What are ya
be kind and drop a reply

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Other urls found in this thread:,wn

sekiro. it's shit.

It's 9:00 in the morning. I'm gonna go to the laundomat.

playing through vtmb after all the hype. last time was 10 years ago. just got back from Grouts. I fucking love all the intrigue whirling around. I don't think I ever went full cammy before.
kimmie schmidt is a good show and you should watch it
nothing, really
stuff for class and the gospel for me
over-salted oatmeal. it's pretty terrible but I'm too hungry to start over.
over-salted oatmeal milk
trying to stay away from the porn.
pretty sure I'm hypomanic. tired as fuck then hype as FUCK then tired as fuck again. real good thing that the weekend is coming up, usually rest is the key.

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Fate Extella Link
Finally watched Lego Movie 2 and Captain Marvel last night, a mediocre double feature
Mariya Takeuchi - Plastic Love
Yea Forums
Cheese pizza, lent today
Rockstar punched
Gay chubs fucking
Got time off approved for AX. Hard part’s over, now time to save up and shit

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i’m stuck at work and i don’t feel like doing anything

pokemon red now, probably gonna emulate some PS2 games later
american dad, malcolm in the middle, south park, MXC, asmr videos
Yea Forums
bagel with cream cheese
coffee and water
anime tiddy
sleepy but good

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Dark Souls on Switch
The Knight by Gene Wolfe
Pretzels, trying to intermittent fast to lose some weight and it fucking sucks
Pepsi Zero
Utena-sama's uterus
P good, about to start a long ass work day

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Dunno yet, feeling kind of done with DMC5 for now so I'm looking through my backlog for something to play.
Game announcement trailers. BL3 and that Divinity/XCOM mashup look interesting.
Construction sounds in the distance.
Yea Forums, I guess.
Scrambled eggs with multigrain crackers and some mild gouda.
Alright, have to work later today.

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Division 2

Rewatching Sunny for the 100th time.


Never read the Harry Potter Books, wrapping up the 2nd book now.

Poorly; Lots of Fast food lately, need to stop.

Been smokin yolo420blazeit, not really drinking.

eporner been a good source as of late.

Pretty good.

EO untold
Not sure
Desaster recovery textbook
I have no sex drive anymore
Excited. Today is my last day at my lower paying job. Next week I start being middle class

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Sekiro all weekend. Can't wait.
Oh my Ghostess! the k-drama
Yea Forums
Tonight should be sphagetti and some tomatoes, tomorrow tacos and then some junk on Sunday
Water. Water. Water.
Cutting out 3dpd porn for now, it's ruining my actual sexdrive but 2D porn doesn't. Looks like we're on Sadpanda all weekend.

DUDE and division 2 sounds comfy. how are you liking the game?

Sekiro later this morning and FFXIV tonight!
Girly Air Force! Finishing up a few more seasonal shows today and watching No Nichijou
Japanese songs. Jaeden Camstra, Jinsang! Comfy tunes.
Yea Forums(nel) boards.
Going to make myself some eggs in a bit. Maybe I'll get a pizza later today and then I'll have some for tomorrow too!
Water, lots and lots of it! Coffee in a bit.
Even though I am NEET, excited for the weekend (for some reason). Wanting to talk to my discord friend that I really like, it's a shame he's so far away.
>tfw no headpat bf

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Fuck off meowie

Ni No Kuni II
Game of Thrones
Neon Indian
spaghetti and meatballs
no fappan

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not meowie

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Armored Core Nexus
Finished Neverland, it was alright
Annoyed no one wants to buy my collector edition shit

Clash of clans
Walking dead
Vegan Pancakes
Latte with onions milk

Some borderlands (tales BL2, and the pre sequel)
Maybe a little risk of rain 2 if I can get anyone to play with
Botchamania and various small youtubers
Various vidya OST's
Yea Forums and Yea Forums
Walkers MAX paprika crisps
Water, the thinking gamer's choice
trying to do nofap at the moment
shitty, I can't get any of my friends to play vidya with me, they always just make excuses when I ask them to join me and never invite me when they play multiplayer games we both have
"Of course we can play together sometime user :)" fucking when nigga?

Overwatch gotta get some coins for the next event and some FGO between matches
One Piece at the fishman island arc Hordy Jones just a doped out Arlong so far not really impressed
boring accounting book thinking of switching majors damn college jews
chicken bacon ranch pizza
partys gonna be over soon

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Nothing, because I fucked up my thumb recently by accident and can't use the left analog stick or d-pad or spacebar with my left hand until the thumb recovers.
Neutral Milk Hotel- IAAOTS
maybe some Greek mythology
A crappy dry cake
Sad about the present but hopeful for the future. I've finally put together a plan for a future that I want but I'm not sure whether it will work or not.

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Nice trips, OP
Ys 1, guitar
Youtube. Kinda feel like watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit too
80s hardcore
The Name of the Rose
Eggs and hash browns
My usual, milky tiddies
Pretty good

Kimmy Schmidt was one of the few Netflix shows I liked.

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Oblivion, I'll probably finish Knights of the Nine and that'll be it. I don't feel like doing guilds quests. Also Hotline Miami for a second time, god this game is frustrating, but funn as hell.
Lindybeige probably
Maybe Tolkien later
Meat patty
I'm tempted to buy a bottle of vodka and oj for the night. Might do it later.
Mya Diamond
Okay, hopefully I won't feel awfully lonely later. Also, am I the only one, or Yea Forums is extra shit lately.
>ib4 v was always shit XD
I mean there are maybe 2-3 nice threads a week, thriday/saturday included. Yesterday's about Gen II Pokemon games was really nice.
>trying to stay away from the porn
I fucked up my no fap/porn again, got to try again. Stay strong, user.
>Mariya Takeuchi - Plastic Love

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my local weed dealer got busted and im very social retrded to go out and try to buy some weed

Doom Patrol
latest overlord chapter just a tab away
Schnitzel with fries and sauce
no fap friday, have to be juiced up tomorrow
Is this real life?

fun* inb4* friday* Fuck, I need to proof read my shit before posting.

What Tolkien, friend? LotR is on my list of books to read soon.
How's Doom Patrol? I love the comic, both the Silver Age and Morrison's run but I don't want another streaming service to go through

Probably some CSGO later with friends. Maybe also some STALKAN.
Going to finish Wataten then later watch the newest episode of Jojo.
Going to catch up on the latest chapter of Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru and then start reading Tachibanakan Triangle.
Nothing at the moment. Maybe later some snacks if I feel going out and buying some beer.
Water, for now.
Not sure if I'm going to today.
A tad bit tired, but otherwise good. Need to get a bit more motivated to work on my game, though.

How is it overall? Is it as fun as 4 or would I be getting my hopes up too much if comparing the two?

>Cutting out 3dpd porn for now
Man, I can't even remember the last time I fapped to 3D. It's just so disappointing in comparison, especially if you're into degenerate shit.

>Annoyed no one wants to buy my collector edition shit
Could you elaborate on that?

>What Tolkien
Unfinished Tales, nice addition to Silmarillion. On mine too, recently I bought one of these "all in one" release, one hefty book that is.

Slap City, might try out black desert online again but will probably get bored in the character creator again
csgo griefing videos because I'm a tasteless permavirgin
kaiji ost since I just got done watching that
been meaning to read a book on meditation for a while, might start today
ate some shitty fudge and can feel my gains depleting
muscle ass, jacking it every couple of days instead of every day feels much healthier
feeling more positive since the sun's out, but I fucked up my back/chest somehow doing assisted dips at the gym, (skelly) so I've had to miss out on a bunch of work-outs this week- feels bad

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Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation and Risk of Rain 2

DMCV Combo MAD's and Re;ZERO

Untitled Burials




Third Trimester abortions

Pretty good

Also, nice trips, OP.

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Mr. Nobody as narrator is great. The overall presentation is ok-ish but decent for a DC series (Flash, supergril and the likes look horrible, not to mention heroes of tomorrow looks cheap af). Crazy Jane is entertaining aswell.
I stream it on vivo because it's otherwise not available in my country.

Trying to pick up fortnite again. I really like the art style but the gameplay fucking sucks
Some bs youtube doc about Leafy
said doc
Coming Up for Air by Orwell
I did when I woke up
Fucking stupid, I decided to get drunk last night and stayed up until 2, and then woke up a 9:30 without my alarm going off so I missed work.

The plan for the future won't work, everything is fucked, I want to kill myself

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Studying. Finals in 2 weeks


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most peoples' plans don't work out as they hope, your life isn't just gonna suddenly become perfect
tell us about your plan user


Don’t fap it’s a sin

Basically, I've just found out that I won't be able to get into the college I really wanted to go to because of a seemingly insignificant decision I made many years ago. The college requires you to have done three languages in your exams in school, whereas I only did two because I didn't know that prioritising other optional subjects over French would completely fuck up my adult life.

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Planning on finishing Sekiro tonight, which sucks because I didn't want it to end. After that, probably run through a custom campaign in L4D2 with my sister and a friend. Maybe get started on Blaster Master Zero 2
Noting at the moment. Sis and I have been going through The Strain because of Del Toro, and it's been fine, although I've already been told it was canceled at it's fourth season and I don't know if the quality will hold up. Also getting caught up on Kamen Rider ZI-O

Excel sheets
Just a bit of grapes
Getting my dick wet tonight, so I'm not going to be fapping.
Pretty good.

the college/uni you go to doesn't really matter that much, I thought getting into the uni I went to was life-or-death and when I got into it the course sucked a fat one anyway and I ended up dropping out. As long as you've got other options then it's not the end of the world

Hunter x Hunter
Devin Townsend - Empath
Frozen pizza
Guaraná Antarctica

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Yakuza Kiwami

Kentucky Basketball

Whatever is on my mind

Yea Forums


Yuengling and Rolling Rock

Foot tickling if I'm up for it

Meh. This is going to be the first weekend in awhile where I wont have weed

He's right you know

hell yeah it's time for these threads
Hollow Knight, still stuck on the Trial of the Fool
Samurai Jack
Satires, by Homer
Toasted cinnamon raisin bagels with butter
Water, lots of it
I dunno... orgasm denial maybe?
Goin to a French film festival this weekend for a class. I don't understand why the prof is so focused on films considering it's a french history course and films wasn't even mentioned in the class description, but whatever.

I also want to go to the gym more and do more cardio. I eat relatively well and I'm not skinnyfat but I don't move that much cause I spend most of my time with vidya, classwork, or Yea Forums, so I want to fix that.

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>Is it as fun as 4
Its better than 4 in pretty much every way. Tons of improvements and new mechanics, no backtracking, references to all the games, much better boss fights than 4, etc. I'd go so far as to say its arguably the best game in the series.

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You sound cute, be my friend

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Devil May Cry 5, in the middle of my first dmd run
Some osrs videos on youtube
Twisted Sister
Tonic water
Not in the mood
motivated asf

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Just Cause 4
Comic Book Men
Bill and Ted go to hell
Maybe some black chicks getting fucked or bitches with huge tits getting fucked
Good. Glad it's Friday and ready for the weekend. I'm debating on getting a PS4 Pro along with Spider-Man. Is it worth it anons or should I just stick with my Xbox One X and pc? I'm also thinking of letting my girlfriend finger my asshole. Does it feel good?

Skyward Sword
Hopefully Spiderverse tonight. One Piece, finished Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.
Godsmack, Japanese metal
One Piece
Snacking on Buffalo Ranch Doritos ( not that great )
Pepsi Cherry Vanilla
Samantha Lily in a titfuck thread
Tired. Pulled a muscle in my right side stretching over to my left side. Hyped for Borderlands 3.

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sounds absolutely terrible

PLAYAN Baba Is You
WATCHAN Jojo friday babyeeee
LISTENAN Mother Mother
READAN Irving Stone Lust for Life
EATAN b e e f
DRINKAN weak lukewarm sweet tea
FAPPAN pink-haired camwhores with fuckmachines
FEELAN prettay comfy

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I don't think it's that great of an idea to get a PS4 if you already have an Xbone X. The PS4 may have more exclusives but this gen they're so similar that you may as well just stick to what you already have.


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Playing fighters and arcade shit with my new arcade stick. Having a blast. Gonna go try ESO and then some Smite later on. An user gifted me Risk of Rain 2 but Steam has delays for some retarded reason which is a shame.
Might watch some anime related shit. Hell, might even catch up on Riverdale.
Diet in some hours.
Blonde bimbos most likely, nothing certain yet.
Pretty good, still would love a job to call me back. But it is what it is. Can't wait for the gift to come in, never understood why Steam has all these long ass restrictions on shit like trading or gifting. Pac-Man an arcade stick is MAXIMUM comfy though.

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some MHW later
japanese speedrunners
haskell reference manual
bagel with lox
not this early in the morning

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Final Fantasy XIV, Risk of Rain 2, and Hypnospace Outlaw
The lion in your living room
Just a youtube mix of past shit involving eurobeat and synthwave
Turkey sandwiches
Colombian coffee
probably giantess or just femdom in general
Tired, hungover.

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That's interesting. Will need to give it a shot soon then. Thanks a lot, user.

Darkest hour: Hearts of Iron
School shit
Instant ramen with crystal hotsauce
Mexican coffee
Pretty good. Took a small dose of LSD yesterday and was able to figure out solutions to my problems.

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MK 11 beta and New Vegas also might emulate yugioh gx the beginning of destiny
jojo friday and youtube shit
criminal number three
leftover shepards pie for lunch and sausage subs for dinner
pineapple juice and water
cute boys
alright cleaned up the back yard a bit anxiety is acting up a littlecause of family shit

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Fire Emblem Echoes
Persona 1 OST
Gonna maybe catch up on Conan and Jojolion later
nothing, trying to cut up on snacks after a girl told me I'm fat
grapefruit juice
on nofap for now
Pic related. Bored since the last couple of weeks been kinda uneventful.

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Playan Borderlands 2 with Krieg for the first time, currently at lvl 20 or so. Playing Gaige in UVHM alone is too hard so I just started a new character. Drinking vodka.

finally got botw a week or two ago, so that and the usual mp shit like pubg and tf2
going back through the golden age of the simpsons, amazing how much shit flew over my head
fair bit of brand new recently. also american football's lp3 is bretty gud
berserk while waiting for a new chapter, haha fuck
terrible store brand pizza
water and fanta cause there's nothing else in the house
incase's art is pretty godly, actually shows intimacy instead of the garbage fake shit losers like > and that one other weird nazi guyt
nostalgic as fuck. bring back 2007 pls, i miss the golden age of modern multiplayer. would kill just to have some good aussie servers back for valve games, and ds/wii official online would be great

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What server?

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VR Chat
What ever film my girlfriend chooses, maybe Alien: Convenant since we watched Prometheus the other night
Club / Dance music in VR while working out
Random Yea Forums threads
Chicken Pie later, maybe coleslaw and a panini (Ham and cheese)
15 cans of cider
Not sure, might ERP at some point later with girlfriend or someone else
Alright, looking forward to the rest of the day but not the hangover tomorrow. Then it's the same all over again

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A Night In The Woods
Brexit coverage and probably JoJo's
Casper Brötzmann Massaker
More stuff about Brexit.
Sandwich for dinner methinks.
Monster Ultra.
Kinda good kinda bad? As a Bonger the way Brexit has unfolded is an absolute shitshow. We look like a fucking joke and probably going towards a no-deal Brexit. I don't really discuss my views any further as I want to keep this thread comfy.

>Plastic Love
Absolutely based.
>New Job
Nice one user, hope it goes well!
>tfw haven't smoked in 4 months
Enjoy it lad, do you smoke via a blunt, bong, pipe etc?
>Hotline Miami
Patrician taste my dude. I love those games and have struggled to find anything that matches the speed and intensity of their gameplay for years. Some come close, but never really surpass it.
>Holy Diver
Absolutely fucking based. That whole album is a lot of fun.

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Devil may cry 5 or slay the spire when I get off work.
No clue recommend me some anime to watch. What's hot this month?
The new coheed and cambria album. It's honestly shit.
The witcher series.
Water and monster energy drinks because for some reason coffee just isn't tasting right at work.
No clue. Something vanilla like ENF.
Pretty good. Just working 2 jobs getting ready for summer to be here already. I fucking hate the cold.

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DMC5 if anything. I should get to buying Shadows Buy Twice but I'm dragging my feet since I'm not exactly liking what I'm seeing.
Nothing of note. I recently watched Love Death and Robots because my normie friends forced me to. It was alright.
Yea Forums posts
Home made pizza tonight.
Tea. I can barely stay away at work here.
MILFs or dragons. Yeah I'm a degenerate so what
Tired. I took last weekend off and getting back into the swing of work is killing me.

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LoL. Playing Sona. Need to get better at knowing when it's time to go back and buy. My first two pvp games have been a loss but my team says I'm doing a fine job supporting and our problems were elsewhere. I wish I knew people that played this. Also playing Sekiro, Overwatch, and Beat Saber. Beat Saber is my cardio excerise lately. MAYBE throw on some Modern Warfare Remastered since it was """"free"""" on PS+.
There was a promotion at the start of the year where you could get Hulu for a whole year for 99 cents a month. I'm gonna put on Sailor Moon and I guess whatever anyone else might reommend.
Hi Score Girl. I already finished all of the anime that was on Netflix including the new episodes and I just can't wait for more. I've read a few chapters ahead.
I'm gonna make a steak sandwich and fries in the oven for dinner. Probably won't eat until then.
I dunno. Good seems like a strong word. But I'm relaxed. Can't wait to start lactating. Wanna give nursing handjob and milky paizuri.
Now replies to brighten up your day.
Does any of the newly announced FFXIV stuff excite you? I'm too nervous to get back in at this point with all the new content I've missed.
What fighting games? Under Night In Birth is really good if you haven't tried it yet. It looks very anime but it's actually way more grounded than you normally would expect from an "anime game." Good luck on the job front.
Just beef? How are you preparing it?
>Japanese metal
Do you like Kiba of Akiba? My friend showed me them a while ago. The Stay-Home Superstar is my favorite song by them.
Comic Book Men is comfy.
Great job MOTIVATED user. I need to get back to my Son of Sparda playthrough sometime.
Good taste in pretty much every aspect. I hope you won't let the anxiety get the better of you.
favorite FE
liking BOTW?

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It's between Pokemon and Monster Hunter right now
I dunno, I need something new, any good Netflix/Hulu recs?
Lucius, Wildewoman
In the Woods, Tara French
Pound Cake
Nothin yet
Storing up that nut for my birthday in two days
Sad, because I have no one to nut on for my birthday in two days

based, infected mushroom and dio are great
which pokemon game? i've had a hard time spending any time on the 3ds shit, way too patronising and not enough endgame content to justify beating, even super mystery dungeon suffered from it pretty heavily i felt
yeah, it's pretty good so far. my first real in-depth experience with a zelda game (given the n64 and nes stuff goes before, but never quite grabbed me) so i can't really judge compared to those, but it's gotta have some of the most intuitive mechanics of the past decade. i hope more open-world games take some cues from it

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>Some come close
Mind sharing, user?

Based Havel poster

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Maybe Hollow Knight, been a bit of a slump these last few days and I feel like playing something, just none of the games I have installed.
Battle of Britain
A Princess Of Mars
Had one of those dreams that made you remember how much better life was before you became an adult and how little you've done with your life and how all the friends you had growing who you've lost contact with are now probably far far far more successful than you, and tit's still in the back of my head. But other than that, kinda normal, not bad, not good.

nothing right now, might do some LttP Rando or Death End re:Quest (I am at the final chapter) later


nothing right now

nothing right now

nothing right now


nothing right now

depressed due to some bullshit with a university. Basically I was offered a job (been jobless for 3 months) but then the very next day, the offer was taken back because some department jumped the gun.

Sekiro. Some Tekken 7 and UNIST later.
Storms outside.
Storms outside.
This board and my retarded ideas
Had a poached egg on toast earlier. Dunno what to do for lunch.
Water. Maybe a beer later.
Sore, but good. Did a lot of yard work yesterday. Drawing and writing down some ideas today.

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I might play FFVIII or Metro 2033 REDUX, we'll see
I want to start Death Parade but i dont feel like it
nothing rn
just finished

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Rocket League
No idea why I decided to boot it up, but I did.
No idea how I'm better than everyone I'm playing against despite the fact that I sucked ass when I quit a year ago, but I am.

Umbrella Academy
It's good.

The Guitar Hero II soundtrack


Cheap spicy ramen bowls

Cheap beer. Like 20c a can cheap.

Maybe later.

I'm getting married next week and I'm fucking terrified.

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I brought a switch! Haven't touched nintendo since gamecube. Mario kart 8 is pretty fun although I'd like to see some matches with no item boxes on the track. Kind of strange that you can't interact or chat with anyone in the lobby beyond kiddy shit like 'that was fun!!!!'
ghetto kitchen videos like
later prob vinny/joel/jerma/mike/revf if any of them start streaming

My flat out favourite female musician, joanna newsome

sausage & masho
freshly roasted coffee arrived today, so that
never watched the shows but /mlp/ pony pussy
pretty fucking bad, got fired from my first job after 4 years of friendless neetdom, it was a really good job too, working alone with nobody to bother me, first time I was happy to drive to work in forever. Gonna withdraw back into sheltered life I guess

that >eatan
sounds nice
IAAOTS obligatory
>dry cake
fucking VILE
dont fuck your sister user
>trial of the fool
keep at it, good luck! I focused on max damage slow attacks personally and just kited everything
>no deal brexit
yeah fucking right the entire commons just wants the whole thing cancelled
sonnies edge was fucking GREAT, otherwise the rest of it was alright. sonnie's beastie was hot in a fucked up way
>battle of britain
cool fucking film, that orchestral score during dogfight gives me chills
good luck bro, dont get divorced and have all your money stolen.

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persona4 golden animation
h doujins
choco filled donuts
could be better

Fallout 2, Ori and the Blind Forest and Hollow Knight, enjoying all of them and when I get tired of one I just play one of the other two
I was watching Jin-Roh on YouTube, pretty good, gives me Akira vibes
Tarkus by Emerson, Lake & Palmer
Not reading anything right now, just finished Infinite Jest because Yea Forums meme'd me into doing it
Peanut butter sandwich
some shit from my fetish
Ok, just ok, I was feeling pretty depressed last month but since I returned to the gym it kind of lifted my mood

>favorite FE
I can't really tell if you have good or bad taste yet, since I'm like halfway through the game and I haven't played anything older than Awakening. But I like it so far, even though I hate some of the maps.
>Hi Score Girl
nevermind, your taste's great

Holy fucking shit its Friday I didn't even notice.
DMC5, Risk of Rain 2, Sekiro, BDO
Various background noise streams and videos. Probably going to get through a bunch of Steve1989 while playing shit
See above
Not a lot, mostly just articles for shit. Not much of a reader anymore.
In about 2 hours, I'm gonna make a shitload of taco meat, beans, cheese, mexican rice. Just gonna chow on that all day I think.
Water. I've almost entirely cut out soda and it feelsgoodman
Maybe later
Pretty good, I am basically a NEET for 2 weeks until school starts back up and a shitload of good games have come out this month.

Smash, might boot up a new Dark Souls run. Probably won't.
Going to watch some JoJo, then download Cowboy Bebop and Space Dandy.
Mars Volta.
Just caught up with JoJolion and I think it's my favorite part. I fear I'm going to not like any other anime/manga since I love JoJo so much. And of course, Yea Forums.
Mom wants me to pick up something for lunch, but I don't know what.
Fat. Kind of depressed, I should've asked to be moved up at work months ago but I haven't had the guts to. I want to ask tonight, but I just don't know. Just generally unmotivated.

>Kimmie Schmidt
I watched the first season, I remember liking it. Don't know why I dropped it, then again I have a terrible habit of just dropping stuff.
What the fuck user
The burgers feel for you bonger, at least this burger does. May our best days be ahead.
>I dunno. Good seems like a strong word. But I'm relaxed. Can't wait to start lactating. Wanna give nursing handjob and milky paizuri.

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White, you're not wrong, I still haven't finished Sun and Moon because of how easy and hand-holdy it is. Really wish I hadn't lost my copy of Expolrers of Sky, that game was peak mystery dungeon

>good luck bro, dont get divorced and have all your money stolen.
She has WAAAAAY more money than me. I didn't even have enough money for rent until a year ago, and we've been together for over 5.
But she also knows that I gave up all of my career ambitions to be with her, so it's okay.

My friends loved Sonnie's Edge too, and for me it was the second best. I liked Beyond the Rift just a little bit more. I felt like it was a wrapped up story, where Edge could be a show pilot. Pretty much everything else was lolrandum or 2deep4u.

Okay, so there aren't many games with the same top-down format of Hotline Miami that are also as ferocious, but here are some:

Ultimate Doom with GZDoom or whatever program you prefer - If you play on Hurt Me Plenty you'll find yourself needing to be aggressive yet careful at the same time.

Killing Floor 2 - Depending on how you play it can be very intense, Gunslinger is my personal fave.

Blops 2 and Cod WW2 - Hear me out on these. If you play super aggressively and try and go fast as fuck, it can be a lot of fun. Titanfall 2 is also very good for this.

Ape Out is a decent Hotline Miami-esque game but is weakened by its use of procedurally-generated levels. I still like it but I would either pirate it or get it on sale.

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Fuck yeah, the Switch library is becoming dank.
Don't listen to all the contrarian trolls, BOTW is great

>May our best days be ahead
I hope so burger, I hope so...

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nuzlocke pokemon gaia
feeling shit
thank god its friday

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grim dawn
youtube playlists
steam chat
oatmeal and caffeine pills
discord trannies
legendary drops are a dopamine hit like no other

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Disgaea 3, maybe Rimworld later
Techno and Russian witch house
Yea Forums
A lot of strong beer
Haven't decided yet, probably Bleached
Pretty good, it's finally weekend

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Some of the maps are whack I'm not gonna lie. Especially near the end where the game becomes "just let Alm do it." But I think it's the first time Fire Emblem ever had a good story and antagonist (Berkut). Lots of people didn't like 3D dungeon crawling sections but I've always wanted a game like that. An SRPG with exploration and the common encounters just being short battles.
Thank you I try. You can get a milky gf someday.

Rimworld. OoT rando if my friend feels like racing later
TommyK. ZFG if he streams later
A microwave chicken pot pie. Want to get chick fil a, but shouldn't
Just finished my pot of coffee. Water for now, maybe some sweet tea later, but I need to cut calories
Yeah, soon. Idk what to yet. Either milf or futa.
Alright. Took PTO today and looking for a new job.

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>what fighters
Fighterz, MvC3, and Killer Instinct. I'm pretty bad when it comes to the joystick movement, especially when it comes to closing distance, but I excel with the buttons. Probably will pick that up eventually. It looks pretty neat.

Turok Remastered
Nothing right now. Watched the Orville last night but it was a rerun unfortunately
Bacon and Eggs
Crystal Light
haven't fapped in 5 days
On edge due to the lack of fapping. Also more productive

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Yakuza 0
Pokemon Showderp for a little bit
Nothing to watch to day (No 全力!脱力タイムズ this week)
Religious choir songs.
Nothing today.
Not sure yet but probably chicken based meal.
Passion fruit juice.
My irritable bowel syndrome has kicked in again this week after a long absence and while it's not as serious as my previous attacks in the past months/years, it is still ruins parts of my days when it intensifies.

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I'm . I play on Leviathan.

Only thing that excites me about the new stuff is the changes to existing jobs. Summoner getting Phoenix and MCH getting power tools of somekind seem great. Gunbreaker seems alright but Dancer is a hard pass for me. Story at least seems like it would be interesting. As for coming back, the only thing you're going to be really screwed on (but still doable) is Eureka. Everything else can be hammered out in less than a month's time.

Thank you, milky user. You brightened up my day a bit.

Sekiro (just beat monkey and currently in depths) and Risk of Rain 2
might start the Madeleine McCann documentary on Netflix
Floor Baba and Singto Conley
Jon Ronson
Gonna make myself Ramen with chicken Breast
Coke Zero and lots of it
actually just commissioned some pics
Pretty good. Recently started a warehouse traineeship.

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>Wanna give nursing handjob and milky paizuri.
pics? how milky are you exactly?

>Floor Baba and Singto Conley

metal gear solid 5
maybe The Grand Tour or some old anime
the new american football album
stoner,i think it's actually good
maybe some pizza, i still don't know what i want
water and coffee
nothing, i'm too tired
pretty tired, i'm sleeping like shit in these days

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Deep Rock Galactic

nami sos
bretty guud

Cheers from /m/, everyone!

Subnautica. Assassin's Creed III BOARD GAMES, of all things, made me rage and quit it for now.
Super Robot Wars T Walkthrough
Some old /m/ anime songs, including but not limited to:
Some news, this thread
Rice & beans, sardine, couscous (for lunch)
Yellow mombin juice
Had been feeling unmotivated as fuck this week, perhaps because I was really stressed (fucking relatives). Feeling better now since I had more time to sleep since yesterday.

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What type of vidya do you like to play?
I play on Bryn but I'm probably transferring out to a Primal server soon. Probably Leviathan.

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Naruto and Raildex
UQ Holder
Hardee's tenders
Like shit, just got in a wreck today and had to call out of work, insurance is fucked right now.


More like Friday MORNING

Sekiro is fucking fun
Beat Saber every morning as a workout (but not today since my arms and legs are still fucked from work the other day)
Wario Land 4 on stream
Fire Emblem Heroes
Vento Aureo, Woolie VS DMCV
Plastic Love in the shower since I got a new waterproof bluetooth speaker from work
The Fruit of Grisaia, Sachi route
Great. I'm going to be buying a car soon since I've decided to go back to school soon and I'll need it this time.

>Assassin's Creed III BOARD GAMES
Oh fuck don't remind me, there are some real chess gods on the homestead
You've got great taste all around user, gather your motivation. You can do it.
>20c a can
what and where in the fuck

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I like FFXIV too! and monster hunter.
I mostly play single player games but I like making cute friends.

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Dark Souls 3 for the first time.
Shirobako, Robotics;Notes, and about to finish Mushishi
About to start The Promised Neverland now that the anime is finished.
Spicy Ramen and ginger ale
I've been sick for 4 days, but it's not too bad because my tummy doesn't hurt, just everything else.

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Thanks man, I'll check them out

Getting off work in less than 25 minutes. Gotta run errands and pickup pay....then it will all be xcom 2 from here.

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College is overrated, go somewhere affordable that won't hold you to stupid arbitrary limitations like having learned three languages. Either that or get in contact with someone and negotiate. Don't just give up, retard.

I really want to play Sekiro, that snake looks so cool.

I hope you're okay user, driving scares the shit out of me.

cheers fellow /m/an

Stop drinking coffee, it'll improve your sleep. Drink sleepy tea instead. How's the new AF album?

IBS is a bitch man, I've struggled with it most my life. Either that or an ulcer.

Fap user, it's only natural. Being on edge sucks.

Sweet tea is good fren. Hope you get a new job soon.

I wonder what they serve at shadmans restaurant.

What do you put in your oatmeal?

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What is that game in pic?
it looks funny also cute a little

leave discord?

Pokemon funmon run
Nothing atm
The Aeneid
Soon, probably just toast
Maybe something Asian in a bit
Meh. Neet life while I focus on my mental health. Ironically though, I can buy as much weed as I want. Thank you Canadaland.

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Maybe Sopranos
my acoustics textbook
Dr Pepper
Pretty goood

>Fap user, it's only natural. Being on edge sucks.
It does, but when I finally do fap it's gonna feel incredible. Plus I like being as horny as I am right now

Send me an email here user [email protected]

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>20c a can
>what and where in the fuck
Rockdale Light
It's a Walmart-made beer that they overstock, so if you go to a Grocery Outlet you can get a 24 pack for $5 (if they have it).
So with CRV it's more like a quarter a can. But still, I have six cases of it.

dota 2, mlb the show 17, yoshis crafted world comin in the mail later
mlb baseball GO TWINS, twitch, college basketball
our lady peace, panic at the disco, queens of the stone age
malazan book 8 toll the hounds
nothin yet not sure
coffee just woke up
later maybe

Sent! Let me know if you didn't receive it I used some website i never used before ;_;

Some touhou lewd game I stumbled on
>be general
>get knocked up by drunk subordinate
>have son
>son gets kidnapped
>wage genocide to get him back
good shit
you tube
see playan
Desperately trying to ignore my final project.
Anyone remember that site that plays serial experiments lain on loop?

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OSRS. Made an ironmeme to give it a shot. So far I've been enjoying the self sufficiency
Space Dandy
Nuclear - Mike Oldfield
Some articles about the whole Brexit shitshow.
Toast and strawberry jam. Thinking of ordering some chinese food later tonight.
Big cup of hot coco.
Some amateure shit I dunno
Breddy gud. Managed to score a few days off work this week so I've been chilling out and getting ready for a heavy workload when I get back. I've been tempred to pick up Dawn of War and give it a go. I've never been that into RTS games but something about Warhammer has always caught my attention.
Hope you bozos have a good Friday ngiht.

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I legit thought it was Saturday because my sleep schedule is all kinds of fucked. I work on Sundays so this is great news for me.

I don't know, most likely nothing. Still waiting for Sekiro to come in.

I'm rewatching Breaking Bad, this time with my family. I've also been on a Twilight Zone binge.

Various progressive rock albums I'm pulling off of rym

I'm currently reading Brothers Karamazov but I don't think I'll get to reading that tonight. I downloaded a bunch of art books from some nice bro on /ic/ and I want to get started with those more.

Sekiro and OG Ratchet & Clank
Some corny Mexican film for an assignment
Hail to the Thief
Odessey and Oracle
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Comfy, can't wait for Summer to come so I'll have a semblance of monetary income again

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Blaster Master 2 and later will play Ys8
Some Drossrotzank videos
An orange

listen to porcupine tree

>Hypnospace Outlaw
how are you enjoying it? it has my interest after seeing Vinny stream it, but i haven't given it a try for myself yet.
>Alien: Convenant
oof, my condolences if so. i need to give it a rewatch in the hopes that my opinion will change, but damn.
>I recently watched Love Death and Robots because my normie friends forced me to. It was alright.
i honestly thought it was pretty great. there were a few episodes that were more on the lackluster side, as with any anthology, but episodes like Beyond the Aquila Rift, The Witness, Zima Blue, Fish Night, etc., pure class.
nice taste user, and thanks for the reminder that i need to get around to Jin-Roh!

>Watched the Orville last night but it was a rerun unfortunately
seriously? that makes what, three times that has happened this season? wtf is going on lol
>Floor Baba
thank you, name caught my interest for whatever reason and i'm really digging this.

gonna try to finish up StarTropics today. Then Four Sword Adventures and either Perfect Dark or Chrono Trigger.
Cowboy Bebop, finally starting Evangelion
atm, this masterpiece:
should be finishing Acceptance by Jeff VanderMeer today, probably starting Fahrenheit 451 after for a quick read. slowly chipping away at The Teaching of Buddha.
honeycomb cereal for a late breakfast after this post, likely some spicy thai chicken soup later
coffee, water or some sort of citrus soda later
tired, but good otherwise. wishing a friend would hit me up to hang out, but i'm up for a cozy weekend to myself should they not. hope all you anons have a lovely weekend!

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>Some touhou lewd game
share the name please

>still watching that faggot dross.

man in the high castle
nothing really
nothing atm
some water
mostly nami from one piece
pretty good

>Putting Zima Blue and Fish Night in the same tier of Aquila Rift
Those were actually my least favorites. Witness was okay but minor plotholes and a predictable twist dropped it down for me. But Fish Night and Zima Blue were just dumb, glad you got enjoyment out of them where I couldn't.

Would be nice if I wasn't a poorfag so I could afford PS+ to play Under Night online but whatever. Besides doing Enkidu combos I'll be grinding for prize cards in Killing Floor 2 and fighting Amygdala in Bloodborne as well.
Mauler's video response series on Dark Souls 2
Random vidya soundtracks
Halfway done with Pet Sematary. Gotta finish the book by next Friday for the movie.
Dr Pepper cause I cant control what I eat/drink and ice water
already fapped to cute brown haired girls with blue eyes earlier today so I'm good for a while.
7/10 I hate how lazy I am. I just want to get work done but I am just too lazy. This is also the first time I've been on Yea Forums in a while. I mostly just come on here where I am super lazy like right now.

I heard that the Switch version of Dark Souls allows you to pause the game offline if you press the Home button is this true?
What arcade stick did you get? I am thinking of saving up for a nice Qanba or Hori but they are expensive and I'm poor as shit. Doesn't help that a lot of games are releasing soon/are out now that I need to buy.
Nice. Who do you main?

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>>Putting Zima Blue and Fish Night in the same tier of Aquila Rift
pretty easy to do desu, Aquila Rift was a well-told sci-fi story with beautiful animation, but it was fairly derivative with some questionable choices. like the sex scene with edgelord music, for example. still one of the better episodes, but i prefer a little more substance. what's "just dumb' about short philosophical allegory? lol

Gonna play DMC5 for the first time tonight. Any advice?
Not this week. Maybe next week I start with The Hobbit
Beer. Probably a lot
Not really
Trying to evade myself from reality. A few days ago my Judo mentor died. He was 70 years old, yet so young. I will miss him forever

Tower Unite
Better Call Saul
Twin Peaks season 3 soundtrack
Yea Forums posts
Saltine Crackers
Diet Pepsi and water
Probably some Fue

Empty because I just finished Twin Peaks The Return and realized there is nothing that will ever top it

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>Collector edition
I've been trying for about 2 weeks now to sell my Horizon Zero Dawn collectors edition, the only response I've had is some scammer from Nigeria. Other than that I've had no responses and I'm advertising everywhere I can think of

Super Mario Sunshine for now; once my buddy gets home from work we’re continuing our Minecraft world
The Office
Lurkin here
Just had Taco Bell. Their Chipotle Chicken Loaded Grillers are edible kino
Mango Tea
Maybe to some insemination later
Fantastic. It’s raining outside, I’m all cozy with my cat, and have the weekend to myself. It’s going to be a great weekend and I sincerely hope you all have a great one too!

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Katakuri Circus
Nothing for now
The Counte of Monte Cristo
Beer-Battered Fillets
Almond milk
On Nofap
Pretty alright.

Path of Exile, Shadow of Chernobyl
The Dick Show
Recommend me some VNs
Bean stew
Peach juice
Kinda chill.

Might play some Dawn of War later as Da Orkz
This girl is my official food waifu. Once I get a new job I'm celebrating by making this
The rain that is falling down ATM
Yea Forums
Chicken and rice
Water now. Vodka later on
Possibly gf later on tonight
2 months of unemployment coming up this time next week. Spent a month and a half studying for an insurance exam only to realize I didn't give a fuck. Have several interviews next week. Wednesday I had 1 for a drain tech position and am hoping to hear back from them next week as well. Not looking forward to paying rent but that's what the vodka is for. Also can't stop smoking cigarettes. The loneliness, stress, and isolation is getting to me. I want a job already.

Starless is pornkino, Zero Escape is great. Higurashi is a gigantic but amazing saga, Muvluv is fantastic, Saya no Uta is great too

I more meant Fish Night as dumb. Zima Blue is fine. I get the idea, I just didn't like it too well. Maybe it was because it started off as a story about art where I saw it as trying a bit too hard to be artsy. Fish Night was just pretty colors with a rushed micro story. They fight. They get over it. "Yo, Fish ghosts" "YO LOOK AT THE FISH GHOSTS". There's probably something I'm missing about the story, but still it's near the bottom for me personally. Not saying Rift was perfect by any means, but I got a lot more out of it than Zima Blue and Fish Night. Like how the music playing in Rift conveys the character's feelings, "I'm not sure what's real anymore" or something like that, and how when he's put under space spider's spell(or whatever the fuck it was) for the second time his friend isn't seen in her pod anymore, probably dead in reality like how the other guy was dead in reality. That sex scene did fucking suck tho, and I'd of left the ending up to be more ambiguous.

Sea of Theieves

GTA RP on Twitch

Music sucks

Culture of Critique by Kevin McDonald

Seasoned boneless skinless chicken breast

Blue Mountain Dew Game Fuel

I don't watch porn but I am planning on fucking my GF tonight

Tired, kind of bored.

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>Empty because I just finished Twin Peaks The Return and realized there is nothing that will ever top it
i know that feel. i wasn't sure what to think as it was airing, despite feeling a certain sense of bewilderment. upon looking back though, it truly is the pinnacle of storytelling on television. you could always go down the rabbit hole of all the occult references in the series (or season 3 alone). so much packed into one show it's unbelievable.

i get that i suppose. i just loved how intimate and contemplative Zima Blue felt more than anything, i think. agreed on that last bit about Rift, though. i liked the space spider/eldritch abomination reveal, but i do agree a little more ambiguity would have been nice.

Tarkov and Deep Rock Galactic
Just started Maniac
The Witcher collection
Not sure yet, casadillas maybe
Red Bull and water
A bit hung over, but all right

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>what fight stick
Decided to get the Nacon Daija. My main issue is that out of the box, it smells like someone smoked 10 boxes of cigarettes and blew all over it. It's normal from what I understand, not sure why, but it is for this stick. Inputs are all good, customizability is nice, not feeling any delays, etc. My friend convinced me after he won a couple of locals with it. My main options were the Daija, Panthera/EVO, Omni, and a Panzer DIY. Personally, if you plan on keeping it a long time, go with the Panzer. Built like a tank, modding is easy, something breaks you can just swap it out, and works with all platforms.

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I noticed a lot of the episodes drop the ball near the second half. Three Robots namely. That was really good until the lmao what if CATS could TALK. I can see how someone would like Zima Blue, but on my first viewing I just saw it as "Robot decides to become retard". Of course there's more to it than that.

I like it. I saw Vinny stream it too and got into the game since it seemed like it was up my alley Fun little game, worth the price imo.

Tales of Borderlands
A guide about being a ref in fencing sports because I got a seminar on sunday
Whatever is on nhentai's frontpage I guess
Ok I guess. Invited to a party tonight and I dunno if I really wanna go

Good Hunting was my favorite segment

Hello there Yea Forums
League of Legends and either Grim Dawn Stellaris Conan Exiles or Sacred 2
JoJo or Aquaman
Yea Forums the musical and LoL music
gaming wikis and Yea Forums
Snacks and had some milk soup with potato pies
Beer and Monster Energy Punch
Mercy or some camgirls

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Well fuck, user. Sorry but can't help you with that one. Don't even own a PS4 to even consider that offer. Hope you will find a buyer though.

Smash Ultimate, Chocobo Mystery Dungeon
Boards of Canada
Pretty good, girlfriend coming home later and chilling with vidya in the meantime.

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Sekiro Shadows Die Twice
Inferi End of An Era Rebirth
I Hate You Don't Leave Me
Chicken Sammich
Sparkling water
Gotta work all weekend but feel alright

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Jonah Hill is based as fuck and I can't wait to watch his movie about the 90s

Risk of Rain 2, LoL, maybe also Starcraft
Fnatic vs Vitality
see: watchan
dunno yet
pretty ok. I'm working less this week, new video games are out, its cool i guess

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nothing yet
water and coffee
propably some basic /gif/ stuff
tired as shit

Good taste amigo

Civ 6. Just pulled the trigger on the R&F expansion after it went on sale. It's ok
Nothing rn
Whatever spotify shits out for me
Yea Forums
Just had some shitty ramen for lunch
Old coffee from this morning
Maybe tonight, although I haven't really been feeling like it lately
Just ok. I don't feel particularly happy or sad today.

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you know, that raises another point for me. it's really weird how Netflix has handled the episode listings for the series, because Three Robots was one of the first episodes for me lol. agreed 100% on that one though, i found it to be really charming. absolutely loved it, until, like you.. talking cats ruined it for me lol.

good to know, i'll have to check it out! thanks user

>hes been posting these threads for years

I meant second half of the episode, not second half of the series. But honestly you can list these episodes in any order, it doesn't matter.

just finished tms, now sekiro

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Myself play morrowind
The Morrowind OST
Character text
Pretty good

the office
nuthin atm
comfy threads
beans and toast
not today
just got out of the hospital after a long time, heart attack

>TMS runs on Cemu now

Oh shit, time to patch the game and give it a try.

>that watchan
>that one user that lives life from a third person perspective
wtf bro

I want to play some shitty Mega Man clones tonight. I have representatives for classic, X, and Zero, would anyone know a Mega Man Legends knockoff? It's really the only one I don't have an analogue of
Nothing really planned
Electro swing compilations. I just thought of them after a year and now I'm chewing through them
this thread, my guy
I'm on the lookout for spicy food for tonight, but I'm not sure what
Water. Until my iced tea finishes
Not tonight, I'm good.
I'm pretty happy!

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Assassins Creed Odyssey
nothing rn
Yea Forums
Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Headshave Girls
pretty good going to PAX with my friend on Sunday then my Cousins Birthday party next week, plenty of girls, maybe ill finally get sex.

now listening to Shelter by Porter Robinson and Madeon

Imagine faping and sticking stuff in butt

DMC5 and maybe some hotline miami
Vinny play stuff
Stay Inside with Earl Sweatshirt & Knxwledge
Goat’s Cheese, Tomato & Pesto Lattice
Water & Tea
Alright, not bad

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How’s PAX?

ive been a few years before, its alright, mainly going this year to chill with my friend and check out cosplay girls.

Overwatch arcade for boxes, maybe some DMC5
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Ougon no Kaze,jewtube
some rainbow songs, maybe some snailshouse and nujabes
the chin
sandwiches, if you can call bread with butter and some pepperoni on top a sandwich
water my friend
looking at porn but thinking about her
Dead inside as always, tired, I want to go to bed and sleep for days but this is my only free time so I guess i'll be doing /nosleep/ again

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EDF5, Battle for Bikini Bottom, Refrain replay since I'm a shill that bought a PS4 copy (own it on Switch)
Catch up on JoJo Part 5, maybe NHK
FAKE TYPE, just found out about them and shit's good
Might grab some bizza
Hard cider, half n half
/ss/ and gentle femdon
Pretty alright. Might stream later since I got a Pound cable for my PS2. Contemplating getting a few games like Danganronpa Trilogy (haven't played 1 or 2 in a while, never touched V3), North Star, and Tetris Effect. I'm still feeling loneliness but I've been getting much better at pushing it aside
>nursing handjob
My comrade, good shit. Also Beat Saber is rad as hell. I need to get back into it myself and shave off calories
Should I bother touching LoL? I tried it a while back and just dropped it instantly due to game flow not clicking with me and the community being absolute hellfire. I feel like it's eased up but I'm hesitant
I wanted to go to PAX but I always feel like going to a con single-day is kind of a waste and they always sell out of 3 day passes instantly. Hope you have fun.
No Legends clones but I heard Dragon Marked for Death is a good MMZero-like game, and Gunvolt is super good as an X-like (I need to play through 2)

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Finished DQMJ for the umpteenth time, gonna play some Outward with my pal tonight, also playing Chasm
Nothing rn, waiting for the last episode of Mob Psycho 100
New Rammstein song, otherwise mostly some french rap
some book I can't be assed to find the english title of that I found for free in a give-and-take bookshelf in a nearby street
probably gonna toss some frozen diced potatoes and some processed meat in a pan and call it a dinner, ate out with my dad at noon already today so not very hungry
peach fuzetea probably
some furry herm stories from /trash/
pretty ok, got some work done (although there's still a bunch left), college year will be over very soon

Mario Odyssey, having a blast so far. Collecting moons is addicting

Probably Vinesauce later

Red Vox

Yea Forums

Breakfast sandwich


tfw no giant gf

Alright, getting by I guess. Trying to think of what I want to go to school for but I've still got no ideas. I originally went to school for broadcasting but dropped out last year because it just wasn't working out for me. Stuck working a shitty job in the meantime.

Anons I signed my exit paperwork and they let me go home early even with a full days pay. I’m officially not a wagie for 3 days

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my setup is looking like
Rosenkreuzstilette for classic
Metagal or 20XX for X
Gunvolt for Zero. DMFD is a bit too long even though it's great
and look for a MML clone for later

going to create a poison build on dark souls 3. poison arrows, poison rapier, poison pyromancies. just poisoning everyone
might watch twitch when i get too drunk to play
not reading anything tonight but reading the vorrh in general
eating sausages slowly fried in olive oil with red peppers and cherry tomatoes
drinking white wine; later red
not going to fall
not going to feel

Some risk of rain 2 later, might resub to FFXIV as well and do... I don't know whatever
Feeling like watching some spooky movies tonight
Yea Forums
Tuna salad
Cuteboys and futa
Alright, altho I am falling into those days of being a lazy shit again, have to fix that.
Have a good weekend folks

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Sekiro, MK 11 Beta. Genuinely can't wait for 11
JoJo after work
Yea Forums threads
Fried eggs
Water coffee
Mantis-X animations
Great actually, other than the start of the week work has gone well and I can't wait to hang out with a friend tomorrow and get high and play vidya together.

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RoR2 and Melty Blood
TW: Warhammer 2 campaigns
College radio station
Yea Forums and /vg/
Seafood gumbo
Roommate bought strawberry cider which is pretty bad but we don't want to just throw it out
Been browsing /s/ all day
I'm so glad RoR2 turned out as good as it did. I'd been waiting so long I was really scared that it'd be garbage, but hopoo did a pretty good job. Now if my college could actually win our IM relay race for the first time in 20 years that'd be great.

Congrats user!

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I'm thinking of getting battlefield v.
Is this a wise decision?

Is Umbrella Academy worth watching? I the first episode bored me to tears
Lacuna Coil
Saga of the Swamp Thing
Chicken Tacos
Cranberry Juice
cosplay sex with my gf
The students in my class are really fucking stupid

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>buying EA games
No it's not

I’ve got the hankerin’ to play some Morrowind.

Thank you.

Sim City 4
The Trip to Italy
Fleetwood Mac
guidebook about Paris
Tin of sardines with olive and tomato
Atlas 7.2 beer
Dunno yet
extremely comfy

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Vagrant Story (always in my heart)
The Sisters of Mercy - Emma
Doctor Faustus
Just some dumplings
Just getting drunk on anything I can get
Some of those webms circling around are unholy
I love it
Life gets in the way, but I refuse to quit

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Fuck. Just saw your reply. I jump between Akatsuki and Mika. I'm still learning so I'm jumping around the cast and finding everyone pretty enjoyable.

Pale Fire. I have a feeling I'm probably reading it wrong. I intend on reading the poem alongside the notes when relevant and then rereading the poem.
Creamless carbonara
Is wrong so I try not to do it.
Self loathing for being a faggot I hate these homosex urges and no doctor will castrate me meaning I'll be tormented by homolust until I die

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Just finished up Walking Dead, Clem a cute. Might play some Apex or something later.
Been watching that road trip Ramsay and Gino did a bit back
Nothing at the mo
Don't read much
Banana bread
Angry Orchard, rum and coke. All the good stuff
Too drunk to, really
Bretty gud. Just looking forward to a nice chill weekend

>Just getting drunk on anything I can get
Sounds like every one of my weekends

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Rewatching Trigun
Arch Enemy,will try Doom metal soon
Karamazov Brothers ,Dostoevsky
0 calories water
Black women
Glad after beating the flower boss in cuphead

Yoshi's Crafted World, Sekiro, Animal Crossing New Leaf, and some Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
I need to balance Sekiro with some chill stuff.
A twitch streamer, and after that The Man With The Golden Gun.
Superunknown (20th)
Bread with ham and cheese
Redbull and 7UP
To a premium snapchat
Got a €20 giftcard for attending a university study on meds i'm on so that was worth it. And the twitch/Nintendo Online 1 year free deal made me happy as fuck.

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Nothing today, but I'm going to get cocked and play CarnEvil tomorrow night
Finished the Ring Two. Jesus, how terrible.
Textbook for class
Mt. Dew
A'ight. Fiance had a successful interview and I'm one week closer to graduating from college.

I'm guessing you and I are like the same age
Don't drink before a workday, fren. I was a borderline alcoholic and I learned this the hard way.
>Twisted Sister
Stay Hungry is an unironically great album
also based, good luck on the job hunt.
>american football
You don't happen to admin a certain Facebook page, do you?

>that feelan

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>Ring Two
Watch the Japanese one. The American version is shit

No doubt. I've seen RIngu and, for an American remake, The Ring holds up okay.
The Ring Two is really fucking bad.

I don't even know who I am anymore
haven't played a game in months
PC is building dust and I've just been reading Warhammer 40k novels
I think it's time to retire from gaming, I've watched every franchise I loved grow old and die
the COD kiddies and fortnite kids ruined everything

Skyrim and FF7 on Switch
Streets of Fire
Va-11 Hall-a soundtrack
Star Wars Heir to the Empire
Not sure yet, maybe pizza from the place on the corner or taco bell if I feel like driving.
Summer Shandy
Some cosplay thots
Tired. I had an interview this afternoon and I cannot tell if I did well or not. They didn't really ask me too many questions. But I did a prescreening a few days ago where they asked me a lot more so maybe that's why.

I am going to a brewary with an asian with big boobs.

Fuckig losers, video games are for weekdays.

I watched Jap Ring 2 when it came out here ad couldn't sleep for 2 nights, thats how terryfying it was to me
Maybe I was just a weak bitch
The point is, Japan makes great, atmospheric and unsettling horror movies
Also, watch (Jap) Dark Water. Same director from The Ring.

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Risk of Rain 2, Tekken 7, UNIEL and DMC5
Better Off Alone on repeat
fish n chips
water and milk
I want my ex to come back to me.
Trying to stay in high spirits.

The Division 2
The newest episode of The Grand Tour
See above
Shit posts on Yea Forums
Not sure yet, might have a burger I made the other day
Water sadly. I'm dehydrated and have a headache. Later ice tea and Pepsi


I agree, I love that atmosphere. Did you see Pulse? I've heard the original is phenomenal.

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Are there any decent online multiplayer games anymore

Feels like everything is either dead or a weak PUBG clone

Episode Ardyn
Gross Science on Youtube
Some Rhythm Heaven songs
about history of USA
tuna salad
mineral water
already did
great, time to rest after a week of work

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BlazBlue. I'm learning Makoto at the moment.
Taito stream footage of Makoto players
This is the last song in my play history so I guess this.
Probably some cereal since it's Saturday morning.
Water to stay hydrated.
Fapping to my own erotic stories I've been writing. Story at the moment is about a necromancer who collects and drinks lots of various human and animal cum as it's a key ingredient in her elixirs for maintaining eternal youth.
Tired. Just finishing moving into a new place.

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The Japanese one was utter shit compared to the western one

risk of rain 2 and Nier, Risk of Rain 2 is p fun
some shitty e-celeb streams in bg like null's/jim's stream
maybe some 80's jpop
maybe Yea Forums
rice crispie
lee hooni as pictured

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Not anything at the moment, but I might start Ys Origin this weekend. Beat Oath back in January and it was pretty great. I used to only play one Ys game a year but after they announced 9 I figured that was stupid and now I'll just get to them whenever I feel like it.
The Sopranos, just finished season 2. RIP Big Pussy, you went out too soon.
Been downloading a shit ton of game soundtracks on my phone recently, just finished getting some Guilty Gear ones. As amazing as the XX soundtrack is the vocal tracks on the Xrd soundtrack make me prefer it slightly, they're just all too good. Either way its all amazing stuff.
Weekly Jump chapters, good stuff all around but I think MHA was the best this week.
Haven't had any actual food today, should probably get on that.
Strawberry banana smoothie.
Haven't yet, been too busy studying for a test.
Decent, not too confident I did amazing on that test I mentioned earlier but I'm pretty sure I didn't fail so I'm not too sad about it. Besides that the weather being so good recently has definitely helped my general mood, past few days have been perfect.

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OH I'm gonna watch the new part 5 episode too

I know what you're talking about, but I missed that one.
10 years ago I had a nice small collection of Japanese horror and gore DVDs, but things happened with bitch gf, I left our house and left my movies there
Maybe one day I'll feel the Nip movies vibe again, I'll surely check out Pulse and many other movies

I'm a good citizen, so I'll still allow you to breathe, even if your opinion is shit.

shit i got too drunk before even starting my gaming idea
now i'm just drinking and reading Yea Forums instead of doing fun gaming
that's my feel

Sorry to hear it, the 1990s and 2000s were special times for fucked up asian horror movies.

Sekiro and FEH
Rewatching Symphogear
Aoi Yuuki screaming her lungs out.
Yea Forums
Sweet sugary drinks
Did that yesterday, don't want to overdo it.
Pretty good.

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was me, forget to reply to others.
Hottest anime of the season is definitely Mob Psycho 100 season 2, get on that if you haven't already (obviously watch season 1 first if you haven't but you get what I mean)
>I've almost entirely cut out soda and it feelsgoodman
Same here, I have a soda every once in a while but sticking to water a majority of the time helps me feel way less like a sack of shit. Good on ya user.
>Mars Volta
Based. What album of theirs is your favorite? As much as I love Frances the Mute I gotta go with De-Loused, just feels a bit more consistent overall.
Cheers fellow /m/an, glad to hear you're feeling better. I'm gonna be playing SRW T myself in a bit but I have to wait until I get access to my PS4 again. Only about a month and a half but I'm pretty eager to get to it.
>Space Dandy
One of my favorite shows ever. First time watch or a rewatch?
>Gonna play DMC5 for the first time tonight. Any advice?
Try going into training mode every once in a while to test out the new stuff you buy, helps you to not spill your spaghetti trying to do a combo when you've practiced it a bit in there. Have fun, user, its my GOTY so far and I'm very confident that it'll stay that way.
Sounds like you got a comfy time ahead of you, user. Have a great one.
>Cuteboys and futa
God tier taste, my friend. Have a good one.
>Genuinely can't wait for 11
Honestly they're doing a great job on the rollout, games looking pretty good too. Skipped X but might pick this one up.

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Generation Zero. Brings me back to my childhood.
Forgotten Weapons.
Svensktoppen 1980-1989
Yea Forums and Yea Forums
Choklate. Yum.
Rum & coke
Not right now lol
Fairly good. I'm not depressed or feel bad, I'm just not happy.

Fuck, I wanted to reply to your post hours ago, and forgot.
I hope for a year with lots of rain, last year my region was the most dry of all in my country. Pet your cat from me, man.

Guild Wars, guess the mission
the game
some ice cream, good stuff
Okayish, paycheck came. Spent ~300$ on clothing.

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Some replies.
Great LISTENAN, very relaxing
Nice PLAYAN, those games rock, just be careful if you're on PC and get to Ys 8, it still got some bugs
The closest thing I've played and ever heard of being close to MML is, oddly enough, Psychonauts.
Congrats, user!
Western stuff is not my usual thing, but this look interessing. Thanks.
>I want to fix that
Do it, user, even just a hour or so of exercising day in, day out will do the trick. You won't be BUFF, of course, that requires way more dedication to it, but you will be healthy.
Good music, dumb show the good kind of dumb.
>cut out soda
Did it too, most out of annoyance. Drinking a lot of different flavors of fruit juices helps a lot.
Thanks, fellow /m/an! A good time to you too!

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>First time watch or a rewatch?
First time. Loving it so far.

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TF2 because it's the only shit that runs on my potato
evangelion, yeah slowpoke I know
sparkly fag water
nyx ryona on youtube
like shit but in a good way

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Risk of Rain 2 and replaying Borderlands 1 since BL3 was finally announced. Maybe SmashU later.
Youtube shit
A pot brownie
Not tonight

Yeah I played 1 and 2 Chronicles on my Vita and have done the rest so far on PC. I'll probably end up playing 8 on my PS4 once I get around to it, but I still got Seven and Celceta after Origin.

Pokemon revolution online, the battle system barely works and only a handful of moves have actual animations, but that's getting reworked iirc. It's only fun because I can go through gen 1-4 with friends.
Pokemon gen 1-3 speedruns. It's actually amazing how calculated every move is.
I'm shuffling through the HGSS soundtrack based on what I'm doing in the MMO right now, since the in game music is shite for the most part.
I use this track a lot, I like how energetic it is
Threads all over the site
Spicy chicken wings
Coke with ice
Blogpost ahead. I've recently started whacking it to the fucking piranha plant from mario I can't fucking get over it. I haven't felt this much shame from masturbation for a long time. I might've actually hit a point where I want to reevaluate my habits, I don't want to end up looking up diapers or worse in a few years.
Great day overall, the weather in Bongland was glorious and it revitalised me.

Nice choice in games, did you emulate anything today? I was thinking about emulating NFS:MW a few days ago. DBZ:BT3 is also always a solid choice.
>that Divinity/XCOM mashup
Please tell me more
>Samurai jack
Which season? I'm going to rewatch the 5th soon, or maybe I'll stop at the first 3 episodes. Those are absolute masterpieces.
Based Prööööööh posters :DD
For a quite young nation USA has a lot of interesting history, I specifically liked learning about the settling of the west and manifest destiny. Teddy Roosevelt was also quite a character, absolute chad when it came to foreign policy.
Depends on what genre you're looking for.

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>whacking it to the fucking piranha plant
based plantfucker

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Finishing some bits and bobs for my new Arma 3 scenario
The Expanse
nothing atm
nothing at all
chicken and chili garlic with noodles
I wish but I've somehow got epididymitis
I'm alright, kinda disappointed that I'm drinking again after being sober for almost 3 months but I'll survive.

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I was in the middle of calling you a faggot but I'm glad you understand the genius that is Symphogear.

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You and me both, amigo.

maybe a round of Diablo 2. I am fucking tired. 10 hours of work and the Gym fucked me up pretty badly
will wathc some jewtube shit while eating
listened to my gym workout music. some suicidal andgels, metallica, ensiferum,etc
will read this thread
will make my self a omelette right now
great right now. Always feel better after the gym. still there is this feeling in the back of my head that something shitty is gonna happen

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To each their own and all that but what the fuck dude

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hope you got a good number pal

How do you even acquire a taste for the piranha plant? Like what triggered this?

Final Fantasy XII, Disgaea 5
I finished Sekiro yesterday and I'm debating on doing new game plus.
I'm also borrowing my gf's Xbox One so I'm slowly playing the Halo games again (playing 2 now) and I'm gonna try Forza Horizon 2.
I haven't felt the desire to watch anything in a while. I want to watch s2 of Non Non Biyori, the blu ray is right in front of me, but I'm lazy.
Alright. Usual crippling anxiety that makes it hard to do anything but it is what it is
I wish I still liked Pokemon, or at least more than I do now. I couldn't finish Let's Go.
I was watching someone play Generation Zero and it both looks good and terrible. How are you liking it?
How is Symphogear? It looks fun from that clip
Hope you enjoy Origin, it's really good.

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Rain World and Sekiro
Dragged Across Concrete
Doomsday Clock
Kylie Page
Bad because I know I just went and flunked a math test. Mon/Fri classes fucking suck

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the internet is such an amazing place where all manner of fetishes develop.

>How are you liking it?
I like the atmosphere, it really feels like the Sweden I grew up in in the 80's.
It's not bad as a game, but it's really boring after a couple of hours. All the interiors are exactly the same.

I would really only recommend this game to other swedes for the nostalgia, or people who are interested in how Sweden looked in the 80's.

OOT on the 64. Been on a huge nostalgic kick for this game recently.
ZFG randomizer run for OOT
Marie Kondo, manga version
Pasta, peppers and shrimp
Plump milf heels only mating press/impregnation
Anxious with school stuff, otherwise just fine

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I liked the atmosphere of it from what I watched. I've also heard that the game is meant for multiplayer and it's really difficult if you're doing solo.

I wouldn't say its that difficult in solo, it's just boring. The robots are retarded and all the loot is reset every time you log in so you have a fuck ton of ammo for the pistol.
You can just sit inside a house and take pot shots at them until they die. It gets boring.

The atmosphere though, it's great. The world is really like it was in Sweden back then, minus the disappearing population and the killer robots.

Yeah that sounds like a mixed bag for sure. I'll probably pass.

Vanilla WoW on Light's Hope
The News. I suppose Theresa May's buggered brexit boogaloo is a more appropriate name
Magical by Junko Ohashi. Getting some hard boomer feels. Will probably listen to some Gachi later
re-reading LOTR. haven't done so since the 90s. I love the books but it just reminds me how old I am.
Just made myself some stir fry with chicken, bamboo shoots, water chestnuts, carrots and peppers.
Haig Club Whiskey on the rocks
Nothing. Haven't jacked it in 2 years.
Real damn comfy my negro. Curled up by the fire in my blanket playing some quality vidya

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Smash bro with a pal
The bethesda shitshow
Shit on /pol/, /d/, /x/
Delicious vegetables with meat
Dr. Pepper
A merchant fucking the main character of the game i should be working on.
Kind of shit, I should be working on my vidya but i always end up procrastinating

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Rise of the Womb Raider
Sekiro Speed runs
Vodka and Lime
This morning

Warcraft 1 and XCOM: Eneemy Unknown
Pic related
80s new wave mix
Yea Forums
Going to go get Chinese food later
Iced tea with lemon
Did last night
Tired and sore from the past couple of days at work, but happy to have a day off. I got Warcraft 1&2 off GOG yesterday, so I'm going to spend the night wrapped in a blanket and play some comfy vidya.

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Normalising such deviancy through years of exposure, mainly here. I stumbled upon some art that pandered to my fetish and bam. At the time it didn't matter to me that it was a plant from a children's game, that hit me after the fact.
I'll try to forget about it and stay away from certain boards
I've never even touched any games past gen 4. Emerald was the most recently released game I've played through until autumn last year when I remembered pokemon exists and there may be new, better games. Boy was HGSS and Pt a nice surprise.
A lot of stuff that was here for a decade is still new to me, so it's like a honeymoon phase. I'll probably get bored and jaded in time.
That does sound nice, old man. Sometimes I feel like I've missed out on WoW by being stubborn, people seem to have strong nostalgic feelings for it.

Division 2 with a friend or two and Sekiro: Shadows die a lot more than twice.
Most definitely looking forward to pizza tonight, otherwise its been fruit and protein/coffee shakes.
Coffee with protein mix
Apathetic, i know how Division 2 is gonna play, and Sekiro as well. Ill enjoy my friends company at least. I think.

Rimworld is a great choice, that game just kills the hours, wish i wasnt burnt out on it at the moment. Hope the colonies are goin well bros.

Nothing. Probably just Youtube shit later about anything.
I have about 12,000 songs in my iTunes that I go through a lot in the evenings after I've been drinking.
Don't know yet, might have some beef jerky soon.
Hard seltzers 5%. I drink every day but really need to quit soon. That's difficult for me.
Did already this morning upon waking as is what usually happens.
Not much of anything. I am a bit stressed out about finding another job with only a year and a half experience at age 29 and I'm having bad dreams often.

Good job on staying away from the porn, you definitely should as much as possible because it's literally bad for you. You seem in a generally positive space.
>Had one of those dreams that made you remember how much better life was before you became an adult and how little you've done with your life and how all the friends you had growing who you've lost contact with are now probably far far far more successful than you, and tit's still in the back of my head. But other than that, kinda normal, not bad, not good.
All my friends are more successful than me, but even when I look at their lives I don't seem to want anything they have. I just enjoy the fact that I can still trust and talk to a few people.
Dragged Across Concrete was good.

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How I could not, especially when the best Gear rocks (literally).

>How is Symphogear? It looks fun from that clip
It is fun, and while I can't say much compared to other Magical Girls (since I didn't watch much beyond that and Cutie Honey), but a normie description would be "Nanoha but the girls sing while wrecking shit".

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Sekiro, its fun.
About to fight monkey.
Bellator maybe idk itll probably bore me.
Akira with a friend.
Dance Gavin Dance
Venison sirloin making me feel stronk
Water. Im giving up drinking for a few weeks.
Probably to the memories of a girl who just hit me up
Well boyos after my company hit the fan and I was left in debt and jobless Ive embraced a week of NEETdom and played a fuckton of Sekiro while dodging phone calls and lawsuits.

But I had a great interview today and should be back at the wheel next week. 5 week bender officially over.

>Ni No Kuni II
Glad people are playing it. Feel better user.
accounting sucks but finance is based if you can pull it off
Oof. My friends always sold and now that ive been in a legal state the past two years I totally forget how much of a struggle that was.
Not him but Ive really enjoyed Doom Patrol so far, the relationships between the characters is wholesome and natural, but Cyborg actor sucks
Based all caps boi
based webm and bagel
You sound depressed my man try some new activities
This is basically how I feel when Im near blacked out
What the hell user? How old are you? How did you have a heart attack? Bad health?
gud for your happiness
Itll get easier with the ex user
As someone who really, really relied on alchol for the past several years without realizing it, try drying out for a week.

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About to boot up XIV
Waiting for my microwave cup noodles to cool.
Green Tea
Mandatory overtime again tomorrow, but I'm really excited because I'll be able to build a whole new computer in a week or two, and I'll finally be able to play games on PC without having to deal with absolute lowest settings and 10-15 FPS, and once I get that I can finally fill up my empty shelves with /m/ figures and kits.

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Sekrio might play different user, not just soulsbourne. Kinda reminds me of an updated Onimusha with heavy emphasis on deflect/criticals

Oh trust me my dude, I need to stay sober for longer than that ideally for it to have any effect on my life. I haven't been sober for more than a month straight in 10 years and I've only done that like 3 times in that amount of time.
Jesus christ though dude I'm sorry about your work and hope you can keep your head above water, and hope you don't end up having legal issues. I hope that interview brings some good things your way.

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Risk of Rain 2.
US Sumo Open.
Demolition Hammer: Epidemic of Violence.
The Future Lasts Forever, by Louis Althusser
Leftover jerk chicken hoagie later.
Gin and tonic.
A cigar later.

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>Rimworld is a great choice
It really is.
I spent over 200 hours on one colony, still no space ship, but I'm close. I need a break from the game. When I'm good, we're building that spaceship and get the fuck out

Ghost in the shell manga
Stir fry
Gamer fuel(water)
Angry about mouth ulcers. The worst one is the one on the tip of my tongue and I can't stop rubbing it against my teeth.

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That's the worst man. Gargle warm salt water 3 times a day 'til it goes away. Works for me.


this chess game on the library computer


the clock


some asshole arguing with a librarian about an overdue fee or some shit


this thread


not tonight or ever maybe


had some water in from the fountain in the lobby




fucking horrible. as of today, i am officially homeless. i've spent the last few hours on the computer here at the local library and they're about to close soon. i'm not sure where to go for the evening.

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thanks mein dude

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damn user

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What led to you becoming homeless? Don't you have a distant relative or a friend who could house you for a while?

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>What are ya
Va11halla, smash and dmc5
Soul Eater Not. I know its bad
Random weeb jazz
Promised neverland
Maybe some baked chicken and macaroni
Water and soda
Okay. I want my art to be better already. I nearly gave up video games for more practice time. I play like an hour every 3 days, but that makes them more enjoyable anyway
>be kind and drop a reply

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>there are dumb sissies that fall for it every week
this has got to be the "le reverse troll" meme or something.

Every fucking thread

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How do they keep falling for it

You’ll make it, user. I’m pulling for ya.

Nothing right now, I almost never watch tv...think the last thing I watched was Firefly and that was in October.
xxxHolic and The Enigma of Amigara Fault
Just ordered 3 sushi rolls.
Brewing some green tea to go with my sushi!
I don't really do that
Pretty good. I'm frustrated with the baiters in /dmc/ but everyone else is nice. I'm really into the Halloween/spooky kinda stuff and March has always felt like October part 2 for me so I tend to indulge in those kind of creepy stuff this month.

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Chocobo Mystery Dungeon, Sekiro and Risk of Rain 2
New JoJo!
The Smiths, Sweet Trip and Talking Heads mostly.
Nothing at the moment. Was thinking about picking up House of Leaves
Had some Pizza
I think I'm reaching the end pretty soon. Hopefully I will be gone soon

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A-are you dying user

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Keep your head up user. Find a shelter to stay at and look for a job if you don't have one.

t. homeless from 12 - 17 yrs old

Sekiro, close to the end now, just grinding out levels to complete all the skill trees before I beat the game
Nothing really, probs just some casual youtube shit later
Blueberry cereal
Camomile tea
yea idk maybe
kinda ok, 6/10

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nice trips
.hack//GU, probably Rimworld or something later, considering starting a new VTMB run since 2 is the first game I've been legitimately hyped for in a while
catching up on/finishing up seasonal stuff next season is looking pretty bland
Pizza on the way
Tired from dealing with my mother which make me want to die half the time but other than that decent I guess, I had an interview that went really well earlier today and they want me in for a second round so that's nice. I also have an interview for a much less well paying but far more interesting temp job at a well known gaming company that I'm excited for even though I'll probably end up having to turn it down.

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>playan wizard101 and minecraft
>watchan clint stevens
>listenan to someone still loves you boris yeltsin
>eatan macdonald
>drinkan lemonade
>fappan to full nelson hentai
>feelan tired

Movies with Mikey, Santa Clarita Diet
Hammock. Thank you user who shared the Hope County Choir vids the other night. This music is an incredible rabbit hole to go down.
Yea Forums
19 Crimes
Yea Forums, I need advice. This week has been shit, and a majority of it is because I'm incredibly close to someone that I can't pursue. I got out of a big relationship last year, and had met her during it (coworker). Thought nothing of it other than we clicked. After the break up, we got closer but it wasn't until late last year that I really accepted I had feelings for her. She had a break up around the same time I did, but at that point she began seeing someone. Do I ever tell her how I feel and if so how? I don't want to risk the friendship but believe me when I say that this one I see a future with. Pic really related. Thanks for reading my blog.

All you can really do is practice man. What type of art do you do? I do figure and what got me better was carrying a small sketchbook with me all the time and just drawing from life whereever I was. The more you do it, the more natural it all becomes, there's no secret to it.
Decide on specs yet?
Have a good night, user.
Get that comfy, bro.
I know that gym feel. It helps me center a bit everyday.
Moderation man. Just don't use it as a crutch.

Reply more later. Always hard to followup once the thread is this far ahead. But have a good weekend everyone.

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why were you homeless?

>anons still fall for "i'm homeless" copypasta

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Nothing at the moment. Was playing Sekiro, but my NG+ bugged and hardlocked me, and I wasn't actually having fun anyway, so fuck that game. Probably going to start Trails of Cold Steel tonight.
Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo. Mafuyu is basically my ideal girl.
My frogs, singan
This thread
Grilled chicken
Cranberry juice
loli, always
Spent all day cleaning frog tanks, so I'm tired but happy.

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>What are ya
Fable 2. Still got alot of shit to do to get King status. But making $$$ bank.
Holy shit final episode of Basilisk tomorrow. Fucking amazing.
Ipod Classic on shuffle.
Yea Forums & /pol/
Can't have sweet shit anymore due to teeth :(
Water again no sugar.
The usual.
Good, high and fucked. Had so much good discoveries lately. Mark Morton's new album, Deven Townsend new album hell even PATD new single is good and the puppet video slays me. Hell Rammstien is tearing shit up.

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Ryu Ga Gotoku Ishin!
Woolie Vs. DMC5
nothing right now
Yea Forums
tea and biscuits
probably spankbang later

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I don't know how to computer I've just been looking at recommended builds.

>they ALWAYS claim it was never posted despite being posted every week for years

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Building a computer is braindead. Just make sure everything fits and is optimal.

studying for finals

To make a long story short, I left the foster care system at age 14 (not 12, that was a typo) because I thought it was "cool" and wanted more freedom. Very very dumb, although I will admit the adventures I got into would make for a good biography one day.

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autobiography not biography. I don't wanna die yet reeeee

Not that user you responded to, but you can't pause Dark Souls on Switch in any fashion I've found. You'll just have to get fast at quitting out to the title screen if you haven't already.

BlazBlue Centralfiction. Need to polish up before Brussels Challenge next week, my execution has been slipping something fierce.
Random YouTube videos as white noise.
Nothing at the moment. Gonna be reading some more No Game No Life and maybe a bit of Overlord during my travels next week.
Nothing healthy, unfortunately.
Water, milk, and tea.
Alright. Could be better, could be worse.

Metal Slug and Silent Hunter 4
Old Todd in the Shadows videos
I dunno
Had some spaghetti
Lots of water
Fapped to asians earlier
Sick. I'm achey and my chest is congested. Pretty pissed because I was going to go to a baseball game.

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>what kind of art do you do
Mega weeb digital stuff. Hard grinding til I'm good

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I have been fighting chest congestion for several weeks now. Hope you feel better user.

This reminds me of my Mage on Runescape. Fuck I miss that game.....

You too user

You're already well on your way. Some things feel off there, but you just gotta be away of how your lines relate to each other so that it makes sense. Also, not saying you do this, but if you do, please please PLEASE don't use MUH STYLE as a crutch when receiving criticism.

And even if your focus is weebshit, still draw from life, especially if you want to draw people. Not everything needs to be your masterpiece, but only draw what you see, not how you're interpreting it or adjusting to a style you're comfortable with.

Arms are bit fucked. Don't know if it is in her hair or under her leg.

The only regrets you will have in life are the chances you never took. That being said situations like this is like trying to tiptoe through a minefield. If she is still seeing someone I wouldn't try moving forward.

I take criticism to heart every day, and I usually know what's wrong with my own drawings. Its just if I know enough about how to improve on them

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maybe halo reach later
or perhaps i'll fap to sc6
avatar the last airbender
i'm illiterate
a banana
gamer girl pee
we good
wish I were playing sekiro

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Random n64 games on my nvidia shield
Hoarders with my wife. Maybe finish watching Goblin Slayer.
Jack Stauber or vaporwave
Yea Forums shit posts.
Yakisoba noodles
My wife's underwear.
Under the weather. Have bronchitis.

37, it was outta nowhere. not usually bad health but ive got a shitty heart i guess due to hereditary factors
yeah im too old to be here i agree

user I'm homeless!

Gay shit, nigga
High as fuck, desu famalama

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Was playing Shantae and the Pirate's Curse on Switch, but about to take a shower then play some Vesperia, also on Switch. I know some people give it shit for ports, but its kind of awesome in a way that the current gen handheld is playing console games from only a generation ago with little to no problems.
Going to start watching the Orville soon
Nothing right now.
Not right now
Alright. IBS is kinda acting up, but otherwise I'm good.

Sekiro. Just beat the Owl rematch, must have took 20 tries. Hardest fight so far, that's enough for today.
Finishing off On The Trail of Bigfoot. Small Town Monsters continues to be the most consistent Kickstarter projects, 3 fun films or miniseries per year about monsters. All great, all delivered as promised.
Castles - Lissie. Hooked on it, great album.
Finished off Livability: Stories by Jon Raymond today. It was frustratingly average because I can tell he's got a great book in him, but he never quite delivers.

Think I'll start The Hunger by Alma Katsu tomorrow.
Fucking nothing. Doctor has me on a low FODMAP diet so I'm basically on plain chicken and potatoes right now.
Water, same reason as above.
Too tired.
Tired but not in a bad way.

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Well I just came home from drinking in the city square, so now I'm gonna play some Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines

I like you, how far are you into Bloodlines? I'm btw

>I'm basically on plain chicken and potatoes right now.
Same but mine is for my teeth.

Downtown. I've played the game to finish well over 30 times.

Not sure If I am going to keep going. Might start an Antitribu mod game instead. Not sure.

Weeb trash
Yea Forums
Super Bock
Nofap meme
Sad cus gotta work tomorrow like a proper wageslave

Update: I bought Dawn of War. I'm liking it so far but holy fuck this is intense for someone that doesn't play RTS games. A lot to keep track of on the map but I like how invested it's getting me in nailing the mechanics.

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>no fap meme
Is this like a self challenge or something for march? Seems like every month is nofap.

Im 33. In great shape, $100/hour to chill out all day, come home and vidya and I'm building a vr gaming desktop.

Come at me

You were never really here. Heard good things about it
see watchan
this thread
gonna have some chicken fried steak
nothing yet
I'm feeling pretty good. Just a bit sore but I got the weekend to relax

why are you in the diet
how you liking bloodlines?
hope you feel better soon

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Crypt of the NecroDancer
Kaguya Sama
DMC5 OST, Rush,
Leftover BBQ
Coca Cola
Alright, I suppose. Trying to get back into drawing, making a portrait of hayao miyazaki in pencil. It's going alright I suppose. How are you guys doing?
I just got VTMB. Any tips for starting out? I would like to do a mostly stealth/conversation based character.
Got any good stories man?
How is Sekiro? I don't come across money often and was wondering whether I should get it or DMC5.

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Smash maybe
Beavis and Butthead
Taco Johns
Really tired. I need to spend all weekend working on animation and it makes me want to kill myself.

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>why are you in the diet

IBS, have to do an exclusion diet for a month then add food back in one at a time to work out what's triggering it.

Mostly to stop watching porn

CS:GO, maybe some Divinity OS later.
Rammstein. I had a 2 year break from almost any metal and a 5 year break from Rammstein. After such a long time, it's fucking amazing. Quite a change from the trip hop and electropop I've been listening to.
Yea Forums
tuna pizza
mojitos and beer
Went drinking with my FWB and had to have a serious chat with her. I might be in over my head.

based gaychubsposter
>The Aeneid
Man of culture spotted
Sorry for your loss, I can imagine someone like that has an invaluable impact on your life.
Based. Do you have Amplified? I got it recently and fucking love the new bosses.

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Bloodlines is my favorite game of all time. This is replay 30+

another friday night here

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>Any tips for starting out?
Get the unofficial plus patch so the game isn't completely broken and it adds back in endings for several quests so they don't feel half finished. For a stealth/conversation character on your first run you'll probably want Toreador. Malkavian have a stealth discipline but you probably shouldn't go with one on your first try since they're madness thing changes all the dialogue

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World of Tanks and some Battlefield 4 later
Civil War Journal
The Mighty Mighty Bosstones and Less Than Jake
The Dwarves by Markus Heitz and a 2004 V-Rod service manual
Turkey sandwich and potato chips
Breakfast blend coffee
Video of Nami from One Piece giving a blowjob
Onegai, Yokoyama-sensei!
Third chapter of Spirited Girl

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I just want a job where I dont have to deal with customers

Asura Wrath Playthrough
Futa on Male
GREAT. I'm finally breaking the hopeless cycle that I've trapped myself in my entire life. For once in my life I don't feel like death is preferable to living. Feelsgreatman. Been working on learning moonrunes too. Hopefully I can read books by the end of the summer.

>Random n64 games
I know you didn't ask but if I can recommend you should play a game called "Mischief Makers" It's really fun and challenging. Like it's pretty fucking hard later on ngl.

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Octopath Traveler
Gundam F91
Yea Forums and /m/
Pesto Alfredo
Great. Finally got all my college paperwork bullshit out of my life.

What kind of sushi, user? Snow Crab and Shrimp Tempura are the best

You can do it user, just pace yourself and you'll make it.

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I don't have Necrodancer ldc yet. Truthfully I am not even 2 hours in, I am just getting used to how it works.

Hope youre taking care of yourself now man, that shit starts up now and it plagues you for the rest of your life, but you probably already know that.

>Video of Nami from One Piece giving a blowjob
sauce pls

prolly more sekiro or some old playstation games, maybe ill replay dmc5
hopefully more breaking bad with my gf (hasnt seen it before, we are in the middle of season 3)
the new billie eilish album and some early 2010s edm (knife party specifically)
maybe ill get to reading dune
probably some chips and soda
depends how im feelin, prolly some aco thread
good, id like to be more productive and have a cleaner room but my procrastination is ruining that

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Not sure what to play, nothing really interests me. Maybe some RE2 later.
thefinalrumble on twitch
Cyberpunk 2020 rulebook
Grilled cheese sandwich, it's Lent
already did 7 times today
I feel okay

The Grand Tour
Maybe in a while
I smell like marijuana. Which is funny, because I've never smoked marijuana. Guess I need to wash my hoodie.

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Bravely Default
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Rammstein Deutschland
The Walking Dead vol 7
Haribo Starmix
loli ass
Pretty good for once. Not tired on a Friday night.

Goodnight, Yea Forums.
Hope you enjoyed your Friday.

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Gran Turismo 2//Fallout New Vegas
AVGN//Blade Runner 2049
Yea Forums - Video Games
baja blast
kaylie charms
awhh yiss.
s1 made a thread about GT2 earlier in the week and it got me playan it
Got a Nissan Skyline GT-R V-spec at max speed im p sure(181.31mph)

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>The Grand Tour
How does it compare to when they done Top Gear? I stopped watching Clarkson and crew just before they left the BBC.

Season 1 isn't that good, but 2 and 3 are really about as good as old Top Gear, maybe even better

Safe to just skip the first season then?

Yakuza Kiwami 2, Red Dead Redemption 2
Cooking some teriyaki chicken and rice to heighten my Yakuza experience
Coffee for a late video night
Nothing, I will watch Ace Attorney's final episode tomorrow and then I don't know what form then
The Way of Kings. I haven't read a book since I was a teenager but I've really enjoyed Sanderson's books so far. Finished Elantris and Mistborn Era 1 so far, let's just say WoK Part 2's epigraphs have been interesting so far
TWEWY OST as we speak. It's frustrating because the DS has the best battle system but later versions have added absolute bangers in the OST. However they also screw up the music placement so that balances it out.
Day 8 of no fap so far for religious reasons mostly, but also for self-control. It's been crazy tough at points but I've held strong and I plan to keep going
Pretty good, it'll be a comfy night. I just wish I could get myself to enjoy my off days more, it feels like I "have" to obsessively plan out what I'm gonna do each day and I can't stand a day sitting around at home, which sucks cause there's tons of books and vidya to catch up on and I just get further back each time I go out wandering

Also one of my best friends from years ago suddenly decided to block me off from all social media a few years ago, I don't know why because it wasn't long before that she looked me dead in the eye and said she loved me but we both knew I was moving and not coming back for other BS (said BS is totally unimportant now, it's funny how we let stupid things shake us up so much and lose sight of the good in life). anyway that's bugged me all of this time but I've respected the decision and not stalked her accounts or tried to get in touch or anything.

continued in next post because I need a feels thread, I also will dole out the required (you)s

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Apparently she made a new FB account for some reason because she showed up in my "recommended" list due to mutual friends. I'm not blocked on this account and I won't deny I looked at her account to see how she's been doing and was relieved to see she was alive and well. But now I'm too pussy to contact her and I figured if she wanted to get in touch she would have. Man I thought I put this all behind me, why did it have to come up again.

How far are you in Octopath? I need to get back into it, I dropped it but still listen to the OST often as workout music.

>heart attack
It so happens I'm an RN, I gotta hear about this. I'm assuming it happened due to poor health decisions. Did they teach you or give you resources to change your ways? I just need to hear about one patient actually listening and changing

I need to get back into FEH, I've just played the new story mostly. How far in are you?

>Baja blast
Just wanted to let you know that you are based

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Thinking about fucking a prostitute right now. Y / N ?

pretty much

Postal 2
The Sopranos S2
R. Kelly and Cuco
This thread
ate a carnitas quesadilla earlier
Carbonated Water
not tonight even though I think about how my bf sticks his tongue down my throat
Warm and cozy after work. I can't wait to see the bf again

enjoy your STDs

season 3, but I plan to go back and rewatch all the seasons when I can.
what the fuck dude, what brought about this sudden taste in dendrophilic content? How do you get turned on by the fucking priahna plant, even if you go the blowjob route that thing has sharp teeth, poisonous saliva, and shoots fireballs from its mouth

how much you willing to pay?

R6 seige, lunar nights
Makeup tutorials
Not feeling it
Tired but OK, I got tickets for PAX east for Thursday and Sunday, I had a lot of fun yesterday, EDF was pretty good. I am fixing my outfit for Sunday and trying to finish school work so I can take it easy on that day

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There are safe prostitutes out there it just boils down to this.

I am always tired and depressed before figuring out what im going to do during the weekend. lol
down to the pic.. and that's usually the most difficult. I wouldn't have it another way tho.
as for the grill, she say she love u mane.. at least you've got that if anything - ur def on the better side of it. hypothetically if it were the other way, that's the way of it. I find that women are fickle and flakey, but that's just me. not everyone is like that.. I just think the ladies have an easier time winding up there.
I s'pose if I were in your position and would like to get ahold of her, knowing she had an interest and if I did as you do(?).. id even consider doing something super fkn weird(I dnt like social media); like sending her a single written letter to her home address, if she knows you know it. letter would contain my thoughts on the matter in the most articulate and compact manner I could manage. that's it. then id sit on it and let f8 have a go

I thought about this once but in the US I feel like its impossible unless you already have some sort of connection because youre much more likely to be contacting a cop. Newspapers here routinely publish busts of Johns and print all the names. It isnt worth the risk in my opinion

Risk of Rain 2 (traded a humble bundle game and went first and for some reason the guy didn't scam me and leave)
chicken cuz lardass diet
water cuz lardass diet

>How is Sekiro? I don't come across money often and was wondering whether I should get it or DMC5.

Its alright, but im getting fairly bored or tired of it personally. Its hard like most people say. But i kinda lost the feeling of accomplishment when it comes to beating bosses, witch to me is the main hook. If you enjoy the die, die, try again mentality and still feel triumph overcoming challenges It offers a good fix.
But personally it feels much the same as any of the other fromsoft games. Minus weapon variety or any kind of different armor. Cant speak for DMC, havent played any of those games yet. Hope you end up choosing a game you'll enjoy friend

Vampire the masquerade. How the fuck do i save the girl on the hospital btw
Law and Orden, Olivia gets me diamond hard.
A playlist of noire style music
This board.
A sandwich.
Wotah cause I'm a healthy boi.
Wish I could right now but I'm planning on blasting a nut on some pawg probably.
Full of food, nervousness and social anxiety.

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Tropico 6
Random shit on HBO Now
Fresh Feeling by The Eels
The Assassination of Julius Caeser.
Got some hot peanuts and jerky
Not bad. Coworkers set me up with a girl that is actually pretty attractive and I dont know why she is interested in me but I'm going for it. Nervous about a date so I'm gonna drink and play Tropico to ease my mind.

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BotW and some eroge
Devil Hunter Yohko
Legend Of Zelda Concert 2018
I had a peach just now.
Same as readan
Feels good man

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