>their clubs ignore armor and are raining down from all directions
>barely manage to hobble away with my life

Riddle me this then: Why would /pol/sters still push it now that it was released and everyone could clearly see that this game has nothing to do with their retarded identity politics? Are you telling me that you think epic /pol/tards are still shilling a game from a year ago because three years ago some literally who dev from uzbekistan told some middle aged cat lady on Twitter that he won't add african people to his videogame set in 1403 Bohemia?

They should make a sequel set during the Hussite Crusades.

I dont see why anyone complains about the combat in this game, all you gotta do is just shoot people point black in the face with a bow

Those are some bold fucking claims in your original post for someone who puts down a game they paid for after 5 hours. Fuck off, you are just a shitter who can't appreciate games that aren't designed around zoomer attention spans

>If I don't like it the it's not a well designed game.
Why did the fucking jews have to create social media? This shit is ridiculous.

People stopped shilling the game like 3 months after it came out user, because it turned out to be a shit game.

They should make a sequel that finishes the fucking story they started in this.

Zoomers can't hit anything with a bow because there is no crosshair that they can point at the enemies head.

>tfw shooting filthy krauts and papists with your wagon bros

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Yep it's good but the plot is kind of lacking and the characters aren't very likeable, both of these factors being painfully realistic I suppose

Truly the most KINO war in human history.

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>Does Yea Forums approve?
Why are you trying to be an NPC?

>That’s when I knew this game was a pleb filter.
I never experienced any game breaking bugs either however, the game, at launch legitimately had playthrough ending bugs. Just because you didn't experience them don't mean they didn't exist or had an impact on peoples experiences. Stop sucking off devs just cause they arent AAA you cuck.

Sharpening should be done with keyboard only
Install the Inventory Weight mod

>played the game on release
>no gamebreaking bugs, ran great, looked beautiful
>get to what I assume was the last quest
>multiple objectives, mostly "go there and talk to that guy"
>do most of them
>use the newly patched in "save on exit" feature
>next time I boot up the game I do so with a friend
>he asks about combat
>start some shit in town, fight a bunch of guards, basically a mass murder
>"ok, now to load the game"
>the save is deleted
>previous save is at the beginning of the quest, 2 hours earlier
needless to say I didn't finish the game. But you should, it's great, I'll get back to it when all the DLC is out and there's some decent mods

>implying hans wasn't the biggest bro in vidya

I've yet to do his DLC content but outside of it he's still a spoiled douche only he treats you somewhat better

If you didnt experience any gamebreaking bugs then you are just one of the few special snow flakes. I had:
>got sent into the sky by interaction with an alchemy table
>NPCs (some of them quest related) falling from the sky to their death
>talking to people sometimes flung me up sky hight as well
Granted, I played 2 weeks after launch.

Best game I've played in recent memory besides sekiro

I gave it up after failing over and over to clear the first Cuman camp

Loser can't even kill Turkic roaches. Pathetic.

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But youre not supposed to kill anyone in the camp, just spy on them and poison them

Sucks. You missed an amazing game

It was fun, for a few days I did nothing but play it. Even got to the point where i would sleep in real life thinking i was also sleeping in the game. And then bam, Cuman camp. I just lost interest after not being able to go through the camp clearing all objectives.

That's the point, he's meant to be a douche that slowly matures during the story.

So why the fuck can't I get mods to work

>move shit to Kingdom Come Deliverance\Mods\name_of_mod
>nothing happens
Playing the current version, tried shit like instant herb picking, more obvious herb textures, staying clean for longer, but none of them work.

But.. you're meant to fail or have incomplete quests. Like in real life. You've been coddled by modern day gaming

Older mods don't work on the updated versions of the game.

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