>rts games are dead
>tbs better than ever
Rts games are dead
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End State, Phantom Brigade, Phoenix Point, Xenonauts 2, Terran Shield... The future is promising.
>still nothing that has topped the original X-Com trilogy, JA2 and Master of Magic in their respective niches
>tbs better than ever
Shut up boomer
Control barrier. There's technically no obstacle for having turn-based games on consoles other than publishers being up their own assholes. Hell, SRPGs were always strong on consoles.
More like global average IQ is dropping, and the few RTS players remaining feel the old age forcing them to play turn-based.
LUCT is horrible tho.
problem is you could probably count on one hand how many fantasy 4x games are out there, and 80% of them are just average or not worth playing. that's stiff competition to take down one of the greats. sf 4x, not to mention civilization carrying the torch for the genre, seems to be way more common.
>you need high IQ to play rts
I really liked Gladius by lucasarts.
spellforce 3 came out two years ago and no one gave a shit
the campaign was pretty nice while it was mediocre rts
As long as it's not compstomp and 1vs1?
Very yes.
It's not IQ as much as it has way more moving parts. They're on complete opposite sides of the spectrum, literally and proverbially, but I guess fighting games would be a somewhat apt comparison. Neither genre is something you pick up and can really intuit or have the game play itself.
But that's the only reason for playing rts competitively
I don't know what even is the focus of Spellforce.
I remember how in 1 army was there just to up your DPS while your hero tanked everything.
Most of the time you built base for fun because hero could just waltz to enemy and cut it down himself.
>tfw no snek gf
>game you like is bad
my mistake
Replace 'and' with with 'but'
based snekloverposter
Nuxcom will be mediocre until they deal with fucking pod mechanics and hire designers with better ideas than "lol enemy has multiple actions during your turn I am so good at my job".
Tactical legacy music is great though.
I wanna play XCOM 2 but one of the previous updates completely and utterly fucked my game and now I cannot get it to launch ever.
>multiple actions during your turn
There are plenty of skills that allow to do the same thing for you
>tbs better than ever
That is true, OpenXcom is still alive and kicking getting updated regularly and the modding comunity for it is amazing
and it has an actual AI too unlike this poop firaxis made and called a game
I have high hopes in Phoenix Point in fixing this stupid shit, but recent news make me question their long term planning.
Explain pls
Around when they added the new content. If you had mods installed it would fuck up launching the game.
Did anyone play xenonauts?
theres sequel coming sometime next year
Are you following this trainwreck?
PeePee commited suicide for a quick cash-in.
No one will hype it up for success and sequel on tencent store, and by the time it hits steam it'll be a bargain bin reject.
RTS isn't dead. There's hundreds of us playing SupCom daily.
Come over to Forged Alliance Forever, faggots.
Remember when people hoped it would FFT2?
It will be impossible to have decent mechanics discussion on Yea Forums because of Tiananmen square posting.
I hope he Golomp will feel fire under his ass and polish the game squeeky clean.
>RTS are dead
>What is Stellaris (closer to a grand strategy, but still RTS) or Total War (has TBS elements, but the battles are RTS).
The genre just evolved.
Did anyone rip off the Legacy Pack soundtrack? I wouldn't mind torrenting it.
Need more info on this pic
Xpiratez all day
My SupCom bro!
This is the slavic version of "X in Spongebob" meme with Russian sitcom Gorodok
Thanks :)
nucom is medicore until long war and modders fix the game for them
best track
the loadout and victory music is too aggressive it gets tiring listening to it during the extended load times thanks to all the mod bloat
I wish tbs evolve past the classic system : move-shoot-overwatch-throw grenade- switch weapon
Why not more fun & crazy mechanics for your units.
Maybe some ability like teleportation, summoning,jetpack, earthquake, airstrikes....?
Too many RTS fans were hooked on Blizzard shit and thought that was the only way you could make an RTS. Then other RTS devs failed to polish their games and never grew. Blizzard never really innovates, they collect existing ideas and polish them. So with all the other RTS devs dying out due to a combination of their own incompetence and the fanbase refusing to leave Blizzard, the genre stagnated.
The most innovation in the RTS genre happened in Warcraft III's map maker.