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It was my first JRPG and I had a blast.
Should have probably played on Hard though, Normal is too easy.

Did you go back to the older ones? What did you think of them?

how is it memorable? It's really generic from start to finish.

Only P3 so far, I liked the story and characters a lot, the music too, but it could have used some trimming down in the Tartarus department - a ton of the floors don't really bring anything new and a lot of the fights can be done on autopilot, at least on Normal.
I didn't mind the simpler social sim aspects either, it was comfier having less choices in a way.
I plan to play P4 this year, these games are long and my time is limited.

No offense, but Japandroids have such poor taste.


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>No offense
Full offense, Nips have absolute horrid taste and I love Japanese games.

Japanese devs have garbage taste, even the good ones

because of normalfags and twitter memes

>People who like what I don't = Bad taste
Fuck off

I thought it was Persona 5's 5th anniversary. I almost had an existential crisis

It's 3 years old this year, user.

Better than yours, I'm pretty sure.

>It was my first JRPG
This site is 18+, zoom zoom.

Maybe he's a former xbox dudebro.

>P5 is 3
>P4 is 11
>P3 is 13
Time doesn't stop. I really hope the amount of time between P5 and P6 isn't the same as P4 and P5.

>most memorable ps4 game is a ps3 game
Still, P5 is 10/10 goty so I can't blame them, I love it, after P4 I thought the series was going downhill.
P3 and P5 are the best.
>b-but P2!!
Yes awesome but holy fuck if it feels slow as hell nowadays. P2 IS and EP need a fucking remake that fixes them for good. And maybe a worldwide release holy shit atlus get your shit together.

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Go play P1 and P2 on psp

>Most memorable PS4 game is a PS3 game

What a bitch

Jesus, is the PS4 library that weak?

I'm completely astonished that the trick of tearing down JRPG mechanics and design and slowly put them back with moronic VN elements actually worked for Atlus. Good for them.

>everyone played an RPG in their childhood only
yeah no, faggot

That's literally right though. Your shit taste has no space in my life, stop posting it cunt

How are you even playing in this turd without falling to sleep?
I'm up to the Spaceport and the place is so fucking awful, the pacing is so bad and the combat is so primitive i literally can't force myself to play it for 2 weeks now and i still managed to trudge through p3-4 back in days. Literally 90% of fights are just all-out baits and the game even rewards you for them with money buffs, bosses are all primitive as fuck, party interactions were fun at first but Makoto and faggot cat has sucked all the fun out of it.

>"most memorable PC game"
>game isn't even very old
>also pays for collab works with gachas
>also paid for a lengthy anime adaptation
how does atlus manage to make such a memorable game?

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Japan and their shit taste.....

I must be literally the only retard who liked Spaceport. Actually the dungeon design and theme was pretty neat, while the music stands really catchy after hearing for a while.

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Persona 5's first 10 hours

Holy shit, Persona 5 has fully converted me to an SMT fag. Mind you I've played SMT games and Persona games before, but if all the feedback they get is SUGOI YOU'RE SO GOOD about Persona 5 then this shit is completely and utterly fucked. Bring in the spin-offs from the PS2 era (Digital Devil Saga, Devil Summoner) and DS stuff like Devil Survivor. I really don't like how easy Persona 5 is and no changing the difficulty doesn't change the fact the entire battle system is very basic compared to SMT3 (15+ year old game now), fuck Persona 5. Utterly and completely overhyped and I didn't even go to the Bank/Summer/Futaba saga, those were REALLY low points in story/pacing. A 7/10 game TBQH, could be an 8 to 9 if they fix a LOT of the pacing and difficulty.

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It's a VN. Not a game.

3 has better cast and story...

It's true too. P5 was a fucking massive disappointment for anyone who has taste

>it has some dialogue
>therefore it's a vn

I understood why people liked P3 (it was fairly unique and had some cool ideas and gimmicks), and even P4 (it was flawed, but competent), but I will never understand what people see in P5.

It's a narrative driven game where all but four or so characters are written horribly and the structure is ripped straight from the previous game. It's a story about social rebellion and literal masks where the designs don't actually inform character and the writing plays things as safe as humanly possible. It's a game that adds so many little "quality of life" features that it guts all difficulty and strategy.

Never once does it do anything novel in terms of puzzles or combat. It actively avoids doing anything that would damage marketability and even writes things counter to its own themes in order to do so (gotta create a character to try to commit suicide, if any of the party members did that it might not be as marketable!). It doesn't even start adding proper strategy to boss fights until the very end of the game. What the fuck do people see in this?

It was the only good rpg on the PS4 period the genre east or west has been lackluster the past couple of years, sad.

It makes the player feel cool.

Bloodborne alone shits all over P5

Almost every game does that.

>the writing plays things as safe as humanly possible


Despite this, I still feel Yusuke/Ann (copy paste of Persona 2 Lisa)/Haru/Ryuji all had enough potential to do things but the main story really didn't give a single fuck about anyone who wasn't named Joker/Makoto/Futaba. It really is a story about those 3 characters. I'm omitting Akechi because that guy can't be redeemed given his backstory is literally murdering Futaba's mother and that can't be rewritten, he brags about it to Shido during his phone call after you escape the police holdings ("If that woman had just cooperated, she wouldn't had to die").

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I think he's bi. He was pretty imto Ann.

Except this game does that effortlessly and with as little trouble as possible. The UI is snappy, the character designs are slick, battles are fast as fuck, etc.

Makoto isn't a character at all, she just steals the shared exposition/problem solving the first four cast members had prior to her joining and every single instance now has "WOW MAKOTO YOU'RE SO AWESOME" appended to the end. Futaba has an actual arc, but aside from that she's a plot device. None of the main characters actually have agency in the story and their nuance disappears in most scenes as they're required to move the story along and mouth the stock phrases with their quirks attached.

A competent story would make either Ryuji or Ann attempt suicide instead of a throwaway character for shock value, but nobody would be comfortable making fun of a guy who nearly killed himself and nobody wants to fuck a girl who has issues running that deep. The game omits consequence in order to preserve value in the characters for future merch. Haru joins a group of people, kills her dad in a dream world, and then he LITERALLY DIES. She has no doubts about these people or internal strife, she just gets sad for a minute. They're not fucking people. The story refuses to give actions consequences and then has the gall to have the characters go "ARE WE REALLY DOING THE RIGHT THING" as the narrative screams "YES THEY ARE" in the background.

It's disingenuous, lazy, shitty writing.

I'm exaggerating to mock how Western journalists are empty on the side when it comes to criticism. It doesn't matter that Yusuke himself is following the literal starving artist trope to a t, what matters is he's quirky enough for them to consider gay and demand a gay route. That's all the criticism they care about Persona 5, not any of its others shortcomings, but wanting to fuck Yusuke in a gay route.

I don't think he's gay and he even has a date for Valentine's Day. So many of Persona 5's problems won't be fixed because ATLUS will just read journalists creaming themselves and the actual faults won't be addressed.

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>First conflict is sexual abuse.
>Refuse to have the actual cast be directly affected by it to the point that Ann's motivation through the whole game becomes "but my friend!" instead of anything about herself.
>Immediately rebuke own ideas by having gender switched version seen as A-OK so long as the kid wants it and objectifying Ann outside of her own self-determined presentation.

>Make arc about a warped ass prodigy kid and a dude who exploits children for profit.
>Instead of actually diving into this weird kid's messed up mindset and actually giving him an interesting conflict or trying to figure out if it's okay to brainwash someone, throw in a murder because lol.

>Force a really contrived blackmail scenario while not even trying to look into how society treats these kinds of things.
>Treat dying parents as a bummer that causes no in-group fighting, but offhand comments as something characters will attempt to attack each other over.
>Start your second act in the final dungeon.

For me, beyond the shitty characters (all Hashino games do this to an extent), my main grip with the game is that the entire enmarcation of the game (the first plot twist, interrogation and so on) makes absolutely no fucking sense and seems to be written to just "be cool", without any real impact over the story or the characters. Like they saw Ocean's Eleven or some shit and decided to mimick it but making everyone dumb as shit. And they spend like an hour or so trying to explain it through exposition and it gets dumber and dumber, it's kinda amazing.

I agree, the bulk of the cast are plot devices because the game is framed in-media res and it's so high and mighty about how "smart" its escape plot is for Joker being in jail. Everything is written and designed for that very moment.

Haru's arc: Phantom Thieves get cocky and do this job, not knowing someone was pushing them to do this and it was unnatural target in a sea of scummy business people.
Morgana: Who cares, nothing he does matters when Makoto and Futaba take over his job
Akechi: Only really exists to setup Joker's incarceration and eventual escape, he doesn't even get a proper resolution to his story arc lol

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Persona is overrated weeb shit

>the game is framed in-media res and it's so high and mighty about how "smart" its escape plot is for Joker being in jail. Everything is written and designed for that very moment.
And the worst of all is that it's the dumbest and less thought out escape plan imaginable!

The weird part is that the "twist" is stupider and more complex than it needs to be. Wouldn't it be just as easy to have it be that the entire scenario is taking place in the other world instead of this weird "okay so they bring cops into the mental world and then grab him and go back and then we use a phone app to transport akechi to the mental world so he can shoot joker and then-"?

I just talked about this here and I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking this. Persona 5 -literally- thinks it's 2SMART4U. What a stupid fucking idea to do that jail break shit + flashback storytelling, you can't fix its core issues without basically redoing the entire game. But at least they got to pull of 2 Jokers twist. :^) wow :^) so smart :^)

You guys can bitch all you want, but it’s still the only good JRPG this gen


Or they could have had a jailbreak happen and make actual consequences occur. They could start the interbleeding of worlds thing start earlier in the plot and progress as time passes.

But that would require effort.

was the ps4 lineup that bad?

Well I guess considering the other PS4 games there are literally zero contenders

First time playing it and I'm over 100 hours in at Sae's palace.

Love it so much I decided to pick up a 3DS to play Persona Q and Q2 I've also got a Vita coming in so I can play the old games as well.

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I gave the game the benefit of the doubt because they touted in marketing leading up to release that it would try to be a bit more mature and break from formula. Turns out all that meant was that it would have a few strawman political talking points while the entire game was recycled from Persona 4, a flawed PS2 era JRPG.

It's more that understanding P5's problems requires taking a step back and thinking about it, which you don't really have a chance to do initially as the game is like 140 fucking hours long.

They actually have a sequence of the Phantom Thieves getting chased in the by cops but only in the DANCING game. youtu.be/5ekjDMr-bC4?t=35

So many possible scenarios completely borked by the dumb utilization of the Phantom Thieves powers only being available in the Metaverse. The whole student by daylight and thief by night time gimmick never happened because you can't even go to dungeons during night time. Persona 5 really needed a hefty rewrite by an actual editor...but its praise is universal and the dumb mass media in Japan/West and the glowing fan reviews (OH MY GOD YOU'LL NEVER SEE IT COMING ecks dee ARROW TO THE KNEE) crowd will also cement Persona 5 to the bottom of the ocean unless they really do search beyond the good reviews.

Thankfully the SMT team has all the serious long term ATLUS employees so SMT5 Switch seems in good hands, Hashino won't be missed. His best game was Persona 3 and SMT3 Director's Cut.

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Even the generic shit on 3DS is better

Lmao at least try

do not play p1

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>most memorable game of the PS4 generation is a pity port of a previous generation game

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The worst thing is that no one checks if there is a corpse in a fucking POLICE BUILDING. Akechi straight out murdered a policeman and nobody went out to check if the dude was there, let alone the guy who apparently killed himself. The whole plan falls apart if anyone on the bad side has enough gray matter to actually check if Akechi actually did what he did, and all of this is put on corruption. I'm sorry dude but corruption DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY, it's people checking everything in precise detail to bring out a certain image to the public, not just acting dumb.

And then, the best thing of all, is that they leave the rest of the group completely free, and even if they know they're reuniting in the bar, they just DON'T FUCKING CHECK ANYTHING OR SPY OR DETAIN THEM! It's absolutely mind boggling that the story of this shit passed first draft with all these glaring flaws in it. It's completely ridiculous this was touted as a decent JRPG, let alone the resurrection of JRPGs.

you said you'd let me play it

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hey guess what your opinion doesn't matter and literally will have no impact on this world

On one hand, P5 is fucking trash. On the other, this was a poll for the most "memorable" PS4 game, not the best one, and I guest stylistic black on red anime really stands out more than generic third person western "realistic" movie games.

They finished Persona 5 in 2015 on the PS3, but had to take an entire year to port it over to the PS4. (waypoint.vice.com/en_us/article/qk9xkm/precious-moments-hype-and-high-school-a-conversation-with-persona-5-director-katsura-hashino)

>Originally due for release in 2014, Persona 5 has finally made its way to Western shores, having debuted in Japan in September 2016. It was partly Sony's fault, since the jump to PS4 meant a lot more work for developer Atlus.
>"The 2D elements of the game had to be completely redrawn, from the PlayStation 3 originals, in order to even work on PS4," the game's director, Katsura Hashino, tells me. "But in the end, we feel that Persona 5 has turned out to be an outstanding game on both platforms."

Sony didn't make PS4 backwards compatible with PS1/PS2/PS3. Fanboys bitched about not being to play the next Persona game on their precious PS4, game gets delayed for PS4 (even amid screaming the game be cancelled for PS3 because fanboy reasons).

It's a good thing ATLUS is already deep in development for the next Persona game and totally isn't fucking around with Dancing games, Catherine remasters, etc. It's a good thing the PS4 is 6 years old and the PS5 is right around the corner and history will likely repeat itself with Persona 6 on PS4 and PS5. Possibly even the same delay!

Biggest missed opportunity for me is that the outfits are too busy coordinating instead of showing off what each character's form of "rebellion" looks like. The designs don't really tell you much beyond the basic. It'd be great if Ryuji's was more like a Tokusatsu antihero with the full mask since he views things a bit more abstract and treats acting out as a sort of bombastic action, or Yusuke's as more divine looking since his idea of rebellion is more in messages and absolute ideals, or Futaba looking like a cartoon character because she's over the top and has a poor grasp of real socialization, or Haru's being even more like a folk hero to show off her romantic view of rebellion.

I don't need to

I should really play this. It's been sitting on my ps4 for about 7 months now, untouched. Every time I finish a game, I say I'll play P5 but end up playing something else.
>beat gravity rush 1 and 2
>ok P5 now
>beat ff12 instead
>ok P5 now
>beat ys8 instead
>ok P5 now
>beat dragon quest 11 instead
Gone through every KH game, digimon hackers memory, 200hrs of monster hunter, ys origins, all the ninja storm games, both metro games and dmc5. After every single one I go "time for P5" but never do. Bought ni no kuni 2 and I'm 30hrs in. P5 still hasn't been touched. I don't know why, but I just can't be fucking bothered to start it.

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Don’t worry, you still have Xenocringe 2 lol.

I can’t wait to play it on my PS4

Its your sixth sense telling you not to waste your time.

the outfits are all pretty spot on if you actually pay attention to their character/arcs

I can think of several JRPGs better. Persona 5 was not good. Persona 3 or 4 weren't either. The only game this team has done that can be considered remotely good is Catherine.

>"seething p3 babbies, p4 shitters, smashfags, and port-beggars": the thread
p5 is easily the best game in the series since 2. if they had brought back based satomi to write it, it would have been the best game in the series, period. but even without that caliber of writing, it was still really good.

It's not like it matters when they're so busy chasing and "fixing" their own formula that they don't even consider stuff like how to structure an engaging story for their story-driven game or how narrative elements should inform game design.

seethe more, dumbass

>can't be redeemed given his backstory is literally murdering Futaba's mother
She forgives him in at the end though.

In a shallow sense. That's what I'm pointing out. Each of those things I said is what the outfit is trying to invoke, but it's muted in order to be more cohesive.

>Catherine good
>P3 bad
My god, that's such a bad taste

Sweet, that's great. P5 was awesome. And it's funny how much this triggers people.

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>Most memorable PS4 game.

It's that supposed to be impressive?

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>The 2D elements of the game had to be completely redrawn, from the PlayStation 3 originals, in order to even work on PS4
>what do you mean games have to be more than 720p now?

>Nobody can dislike game on its own merits, it must be ulterior motives!
This is a terrible mindset.

>And then, the best thing of all, is that they leave the rest of the group completely free, and even if they know they're reuniting in the bar, they just DON'T FUCKING CHECK ANYTHING OR SPY OR DETAIN THEM! It's absolutely mind boggling that the story of this shit passed first draft with all these glaring flaws in it. It's completely ridiculous this was touted as a decent JRPG, let alone the resurrection of JRPGs.

It's the same universe where the Japan's entire TV airwaves got hacked by Futaba who never leaves her room and Persona powers don't work outside of the Metaverse so she's just a REALLY good hacker. No traces, nothing. It's so egregious when she/the gorup sends the last calling card, lol, it shouldn't be possible. And don't get me started on how Futaba's Persona was KILLING her or her guilt in the real world before she just entered her own Palace (you probably forgot but there were multiple sequences of Futaba in the real world being strangled by her other self/Persona/mother's Shadow). It's never really explained because it's a carbon copy of Persona 3's Shinji/Revolver Jesus' death cult but never addressed properly in Persona 5.

10/10 writing, the best JRPG!

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>still can’t name them

What the fuck, this is not the pic I posted
I don't even have this pic
What the fuck

Next month they’ll announce it for the Switch... it’s almost here bois!

>JRPG exists
>Thread has posters who break down the flaws of its writing or gameplay systems in excruciating detail
>Fans respond with "lol haters" or "look how mad it makes them :^)"
Every single time. There's no point in even discussing shit when the people who actually like it are too fragile to engage in discussion.

Jesus christ the coping is unreal

Ok, we consider "this gen" PS4, XBONE, 3DS, Vita and Switch, then? How many do you want?

lol hater

when all you ever see is either "it's shit because i said so" or the regurgitated bullshit narratives like "it peaks after kamoshida," it's pretty obvious that there's ulterior motives.

n-nooo it was supposed to be her turn

Just you wait till they hit 4K on the PS5 and have to delay both PS4 and PS5 versions of Persona 6.

Persona 5 literally copied pasted Persona 4's formula its appalling. It's appalling they never shook up the month-dungeon-wait formula either, not even with an emergency 1 week job. You know the kind of thing that would make the most sense in the summer when Futaba sleeps for 30 days if you clear the Pyramid Palace on day 1, the urgency in the game is lost on you completely. It's baffling they never playtested.

Did you somehow miss all the posts about how the game's core conceit is misguided and the characters are not allowed to act in engaging ways, or are you purposely ignoring them so you can keep the opposition as a boogieman in your mind?

Persoyboys and xenocringe are the worst about this

I guess any PS4 game would be memorable if they had any

Vita, Switch, PS4, PC, whatever, show us these good JRPGs you think are better than Persona 5

This applies to any game though, especially if it's popular


JRPGs get it hardest because brainlets can't fall back on basic gameplay analysis. See: any Golden Sun thread to ever exist.

Xenocringe 2 is worst case of this

i mean, you're ignoring a lot of other issues that popped up during p5's development. like how they had no experience with hd development and no assets to use. or the severe financial problems they were going through before sega bought them. none of those issues are a factor anymore, so p6 shouldn't take as long to develop. plus, hashino isn't working on persona anymore, so we can't really make assumptions from his approach to development.

You can excuse it as a metaphor for attempted suicide. You probably shouldn't, but you can.

My biggest writing gripe is how almost every single non-automated Confidant is a different flavor of girl to fuck and their arc is almost always the same. There's no variety.

holy shit, actual critiques? on Yea Forums?
I love the game but this is some really good criticism/analysis. Unironically really makes me think. Good shit guys.

>Thread has posters who break down the flaws of its writing or gameplay systems in excruciating detail
But user this never happens. Usually people just post and say "lol JRPGs suck", sometimes posting one of those "JRPG vs WRPG" pics

I dunno man
Games like apex legends had constant threads calling you a contrarian hater before there were even threads hating on it

but it's nice because you have summer vacation to spend quality time with your friends

I'm going to be honest here - Japan's CONSTANT need for media that follows high school students is kinda... fucked up. Like the last thing I want to think about is fucking school and relationships, but to Japs those are more important than giant robots or wars. Gay.

this 100%

it's just a cultural thing because high school for them is basically the last point in your life where you're "free" and not a slave to university or your 80 hour week jobs

it's because adult life in japan fucking sucks, so they want to relive their youth through media.

It happens more often than you think it does, it's just hard to notice because it's buried in the endless shitposts. There are a lot of posters on Yea Forums who actually understand game design and writing.

>atlus in charge of the poll
they probably did it internally so of course they remember the game they slaved away on

Fair enough. Those tend to happen in the middle of the hype instead of years after release.

What a load of shit, it should've been Nier:A
at least Breath of the Wild didn't win on nintendo bonus points, i suppose

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That's actually a good point, it's mostly my own autism.
I mean, I get it. It's just my own preference, I just fucking hate thinking about school days in my 20s, it feels like regression.

Ever heard of the wagie memes that /trash/ and /r9k/ like to peddle to justify their NEET existence?
It's actually like that for real in Japan

Yup, the romance in Persona 5 isn't very good. I wish they had more scenes like the marriage question during the study group session in December, it felt like a waifu bone before the game rushed to the end. I also wish the Christmas date wasn't always in your room, they could've used other locales for the dates. Once you start thinking about it, there's a lot of of they could've/should'ves attached to Persona 5 that I'm getting sick of and I'd prefer a new game, lol.

>See: any Golden Sun thread to ever exist.
Those threads are trash because they get raided constantly.
I've never played those games, but the threads are pretty good when the fans are discussing what needs to be fixed and stuff like that.
But then people come in and start calling GS fans Nazis and shit.

It's really weird that they modeled a bunch of places to take characters on dates/hangouts, but they don't use these for other purposes.

Etrian Odyssey (any, including Persona Q)
SMT (any, except Devil Survivor because I haven't played them)
Octopath Traveler (close call, very flawed game)
Bravely Default (same with this)
Dungeon Travelers 2
Alliance Alive
Rune Factory 4
Monster Hunter (any)

Everything was even more forgettable
Plus “Never see it coming” memes are all over the place

But Yea Forums told me only Golden Sun fans do this
Could Yea Forums have been wrong?

More often it starts with someone pointing out x/y/z isn't great and one of the hyperfans starts getting confrontational, and it spirals out of control from there. Fanboys are a cancer that ruin discussion.

>you probably forgot
you can't just make shit up and say people probably forgot to make it sound true, retard

Based and redpilled
>except Devil Survivor because I haven't played them
I have played them and I can confirm they are better

He's talking about the scene where the shadow Futaba starts talking to her and she suddenly has trouble breathing. There's no hands on her throat.

Shut the fuck up you stupid incel
Didn't puppet master teach you nazis to stop talking about those shitty games?

Forgot Labyrinth of Refrain in there, which is very good. I abstain of putting things that are more on the verge of being action games like Nier Automata or Bloodborne.

>mention GS in thread
>The shitposter comes in and starts falseflagging, forgetting that he can't use the same syntax in each post.
Every single fucking time.

>Most memorable PS4 game is a PS3 game
Sounds about right

No one gives a fuck about Bloodborne
It didn’t even top any charts when it was fucking new.
They literally gave it out for free and barely anyone cared

Then he should have played Lost Odyssey or Blue Dragon


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I don't agree with OT being better than P5 but I can say BASED AND REDPILLED

>Strange Journey Redux Blocks your path!

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There's no SMT on PS4 based retard

Most of those are generic dungeon crawlers or shovelware no one gives a fuck about. Really goes to show how ahead of the game P5 actually is this gen.

How is the sale lel

>Xenoblade 2 threads - Clearly a flawed game, almost no one gave a shit. Defense squad go into action and protect their dead game
>Persona 5 threads - RPG of generation, critical acclaim. Shitposting from the samefags everywhere, literally contrarians trying to shit on any aspect
Like clockwork

so in other words, she isn't being strangled

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That's a stellar game but it's technically last gen (one of the highlights). If not, I would've put TWEWY Final Remix, Romancing SaGa 2 and many many other remakes/expanded rereleases.

Yeah, its open endedness kinda betrays it, I can see how it can be considered worse than P5. It's a solid 4/10 for me. My experience with it was very very good up to the final boss, but many people had many problems with its pacing due to not doing secondary missions or exploring. Its dungeons are very bad and flat, also.

LOL, P5 got lauded for finally having actual dungeons for once in the fucking series instead of shitty randomly generated garbage. And even then their design is botched. Get fucked.


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i still wouldn't mind another persona game with older persona users like p2 had, though. maya, baofu, ulala, and yukino were great. they don't all have to be adults, but having some older characters taking an active role adds a different dimension to the cast.

>Castle has vertical elements, shortcuts, and sections where you can't just hide behind corners.
>Almost every other dungeon doesn't.

Gotta love it. Wouldn’t be surprised if some of these contrarians shitposting against P5 are asspained XB2fags.

>But then people come in and start calling GS fans Nazis and shit.
those are golden sun fans false-flagging. for some reason, they desperately want to push the narrative that anyone who doesn't like their boring babby's-first-jrpgs is a discord tranny from resetera.

Breath of the Wild isn't a PS4 game so no shit it didn't win

Shadow Futaba in the real world

Cognitive Wakaba in the real world

There's another scene I'm trying to find of Futaba having a hard time breathing and its caused directly by these cognition appearing in the real world. It only happens to Futaba, Futaba never talks about it, and there's no explanation for this. Especially since it's happening before Futaba uses the Metaverse app to enter the Metaverse or has Persona powers.

it's just nintendo-only fags in general. their attempt to push tokyo mirage sessions as "the REAL persona 5" was a huge failure, so they moved on to pretending that cringeblade is better than p5.

That's why they're btfo

>most memorable PS4 game
>a PS3 game
rly mks y thnk

they literally never so much as touch her
her having a panic attack/freak out about what voices in her head are saying are not her cognitions harming her


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So are you gonna keep proving
right or what?

So...with all these problems in the game, how is Joker's inclusion in Smash justified?

Smash bros is not and has never been a measure of quality

Why do Japanese games make incels & contrarians on this board Seethe so much?

I don't understand your question.

fuck off, rosterfag.

Makoto was awful but Joker/Futaba/Sojiro are probably the only good characters in the game. Their double s-link interactions are the only reason i've decided to stick with the game because Spaceport literally sucked the life out of me.

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Music was memorable, I couldn't tell you a thing about the story other than pancakes and ADULTS BAD

Yes we get it, the masses have shit taste. It's nothing new, look at the Micheal Bay Transformers or the Marvel films.

More like
“What do you mean dev kits and costs are skyrocketing?! We could make 4 3DS games for 1/4 this price!”

I remember all the girls I want to fuck. Dat Tae Takemi

Don’t you console warrior fags have anything better to do?
Both sides should fuck off

80 hours and no message whatsoever.

Nah, forget about it. Pokemon S&M also had some problems but still had a rep.

i'm an idort. pointing out obvious console-war bullshit is not the same thing as engaging in it.

Imagine being this stupid

What it wants to go for
>Make a stand but don't be a tyrant, spark change without oppressing free thought.
What it does
>Get rid of the people in power but don't change the system

it amazes me that there are people on here who are too brainlet to understand persona 5's story. how do you even get through life when you're this dumb?

>please cease the bullying, I'll be forced to notify the janitors
>I use a pc for youtube, that means I'm an idort

>People make long posts about specific elements of the game they hate and why.
>CLEARLY Nintendo fanboys I'm not biased btw
Fuck off. I was looking forward to this game for years. I don't need you concocting an excuse for why my opinions are lies.

The style was far from generic, and thats the most important part, really.
Name me a JRPG series thats similar to persona. And no, SMT doesnt come close, its painfully samey post apocalyptic bullshit every time

>No actual interpretation presented.
Do you get bored of shitposting all day?

Japans shit tastes shine through.

it's more that a few high-school kids aren't enough to change the whole system overnight. sae even says something to that effect towards the end of the game: "you kids have done enough, now it's time for the adults to clean up the mess we made."

>Name me a JRPG series thats similar to persona.
Any harem game set in a school?

>And no, SMT doesnt come close, its painfully samey post apocalyptic bullshit every time
The irony in this post. At least play the games mate.

Which doesn't gel at all with what happens in the game or the ideas presented by the final boss. The game's kind if a thematic mess throughout. Even your example is basically the existing system purging itself but remaining unchanged. The individuals oust the supernatural influence through the ideas and will of the people, but both have no power or right to change the system.

Tokyo Xanadu
Trails of cold steel
Akiba's Trip
Caligula Effect
Devil Survivor

And it 100% deserves the award, it’s a great game

>complaining about easiness when you cite Devil Summoner as a good SMT game

Not that guy, but at least you can fuck up and get party members killed for shit time management.

Summoner, not Survivor.

Ah shit, my bad. Yeah Devil Summoner is a piece of piss.

It's not good and there are bettrr jrpgs this gen

Fucking FATlus
We're getting a re-release of Persona 5 before we even got a gameplay trailer for SMT V.

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P5 has a fucking garbage story but being unable to understand such a simple plot and themes blows my mind

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It's so inconsistent I can't blame anyone for saying it doesn't even have themes.

Played P1 for the fuck of it despite all the negative shit that gets tossed at and it was a very good experience. Very comfy.


Hahahahahaha it's not

You've never played pokemon?

>lol lets have a button that just automatically summons the persona with the right skill to exploit a weakness instead of having the player learn which persona has which skill

>not bloodborne


Can someone explain to me the appeal of the Persona games? They don’t even let you explore the intrigue of an urban fantasy setting, for the gameplay sections they teleport you to another dimension that is literally a monster-filled maze, and the stories are the generic god-killing shenanigans that you see in every jrpg. Despite taking place in modern times, you use medieval weapons, which civilians inexplicably posses and willing to sell to teenagers. You heal deadly injuries with candy. Despite the occult theme, the spells and abilities are your cookie cutter elemental JRPG spells.There's no effort whatsoever made to create a believable urban fantasy setting that reconciles the fantastical with the mundane. The games feel schizophrenic in tone, jumping back and forth between Japanese teenage highschool drama and high fantasy dungeon crawler. It's like the developers wanted to create an urban fantasy setting, but were too lazy to flesh out such a setting and just went with standard high fantasy tropes.

Compare that to something like Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines, which utilizes its modern-day setting in every aspect of its gameplay and narrative. For example, since you're a vampire healing is done by feeding on enemies or NPC's or by consuming blood bags, which you can get by having an employee at the local hospital smuggle them out for you. The weapons you use aren't medieval, but modern ones like firearms and improvised tools like tire irons and baseball bats, and the people who sell them to you are criminal fencers. Instead of generic elemental spells, you hack computers and use vampiric disciplines such as mental domination or a mist form which renders you invisible. The game takes place in urban locales, not some abstract dimension, and NPC's will panic and alert the cops if you reveal your vampiric nature in public, and being careless may attract the attention of vampire hunters That's how you translate urban fantasy to a video game.

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>And it 100% deserves the award, it’s a great game

>great game

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>40 or so hours of cutscenes in a 80+ hour RPG
I don't see the problem.

Technically not a series but TWEWY is a thing.

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>I don't see the problem.
Having half your game length consist of cutscenes isn't normal at all. What bizarro world do you live in?

Don't compare that to trash like persona

>RPG has a lot of cutscenes and dialouge
holy shit no way
>inb4 b-but shit like deus ex (an fps) doesn't have that much

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JRPGs are a toss up between classic gameplay focus and people coming in for story nowadays. The fact that Persona, ever since 3, started emphasizing more of a Visual Novel style to storytelling and writing doesn't help. We've reached the point where JRPGs like the Persona games mostly treat gameplay as bridging the story parts more than anything else.

I'm 30 you mong.
Growing up in western slavland I just never had a console as a kid.


>The fact that Persona, ever since 3, started emphasizing more of a Visual Novel style to storytelling and writing
It doesn't do a very good job with that though, what with how shallow the dialogue choices are.

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>Etrian Odyssey (any, including Persona Q)
Persona Q and EO are niche games for the 3DS with not much depth other than dungeon crawling
>SMT (any, except Devil Survivor
because I haven't played them)
Maybe SMT, but persona sells better still
Boring piece of shit for boomers, 5 hours in i was puking of boredom, besides everyone got cuked of content thanks to the definitive edition. Fuck SE
>Octopath Traveler (close call, very flawed game)
Literally no? Octopath flopped hard and had no character interactions and suffered a repetitive story
>Bravely Default (same with this)
niche title
Falcom games are not defining anything, sure they might be good but they never aspire to being anything t. The samey engine
>Dungeon Travelers 2
Literally who
>Alliance Alive
>Rune Factory 4
Another good title stuck in the 3DS maybe on the switch ver. We’ll see that being said the game does not delve further in other than farming and waifus
>Monster Hunter (any)
Not a JRPG, different genre called hunting action, pleb.

To be fair there are some VN games and VN style games that are super linear and have your dialogue choices either be superficial or near-immediately cause punishment (unless a dev's particularly cruel). Don't forget that Ace Attorney (for comparison's sake, not genre sake) does some of the same concepts of seemingly having choices, but in reality you're just running down the list of things to see before you really hit the right choice.

Persona's a case of taking that system and basically dumbing it down further for casual JRPG crowds. Every choice is basically just improving standing with characters, and if you ever bungle it up then there's rarely permanent consequences to the matter. The choices are just arbitrarily there to satisfy the player with a little flavor or serve as "but thou must" to advance a social link / plot conversation.

>Boring piece of shit for boomers
As opposed to what? persona 5 adheres to the same slavish conventions as dq11 (e.g. simple menu-based combat that is compact and separate from the game world)

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>Persona Q and EO are niche games for the 3DS with not much depth other than dungeon crawling
Dialogue and cutscenes are not depth
>Maybe SMT, but persona sells better still
Stopped reading there, you didn't even try to present an argument

Fuck you. Japandroids is a good band.

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t.zetta slow brainlet

Reread my post user

Ah, right. Sorry. Though what’s bad about Persona compared to TWEWY? I like both well enough.


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no one played either of those games.

PSP soundtrack is pretty jarring except 2-3 tracks, they don't go well with the game's atmosphere. It would be perfect if they just rearranged PSX tracks with instruments instead of synts and add a few new tracks here and there.

Failing to advance social links leads to a weaker character and the inability to gain the strongest demons, remember demons are meant to be fused.

they dont fucking tour for shit anymore and i missed the one time I could see them at a dive bar

what does this chart even mean? is the t-score a product of the numbers on the bottom or is it just a straight measurement of t?

I agree that the remixed tracks don't mesh with the game, I just love that opening song. It's nice talking to someone that has played it. I haven't actually done the Snow Queen route but I'm looking forward to it.

They are sadly not making music anymore.

Bottom table is the average for all males


I haven't done Snow Queen quest too, thing is I kinda lost my interest after grinding for 10 hours to beat Pandora and seeing there is no NG+.