>tfw find jrpgs and crpgs boring
I know im missing out on great games anons but its just so slooooooooooow and there is never anything going on, im sure they have good characters and great stories to tell but the game play is just boring and often easy with hit em and spam potions
Tfw find jrpgs and crpgs boring
Then don't play them dude.
But I want to enjoy bideo gaimus, i like giving games a fair chance sometimes but I cant cause I just cant enjoy them its stupid.
>I know im missing out on great games
no you're not, lel
> the game play is just boring and often easy with hit em and spam potions
you get the picture
>Spots a picture of my own cat I uploaded a long time ago
What the fuck
Idk user why else would people enjoy them?
because they prioritize characters and story and atmosphere over gameplay, as well as not being invested enough in gameplay as a concept to begin with to have a strong opinion on what it should look like
in short, they have no taste
Really? Thats cool user
Don't mix them up.
The don't play them? There's nothing wrong with having preferences. You don't have to like every single type of game.
I guess jrpgs just arent for me then il go back to my action games
Then don't fucking play them, there's enough genres out there to pick from without having to worry about that. As much as I'd like to enjoy strategy games I just can't, I don't whine about it.
woah, hang on a second and slow your roll there, partner
cheer up; you really aren't missing anything
JRPGs are glorified visual novels with puzzle segments in-between the narrative
Because you have to get invested just to understand how to play the game and people like games they got invested in and not in a sunk-cost kind of way. Lets you exploit the system or dodge the parts you don't like.
Compared to games nowadays that require no investment and are pretty disposable.
Idk how to do that though
Turn on god-mode and just go through the story, there, you skip the gameplay part.
Try action JRPGs like Ys man
Ain’t got time for that turn based animation waiting game
JRPGs work when they have gameplay mechanics that tie in well with the story.
If it's something like Baldur's Gate, I wouldn't bother. Most people don't in fact. Less than 10% of people who own the game haven't gotten pass the first area. The rules it's based off of are just too expansive and imbalanced.
A lot of old jrpgs are a chore with excessive grinding with boring combat.
These games were a lot more playable when they came out and kids could spend way more time on them without getting distracted.