Good morning, user
You surely are already up since you didn't stay up late playing videogames all night, right?
Good morning, user
Other urls found in this thread:
I played Sekiro and Smash all night and I'm awake for work with barely 3 hours of sleep
I range from sleeping for days to staying awake for days, life is weird in the shadow realm
I'm in the parking lot listening to some music before walking to the office.
No. After work last night I walked through the park, finished a book, watched cop shows, and went to bed at 11PM
I am up this morning because I work in an office
here's some deer I saw in the park
Exterminate, faggots, the lot of them
Imagine the smell
>Sleep for days
That's a massive sign of diabetes. You are eating low sugar foods and avoiding soda...right?
I was but then again I only work in the afternoon today(working includes posting on Yea Forums right now). Slept till 12AM.
it's not hunting season dummy
What kind of niggerland do you come from?
Good morning, Yea Forums-kun!
I'm awake because my dog wakes me up at 7 am every day.
The only land that matters.
based dog owner
mine does the same, but some mornings I just go back to sleep since his feed time isn't for another 2 hours. depends on how productive I'm feeling, since i work from home and I don't have a wagie job to clock into
I sleep from 3-7
>two top tiers fighting
No I’m not watching it
Shitposting isn’t a job
My body is really fucking weird where it prefers a 4-5 hour sleep over 6-8 for some fucking reason
You're right, its simply a perk of a good one.
I went to bed early last night but I couldn't sleep because I'm angry.
Bitch I've been up for almost 3 hours now.
I am a type 1 and no my levels are normal
I want to fuck Mona
Post the ass picture already
The sssonic one?