He's right, and he should say it, actually.
He's right, and he should say it, actually
Other urls found in this thread:
yeah, they should start showing good games for a change.
Shouldn't you be heading to school, Switcher?
A bit too early to be trolling.
ea and sony are equally shit, one is the most cookie-cutter casual games and one is movies
Oh look, CrapGamer zealots.
What you think Obsidian and Ninja Theory purchases are? Movie-based to compete, you fucking retards.
>if Sony flounders from it and drops it, it must obviously be relevant to nobody
Let me guess, just like handheld gaming and Japanese customers outside of mobile games?
I'm honestly gonna watch all of E3 this year just because Sony and EA are gone. If Ubisoft was gone too it'd be an instant 10/10 show.
E3 is a disappointment every year, I don't know why they bothered this long.
what are you even talking about lol
>OP sides with the voice of a sony representative
>seething snoys still find a way to obsess over nintendo
>Show up with the same handful of games for half a decade
>Focus on stupid shit like showing your conference in a fucking movie theater
>Get routinely BTFO by Nintendo letting people actually see and experience gameplay at the show and on-stream
Yeah, I'd be saying this too if my E3 showing had been the same 6 games for the last four years and no one cared.
How should E3 change then? Why has only E3 lost its impact to the industry and not other expos like PAX, TGS, etc.?
years of losing e3 will do this to you
To be fair, Sony has demonstrated in the last couple of years that they know all about losing impact on the industry.
Nintendo realized that years ago and that's why they switched to the Nintendo Direct format.
And then State of Play happened.
Kojima must be seething right now.
Who talks like this
Mostly these companies will drop E3 because they're competing with themselves in same event showing off their big guns whatever they have. With own personal broadcasts or events like State of Play or Direct they've made sure they got more spotlight for themselves during the arranged time when they really want to push their products.
Sony is not the only one who is dropping E3 this year.
This is completely correct and inarguable, regardless of whether Snoy "lost" e3 the last few years
Yeah no. They just don't have any games
There's no way Sony wouldn't have put on an E3 conference JUST for Death Stranding (with some filler in-between) if there was actually significant gameplay footage and a release date.
If anything Kojima must be relieved that he can keep stalling.
How's that state of play going?
Is it me, or has Sony gone downhill ever since they changed their shit from SCE to SIE?
I read that as EA
But Nintendo does a direct every year then streams interviews and gameplay for the rest of the and it works fine
They crapped all over everyone else last year with Smash and letting people actually play it, with a tournament to boot
E3 was just an elaborate meme this whole time. I only watched it for the laughs.
Sony has gotten complacent because of the success of the PS4. Expect the PS5's launch to be a disaster just like the PS3.
>constantly disappoint fans at e3
>people stop caring
>"e3 has lost it's impact"
They still have booth space there, just no live stage presentation.
maybe lay off the TV champ, it rots your brain
maybe they should you know... stop showing basketball americans.
Honestly, for the last several years I stopped giving a damn about E3. All those soulless conferences from big corporation don't really bring anything substantial and don't offer anything interesting to me. I only get excited when some specific project I'm monitoring is gonna have a booth at E3 because it generally follows with some big news and reveals concerning them.
Other than that I just skim a list of announcements made after each big conference, maybe take a glimpse at a trailer or two, but rarely anything catches my eye. I really wonder why people on Yea Forums are still able to have such heated reactions to E3 in our day and age.
>”we will pretend e3 sucks because we have nothing to show thanks to Kojima being a hack”
E3 2019 will be GOAT tho, especially since Sony and EA aren’t going to be there
Translation: Hype doesn't work anymore.
Microsoft E3 2019
>Xbox Scarlet, two new consoles in same style of Xbox One S and Xbox One X.
>Xbox Scarlet games playing natively on PC
>Many BC titles on PC including Xbox One, Xbox 360, and OG Xbox, expected to launch October 2019
>Xbox Scarlet game development will allow games to be sold on Xbox One/PC at discretion of publishers
>Xbox Game Pass expanded - day 1 first party/second party games, third party AAA games a couple months after launch, indie games all the time
>More studios acquired, expect at least 3 announcements
>Xcloud detailed, stream from your xbox console to your Windows/iOS/Android device. Microsoft will offer streaming from Microsoft Azure by end of year 2019.
>Play Anywhere now applies to everything. If you own it digitally, download it to your Xbox or PC, or stream it to your Windows, iOS, or Android device.
>Xbox Live Gold will continue to offer the best complimentary games for subscribers each month
>New Xbox controller variations. Standard, Elite, and Hybrid
>Halo Infinite
>Gears 5
>Fable RPG
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Rocksteady DC game
>Harry Potter RPG
>Killer Instinct
>More than 30 games shown off
Meanwhile at Sony E3 2019
There's no big disgrace in losing to Nintendo IMO since they're a player that the industry usually takes somewhat seriously and the Switch is actually doing well. The real shame is also getting BTFO by the motherfucking Microsoft conference last year.
I'm well aware. I'm just poking at the cope mentality that Sony and/or their fanboys routinely have when Sony drops something. These E3 statements especially come off as coping when they've also stated that they don't have enough to bring to E3. (Almost as if putting all your eggs in a "just hang few but tantalizing games over people's heads for years" basket is a risky strategy that can totally buttfuck them if, say, two developers have continued to be absolute flakes on their Sony exclusives after everyone else has theirs released; good thing they're doubling down on this strategy going forward then.)
>this thread
when was the last time nintendo was at e3?
>Some half-breed black lady comes out on stage
>presents game
>uses bad words
>everyone cheers
last year
microsoft conference was halfway decent
sony on the other hand willingly chose to go tooting the horn
Its gonna backfire so bad for Sony. 2006 levels of hubris. Expect PS5 to tank
>tfw we lived long enough to see a Capcom and Microsoft redemption arc
sony friends literally spend time making this stuff
just play video games and stop getting so angry, friend.
Holy shit how do you not see the irony of this?
For the last time: Nintendo still brings shit to the E3 floor. Sony won't this year. They've declared altogether absence.
i mean he's kinda right. E3 used to be a huge deal for the tech world until video games stole the spotlight and turned it into a glorified ad stream. And even today with the state gaming being what it is, E3's platform on the whole is on the decline. Why spend hours watching long boring streams just to _maybe_ see something you have been hoping for (and getting heartbroken about) or the chance that something new might catch your eye you haven't heard of yet when you can just wait for the whole event to end and read/listen to all the highlights when they're inevitably published on any and every news source available.
But at the same time the _only_ reason this is being said in the first place is to serve as a glorified excuse for Sony to stay out of the spotlight.
Nintendo doesn't do stage presentations anymore, but they still show up at E3 user.
>The world has changed
>But E3 hasn't changed with it
Yes it has, E3 is just as soulless and corporate as the rest of the videogame industry is now. It just takes everything that sucks about modern games and cranks it up to 11 to make a horrible macabre song and dance out of it.
Here is E3 back when it used to have SOUL and was just developers showing off actual in-game footage of in-development titles while talking about exciting new features.
>Show the same shitty cinematic garbage for four years
>Never come with new content
>Hurr it's E3 not us
How is E3 supposed to change? Isn't it just a showcase for vidya? Do they want to turn the event into disney world or some shit?
yeah nintendo btfo them with those amiibos
It's very obvious that sony is stuck in a awkward transition year between the final ps4 exclusives coming out and the ps5 being announced.
They want to prevent a ps4 launch situation where for the longest time there were only 3 exclusives
Motorcycle Zombie game STILL isn’t out by the way
E3 lost its impact on the gaming industry a very very long time ago.
And you are perhaps right, and perhaps you should actually post about it on Yea Forums.
It hurts, I just want to go back
They dropped it because their E3 would literally have been Last of Us 2, Final Fantasy 7, Spiderman (dlc), Shenmue 3 and Death Stranding. Like 2016, 2017 and 2018. And that's so fucking embarrassing they just dropped it altogether
>Smash tourneys
>Nintendo championship
>Treehouse streams the entire weekend with insanely in depth looks at new games
>Hour long pre recorded segments
>Huge floor presence
They're always at e3
Is this guy clinically retarded? E3 is still the biggest and most important gaming event on the calendar and millions of fans and journalists wait for this specific conference because they all know the biggest new games and news will come out from it. E3 2013 LITERALLY defined this whole generation. If Microsoft and Sony held their own private conferences months apart you thing people would care about it as much? No. Sony are fucking hacks and the playstation CEO is a fucking retard. He organised some whole theater tent shit last year and showed off like 2 first party games and even at the end of it the actual playstation commentators on the stream were shocked it was over that quickly.
it's also why they won't hold a nintendo style conference either, because that means they're still going up short against them
TGS has absolutely lost impact. It's E3 before E3 was E3
People have known this forever. It's why e3 was originally supposed to die and stay that way.
>He's right
Not really. It's just sony are full of commie fags now and they are afraid of any critique and can't let people to compare them to other presentations on E3.
Is this who I think it is?
>we can't go so it's not that great.. guys..
Just because Sony keeps saying this doesnt mean its true
Im also and right and should say it
Why doesn't Sony use its influence and money to make E3 better?
It's like being on the losing side of an election, and instead of staying and trying to make things better the way that you can outside of an election, you cry and try to move to Canada
The move to California was the last nail in the coffin
>I'm well aware. I'm just poking at the cope mentality that Sony and/or their fanboys routinely have when Sony drops something
can you specify other times that has happened?
>you cry and try to move to Canada
Americans don't want to live here, it actually sucks up here instead of pretend sucks like down there where everyone is a giant bitch baby.
>E3 has lost its impact
how can people say this, what other event can create hype for a whole year (if not more for osme games) like E3?
Do they believe people would give a fuck about Sekiro if it was just announced in a random tweet? You need a big specific show to get the eyes on your from time to time. And E3 is still the best at it.
Wapanese flute guy remains the best part of that whole thing.
E3 was incredible when it had all conferences on the same day. Everyone was always hype as shit to see so many new games all at once. Now with companies spreading the conferences out, showing the same games year after year, and outright dropping out of E3, yeah its losing its spark.
I want the old E3 back.
I could see the vidya division starting to get pissed that the headquarters take their money to put the movies on life support over and over.
>Death Stranding
You know these are likely what's really fucking Sony in the ass recently, right? Kojima has an obvious difficulty focusing and getting shit done for DS, and Square Enix is struggling to remake a fucking PS1 game.
So they'd be only left with Shenmue 3 (awesome, but sadly not likely big ticket enough for Sony to make a big fuss over), Medievil Remake (also awesome but same issue), Spiderman DLC, and TLOU2, plus whatever multiplats they can desperately scrabble for to show off.
The Game Awards is the new E3
E3's 8mpact hasn't changed. Sony's presentations have been too focused on things that aren't games. Like old man playing banjo or Japanese flute appropriation. It's just them.
>So they'd be only left with Shenmue 3
You mean that multiplat kickstarter game that Sony has nothing to do with?
>when was the last time nintendo was at e3?
Every year? You do understand conference =/= being at e3, right? That Sony won't be on the show floor with game demos at all, and even Nintendo never stopped doing that, Directs or not?
haha O WOW
>b-b-b-but nintendooooooo
pathetic, cope, seething and rent free
So companies basically realized that they don't have spend big bucks at E3 to make a big announcement?
When they opened it up to the public again (and by opened it I mean started selling tickets for 4x the price) it turned to shit. instead of being able to wander around freely as "press" (anyone with more than 1000 subs on youtube got accepted with 0 hassle) you now have to schedule appointments ahead with the devs to just get your hands on the game, and some don't want to give you that same grace, so you're either waiting 8 hours in a line to play the new hotness or having to call ahead months in advance to get a timeslot. It's a fucking joke and it's not surprising at all that more and more companies are bowing out. E3 has no reason to exist because the conference portion can be done from pretty much anywhere, or done in a pre-recorded format like nintendo directs or that new sony shit, or you can host your own event, like sony has psx (and may resume with the ps5, I guess), xbox has that event they hosted in mexico city, ea has ea play.
I don't think EA, at this point, serves a purpose to anyone. It doesn't give press an opportunity to tout exclusive reveals because judges week last year was absolute cancer, it doesn't give regular people the opportunity to see the up and coming because at best you get a 3 minute hands on demo after waiting 8 hours in line wasting your entire day, at worst you see a trailer with muffled, drowned out sound because there's kids and teens screaming about some dumb shit five feet away because the floorspace is so crowded.
Only thing E3 has done for me in the last 5 years is show me let it die. I love that game, despite it's flaws. Everything else, E3 can fuck off. It's pointless.
>personally remove the sugar and chocolate chips from cookie dough
>"These cookies are so terrible!"
>act like it has nothing to do with what you did
>food analogy
They're the one that ruined it. Them and Nintendo. E3 may have been about marketing to them, but to gamers it was a uniting festival where we could come together in person, or on forums, and get hyped about our industry and hobby. It was a core part of gaming. And Sony and Nintendo shit all over that. Then Sony has the nerve to say "Well, it's not relevant now that I wiped my ass with it" like they had nothing to do with it? Fuck these people.
I bet Sony won't be at E3 simply because they have nothing to show. They're preparing for PS5 to release, so the most people can get are maybe some ports, if any. Sony is focused on making PS5 titles, but them not going to E3 is weird, since in the past they were showing the same few trailers for a few years and people were eating it up - what's stopping them from doing it this year?
>Go from having the answers for the XBone to become the most dissapointing E3 presentation for 3 damn years, showing mostly games that are either unfinished, literal ports or multiplatforms (yet still have the audacity to call them exclusive in some format, or timed exclusive)
>Then make it all worse with 2018's presentation for fucking MOVIES, not even showing games that everyone else can enjoy.
>Meanwhile Microsoft beats you in literal number of games presented, they didn't even need to say it's exclusive to their brand.
>Everyone who isn't a diehard Sony fan complains about that awful presentation that even made Twitch (and apparently Disney) shut it down after TLoU2: Jewish Noses.
Yeah, I can see why Sony again doesn't admit they fucking lost and now don't deserve to be in the E3 again.
>have absolutely nothing to show
>have the most embarrassing "direct" style video game announcement event ever with the State of Play
>announce you skip E3 entirely
>"w-whatever no one cares about E3 anyway"
funny how sony acts just like their fanbase lol
I'm not sure many journos will be hyped for a big trailer and not a single game to actually try. After all the recent stinkers it will just raise red flags all over the place.
>E3's lost it's impact
>Making a direct that gets mostly negative press is a good thing though
Haha got what they desvered
How did Nintendo ruin E3?
Does Sony have any real stake in FF7R? Sure, they're getting it first and probably paid for such a thing, but it isn't like they're getting their accounts drained by Square Enix spinning their wheels
doesn't everyone agree with that sentiment? the only thing to come out of E3 these past few years have been the cringe compilation videos
they announced they weren't bothering with e3 in like november, right around the time they cancelled PSX.
also that state of play seemed pretty much exactly the same as a nintendo direct to me, just without the ultra cringe "dialogue" in between segments. it's an ad.
if you think otherwise, you are deluded
Companies have stopped making that impact, it's not E3s fault.
Lots of people (even if it is just Yea Forums, it's still a whole boatload of neckbeards) are excited for E3 every year.
But with the widespread reach of the internet and those retards being absolutely inept at keeping secrets and leaks from falling out, everyone knows everything months in advance. There's no surprises anymore, and E3 used to be all about that, surprise announcements. The E3s people most remember were the one in which Miyamoto came out on stage with the sword and shield, the DS was announced, Metroid Other M was announced right at the end, the FFXV AND KH3 announced in the same fucking year. That's E3, that's the impact they want and need.
But Sony is making "fewer, bigger games" now and as such they will have absolutely fuck all to show at any one time.
It's not E3s fault, it's Sony's.
yeah except nintendo directs usually have announcements in them
hes just mad that everyone called them out for having the worst conference of all time full of pedo shit two underage girls making out in a church
disgusting company
>shawn layden
Reminder this guy is purposefully killing off playstation. He's playstations mattrick. Remember when xbox used to have the big AAA exclusives but also other sweet exclusives like the lost odyssey etc but when mattrick came along he went full out on shitty gimmicks like kinect and gears, halo, forza? Yeah well layden is doing the exact same. He already said he wants less games but bigger games (I.e. bigger investment into popular franchises like GoW) and he's also investing hella money into shitty gimmicks like PSVR like mattrick did with kinect (like look at State of Play it was 90% VR trash).
I'm predicting it now that next gen will be playstations equivalent to xbox one except it will still sell decent because of literal shills and retarded fifa playing euros.
The game awards doesn't have conferences moron. E3 is still massively bigger on the calendar.
Yeah other than the part where even the worst NINDIES (not even main Nintendo) direct we got had better shit to show than this fucking State of VR
And State of Play was so succesful...
How much later is TLOU2? Couldn't she be an adult by now?
>multibillion dollar companies manage to fuck up something as simple as showing a video to a crowd
>this happens multiple times a year
golly gee it must be the very concept of E3 thats the problem...
Who cares though? The formatting was exactly the same. If you only care about the game itself why would you give a shit about the wrapper it's in? The directs and this state of play shit serve as a vehicle to just rapid fire games.
remember when everybody praised them when this article came out?
and then praised them when the patent for backwards compatibility for the PS5 came out?
sony fanboys are so pathetic
How is e3 to blame for the content? Nintendo saw it was bad and changed the formula with Nintendo Direct + 3 day stream. Meanwhile, Sony, Microsoft and EA do nothing but complain that nothing changes. I don't get it, Sony made a statement similar to "before you go left, go right" a.k.a. senseless garbage void of any meaning other than to sound pretentious.
Maybe they should do what Nintendo does and change things up.
Something tells me that they just don't want to pay for the renting fee.
>"Our E3 presentations are boring and garner no interest so we're pulling them to save money"
Sonybros on suicide watch. You fuckers couldn't stop laughing when Nintendo pulled their presentations. I'm sure if it were Microsoft that had done it now you fuckers wouldve shat all over it too. Sonytards again remain the worst fanbase on the internet.
>the combat is Crunchy and the loot flows like water
It still has the cringe
>we don't need E3
>immediately shits the bed with their first presentation after taking this stance
THIS! but unironically.
You are certainly the deluded one user, especially because TGA only gives specific spots for companies, and which also are mostly either multiplatform or shocking new reveals. Outside that, you were on the blank. Meanwhile, at E3 you still had all these new games to announce and more, and also you could play them or know more about them.
So no, TGA is definitely not the replacement for E3, not even for a long mile.
>who cares about the content though?
Lol do you work for Sony? Same philosophy
Yes, because state of the play was a massive hit and people eagerly await more
>sony on the other hand willingly chose to go tooting the horn
Because they literally had nothing to show. It's exactly what happened with Nintendo in '15, they had fuck all so they stalled with theatrics. Though honestly the sheer pretentiousness of the whole thing made Sony's conference FAR worse. At least the muppet skits were entertaining, Sony's was downright boring on top of them being so far up their own ass they went full Ouroboros.
It might be a shock to Yea Forums, but big companies don't actually like competing, since straight competition can get too toxic for both fanbases, and a fucked up attack can also make the company look like shit - which can mean losing money.
E3 became all about competing. Meme all you want, but the whole "who won" mentality became a thing maybe just 10 years ago tops, give or take a few years. Before that it wasn't about winning, every company has their shit to do, and competition became a thing only when Microsoft released X360 and it was a sudden success, creating the first real competitor to Sony, with Nintendo backing out and doing their own thing.
And such fights can be pretty crap, when after E3 someone "wins" and the rest us suddenly seen as worse, no matter what was shown - Nintendo "won" by just having BOTW around, and everyone else, no matter how much they put out, were deemed losers. Anyone even remembers what was shown during that BOTW winning E3? No, because everyone was talking only about that.
Press doesn't want fights, so when E3 was press focused, we got news and hype, and no fighting. Now, with E3 being open to everyone, and "influencers" getting popular by shitting on companies, no wonder everyone just looks at who will win or lose, it's not a business meeting anymore, just one to show new games and hope you don't get shown in the new E3 fail compilation.
>inb4 some newfag retard considers paragraphs "reddit spacing", fuck you new shits, I hate what you did to Yea Forums
u mad
Are Sony doing this because their performance art piece flopped last year, or because they always have to copy Nintendo?
>Since moving to Commieformia Sony PS has become so censor crazy they censored their entire own E3
That's the point I was making: E3 isn't to blame for the quality of the content. I was saying that Sony mistakes their own specific failings at certain endeavors for those fields themselves being inherently fail-prone and worthless.
>We botched the Vita with horrible expensive proprietary memory and failing to secure meaningful software, therefore it's the portable market that's the issue
>we have been losing our foothold in Japanese sales and we've had issues with a couple Japanese developers delivering games in a timely manner, therefore Japan itself is irrelevant to gaming
>we've made absolute jackasses of ourselves at E3 the past few years, therefor E3 itself isn't relevant
The PS5 is doomed if this is how they're gonna market games from now on.
They're not even copying Nintendo. Nintendo still shows up at E3 and hires out a fuckload of floor space to showcase their games. Iirc last year they hired out the most space of the big 3. Sony not showing up is just them admitting they can't compete with Microsoft any more and want to save themselves from being embarrassed when Microsoft announce xcloud, new consoles and all that other good stuff whilst Sony has literally nothing to show except games they showed last year. Not only that but with the new announcement of Microsoft/Nintendo collaboration it would embarrass Sony so hard if some big partnership between their two rivals happens at E3 and they have no counter to it.
Sony lost its impact during E3 when it decided to put on boring shows. E3 itself is fine.
it's obviously going to be a multi-plat title, but when it comes to both Playstation and Final Fantasy as a franchise, FFVII pretty much was the definitive title, and led to a long standing relationship between Square and Sony that lasted for over a decade.
PS5 will be the first Playstation I won't own.
I've had every PS so far but lately I realized that Sony is just going down a different path than I am.
More and more VR, more and more "cinematic" games, plus their idiotic stance on backwards comp, crossplay and now censoring everything left and right. What happened? PS was always the "get your weeb games here" platform as well, guess they don't want that anymore.
Either way I'll just stick to PC + Nintendo from hereon out I think.
>Infested with PC culture
>always a jew puppet country
>56% and raising
>mutts everywhere
>get shot for studying
>can't collect rain water otherwise they get sued
>Commiefornia culture is winning and taking over
>Shit food
>Obsessed with cuck porn
anything else?
I actually ended up not getting PS4 at all, first time with Sony for me. Though I might get one cheap in a year or two, play some games I do want to try.
>What happened? PS was always the "get your weeb games here" platform as well, guess they don't want that anymore.
Unironically SJWs. The past decade has been nothing but bitching from SJWs and Sony is bending over for them
He's not wrong, e3 is just an excuse for marketing people to get together and do bullshit hype and buy a bunch of shill bloggers free drinks and hookers for positive glowing reporting about how great everything looked, especially Check Your Privilege Simulator 9. Japanese games? We don't play those they're too hard and need a cinematic exposition difficulty option for game critics who are too busy to play "video gamey" video games.
>Show up with the same handful of games for half a decade
this, sony has no right to lecture anyone on E3
they don't even announce exclusives and multiplats, just the same shitty exclusives for the past 5 fucking years that everyone already knows about and few besides shitposters actually care about
even the PC Gaming Show shows more new shit every year, fucking kek
It's not the content, you're caring about the format it's presented in, and in that scenario, sony's is objectively better because there's no "lol check out this wacky scenario! LMAO PUPPETS! XD" garbage like in nintendo directs, it's just games. Both formats are utterly pointless when you can just put out a direct youtube trailer and not force me to sit through stupid crash bandicoot kart racer nonsense, or dumb pokemon faggot shit. Let the retards who want that trash get it, show me what I care about.
Why even say this when you know Sony’s coming back for E3 2020 to show off their new console.
This, it's literally only fun when they're unveiling new consoles.
temporary damage control over having literally nothing to show this year
>"lol check out this wacky scenario! LMAO PUPPETS! XD" garbage like in nintendo directs
New directs aren't anything like that though
>sony's is objectively better because there's no "lol check out this wacky scenario! LMAO PUPPETS! XD" garbage like in nintendo directs, it's just games.
You literally had a guy who played a flute. Nintendo scenarios take maybe 10 seconds tops, and lately there was no bullshit at all, and overall there's much less talking than in any Sony conference. You can literally compare the two, that's not even something you should have to argue about.
how many years in a row would they be showing the FF7 remake (NEVER EVER) again?
>I play very serious games, made for very serious gamers like myself.
>and retarded fifa playing euros
Wouldn't they just move to whatever Xbox console is up next? Both of them are fifa machines, the only reason the ps4 even sold as well as it did was because of the early lead.
sony right about anything?
E3 died when they got rid of booth babes and public ticket sales.
Nintendo Direct.
The most direct stake they would have is how closely associated FF7 has been with the Sony brand. But now the original is on Xbone and Switch. Wow, with that in mind, SE arguably inadvertently fucked Sony on FF7R in two ways: first by obviously not delivering the game, and now by watering down the Sony association thanks to the original FF7 being on everything ever.
In my mind, there's no coming back from being outdone by the very same retarded competitor that they shat on to get a leg up only five years before.
Wow, you're such an adult, using such adult words, calling games kiddie, I hope I can grow up to be just like you, user!
the last few e3's have been shit because no one shows any games. they just get up on stage and play a pan flute or whatever and expect you to care about the fake gameplay that isn't running on real hardware
I'm sorry but either they're retarded or they did this on purpose.
yeh when nintendo has little skits these days it's always relevant to what's at hand
like if they explain their new parental control systems, and then have bowser do the demonstrating instead of a human
absolutely nothing wrong with that
>Sony's is objectively better
Uh did you see last years conference?
How do Nintendo Directs ruin E3? Nintendo was one of the biggest companies at E3, Directs or not.
uh? that doesn't explain anything
>these days
>bowser do the demonstrating
You mean the thing that was two years ago and wasn't actually shown as a part of any Direct?
Industryfag here. E3's primary function is for publishers and developers to meet behind closed doors and pitch games, have meetings, and swap business cards. The public facing shit is just a bonus opportunity to advertise.
2 years ago is still part of "these days"
Nintendo has stopped doing useless skits for far longer
That's GDC though
I live in Europe and console gamers here are the most casual normalfags you can ever meet. I know people who only own a ps4 with fifa and no other games. Hell there's "gaming night" thrown every few weeks at my university where they hook up a bunch of ps4s and play only fifa and people have actually complained about it. It doesn't matter how good other platforms are these retards will still buy playstation. The switch is the best selling console in Asia and the Americas yet globally the ps4 still outsold the switch in 2018 solely because of Europe. Theres playstation marketing everywhere here and playstation even sponsors the champions league so every time you watch football on a Tuesday or Wednesday there is playstation advertising slapped everywhere.
>nintendo ruined e3 by no longer hiring a big theater down the street from e3 a few days before e3 begins
yes that's the entire point: microsoft had games
>I live in Europe
how to spot an amerilard false flag.
Mario and Rabbids and Star Fox in Starlink were made at E3. GDC is for communists to present shitty powerpoints about unions and socialism.
That’s so shortsighted and dumb. We all all ready knew they had no games to show we they cancelled PSX 2018, and when Layden straight up said they had nothing. Dismissing the conference altogether sounds like their insulting the rest of the industry for bothering to try.
Fuck, 2015 the Wii U was a paperweight and their CEO was dying of cancer, but Nintendo still bothered to put on a show. They knew their fans needed to see some excitement for the brand.
Yeah, I agree, they stopped doing them after Miyamoto died. Most we had was Kozumi doing some weird magic tricks when Switch was being shown, I don't think besides that any Direct had any useless crap.
They're both important for business reasons, but people don't know just how much shit goes on behind the scenes at E3
Gdc is an indie circlejerk
No I do live in Europe and I have never been to America in my life.
But he's right tho, Playstation in Europe is a much bigger brand than Xbox, the PS2 had a big impact and people stayed with it with the PS3 and PS4, also for people who want to play with friends they have to pick the console theid friends have so a single console tends to snowball and dominate the market.
>colorful games because devs are growing up (like middle schoolers)
>portables because I only play games on my 85" TV that I totally own for real guise
>MP games like Warhawk and SOCOM because single player story experiences are superior
>free online because it's not that expensive guise
>uncensored games because obscure Jap games that 99% of people won't ever know about are problematic and need to be changed
>sony's is objectively better because there's no "lol check out this wacky scenario! LMAO PUPPETS! XD" garbage
They do that wacky shit all the time, remember people hanging out awkwardlt during days gone trailer 2 years ago? And the fucking flute dude last year? There's also those super cringe segment where their billioanire CEO comes on stage and tells your how he's such a nerdy gamer for promoting some HD golf shit and VR.
Outer Worlds was the only announcement people didn't immediately forget about.
Funny he should say that when their last E3 conference was a trainwreck.
b.b.but muh VR....
You never played a FIFA game, idiot. There is no need to "hook up" any consoles together. If people play Fifa, they do it on one or maybe two systems most, since people like to sit around with beer and watch others play too. It's just like watching a football match for them, getting hype for shit.
I know, since that's what we did during my PS2 and PES University days, and what people at my last job did with FIFA. They were literally downloading a new FIFA demo to compare it with an older FIFA game on the screen next to it, talking how much better grass looks or some shit.
Joker in Smash
Epic Games Store
E3 is battleground for developers, sony. If you quit, you are losing.
As someone who has been to GDC I can tell you this is plainly untrue.
That's fair
That's true, Europe does tend to carry their ass regardless. Though I have to wonder, how the hell did the ps3 do as disastrously as it did with that in mind? Was the Euro push a recent thing?
>they stopped doing them after Miyamoto died
You mean Iwata.
They have 6 TVs and 6 playstation for 20+ people retard. I bet I've played more fifa 13 alone than you have ever played fifa in your life.
They can always release another State of Play, but without an emphasis on VR.
Like, literally the only reasons the Sony Direct was consider bad was because of too much VR and the engine string was MK11, two issues they can easily fix for next time.
Nintendo is always ahead of the times.
>a guest fighter in a Nintendo party game took all the wind out of Sony's sails from the GotY award for GoW
Always amusing to me.
They need to HAVE something to show in order to show it
Maybe as an industry insider event it's a bit redundant but as a consumer show it's only gotten bigger.
>Harry Potter RPG
>Arrive at Hogwarts, super excited, put in Slytherin
>Told about the great history of each house, but teachers keep treating me like shit except for the weird potions guy (definite autist)
>Hear housemates talking about how muggles get all the intention, one uses the M slur
>Those bigots, McGonagall taught us better
>Tell them off but can't get the "witch burnings and lower magic skill of muggles stats" out of my head
>Start reading forbidden books and talking to house /pol/tergeist
>Holy fuck it was the muggles the whole time
>Voldemort did nothing wrong
>Join death eaters and genocide muggles
>Piss on Dumbledore's grave for being gay
Sounds fun tbqh famalam
The ps3 was sustained by Europe. It would have been an xbox one tier flop if Europe didn't save it. It's the best selling console of 7th gen in numerous countries like Germany for example. Meanwhile the world over especially Asia and America the best selling console was the Wii.
No one will even bother watching the next State of Play after the first one was such a disaster
Fuck, yes, of course I meant Iwata. Why the fuck I want Miyamoto dead so much.
Ever since Adam Boyes left as one of their head PR guys, I think they've been on a steady decline. As a refresher, he was the "How Used Games Work on PS4" guy. I feel like he was the face for a lot of people garnering support for then in 2013/2015 and it hasn't been the same since. Now they just truck out that rat faced dude now and he has zero charisma and just desperately tries to make each E3 a "spectacle".
I think release dates for their games would be fine
What are they emphasising then? This year Nintendo is releasing
Labo shit,
Fire Emblem,
Daemon ex Machina,
Fire Emblem,
Astral Chain,
Luigi's Mansion 2,
Animal Crossing,
They get to do Directs because they actually have games to fill them with.
EA's sports game drought period is drawing to end once again and they're forced to innovate. This means potential greenlight for Alice:Asylum and more funds for it! Hopefully this time the short creative period of EA won't end too quickly.
The thing is it might even be too late at that point. First impressions are everything when it comes to games, and Sony of all companies should know that. With the massive amount of hate the first one got it might've just hindered all future SoP directs because of it. Hardly anyone except the most diehard fanboys with battered housewife syndrome would bother giving it a second chance unless they're going to reveal some major bombshells, and they've made it clear that's not going to happen for at least another year.
They said they were gonna focus on fewer games and aim for "bigger" games. So I am expecting the PS5 to have the same troubles of the PS4. One exclusive a year.
Unless they go into extensive detail on those games as well, it really wouldn't.
There was a nine month gap between last E3 (June 2018) and State of Play (March 2019). What makes you think the next one will be any better if they barely had anything to show after nine months?
When you think about it, Euros have very little room to shittalk Americans about ruining Sony when Europe is the one largely sustaining nuSony with their mass addiction to FIFA.
As a Yuropoor I can confirm that most people here have terminal dudebro shit taste
Ah, so doing well in one Europe doesn't really guarantee success when everywhere else severely underperforms. Make sense.
>Nintendo stops having big shows at E3 but knows it's it's still the most important so still shows their directs every year and has shit there
>Sony has a bad year (that was 100% their fault) and throws a tantrum and quits saying how they didn't need it in the first place
Football as a whole is strongest in Europe because all the best players and teams are here so naturally the people here will also be interested in the video games related to it. Its sad really that these normalfags don't consider other platforms to play these games but it is what it is. Hopefully cross-play is adopted on fifa so everyone on all platforms can play together but once that happens it will be the nail in coffin for Sony because they rely solely on keeping people within their ecosystem by buying their hardware and using their online service.
>Sony made a total ass of themselves last year
>had people run from one stage to another just so they could feel they were in a church for Last of Us 2 trailer
>epic toot man
>showed no fucking new games
>metaphorically shit the bed, then continued to roll in it
>E3 is dying guise, so we aren't showing up this year
>socially impaired from growing up on the internet, autistic incel millennial talks about brain rot
you should try comedy, you've got something special going on there
I know Sony is only doing this because they did a poor job last year, but have you guys actually been to E3 as a consumer? Unless you're a lootcrate hoarding Funko fag, you're going to be miserable. Maybe it should go back to being closed to the public
It's almost baffling how childish Sony can be even after all these years. Sony being whiny little shits is like the one thing consistent about them.
>Unless you're a lootcrate hoarding Funko fag, you're going to be miserable.
why else would you? Play a beta for a game that comes out in 2 years?
>Maybe it should go back to being closed to the public
I agree that it would probably be best for everyone if they went back to being closed, but I'd hardly call E3 dead either way.
Because they don't know how to handle vidya well. Despite Nintendo fuckups and issues, they know how the ropes and what to do.
Sony is like that guy that won the lottery and keep wasting money on useless shit. They don't even know why their consoles are popular for the fucks sake.
they're getting pretty shit again but at least they aren't as shit as ms
though they seem to be leaving the hardware market
#4theplayers....btw all ur games are censored LOL
An expo is only good through its exhibitioners. So if the major publishers/studio’s can’t hype people up for their games, than that’s really telling.
Funny how Xbox Insider and Nintendo Direct do better than State of Playstation
It is, PAX is a better promotional event that's cheaper.
E3 is getting chewed up by the progress of time, gaming journalism is hugely irrelevant in the normiesphere of gaming with the onset of "gaming personalities" and internet news. Plus the conference themselves can only give so much billing to certain games meaning less incentive unless you're a front liner AAA game which counteracts with the rise of smaller game studios. PAX out of all of them stays relevant because it isn't a "conference" event it's a gaming event like old E3, big booths, game demos, a mix of AAA and indie, general public attendance, they give free passes and billing to "gaming personalities" who the publishers want to shill to since if Pewdiepie says your game is good you get more sales than any Kotaku journo. No need to invest to have a big theater showing and just do the announcements on the side, etc. it's a more purer 90s esque experience that's just fun and markets. People only watch E3 to have companies shit on eachother now, but that's not good marketing unless you pull a Sony - Xbox or Sony - Sega zinger to kill the other company.
I've cared less and less every year for E3. I usually just watch someone else recap it later on.
Why would he be seething? Less pressure to actually prepare some footage for E3
Not enough trannies and movies
Sony bravely weighing in on this only when it's a foregone conclusion, when it's been more than obvious ever since Nintendo completely pulled out of it.
I wonder if Sony is actually putting any pressure on him to finish. Nobody sane would leave him free with ton of money to do some game.
>ever since Nintendo completely pulled out of it.
I swear you faggots are just baiting for (You)s at this point
>blaming the fucking venue because you don't have any games to show
Nobody sane would box out and treat Japanese developers like second class when they bolstered Sony's success from the very beginning of the Playstation brand, but here we are.
Reminds me of Microsoft during the late 360 era. They got fat on Halo and multiplats, and decided to invest that surplus into Kinect shit for almost half a decade. By the time Sony caught up with the PS4 launch it was already too late.
Honestly Sony is going down a worse path than Microsoft at this point.
>Inside Cuckbox
Fucking lol
Unironically better than State of Shit
Inside Cuckbox has been a laughing stock since inception. You made an attempt, Aaron.
Yes and State of Play managed to be even shittier than that. It's a miracle.
State of play was so trash they should just cancel it. Inside xbox actually holds interviews and stuff which could be interesting.
>Actually shows games and release dates.
>Bu bu bu but they don't count because I said so
>VR trash and a trailer for a multiplat we've already seen more than enough of
lmao Shawn, hope you get fired soon
>Inside Xbox
>Been going on for over a year
>Never good
I mean, maybe if based MS had anything to show it might be, but let's be honest.
Ninty and MS will absolutely tear apart this year's E3
>Bu bu but they don't count because I said so
Figures. When's the next shit Inside Cuckbox scheduled, Aaron?
2nd half of this year should be interesting. Gears 5 and all that. A live show with interviews is the way to go rather than watching some shitty video feed of trailers.
There is a reason Nintendo Direct started trending right after State of Play
There is a reason State of Play was ridiculed on Reddit, Gamefaqs, Twitter and even Resetera (and obviously here too)
There is a reason the uploads of it to the playstation channel were like 90% downvotes on youtube.
Just face it. You are done for. Sony is dead.
>two issues they can easily fix for next time
Uh, no. They need games and for that they need several new studios. They've only closed down studios this generation.
I mean it's true. Why spend millions on an expensive press show when we have the internet? They can just announce their shit online like nintendo does with the directs.
E3 is the comfiest awkward corporate conference in all of human existence.
Lest we forget: youtu.be
OH NO, you'll actually have to watch trailers (like Normal People) through other means!
I thought they bought some studios to push PSVR onto
>Can't defend Inside Cuckbox so has to slide it to Directs instead
Shouldn't you be spamming those dislikes some more?
It doesn't matter what they do, Xcucks will screech like children and spam dislikes because they have no games and are intensely jealous. Hence all the begging they do to Uncle Phil to find another mediocre indie studio to sell out because the last lot were such a disappointment.
So that's what Snoyroaches do now? In their minds it's "just xcucks" who downvote State of Play uploads and laugh at how shit it is?
Let's face it, what the fuck else have you got to do? Right now you're sitting in the middle of yet another pre-September Xbox games drought. Thanks Phil. Can I kiss your ass some more, Phil?
Having dmc 5 made ms's conference they hypest one out of the three. I still remember the xbone thread and twitch stream going nuclear
The 3 studios is true. Klob confirmed it
I wonder...
could it be that it's lost its impact...
or could it be because they showed literally the same game for multiple years with almost nothing to show
Shame it ended up being DmC2 and got utterly outclassed by RE2 and Sekiro. Oh well, just another six years to wait for a proper DMC.
An eyebrow should be raised for Ghosts of Tsushima being shown, at least.
>It's OK when we do it
THIS. Also, the PlayStation Experience has lost any impact, so fuck it too. And no, this has nothing to do with the lack of Sony video games. Sony always wins.
>another multiplat fest along with some crumbs for the xbone's cuck userbase *also on PC
can't wait for the trailers afterwards with the xbone logos scrubbed off, of course. fuck off phil.
Ready Set Heroes looks like a game on Steam that costs $20 and gives an extra copy with each purchase
He can play sekiro or any other game he wants. Why are you being autistic?
Imagine being the person that unironically took time out of his day to make this image. What a completely worthless way to waste your time.
>Sony is that fat kid in class who tries to kill trends and set new ones
The funny part is it isn't even original, the original was for a Sony Defense force, so imagine the maker mumbling to himself, "n-no u" as he made that picture
It doesn't play like DmC at all you demented cuckold.
E3 isn't about first party games. People will watch it to see new reveal trailers for all games e.g. last year everyone was waiting for kh3, rdr2 etc trailers and we even got new looks at games we had never heard of before like sekiro. If Sony wants to show the same games then fuck it just do it but at least show everyone some new trailers or gameplay for new games from their partners. Sony pulling out from E3 isn't just a big fuck you to the fans its also a gigantic "go fuck yourself" to all the 3rd party devs both big and small who could have gained major interest from their games being shown at the biggest gaming conference on the planet.
bu-but Nero says "fuck you", that's all it takes to be DmC
Nope, the Sony defense force looked very different and was made during the PS3 era. The Nintendo one is new and only made recently.
I would know, I was a PS3 apologizer here years ago, so people were spamming all kinds of shit at us
well he is right in the sense that E3 is still stuck in the gen 7 mentality of pushing huge sums of money in exchange for hype from journalists and thats it
That picture triggers me. The perspective of her legs are fucked. They look like a side profile but the wraping lines say its a quarter turn.
Also where the fucks the statue of liberty?
Why? Now he doesnt need to make bullshit trailers and burn money freely
Only real thing that annoys me. Last trailer was kino as fuck.
What? No, they said no conference. They'll have a booth like usual.
At this point to have a worthwhile E3 Sony would need everything in state of play ep1, every single last big release for the PS4 until the end of it's life, PS5 announcement/hype, God of War PS5, Gran Turismo 7, Spiderman 2 (PS5) to even come close to a worthwhile presentation
Of course this is all sony's own fault for digging this hole they are in of not having enough shit to show off
I didn't like the announcements, therefore, they don't count
>E3 used to be the hype shit when a year of secrets were finally announced
>Nintendo drops out of holding events cause they're poor
>Sony wants out cause they're poor
>disgracefully claiming its cause of other reasons than them not wanting to spend the money
>would rather just have nothing events scatterwd throughout the year where maybe one reveal per event happens
>all this "game news" becomes tired and bored and unimportant to lose impact because they arent spending the money on the spectacle or keeping secrets til E3
>literally complaining that E3 hasn't (negatively) changed in the same way that the "big" players have, which has been to coddle and accomdate 0 attention span retards who obviously can't wait a year for the vidya equivalent of christmas of everyone trying to one up each other
>coming from fucking Sony of all, who had spent the better part of every E3 since 2005 basically just lying to everyone by making pre-rendered videos and claiming they were real games
>games that ironically either never came out, were released with a graphical downgrade, or didn't even ever come out on the PS3 and were moved to the PS4, where they still probably had a graphical downgrade anyway
k keep me posted
Nobody liked the announcements, therefore, they don't count
Feels good to be a Nintenchad. Nintendo innovates and Sony makes a crappy copy of them that fails.
Didn't they also show the same demo for Detroit from its reveal during PGS17 and say ou t was new footage?
>Nintendo Vita weeb station
Eat shit, fanboy/falseflagger
Based and redhatted
Cringe and bluehatted
>“As the industry evolves, Sony Interactive Entertainment continues to look for inventive opportunities to engage the community," the company told Game Informer in a statement. "PlayStation fans mean the world to us and we always want to innovate, think differently and experiment with new ways to delight gamers. As a result, we have decided not to participate in E3 in 2019. We are exploring new and familiar ways to engage our community in 2019 and can’t wait to share our plans with you.”
>When asked if Sony would push its event off-site, similar to how Electronic Arts provides a show adjacent to E3, PlayStation senior vice president of communications Jennifer Clark elaborated further saying, "We will not activate or hold a press conference around E3."
No participation at all
They said straight up they're not going at all. No booths. No Q&A. Nothing.
Open for the public, but it's not as accessible as PAX. TGS used to be bigger than E3 too.
They actually did, so hard that they copied the amiibos with their own totaku brand
>when they lose so much they ragequit
E3 lost its relevancy the moment Nintendo stepped down and moved to digital pre recorded presentation with just demo panels at E3
I remember all the shitpost here when they did so, now that sony is skipping it suddenly E3 is dying
Then why is xbox still up?
>Deliver one of the most cringe, poorly planned out, derivative E3 presentation, with lots of technical and logicistical issues on their end, such as the choice of making the presentation in two rooms for some reason, and only presenting games everyone already knows about
>"It's E3 that's out of style, not us!"
The PS5 is fucked.
I swear they had performers planned and ready to go for Death Stranding and Spider-Man and had them cut at the last minute.
They actually did though. Do you really think sony wouldn't have made their versions of amiibos if they actually gave a shit about their classic franchises?
E3 only needs Nintendo and Microsoft, Sony can fuck right off.
Sony was fine until 2017, where the big repeats were happening
>Pretending people didn't like cuphead and are now thankful it's off of the bone
Agreed, there's something sad about how the most iconic platform that made its western debut at E3's beginning with such triumph became the biggest cancer of the platform shows.
>Seething Xniggie keeps posting this
Neck yourself already.
Xcucks have been convinced that getting fucking nothing every single year at the same time is somehow the pinnacle of the year for those fuckers.
Now that MS is leaving the hardware market their conference might actually be something to look forward to.
Admittedly their past few years have had a lot of games (although some of them not so great) but they've either been xbone or w10
I'm seeing more people excited for Sony not being there than people sad that they're not. No one likes Sony anymore.
>Sony Nigger defence force is this assblasted
Keep making threads like this. Its beautiful.
>Lost it's impact
Yeah, it tends to do that when you show the same 4 games for 4 years.
While this is a clear excuse for the shocking performances in their last few shows, he's actually right. Where is the actual sense is spending millions on a big expensive show that gets mocked immediately after? Where's the sales benefit in holding off and blowing all your reveals for the year in one day?
Nah, times have changed. Sprinkle releases throughout the year via cheap directs, you'd have to be retarded to think doing E3 is a better shout/
...and the fact that every single fucking game that would be on SONY platform need to go through these Califags.
>show the same games 3 years in a row
>blame E3
fuck off falseflagger
EA gad any impact? all they make is battlefield and sports games, who cares about them after they murdered bioware and viceral?
Imagine being upset that E3 this year won't have shitty sports games and movies.
more like state of gay
EA isn't gonna be there either.
They're doing a show alongside E3. Sony isn't doing anything at all around that time period.
Of course its when fucking Sony wants turn it into a gayass music show, while Microsoft hires a spokesperson that can only spout memes.
>makes retarded conference with beyond stupid musical segments
>somehow makes the Xbox conference look good
>"E3 isn't relevant, you guys"
They had good one last year, somehow
delete this
That happened at the beginning of the generation, maybe even during the 7th.
The reason they pulled out has nothing to do with that. The reason that they pulled out is that they have no fucking games.
Snoy California shows once again that they're veering further and further out of touch.
>it's E3s fault, not us
>lose baseball game
>lose another baseball game
>lose one more baseball game
I quit! Baseball isn't relevant with the changing industry anyways!!!
E3s started sucking right around the same time they became polished enough to not have a speaker fuck something major up or have technical difficulties during a presentation. For the past several years most presentations could be summed up as "here's another entry in a well known franchise that everyone saw coming", "here's a cool new car/musician/gimmick to get you guys hyped for our new game(but please don't ask to see gameplay or anything of actual substance)", or "here's a new weird indie game that only has a 50/50 chance of ever seeing the light of day". Occasionally a company will release something that generates genuine hype but I haven't seen that happen since the doom gameplay reveal.
people still get massively hyped for all sorts of shit at E3 every year. sounds like it's your own taste that's "started sucking" old man.
Damn it feels good to not be a jaded old fart like this guy.
>Death Stranding
>Show the same shitty cinematic garbage for four years
Huh, people called Spider-Man, GoW and Horizon “cinematic garbage” but none of those games fit that description. Trailers are trailers. No one criticizes other companies for showing cinematic shit (Pokémon SnS, Fire Emblem, etc), it’s weird that Sony gets targeted when everyone is guilty.
>Never come with new content
They literally showed off what Sucker Punch has been up to last year with Ghosts (and everyone knew they were making something), along with gameplay of TLOU2, and some other shit. And some guy played a Japanese woodflute, how the fuck isn’t that new to E3?
>Hurr it's E3 not us
E3 was at its peak before the internet became a thing. Now with quick, global sharing of information, the weight of e3 is diminished exponentially. It literally doesn’t matter when a game studio announces anything anymore, so long as it isn’t overshadowed by something else. E3 is basically the aggregate event for new shit, and nowadays it’s more of a tradition than the lifeblood if information dispersal that it once was
>Where is the actual sense is spending millions on a big expensive show that gets mocked immediately after?
Just put on a show that doesn't have much worth mocking then. Don't remember people saying much bad about Microsoft last year.
>Where's the sales benefit in holding off and blowing all your reveals for the year in one day?
But even without directs there's tons of other expos around the world all year to make announcements. Sure, the really big shit should be saved for E3, but you can still make some major announcements outside of E3.
>Sprinkle releases throughout the year via cheap directs
That saves money, but you actually need to get an audience that looks forward to each event. Sony might have already fucked up beyond repair.
The absolute state of Play.
this user is 100% spot on.
t. shit gurgling, easily impressed corporate slave zoomers
with Sony dead, Microsoft's conference will be the event of the year
Nintendo make video directs, but they still fucking show up to the expo and stream for 3 days straight
Shawn fucked up big time, worst company head since Don Mattrick
No one cares about E3. Even giantboomer stopped caring.
Wait don't you think Google will be there too?
>Even giantboomer stopped caring.
well I've never once visted this website or channel
it's going to be 3 solid days of kino and you know it
>Bethesda's death knell - please understand part 2
>Ubishit's Just Dance 2020 reveal - the technical issue's revenge
>Microsoft show off every multiplatform game worth giving a shit about for the next year and a half
>Nintendo's followup to Feb's direct, nuff said
>GDC is for communists to present shitty powerpoints about unions and socialism.
You seem angry
>Killer Instinct
Wait, they're making a new one? Nice
Yeah that never happens. GDC is full of high quality talks.
E3 is honestly a shareholders meeting disguised as a convention. I'm glad it's going away but I'm also going to miss all the prehype and threads for it.
Sony's just waiting for the movie equivalent of E3 instead
>Nintendo drops/reduces stage presence, relying on directs.
>Get called out for it, proves to really work though
>Sony follows suit after several more years of cringy shows
Erry time
No fucking shit, and frankly whoever the fuck is actually running E3 should have done something about the reason why a long time ago. No one gives a shit about E3 because it's always full of fucking lies. Bullshots, no gameplay trailers, release dates that are a year out and will probably get pushed back anyway, and every one in a while a new several hundred dollar box to buy that can't play anything I already own so I'll be waiting years for that to get enough games to convince me to buy it.
E3 has lost its impact because nothing shown at E3 has any value. What people consider one of Sony's best E3 presentations ever is full of games that ended up being complete shit, not at all what was advertised, arrived late, or might as well be complete fucking vaporware at this point.
>it’s weird that Sony gets targeted when everyone is guilty
That's because the majority of PS4 exclusives are cinematic
With all the leftist shit going on in E3 he's far from wrong lmao
So, even though you posted this slide completely out of context, and therefore have no idea what the topic of the presentation actually is, you can still make out a couple of things from it.
It's about a Marxist approach to history, specifically.
It's intended for an audience that's assumed to be unfamiliar with Marxist theory
It's intended to apply dialectical materialism to game design, somehow.
Basically, you seem to be jumping to conclusions.
Press F to pay respects
You can't use the statue of liberty in every comic, or else it might lose it's impact
It's a powerful symbol.
E3 was made so that publisher can show of games to the press which would then write about it in magazines. The internet made this irrelevant when the publishers have direct access to the customers.
Assuming Microsoft reveals their new console this E3 because fuck it why not, what should they do, and what gaems should be revealed to be launch titles along-side it to try to cleanse the tire fire that was the Xbone's initial reveal and get back on track?
Imagine being a snoy and having such a shit E3 you get BTFOd by FUCKING AMIIBOS.
Neither company is going to announce a new console this year because the next generation of hardware doesn't exist yet unless they're going to use a shitty Vega GPU (which will never happen). Once Navi releases this year it'll be at least 1 year before we see those GPU in consoles. It adds up to the 2020 release date for them.
Shawn Layden looks greasy as fuck. Liks someone I wouldn't trust money with.
And it's a good thing because E3 was an event catered to journashits. The end of E3 will be the final nail in their coffin.
>have 2 shit E3 confrences on the bounce
>try to push the blame elsewhere
Yeah, okay Shawn.
General public doesn't understand that E3 isn't conferences. Conferences are just the bit that the public sees and most of them aren't even related to E3 in that they're hosted in rented theaters and shit. E3 is the showfloor where journashits get to play games first and locked rooms around the showfloor where journashits get access to interviews and early builds. The death of E3 is the best thing that can happen to this industry. Conferences will live on, they just won't all happen on the same couple of days.
This. Nintendo was ahead of the curve by just doing a direct on E3 week then streaming their own Treehouse production of their games.
Yep pcfag here
Sony just won E3 again
That's actually a stupid thing to say because they go out and do their own little E3..
If Microsoft is currently taking notes from Nintendo when it comes to presentation, it's sure to be interesting.
Yeah, is that why we're getting the Xbox Scarlett Lockhart and Anaconda next year?
I'm glad, I don't see Microsoft or Nintendo fucking up again like they did this gen, for next gen and the gen beyond that, Sony is doomed and I don't see them recovering this time after they fuck up with the PS5.
It felt good when you were banned, Eric
With how much money Sony has likely sunk into it (plus with how significant a name they bought, Hideo Kojima), it would be a total loss to just scrap it or (God forbid) restart development. But Kojima keeps gallavanting around to hang out with his celebrity pretend friends and doing loads of frivolous office activities instead of, you know, development.
Ten bucks says that this (and FF7R) get pushed to be launch window PS5 games and at least one of the two maintains a pity PS4 release.
>Yeah, is that why we're getting the Xbox Scarlett Lockhart and Anaconda next year?
are those actual names or did you just make those up
>I don't see Microsoft or Nintendo fucking up again like they did this gen
I wouldn't put it past MS to try and push something again but they have been rather well behaved lately so that's something.
I do think Sony is turbofucked though if they don't get someone to slap some sense into them though
Is this your rival, Barry?
>Implying Hideo and Kojima don't love making bullshit trailers
E3 has been irrelevant for a LONG time
>are those actual names or did you just make those up
No, dipshit, they're the code names for Microsoft's family of devices, a lower-end Xbox console stronger than the Xbox One X and a high-end Xbox console far stronger than both.
>I wouldn't put it past MS to try and push something again but they have been rather well behaved lately so that's something.
Microsoft seems to be giving options now, plus the Xbone SAD edition is just a test (that will fail) to see if some people care about digital only games if they do (they won't), Microsoft will add a third digital-only Xbox Scarlett console down the line.
The primary reason why I LOVE E3 is because of the cringe compilations that comes out of the event. Fuck you Sony, take your censorship and stuff it up your ass.
It has been 2 fucking years since it was shown and WE STILL DON'T KNOW JACK FUCKING SHIT. COME ON SONY JUST SHOW US PROPER GAMEPLAY FOOTAGE ALREADY THIS IS FUCKING RIDICULOUS. Fucking Animal Crossing got announced before we got more info on DS. This is inexcusable. And when are we getting another trailer for FFVIIR?
Microsoft has been less irrational and stupid since Mattrick fucked off it might be too little too late, but hey with that retard and his cronies gone they CAN'T have a reveal or launch worse than the Xbone.
As for those names, they're real but they're codenames for the next consoles. We obviously don't know the real names yet (not gonna lie this is the one concrete thing I'm worried about for MS going into next gen, they can't afford another stupid or initially confusing name like "Xbox One").
>they can't afford another stupid or initially confusing name like "Xbox One").
Wii U had more problems than the name but like half of them came from the same mindset.
What's with companies and naming shit like this.
Pretty sure Sony is retarded if they dont remember the E3 that defined this generation.
What was confusing about Xbox One? You must be some sort of retard to get confused. If anything, the Xbox 360 had a way more stupid ass name.
They should just call it xbox elite. Xbox elite S and xbox elite X. It sounds less retarded than xbox two and it's also a brand name we can associate to xbox from the 360 days.
It's been nearly THREE years since DS' reveal, user. And nearly 4 since FF7R's reveal. DS has at least had SOME showings since, whereas since its first reveal FF7R has only had the one gameplay video and a handful of screenshots.
I guess less "confusing" and more "annoying", since before reveal most people called the OG Xbox "Xbox One". But even then, yes, it is confusing to outsiders to number your third product "One". Also, "Xbox 360" wasn't confusing, it was easy to realize it was a new thing with there only being one other Xbox in its time to compare it to, which wasn't numbered; you must be some sort of retard to get confused by that.
it's going to be fucking horrible gameplay wise. How do people have faith in Kojima after V where he inserted movie credits every 10 minutes into everything?
His priorities aren't games, it's getting into indie movies and collabing with Winding Refn.
>saying this just because they're not going this year
>PSX is always just middling, with State of Play being... you know
>Nintendo has their own State of Plays but still goes to E3
The STATE of snoy.
FF VII remake has already been rebooted internally twice including moving engines, hasn't even entered full development yet and rumor is Sony's cut their losses on the timed exclusivity deal because the game is going to be an absolutely colossal clusterfuck.
>t. shitposter whose posts have been deleted from /vp/ and everyone wants to see gone from XB2 threads
Can you ever stop obsessing over your bull?
Imagine being such a sour crud that you can't enjoy puppets and Iwata vs Reggie smash. Jesus Christ i would hate to be you. I threw up all day today and i am somehow still grateful that i'm me and not such a boring person that likes just bland announcements.
>muh boogeyman
Down the street, rscottyg.
What happened to that Destination Playstation thing?
Happened already.
>literally rent free
I mean, I've already blown you out months before with my own screencaps of the game, but doing it again it fine. This is just like xv-kun with all his boogeymen.
>FF7R's troubled development
>hurting both Sony and SE
That would be so magical. But I never heard anything about a possible SECOND restart on development.
You make yourself seem so myopic in some dumb console war the fact that most major publishers and platform makers have barely had anything for E3 for the past 6 years since they all have their own platform to give their own addresses and even fill out convention centers all on their own just zooms right past you.
I'm 100% certain you see that obvious trend but then just resort to some braindead cope/seethe meme.
If that isn't some corporate damage control then I don't know what is.
E3 is the most entertaining gaming event every year. Sony just fucked it for the first time last year and now they're wanting to change things to suit them. They're butthurt Microsoft won 2018's. No new announcements, a few games... it was trash.
>first time
>he doesn't remember
Reminder that Nintendo literally discovered half a decade ago.
I remember, I'm just not counting it since it was generations ago.
>Won 2018
>Still shit
Really makes the ol' carrot vibrate
Please get permabanned.
>literally no claps after TLOU 2 announcement
Something inside Sony must have died that day
The only one resorting to coping and seething is you, Thesaurus McLongpost.
all this means is they want full control at all times
Someone post the E3 2018 pic. Refresh this nig nogs' memory.
Only the shitposter who spams "eric" gets posts deleted. Makes you think, huh?
E3 has never been "impactful" unless you're there. Trailers are always released online within seconds of the press release, only reason to watch it live is if you're with friends or some shit streamer/YouTube react video fag.
they literally have nothing new to show, they're just going to ride this gen out ondays gone, tlou2 and ghosts of sushi shimmy shimmy yahyah
Actually excited to see what MS does since i've I just built a PC. Hipefully infinite unfucks halo.
Nintendo shit is/was amusing though, would rather have dumb but entertaining than boring shit like having 2 (TWO) musical acts in your presentation that had nothing to do with games, let's not forget the TLOU church that was so hilarious everyone forgot to even clap after the trailer.
>Sony finally takes control of everything
>Makes a big deal out of their new presentations
>First non-E3 Sony sticky in a while on Yea Forums
>It's shit.
I'm not sure I understand this plan.
>AAA's increasingly no longer relevant
>EA's only interesting new announcement last E3 was Sea of Solitude
>Microsoft's E3 was fucking nothing
>Playstation's E3 was fucking nothing
>Bethesda's E3 was fucking nothing
>Devolver shitposted AGAIN
Wow! It's almost like we're headed for a crash or something! But yeah, sure sure. E3 is the real problem. Not what the megacorps bring to the table.
If the "Eric shitposter" was banned then that would mean you're the only one here.
This is why Nintendo gets stickies. They at least try to keep things entertaining and surprising. Sony cannot do that.
PS5 games have been in development for years now. This gen is closing out.
Didn't State of Gay get unstickied mid-show, too?
Well not exactly.
>PS5 games
I think you mean 'game'. Sony only ever allows one game to be made for its console per generation.
e3 would be amazing if everyone did what bethesda normally does, showed only the games coming out within the next year. obviously they broke that last year with starfield and TES VI but they didn't take 20 minutes combined let alone 20 per game like sony stuff that's years away.
I thought stickies were an attempt to keep all the commotion into one thread
...Did you get mindbroken? Run that by me again, but have it make sense. I haven't mentioned bans, and the "muh eric" shitposter is the one whose posts have been deleted (soon hopefully on Yea Forums and not just /vp/).
That rarely ever works to be honest.
Reading comprehension.
There is no "Eric shitposter" because everyone knows who he is and refers to him by name.
Not that hard to figure out, kiddo.
>Microsoft's E3 was fucking nothing
>Bethesda's E3 was fucking nothing
In hindsight, Bethesda's E3 is fucking garbage, but at the time it was a solid conference that had everything people wanted to see. And Microsoft fucking killed it last year, sure none of the games were exclusive, but the games they did show were hype as fuck.
But Marxist determinism is completely wrong. There was representative capitalism before feudalism (Rome was a pretty good example, with their whole empire built on equal parts 'invade other rich countries and steal their shit' and 'MUH GRAIN SUPPLY', just like how America was built on manifest destiny and MUH OIL) and while communism was flirted with early in the 20th century, nowadays just about every hardcore communist country has shifted to either socialism or fascism (which is to say, third position economics where the state acts as 'the brain' and private corporations along with nationalized corporations act as various parts of the body; all working together for the greater purpose of uniting nation, capital, and labor). China ain't fucking commie anymore, that's for sure.
Furthermore, what relevance does that have to do with game design? Should you start out enslaving programmers, then giving them limited rights as serfs, then let them vote on what games to make, before finally just releasing your game engine and dev tools onto the internet as open source? What exactly is she advocating by saying Marxism influences game design?
You know that's a broken link right?
Sony is the one that has lost impact
The archive is just done for now. Worked a few days ago.
Hi, ericfag!
Type 2 cope.
Sekiro was shown off at Microsoft's E3 last year. Expect more Japanese devs to showcase their games at Xbox E3 this year seeing as Sony isn't showing up. It could be a major win for Microsoft because they've been criticised for not featuring enough Japanese games in their conferences and on their console in general in recent years.
Fun fact: Sekiro is currently the number 1 best selling game on xbox as of today. I'm sure the extra advertising by xbox boosted the recognition for that game amongst xbox players.
Okay, sorry. Microsoft did show Seriko and DMC; but those were not only not exclusives, they weren't even Microsoft produced games. The in-house games Microsoft did show - Gears 5 and Halo whatever - were the very definition of fucking nothing. Microsoft has its head up its ass right now, and I'm not talking specifically about Xbox. Yeah, sure, they did show other people's trailers and that was good, but point still remains that the western AAA market is going to crash soon and crash hard. They simply aren't producing anything any part of the gaming community wants; all the recent hits have come from either Japland or out of the blue (like that fucking Titanfall spinoff battle royale, or whatever it is). Shit like Halo 5 and Anthem are what we keep getting from the big vidya megacorps, but they're increasingly flopping and nobody wants to admit that the AAA meme is fucking over.
TBQH any 2019 PS4 game is dangerous remaster to PS5 material. Save your money. And you know Sony is the most anti BC Remaster evil obsessed company of them all.
Sony has lost its impact in a changing industry. They got killed by Netflix which offers better interactive movies. This is the gen of gamey games. That's why Nintendo, Doom and Crash are back.
>Hi, ericfag
This is what I mean, you think that everyone is a singular poster.
E3 2019
>New Ninja Theory game
>new Batman Rocksteady game
>DOOM Eternal
>new Arkane game
>VtMB 2
>Harry Potter RPG
>Halo Infinite
>Crystal Dynamics' Avengers
>Back 4 Blood
>new Tango Gameworks game
>The Outer Worlds
>Hotline Miami 3
>new Frictional game
>Babylon's Fall
>new Flying Wild Hog game
>Fable Reboot
>new People Can Fly game
>Gears 5
>Killer Instinct 2
>Dying Light 2
>Cyberpunk 2077
>new Playdead game
>Respawn's Star Wars
>Watch Dogs 3
>Bayonetta 3
>no Snoy shit
>quoth the fag that calls everyone "eric"
Gonna be enjoying your shitposts getting deleted on /vp/ at any rate.
I can only pray you're right, user.
Yeah, PC games infact too, so that makes them even better
I don't think Sekiro was shown at Microsoft's conference because Sony is waving goodbye to E3, but rather because the western Steam/Xbox market is now seen as profitable by Japanese developers (who normally wouldn't give a shit what the gaijin like or dislike). Before, Jap games would only very rarely get any sort of PC port; now they increasingly are and you can't say that's because Sony is failing or doing something different or whatever. It's simply the Japs recognizing a new place to grow into as their own domestic market (which predominantly favors Sony and Nintendo, and shuns PC like the plague) has been tapped out.
With xbox it's different though. The fact they're even showing off Japanese games is almost a testament to how far they've come in recent years. KH3 which was previously exclusive to Japanese consoles only has an xbox version and its because of the new leadership at xbox according to some sources. The more Japanese games Microsoft shows and the better they sell, the more Japanese devs will have an interest in making an exclusive game for the platform. Why would they make a game if they know it has no market? Microsoft is slowly feeding xbox consumers these Japanese games and recently its been a massive success with KH3 and Sekiro both being xbox best sellers. This is an audience who is quite often referred as being dudebro casuals who only play racing games and shooters so it's a big change in that sense.
>Nintendo drops e3 in favor of their own directs.
>Sony following in nintendos footsteps again with their own directs and dropping e3
Based desu.
Why does this always happen?
>Industry goes to shit because of greed and pandering
>E3 shoes the newest abominations from the industry
>Core audience sees E3 as a big comedy show for years now
Huh, who could have guessed?
The only company who understands this, seems to be Devolver Digital.
Mark Cerny and Naughty Dog are filing patents for legacy, backwards compatibility via discs. Mark has since filed three patents for b/c since 2017. Waters are about to get bloody.
>Nintendo said it was pointless to do Pressers anymore
>People shat on them for it
>Years later another giant ditches them
>They trash talk E3 and everyone praises them for it
A little slow there Snoy, but sure E3 is and has been shit for many years now.
See Also, Microsoft doesn't really do Xbox exclusives anymore, because any Xbox game is now almost 100% is going to be released for Windows 10 as well; which means it's probably going to be on Steam as well. I don't think Xbox really has much of a chance at breaking into the Japanese market, the Japs already have two domestic console manufacturers, but the Jap PC market has never been really broken into by anyone except RPGmaker tier indies. Trying to convince Japs to buy Xboxs is something that has already been tried and will never work, but convincing Japs to play on Windows 10, get Xbox Live accounts, and then maybe a few years down the road buy a next gen Xbox? Yeah, that might work; and even if it doesn't Microsoft benefits regardless.
>because any Xbox game is now almost 100% is going to be released for Windows 10 as well; which means it's probably going to be on Steam as well
First party titles will not be coming to Steam. 343i already confirmed Infinite will be a W10 Store exclusive.
Snoys really are the worst people on Yea Forums
Reminder that industry insider Benji said Microsoft is truly going BIG for this years E3, confirming what Phil said in the interview with Major Nelson, where he mentioned that he has already played the Fable ARPG reboot from Playground Games, the new hack'n'slay game from Ninja Theory and a new singleplayer IP from RARE alongside other games such as Forza Motorsport 8 which will use some kind of raytracing on the next gen consoles, Halo Infinite and there will also be 2nd party announcements - one of which is a new Crytek FPS game in a Cyberpunk setting.
And on top of that, there will also be new studio announcements, IO Interactive seems to be a done deal but they're not the only ones who will join Microsoft.
delete yourself
Sony went full SJW since they established their California Gulag, and Japs do not like that. They even changed their name to "Sony Interactive Entertainment".
The only xbox related news thats good is mcc coming to pc
Nothing else matters
>IO Interactive seems to be a done deal
Goddamn it, they JUST escaped Square Enix, and they're getting eaten again?
A good MS presentation means a good PC presentation.
Killing Snoyboys, together!
>a new singleplayer IP from RARE
Everything else you said sounds interesting, but RARE fucking sucks now. All the talent left and the company just coasts off previous glory for relevance.
Again, 100% going to be released for Win10. And it seems like some exclusives are slowly being rolled out to Steam, like Halo Wars 2. And hell, Halo MCC. You're still right, the chance of future exclusives going onto Steam is unlikely and even if they do it'll still be exclusive on Win10 Store for a year at a minimum; which is why I said 'probably' and not '100% chance going to be on Steam'.
My ultimate point is still valid, though. The real reason for Jap games at a Microsoft conference isn't to attract Japs to Xbox, but to attract them to Win10.
>I don't think Xbox really has much of a chance at breaking into the Japanese market, the Japs already have two domestic console manufacturers
There are loads and loads of rumors floating around about Microsoft working with Nintendo to being gamepass to the switch. I think the fact Microsoft themselves requested a cuphead port for the switch is more evidence of a partnership going on between the two. There is no way Microsoft will just give away a game for free like that without getting something on return. We can rule out xbox getting a Nintendo game any time soon so the only other logical answer, combined with the rumors that have been floating around for some time now all indicate that gamepass will be coming to switch at some point in the future. From a neutrals perspective it makes a lot of sense. Nintendo and their consumers get access to the new upcoming game streaming market and through that they get AAA games which their console isn't capable of running. It's a win-win on both sides and it's also brilliant to see these companies working together in a combined effort. Sadly only Sony are the ones who want to keep themselves isolated from everyone else.
Can you source me on these?
Sorry, but the Japs still don't give a shit. Nintendo America was censorship-crazy SJW long before Sony California ever was, and Sony Japland is increasingly censorship-crazy thanks to the 2020 Olympics. In either case, the Japs simply don't care if the west gets the inferior product so long as the west buys it. Instead, they view the US SJWs how we used to view the Germans when they insisted all shooters and RTS games had to replace characters with robots or blood with green goo - they don't try to fight it or change anyone's mind, they just shrug and mumble 'those poor dumb foreigners with their foreign morality' and that's the end of it.
I meant the rumors like the new games and the IO acquisition. It's going to be colossal if true.
Personally, if I was in charge of Microsoft, I'd partner with Nintendo to allow you to stream Nintendo console/handheld games onto Windows10 Desktop/tablets/mobiles as well as allow streaming of traditional PC games into your living room via Nintendo consoles/handhelds.
Streaming games over super long distances is stupid, but streaming over your home's own wifi? That's doable.
Jump Force 2 premiere?
He's talking about the games there, don't know the exact time though.
IO stuff is still a rumor but they and MS have already talked to eachother source is Jez Corden. Nothing's confirmed though since MS also talked to Turtle Rock and they ended up partnering with WB.
>the Japs simply don't care if the west gets the inferior product so long as the west buys it.
You do realise this censorship is affecting nip versions of games too right?
>not posting skeleton necromancer xbone dude
I didn't even watch it last year. Thought I'd be upset breaking the tradition but didn't care at all.
holy fuck i hate everything about modern world
how could things go so wrong in 20 years
See on one hand he is right, E3 has become a bloated mess where so many games get announced at once that, unless you have zero obligations and get to spend 3-4 days looking at all the news, you miss plenty
But this is really Sony trying to save money and do livestreams instead of conferences
>he says this while Japanese games get censored by Sony before they even go overseas
>he says this while Senran Kagura is literally murdered because main developers retired due to Snoy's censorship
and yet im hype as fuck because most likely xbox is showing off a new console and halo infinite ON PC BABY
>spend two hours showing pieces of shit presentations at E3
>indie and VR shit
>sports, sports, sports
>cinematic teasers
>awkward devs just standing on stage talking for 20+ minutes
>"hey guys, I think e3 has lost its impact"
Only because you made it so, imbeciles
No, he's only saying that because they keep trying to do the theatrical E3 conferences like they've always had for the past decade or so without realizing drawing shit out with retarded sideshow skits doesn't work anymore. People are tired of that shit and their whole conference last year which was just two really long drawn out concerts that also required people to FUCKING GO TO ANOTHER BUILDING DURING THE CONFERENCE was just one huge time waster and didn't even have anything to do with revealing new games and shit. Sony needs to realize they can't win people over doing that kind of thing anymore.
Look at how Nintendo changed their E3 format, remember they used to do a similar kind of shitshow like the other companies attending? The fucking Wii Music year? Now they do the pre-made video where they put all the meat on the table at once so people get fed the news quickly and then they have the treehouse people do raw gameplay live afterwards with a couple new things being shown here and there. People fucking like this format because it means they aren't just sitting there for hours waiting for Phil Xbox or Ventrue Prince to shut the fuck up and actually show the games they keep mentioning they're gonna show eventually.
Sony's already ripping off the Nintendo Direct, so ripping off Nintendo's E3 is the next logical step for them to take.
let me guess, "whitey on da stage"?
Where the fuck is my Xbox Sidewinder controller microcock?
That's Wayne Gretsky
E3 isn't the conferences, it's the show floor. Sony aren't there because they have nothing to show on the show floor, it's as simple as that.
Sony is going to take a financial lost not only to ensure they have a price lead over the next Xbox, but provide b/c with every PlayStation console. Screen cap this.
But will it be $599 USD again?
He's not wrong, but considering that the industry don't spread out announcements to other shows save for smaller studios like Gearbox with PAX and Devolver, E3 will remain a big player. The only way it won't is if all the major companies go the Nintendo route of delivering news.
gee i wonder why
On one hand, he has a point
On the other hand, that doesnt mean you just don't show up
Nintendo literally came in 2016 with only Zelda BOTW, no fucking excuse
Funnily enough like 95% of this is believable
E3 is only as good as publishers and developers. Of course it has been shit with the trash Sony and co is pushing.
its funny because you actually have to cope by believing that