>The Epic Game Store will be great for indie devs!
>Rejects game with 95% positive rating on Steam (Assault Android Cactus)
Really makes you fuckin' think
>The Epic Game Store will be great for indie devs!
>Rejects game with 95% positive rating on Steam (Assault Android Cactus)
Really makes you fuckin' think
They don't even have hollow knight which is the best game to ever come out of Australia period.
Guess EGS need its own version of greenlight and let the people decide what good indie games are. :^)
I don't think this guy understands that if the game is already out on other platforms, Epic doesn't want it
They've earned a bullet by trying to do business with the chinks at all.
it's not bad at all. steam is priding itself on being "open to creators" with the only gateway to entry being a $100 fee. Epic is curating. It's a good thing they are, it means games that are half decent will get on instead of literally any garbage.
There's a ton of Steam games on the Epic Store you retard.
>epic games store is so behind the times that it's also copying valve's shitty approach to games from 10 years ago too
>EGS develops a greenlight version
>Some indie devs complain that their trans experimental indie games don't make it through
>Epic opens up the floodgates and gets filled up with trash, animu VN, a thousand shitty pixelart games and literal powerpoint presentations
It would be interesting to watch this show again
No it really fucking doesn't because FUCK Steam user ratings that's why.
But Assault Android Cactus is literal fucking garbage.
It's mobile tier trash and just because faggots lap it up doesn't make it good.
Epic did the right thing.
>it means games that are half decent will get on instead of literally any garbage.
Funny you say that. This game is a PC port of a Switch port of a mobile game that's trash, yet apparently is good enough for Epic's store
Oh man im so sad your pixelshit robot cactus game didnt get in Epic. They only accept quality titles you know. Like, games with an actual budget.
>copy the retarded idea that Steam got rid of. That'll show em!
There's nothing to think about. They want big name shit only with the occasional indie for brownie points. It's all jewchink marketing.
>quality titles
This () is a quality title
Steam opened up entry to everybody because games like Slay The Spire and Stardew Valley would have never been accepted through the old system. A store can't dictate what consumers want.
>that are half decent will get on instead of literally any garbage.
>UT4 and Fortnite in EGS
Truly Epic.
but its not pixels?
i think it looks kinda bad but its better than some of the games on EGS already
epic is just taking the retarded approach that valve used to have with steam where it was nearly impossible to get added to steam without a publisher
All their fake numbers and bots aren't going to save Epic Store from its outdated policies and empty desert of a selection.
>people thought Epic store would actually discriminate based on quality and not based on profit margins
>a ton
Like what?
>rejects shit mobile trash
Epic doesn't want that game because there's literally 0 chance that they'll sell any copies of it. That game is four and a half years old and nobody's ever heard of it until today because people want to stick it to Epic. Why would they waste the time and effort of putting it on their store when it's just going to languish on it?
Pixelshit is a genre
Thanks mate, i dislike having to open twitter.
Good, i want them to stay the absolute fuck away from team cherry.
They're only interested in exclusives that will coerce users into using their storefront.
>epic chose to pay for quantic dream's crap despite saying they won't accept shit games
They can't even follow their own goddamn statements. Did tencent force epic to work with netease just because they now own David Cage's trash?
>assault android cactus+
Are they serious? This game is a mobile trash tier, lol.
entitled little faggot
But is a literal mobile port
Can you not do five seconds of research? I'm not going to enable your laziness.
For the record, you moving the goalposts to dispute "a ton" still means your original bullshit post is wrong. Literally one game would still be enough.
I'm willing to bet that journos will be silent about this yet again.
>Literally one game would still be enough.
Now who is moving the goal posts here lol
>it means games that are half decent will get on instead of literally any garbage.
Do you genuinely believe this or are you just parroting Epics PR line? Because reality is suggesting otherwise.
>Remake 2
You weren't supposed to find a title that goes against his talking points...
>Implying anybody would be talking about this shitty indie game if they couldn't use it to throw rocks at EGS's impenetrable fortress made of money
Cope, and (dare I say it...), have sex
Better than the indie shit in OP, even as bad as it is.
UT4 and fortnite are solid titles. ut4 isn't developed anymore which sucks but if you're saying fortnite is bad, then I don't know what to tell you. it runs on literal phones, it's a solid, simple gameplay loops, and has interesting challenges. Plus that stupid creator shit if you like minecraft.
I'll take the occasional buy-in like RCT's port over an unhalted flood of shit like "le epic hentai crush meme troll 2019" that floods the steam store.
Not to add insult to injury, but as a small Aussie indie dev who just got a wad of cash to finish up making my game from Epic I can only assume that Epic took one look at pic related, laughed, and figured my literal who ass has a better chance of making them money, and odds are they'd be right.
>Better than the indie shit in OP, even as bad as it is.
The state of Epic shills
>it means games that are half decent will get on instead of literally any garbage.
I don't get why people are so concerned about having shitty games on their platform of choice. 90% of any form of media ever is shit. If you think they look like shit then you can easily ignore them. This has been a thing since before Steam even existed.
>silent about a not so promising game not making it on
>a small Aussie indie dev who just got a wad of cash to finish up making my game from Epic
So what happens when the game sells like ass, nobody knows who you are, and Epic isn't willing to finance your next game?
Who cares? He got money the first time. It'd be the exact same shit on Steam. And if you seriously think that he'd somehow make his game incredibly successful over on Steam compared to the Epic Games Store you're retarded
Your shitty indie game getting bad ratings means the game is bad, not that the rating system is.
I can turn that 0 into a 1 if you want...
They stated they won't let shit games with low value shocking elements get on their store.
And even Valve said Greenlight was a mistake.
>People calling Assault Android Catus a literally who
The damned game released on the PS4, Xbone and Switch. If somehow the devs can get it through the curation of all of those what's the justification here?
Steam can afford to host literal garbage that doesn't make them a cent because the profits from other titles are massive, if you're starting out with a small store it's far more cost effective to only sell titles that will generate a profit.
Not to mention Steam has other ways of monetizing literal garbage games like cards etc
almost like tim swine is a lying fuck hypocrite huh?
really reads your files
>no content I don't like allowed!
Do you genuinely give a fuck about any of that, you retard? Do you browse steam 24/7 seething inside seeing all the indie trash and animu VNs for half a second? Fucking pathetic. I go to the steam page and use the search function and find the game I want within literal seconds. Not only this, but because I don't purchase trash, I never get recommend trash, so I never even see 90% of this shit you faggots think "inundates" the steam front page. Christ almighty, fucking kill yourself.
It doesn't matter, my dev costs are covered, Epic pays me a lump sum in accordance with projected sales, I get my game on a platform with no other competition.
It's win/win/win, even if it doesn't sell a single copy I come out financially ahead with enough capital to make my next game.
To be fair, Steam rating is the last thing you should trust when judging a game's value
there are a lot of cashgrab games with 90
>game from 2019 isn't as cheap as game from 2014
are you an actual, literal retard?
wasn't HL3 literally confirmed to never be made?
like the original script writer giving out it's story because they are just not making it anyway
>there are a lot of cashgrab games with 90
>He completely misses the point of user's picture
based epic keeping shovelware off their platform
Except nobody bought your game so you're starting again from scratch.
And Epic won't be moneyhatting exclusives forever, so this'll only work once.
I'm glad you became a video game developer just to make money, even if that means no one will play or enjoy your game. Nice. Glad the industry is getting full of it even to the smallest of individuals.
Looks like weeb shit
>thinks that pic is about price
>are you an actual, literal retard?
no but it seems that you are
>fortnite dabbing intensifies
>Implying steam does anything
Oh nooo that sucks bro :^((
A lot of games nowadays end up on those stores. I think a better argument would be:
This game has shown to be a quality product and it's backed by the positive feedback recieved from players on steam and could recieve a nice boost on revenue is no accepted, yet games like the afromentioned Rollercoaster Tycoon Adventures, a mobile port from a game that has extremely negative reivews on steam under a different name, is allowed on the store because... Atari likely had the money to pay for that.
Yea Forums agrees with this though
>Indies were so desperate to shill for epic
>Epic isn't even letting them onto their service
The retard ching chong was just trying trick you into download his data scraper epic store
>Except nobody bought your game so you're starting again from scratch.
No i'm not, as I said, my development costs are covered, I get paid for 50k copies sold even if it doesn't sell 1.
>And Epic won't be moneyhatting exclusives forever, so this'll only work once.
No shit, but this gets my game out, gets it on sale, gets it in peoples hands and I can continue to do what I do for years to come.
Meanwhile Yea Forums makes threads about my last game on the regular kek
Grow the fuck up, start paying rent and buying your own tendies. I don't make games for money, but I sure as fuck need money to life and make games.
>posting /pol/bait to deralil thread
>DMC: Easy Mode
>Fucking Halo
>Fucking RAGE 2
>Fucking nuDoom
>RE2 Remake
>Half Life 3
So Steam has Ace Combat 7 I guess?
Kill yourself zoomer
>Assault Android Cactus
>tranny shovelware garbage rejected from storefront
Based Epic
This isn't going to sit well with the indie scene
So basically EGS is admitting that their only gimmick is to buy up AAA-scale games
Y'know if a few gems get missed but anime tiddies and other offensive and problematic games are blocked then I'm okay with the whitelisting approach.
Already lots of great indies on the Epic store.
>Pixelshit is a genre
no its not
Literally the only reason anyone would shill for Epic is money. Pretty foolish of indies to think anyone is going to give them money when no one knows who they are.
Citation needed.
>indies complain to Gaben about how it was basically impossible for them to get onto Steam
>indies get processes that let them get onto Steam
>no-effort indie trash immediately floods the store
Maybe, but you know they're going to say no to the wrong person with 100k twitter sjw followers, and there goes that
Bethesda going back to Steam is actually a big thing.
Maybe they saw the backlash and realized people would hate a Bethesda's Launccher exclusivity even more than an Epic Launcher one.
>Expecting me to feel sympathy for someone who's an enormous piece of shit
Bethesda is just slower than EA and Blizzard and after Fallout 76 and now Legends fiasco still did not fire the few hundreds of people in marketing and analytics that deserve to be fired.
The decision will bite them.
And ironically they're the ones who wanted these online stores to have stricter quality control because they can't stand the idea of people having different ideas getting a platform.
Not sure if you've noticed, but twitter dramas don't achieve shit any more and Activision and EA literally just started purging all the SJW faggots from their ranks.
They screamed too loud and for too long over literally nothing and now no one gives a fuck.
Valve's proper approach before they fucked everything up, you mean.
You just jinxed it. If you want to break the jinx, you have to pop your team cherry before they announce their next game.
It sold better on PS4 and Switch. It sold thousands.
Imagine being the poor sod who thought they'd get the same treatment Super Meat Boy did
Your game looks like a fucking mess dude, glad it didn't get on EGS
This is why I'm honestly glad they're curating the store - fuck Steam
And also fuck you:
That's great, Epic Store is a PC store, what legions of drooling fucktard console peasants purchase isn't of concern.
No, that was Episode 3, not Half Life 3 even if it's not looking good for that one either.
>what legions of drooling fucktard console peasants purchase isn't of concern.
But what about
I'm in the process of making my own games too just and becoming a developers out of college. Need money as well. If your game is talked about great. I just think it's silly to basically let yourself be bought off just like that by a shitty chink company that promotes no competition and exclusivity. But hey, whatever puts food on your table.
Roller Coaster Tycoon has, and will continue to sell on the strength of the IP alone for years to come.
Then he choose to have a playable cactus instead of a minority
That's great kid, let me know when you're actually making a living from games.
Pro tip, you won't, ever, because it's already painfully evident that you don't have what it takes.
Whitey still BTFO'd
Nah console players are clearly smarter.
Don't forget to buy your FIFA coins, after all, they are the best selling product on consoles.
So this is the true twisted form of an indie that's sold his soul.
No wonder you had to sell out. It's clear you have no passion, and passion is the selling point of an indie game.
Nonono, do not ruin their narrative.
Its got 95 on metacritic. Yeah, literally nobody playing it right now, so what?
Sure, I guess I don't. Congrats on your success, though.
80% of the games on the Epic Store are indies.
Guess it's time to permanently retire this pasta, eh, Epicfag?
I swear to fucking god if you're a part of Hitbox Team and Spire is an Epic Game Store exclusive I'm gonna flip my shit
Uh, maybe it's because they're literally sexualizing small children with their problematic game, you fucking shitlord?
Did someone let /agdg/ out of their cage again
You can rest easy user, I write my own engines.
still not "lots" when there are only like 100 games (if at all) in the store, you fucking retard.
Hey I don't have the passion to make a game people would like either. I'd probably sell out too. You're kind of a special cunt though, aintcha?
Post yfw Silk Song Epic Store exclusive for a year.
>Paying bills is selling out
Go and scream at your mom to bring you more tendies.
Yeah, maybe if you're HITLER, you actual white supremacist
Reminds me of how GOG rejects shmups because they don't like arcade games. Epic is probably the same shit.
Stuff like this is always hilarious to me
People really are mentally ill
Can you faggot go back to /pol/ please.
So we have
>Small Australian indie dev
>Potentially a one-man team
>Threads about previous game are fairly regular
>Not made on a third-party engine
Anybody autistic enough to figure this one out?
Selling out is selling out. You betrayed your freedom to create and dictate the handling of your creation in exchange for money. This is the definition of selling out.
Also I'm a corporate manager at a Fortune 500 company, so I can afford my own tendies, friend.
Anyway I don't blame you for selling out. I'm just teasing you because you're a cunt and you're trying to put down some other guy that actually wants to sell games on his own merit.
Maybe when you go back to Mexico, parasite
50 free keys for my last two games if you do.
They currently have shit game discovery capabilities. It is all just a big list. So i would suspect they'll be looser later on. If they bother to implement those things.
Movie's and video games are pretty different, movies make billions off of name alone no matter how much they alienate their audience, but the majority of people who play video games ARE white male, it may not be an issue with an indie dev that doesn't even expect to make it past 1000, but to bigger companies not pandering to your biggest demographic can really hurt you
no this is patrick xD
>Assault Android Cactus
looks like some shitty mobile game
Based, steamdrones will upvote any trash.
Maybe the game shouldn't have such a faggy name and it'd be accepted.
>a mobile game that's trash
Mobage in Epic Store when?
epic man bad, steam good
That's an easy one. Is nothing because he's just a larping shitposter looking for (You)s.
I take my keys via gmail
what is this website, anyway?
Is there even an small australian developer who made more than two games in the first place?
Seethe harder steambaby :^)
The plus version is mobile version or something? The original is quite good, but Yea Forums being Yea Forums as always.
AAC isn't great, and its been free on various platforms for sometime, its been in humble bundles. It's not going to sell.
Cope, bugman
If you'd made an Assault Android Cactus thread how many replies do you think you would have gotten?
Epic knows what it's doing.
>lol *non-white* people should just make their own stuff if they want to see *non white* in the main role
>*proceeds to do just hat*
Valve didn’t invent curating a library
>metacritc should Mayer
>STEAM REVIEWS should matter
Don’t care for epic games but fucking lol.
Very useful
Is more useful.
Jesus, Epic game store is fucking atrocious. People think Steam had a monopoly. Then I see this shit and it's fucking depressing if this is the future we chose.
>general consensus of whether a games is good
>this guy curating game selection doesn't think a game is good
Sure hope whoever is curating doesn't happen to not be well-versed in your favorite genres, user. Or have shitty opinions in general.
Are you actually implying that metacritic reviews are better than aggregate user reviews from people who own the game?
Thankfully I'm fairly sure there are few people that actually think the Epic Store is a good platform. They just have a lot of money so they are buying devs and paying shills. Epic is riding on the hope that they can convert Fortnite players into customers.
>none of them are getting talked about on the scale of Baba Is You or even Slay the Spire
Talk to me when either have the sales of Super Meat Boy or Don't Starve.
Team Cherry
>Super Meat Boy is popular
>no one gives a fuck about the sequel because people don't want to download a fourth launcher
>Is there even an small australian developer who made more than two games in the first place?
I can think of over a dozen who've released games in the last year alone.
Noone gives a fuck because it's a fucking runner and not a platformer.
Also that, what the fuck were they thinking
Fucking tons man.
>game sells like shit
Valve got rid of choice by getting rid of physical copies. Digital distribution has a monopoly on PC because of Valve, why does Valve get a pass? EGS would have never even been attempted if Valve were boycotted into bankruptcy after they launched Steam like they should have been.
These threads have really proved no one on this board has any idea what monopoly means
>Valve got rid of choice by getting rid of physical copies.
I didn't know Valve forced publishers to stop selling physical copies
literally see
Sold about 50k copies. That's pretty good for a development team of three.
>Epic doesnt wants a 4 year old small topdown shooter on their """"curated"""" store
Someone remind me why this thread exists again?
Besides this of course
>shipping a 20cent disc and box is superior to downloading the 1s and 0s directly
>nobody playing it right now, so what?
It's an indie game from 2014, with no online multiplayer and a linear campaign that only shines with co-op. Of course nobody is playing it right now.
The real thing that scared Epic away was that super-low all-time peak, which shows that nobody played it even when it was new.
when the fuck is Activision gonna bring WOW, diablo, warcraft, starcraft, and cod to steam???????????????????????????????????????????????????
He's not necessarily wrong with the prevalence of bald space marines and grizzled dads. But throwing your hat in the ring with Jordan Peele's casually-racist comment is pretty fucking dumb.
There's nothing wrong with making a nontraditional protagonist for the sake of being nontraditional or appealing to a specific audience, just don't flaunt it around or people are going to get mad at you.
They wouldn't do that if they know what's good for them, the electricity bill is very expensive in their state.
>if you want to see more minorities in film, make your own movies with minorities
has anyone bought assault android cactus outside of a steam sale or humble bundle. like cmon. the game might be good or whatever. but cmon
literally no one
like cmon guys
i dont even know if i own it
is there an assault android cactus fandom
has assault android cactus inspired anyone
i dont even know what it is. lemme guess. its a rogue like. what like a twin stick shooter rogue like. am i accurate
Except for everyone screeching about Peele, you mean
how are these 2 related tho?
i don't get your logic
Are indie devs unironically commies these days?
>Steam bad, too many competitors
>Epic good, only 30 games so I have no competition, buy my indie game
It's a zoomer/modern mindset thing. They're used to being told or recommended what they should consume. Youtube suggests videos, Netflix suggests movies, Prime suggests products, Let's Players say "Play This Game", I don't work retail but my retail friends all complain how the mindset has affected stores and what customers expect. It's generations that have never grown up on perusing the rental store for weird VHS tapes or picking a random game to try, or diving into bargain bins and finding some gem because games weren't considered valuable back then. The concept of choice isn't appealing or fun to them because it requires more inherent work and the subconscious belief that if you have to choose that means you aren't getting the best product. You can't argue it's clutter because Steam has an effective filter system, it just takes a few more clicks or typing in what you want. The only issue steam's and other digital open platforms have is asset stealing profiteering games, there's a ton of stolen hentai art games on steam and they're all created by one shot Chinese or Russian nonexistent companies (ironic considering one of Epics biggest backers) the majority being Chinese in particular.
It's probably because despite them getting 100% of the profit they would probably be making less money off of it due to it not being advertised on a popular platform on top of all the the negative PR that they get for making games exclusive to some shitty half-baked store that literally nobody wants to use
I just said that it would be fun to watch these cascade of events happening on Ebin Games no need to get all defensive, mate
>the "Savior of Indie Gaming" turns out to not care about indies at all but only a bunch of unreleased indies they could buy as exclusives
>all these indie devs that planned on profiting from the Epic Game Store now realize that Epic doesn't care about them unless they have a high profile unreleased game
>"steam bad because little curation, epic good because curation" failed them because their games themselves got rejected due to the curation
Those fucks at Epic are acting the same way Don mattrick acted when he turned into the head of the Xbox division. bringing every kind of cancer corporate bullshit into the console market. bu Epic is bringing them to PC. good thing I'm getting fed up with video games
high positive rating doesnt 100% mean its good
see GRIS
It's what I've been saying ever since Tim said "no cappy games"
You'll never see an Undertale or Five Nights at Freddy's on the Epic store. They're only interested in "safe" indie games from the usual clique. It's why they'll never win in that scene with their current approach.
I wonder what the legions of indie devs that have been trashing Steam will do now. Their plan was to escape "dealing with competition" by going to Epic, but it's a lose/ lose situation.
If they all go to Epic, they are still competing with each other. But if Epic blocks them, they have to stick with Steam.
It's ultimately the same problem Steam had before they opened the floodgates. There's too much stuff to manually review and no easy way to sort out what's garbage and what isn't outside of a few indie games that get massive hype behind them. So in the end they will rely on publishers as their curators, and anyone without a publisher can go suck a dick.
Ummm sweetie, there are more then just the 3 games they stole on the Epic store.
>Epic won't sell my mobile game
Well I guess Ebin Game Store actually gets one thing right, no shitty indie game spam. Broken clocks and all that.
Oh no, heaven forbid games you don't want to but are on the client. I can't thank if ANY WORSE! TRULY being a gamer is suffering.
Who are you quoting?
EGS curating their library is the closest they'll come to actually getting me using it. Still not going to bother adding another memory hog since I'm already suffocating with only 8 GB and countless electron apps each eating their fair share.
A curated library is something useful to set them apart from steam, more of that and less paid inconveniences.
Just a twin stick shooter where the gimmick is that you have to chase down batteries to keep your charge up when you can get knocked down as many times as it's feasible. It's got some decent level and character variety. Fuck the "S+ on every level" achievement though.