Physicalfags btfo
Physicalfags btfo
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imagine thinking you "own" games in current year just because you pollute the world with more plastic
newsflash, your disc is useless once the servers go offline
good. The people keep beta builds and unreleased ROMs in their fire hazard manchild 'caves'.
>y-you don't OWN your games though!
yeah but if my house burns down at least I don't lose thousands of dollars worth of games on steam
House fire is one of my biggest fears. I own a very old row home attached to a house rented by really stupid hispanics, and I am terrified some day I will come home and all my stuff will be a pile of ash because they left the tortillas on the pan
Hoarding that amount of anything is foolish.
What a stupid cunt, you're supposed to keep your games underwater so this doesn't happen.
Did gohan actualy say this I can't stop laughing
Please no bully Hispanics
if the game in question doesnt require any kind of servers then it will be available forever in digital form and no one can take it away from you. either way physicalfags end up looking like fucking retards
in the nip dub, yes.
eng dub says "hi, nice day!"
I was buying an old games collection from guy online, then he said there was a flood in his house and ruined the games
Rowhomes usually have firewalls, so you should be good.
Well duh, a flood would be filthy water. you need some high quality 100% no fat clean water motherfucker
>House fire is one of my biggest fears.
If one starts, then you just put it out. What the fuck
I stopped buying games at ps3
I may not be a super physical person damn losing a collection of anything is sad especially when they can do something other than stand there
Whats your stupid fire story Yea Forums? I personally know someone who put water on a greasefire.
Where will you download it from if you have to replace your hard drive?
guess how i know youre a consolefriend
Some fucker set fire to my bin for shits and giggles. But the bin was next to my house.
I like physical still
i was using a hammer to pop a roll of caps (the little gunpowder popping stuff for fake guns), and i managed to spark a few of them at once, the roll lit up and i smacked it off the desk into a basket of recycling and that whole bunch of paper went up too
>year 2130
>electricity supplies run out
>lose the ability to access and play your digital games forever
yeah what now
When I was a kid I accidentally caught a subway sandwhich wrapper on fire with a candle my mom left on the table and stared at it helplessly and I didn’t know what to do
My mom walked up and threw it in the sink and turned the water on but I still think back to that day wondering if my dumbass would’ve let the house burn down because I was paralyzed by the sight of it
I don’t have one. I was a Boy Scout and we learned to respect fire.
It's not like you can transfer data between hard drives or anything. Also if everything else fails you can just find a torrent they will never go away.
I buy physical versions of my console games because it's much, much cheaper.
For example, Red Dead Redemption 2 costs £25 second-hand from a local shop, while it costs £60 to download from Xbox Live. That's under half the price in disc format. And for older games too: Halo 3 costs £15 as a download from Xbox Live, but costs just 50p as second-hand disc from a local store. That's one thirtieth the price. That's INSANE. Why the fuck would I pay £15 for something that I can get for 50p?
Not to mention, downloading games means you need to buy new hard drives. Which is more money. Plus, you can sell disc-based games later on if you want, to get some money back. Not possible with downloads.
Downloading games is cool, because you get them instantly, but you pay a price for that convenience. It's not worth it for me. I'd rather save my £14.50 when I buy Halo 3 and use that money to buy another 29 games, thank you very much.
Half of that is hers. The better half.
Due to being a pyromaniac who liked to burn things when I was growing up I have become very experienced with controlling fire and fire sources.
Thus I have never burned something that I did not want to burn. Only things that other people didn't want me to burn.
Your console/PC runs on electricity big brains
And this is why it is so important to clean your PC and consoles of dust, everyone.
We are equal half’s user
>not living in a house of cement and bricks
what the fuck is wrong with united statians?
>my basement got flooded last month
>all my ps1 and dreamcast games got fucked
about $1200 worth of games the games still play, but the cases and manuals are fucked
The Wii eShop shut down a few months ago. If you still wanted to download a game you had to delete to make room for, or your Wii crapped out and you bought a new one, are you able to download the game or are you fucked? That’s the problem.
i think it might just be lack of regulation. not a burger though but that would be my guess
By then we'll be able to produce our own electricity, idiot.
just emulate it like a normal person
>construct hydroelectric dam
>sell electricities to buy a satellite
>use satellite to make internet
I win again, gay boy
Tornados and shit
>living in the basement
Isn't that just another reason to not build them like tree houses though?
Most people can’t afford a stone building user.
This seems to happen to hoarders. Trim your collections, bros.
Rocks are literally everywhere and they're free.
Haha oh wow.
That would be the definition of investment if you lived in an area with regular tornadoes. You don't have to rebuild it from scratch every time
I was an idiot and had some T-Virus collector’s drink in a box with my meager collection, it popped and got sticky shit in every PS1 and PS2 cover... learned my lesson. Just glad the games are fine.
God bless, USA!
when i was a kid i dug a deodorant can under a campfire near where i live, thought it'd go off when we went there the next day to grill, thought it would be a fun surprise. it didn't go off. i forgot about it. instead it went off days after when some kindergarteners and staff were there to celebrate summer. newspaper article about it too, remember my parents talking about it and how horrible it was, some kid nearly lost his eye because the top popped off and hit his eye. never told anyone it was me.
So how are you protecting your physical copies against disk rot? internal batteries leaking?
Nigger learn to read instead of just scanning for key words that you can make out. How is he gonna put it out if he's gone? Disregard how hard it is to put out a house fire.
>you don't get welfare if you have money on bank account
>all my money is cash
>have a "fireproof" safe but those things only withstand around 30 minutes of fire
>no guarantee fire would be put out in that time
Nobody is as scared of house fire as I am
user, stone buildings destroyed by tornadoes all the time.
>how hard it is to put out a fire
fire extinguishers include helpful diagrams just for special boys like you
lmao at the cavemen ITT
Why are consolefags so attached to their legacy tech that was never meant to last? My old PC games are in some drawer somewhere and I never bothered checking if they still work since I can just have the installers without the physical DRM and my PC doesn't even have a disk player anymore.
Why would it explode though?
based social parasite poster
The vast majority of fire extinguishers sitting around probably don't work since they are well past their expiration dates.
Second-hand physical games can be MUCH, MUCH cheaper.
Pic related. Why should I spend £15 on a game that I can get for 50p?
>reported to the IrS
because it's a sealed can that expands when heated
What about people with kids
I fell into a campfire and put it out
??? Don’t they see your tax info? Or it’s under the table..
Me and a neighborhood kid grabbed a whole bunch of cicadas when the emerged up from the ground and nailed them to a wheelbarrel and threw gasoline on them to hear them sizzle. It smelled like gourmet bacon.
We had a concrete piece in the ground in the middle of our yard, decided to build a fire over it. We did it often, but one day we let it burn too long, and it exploded into my lap. Burned through my boxer briefs. Turns out water had collected underneath it, it boiled over.
>torrent has 0 seeders
What now?
Digital pricing is stupid.
New release digital being the same new release physical is dumbz
Disc rot is a meme blown up by shills and zoomers. Only very old, cheaply made discs will rot, or those kept in horrible conditions.
I burned a book once inside the bathroom for shit and giggles (don't ask why), and oddly enough, coincidentally a house a few meters away from where I live burned down a few minutes later.
Wrong, all digital games can be acquired for free.
Then that game is probably shit anyway.
Pirate RDR2.
What book was it?
Fuck of, Paco.
>Where will you download it from if you have to replace your hard drive?
Literally all my data is mirrored into another drive with the data I particularly care about also having extra backups, why the fuck would you only have one copy of anything you care about?
>hdd fails so hard you cant recover files which is impossible to happen out of nowhere
>in the future and even now everybody uses ssds anyway so you can always transfer files
>somehow you made no backups
>somehow torrent is the only way to go
>somehow nobody seeds ever
this is such a ludicrous scenario it will basically never happen
have sex
>hitz 2002
You're alright user. You're alright.
For free?
>hitz 2002?
I'll tend to your anal virginity when I'm done plowing your mother
Oh, that’s actually my GFs. I forgot she owned that.
Ok but when you two seperate and she takes her equal half of the hoard it will be the better one with them crispy CiB N64 games
>those CiB n64 games are mind, the ones without boxes are hers.
As a kid I would burn things with a lighter like putting a hole in both my parents dash in their cars while bored and waiting for them, there was also a phase where I'd burn the loo roll while sitting on the toilet, one time I set the entire roll on fire and had to roll the flaming lot of it out and onto the floor where I stomped it out, I had to then pick it up and use it to wipe which made me realize how stupid it was considering it was the last roll. Also when at school we would light deodarant and chase each other with the fire, one time my friends can wouldn't stop making fire even though he took the lighter away and he still chased us around while we screamed our heads off to chuck it away, eventually one guy he was close to catching got it off him and lobbed it over the fence.
I only like digital versions of games, physical is too easily lost.
was fucking around with a can of deodorant and a lighter at school and ended up burning my class' curtains
So can physical games. You can steal any medium if you want to be a criminal, you stupid fuck.
>gf has better taste in games than user
I bet your lymph nodes are as big as cats.
If you just withdraw it from an ATM in small increments how can they tell whether you spent it or saved it? No one sane keeps receipts for all their cash purchases unless it's for getting a tax refund.
based brainlet
i fucking hate collectors. things meant to be used and enjoyed and instead of ever actually seeing use they just sit on a shelf collecting dust because some autistic retard fucking CoLlEcToR got his hands on it. Especially rare shit.
I don’t understand that reference.
>someone who says factually true statements is somehow a "brainlet"
Why the fuck do I even come to this place?
struck a match and the 'top quality since 1893' or whatever match fucking flung the flaming head behind my bed and singed the carpet. luckily i caught it before it burst into flames but my heart freaked and my brain fumbled trying to process what just occured
>piracy is the same as stealing physical goods
>true statement
based brainlet
>stealing isn't stealing
Why the fuck do I even come to this place?
>piracy is stealing
based brainlet
any more pics like this so i can absorb the sadness? it feeds me...
Are you implying piracy is theft? It literally is not
Cause somebody might cummed on it.
>stealing isn't stealing
Why the fuck do I even come to this place?
I know someone that didn't put water in their ramen noodles and started a fire in their microwave.
I was cutting pipe with a chop saw after I just got done cleaning all the oil and grime off a friend's engine with some rag. Said oil drenched rag was right in the path of all the sparks from the saw
Fucker caught on fire and a gust of wind blew a few droplets of oil next to our cloth bin. Those shits caught on fire
Almost panicked but decided to just cover the entire bin with some cover and take the thing outside
Fucker burned for 2 days before going out
was burning plastic shit when I was a kid, shit dripped on my hand and scarred it
>stealing isn't stealing
Why the fuck do I even come to this place?
my dad put this plastic lazy suzan cake thing on the stove top underneath a pan so I didn't see it when I lit the front burner to heat up the kettle. Went to the bathroom down the hall to take a shit, came out and the whole living room was smokey. Went around the corner to the kitchen and the fucking thing melted all across the stove top and there was a fire. Luckily im not a retard so I opened the kitchen door and windows, ran to the bathroom and drenched a big towel in the shower, ran back to the kitchen and smothered it. Still took like 45 mins to air the house out and scrape all the melted plastic out from under the burners and shit.