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Sekiro Help Thread
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how do i git gud
Practice with the undead man.
Finished it today. Man, what a ride.
Seriously though, I'm so happy that samurai action games look to be commercially viable again. As a teenager I used to love Onimusha, Genji and Otogi, so the 7th gen being pretty much barren of those kinds of games was a huge bummer. So thank you to everyone who bought and supported Nioh and Sekiro!
Interior Ministry/Tokugawa DLC when?
Since I asked too late in the last thread, I'll just ask again. I just beat Genichiro and have I just lost the ability to use Emma to upgrade my Gourd? I can only talk to her now and she doesn't give me any options.
Need help getting over there.
Just continue with the story and she'll soon let you upgrade your gourd again.
genichiro is an early game boss, you'll have plenty of chances
Thank you
reminder double ichimonji is best combat art
why the fuck is miyazaki such an asshole? i used to be able to die if i wanted to without having every NPC get AIDS. the worst that would happen was that i would lose my souls which was never a big deal since you constantly used them to level up and buy shit anyway. now i'm contantly using the fucking homeward bone (can't remember what it's called) in boss fights where i think i'm about to die so that i don't get more another fucking rot item in my inventory.
i mean i've only died like 10-15 times or so and i already have two rot items and am down to 13% unseen aid. fucking ridiculous.
I believe it's on the opposite end of where you can eavesdrop on the two guards trying to get into the gate.
If you go into the place just behind them and then head right there should be a gate that you can hook over and follow a path.
this game is so ez
can't believe they didn't make chip damage on block the default
Know when to parry and know when you get parried
XP and Moneys are super easy to get in that game. I never relied on unseen aid at all. If I ever need either I would just run through a zone killing everything and always come out with more than enough.
how the fuck do i beat 2nd and 3rd phase Issin? i can beat Genichiro and 1st Issin pretty reliably.
Around midgame I started to have 4-5 spare items to cure dragonrot so it is a non issue.
Especially since only thing rot does is halting NPC quest and giving % chance to not get punished on death.
i don't give a shit about the XP and the money. it's the fact that all the NPCs get fucking AIDS.
Spend time on the harder boss fights learning their combos and tells for when they're about to start them so that you can react appropriately.
3rd phase is easy, just redirect the lightning.
Just play fairly conservatively and try to bait out his jumping attack that you can easily dodge to the left of to get in a couple of hits.
3rd phase is easier than the second since he'll do that easily dodgeable wind-blade attack quite often.
Is is possible to reach fountainhead palace after the Shura ending?
lol let them have aids never stopped me from doing anything.
Where is that Corrupted Monk fag? Saw him in the previews but still haven't found him in the game.
get good
Ok so how do you beat groups of enemies? I'm in the burning mansion where you fight the big sumo wrestler guy and his minions, and them and the group beforehand keep killing me. Also, am I here to early? I came as soon as I got the bell, and may have skipped some stuff by jumping off the bridge and jumping up that well?
Any good spots for farming? Sen specifically
You don't. Run the hell away until you de-agro them and go back to stealth kill all of them.
I just reached the Fountainhead Palace and beat the gate boss. How much more is left and which ending gives me the most satisfying bosses?
The dragonrot mechanic is trash. This game is difficult and REQUIRES trial and error, you shouldn't get punished so severely for dying on a blind playthrough
ok, but i'm having a hard time with this game so far. combat hasn't really clicked yet for me since i'm so used to dark souls/bloodborne. i'm currently trying to kill lady butterfly as the first boss i've gotten to and she's annoying as fuck.
Just realized I can swap stealth with eavedrop so I don't keep accidentally crouching out of my guard in bossfights.
It's probably the backside from the place where you fight the two spearcunts
For that encounter you can stealth behind one of the shield dudes, take him out, run away and reset. then stealth in again take out another one, run away. repeat
or you can ask the NPC before the fight to help you. He'll tank a couple hits while you take out all the enemies.
Can't miss him so don't worry.
How do i kill permanently enemies in mibu village?
Search up lady butterfly cheese method, literally beat her in 2 minutes with it
where do i get the hat shield prop?
I think that's the only one i am missing
dying is a choice, you can always quit to menu after you res
Its just a little asthma.
They will be aight, just tell em to breath in warm moist air, preferably around dragonsprings water
>telling someone to deprive themselves of one of the most satisfying boss fights by cheating
dragonrot is barely even a mechanic let alone a punishment, and unseen aid is always unreliable so it may as well not exist, it's more of a thematic thing
buy from blackhat
i didn't have much trouble with this to be honest. beat them on the first try. i used somebody's advice though to go in and kill all the regular mobs and then go get the NPC to help fight with you. he'll take the drunkard's attention away from you so you can wail on him.
then once he dies i didn't find drunkard's attacks very hard to avoid. he's more like a dark souls/bloodborne type boss with easily telegraphed attacks and slow recovery time.
after the Old Tombs idol in Ashina lower areas. Midget inside a house to the left sells it, just before the assholes in the tower shooting cannons at you.
Tips for demon of hatred? Has to be the most annoying boss in any game ever
I wouldn't recommend cheesing Lady Butterfly. She's the fight that TEACHES YOU the combat system and its whole rhythm. If you cheese her you'll get hard fucked by future bosses, especially the last one is basically a test to see if you learned all the mechanics.
Nice 1 4u
spam L1
Don't worry too much about dragonrot. Progress through Emma's quest and you'll find the cure.
Stop playing the game like dark souls, lady butterfly is there to teach you to balance aggression with defensive competence.
Learn which of her attacks to deflect and which to jump over or away from.
So is divine absolution actually good for anything? It's supposed to turn enemies around or something if you hit R2 while you have the aura around you or whatever but it doesn't do anything, even to the basic farmer grunts in Mibu Village. Does it only work on like two enemies in total?
don't want to cheese if i can avoid it.
i mean i've gotten much better at her. gotten pretty close to finishing her off a couple times but i only have 3 gourds/seeds so i always run out of healing items right as i'm getting close.
t. conquered
So NPCs can't actually die from the rot if you keep from healing it for too long?
You can definitely go elsewhere in the game and come back later stronger.
you can't actually spam L1 to win since more than half the time it'll block instead of actually deflect.
Talk to the NPC helper next to the water.
He'll distract the boss while you kill all the extra dudes. If you're fast enough he might even still be alive when you get back to the boss, so he can help you.
Lightning reversal is such a dope fucking thing to do, sadly not a lot of opportunities to preform it. I hope that they add a prosthetic that lets you summon lightning on your position for reversal.
>inb4 too op you cuck
You could make it cost 5-6 spirit amulet per use + fucking up the reversal means you'd get stunned like a bitch.
How do I beat monkey man
What do I need for Headless so im not slowed? Also, tips for Sushiman Warrior in abandoned dungeon?
have you beaten the horse dude boss? that's supposed to be the first boss. he's much easier.
i could but i want to get that extra resurrection slot and memory and i'm getting better at the fight. if i can't do it in the next 5-10 tries i'll probably give up and return later though.
Dragonrot does basically nothing and you can straight up cure it as soon as it starts to inconvenience you.
The game GIVES you second chance. If you die you can just resurrect and run back to an idol to not have to deal with dragonrot happening.
Who's that supposed to be, anyway? Takeru?
i agree. lightning reversal is 100% lit. so delicious i can almost taste it.
you can dispell the slow by attacking them
use spear tool in 2nd phase to expose the centipede for maximum damage.
>visit all locations
gold trophy
>get return ending
silver trophy
The woman who taught gunichiro the lightning shit.
I havent fought him yet but i remember an user saying an upgraded flame umbrella helps a lot.
Dragonrot is barely an issue, all it does is pause NPC questlines until it’s cured and they can’t die from it.
Imagine fighting tomoe in the dlc and having a lightning juggling battle, I'm creaming my pants just thinking about it.
you can straight up unbind the step (dodge) if it's holding you back
it's a tool for aggression moreso than avoiding damage and it's the #1 cause of deaths among soulsborne bros
throw shurikens when she's in midair, use a nightjar slash and follow up with regular attacks as the nightjar has a brief stun (this is the basis for the cheese method which is just infinite nightjar slashes)
>he thinks there will be DLC
they have colors on PC too
nope, i went to the estate after i beat the chained ogre.
what, no they dont
Steam doesn't have an achievement tier system
Dodge and dodge countering is pretty damn good. The difference from Souls is that you don't use it to i-frame through moves anymore, but it's still incredibly useful all game long.
>17,500 copies sold
go back to the "real world" then. you'll get an HP upgrade after the first boss.
lol no
They stop spawning after a while, it’s like 5 spawns or so I think? It’s why the die so quickly.
I get that because I was stonewalled by lady and horseman for 2 days (sessions being 4-6 hours)
Then the game just clicked in my head and I overcame the obstacles.
IMHO the biggest problem I have read around here is that people are trying to play Sekiro like souls and not realize that you are not playing souls.
Get away from habit of dodging and focus on learning deflections.
Dodge/runaway is handy tool to get away and heal but in most fights you should attack until they deflect and then you deflect a combo waiting an opening to appear (this is what butterfly teaches really well). If your posture is too high runaway and block since block stance speeds up posture recovery.
A tip for butterfly and for enemies that jump is that shuriken does extra things like drop them from the sky.
Git gut is a phrase I would not prefer not to use, but learning to deflect is so integrative to get the combat click so you need to git gut at deflecting.
Anyone know what happens to the person you trick into going to the abandoned dungeon and What you get out of doing it?
I wanted to do it on NG+ since on my first playthrough I let the wandering samurai get all the way to O-Rin's area where he got a (happy?) ending, and had the big monk get spirited away to the illusionary palace.
This time I rushed to Mibu village so I could get the ability to be able to dive underwater quickly and it turns out if you kill O-Rin before the guy makes it to Mibu he goes psychotic and tries to kill you, and I already sent the big monk to chill with the merchant to see what that did.
Ahh cool, i thought i had to kill a boss or something for them to stop spawning
go beat the kino horse man, you'll get a damage upgrade and should have an HP / VIT upgrade from the minibosses which will help a lot.
Don't forget that taking a break or literally just going to bed can be all it takes to come back and clean up a boss. Happened to me with at least three different bosses.
Remember to save your save files onto your desktop at the boss so you can complete all 3 endings at once.
2nd phase I ran like a bitch and made a hit every 50 minutes until I depleted his vitality. I just couldn't practice because I only lasted 3 seconds after that phase started. 3rd phase is actually easier since you can deflect the thunder
you fight him later along with the good doctor
they're total bastards and pull of numerous wombo combos
harder than most minibosses desu
well, you kinda do
but its not a boss
I figured it might be something like that. What about giving him the carp eyes? Is that part of it too?
which boss
Corrupted Monk is fucking me up, how do I kill
Sekiro is going through the same issue that Nioh had.
>Soulsbabies play game like a souls title
>Die countless of times since you're not supposed to play it like a souls game
>wtf??? This game bad!
no but the icons have colors
They get turned into red-eyed zombies and you fight them. The reward for your trouble is two red lumps (poise item), so not realy worth the troublem. You get a nice item at the very end of the merchant quest though.
With snap seeds you can take half of her health away.
copying a save file right before fighting Owl for the first time should let you see all the endings if you know how to get them
Mibu or palace?
yeah, his questline is a bit wonky and I had to look it up because it wasn't refreshing for some reason. still unsure what caused it.
basically, give him the samurai and the eyes with some time in between, go back a few times to eavesdrop, and then you'll find them chilling across the lake / underground river. can't miss them if you move through the area.
doc is a literal schizo
nioh is so easy you can beat it playing like a soulsbab though
i never said sekiro sucked, just that i suck at it so far. i'm actually enjoying it quite a bit so far.
i also liked nioh except for enemy variety and the loot system. the DLC bosses were ridiculous though.
>that first sigh of relief after beating a tough boss
Excellent, thank you
>there's another one
Fuck me
thanks user
Thanks, this was enormous help. I didnt really think to do this, I thought I was just shit and didn't know how to deflect three attacks at once lmao. Beat him now.
And guess what, the other one has 3 health bars/balls.
>Fighting Owl
>Heard he absolutely destroys fuckers
>Only takes me like, one hour. Only got one rot essence
Well this was alright.
>>there's another one
She also have less health, or at least is less resistant to blow, and her posture remps up more easily.
same for me
I expected him to be much harder, although I think that was kind of the point story wise
make it seem like you as a student have surpassed your mentor
After you meet your dad in the burning estate and you gotta grapple to a side area, There's a small misable bamboo forest to the left of the temple.
owl 1 or owl(full power)
congrats bro. good luck with lady butterfly.
The DLC is obviously going to be about young Sculptor, young Isshin and Tomoe.
How do I deal with apparitions?
Beat first Headless and pic related (clutched out that last part of his healthbar after I ran out of confetti) but now I've encountered a second one.
Do I really need to go back and grind for confetti again? That seems like such a stupid mechanic in a game with otherwise great design. He's not even that hard, it's just pretty demotivating to be limited by consumables.
Also before you fight the last boss you have to save your files for 3 other endings.
I think you're using it wrong, it works great for me. it even works on demon of hatred lmao
After beating ape, monkeys and monk, where do i need to go? Back to the castle?
Oil and fire can stunlock phase 1 for tons of free damage.
Learn to parry the second phase because you want to keep his combos going and bait out the huge overhead slash, parrying that makes him fall over and you can deal a ton of damage.
You can buy confettis later
You can eventually buy an infinite amount of them but you really don't need them for the Shichimen Warriors. The purple umbrella upgrade and the purple gourd that removes terror are enough to beat them.
>Story implies resurrection causes dragonrot.
>Dragonrot only seems to get worse when I die.
Am I being paranoid or did they just bullshit me on a rather significant detail?
Secret room just before the butterfly lady has some if I recall correctly.
Otherwise you're gonna have to ring that bell and fight through the enemies in the antechamber another few times to get more confetti.
So with the skill that can buff your sword with the flame cannon, Does your sword get purple anti-apparition flames if you do it with the apparition flame upgrade?
I like how everyone's up to how From operates by this point. If they mention a couple characters too much and they're not in the game, there will be a DLC about them. Emma's father is sure to appear, too, we're probably exploring memories again.
DMC5 did father vs son better
You don't even need confetti for Shichimen. Normal attacks hurt them fairly well, and their melee attacks are fully blockable too.
Just sprint around them in circles when they throw purple shit at you and hit them when they land.
I just beat corrupted monk, how far am I? Feels like the game gets much easier as you progress. Had my first first try win against a boss with ape part 2
How do I get it to actually be playable
Jumps my CPU usage to 100% causing unplayable stutters and freezes, already at lowest possible settings, resolution changes do nothing, already tried all the common fixes like high priority in task manager, running as admin, unplugging second display, etc.
>Owl (Father) only gets a couple more moves
>Still kicks my ass harder than anything
>attacks barely chip him
>his crackaslash take 95% of your HP, good luck if you're not maxed out
Should i just leave this for NG+ when i'm juiced on attack power?
>Emma's father
You mean Dogen? She's like a war orphan or something.
True death that makes your respawn is what causes dragonrot.
If you just resurrect you're fine.
Resurrecting with the pink orbs is using the dragons blood power.
But one who has the curse of the dragon always has to come back from death, So when you can no longer draw power from the DRAGONS blood, It draws power from the blood of acquaintances of the Wolf.
I don't know if it applies the anti-apparition effect but that flame upgrade is fucking terrible, it's a complete waste of lapis lazuli.
>You can buy confettis later
But where, and for how much?
And that's still dumb. I don't wanna have to grind for my attempts.
I phrased it poorly, I encountered a second Headless, not holy fuck there are more Shichimen? Beat him first try, but I still don't wanna fight more of them
And what purple gourd?
I honestly would rather they took this posture shit out of the game and you had to damage enemies with your sword enough to kill them, like a real sword fight. This posture shit is just "keep hitting them until you can insta-kill them".
Oh yeah im well aware, I was just wondering if it was a potential cooler looking confetti
The purple umbrella helps a lot with them and headless if you don't have confetti.
It will:
block all terror and physical damage from their projectiles and weapons
if you have the prostetics skill that lets you combo with it, the RB attack to close the shield will hit them hard
while you have it up, headless can't slow you down
If you don't want to wait till super late game when you can get a certain thing that makes all merchants in the game have unlimited confetti for sale then I recommend using the purple umbrella+purple gourd+sacred tanto if you have it. Just ration your item usage and you'll do ok.
Yes, by denying Wolf shows him he grow enough to make his own decisions. He grow up mentally. Now Owl want to see if he can support his words with actions, basically he knows Wolf got strong and alpha enough if he refuse code/disobeys father even if Wolf doesn't realise that by himself yet he just want to know his limits and punish him with death if that was bullshit
Alright guys does whistle work on 2ape?
The Merchant in mibu Village sells a goud that reduces horror build-up and increases resistance, it's like 1800 money units
user, attack power does nothing. You can't hit for more than a fixed small percentage of boss' health.
Anyway, here's a couple of tips for him:
Most of his attacks can be interrupted by your own attacks, especially the unblockable sweep, so hack away.
Dodge-attack through his firecrackers forward to him.
Do not dodge his long ass vertical slash, it has hyper armor, so you can't interrupt it. But you can get in a hit or two on his vitality during the windup. If you dodge too early he will whirlwind you.
When and where am I supposed to eavesdrop on Isshin and Emma?
Snake Eyes lady is pushing my shit in, has single handedly killed my motivation in playing this game.
Is there anyway to sneak up on her for the first deathblow or do I have to get both of them legit?
Part of me thinks I may have gotten to her area a bit too early since I kind of ran through alot of stuff to get there, but I don't think going to areas early really matters in this game as opposed to souls games
rb to close shield strips your confetti off, beware
He was the one who adopted Emma, yes.
After you reach the 2nd final boss, 300 per pop. Purple gourd is the reusuable Terror reducer, it's with the Mibu Village mob I think?
Why has Buddha forsaken me
one of the merchants sells a reusable gourd that heals terror buildup and gives resistance to terror for a short amount of time
Yeah, it's nice how she tells you a monkey gave her a rice ball, then later on Sculptor tells you the same story.
Anyway, fighting young Sculptor using his own tools against you would be cash. Would buy 3 times.
The Headless are huge cunts. I recommend getting the purple umbrella upgrade to fight them. Makes it orders of magnitude easier.
At his room right after fighting papa Bird
All merchants will sell divine confetti for 300 sen after you beat the second corrupted monk on the bridge in Fountainhead
Nope, that was the first thing I tried, I feel ripped off for even making the stupid thing.
How the fuck is everyone dying to Snake Eyes, she's just a sniper with a single smack move. After getting hit by the grab so many times, you should be able to recognize the tell and dodge far back.
>blatantly tell owl to fuck off
>says he "senses" some insubordination
he wasn't very sharp huh
Can't you just jump over the grab and then kick her in the face? That's what I did.
havent found a use for it outside of causing a ruckus with monkeys and stunning some bosses in final upgrade
same with the fan- the fuck are these things for?
Wait, is it after or before the fight?
You can get a stealth attack in during the poison pool fight. If you are at sunken valley you gotta do it legit, they are super weak to the poison blade tho
I beat them all and Shichimens before last two bosses. With 11 attack power and 19 vit it was a cake walk without deaths
I've been grabbed mid air by her before
After, but before you talk to your shota. Not sure what triggers it
spins enemies 180 degrees for a free backstab
also has a rather amusing effect on Monks
Right after the Owl fight
Sabimaru makes her encounter a BIT easier, But personally i just cheesed her with firecrackers because fuck that grab attack
Confetti annihilates them and Aerial deathblow works while he's hovering and spreading orbs while you have confetti on
Depends, Was the Corrupted Monk purple? If he was then you've got a while to go
You can run past snake in the valley and you can cheese swamp snake with the swamp poison damage and puppeteering the gunners that hang around the area
i just got that 9 point combat art and i feel like i wasted it all with it costing 5 emblems per full use. how's shadowfall compare to empowered mb?
Teleport to the Old Grave idol and drop down into the house with the hole in the roof.
There should be a merchant in there who sells it.
The fan one hits monks, it's a powerful tool in general but it's nearly impossible to get a hit in due to the long windup and short range
getting one enemy to come toward you for stealth attacks I guess, gee what I shame I only have a gorjillion ceramic shards. What a joke of a shinobi tool.
The real monk is easier, because she doesn't have ludicrous posture regen speed like her ghost counterpart.
So you guys were saying whistle is very useful on demon? Last upgrade one? When do you use it?
The timing is a bit tight, but I always just jumped right into her face and it worked. probably because I always thought it was a sweep for some reason, and went "oh, I should jump" and it just worked. Took a long while before I actually got hit by it and figured out it was a grab.
Yes, malcontent stuns him for like 5 seconds, maybe longer.
I saved it until phase 3 just to ensure that I would kill him.
The malcontent whistle stuns the demon when you use it near him
You need Malcontent, Go kill the terror ball dude in 2Monkey arena
Final phase and when locked on, Only works 3 times
No, I mean you play as the Sculptor in the DLC, and Dogen upgrades your prosthetic.
The first tutorial fight is against Isshin who cuts your arm. You fight him again as the final boss when you leave his service.
Unlike Dark Souls Sekiro can have a stand-alone DLC story. Like in MGR you play as Sam.
I just beat 2ape on my second try but the fucking snake eye ladies killed me an ungodly amount of times
what is wrong with me?
Snake Eyes have the most annoying move set in the game, you either perfect parry or you get fucked
I genuinely feel like Snake Eyes was harder than the majority of the major bosses in the game.
Either that, or I was severely fucking something up during that fight, because I died a stupid amount of times there as well, and so did all my friends who got the game.
Which one?
If it's the one in the poison are, theres an idol down on the floor in the corner and from there you can sneak up behind her to get a deathblow.
If it's the one in the mountains, just use sabimaru. That one is super weak to poison.
That won't gonna happen
What specs
I'd suggest sneaking on the rooftops and in the buildings to take out the smaller guys first before engaging the boss. This strategy will be useful throughout the video game
>Start from the idol on the other side
>Backstab the cannon-guy and use the puppet ninjutsu on him
>During the ensuing firefight, run down and murder the second cannon guy in the confusion
>Use pretty standard tactics on Snake-Eye (Parry, hit, parry, parry etc.)
>When she rears back, use umbrella to block her bullets
>When she winds up her grab, jump
>No I am not kidding, that actually lets you dodge it if you time it decently
The Snake Eyes minibosses are absolute bullshit. You're not alone
What's the Trick of the projectile spamming ghost nigger in the catacombs?
I do Shit damage, and his posture is going down way to slow. You can't be supposed to chip him to death for 30 minutes
Empowered MB costs like 6 to use both swings and takes half an eternity to charge up but it deals big damage, especially when hitting multiple targets. Shadowfall costs 2 or 3, the damage is mediocre but it more than makes up for it with range and the fact that it can break through hyperarmor, especially useful on humanoid bosses. I'd say shadowfall is probably the best combat art that costs emblems, but empowered MB is much cooler
It's okay. Majority of people are struggling with her moveset. Especially first one since you can't stab her from behind
Confetti and just get up in his face, he can't do shit
I had a lot of trouble with one of her because all she fucking did was shoot at me. I would be standing right in front of her and she'd be shooting instead of swinging. I couldn't build up her posture because she was barely attaching me and I kept taking chip damage for not deflecting her bullets perfectly.
>you either perfect parry or you get fucked
That's the entire game, user.
Snake Eyes are annoying, because they have obscene amount of posture for a gunner type enemy. And by the time most people fight them they think they've figured out the game and try parrying everything. Which isn't how you should play it. Because parrying the gunshots inflicts no posture damage on the boss, just you. You have to dodge those attack hit their vitality directly. You have to mix attacking, parrying and dodging, and use whichever is more appropriate for every particular attack the enemy uses against you.
Confetti, Or get arerial deathblow from Black Hat at ashina castle.
You can instantly remove a healthbar while you have confetti on WHILE he's hovering and spreading orbs around.
I think Monkey was an easy boss fight if you approached it as a Souls boss. Made that shit a cake walk.
While 1st phase is rushdown, 2nd phase is patience (but it should still be a posture kill). Chipping down his vitality a bit ensures he won't recover posture even if you back off since his attack animations take so long to complete. Just play defensive and parry everything that you reliably can parry, and throw out a shuriken or something if he starts getting passive.
Like everyone else says 3rd is just reversal over and over again, it does the job for you.
>waste of lapis lazuli
>fuck, atleast I have a cool purple flame sword
Which Lapis Lazuli upgrades are worth it? My problem is that I wanted the flame spear and flame axe which looked dope as fuck, but then I saw the increased cost and I replaced them asap with their previous upgrades and then never used them. It’s a shame that spirit emblems are so limited.
I genuinely have no idea why so many people(who got to this point in the game) struggle with snake eyes. I only died to them once, when the gun fort one knocked me off the ledge with a shot. Their attacks are slow and easily deflectable.
Or use the umbrella, firecracker, axe or any of the prosthetic which everyone seems to be forgetting exists to close the gap or stagger.
>their attacks are slow
thats what most people struggle with suprisingly. including me.
Probably shurikens and sabimaru are the most worthwhile. But the difference with the previous tiers is barely there.
I made lazuli shurikens, but 2bh I see no difference with default one kek
So I have one divine confetti left, and Im up against the Old Monk. any place I can get more?
I blew like nine trying to fight the headless outside with all the illusions before I got rid of the illusions because I'm a dummy.
Old monk seems super doable, I got him down like 80% my first try but I'm worried 1 divine confetti won't cut it.
You can sneak attack her at sunken valley too if you use stealth sugar.
Hug the ass. Learn to recognize each attack, since the telegraphs are pretty pronounced. The most important one to notice is the swipe swipe stomp swipe that hits RIGHT around his feet where you'll be most of the time--learn to parry or dodge through the whole thing.
Jumping up in the air = sprint away and jump when he lands, grapple back in
2nd phase gigantic fire field = sprint to one side as soon as you recognize the telegraph, jump as the fire comes out
2nd phase continuous fireballs = sprint around him, can get closer for free hits
Red gourd and Suzaku umbrella are both great in this fight
They go through enemies, meaning a single shot can hit multiple ones. The damage is sorta shit though so I don't particularly recommend them.
You don't really need the confetti, parry that bitch and attack whenever you can, it takes longer without confetti but not that much longer
Sekiro has zero depth, just like souls.
play a real action game, zoomers.
Reminder that the game lies to you about grab attacks because you can actually mash out of most long winded grabs.
You don't need confetti against her. Save them for headless and shiggydiggy warrior
Oh shit I thought I needed it. I can damage him without it? I thought I was doing zero damage.
By old monk you mean corrupted monk? I did him with no confetti, I believe in you user.
>They go through enemies
that's a previous upgrade, user. Lazuli just adds more damage, yes. Comepletely useless on last boss, unless you caught him mid air
Confetti dies nothing to her
Imagine being this unimaginative
you do a bit more damage with confetti against her cause shes an illusion of the real monk you fight at fountainhead palace
I did, I'm on it anons, thanks m8's
well THATS embarrassing
He has a shield on his left side and middle. Attack him from your left (his right) and back.
stop fucking referring to corrupted monk as a he
she is cute and has a cute laugh
Nope you don't. She isn't an apparition
It 's an endurance fight, just whittle at the health little by little and that posture bar will fill itself with good parries, at least that's how I did it
I what people struggle with most is figuring out a reliable way to deal with her grab.
It took me forever to even figure out that jumping would save me from it, and then longer to get the timing right.
Unless you're interested in centipedes raping you it's gender doesn't really matter.
How are you OCD/explore everything guys coping with the wide areas and many branching pathways? Dark Souls satisfied me with its exploration, but Sekiro exploration stresses me out.
You do more damage than without it.
If you miss upgrades, is it easy to max out everything in ng+?
Do people seriously have trouble with Demon of Hatred? He's literally just different Soul bosses in one. He has the same skeleton as the cleric beast/Laurence and this is reflected in his swipes, he has the foot stomps of Amygdala, the fire bullshit of Demon Prince, and the jumps of Amygdala
corrupted monk takes more damage with confetti on, retard
kek suckiro doesn't even have launchers, airdashes, juggles
it's pure trash
go back to the area with the 3 chickens
I coped by turning a 35 hour game into a 50 hour one.
Can confirm. The ghost monk isn't actually a ghost, but an illusion created by a very much alive (and immortal) monk. That's why snap seeds work on her. And I assume Lazulite Axe destroys her too, but haven't tried it yet.
I know its a community website but speedrunners have been using confetti on her as well
it definitely works
dmc a trash for edgy retards
>jumps of amygdala
Do you mean when he jumps I can simply not move and not take damage?
>they can’t die from it.
Yes, they can.
Fuck me, he's too fast
I was using confetti on her and beat faster with than without it. You can fucking notice the difference.
It doesnt help that all area are rook same
When she summons shadows jump to the highest branch, that way they can't reach you and you get a free deathblow on her from above.
Where do I find that little shit rat after helping him with the kite?
Pretty much
I just scooted a bit behind him to be safer because we all know From has jank hitboxes. Killed him on my first attempt without using a resurrection
Oh and don't try to parry or deflect at all. He's literally a Souls boss. Dodge and r1 is all you need. Oh and that shield for more protection
shield hat.
>tfw having trouble with a boss
>get near perfect phase 1 and 2
>have to remember not to be reckless on phase 3 or will die
>kill boss without even needing a Res
Sometimes the fights just click
>what is placebo
she doesn't retards. I've tested it repeatedly.
can i buy snap seeds later? i ended up wasting the ones I found on Lady Butterfly
leave it, most of these brainlets dont realize that half the time they're hitting a damage shield.
So I know the endings are related to the amount of true death you have.
How many deaths are you allowed to have and still reach the best ending?
I know the old man gets sick after around 3/4 deaths
So far only the crazy old woman who mistakes you for her son, and her son himself die, and not from dragonrot, but because of the assault
you can only buy them so far into the game that it's basically worthless until you hit NG+
Yes, but not until much later.
They're not essential anywhere in the game though, so don't worry about it.
>enemies/bosses require rare consumables to beat
who the FUCK thought this was a good idea
Need help with Fire demon
You can rescue a merchant at ashina castle that sells a couple more of em.
What are some good combat arts? I tested a couple and only like Shadowrush somewhat. They seem to be better at getting you killed than getting shit done.
Not a single boss *requires* any consumables, only makes them a little easier.
fire shield hat. that fight felt buggy and had several attacks that were only reliably avoidable with the hat.
Dragonrot does not affect the endings. You can also cure it later in the game with items that are limited in use.
Sprint clockwise around him. Just before it lands - jump. Grapple onto him.
You're not supposed to play Nioh like dark souls?
How do you beat headless without divine confetti?
Guys, how do I beat the super edgy battousai wannabe samurai before genichiro? I tried sidestepping, but sometimes he tracks me, instand death. Parrying both hits is 50/50 for me.
It's starting to piss me off, he looks really easy but I just can't nail it
Double Ichimonji is the best in the game, by far. High Monk and Setsu Kicks are also good.
you can beat them easely without it. I beat butterfly 2nd phase simply running away from the ghosts
>So I know the endings are related to the amount of true death you have.
Is there a word for "knowing" wrong?
Oh, thanks
Ichimonji is too good, hopefully it gets nerfed. The rest of them are trash.
Yeah, the timing window is pretty small, and as said, it felt somewhat buggy.
(double) ichimonji is top tier followed by shadowrush
headless arent bosses dipshit
>is kino
Lilac umbrella + projected force.
Are you joking? HAHAHAHAHAAHAH
Monk 3 hit combo is faster
not a boss and you can use umbrella or lazulite flame
Are the Emblem # increase skills worth taking?
Fire takes a few seconds until it comes out of the ground after impact. You have to sprint to the side and then jump late and then you can hook grab to punish him.
But the umbrella uses a consumable to activate.
Why would you try sidestepping? This isn't dark souls.
He's literally the parry training boss. Just go in and parry his attacks and you can kill him within 30 seconds.
What’s up with all those people/creatures without left arm in this game?
They only give you 1 extra fucking emblem. Those upgrades shouldn't even be in the game in my opinion. only reason to get them is if a skill after them needs them as a prerequisite.
>a little
something something, karmic debt
Most of the ones I tried are complete garbage, so maybe they should be buffing them instead. I think they got too scared of the cheese potential if they made arts too strong, and made most of them near useless instead.
he said "enemies/bosses", fuckface. nice try tho. enjoy being absolutely btfo
>doing my NG+ run
>got the severance ending first run since it was the most straight forward, but figured out how to get the return ending while doing it
>decide halfway through this run that since I already got the snake hearts and stuff and wasted my time on things I shouldn't have I might as well go for the return
>forgot about the whole rice for kuro bullshit
>beat owl into the ground and finally figure out that I can't finish any endings besides severance again for this new run
god fucking damnit now I don't have the will to play anymore since I'll still have to do three more runs and beat Isshin AGAIN just to start a new one
he takes way more damage from behind. no joke.
Easily From's best gimmicky giant boss yet, wish it was just a bit harder, like the thunder on the trees didn't last as long or something.
he said enemies/bosses require rare consumables
no bosses require any consumables to beat, smooth brain.
and enemies requiring consumables isnt a new thing in miyazaki games
learn to read then kys
the time has come and so have I
Can you plat this game with single run?
>is holding a cactus
first thing I thought once I saw his dumb sword
you dont need devine confetti for her. shes piss easy.
Dragonrot is a poorly thought-out mechanic. I don't know what miyazaki was thinking.
just back up the save and pick the other choices bro
no (unless you savescum)
I read that, got in and made it. So.. thanks. Instead of looking at the glint of the blade like a retard to react, I decided to walk to him and force him attack so I could predict the parry instead of waiting for it.
Where the fuck do i go after beating Genichiro? I talked to the old guy in the tower, talked to Kuro, Emma, etc.
Already beat that Snake Eyes thot and the long arm cetipede. I'm in that toxic place full of monkeys and there's that giant snake too, but i can't do shit.
so why was there a dragon stuck inside a tree again?
don't you have to do a bunch of bullshit to back up the save though or is it just a simple copy and paste?
What chapter do i need to savecum? I already on sunke village and those snake eye guy wreck my ass.
You can get any ending except shura up until getting the dragon tears, You Just need to do all the steps before that.
Show some fucking respect filthy gajiin
it is the tree
bro just parry
Get the fully upgraded whistle to trivilize his final phase
It's only there to scare you until you learn that it doesn't do anything. I played very carefully and only let myself die like once or twice right up until the end of the game, thinking NPCs might die if I die. It's a good mechanic for that, since it makes you play carefully and fear death without something like permadeath or real punishments.
what do you mean user
kuro gives you the answer
but the path forward is senpou temple/bottomless hole
>gets btfo
>doubles down
never change Yea Forums
the ghosts in new londo drop the stuff you need to kill them and you can buy them. devine confetti is much more rare
I get the feeling they had some really in depth plans for it and how it would affect NPC questlines and what endings you could get and last minute they got scared of how people would react to it and trashed it all for the shallow borderline pointless thing thats in the game.
The dragon IS the tree
Nice. Is that out yet? Can't find it on nexus mods.
Kill the Ape boss.
confetti can be bought and headless are late game enemies. having tough enemies in early game areas isnt exactly a new thing in miyazaki games either.
How in the everliving fuck are you supposed to get enough skill points to buy all skills, let alone ever use the mask?
An entire run on New Game+ could barely get a few points and even at 2k xp every 10 seconds grinding it out would take forever.
And that's exactly what the game is about.
Instead of waiting to react like in dark souls, just get in there and push them into a back and forth. You'll come out on top.
That Zullie modder posted it in the sekiro mod discord
>thinking of trying at a completely unupgraded run
>remember that Mikiri Counter has to be unlocked with skill points
Why does O'rin do so much damage with that tiny knife
learn how to run
Good thing you don't need divine confetti to kill headless, then.
You can literally just go in and kill them without it. Git gud.
this always caught me off guard too, probably why she killed me so many times cause I kept thinking I could get away with taking those petty hits when I just couldn't
Do this as the fight starts
>Run up, do 4 hits
> One hit
>Repeat step two to three until out of spirit emblems
>One hit
>Repeat steps five to six until out of ash
>Boss should be at 1/4 HP now
>If you have snap seeds/confetti use them if you want
Congratulations you just cheesed this bloated HP piece of shit.
Im stuck on this guy
Even parrying damages me, I cannot for the life of me recreate the guy in this webm
Where's that? I'm in the sunken valley
Just dodge to his left 2 times and hit him.
I heard this game has strong Buddhist themes
please tell me it isn't true, Buddhism is spiritual communism
I really want mod that changes the color of the 3 types of Perilous Attacks
kek, alright, you got me there.
Some bosses are actually made trivial by consumables.
use firecrackers if you're really having trouble.
honestly that guy isn't too bad though, just watch for the glint and then double parry. No one here seems to like the spear upgrade but I find it extremely useful, pretty sure I hit this guy with it a couple times.
She's a ghost
Not the mod, mind you, just a pic. I would think she'll release her table sometime soon.
Don't even attack just parry his draw strike to deal around 1/4s his posture each blow.
Or cheese him with shieldbrella
You only take chip damage from him if your parry timing is shit.
If you get perfect deflections it goes exactly like your webm. Git gud my dude. You can do it.
did you kill the ape? That's the boss of the sunken valley. If you did then you're done there and should explore other places
user, the moon rune is exactly the same for all 3 of them.
double tap L1 when his sword flashes
Where do i get that
He's saying he wants the mod that changes the color of that kanji based on the attack type.
So its impossible.
God, I CAN'T kill Genichiro's third phase. Can you lightning reflect both the horizontal and vertical slash?
It's such bullshit that the game expects you to take down 3 phases in one go.
Second best, Mortal blade combat art is top tier damage wise.
Just use your eyeballs to tell what the boss is gonna do
This method should help the combat click in general for you
Block her or sprint around until you get an opening, then you start the pattern. Attack, attack, attack, on the 2nd or third she should deflect you and do one of a few things. If she attacks back, deflect her, and you can start attacking again. The goal isn't her health, it's posture, so don't worry about her blocking you you're still making progress.
Keeping up the pressure on her guard while being ready to jump or dash when she switches things up is the training exercise here.
Other than simply attacking back when she deflects, she may jump back and throw kunai, jump up and do something (you can jump up and smack her or throw a shuriken at her to knock her down for an opening, if she's on a tightrope she can block shuriken thrown at her front but not behind or sides) , or go for a red Kanji sweep that you can jump (can also dash out and punish by jumping back in).
I've heard that he didn't work on any NPC questlines in this game other than the pot nobles. Which would explain why there aren't that many NPCs that really matter, none of their quest rewards are remotely worth caring about, and the very few that are important can't get dragonrot anyway. I feel like he came up with the idea of dragonrot purely for the story, and then they decided to apply it to the part of the game that matters the least.
>beat both snake eyes on 1st try
don't get how people have problems with them, be aggressive and counter follow up, their bar fills up super fast, and the grab is easy to avoid by dashing back and jumping
Blackhat Badger near the old grave statue
you can lightning reflect any lightning attack. Just be in the air and spam attack before you hit the ground. It's much less about timing the attack as it is about timing the jump.
>there are people who didnt even realize Tengu was Isshin
HOW the fuck is that even possible?
Alright fags, how do I get Loli to ask me for the dragon hearts?
I've taken her special rice and given it to Kuro and spoken to her in the monkey realm and given her a time I found what the fuck else is there
You are a Shinobi(Ninja).
Short answer is you don't. Especially at lower levels.
Use the tools you have to eliminate them 1 by 1.
tho, lone swordsman bosses fucked me up plenty of times no idea why, they are similar in terms of strategy
Got to lady butterfly. Seems easy enough.
The music in this game is p bad.
Not sure why there's a help thread when the answer to 99% of bosses is long fire crackers + double ichimocha
Make sure you're in the air when you get hit by lightning so you can reflect it.
It's not bullshit, if you can reliably get through his first two health bars then you can beat lighting faggot super easily. It should only take a reflect or two to ruin him.
Wheres that
>snake EYES
>throw ash in there EYES
>You get unique versions of regular consumable items
>You only get one of these
>Taro persimmon triggers additional dialogue with Divine Child
>Jinza's Jinza statue does nothing
A real shame desu
Press parry well in advance. Remember that you need to press parry BEFORE an attack lands so it hits right in the centre of your parry timing.
Don't spam your parry button, each parry that does not deflect reduces your parry frames on the next parry, and then you just get hit. However, if your enemy is a flailing retard, you can spam parry as much as you like provided you are timing the first hit perfectly (i.e. dont spam before the first hit in their combo). If an enemy has a long combo with big weighty delays in the middle, spamming will kill you, just predict the hit and deliberately reflect each one.
There's no real penalty to guarding in this game, it actually restores your posture. This means guard at all times, then release and re-apply to get deflections in people.
That way if you get hit by a quickie, you'll often end up guarding it. Don't worry too much about having your posture broken, if it happens at the end of the combo, there' usually no follow-up - just dont get posture broken in the middle of an enemy combo.
You need to beat this boss flawlessly or you can't beat later bosses. He's there precisely to test you. Check your controller and TV settings to make sure there is no latency.
It's a thrust. Somehow.
And the parry timing is absurdly late, I spent a ton of tries getting it down.
I beat the second one on my first go because the first one made me a pro at fighting them.
You need to dive underwater in the temple area and grab some text to give her, I think.
I literally cant adapt. I hated parrying in Dark Souls so I just didnt do it, people act like certain end bosses are crazy hard without it but I managed. The timing of a parry in Dark Souls or Sekiro just takes me out of the game, since if you try to parry on impact like in other games it feels like I'm being punished for being too precise. Such a feature also requires you to have more knowledge of all the enemies and how long they hold a swing for, and yet the game punishes you a severely higher amount for just coming at them and experimenting and dying. There are fucked consequences for losing in this game so unlike Dark Souls where I want to play again to retrieve my souls, in this game every death just heightens my frustration and makes me more wary to continue.
A third of the button prompts are for your stealth abilities but swathes of the game like Hirata estate include several portions where back to back stealth kills are not possible, reducing all those included mechanics to having the possibility of nabbing an extra kill before engaging enemies or chipping the health of a mini boss.
I can't even tell when my sword swing is supposed to stun an enemy, leading to times where I cant parry into deflection fast enough and get a third of my health chopped away by a fucking naked axeman.
I want Sekiro to be fun but it's like it's made for me to not enjoy it.
Confetti for both, be super aggressive.
Buy anti terror jug
and use pacify powder before fight even starts for increased resist.
Came an hour late from work today and missed the delivery guy. Now I have to wait another fucking day.
What can I do to pass the time?
Oh alright, the big fuck lake pool shit I remember, cheers user.
Would a pvp fighting game w sekiro's mechanics work
Just fucking look at the guy and see what he does, colored kanji would make no fucking difference because you're too slow on reaction and probably panic
download it, physicalpleb
Attack upgrade after the first boss, You can get HP upgrades without even fighting any of the bosses if you are thorough.
no because a lot of its mechanics would have to be dialed back to compensate for multiplayer network restrictions.
Just killed the blazing bull without taking damage. I thought it would take more tries than it actually did, pretty easy now that I know how to play the game.
nah you would only need to focus on the timing.
trial and error is bad game design
It would be parry city.
Snap seeds, Phantom Kunai spam (Hits through block, at range) should put it to low enough HP that you can start bilding posture meter. Then just parry attacks.
Unless you are talking about True monk.
*both players sit facing each other furiously pressing l1 as fast as they can*
Which is stronger?
Oldman Isshin or SS Isshin
Different playable characters w different movesets imagine playing as snake eyes
Write down all branching path, go through them 1 by 1.
Be the Marco Polo
I spent my hard earned 3000 coins into some butterfly kunai upgrade thing from that one ex-thief dude, but it's nowhere in the menu and nothing changed on my throwing dagger thing, what do?
I orderered it at a certain place I had a 20 bucks goodie so it only cost me 40. Also I wanted the sweet steelbox.
Can you not kill Lady Butterfly or is this a no brainer? That Finisher Deathblow prompt is giving me second thoughts.
*Spams unavoidable grab*
Underrated post.
Exactly. Now imagine snake eyes vs lone swordsman or even armored knight
It's shuriken upgrade material. Beat the hosre guy and you'll unlock the ability to upgrade your tools, I think it's the Tier 3 shuriken.
name 1 ONE unavoidable grab
You can clearly see what the guy does, how is that trial and error? Have you even beaten the game? It is tough to properly respond to perilous attacks at first yes, but once you get gud they are easy to counter and all the tells are very obvious and give you just enough time
Shichimen gets raped by mid-air deathblow. You need to have confetti active but he still gets blown the fuck out. I'd highly recommend killing the Shichimen in the Dungeon since he drops one of the best items in the game.
If you're late in the game, just use the purple Phoenix Umbrella against Shichimen and Headless, and make sure you've purchased the Projected Force skill. They ear shit.
It's a prosthetic upgrade you'll get later. It's also complete trash, so welcome to the club.
Axe hyper armor and beat him up so bad that he can't hit you
Copy and paste. File is in the hidden folder appdata roaming.
>trial and error
Boss crouches down and opens both his arms out wide
>hmm is he going for a stab?
*Spams unavoidable grab*
About to fight the Demon of Hatred. What am I in for? Don't tell me he is harder than Isshin, this fight was a nightmare
Giant ogre bullshit hitbox
You bought an upgrade material, you’re gonna have to follow the upgrade tree from the sculpter to unlock the butterfly kunai
You can parry snake eye's grabs by the way.
Am I making a mistake by holding onto Dragon Blood Droplets till late game so I can reverse the sickness before the ending?
Thanks, and why is it shit? I use the shuriken pretty often, thought any bonus would be good.
The Ape grab when it jumps. It's avoidable but veeery hard to avoid
Snake Eyes' is near unavoidable, fuck that thing. Granted, the one in the poison swamp hit me only once with it and killed it first try, but that was after dying 7485488393 times to the one on gun fort.
He's pretty rough, but honestly I think SS Isshin is harder.
I die fucking shitloads of times, I forgot to add. So I'll probably have everyone sick in no time.
stuck on the fat guy in the burning so shit I've been fighting him for 2 days. I know he's easy but he hits so hard...
What the fuck this isn't a gif
I normally dodge right, which fucked me over, I shamefully died twice to this guy on my first playthrough. Literally dodge left and you win.
This is good advice except I couple it with jump. I bing bing wahoo my enemies for easy evasion.
I know you can parry the pull, but I found the timing wonky, either that or you must be at a certain range for it to be parryable?
They do nothing but increase chances on unseen aid, it doesn't effect anything else. So use it when you have dragonrot, if you waste it all nothing bad will happen.
Bruh they give you the dive so late, I really dont feel like going through the whole game again to five around
you can get to the gun fort before the poison cave?
you actually get emblems for killing the illusions iirc
This guy was beating my shit in until I tried a whole new strategy. I rushed him amd stayed very close. He can't use his iai so much and will do a perilous attack that you can jump and kickstomp his face, doing high posture damage.
It is trial and error on some bosses.
I've Mikiri'd thrusting animations that were actually throws, and jumped sweeping animations that were actually throws.
Learning that the purple edgelords have kicks that are thrusts, you learn that and then Genichiro does an elbow thrust that's actually a throw.
Snake-Eyes is the fucking worst by far because her throw looks like either a thrust or a sweep but it's neither.
Shout out to my man, Guardian Ape, who has two unblockables with the exact same wind-up animation but require entirely different solutions to avoid.
What fat guy? What burning temple?
All the complainers about perilous attacks probably just mash R1 and they get mad when they get locked into an attack while the boss is doing a perilous attack so they blame the game for their lack of skill
Go by the long building on the side, backstab the shield guy, take the others from inside the building, kill everyone, backstab the big guy, call the samurai, throw oil at him, put him on fire, spam whirlwind, hit him while he drinks his booze.
The timing is when she pulls the gun back, there's a spike on the gun that hooks you when she does it.
Use a droplet whenever you want to advance a quest if that person is sick. Otherwise dont worry about it
Whose the big bugger with the armor that you can pull off?
Yes. Certain NPCs won't give you quests or continue their storyline if they're sick.
I found the poison swamp first but backtracked and got to gun fort, so I guess?
Deflect his combos, and punish him while he recovers.
Don't deflect while his sword is poisoned.
Also, there's an npc around that will help you if you haven't found him yet.
He's at the water's edge next to a large rock.
>implying im not lighting you on fire and shurikenning u
My thoughts exactly. The CIA have infiltrated Yea Forums as well.
No you are not but if you want to do sidequests of afflicted NPCs you have to cure it first
Yes but the door after centipede man is locked until you get the key
There are tons of dragonrot cure items. It's a non issue.
I thought Dragonrot might directly influence the endings. If that's the case then sweet, thank you I'll care about quests in other playthrough.
>"Hey, you know that boss monkey you just did? Do it again but with both phases at once".
What amazing, and not lazy, game design.
Yeah, and it fucked me up big time later on because I was running around like a bumbling idiot. Happens of you don't take the right path after beating/ running from the first terror warrior miniboss
I'm assuming he means the drunkard right before lady butterfly.
I can tell you haven't cleared Ashina Outskirts yet.
Deflecting in Sekiro is so incredibly forgiving and easy. You can even cancel out of an attack to do it if you accidentally fucked up. You have infinite stamina, you can deflect basically everything coming at you that isn't a grab, and you can instantly kill any enemy once you break their posture. I really don't see how you're having so much difficulty with this stuff, unless you're still trying to play this game like dark souls.
The game only punishes you for experimenting if you're retarded. You can literally die once for free for 0 consequences. If you die a second time instead of heading back to rest up, that's entirely on you for being an idiot. Even if you die twice, the worst that will happen is NPCs might start coughing at you, and you can straight up just cure it super easily.
If you want to get back to back stealth kills, hide when the enemies notice you. It's not hard.
Your sword swing is never supposed to stun an enemy, what the fuck are you on about. You can interrupt some attacks from some enemies, but those axe guys in Hirata are tough and have a ton of poise and it's incredibly clear you're not meant to try and interrupt their swings.
I'm sorry but I think you're just being a faggot, dude.
>2 health bars vs 3 health bars
Gee, I wonder.
But does that work at all ranges? I feel that if you're really close the grab just goes through your parry.
*r1s you repeatedly and staggers you while your windup animations take forever to complete*
>dude its a shield lol
>its literally cloth
>it procs even when you hit her from behind after the game decides she cant take damage anymore
cmon son
Oh he is aids yeah especially for new players. It's a hit and run battle. Deflecting is useless
Yes, all ranges where the grab would have connected.
How do i kill them
the fuck is the point of the Bite Down item? Hoe do you use it correctly?
The retarded fat guys that carry hammers , clubs and bells with armor, you can insta kill them if you do that.
The worse is
>can perfect all but last phase multiple times
>Still make mistakes that you know you should not be making when you have one bad pull
It's infuriating I know im better than this.
Ive been playing this game for days. I dont have jutsu, i dont have combat arts.
Is this shit hidden? Where do i get it
fucking source?
I'll give you that some attacks are pretty vague, but even if you're not sure what type they are you can always back off or dodge, nothing is forcing you to just stand there like a dumbass
>Dark Souls satisfied me with its exploration, but Sekiro exploration stresses me out.
Same, it probably has to do with all the verticality. It was annoying at first but now that I'm more familiar with the game I like it well enough.
chip away at their health until dead. absolute garbage endurance fights without confetti
I don't find it that bad. It pretty situational though, Hold to charge more butterflies which damage through block. Which can be useful for getting the last bit of damage or as an opener.
You can kill the illusory one first, it has like no hp. retreat and spam heal/purple gourd if necessary
I didn't know about this and killed the real one first (the illusion one disappears afterwards)
Sneak through the wooden thingy on the left, kill the guy with the sheild. While the boss is raising from sitting position kill as many dudes as you can, especially ranged guys. When boss starts running at you, run through the wooden tunnel again, come out at the other end and again keep killing his guys. When he catches up to you, run back into tunnel etc. till it's only boss left. Now you hide from him to lose aggro or just run to the guy near the water and you can 2vs1 him, pretty much R1 spam fight.
How do consumables work?
I used Ako's Sugar while trying to beat Gyobu but died, and I'm fairly certain I had the same amount after I got back to the save point.
What bosses do you currently have access to?
if you know you're about to die to a boss you can commit sudoku and revive 3 times in the same boss fight, thus bypassing the revive cooldown.
he's baiting. It's been sitting at #1 Global Top Seller on Steam for 3-4 weeks straight. It's #2 since yesterday because of PUBG 10€ DLC.
if interact with Kuro after defeating Issin will I get to NG+ immediately?
Jitsu is from the main story line, combat arts are from the skill tree and some boss rewards.
The ones in fountainhead? Kill the illusion first has way less health.
Once you exceed max ammount you can carry on you they autimatically go to the storage if you keep looting them. The game replenishes them from storage every time you are under max ammount and have some stored.
Have fun with the final boss, Genichiro is a tutorial boss.
nope. game asks you if you want to access NG+ immediately or not in a menu prompt.
I didn't realize this at first, but you don't actually need divine confetti for the underwatter ones.
Not sure if you've tried hitting them without it.
What am I reading here?
DS's parries are garbage and not at all like Sekiro's. You did right in ignoring them in DS
>if you try to parry on impact
Yes that's how Sekiro works and it feels instinctive as fuck, you're only punished hard if you're too late. So just parry sooner rather than later if you're insure
>experimenting and dying
You're supposed to mostly just block and pace yourself around new enemies. You're not supposed to perfect parry everything the first time you meet them. This is also why the actually unblockable moves are shown in advance and then the type of strike looks consistent across most ennemies
JUST BLOCK user. Parries comes later after you know your enemies, in the mean time losing your posture is rarely a big deal if you roll away. Also try literally tapping L1 fast, and laugh
>back to back stealth kills are not possible
Oh, they are. They lose sight of you surprisingly fast. You just need to hide a bit and move fast while in cover, either go high up or circle around them, and then the stealth kills become available again
That's rarely a thing but generally if they looks like you recovered fast after blocking your move then they did it right and are about to slash back, that's when it's time to block
You can only carry a few at once, if you had more than that it goes to the buddha and automatically replenishes when you rest/die
You can only carry some amount of items, but excess is stored and you draw from it when using statues
>15 vit
>9 Gourd
>still can't beat Genichiro
I'm shitting my pants because usually FROM DLCs are way hardert than main game content. Fucking imagine Sekiro DLC now. DLC bosses will basically be unbeatable
Literally run away and jump, it's incredibly easy to dodge lol
What the fuck, user
You can get a shitload more vit than that
oh okay, must've had more than the limit then
i thought that maybe they replenish like the gourd, or that they aren't consumed if you don't win the battle, as if you reloaded when you died
What the fuck how did you get that much stuff at that point? I had 8 gourds and I swear I looked through everything.
Nvm, I thought you meant Isshin. just get great! you can do it
Is there a 'preferable' location progression path? To be done with the easier stuff to have enough HP and attack for the harder bosses? I'm done with the Butterfly, I reached that Water ghost in the other location and I'm about to fight Genichiro at the top of the castle.
favorite NPC?
The Black Badger is absolutely based. Sells you the best prosthetic in the game and is very thankful if you help him reach the grave of his kid.
Then also gives you the all purpose mibu balloon at the end
>but it's like it's made for me to not enjoy it
Yeah that's basically what this game is. It's pure suffering, you suffer like Wolf. I beat the game and I didn't even feel rewarded after beating each boss. There is something wrong with this game, you just feel empty everytime you beat a strong enemy after dying 500 times to him
Where is this guy?
You can get all but the final seed before facing him. Maybe you missed the one that can be bought for 2000 Sen off the guy you save in Ashina Castle.
Wait, he has a quest line? I know where i'm going now.
Good work user
How do you finish his quest? I got him to his kid's grave but he doesn't show up in his usual spot back in ashina
For Honor is a pretty good game if you’re itching for a sword pvp game.
Do Ashina Depths before the Sunken Valley I guess
Use the sugars as much as you want, they drop like candy. I know a lot of people horde buff items, there is really no point in this game, use the balloons and sugars all the time, helps with money and drops, and damage
Your synapses are blown out you porn addict. I feel great satisfaction when i beat a boss ive been struggling with.
I love Kuro
He already made it there read the post again
I like that fool just chillin in the hall of illusions, you know he knows the rest of the monks are full of shit and that's why he hangs out there with his monkeybros instead
You can do a fuckton more before Genichiro. You can progress Senpou, Depths and Sunken Valley
he shows up in the same area further down when the full-on siege is going down. near the bridge you can cross to the outskirts
I genuinely think From put the training bro in the game as a joke
>I’m going to teach you how to parry
>(incredibly slow, telegraphed overhead swing)
>Nice job man, you’ve got it!
>Immediately get hacked to pieces by real enemies with delays, switchups, combos
>Then also gives you the all purpose mibu balloon at the end
Where? I never found him again after talking to him at his kid's grave.
reminder people at from had to take the time modeling the midgets and huge fatasses
Training bro.
He's proof this game is Souls' prequel.
It costs two emblems instead of one, the butterflies have the worst tracking in the world, and is completely inferior to the Level 3 Top which deals Posture damage.
A regular ass shuriken activates Chasing Slash, knocks enemies out of the air, forces a guard, etc. You use tools for versatility, posture damage and stun-time, not Vitality reduction.
You can go straight from Blazing Bull to Mibu Village if you want. I was killing the Headless in the moat before I even stepped foot into the Castle.
If you don't "stay there" you're usually not playing the game properly. I actually don't care much about about the Ape's unblockables because i'm not hanging around his ass long enough for it to catch me out enough, that doesn't mean I don't think they should make his sweep more obvious (since he does the virgin scream more often).
The point is the game does that thing where it tells you how unblockables work on a clear tell system, then gets lazy and starts disregarding it for "well it's technically an X!!!" which is, literally, just trial and error design. I don't hate it but it's not very impressive by gameplay standards.
I would argue that it's preferable to beat Snake Eyes and then unlock the Hidden Forest Shrine entrance before beating Guardian Ape, but that's it.
The rest is preference, i.e. go straight from Blazing Bull to the end of the Temple if you want the Buddhist scroll before anything else.
There's also kinds of zany shortcuts you can make once you beat Genichiro, like going from the Temple to the Valley and skipping Gun Fort, or going straight from the Sunken Valley to the Depths without ever stepping foot in the dungeon. These shortcuts aren't really that useful, but they're cool at least.
You probably got hints/tips from here or guides or maybe even cheese bosses.
It won't be satisfying unless you do it yourself.
they also had to model the feet
you can also send the fat guy who cries by the tree in the senpou forest to that illusory hall if you give him the white paper flower and spirit him away with the fan afterwards
he then gives you a special persimmon which you can give to the divine heir in the sanctum who then gives you upgraded rice everytime you visit her
The merchant that moves to the Sculptoer's temple? Nope.
Also how about actually be the one to attack first. Too many people play this game defensively as if attacking doesn't also do posture damage
What do
kill snek
However you will spend a couple of hours learning my patterns and then finally win if you are lucky enough not to run out of stamina while I'm constantly attacking you during phase 2 and phase 3. Also no checkpoint after that Genichiro boss fight so you'll have to fight him again and waste your fucking time
Why didin't genichiro sacrifice a goat or something to summon grandpa? Why sudoku?
Based Tengu (formerly isshin)
It's not really shit it's just used differently from the other shuriken.
It lets you use her phantom butterflies and they're actually pretty decent if you have the right spacing. They damage through block so it's good if you just can't get a hit in and need to do vitality damage.
Yeah I know you can do that, I have to do that for my ng+. The hall of illusions would definitely be the best place to hang out in general, I bet the monkeys are fun to be around and you can visit the Divine Child for scrumptious rice too
>hints/tips from here or guides or maybe even cheese bosses
No? Trust me I'd cheese them If there was a way. I fought everyone fair and square and it still wasn't satisfying because I felt like I still sucked at the game. Unlike with Souls and Bloodborne when you beat bosses you feel like you are gitting gud
why do people say the dead girl in that shrine that leads to divine realm is Isshin's daughter?
>his phase 2 hyper armor kicks in
I have the feeling his hyper armor shenanigans appear more in ng+
I never realised that broken bridge is what I had actually tried to cross earlier in the game.
This game is no Dark Souls but it nails the interconnected world well. I just wish they gave you all these shortcuts at the start of the game.
2apes? Kill the son first, the brown one goes down like wet cardboard then just deflect the headless one
If you're dying a lot and barely scraping by, you just need to git gud faggot
>If you don't "stay there" you're usually not playing the game properly
What the fuck, there's no "proper" way to play, you can tackle enemies in whatever way you want, their health won't regenerate and their posture bar will stay locked in the same spot for a couple of seconds, plenty of time to reposition and try again
>The point is the game does that thing where it tells you how unblockables work on a clear tell system, then gets lazy
No user it's not lazy, it's to keep you on your toes, if you could see every attack from miles away and counter it with no effort then why ever bother playing the game? Some perilous attacks are meant to be countered when you're skilled enough, not right off the bat