Tutorial isn't optional

>tutorial isn't optional
>it's also not the first level

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Other urls found in this thread:


>tutorial continues up until the final level

Attached: whatthe.jpg (259x383, 81K)

>tutorial has its own campaign

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>jump around and do moves
>tutorial pop-up: press x to jump

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>tutorial is Driver tutorial

How the fuck did I do that as a kid?

>all moves are unavailable until you get the pop telling you how to do them

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>there's a tutorial in the credits

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>press left stick to move

>get this prompt again 10 hours into the game

>the entire game is a tutorial

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>Sneed's feed and seed
>Formerly Chuck's

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>Chuck's Feed and Seed
I don't get it

what game are you talking about?

>the fucking credits are a tutorial

Name two (2) games that did it

>Immediately after this tutorial it thrusts you balls deep into a hard fight you can lose easily and you haven't been allowed to save yet.

Fuck and suck


Age of Games ?

>If you turn the tutorial off you miss an extremely obscure mechanic that's a crucial element of the game
>Miss it because you didn't want to sit through 30 "remember to breathe" pop-ups

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Fire Emblem 7, sort of, as well.

Ni No Kuni really was trash, wasn't it?


>tutorial spends 20 minutes showing you how to move the camera and walk but never actually mentions any of the near vital deeper mechanics

>new tutorials unlock as you find new features in the game
>they're mandatory to progress

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>sneed sneed seeed feed and seed

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>play tutorial as seemingly random character before creating your own
>tutorial area turns out to be an endgame area
>random tutorial character is the final boss

>"You can use your mouse to look around! Why don't you try it right now?"
>"What's a "mouse" and what are you even talking about?"
>"Oh, I'm not talking to you. Now, as I was saying..."

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>every power and ability of your character is unlocked on the first level
>you loose them all at the end of the first level
>second level is the tutorial

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>tutorial tells you to drink water
>there's only wa'ah around you

>say "apple"

mmm, this apple is crunchy

>Finish the game’s main story
>The only way to 100% is by playing through all the tutorials you skipped

>tutorial continues in ng+

>skip tutorial
>play the entire game without using one of the core mechanics

Gen 7 in a nutshell

RTS games in general - tutorials for the multiplayer mode

I know it's not really that, but Rouge Legacy?

>no game manual
>tutorial freezes the game to give you popup explanations
>this happens every five seconds
>they happen after you do the thing they're telling you about
>the popups are so banal and obvious as to be pointless
>actual deeper mechanics are never properly explained either because it's too convoluted for someone to accidentally do while button mashing, or they just never bothered explaining deeper shit
>even at the very end of the game loading screens still tell you dumb shit like you can sell stuff at stores or hold down button to sprint

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If you did it on console it wasn't difficult, the devs fucked up the PC version and made it significantly harder than anything else in the game.

>optional tutorial on main menu
>play through it
>start new game
>mandatory tutorial

Is probably Dragon's Dogma

>Tutorial has it's own little level which makes sense in-universe.

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>other humans play nothing like the computer and nothing you've "learned" from playing against a computer for 20 hours is any use in MP
You're an idiot


>Play sequel to first game and tell the tutorial guy to fuck off
>Proceeds to call you hot shit and place you into the games final secret superboss that one shots you

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Splatoon 1 and 2

>have to figure out what the interact button and press it to read a sign
>sign says "press the interact button to read signs!"

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Chucks feed and seed; throwing it.

All current gen AAA trash games.

>there is no tutorial

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>tutorial is a bunch of written messages that you forget immediately after reading

>an entire difficulty mode is the tutorial

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The problem is you.

>you can't get back to the tutorial area
>there's an achievement in the tutorial area that requires you yo spend weeks killing shit to reach max level in it

Tropico 5

Age of empire 1,2,3, mythology

I recall battle of wesnoth having a tutorial campaign.

Those are most of the time the best games desu.

warcraft 3

>single player is just the tutorial foe. multiplayer
>DLC expansion is just the tutorial for high-rank multiplayer

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A Feed and Seed store sells seeds for farmers and feed for ranchers. What does a "fuck and suck" sell? You stupid city slickers have probably never even been in a feed store.

>skip tutorial
>why can't i do shit in this game?

This has to be the most condescending video of all time, the woman sounds like she is talking to someone who's just been in a massive car crash youtube.com/watch?v=PbDLuDRgnkM

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Gen VI felt more like a never ending tutorial. Gen VII was someone's boring fanfic

>Entire campaign is just a tutorial for the multiplayer

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One of the reasons why I hated MHW and returned the game asap.